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KidWise Magazine - Summer 2007

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A family magazine published by KICKS Ministries. KidWise is full of great family articles, recipes, activity ideas, crafts, stories, and much more!
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KidWise KidWise raising faith-filled kids knowing the I AM’ summer 2007 family games, recipes, tips and more! great on -the -go snacks KICKS Kid Activities- how to make a CLEAN mess!
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KidWiseraising faith-filled kids

knowing the ‘I AM’

summer 2007

family games, recipes, tips and more!

great on-the-go


KICKS Kid Activities-

how tomake a CLEAN


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Dear Readers,

Another addition of KidWise is here. We love writing this magazine and love that you are reading it. Each magazine is written with you, your children, and your family in mind. We look forward to connecting with you and sharing family tips for that abundant family blessing God has for us all. God's plan for families is to multiply them. His ways can be seen all around us. This summer farmers will be planting their crops throughout the US. As they plant they expect growth, they expect a return, they ex-pect a harvest to come and they are expecting great increase in their fields. Increase is found in every seed. God's plan for seed time and har-vest is found in everything and this is His plan for our families.

He begins our lives with seed that He has given and He is the One who brings increase and growth as He forms and fashions us in His image. He brings our seed into this earth and we again have a part to play. Our children begin as a seed of life that is given to every woman and every man. We are to bring God's word and His ways to our children as He partners with us and brings increase in their lives and hearts. It tells us in 1 Corinthians 3:6-8 how Paul planted and Apollos watered, "but God gave the growth". He is a God of increase, a God of growth.

Everything you give to God is seed. Everything in your life is seed. That in-cludes your words, your children, your finances, your time, everything. As you sow the things of your lives, our gracious increasing God will bring growth to them and bring great increase. He wants us to experience His blessing and abundance because He wants us to experience His ways.

Give to Him everything in your lives. As you plant these things as seed, water them by speaking God's word over them and being faithful to what He has di-rected you to do with them. Then you will see our God bring growth and in-crease to our planted seed just as Paul, Apollos, and millions of others before us have. After all, it was our God who told Abraham to 'consider the sand' because He was going to increase his seed more than the grains found on the earth’s sea shores. That same increase is ours today and it is absolutely a part of the bless-ing He has given each of us.

God's richest blessing of increase in your lives and families,

Pastors Rick and Kim Robinson

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Pastors Rick and Kim Robinson have been

involved in children’s ministry for over 20

years. They are dedicated to providing

materials for families to help them have

the blessed family life that God intends.

They are parents of four, three of whom

are adopted, ages 3, 3, and 1, and grand-

parents of two, ages 3 and 1. They live in

Ohio with their son, daughter-in-law, and

grandchildren. Their home-based office,

TV-studios, and recording-studio send out

the message of the gospel to children and

families all over the world.

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07 knowing the ‘I AM’

11 great on-the-go-snacks

15 Sandy Grit or Rock Solid?

20 how to make a CLEAN mess

21 what is your foundation?

KidWise 6table of contents

harvest time!pg. 10

summertime safety tips pg. 13

KICKS Kitchenlittle sand cups pg. 18

Jump! Jump!fun aerobic cheer - KICKS-er-cise pg. 19

document your sum-mer activities in style! pg. 22

Movies On Review pg. 24

what’s a ‘bounce back buddy’??pg. 25

read what kids JUST LIKE YOU have to say, pg. 26

wanna’ know how you can watch KidWise on TV? see our show-times listed on pg. 28


For more great family articles, reviews, crafts, recipes, games, and resources, visit our website at kidwisetv.org

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Abraham knew the 'I AM' of his life and he be-came a friend of God. Do you know your kids can know the 'I AM' of God? To think, who did Abra-ham know? Abraham had an encounter with the One who made the stars, the sun and the moon. The Bible tells us that he was a friend of God be-cause he believed. He believed in the 'I Am', the Elshaddai, the one true God.

Abraham lived in a land that was full of idolatry. It was full of people who worshipped other 'gods'. Those of whom were made of stone and wood, who were images of things, rather than the crea-tor of those things. In that land, he heard God speak to him personally. Your kids can hear God speak to them personally in a land that is filled with the noise of other things that call for their at-tention. God is God, and He is the 'I Am' in their lives as well as in ours.

God says He is the 'I Am', all that you need Him to be for you. When Moses asked God, 'Who shall I say sent me?" God answered Him from the burning bush and said to tell them, 'I Am'. That, in Hebrew, is 'Elshaddai'. The God who is the an-

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Consider The Sands

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swer to everything in your lives. As Abraham heard God, he followed God. In a land where the allegiance of the people was towards other things, Abraham's allegiance was to his God. Be-cause of this, he became as we know him, 'The Father of Faith!". If you want to understand some things about faith, look at Abraham's life. Because of Abraham's faithfulness to God, He made a promise to Abraham. This promise comes our way through the blessing. God stood by that promise He made to Abraham and He brought Abraham into relationship to know the things of God. In Genesis 18 verses, 17-19, we find what the Lord says about it:

"And the Lord said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do; Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him."

Through God's promise He made Abraham a mighty nation. A nation greater than the sands on the sea shores. The Lord has blessed the nations, and even us personally, through Abra-ham. As we see from Abraham's example, God expected him to command his children and his household to keep the way of the Lord! Through Abraham teaching God's ways, justice and judgment would be done in his life and all that the Lord had spoken to Abraham could come to pass. As we teach our children the same and lead our households in the ways of God, His word, and His way of doing things, we will see the promises of God made manifest not only in our lives, but also in the lives of our children.

"Consider the sands", and you will find the great 'I Am' coming to you in magnificent ways of promise and blessing. Those sands not only represent every promise in the blessing of God to bless the families of the earth through Jesus Christ, or the lineage of Abraham, but they represent the very number of God's household who He has adopted in through His mercy and grace. Our children are part of this and so are our families. We are blessed in ways more numerous than the sands on the seas shores.

