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Kinect Open Source Programming Secrets Andrew Davison Prince of Songkla University Thailand [email protected] Hacking the Kinect with OpenNI, NITE, and Java

Kinect Open Source Programming Secrets

Kinect Open Source Programming SecretsAndrew DavisonPrince of Songkla [email protected]

Hacking the Kinect with OpenNI, NITE, and Java

Overviewusing OpenNIusing NITEas an input sourceto other librariesKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)2http://fivedots.coe.psu.ac.th/~ad/kinectEight examples(if I have time)1. The Kinect Sensor2. Maps3. Skeletons4. Hand Points and Gestures5. Computer Vision6. Augmented Reality7. Summary

1. The Kinect SensorKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)3used for 3D depth sensingCMOS color sensor (for RGB imaging)motorized tilting base(up/down ~30)three microphones(downward facing)IR light sourceCMOS IR sensorstatus LEDthree-axisaccelerometerone microphone(downward facing)2. Depth, Image, IR MapsKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)4

The IR light emits a fixed pattern of spots (randomly distributed)Map GenerationKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)5Depth GeneratorDepthMaprepaintread mapwait on context updateinitialize contextand generator(s)ImageGeneratorImageMapIRGeneratorIRMapORORcameraimageInitializationContext context = new Context(); License license = new License("PrimeSense", "0KOIk2JeIBYClPWVnMoRKn5cdY4=");context.addLicense(license); DepthGenerator depthGen = DepthGenerator.create(context);MapOutputMode mapMode = new MapOutputMode(640, 480, 30); // xRes, yRes, FPSdepthGen.setMapOutputMode(mapMode); context.setGlobalMirror(true);context.startGeneratingAll(); KOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)6Wait, Read, Repaint Loop while (isRunning) { try { context.waitAnyUpdateAll(); } catch(StatusException e) { System.out.println(e); System.exit(1); } updateDepthImage(); // my code repaint(); } try { // close down context.stopGeneratingAll(); } catch (StatusException e) {} context.release();

KOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)7

OpenNI GeneratorsKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)8primarily used by middleware(e.g. NITE)2.1. Transforming the UserKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)9

laterThe transformation is applied to all of the camera image,but transparent parts of the changed image aren't visible.KOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)10

cycle through blurringTime-based changesCenter-of-mass (CoM) based changes

change stayscentered onuser

Building the SceneKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)11Depth GeneratorImageGeneratorset alternativeviewpointfor real worldcoordinates to 2D(projective) mapping UserGeneratorSceneMetaData

scene map(user ID map)


CoMs ofuser IDs(optional)Java 2D filterOphttp://www.jhlabs.com/ip/filters/Panel ExecutionKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)12repaintupdatewait on context updateinitialize contextand generator(s)remove backgroundof camera image;apply filterOp (optionally based ontime and CoM of user)draw background imagedraw camera image;

3. OpenNI SkeletonThere are 15 joints (and 9 more that are not currently initialized by the skeleton capability).KOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)13On-screen view,with mirroringenabled3.1. Heads and BackgroundsKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)14

switch heads and backgrounds(via keyboard or dialog selection)

Generators (and Capabilities)KOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)15Depth GeneratorImageGeneratorset alternativeviewpointfor real worldcoordinates to 2D(projective) mapping UserGeneratorSkeletonCapabilityPoseCapabilitySceneMetaDatalistenersfor varioususer events::

camera imagescene map(user ID map)

Rotating the Head ImageKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)16Calculated using the head and neckcoordinates.3.2. Viewing Users in 3DKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)17

joints and limbsfor eachuserrendered using Java 3DCreating a SkeletonKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)18Depth Generatorfor real worldcoord to 2D(projective) mapping UserGeneratorSkeletonCapabilityPoseCapabilitypsi posedetectedcalibrationcompletednew userlost useruser has exiteduser hasreenteredcalibrationstartingadd aSkeletonobject tothe 3D sceneOverviewusing OpenNIusing NITEas an input sourceto other librariesKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)191. The Kinect Sensor2. Maps3. Skeletons4. Hand Points and Gestures5. Computer Vision6. Augmented Reality7. Summary4. NITE Hand Points and GesturesNITE gestures are derived from a stream of hand points which record how a hand moves through space over time.

