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Kindred Powers

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  • 8/6/2019 Kindred Powers


  • 8/6/2019 Kindred Powers



    The primary attribute of the Gangrel clan is Animalism. This power represents a Vampires connection to his inner

    beast, and to beasts of the wild, primarily Wolves and Bats. Through this power, the vampire gains lets a little of

    his Beast out either to transform his body, or to command beasts in his vicinity. Gangrel also have Vigor and

    Resilience as their secondary (Physical) powers.

    Animal Affinity: (Animalism + Stamina + Animal Ken) - (Target's Resolve)

    The character develops certain animal traits. His nails extend into talons (+2L) and his incisors

    elongate larger than normal (+2L) -> biting with intent to feed still requires a grappling roll. Ears

    elongate, nose shortens (+1 to Auditory/Olfactory Perception per dot of Auspex). The Vampire

    has ultra-light vision (Gray scale Night Vision). Animal Affinity triggers the Predators Taint.

    Feral Whispers: (Animalism + Presence + Animal Ken) - (Target's Resolve)

    Allows the vampire to communicate with animals and compelcomplete obedience from

    individuals, even if it is self-endangering. The base ability allows animals, even a mixed group, to

    understand and communicate back with him. He may further compel an individual, similar to

    Dominates Mesmerize, but he may only compel one animal at a time. Thus, the Vampire may

    command any animal in his presence to fight for him, but he must command each one


    Call of the Wild: (Animalism + Presence + Animal Ken) - (Target's Resolve)

    May summon any number of canine or rodent animals within100 yards per success. The animal

    is only compelled to show up. Using Feral Whispers, he might address the entire group using

    social skills, or he may command animals individually. (Targeting Alphas makes it much faster).

    Animal Possession: (Animalism + Presence + Animal Ken) - (Target's Resolve)

    Similar to Domination's Possession, for animals. May 'take over'control of the animal's body,

    keeping his consciousness 'asleep'. During this time, the Vampire has full control of the bodys

    actions, as if it were his own. The power dissipates if the Animal comes in contact with even

    indirect daylight. The vampires body lies torpid during this time.

    Animal Form: (Animalism + Stamina + Animal Ken) - (Target's Resolve)

    May 'polymorph' into a Dire Wolf or a Giant Bat. Transformation automatically heals 1L or 2B.

    The animal does not blend with others of its kind, as a Vampires form will always be larger and

    more menacing. These forms trigger the Predators Taint.


    The primary attribute of the Mekhet clan is Auspex. This power represents enhanced Mental and Sensory

    abilities, delving into the spectrum of Psychic power. By means of this power, the Vampire becomes all-

    knowing. He can unerringly track anything in his vicinity, read minds, objects, get a limited vision of the future,

    and even project himself into Twilight. The Mekhet also have Vigor and Celerity as their physical powers.

    Enhanced Senses: N/A

    All of the Vampires senses become heightened to supernatural proportions, allowing him to hear

    in normally inaccessible frequencies, see below the normal light spectrum (low-light vision), and a

    bloodhounds scent. The Vampire gets an automatic success per dot in Auspex towards any

    Perception or Tracking roll. He can spot invisible beings by sensing ripples of air in motion, the

    sound of their steps, and their smell, eliminating any targeting penalties these conditions might

    normally bestow.

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    Read Minds: +(Manipulation + Empathy) - (Target's Resolve)

    By concentrating, the vampire can read the surface thoughts of a target, hearing 1 or 2 social rolls

    (indicating the ability to play the target's emotions).relevant words, and +1 per dot of Auspex .

    Read Objects: +(Manipulation + Empathy) - (Target's Resolve)

    Similar to Read Minds, the Vampire is able to pick-up residualemotional energies from places and

    things (see images of anyemotionally charged moments).

    Foresight: +(Manipulation + Empathy) - (Target's Resolve)

    This ability gives the Mekhet a sense of supernatural intuition. If this power is active and he fails

    on any physical roll, he can choose to abort the action and choose a different action instead.