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- Taken from one of Pastor Kim’s blog entries.To view more of Pastor Kim’s blogs,visit kicksclub.org/blogs/pastorkim

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Have you ever wanted to shout, as you look towards heaven, “Will there ever be enough?” Well, that may not be anything we who love our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and who are great people of faith want to openly and transparently admit, is it? Yet, at some point the temptation to do that has probably been there for each of us, especially if you have children or a ministry. So often the land of not enough seems to be staring right at you. It wants to shout louder than the word of God and tell you that 'you will never experience that prosperity or harvest you have been believing and sowing for!' The sound of the lies speaking their whispers right at you, or rather shouting at you. As they do, they are like cobwebs that want to suck you in to get you to believe your circumstances are right and that God's word and His ways aren't the truth at all. After all, that's what the enemy is all about, deceiving. He has been doing this form of work from the very beginning. Matter of fact, the truth is that he is deceived himself.

When it comes to our finances, this is what I call the 'de-ceitfulness of riches'. You know, where it tells us in Mark 4:19 that the deceitfulness of riches tries to come in and choke the very word of God to keep you from your 100 fold return. The word of God tells us that the cares and deceit-fulness of riches, as well as lust for other things can make the word unfruitful for our lives. When I have thought of this deceitfulness in the past, I have often thought of it as someone being caught up in the fact that they are de-ceived by being rich and are concentrating on materialism rather than their harvest. You know, where one begins to desire 'things' above God? That's materialism, not prosper-ity. God wants to prosper us, He just doesn't want us to desire 'things' above Him. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and then all these 'things' shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33

These deceitfulness of riches can mean the desire for ma-terialism. But, I have come to realize that there is also an-other way to look at the deceitfulness of riches. First, un-derstanding that with money there is something attached to it that you have to dominate. That is deceitfulness. The world's financial system wants to deceive that you can't live without money because it is filled with power to pros-per you. Money is not deceitful, money is not power. The Lord makes it very clear to us that He has given us the 'power to get wealth'! In truth, it is the Lord, His blessing, and His word that prospers us in 'things', including money. Yet, when those needs and areas of lack are staring you in the face, Satan wants to deceive you through the deceit-fulness of riches, that your need will never be met and your harvest will never come! He wants to deceive that everything you have sown into the Kingdom of God will not come back to you. He wants to deceive that you have given for nothing and that tithing and giving doesn't work! He wants to choke out the word through these deceitful-ness of riches.

Mark 4:19 tells us that there is a plan to choke God's word out of your family finances and cause you to become un-fruitful. It says that the cares of this world (being troubled, worrying, and wondering how, when, why?) and the de-ceitfulness of riches (the deception that God will not pre-form His word regarding your harvest) and the lusts of other things (materialism and selfish desires) enter in, "choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful."

As we put our faith in God's word, because faith comes by hearing God's word and getting His word into our hearts, we can see that these 'natural' things against our finances are only temporal. We are only passing through 'lack' on our way to receiving the manifestation of all that God has promised us and has for us. 'Passing through' is different than camping out there. Even though our thoughts and our emotions want to camp out as we 'pass through', our faith can hold on to what God has promised us. God makes it very clear that He is not mocked. His word has been com-pleted through Jesus and the resurrection. "Be not de-ceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Galatians 6:7

There is something that works very diligently against us when it comes to our finances. That is 'deception'. Satan has been doing this throughout his fallen existence in many areas. He is the 'angel of light'. What light? The de-ceiving false light! God tells us that there is a sowing and a reaping. He not only tells us that we will reap what we have sown, he tells us that the whole principle of this earth is established in sowing and reaping. "While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." Genesis 8:22

He has established in cold, that heat will overcome. He has established that in winter when there is no fruit on the vine, that summer will overcome and there will be a har-vest. He has established when dark is present, light will overtake in the morning. He has established when you plant a seed and see nothing, you will produce a harvest of more than the seed that was planted, without question. With that assurance we can know that 'lack' is a fruitless time that will pass and we will see the harvest of 'all' of our seed. From finances, to the words we speak, to the seed of our children producing in their season great things!

Don't be deceived, God is not mocked, we will reap what He has promised if we don't faint in our faith and believing. The Bible tells us, "...let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Gala-tians 6:9

Keep believing! Even though your grocery bill looks like there is not enough to feed a household, even though you may feel you don't have the money to buy those extras for your kids, even though you may feel it is overwhelming to purchase their clothes, supply those needs, pay the mortgage or the rent, keep the electric going, etc., and etc., remember, you are sowing into your children's lives and there is a harvest coming your way. God's divine plan is not for us as families just to get by. It is His divine plan for us to reap a prosperous harvest in every area. Our needs being meet, our heart's desires being satisfied, and our harvest overflowing in our lives as well as His blessing. Every seed shall reap His blessing.

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Reaping a Family Harvest

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Hey parents! Summertime is here! Which means that things are going to pick up as we move into this busy season. If you’re like me, you are going to be on the run as we enter into those outside activities and away-from-home times. As you’re on the run it seems that the only thing out there to offer our kids to eat is 'fast food', right? If your kids are like mine, that is the food they cheer for but really never eat. It ends up on the floor of our van for me to clean up by the time we get home. Then, when the next day comes and we have to run again, I find that it gets even more unappetizing for my toddlers.

We’ve gotten creative and put together what we like to call a ‘snack bowl’. Our kids LOVE getting these fun bowls full of goodies - healthy goodies! Gather together large plastic bowls (plastic con-tainers with separated areas work well, too, just be sure they’re not too large for your child to hold) and various fun, healthy snack items to create these 'snack bowls’ for your kids. Be aware of their ages and prepare them according to what they can eat. And as al-ways, be watchful of them eating in a vehicle. Here are some great ideas that have worked for us while we’ve been on the run. We hope they work for you, too!

