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Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154...

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Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 [email protected]

Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 [email protected]

Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 [email protected]





(Rules for Living in Modern Society)



Sound Arrangements Arsenio Fernández

Props & Costume Design Heidi Steinhardt

Photography Ángel Málaga/Gustavo Maggi

Gráfic Design Ernesto Rowe

Press & Media DYP

Director Assistant & Stage Manager Kike Gómez

Executive Production Padam Teatro

General Production Proyectos Labaska 64

In coproduction with Espacio Labruc

Playwright Jean-Luc Lagarce

Translation Fernando Gómez Grande

Direction Heidi Steinhardt

Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 [email protected]

We must preserve the places of creation, places of luxury of the

thinking, places of the superficial, places where invents what it

doesn’t exist, places of question about the past, places of questioning.

They are our most beautiful property, our homes, of each and

every one.

The impressive buildings in the definitive certainty, these ones

aren't wanted, cease to build them then.

Jean Luc Lagarce / Of The Luxury and The Impotence

Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 [email protected]


In an auditorium in some kind of educational institution, a lady

discourses on urbanity manual that explains how to behave at

the important life events. This manual is the guarantee that

assures to the people an happy and harmonious transit at all

stages of life.


The scenic proposal places us at a public conference. The

speaker carries forward, with a extreme pedagogy, a

presentation on some rules to behave socially at the most

important events of life.

At the beginning, the conference seems to respond to the kind

of rigid, obsolete and theoretical structure. But immediately

the spectators will begin to glimpse to this peculiar lady who

not much things has happened in her life and who will take this

opportunity to play being who “she should be”.

The play, in the key of subtle humor, is developed in a double

discourse: the first one is that the author exposes in text, as a

perfect manual of urbanity full of rules, regulations and

duties. A second discursive level, proposed from the direction,

hides under the main plot, the story of a lonely woman who

through their exposure will bring us to her present, her desires

and frustrations. The tension between what is said and what

underlies, will leave the spectators with multiple reflections

about the power exercised by the culture, religion and


Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 [email protected]

Jean Luc Lagarce is an author of enormous relevance to

contemporary drama. He has written twenty-four works and

some theoretical essays on modern theater in his very brief life.

Its elegant and implicit thesis about language that carries out in

all his plays and the hierarchical place that gives to the word, it

becomes him a disquieting and challenging playwright.

The story is presented in a small space, with a minimal

perspective, to generate an intimacy that works as a contrast to

a type of discourse that, in grammatical level, tends to create

distance. This spatial characteristic, brings spectators closer

to an unusual scenic possibility where the detail, deployed

throughout the theatrical device and especially on acting, is

the main character. Gradually the audience actively participates

in the show and has the opportunity to go through a fourth

wall which will never have existed.

Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 [email protected]


The show poses on a black masking. It represents a small

conference room. The concept is condensed in a very concise

furniture of modern style that generates a high contrast with

the old style props. An off-field work that is off stage but that

is constituted as an adjacent space of the conference room,

but not visible.

El volumen total de escenografía (más cajas de materiales de

utilería) es de 1,5 m3 y 30kg. en peso.

Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 [email protected]


We work a modern-classic concept that places the character in

the contemporary world. In turn, details of finished, visible

according to the movement of the body, leaving us a glimpse of

some old ornamentation style which again contrasts with most

costumes proposal, that refers to the modern world.

All the props are made or decorated handcrafted with antique

style to generate the idea of a world of objects inherited

through generations.


The lighting concept is developed in austerity to preserve the

realism of conference. Stalls and stage are illuminated to

generate a real feedback from spectators and speaker

(character "The Lady")

Certain spaces relevant for speech are zoned and colored, that

dynamizes and builds certain characteristics of temporality, one

of the main axes of discourse.

12 P.C. 1Kw

To illuminate we need

7 amber filters – rosco 9

7 diffuser filter

1 pink filter– rosco 331

Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 [email protected]


1Professional CD Player

P.A. System

1 sound console

Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 [email protected]


The Playwright.

Jean-Luc Lagarce was born in France in 1957. His

literary work is essentially composed by twenty-

four plays, three short stories, an opera libretto,

a screenplay for film, some editorials and articles,

and a diary composed by twenty three notebooks.