    Thus, failure to clear a chasm on a jump, would allow the Mekhet to stop and find an alternate

    option. It can also be used to get a general sense if the path being taken (literally or

    metaphorically) is the correct one (good feeling, bad feeling).

    Twilight Projection: +(Manipulation + Empathy) - (Target's Resolve)

    This ability allows a Vampire to separate his Ka (Soul) from his body, projecting into Twilight and

    becoming, effectively, a Ghost, anchored to his body. In this form he can physically battle with

    Twilight beings from any plane. As a Ghost, the Vampire has the following Numen:

    - Materialize The vampire may spend a Willpower point to reveal his Ghostly form for a scene. When

    this occurs, this triggers magnetic Disruption automatically. The Vampires visage is that

    which he had at the moment of his Embrace, with an inner, unholy, ghastly light (tinged in

    very light green, with strong shadows, as if from an under-light, or flashlight).

    -Disruption When the Vampire manifests successfully, it disrupts electronics within a number of yardsequal to its Projection successes. Radios, TVs and telephones emit static. Appliances stop

    working. Lights go out. Videotapes and camera film is erased or exposed, ruining any

    captured images.

    -Terrify Requires that the Vampire has manifested. By spending a Willpower point, the Vampiresvisage alters into a ghastly terror that strikes the heart of any onlookers. Roll Auspex +

    Presence + Intimidate each targets Resolve + Composure. If the Vampire wins, onlookers

    are struck with abject terror and must flee the scene. Those who pass, remain unaffected

    by the power.

    - Phantasm The Vampire has the power to create illusory images. Spend 1 Willpower point and rollAuspex + Manipulation + Expression. A negative modifier may be applied to the roll

    depending on the size and complexity of the illusion. Mimicking a persons voice alone or

    creating a distinctive smell (like perfume) doesnt incur any negative modifiers, but creating

    the illusion of a person might be subject to a -1 penalty. Creating the illusion of a specific

    person (down to patterns of speech and mannerisms) that a witness knows might call for a

    -2 penalty. Creating a complex illusion that seems to have physical substance (the witness

    is convinced that he can touch the illusion and it feels solid) incurs a -3 or more severe

    penalty. Small, subtle illusions are generally much more effective than large, overt ones.

    This power can work on only one victim at a time. Other mortals in the subjects vicinitydo not see what he does. When a subject witnesses an illusion, roll Wits + Composure (or

    the Storyteller may allow Composure to be replaced by Occult if your character is aware of

    ghostly activity). If the roll generates as many or more successes than were achieved in the

    phantasm roll, the victim recognizes that the image cant be real. If the phantasm roll wins,

    the subject believes the illusion is genuine, but another Wits + Composure (or Occult) roll is

    made for him in each successive turn to attempt to see through the power. A ghost can

    maintain only one illusion at a time, and each illusion remains for the duration of the scene

    unless dispelled. The projection an illusions disappear at dawn.

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    One of the three intrinsic physical powers a Vampire may possess. Unlike other Disciplines, there are no rolls

    required, simply burn 1 point of Vitae and the power kicks, for a single turn. When it is activated, the Vampires

    movements gain the clunky speed of Samara in The Ring, and gains all of the following benefits:

    Enhanced Defense: As long as the Vampire has freedom of movement, he gets a bonus of +1 per dot

    of Celerity to his defense. This bonus is good against any type of missile, including

    gunfire, and does not diminish by multiple attacks.Enhanced Initiative: The character gets a bonus of +1 per dot of Celerity to his initiative that turn,

    allowing his to trump the actions of anyone that acts after him.

    Extra Action: The Vampire gets a Free Action on his modified initiative position, and then his

    regular action on his standard initiative. Thus the Vampire may move and attack,

    attack and move, attack and attack, or move and move.

    Enhanced Speed: The character may add 3 to his Speed Rating per dot of Celerity (thus, a character

    with Speed 9 and Celerity 2 would have an effective rating of 15).