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Need some toddler ideas?Your little one needs to be old enough to sit in a front-facing cars seat, that way you can keep a good eye on him if he’s eating in the vehicle. Also, make sure you choose foods that you have tested at home and know he can eat well. Get some Bibsters (Gerber), or a bib with a pocket and fill the it with snacks that your little one enjoys. Things such as puffs, diced fruits and veg-gies in the jar (drain them prior to using), freeze-dried veggies and fruits (all made by Gerber), and shredded cheese.

healthy eating for your kids whileo n t h e r u n

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KidWise KidTips

As you try out these fun snacks, you will find your money in your pocket rather than on the floor as they leave the fast food behind. Most importantly, you will find your kids will eat healthier, and won't be uncomfortable from all the greasy foods. You will be sur-prised at how much your kids will love these healthy snacks. Especially if you allow them to help you pack the bowls and choose for the day what they would like to have. Try preparing these the night before or earlier the day you’re planning on using them. You can store them in a plastic container with a lid in a travel or picnic basket, or in the refrigerator if necessary. Also, these are fun to enjoy sometime along your journey, just be aware of items that need to stay cool. Have fun with your eating while you travel and are on the run! And mom or dad, it’s okay if you pack one for yourself, too!

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Grains•Graham Crackers•Croutons•Flavored Flour Tortillas (torn into pieces, or rolled

with cheese in the middle, warned, and then cut)•Wheat Thins (Nabisco)•Club Crackers (Keebler)•Fish Crackers (Pepperidge Farm)•Dry cereals

Even though these may be lightly sweetened, look for cereals made with whole grain. They offer vita-mins and are appealing to kids. As always, be selec-tive with the cereals you choose. Look at the sugar content and vitamin levels. We have fun by calling cereals creative names like ‘Peanut Butter Balls’ for Cap’n Crunch’s Peanut But-ter Cereal (Quaker Oats), or ‘Tiger Bites’ for Frosted Flakes (Kelloggs). Other cereals that we like to use include Golden Grahams (General Mills), Yogurt Burst Cheerios (General Mills), and Rice Chex (Gen-eral Mills). Of course, we have fun names for these, too.

Fruits •Red or Green Grapes (seedless, sliced in half)•Orange Slices or Mandarin Oranges•Apple Slices•Raisins (or other dried fruit such as Cranberries

or sliced Apricots)•Bananas (whole or sliced)

Veggies•Carrot and/or Celery Sticks•Green and/or Red Pepper Slices•Grape or Cherry Tomatoes (cut in half or fourths)•Black or Green Olives (cut in half or fourths)•Frozen Peas (allow to thaw and eat cool or you

can warm them - be sure they have cooled by the time they’re ready to eat)

Dairy•Cheese Slices (for extra fun, use a cookie

cutter and make them into shapes)•String cheese•Go-gurt (Yoplait)

Meats•Gerber Meat Sticks•Pepperoni•Lunch Meat (try using a cookie cutter and

cutting it into shapes)•Peanut Butter (try spreading on crackers

or make a cut-out sandwich for fun!)

Sweet Tooth? Try plain Pop Tarts (Kelloggs) or Nutri-Grain Bars (Kelloggs)There are also a number of not-so-sugary cook-ies out there such as oatmeal raisin, animal crackers, and fig bars.

What About Chips? Try tortilla chips or ‘baked’ chips. They may not be as great as carrot sticks, but they’re much better than greasy potato-chips. Also try pret-zels or crispy bread sticks as a chip alternative.

Something to Drink? Don't forget your 100% juice or milk box. We still use the sippy-cups so we pour everything into those. Using a sippy-cup or juice/milk box helps eliminate spills and messes.

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Hey parents! Its those warm days of summer and if you’re like me, you like to take your toddlers swimming. Here are some summer swimming safety tips for your toddlers and your older kids, too. Pool safety for families is a must. As Christians we want to abide by safety rules and never leave an open door for the enemy, especially when it comes to our children. So, first and foremost follow the safety tips while having a great time in the pool.

Pool fun for the family is exactly that, 'fun'. It is not leisure time for mom and dad to put their feet up while their children are being entertained by the water. It's not the time to get distracted with other things while your children are by the pool or swimming. Statistics tell us that all children who have drowned did so in under five minutes. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission's Study also states that 75% of children who have drowned were between the ages of 12 and 35 months of age. It is important for us as parents to teach our children pool safety and to be aware of any areas where accidents could occur. As we do our part following safety etiquette, we must always remember and appropriate the divine protection of the Lord for our children found in Psalm 91. He promises to keep our children safe from harm. As we trust Him to keep our children from all harm, we as parents should appropriate safety rules to keep them from harm's way. We can study to show ourselves approved in areas for our children's safety and re-joice in God's divine protection.


We all know to watch our babies by the pool side and while in the water. Never let them out of your sight and keep them within your reach at all times. Have one adult per child. That means you really should have an adult beside your child playing and having fun right along with them. If you have more than one child, KICKS Tots Tips are to; 'Call a friend to share some pool time with you!' Never swim alone with your children!

As you practice the above safety rules, even if your child is in a life jacket or in or on a floaty, do not turn from them, swim away from them, or go under the wa-ter leaving them unsupervised. Your children can pop out of these devices so quickly and they can even surprise you when you are looking! NEVER leave your children unattended in or around the pool. Pool time with your children is not the time to sit along the side, soak your feet, drink some lemonade, and talk to your friends on the phone while enjoying your relaxation. It is supposed to be quality time you are spending with your children. Stay with them

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Swimming FUN Never Compromise Safety!

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and stay active. Enjoy the time you have with them as you have fun in the pool to-gether.

Talk to them about pool safety. Teach and train your toddler pool survival when they can crawl or walk around the pool. Teach them to respect the water. Teach them that even though the pool is bigger than they are, they can dominate it. Teach them the skills they need to work their way to using the steps each time they enter the pool. Show them the way out of the pool is to use the steps. Let your child paddle to the side of the pool and learn that they can negotiate them-selves to a wall that they can hold themselves up with. You can also teach them to roll over in the water and show them how to float on their back. Work on these tips with your children regularly. They can be made into part of your swimming fun and games. Don't think that this training should be gone over only one time. Your children need repetition and each time you are in the pool you should teach them again and again the how to's of pool safety.