His procedures about language makes him owner of a huge poetic

singularity. Lagarce achieves, besides many other merits, to highlight

the value of the word, that what "must be said". It is one of the

contemporary authors most represented in France. He died in

September 1995 during rehearsals for Lulu.


Is The Lady


2010 - "9 MESES" Dir. Miguel Perelló

2007 - "ANGELES SA" Dir. Eduard Bosch

2007 - "ATASCO EN LA NACIONAL" Dir. Josetxo San


2002 - "CARNE DE GALLINA" Dir. Javier Maqua.

1999 - "LA MUJER MÁS FEA DEL MUNDO" Dir. Miguel


1997 - "ESPOSADOS", (short film) dir. Juan Carlos Fresnadillo.

nominated for an Oscar Academy Award for Best Short Film in 1997


1996 - "CORAZON LOCO" Dir. Antonio del Real

1996 - "EL CRIMEN DEL CINE ORIENTE" Dir. Pedro Costa.

Award for Best Film Actress of the Year, awarded by El Mundo News.

Best Actress Award at the Festival de Cine de Badajoz.

1996 - "LA MOÑOS" Dir. Mireia Ros.

1996 - "PON UN HOMBRE EN TU VIDA" Dir. Eva Lesmes.

1995 - "LAS COSAS DEL QUERER II" Dir. Jaime Chávarri.

1995 - "HOTEL Y DOMICILIO" Dir. Ernesto del Río.

1994- "LOS HOMBRES SIEMPRE MIENTEN" Dir. Antonio del Real.

1994 - "LA LEYENDA DE LA DONCELLA" Dir. Juan Pinzas.

1994 - "AMOR PROPIO" Dir. Mario Camus.

1993 - "KIKA" Dir. Pedro Almodóvar.

1993 - "TRETAS DE MUJER" Dir. Rafael Moleón.


Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 [email protected]


Dir. Heidi Steinhardt. Espacio labruc

2013/14 "LASTRES" Dir. Heidi Steinhardt. Teatro Bellas Artes y gira

2009/11 - "SEXOS" Dir. Pep Antón Gómez. Teatro La Latina y gira

2008/09 - "NUNCA ESTUVISTE TAN ADORABLE". Dir. Javier Daulte.

Centro Dramático Nacional y gira

Fotogramas de Plata 2008, a la Mejor Actriz de Teatro

2002/03 - "CONFESIONES DE MUJERES DE 30". Dir. Lía Jelín.

Teatro Lara y gira

Fotogramas de Plata 2002 , a la Mejor Actriz de Teatro.

1998 - "ANDROCLES Y EL LEON". Dir. José Pascual. Teatro Romano de Mérida.

1998 - "UN DIA CUALQUIERA". Dir. Fernando Colomo y Rosa Mª Sardá

1997 "FRANKIE Y JOHNNY". Dir. Mario Gas. Teatro Lara.

1992 - "EL LUNATICO" de Ramón Gómez de la Serna. Dir. Emilio Hernández.

Centro Nacional de Nuevas Tendencias Escénicas.

1992 - "LOS GATOS" de Agustín Gómez Arcos. Dir. Carmen Portaceli.

Centro Dramático Nacional.

1989 - "MARIBEL Y LA EXTRAÑA FAMILIA". Dir. Emilio Hernández.

Centro Cultural de la Villa



2014 - "LA QUE SE AVECINA" Personaje capitular. Serie para Telecinco

2012 - "STAMOS OKUPA2" Dir. Juan Luis Iborra. Serie para TVE

2007/09 -"LA FAMILIA MATA" Dir. Ricardo Asolla, María Pulido, Mario

Montero y Luigi Santamaría. Serie para Antena3

2000/06 - "7 VIDAS" Dir. Víctor García. Serie para Telecinco

1999 - "EL CAMINO DE SANTIAGO". Dir. Robert Young. Serie para tve.

1998 - "HERMANAS" Serie para Telecinco.

1997 - "CONTIGO PAN Y CEBOLLA" Dir. por Javier Elorrieta.serie para TVE.

1993/96 - "LOS LADRONES VAN A LA OFICINA". Dir. Tito Fernández. Serie

para A3 Televisión

Fotogramas de Plata 1993, a la Mejor Actriz de Televisión.