    The primary attribute of the Ventrue clan is Domination. This power represents a Vampires ability to rule, to

    dominate the thoughts of others. Like Auspex, this ability borders on Psychic, and is a forceful attack on its

    subjects minds. The Ventrue also have Vigor and Resilience.

    Command: Domination + Intelligence + Persuasion Targets Resolve

    By meeting a targets gaze, the vampire is able to utter a single sentence which includes a verb

    and a subject. The subject must recognize both, and immediate execute the command, which

    must be completed in one turn. Thus, Sleep would make a character lie down, inactive for a

    turn, but then immediately wake up. Shoot him force a target to make an attack against the

    selected target. Shoot yourself is self-endangering, so he gets his dice in Resolve plus his

    Resolve as automatic successes.

    Mesmerize: Domination + Intelligence + Persuasion Targets Resolve

    The number of successes determine the number of Commands that may be programmed into

    the target victim. Each command may be accompanied by a trigger event. The command will

    only work once and it may not be instilled multiple times (they are wasted). For instance, If

    someone attacks me, shoot them. The victim will remember the command and even believe

    they can disobey it, but if the trigger even happens, the victim is compelled to do it, one time

    only. Thus in the example above, if a member of a Hunter group is thus mesmerized, his

    companions will be very surprised when one of their members suddenly shoots a companion.

    Forgetful Mind: Domination + Intelligence + Expression Targets Resolve

    This power requires a successful Mesmerize to be in effect, with at least two successes. One

    success is required to erase memories (You will forget the following things). The second success

    is required to implant new memories (This is what you will remember). It is an extended action.

    The activation roll is performed until the Vampires successes equal the victims Willpower score,

    or the victim scores more successes than the Vampire. If the victim wins, he remembers the

    entire incident, but has the option to fake that the effect has in fact, succeeded with a successful

    Manipulation + Subterfuge vs Resolve from the Vampire.

    Memories are not truly forgotten, just blocked away. Another use of Forgetful Mind, or a mortal

    using Hypnosis can reverse the effects.

    Possession: Domination + Intelligence + Intimidation Targets Resolve

    The penultimate power of Domination is the ability to completely subsume the consciousness of

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    the target, and replace it with the Vampires own. His own body drops into a torpid state, while

    he gains complete control of the victims body. The victims psyche is in a state of fugue, vaguely

    witnessing the actions of his body, as if in a dream. Possession ends at will from the Vampire, or

    when Dawn arrives. If during the possession, the vampire attempts anything self-endangering,

    the victim may attempt to evict the possessor by testing Intelligence + Intimidation vs Resolve,

    with Resolve as automatic successes. The victim may further use a Willpower point to boost the

    resistance roll by 2.

    Possession requires a successful Mesmerize, and is an extended action. If the Vampire

    accumulates his victims Willpower score, he wins. If the victim accumulates the Vampires

    Willpower score, then he is immune to possession for the rest of the night.

    Mass Domination: Domination + Presence + Intimidation Targets Resolve

    The ultimate power of Domination is the ability to issue Commands without needing to meet his

    opponents gaze. When he issues a Command, everyone within earshot must roll to avoid its

    power. Thus, if the Vampire yells Shoot him, then everyone who fails, including the designated

    target (who gets the automatic Resolve successes due to self-endanagerment) must shoot him.

    The power may affect as many individuals as his Willpower + Blood Potency, based on proximity

    to the Vampire (the closest ones are affected first). Thus, in the example above, if the Vampire

    has Willpower 5 and Blood Potency 3, he can command up to 8 targets within earshot, in order of



    The primary attribute of the Daeva clan is Majesty. This power represents the Vampires ability to forcefully

    project his personality, in such a way that it can manipulate the feelings of others. Unlike Auspex and

    Domination, this power is not psychic, but rather, emotional. Daeva tend to be physically attractive, which is the

    front they use to present their powers. Daeva also have Vigor and Celerity as their physical powers.