No matter what age your children may be pool safety and following the swimming rules are important. If they crawl, walk, or swim, they need to go over the safety rules of swimming and know the rules of the pool. Older children can be told each time they enter the pool area what to do. Be sure you make part of your safety fun talking to them and telling them regularly that there should be; "no running, no pushing, no shov-ing". Water safety should be practiced, taught and talked about each time you swim as a family and with each new swimming season. Make it fun and make it simple, but make it important! Enjoy your summer and enjoy swimming!

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Rock Solid FoundationsAbra stood facing the vibrant waters as they flowed down the rock. The rushing sound filled her ears as the water fell be-tween the boundaries of stone. She couldn't help but think of the Lord as she looked to the beauty. It brought her mind to the story of Moses and how the Lord provided for His people.

"God always stands by His word," she thought quietly to herself. She laughed and wondered how amazing it was she could even hear her thoughts next to the rushing waters. As the water ran down the rock the rain began to fall. It trickled slowly on the stone that was already smooth with water.

"How the Lord used so many examples of who He is to us in His creation," she whispered to herself while she gazed at the rushing waters as drops of rain fell on her soft pink cheeks. To think so many many years ago God brought water out of a rock that flowed so fluently that it quenched the thirst of over 2 million people. How much water could that have been at one time as it gushed from the rock God had chosen? Enough to fill the water pots of so many in such a short period of time? Could you imagine how long it would take that many people at a drinking fountain or a simple well?" she mused.

The thought of that miracle caused her to shout with excitement, "Jesus You are MY ROCK! If You could bring enough water to refresh over 2 million people in a desert, how much more can You overflow in my life?!" She danced as the rain fell on her wavy blond hair causing it to look like wet silk around her oval face. She was filled with excitement at the thought.

"God made it so clear," Abra said with that same excitement filling her every word, "How His water comes from the rock of His word, of His Son Jesus, and that is what we are to build our lives on to experience His gushers of blessing."

She began to sing the song in rhythm with the rain, "Gushers of blessings, flow-ing in my life. Gushers of blessings flowing in my life. He has given life to me, a life full of prosperity with gushers of blessing flowing in my life." (Video found on www.kicksclub.org)

How wonderful it is to build your house, your life, your thoughts on the rock... The rock that overflows His gushers of blessings in our lives. Those in the wilderness with Moses needed to learn that they should build their lives on the rock of God's word, too. The Lord brought water out of the rock to show His great overflow for those 2 million and more people and it is amazing how big the giants in the promise land looked to them. That gusher of water that burst forth from the rock had to be a bigger thing to comprehend than giants among huge giant grapes.

"I wonder if it shot like a geyser up in the sky?" Abra questioned. "How else could so much water shoot from a simple rock to quench the thirst of so many/" She thought how her mother told her that she wanted to name her Abra. How (that) it was (is) the female name for Abraham, the 'father of multitudes'. God had promised to take Abraham and make him the father of a nation that would be greater than the sands on the shore and now, as she stood by these flowing waters she could think of that nation as those millions that drank from His waters. So many couldn't believe and enter into the prom-ises of God because they built their faith on 'sand'. "Sand... sand... sand..." she thought.

"What is sand?" she questioned. "Sand could be men, their opinions, their agendas, their unbelief and religious systems and idols. Sand could be adversity and circumstances that offend, persecute, and confuse you to believe something other than what God has said. Sand could be desires for other things rather than God's way of doing things. Sand could be your own opinions and wants, living your own way rather than following the way of the Lord and standing on His word."

Abra rejoiced as the waters steadily flowed over the rock. The rain had began to descend sprinkle after sprinkle and now, it was pouring from Heaven's portals. She would stand in the overflow of God's provision and promise as it poured like rain from Heaven. For Abra, the sand had nothing to be desired.

"He clave the rocks in the wilderness, and gave them drink as out of the great depths. He brought streams also out of the rock, and caused waters to run down like rivers." Psalm 78:15-16

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What is your family foundation? Sandy Grit or Rock Solid?

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Eban and the Importance of Standing through AdversityEban stood in the midst of the smoke screen dust as the wind tossed it from the northern dunes of the desert. His name, meaning 'stone', brought to his attention how he needed to remember that God, through the hands of his leader, had brought forth water from the rock just yesterday. He knew how hard it had been the last few months, yet, his hopes were high that he was part of the generation to enter into the promise land. After all, it was something he had longed for the last 25 years. Being born in the desert caused him to hunger for the promise of a land filled with milk and honey. Moses had made it clear to them that this was the last of their de-lays to enter the Promise Land. He was appointing Joshua.

Eban grappled for his drape as he tried to cover his face. The sand was burning his eyes. Each time he rubbed his eyes, the grains of sand sticking to his eyelashes made it feel like small pebbles were being dragged across his eyelids. He remembered how the ad-versities caused so many to live out their lives in the wilderness, never to see the prom-ise. They continued to keep their eyes on the things that were uncomfortable around them rather than the provision and promises of the Lord. He knew how difficult it was and how discouraged they had all become. It was a fight of faith but Eban felt it was a 'good' fight. He knew that God had rock solid promises to stand and build a life on. He had proven His character and His word through the dust and through the drought. The rock streaming with bursts of cool, clear water should have reminded them that their God was for them. After all, He brought rivers to a desert. He brought His flow and provision in the midst of the dry, long days and shivering cold nights. He brought life from a rock for those who drank from it.