2013/14 - "ME RESBALA" (Colaboradora) Antena 3

2011 - "MUCHO QUE PERDER, POCO QUE GANAR" (Presentadora) La Sexta

2010 - "EL CLUB DEL CHISTE" (Presentadora) Antena 3

2005 - "ESTOY POR TI" (Presentadora) Antena 3

2006 - "TAL PARA CUAL" (Presentadora) Antena 3

2006 - "EL SHOW DE PELOPICOPATA" (Presentadora) Antena 3

2007 - "DISTRACTION FATAL" (Presentadora) Antena 3

1997/98 - "EL FLECHAZO" (Presentadora) TVE

1995 - "EN CASA CON RAFAELLA", junto con Rafaella Carrá. Telecinco.

1993 "EL PEOR PROGRAMA DE LA SEMANA". Dir. David Trueba. TVE

1992/93 - "OBJETIVO INDISCRETO" (Presentadora) Dir. Rafa Galán. TVE.

Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 [email protected]


2003 - "BUSCANDO A NEMO" (Dory)



2006 - "ANT BULLY" (Kreela)


2009 - "HOLLY NIGHT" (Oveja Rita)

2012 - "POS ESO" (La Trini y la gitana)


She has participated in advertising campaigns for Pepsi, Movistar, Cera Álex,

Krissia and Campofrío.

She has presented several events, closing festivals galas, television galas

and award ceremonies.


The Director.

Heidi Steinhardt is an actress, playwright,

director and teacher. She trained at the School

of Julio Chavez and her Bachelor of Arts at the

University of Buenos Aires.

Professional experience / DIRECTOR

Aún no consigo besar / Teatro El Ópalo / Buenos Aires

Lastres de Jorge Roelas / Teatro Bellas Artes / Madrid

Calladito más bonito / Compañía Nacional de Teatro / Costa Rica

El Sepelio Teatro La Carbonera / Buenos Aires

Después del borde T. Anfitrión / T. Patio de actores / Buenos Aires

El trompo metálico C. C. Ricardo Rojas / T. del Pueblo / Buenos Aires

El juego de la silla de Ana Katz/T. del Pueblo/Coach actoral /Bs.As.

Reborn Cortometraje / Dir. Rodrigo Prado /Dir. de actores /Casting

Cortometraje / Dir. Adriano Salgado/ Dir. de actores / Buenos Aires

Professional experience / PLAYWRIGHT

El inestimable hermano / Premiere 2015

Retrato de una mujer que espera / Not Premiered

Calladito más bonito / Premiered

El Sepelio / Premiered

Después del borde / Premiered

El trompo metálico / Premiered / Published

Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 [email protected]

Professional experience / TEACHER

2001-2014 Regular seminars for actors and spectators /Private

Studio / Argentina

2014 Espacio Labruc / Inward Kafka / seminars for actors / Madrid

2013 Sala Acting / Towards the poetics of Jean Luc Lagarce / Madrid

2012 Fest. Internacional de cine / Directing Actors / Costa Rica

2012 Teatro de la Aduana / Towards the poetics of Jean Luc Lagarce

/Costa Rica

2012 Ministry of Culture / Laboratory of scenic writing/ Colegio de

escritores / Costa Rica

2011 Festival Internacional de Arte Escénico/The theater collective

(Speaker) / Cuba

2011 La íntegra Teatro/ Seminar for actors and spectators / Madrid

2011 Universidad de Cádiz / Seminar for actors / Cádiz / España

2010 Fiesta Nacional del Teatro / Roundtable: The theatrical

direction (Speaker) / Argentina

2010 Festival Internacional de Teatro de Cádiz / Training for

Actresses/ Cádiz / España

2009 Gestation and staging of one-person show / INT / Casa de la

cultura / Argentina

Bahía Blanca Seminar ¨Light of the actor¨/ Teatro Municipal de Bahía

Blanca / Argentina

XVII Congreso Internacional de Teatro Iberoamericano/ The emerging

Theater (Speaker ) / Argentina

Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 [email protected]


Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 [email protected]





Kike Gómez de la Rosa

[email protected]

Tel. (+34) 660 351 154

Portfolio click here.


Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 [email protected]




(Rules for Living in Modern Society)

Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 [email protected]


La Sala de Radio 3 13/04/14

The good habits of de Anabel Alonso Anabel Alonso talks about “Rules for living in modern society” with con Daniel Galindo in the

last part of the program “La sala de Radio 3”.