    Awe: (Majesty + Presence + Intimidation) (Crowd Size + Crowds Highest Composure)

    This power magnifies a characters presence to make him seem more entertaining, authoritative

    or even intimidating. The size of the crowd to be affected kicks in a penalty to the roll (-1 for 2

    peoples, -2 for 6 people, -3 for 20 people, and -4 for more than 20). The Vampire makes a roll

    against the highest Composure in the room and takes note of his successes. Compare that to theindividual Composure of the crowd. Anyone with a Composure score lower than accumulated

    successes is affect: the Vampire gets a bonus equal to his activation roll on various Social actions

    (Expression, Intimidation, Persuasion, Socialize, and Subterfuge).

    Intimacy: (Majesty + Manipulation + Empathy) Targets Composure

    With this power, the Vampire is able to make others feel comfortable and at ease in his presence,

    even familiar. By engaging in friendly conversation, the Vampire is able to get that target of the

    power to speak candidly about any subject the Vampire touches on, and speak truthfully, to the

    point of confession. Alternately, the power may be used as a seduction tool.

    Entrancement: (Majesty + Presence + Empathy) Crowds Highest Composure

    Similar to Awe, this power may be used on a crowd. Anyone catching sight of the Vampire, thatis affected, will raptly fawn over the Vampire, and will attempt to please him. Members of the

    opposite sex will even endanger themselves to protect the Vampire. Unlike Dominate, the victims

    believe that all actions taken are done so of their own volition, and when the effect wears off,

    they simply question their judgment, without suspecting something was done to them. The effect

    lasts for 1 day per success achieved, an Exceptional success doubles the duration.

    Summoning: (Majesty + Manipulation + Persuasion) Targets Composure

    This power enables the Vampire to issue an undeniable, telepathic summons to a single target

    of the Vampires choice. The target must be someone known, and though he wont know why, he

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    will know that he must come into the Vampires presence as soon as possible. He will instinctively

    know what direction he must travel to, and he must do everything within his ability to reach that

    destination, as soon as possible. Any action not in accordance with this directive carries a -3

    penalty, and requires a Willpower point to complete.

    Sovereignty: (Majesty + Presence + Intimidate) Targets Composure

    With this power, the Vampire develops a lordly mien that inspires devotion, respect, and fear

    from all those in his presence. The power requires no roll to activate. If anyone in the Vampires

    presence attempts an attack; whether it is physical, social or mystical; must first spend 1

    Willpower point, then contest the activation roll above, against his Composure (+Supernatural

    Rating, if any). If the Vampire wins the roll, the would-be attacker is cowed and refrains,

    otherwise, for that turn, he may do or say as he pleases though other onlookers will be shocked

    that someone would even try this. If the Vampire physically responds to the attack, physically or

    mystically, then the effect of Sovereignty is cancelled against that target alone. Social attacks,

    however, keep the effect in full force.


    The primary attribute of the Nosferatu clan is Nightmare. This power represents the Vampires acceptance of his

    inner Beast, and his ability to induce fear, using it as a mighty weapon. The physical power of Nosferatu are Vigor

    and Resilience.

    Monstrous Visage: (Nightmare + Presence + Intimidation) Crowds Highest Composure

    The vampire makes an aggressive motion, hissing or bellowing a howl from beyond. His visage

    visibly changes to a terrifying nature: his incisors elongate to a feral length, his eyes glow red, his

    ears become pointed, and a greenish foam forms in his mouth. The Vampire then rolls his

    activation roll, which is then compared individually to each onlookers Composure. Anyone

    affected is struck with abject terror and must flee the scene for the remainder of its duration. The

    power requires that its targets be able to see him, thus total darkness or blindness provides

    immunity to the effect of this ability.

    Dread Gaze: (Nightmare + Manipulation + Empathy) Targets Composure

    This power requires that the victim meet the Vampires gaze. Once locked, the Vampire enters

    the targets mind, infusing it with visions of his worst nightmare. The target is gripped by an

    unnamable fear, and is incapable of taking any action (though defense still applies). If the target

    is attacked, the gaze is broken and the target is affected as if by Monstrous Visage. After two

    turns spent under the gaze, the victim must pass a Composure check or gain a mild derangement.