He had come to know through nothing but the determination of faith that he wasn't going to be moved by the smoke screen of dust. Those who focused on the sand began to be what he would term, sand dwellers. They were building their lives on nothing but grit. If he was to allow himself to focus on the sand storm he couldn't see beyond his own square he was standing in. That's how it is. When you build on sand, you are focused on the only world you can see and that's from a self-minded perspective. He had decided as he heard Joshua and Caleb talking about the land they had seen that he was going to believe in something other than what the dust had to offer. It was a land that was filled with promise. That was it, a land that faith could grasp and take hold of without seeing.

From the moment Eban was 10, he knew his name meant 'stone'. That's when he had determined to build his life on the rock. He determined to follow the God his parents had told him about even though they had such a difficult time getting beyond the desert. He knew that God had delivered them from Egypt and that the people were struggling with more ad-versity. They just seemed to not get over it. How offended they had become that they hadn't felt the grassy promise be-tween their toes. Not everyone saw God's promise coming through a gusher flow of provision. The rock burst forth with water everyday and they could feel the mud between their toes to verify God's witness of love and care for His people. Eban knew that God's provision was coming from the rock and it was an example of God's promise to come. He was de-termined that on that rock of promise was where he was to going to dwell. As for his name, he had also determined that he would be a stone that the Lord would build on to be a part of God's fulfillment of the promise land.

Eban adjusted the drape over his face as the sand began to calm down. The storm was coming to an end, the dust was set-tling and Eban was standing on the rock. He remembered how he had watched everyday of his life how his new leaders Joshua and Caleb believed God for the promise. It was as their faith became stronger each moment as they drank from the rock and its living waters daily. As his life stood on the foundations of God's solid rock provision he knew he would fol-low the example of those two faith-filled men. He knew the spirit of Joshua his new leader, and the spirit of Caleb had carried him through 25 years of life and promise. On the solid rock he would continue to stand.

Eban turned to the sound of a voice in the distance. It was Joshua. He wiped the grime from his nose as he turned to fol-low the voice. He had taken refuge in the promise. He was going to follow God's appointed leader and enter into his promise. He wasn't just standing on the rock, the rock was holding him. After all, that's where the provision of water was coming from. It was time to stand under the flow, the overflow and enter into all that was before him. The geyser of water that bursts forth from the rock was a waterfall of blessing. Eban knew it was at time that was more than dust, it was time to get wet.

"That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children: That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his command-ments:" PSALM 78:6-7

Ebenezer and The Importance of Acting on God's WordEbenezer remembered how his ancestors went through the desert. He had been taught that the promises of God were for His people. After accepting Jesus as the Messiah, he walked the sandy shores of Galilee reflecting as the sun skipped across the waves. He thought how important it is that Moses acted on God's spoken word and how Joshua was bold enough to carry it through. By the action of these great men, millions of men, women, and children were able to experi-ence God's miracle. God used mere men like Himself to bring a rushing river and a dynamic waterfall of refreshment to His people. Today he knew he was a part of that. After all, Jesus had said if we hear His words and do them we would be wise. We would be like a man who built his house on rock.

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That's what he had decided to do. He wondered if his parents chose his name purposefully these thousands of years after their people had entered into God's promised land. Ebenezer, the rock of help. If they didn't He knew that his name was chosen by God Himself. The day he heard Jesus speaking about the rock and how to build your house on the rock would keep you from sinking was a day of change for his life. He was now going in a new direction. It seemed so simple. Yet, as Jesus said, when the rains descend, the winds blow and the floods come, the house will not move if you hear His word and do His word. Ebenezer was determined to not only stand on that word but he had decided he was going to act on what Je-sus had said. He knew the rain, the wind, and the flood worked so hard to get your attention on them and not on the word and the promise.

Jesus had made it clear that a foolish man is one that builds on sand. The same rain, the same wind, the same flood still challenges the house. Jesus said that the one built on sand would fall. He also said that it would not only fall, but that the fall would be a great fall. Ebenezer contemplated the word the Lord had spoken. He would build on the words of Jesus. He would do nothing less but hold onto all that Jesus taught. His ancestors came from Abraham. God had promised Abra-ham and Sarah that they would be a strong nation. When Sarah looked barren, when Abraham seemed too old, they had to act on the word of the Lord and consider His word rather than Sarah's womb. Today, the descendants of Abraham were living out their lives. They would be numerous in numbers beyond the grains of sand on the shores.

Ebenezer knew that the sand that many built their houses on were people's ideals and words. They built their lives on the opinions of men, the opinions of people and their ideals. There were so many in Jerusalem right now setting up a plan to overthrow Rome. The zealots they called them. Ebenezer had come to know that Jesus was the answer and the ideals of these men were going to be likened to the 'sands' that would wash away by the very storm that would descend upon their plans. His friend Peter had taught him how Jesus had dealt with him so many times on how he handled things. Doing it man's way would cause a great fall of their lives. Ebenezer would live out the meaning of His name and for a lifetime he had determined to 'draw from the rock of help' just like his ancestors did in the dessert. After-all, he had met Jesus, the solid rock of his salvation.

He knew that tension was rising in the land. He didn't know how things were going to turn but Ebenezer had determined to keep his focus. Keep his mind set on the words of Jesus and his heart set on Jesus to follow Him. He had heard rumors of the religious leaders wanting to destroy Jesus. He had even heard rumors of a crucifixion. The waters rushed over his feet as the waves moved in on the sand Ebenezer was standing on. "The Sea of Galilee was where Peter walked on the water.", Ebenezer thought. At one time he and Peter drew fish out of these waters together. The peace of the water rip-pled through his toes. That's what he would do if this tension surrounding Jesus still began to rise to the point of confusion and destruction. He would hold onto the words of the Lord. He would build there. He would keep his house on the solid rock of the Lord's word. He would keep His house on the solid rock of Jesus himself. Then, the house will stand through it all and the sands of time would never be able to take down the house of Jesus the Christ and his as he set it on that solid foundation.

"Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. and every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it." Matthew 7:24-27

Make a Rock Solid Family FoundationIf we could all experience such child-like joy like Abra in her simplicity to under-stand that God wants to quench our every need and bring overflow like he did with gushers to millions in the desert, we could understand His gushers for millions in the earth today. Water from a simple rock that was an uncut stone. We are also fit in His foundation as uncut stones. He plans on bringing gushers of blessings out of our lives as well as to our lives, to exemplify His glory to others and bless them through our lives as well. His overflow is for us. He wants us to go beyond any ad-versity as Eban did and look to His promise and provision. He wants us to choose

Him as Ebenezer did and build our families on the rock of His promises and His word.

God wants us to build our houses, our families, and our lives on the foundation of His solid word. He wants us to leave the sand behind us and create the dust behind our backs. He has brought us out to take us into a large place. (Psalm 18:19) It tells us in Psalm 18 that He did this because He delights in us. Remember, when you take the things of the world system and allow your families to build on these ideals, thoughts, ways, likenesses, men, etc., Jesus tells us that 'great will be the fall' of their lives. God wants us as individuals and as parents to build our lives and especially our children's lives on His words, His sayings, and His way of doing things. Let's follow the word of the Lord, and put God's word and His ways as the foundation for our families. Teach your children to live by God's word and believe all that He says. 'We are what He says we are. We have what He says we have. We can do what He says we can do.' This is the foundation where we need to raise our children to live and walk on everyday of their lives. Make those foundations for them 'rock solid' and keep the sand out of their shoes!

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What You’ll Need:•Instant vanilla or banana pudding•Milk•Blue food coloring•Graham cracker crumbs•Butter•Sugar•Plastic cups•Various fish/water theme gummy


Instructions:1. Prepare graham cracker crumbs for pie

crust (as directed on box). If you’re using regular graham crackers that you have crushed yourself, add 3 Tbsp sugar and 1/3 c. butter to 1 1/4 c. crushed graham crackers.2. Prepare pudding as directed on pack-

age. Add food coloring.3. Pour pudding into plastic cups, about

3/4 of the way full. If desired, put a few gummy snacks in plastic cups with pud-ding. Or you can wait and serve the gummy snacks separately when you serve the sand cups.4. Sprinkle graham cracker mixture on top of pudding, filling to the top of the cups. 5. Chill for about an hour.Enjoy!

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KICKS Family Life - KICKS Kitchen

Fun Little Sand Cups + Gummy Fish!

For more KICKS Family Life KICKS Kitchen recipes visit kicksclub.org/recipes

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Jump up here!Jump up there!I can jump anywhere!Here I am and now I goTo tell the world of Jesus!

Jumping is a great way to work in some aerobic exercise! Aerobic exercises are great for your kids - they will get their hearts pumping, their breathing heavy, and maybe even make them a little sweaty! The great thing is, it doesn’t have to be complicated or difficult. Just doing this simple exercise a few times a week is a fun way to spend time with your kids while getting great exercise! Follow these steps and have a blast jump-jump-JUMPING!

Gather everyone together. Begin jumping up and down and try to keep jumping as you...

Shout, "Jump up here!"

Turn to the right and shout, "Jump up there!"

Turn back to facing each other and shout, "I can jump anywhere!"

Place your hands on your chest and say, "Here I am..."

Stretch your arms out and say, "and now I go..."

Place your hands back on your chest and say, “to tell the world...”

Stretch your arms up above your head and shout, “of Jesus!”

Repeat this several times and you’ll find it’s a great jumping work-out for everyone!

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for more KICKS Family Life KICKS Kitchen recipes, visit www.kidwisetv.orgJ U M P I N G


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God's richest! We hope KICKS Club and KidWise is helping you have some family fun this summer!

fun SUMMER painting

How about some summer painting fun? What? A huge mess you say? Well, we at KICKS Club have a great idea for you and your kids will love it. Just think, with this idea you can have fun and use a hose to wash it all away. What's it all about?

It's about painting with soap. In your local store you can buy soap markers, soap paint, etc. for your children's bath time. Instead of using it for bath time use this soap paint and put your children to artistic fun on your front porch, your back patio, or even your sidewalk. Let them be creative and paint, paint, paint. Get yourself a few pieces of poster board or small individual write-on boards for each one of your children to become the art-ist.

1. Make a special occasion for soap paint shop-ping at your local WalMart, Meijer, grocery store, etc. Go and buy your soap paint and talk about the creativ-ity and themes you can do. Zoo themes, pet themes,

flowers, sun, sky, water, shapes, etc. Have your kids think about their design. Be sure you get your write-on

boards and/or poster board, too. If you would like, let them paint the side walk or the front porch floor :)

2. Get up the next morning and prepare for your painting fun. Choose your afternoon or morning time and get your chil-

dren dressed in their bathing suits for the fun.

3. Let them loose to make a mess! Take out some beach towels to the scene, and get out your garden hose. When your children are done being creative and have fulfilled all their artistic ability, just rinse them down and wash your porch, patio, or sidewalks with your hose.

What fun you can have while your children can make a mess that's easy for you or even them to clean up. Painting fun for all! When you’re done, maybe you'll find that you might even be able to skip bath time for the evening. :)

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KICKS Kid Activities

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How do we lay foun-dations for our houses today? What foundation is laid in the building process? How do builders and construction workers set a home on a solid foundation?

They use concrete. Concrete is a solid

foundation made to form a structural strength and/or mass. Concrete is defined to be; "a heavy, rough building material that can be spread or poured into molds and that forms a stone like mass on hardening, eg. slabs of concrete..."

Sand. It can be an unstable foundation or a force to be reckoned with. You would never build your house on sand without going deep through the sand to set a foun-dation capable of supporting the structure. Yet, at the same time you could use just a few pounds of sand in the right type of equipment, a sandblaster, and remove years of built up rust, paint and even make old weather stained brick, look like new. It's also interesting that the correct amount of sand mixed with mortar is what the strongest foundations are made of - concrete.