Listen complete here.

Hoy por hoy Madrid


Anabel Alonso has the supposed formula for happiness

Elena Jiménez interviews Anabel Alonso about “Rules for living in modern society”

Listen complete here.

Es Cine


Anabel Alonso presents her new one-person show in Es Cine

A Jean Luc Lagarce’s text

The actress Anabel Alonso and the director Heidi Steinhardt hace visited the esRadio Studios to

talk with Andrés Arconada about the play Rules for living in modern society. A text in which

Jean Luc Lagarce, tries to create a manual of urbanity that assures us happiness and a carefree

life before love or death.

Watch it complete here.

Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 [email protected]

Digital Meeting 16/04/14

The actress Anabel Alonso responded to the readers in a digital meeting. She spoke about the show she plays in Espacio Labruc, as well as other subjects of interest to the Internet users.

Read the entire meeting here.

La 2 de TVE 03/05/14

Anabel Alonso presents her new play “Rules for living in modern society” in the Rtve program dedicated to the arts. Interview by Cayetana Guillén Cuervo.

You can see parts of the interview here.

Luis Andrés 06/04/14

Anabel Alonso and the casual existentialism

… The actress has again put into the hands of the director Heidi Steinhart, meticulous goldsmith that has achieved to improve each moment of a brilliant text, the comedic talent of Anabel, seasoned with the composition of a character between enthusiastic and extravagant , takes the spectator by the hand for the Lagarce's maze to make it simple and understandable…

Read complete here.

Miguel Gabaldón


The director Heidi Steinhardt gets dissect the text and guiding Alonso through the convoluted

text without getting lost. The simple staging leaves into the actress' hands all the weight of the

show, and it gets truly funny moments…

… ... The fact is that this Alonso, in a freak version, doesn't get frightened and looks constantly

into the spectators' eyes. And she doesn't play herself, if anyone feared it, but she has a

strong characterization (rather caricaturation) that works perfectly and in which she gets on

without problem and with a important command of the text.

Read complete here:

Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 [email protected]

Carlos Gil Zamora 28/04/14

The official constraint

…the proposal that the Argentine director Heidi Steinhardt does with the complicity of the only actress, Anabel Alonso, is going to loading with meanings thank to the humorous treatment that is used to go through all the process by the hand of that character that deserves us from the first moment, as the actress achieves with the composition of itself, send us many clues to what is going to happen, although it's the textuality, in this case with a magnificent translation by Fernando Gómez Grande, the large handle that lead us through this real and absurd world…

Read complete here.

Alfonso Espinosa


… Alonso discovers and developes perfectly, thank through working together with Steinhardt, all the underlying humor that contains the text of Lagarce ...…

Once the spectator is able to adapt himself to the code, the language through which runs the monologue, it's easy to let go and enjoy the signs, the disappointments and desires of the speaker and imbibe, within the intimate atmosphere offering by Espacio Labruc, of the perfect existence that marks us Anabel, Heidi and Jean Luc.

Notice by Diego Morales in Revista Plácet, read it here.

Sergio Díaz 03/14

Safe Bet

And when it comes to irony and humor, certainly, the choice of Anabel Alonso is the most successful. She, with all her comedic talent, with her vitality, with her wealthy talent we have seen in other times on stage, will take place this tragicomic monologue that hides a fierce criticism to a society that, with its rules and its hypocrisy, makes impossible the sincerity between people because it leaves nothing for own individual freedom, everything has to be planned and governed, devoid of spontaneity and therefore of feelings.

Read the entire notice here.

Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 [email protected]

La teatrera 26/05/14

.. All the focus is on the wonderful performance of Anabel Alonso that catches you from coming out on stage and looks into your eyes, while she pinpoints the severe rules that must be taken into consideration to move in society.

Anabel is fantastic, funny, tender and endearing.

A splendid way to enjoy great theater in a small format, like the actress says: "logical, probably ... not disposable"

Read complete here.

Manuel de la Fuente 27/04/14

Anabel Alonso in Gente con Duende

We talk with the actress and comedian Anabel Alonso, that presents us “Rules for iving in modern society”, at Sala Labruc.

Listen complete here.