    Once the target has a mild derangement, every two turns he checks or bumps it to Severe. Every

    two turns, another check is made to either get another mild derangement or bump it to severe.

    This goes on until the gaze is ended by the Vampire or an attack. If the vampire takes any action

    other than concentrating, the gaze ends.

    Reapers Glare: (Nightmare + Presence + Intimidation) vs Targets ComposureThis power requires that the victim meet the vampires gaze. Once locked, only the victim sees a

    change similar to Monstrous Visage: and is struck by a fear so intense that he takes physical

    damage (1B per success on the roll). If damage taken this way pushes into Lethal damage, the

    victim must pass a Stamina check or suffer a heart attack. If he survives, then he just flees.

    Entropic Mien (Nightmare + Presence + Intimidation) Crowds Highest Composure

    The character develops an Aura of Entropy, 3 yards per dot of Willpower radius. Inside this Aura,

    anyone affected suffers 1B per turn, is more susceptible to fear effects (including intimidation, -2

    penalty to resistance rolls or +2 bonus to the effects maker) and suffers a penalty of -2 to any

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    action taken, without the ability to use Willpower to increase or reduce pools. The effect lasts

    only for as long as the Vampire concentrates, and those affected cannot identify its source.

    Within the Aura, flowers wilt, insects die, metal corrodes and wood cracks and decays, as if

    unmaintained for years (reducing 1 from its durability).

    Gaze upon Death: (Nightmare + Presence + Intimidation) vs Targets Composure

    The ultimate expression of Nightmares power, is the ability to inspire such abject terror, that

    physical harm occurs. The power requires the target to meet the Vampires gaze, and like

    Reapers glare, it causes immediate damage. The power causes 1L of damage per success and

    loses that many Willpower points. If the target survives, he is still subject to fleeing the scene as

    per Monstrous Countenance.


    The primary attribute of the Khaibit clan is Obfuscation. This power enables the Vampire to call the Shadows, his

    home. The user of this power is able to conceal himself into shadow, and at higher levels, disappear completely

    from sight, or even manipulate shadows. Khaibit also have Celerity and Resilience.

    Cloak of Shadows: (Obfuscation + Wits + Stealth)With this power, a Vampire may place himself entirely within a shadow, unseen, concentrate,

    and blend perfectly into that shadow, in effect, becoming invisible. The Vampire must

    concentrate and during this time, cannot move or use any other powers. He may, however,

    speak, allowing him to be a Voice with no discernible source (although Auspex could discern it).

    Control Shadows: (Obfuscation + Wits + Stealth) [vs Resolve]

    With this power, the Vampire is able to create, condense and animate shadows. The vampire

    may, for instance, create a shadow over a light source, diminishing it to 25% of its power. He

    may cloak himself in shadow (to enable the use of Cloak of Shadow where no suitable shadow

    might exist), or to reduce a targets vision to near darkness (virtually blinding him). Shadows

    may also be animated to simulate movement (a person walking in front of a window, or crossing

    a hallway). In all cases where another person is affected (blindness, illusion) he is entitled tocontesting the effect with his Resolve (+ Supernatural Rating, if any).

    Vanishing: (Obfuscation + Wits + Stealth) [vs Resolve]

    The Vampire is now able to become invisible even if hes not unseen and in a shadow. The

    Vampire may move about freely, but not attack or invoke any other power, and if he does, he

    becomes visible. An invisible vampire may thus place himself in a position for a +4 bonus to an

    attack, negating defense, at best. The ability requires a full turn of concentration to activate,

    thus, defense cannot be used on the turn it is being activated. If he is struck in that turn, then it

    does not work.

    Shadow Walk: (Obfuscation + Intelligence + Stealth)

    This power allows a Vampire to step into a shadow, and walk out of another one, in his line ofvision. This power is in effect, a mini-teleport. In a dark alley, for instance, a Vampire might

    teleport from the shadow of a dumpster to the shadow of a 3rd

    floor balcony.