The Bible tells us not to build our lives on shifting sand. Instead we are to build our own and our families lives on the foundation of God's Word. If we are certain to al-ways mix the Word of God with all that we do then when storms come (and the Word of God says they will) we will stand straight and strong and remain unmovable. Let's keep God and His Word in the mix of our lives and experience the strength only He can give.

Pastor Rick

- Taken from one of Pastor Rick’s blog entries.

To view more of Pastor Rick’s blogs,

visit kicksclub.org/blogs/pastorrick

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Page 21: KidWise Magazine - Summer 2007

What We Used:chipboard tags (Basic Grey), patterned paper, alpha stickers, bracket sticker (Arctic Frog), gel pens (Sakura), ribbon (May Arts), masking tape, notebook paper, hole punch

What We Did:First I covered the chipboard tags with pat-terned paper. I liked the layer look on the cover, so I tore 4 different patterned papers to fit. I used masking tape around the edges.

Next, I stuck the alpha stickers to spell “Sum-mer” on the cover, and then the bracket sticker underneath. I outlined and doodled on the “Summer” alpha stickers with pen, and wrote “journal” on the bracket sticker. I also wrote “our summer fun - 2007” on the back cover with pen.

I filled the inside with notebook paper. To do this, I used about 6 sheets of standard size notebook paper. I measured the size I needed to fit the size of the journal. (I was able to fit 3 journals to 1 set of 6 sheets of notebook paper.) Then, I tore all 6 sheets at once, to the size I needed. I placed the paper between the front and back covers then punched a hole in line with the hole on the covers. Finally, I tied the covers and the paper together with ribbon.

This was quick and fun, and will be a great way to keep track of all those little things that happen throughout the summer, special occasions, and maybe even some photos! With the tie on the side, it will be easy to add paper when needed. You may also want to add a clip (opposite the side with the tie) if your journal gets to be really thick. Customize it to fit your family and your style. Most of all, have fun, be creative and enjoy documenting your summer fun!!

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KICKS Crafts feature Candice and Grandpa D. You can catch the KICKS Crafts segments on the KidWise TV show (see our ‘show times’ listed on page 28) or watch the

clips online, kicksclub.org/crafts

KICKS Family Life - KICKS Crafts

Summer Journal

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Movies On Review -A Christian PerspectiveFacing The GiantsRECOMMENDED"Good Content for Family Viewing"

"With God, all things are possible". This is the theme for the family movie "Facing the Giants". As a losing coach takes his underdog football team to the top we find that this film promotes its theme to "Never give up. Never back down. Never lose faith." Alex Kendrick did a great job in writing this film with his brother Stephen Kendrick. Alex also directed the movie with a God given talent and ability. He also plays Coach Grant Taylor who has coached the Shiloh Christian Academy football team for six losing seasons. He faces personal chal-lenges as well as the challenges on the field while deal-ing with those who want to undermine his coaching job and get him replaced with someone who can "do the job better". We find God's intervention in his life and job, a witness of God's goodness for all. We see the realness of a man named Grant Taylor who depends and trusts on God to work in his life, and we are enter-tained while being uplifted as we watch God work on behalf of this man's faith and trust. The man Grant Tay-lor has an impact on those who watch and his message reaches the heart.

This movie is filled with God based positive elements. It keeps the focus on applying spiritual applications with characters that show real emotion and real faith in the God they serve. I very much enjoyed watching it. It's great to see a local church rise to the occasion and do such a great job. It goes to show you what people working together can do. The films production budget was $100,000 and its Domestic Gross sales was $10,178,331.00. What a great harvest for preaching the

word of God so faithfully. I am sure we will be seeing more movies by Alex Kendrick and his local church.

The story line is well done, it brings a message that hits home and makes an impact as hard hitting as the front line of a football team. They lived the theme of this film as they faced the giant of the media industry that says it could never be done and done successfully. Stephen Kendrick sums it up so well in his statement,

"God is a better director than Steven Spielberg, a better producer than Jerry Bruckheimer, a better writer than George Lucas."

Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Ga. stepped out and stepped into this project with flying colors as their senior pastor and executive pastor, Michael Catt and Jim McBride believed with the Kendricks in the making of the film. They felt that this would be a successful out-reach for the Gospel that could hit the box offices. It de-finitely flew like a football to the fastest running back on the team who reached the goal line for a touchdown as it hit the box office in theaters all over the US. With Alex and Stephen Kendrick being associate pastors, the Sherwood church members got behind the project and all volunteered their time and efforts, including actors, crew, lighting, and free catering to help all those in-volved. What a great project and witness of team work and unity. What a great witness of the local church and their ability to accomplish all that the Lord has called them to do. It makes the theme of this film come to life and its message lived out by all those involved.

We want to take the time to thank those who supported this film in the theaters to bring it to this very point of increase with such a magnitude. This type of support speaks loud and clear that Christian families are look-ing for material that will make a difference in their lives and not compromise what they believe and stand for. As Christians step out and support these efforts we can make an impact on the industry and be a witness of how God's people can make a difference and do some-thing spectacular with the resources they have in their hands. As we are faithful with the little, more will be added to us. While Hollywood looks at Christians who direct, produce, and act in films like these as 'ama-teurs', God behind us will take the 'foolish things' to confound those who are wise in their own eyes. We see that "Facing the Giants" has done just this. As this church did the unbelievable in the eyes of most, it made an impact in the eyes of many. KICKS Club stands to the occasion and gives credit where much credit is due. The Body of Christ can and does make a difference. This film's witness rings out loud and clear and we at KICKS Club highly recom-mend this movie for your family.