Gesture detectors are sometimes called point listeners (or point controls) since they analyze the hand points stream looking for gestures.

KOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)20NITE Gesture ClassesKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)21

4.1. Gesture GUIs (GGUIs)KOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)22

Controlling the GGUIsKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)23Depth GeneratorImageGeneratorfor coords mapping PointControlnew hand point (P1)for camera imageHandsGeneratorGestureGeneratorSessionManagerhand point moved (P2)no active hand points (P3)session ended (S)update GGUIdeactivate GGUIOverviewusing OpenNIusing NITEas an input sourceto other librariesKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)241. The Kinect Sensor2. Maps3. Skeletons4. Hand Points and Gestures5. Computer Vision6. Augmented Reality7. Summary

5. Computer Vision and the KinectUse the Kinect sensor as input to JavaCV (a Java binding for OpenCV)input can be RGB and/or depth reading

Current and past (student) projects:motion detectionface detection & recognitioneye trackingKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)25

http://opencv.willowgarage.com5.1. Hand RecognitionKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)26

From OpenNI to OpenCVKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)27Depth GeneratorDepthMapthreshold


largest contour

KOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)28

start ptend ptdepth ptdepthconvex hulllargest contourconvexity defectseach defect is a tuple:(start pt, end pt,depth pt, depth)KOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)29

start ptend ptdepth ptdepthsimplifiedconvexity defectsremove defects with:shallow depthssmall angles betweenthe start and end ptsFinger LabelingKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)30

center of gravity (cog)angle tothe horizontal

rotate hand image to matchpredefined hand 'parameters'thumbindexmiddleringlittlefragile, hacky

Uses?KOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)31movefinger rotatezoom/pinchdouble tapmulti slidewaveholdpick & dropcluster & movezoom spothold & taprotate twocoverhide6. Augmented Reality (AR)A combination of a real scene and virtual elements generated by the computer.

Uses the Kinect camera as input to NyARToolkitKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)32

http://nyatla.jp/nyartoolkit/wp/?page_id=198Using NyARToolkit and Java 3DKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)33

search forHiro markerusing NyARToolkitcalculateits position and orientationapply position and orientationto marker modelrender modelin front of thevideo frameusing Java 3Dvideo streamfrom the Kinect


The User's ViewpointKOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)34


+ Z+ Y+ Xmodel7. SummaryOpenNIRGB, depth, IR mapsskeletal tracking, scene/user IDs

NITEhand points, hand gestures

7 Examplesaligned mapsuser transformationheads & backgrounds3D usersgesture GUIshand recognitionaugmented reality (AR)KOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)35Topics not DiscussedTilt motor, LED, accelerometereasy to add using LibusbJava

Audio source input, speech recognition, beamformingusing MS Kinect audio driver, JSAPI, TalkingJava,

Motion detection, face recognition, eye trackingMultiple-marker ARGames Kinect breakout

KOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)36

rightleftpositivenegativeAll the code, draft chapters,and extra examples,are available at my website:

KOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)37

http://fivedots.coe.psu.ac.th/~ad/kinect/More Information

One last example...KOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)38

8. Where I work...I'm an Ajarn (lecturer) in the Department of Computer Engineering (CoE), Faculty of Engineering,Prince of Songkla University (PSU)

I'm based at the Hat Yai campus, Songkhla province, in the south of Thailand.KOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)39

1st university in Southern Thailand, est. 19675 campuses39,000 students (2012)Hat YaiTrangPattaniPhuketSurat Thani

PSU at a Glance...

KOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)41Prince of Songkla University(PSU), Hat Yai campusDepartment of Computer Engineering (CoE)Faculty of Engineering

KOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)42

KOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)43

Department of Computer Engineering (CoE)PSU Academically...A National Research University (NRU)Ranked 4th in the Nation in terms of publicationsResearch strong points include:Natural rubberBiodiesel and energySea food and Halal foodMarine sciencesNanotechnologyPeace studies

KOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)44Center for Network Research (CNR)Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) ANW Informatics Laboratory Intelligent System (iSys) Research Team Computer Control and Robotics Computer System Design and VLSI Design KOPS Talk (JavaOne 2012)45CoE Research Groups and Interests