    Unseen Terror: (Obfuscation + Wits + Stealth) [vs Resolve]

    The ultimate power of Obfuscation is the abil ity to become invisible while retaining the ability to

    attack or use other powers. Victims have one chance to contest the power, but once it is

    working, the Vampire may move about, and attack, invisibly, unhindered. Being invisible

    imposes a -4 penalty to all targeting attempts, be it melee or missile. Targets may not use

    defense against an invisible assailant, and the attacker gains a +4 bonus.

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    Theban Sorcery

    Theban Sorcery is a special discipline that is only available to members of the Lancea Sanctum. Legend has it that

    its secrets were revealed by the Archangel Vahistael to Longinus. The language of these prayers is ancient koptic,

    an Egyptian dialect considered to be a dead language. The vampire has the ability to cast any prayer of a level

    equal to, or lower than his dots in Theban Sorcery. Rituals must be taught, and they have the same cost as Merits

    (2 XP per level). All Theban Sorceries cost 1 Willpower point to activate.

    Level 1

    Blessing of Eupraxia Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics

    By speaking in a loud, clear and supportive voice to an ally, the Theban Sorcerer may boost the

    action or resistance pool of his ally by +3 or +2, as if they had spent a Willpower point.

    Blood Scourge Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics

    This power has an additional activation cost of 1 Vitae. The Vampire slashes his wrist, and a

    tendril of vitae comes out, taking on the aspect of a Cat-o-nine-tails. The weapon has a duration

    equivalent to his Willpower score +1 per success achieved in the activation. The Blood Scourge

    can dish-out lethal damage, and it was a weapon rating equal to dots in Theban Sorcery. Thus, a

    neonate with 6 WP, Strength 2, Weaponry 3, Theban Sorcery 2, activates Blood Scourge and gets

    3 successes. The weapon will last 9 turns (WP 6 + 3 successes) and his attack pool is 7L (Strength

    + Weaponry + Weapon rating [Theban].

    Hauberk of Blood Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics

    A prayer is laid upon a chalice filled with vitae (from a vampire or human). The vampire may then

    paint inscriptions in Angelic script upon his body, equivalent to one vitae per success on the

    activation. The mystical vitae will provide unholy protection for the rest of the night or until all of

    it is consumed absorbing damage. The hauberk of blood can absorb damage equal to 1 or 2

    bashing, or 1 lethal, per vitae painted. Thus, a 3-dot hauberk can stop 3 levels of lethal or 6 levels

    of bashing. 5 levels of vitae can stop 1 level of aggravated damage.

    First Stygmatica Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics

    The Theban Sorcerer points at a mortal (only) and makes his activation roll. The mortal takes 1

    lethal level per two levels of success. Vitae from this would, in addition to providing the benefits

    of Vitae, gets an extra, temporary dot of Stamina (and the resulting Health increase) for the rest

    of the night. If the power is useless against kindred or ghouls.

    Theban Inscription Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics

    This power allows the Theban Sorcerer to inscribe onto a scroll, the details of a ritual. The ritual

    may then be cast by someone with enough dots in Theban Sorcery, without having to pay the

    Willpower point required to cast it. Alternately, it can be learned (releasing the spell from its

    media) by another Sorcerer this way.

    Vitae Reliquary Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics

    This prayer allows the Theban Sorcerer to infuse vitae upon a small object, turning it into a

    battery of sorts. Vitae may be absorbed from the item at a rate of 1 vitae per turn. When all vitae

    is taken from the item, the object turns to ash.

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    Level 2

    Curse of Babel Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academicsvs Resolve

    This prayer makes it such that the target loses all ability to communicate. When he speaks, he

    speaks in strange noises (tongues), when he writes, it is all scribbles. Hand motions are

    unintelligible. The effect lasts for the entire night.