Genres: Drama, Kids/Family, Politics/Religion and SportsRunning Time: 1 hr. 51 min.Release Date: September 29th, 2006 (limited)MPAA Rating: PG for some thematic elements.Distributors: Samuel Goldwyn Films

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For more movie reviews and information about Movies On Review, visit www.moviesonreview.com

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b e a ‘ b o u n c e b a c k b u d d y ’wi t h E lmer

The other day Ralph really made me angry, he took the last cookie in the cookie jar. I know what you are thinking,

"What's the big deal, Elmer?" Well the fact is other than be-ing my most favorite cookie, nothing. But it sure was a

big deal then. I said some things to Ralph that were mean and unkind and as soon as those words came

out of my mouth I knew I was wrong. So I stomped out of the kitchen and went and pouted

about it. Then God spoke to me and said, "EL-MER!" ( it seemed like it was in all upper case let-

ters and kinda loud). He said, "Is a cookie worth your friendship with Ralph and more importantly your

relationship with me?" I said, "No!" I then decided I needed to  be a 'bounce back buddy'! So, I went right in and repented to

Ralph for being so silly and selfish. I think God wants us to all be 'bounce back buddies' and forgive each other all the

time, everyday, every minute.Okay... Later gator!

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Hey kids! Check out my blog! There’s all kinds of cool stuff from me up there!kicksclub.org/blogs/elmer

For more tipsfrom Elmer on

how to be awise kid, visit


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Arni, age 7

What you do:1. 1. Have everyone sit or stand in a circle.2. 2. Toss the ball back and forth to each other. As

the person receives the ball, they give a comple-ment to the person who tossed it to them. Try to do it within 5 seconds, keeping the game moving. Speed up the tossing and complementing if you can. The faster you go, the more fun it is!

KidWise 26


KICKS Family Life - Family Game

Complementary Ball Tossfamily game!

All you need for this game is a ball!

Send us your letters,photos and drawings!

We would love to hear from YOU! You can email your goodies to [email protected]: Fun Spot

Or you can mail your stuff toKidWise Magazine85 N. Columbus St.Sunbury OH, 43074

For more KICKS Family Life games, visit kicksclub.org/familylife

Fun Spot!

Gianni, age 5

Jacob, age 11

Jacob’s Favorites:Colors: Pink & PurpleSubject: MathAnimal: WolfScripture: John 3:16

Nikita, age 9

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We would like to say a special thank you to our sponsors!

Elmer’s apron provided by Apronique - apronique.com

Craft supplies provided by: Basic Grey - www.basicgrey.comArctic Frog - www.arcticfrog.comSakura Of America - www.gellyroll.comMay Arts - www.mayarts.com

For a full list of KICKS sponsors or more information on howyou can help, visit kicksclub.org/sponsor

KidWise 27

Magazine Credits:

Editors in Chief:Rick & Kim Robinson

Creative Director:Tony Robinson

Art Director:Candice Robinson

Cover photo:Tony Robinson

KICKS Craft &KICKS Kitchen:Kim RobinsonCandice RobinsonPhotos: Tony Robinson

All articles written by Kim Robinson Rick Robinson

Copy Editors:Kathy TaylorTrudi Merryman

KidWise Magazine is published by KICKS Ministries/Victory Harvest Church, Inc., a nonprofit organization, copyright 2007. All right reserved.

Learn more about the church foundation be-hind KICKS Ministries. Please visit the Victory Harvest Church website,


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KidWise and KICKS Club Broadcast InfoAll Times are Eastern Standard

KICKS Club airs every Saturday at 10:00AM & 12:30PM on the Daystar Television Network.Daystar can be seen nationally on: DirectTV Channel 369Dish Network Channel 263 And on numerous local, over-the-air and cable stations.Daystar can be seen internationally on:Europe & Middle East: Hotbird 6Asia: T - 10Africa: vivid platformAustralia & New Zealand: optus b3Central & South America: nss 806For more info about Daystar, please visit www.daystar.tv

KICKS Club airs every Friday at 4:00PM and every Saturday at 7:00AM & 9:00AM on GEBGEB can be seen on numerous local, over-the-air and cable stations. KICKS Club also airs on KGEB Channel 53!Every Monday at 4:00PM (3:00PM Local Time)For more info about GEB and KGEB, please visit www.golden-eagle-tv.com

KICKS Club airs every Saturday at 7:00AM & 11:00AM on TCT. TCT can be seen on DirecTV Channel 377 and on numerous local, over-the-air and cable stations.For more info about TCT, please visit www.tct.tv

KICKS Club airs every Wednesday at 12:30PM on KTV.KTV can be seen on Sky Angel's all Christian dish system. KTV is channel 9703.For more info about Sky Angel, please visit www.skyangel.comFor more info about KTV, please visit www.ktvzone.com

KICKS Club airs every Monday at 5:00PM & every Saturday at 9:00AM on GLC.GLC can be seen on numerous local, over-the-air cable stations as well as several satellite systems.For more info about God's Learning Channel, please visit www.godslearningchannel.com

KICKS Club airs every Monday at 7:00AM on WTVE-PhiladelphiaFor more information about WTVE, please visit www.wtve.com

KICKS Club airs on LAMB Broadcasting every Wednesday at 5:00PM, Friday at 5:00 PM, and Saturday at 7:00 and 9:00 AMFor more information about LAMB Broadcasting, visit www. lambbroadcasting.org

KICKS Club airs on CTN, WVLR-48TV every Friday at 4:00PMFor more information about CTN, WVLR-48TV, visit www.tv48.org

KICKS Club airs on SuperChannel, Flor-ida every Friday at 5:00PM and Satur-day at 7:00AMFor more information on SuperChannel, visit www.wacxtv.com

KidWise airs every Monday at 7:00PM on GEB.GEB can be seen on numerous local, over-the-air and cable stations.KiDWise also airs on KGEB Chan-nel 53! Every Monday at 7:00PM (6:00PM Local Time)For more info about GEB and KGEB, please visit www.golden-eagle-tv.com

KidWise airs every Wednesday at 3:00PM on KTV.KTV can be seen on Sky Angel's all Christian dish system. KTV is channel 9703For more info about Sky Angel, please visit www.skyangel.comFor more info about KTV, please visit www.ktvzone.com

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If you have questions or comments about KidWise Magazine, please

contact us:

KidWise Magazine85 N. Columbus St.Sunbury, OH 43074