    Damned Radiance Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academicsvs Resolve

    With this ritual, the sorcerer impresses, shocks or frightensonlookers with the glorious majesty of

    a walking saint or theterrible stature of a furious monster. When the ritual is completed,the

    vampire adds his dots in Theban Sorcery to all dicepools involving overt use of Presence for the

    rest of the scene.In the eyes of onlookers, the sorcerer takes on an exaggerated,unearthly

    appearance, whether darkened by an intangible malice,smoking with hellish heat or shining with

    an angelic light.

    Liars Plague Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics vs Resolve

    This prayer allows the Sorcerer to curse the subject so that if he speaks anylies over the course of

    the scene, beetles swarm from his mouth, for a number of turns equal to the activation roll.

    When this power is used on a mortal, if the mortal lies, the beetles will begin to suffocate themortal as surely as if he were being choked. If the beetles continue to appear longer than he can

    hold his breath, he will suffocate to death.

    Second Stygmatica Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics vs Resolve

    When this prayer is uttered, the targets hand are perforated by invisible, phantoms nails, which

    cause 1 level of Lethal damage only, but renders the hands unusable (-4 to any action requiring

    the hands). If the target is mortal, and the blood thus produced is drunk, the drinker gains a dot

    of Strength for the remainder of the night.

    Resistance Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics vs Resolve

    The use of this prayer allows the Theban Sorcerer, or a named subject, a chance to counter orresist the effects of an active discipline. For example: someone has been mesmerized by a

    ventrue. The Sorcerer may use this power to pit his activation roll against the Disciplines

    activation roll. If successful, he dispels the Mesmerism.

    Sanctity Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics vs Resolve

    This ritual fills a space with holy or unholy resonance, tangiblyaltering its atmosphere and

    appearance. The space which mustbe a single room, closed off from other rooms and hidden

    fromsight when the ritual is performed inside it is thereby alignedto grant bonus dice to all

    actions involving a certain Skill, no matterwho performs them, when those actions are undertaken

    withinthe affected room. The space grants bonus dice equal to thesorcerers dots in Theban

    Sorcery for a number of hours equal tothe successes scored on the activation roll, plus two.

    A single Skill must be chosen for the space at the time theritual is performed, but only a few Skills

    fall within the purviewof this power: Academics, Empathy, Intimidation, Occultand Persuasion.

    The room takes on qualities favorable tothe performance of the Skill, becoming quiet and serene

    forAcademics use, growing dark and unsettling for Intimidationpurposes, or taking on dramatic

    acoustics for Persuasion.

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    Level 3

    Blandishment of Sin: Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics vs Resolve

    The subject of this power suffers increased damage thenext time any harm is inflicted on him.

    That wound is upgradedone degree of damage. Thus, three bashing damagebecomes three lethal,

    and three lethal damage becomesthree aggravated. (Aggravated wounds do not increase toany

    other sort, and the effects of the ritual are wasted.) If,at the end of the night, the subject has not

    suffered anydamage, the ritual ends, though it may be invoked againsthim on the following

    night.If the subject activates Resilience, that Discipline offsetsthe benefits of this ritual for the

    next wound he suffers only ifthe damage upgrade would make the next wound aggravated.The

    injury in question inflicts its upgraded, aggravated damage,which Resilience downgrades again.

    Third Stygmatica Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics vs Resolve

    With this prayer, the Theban sorcerer causes a target to have his feet punctured all the way

    through by phantom spikes. This causes two levels of lethal damage, and cripples the targets

    ability to move, reducing his speed to 33% (one-third) of its normal rate. Vitae consumed from

    this wound bestows an extra point of Dexterity (increasing dexterity-based pools, initiative, speed,

    and maybe even defense, for the remainder of the night.

    Legionnaires Blessing Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics vs Resolve

    This prayer enables a Theban Sorceror to bless a weapon with a bonus (of automatic damage)

    equal to his dots in Theban Sorcery. The bonus lasts for as many attacks as the activation roll

    yielded. The bonus is called upon the weapon when the user utters a specific command word

    (such as: Taste my Steel!). Only melee and thrown weapons may thus be blessed, and the

    blessing lasts until sunrise.

    Malediction of Despair Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics vs Resolve

    The sorcerer curses his subject with regard to a specificaction. The next time the subject engages

    in that action,her normal dice pool is not rolled. A chance roll is made,instead. The curse can be as

    general (Your next attack incombat is doomed to failure!) or as specific (When nextyou feed

    upon a blind Christian at midnight) as thecaster chooses. The curse remains until its conditionsaremet. If the subject suspects that she is cursed by this ritual,the player may spend a Willpower

    point and make a Composure+ Resolve roll. If this roll yields more successes thanwere achieved to

    invoke the malediction, the curse endswithout ever coming to pass.

    Pharoahs Paces Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics vs Resolve

    Everyone in the presence of the Theban Sorcerer must immediately place themselves no less than

    nine paces away, and not look directly at the Sorcerer. Anyone that wishes to gaze upon the

    sorcerer or move into his space, must spend 1 Willpower point and contest with Resolve +

    Presence. The prayer lasts for a scene, and those present may attempt to roll each turn.

    Vision of the Will Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics vs ResolveThe sorcerer infuses an object the sorcerer touches with anintense psychic vision of his own

    creation. Whoever nexttouches the object receives this vision as a rush of sounds andimages in

    the mind. Anything the sorcerer can imagine canbe instilled in the vision, but the vision can last

    only as manyturns as there were successes on the activation roll. The visionis undeniably intense,

    and can be used to persuade, enlighten,frighten, or intimidate the viewer.

    Level 4

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    Display of the Beast Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics vs Resolve

    When the Theban Sorcerer calls upon this ritual, his body visibly changes into a demonic-like

    visage, similar to that of Underworlds vampire hybrid, Marcus. The Sorcerer grows gigantic bat

    wings, his face changes with bat like features and he grows talons and fangs (+3L). The effects last

    for a single scene.

    Mark of the Damned Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics vs Resolve

    This prayer has an additional casting cost of one vitae, though it need not be the Sorcerers, and it

    may be from an unwilling source. The Vitae is smeared with an angelic symbol on all entraces and

    windows of a Haven. Anyone entering with the intent to harm the inhabitants, or stealing from

    them, takes 1L per success on the activation roll, reduced by Resolve in a contest. Triggering the

    prayer will awaken any sleeping kindred in that Haven.

    Fourth Stygmatica Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics vs Resolve

    When the Theban Sorcerer utters this prayer, he may cause a single target to react as if a Crown

    of Thorns had been forcefully pushed into his head. The target suffers 1L per success on the

    activation roll, and the resulting blood loss blinds him. If the target was mortal, drinking from this

    vitae bestows a single dot of Composure for the rest of the night.

    Gift of Lazarus Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics vs Resolve

    This prayer may only be used upon a body that has died within 72 hours and is mostly intact. The

    recipient of the Gift of Lazarus is unlike most zombies. His Wits, Resolve, Manipulation and

    Resolve all drop to 0. His Intelligence and Presence drop by 1; his Dexterity drops by 2. His

    Strength increases to 4 and his Stamina to 5. The Zombie degrades daily, losing 1 dot in Stamina.

    When Stamina reaches 0, he dies permanently. During this time, the Sorcerer has access to the

    zombies memories and skills, as the zombie is fully compliant towards the Sorcerer.

    Refuge of Forbiddance Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics vs Resolve

    An extension of Pharoahs paces, the Sorcerer can name a large area designated by him and

    determined by the successes achieved [5, 20, 50, 250, 1000 sq yards]. The sorcerer may

    selectively allow individuals into his Refuge, but once they are invited, they cannot be uninvited.

    Anyone wishing to enter must contest resolve against the activation roll, and those who do enter,

    suffer 2B per turn they are inside.

    Level 5

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    Day of the Damned Theban Sorcery + Intelligence + Academics vs Resolve

    This ritual enables the Sorcerer to call upon thick billowing clouds to cover the sky and blot out

    the sun. Light is reduced such that vampires walking out only suffer 1B every minute. The

    duration of the ritual is one hour per success on the activation roll.
