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King Long Overseas Service Policy (Minibus Version 2011)

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7/23/2019 King Long Overseas Service Policy (Minibus Version 2011) http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/king-long-overseas-service-policy-minibus-version-2011 1/59        轻客版 OVERSEAS SERVICE POLICY MINIBUS VERSION 厦门金龙联合汽车工业有限公司 Xiamen King Long United Automotive Industry Co., Ltd 海外服务中心 Overseas Service Center
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海 外 服 务 政 策 





Xiamen King Long United Automotive Industry Co., Ltd


Overseas Service Center

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  2011 King Long Overseas Service Policy

第  2 页 

目  录 


目的  ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 

 Article 1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 

二 定义  ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 

 Article 2 Definition ................................................................................................................................................... 5 

三 适用范围  ................................................................................................................................................... 5 

 Article 3 Applicable Coverage .................................................................................................................................. 5 

四 内容及要求  ............................................................................................................................................... 5 

 Article 4 Content and requirement ........................................................................................................................... 5 


 .......................................................................................................................... 5

1. Overseas service network construction and management ........................................................................... 5

2. 车辆到港检查和车辆交车前检查 .................................................................................................................. 5

2. Vehicle Inspection at destination port and Pre-Delivery Inspection ........................................................... 5

2.1 车辆到港检查 ............................................................................................................................................ 5

2.1 Vehicle inspection at destination port ...................................................................................................... 5

2.2 车辆交车前检查 ........................................................................................................................................ 7

2.2 Pre-delivery Inspection ............................................................................................................................. 7


 .................................................................................................................................................. 8

3. New vehicle break-in maintenance ................................................................................................................. 8

3.1 新车走合维护规定 .................................................................................................................................... 8

3.1 New vehicle break-in maintenance regulations ....................................................................................... 8

3.2 新车走合维护项目与要求 ........................................................................................................................ 9

3.2 New vehicle break-in maintenance items and requirements ................................................................. 9

4. 保修管理规定 .................................................................................................................................................. 9

4. Warranty claim regulations ............................................................................................................................ 9


 .................................................................................................................................................... 94.1 Warranty policy ......................................................................................................................................... 9

4.2 索赔申报流程 ............................................................................................................................................ 9

4.2 Warranty claim procedure ....................................................................................................................... 9

4.3 保修索赔要求 ...........................................................................................................................................11

4.3 Warranty claim requirement ...................................................................................................................11

4.4 索赔费用构成及标准 .............................................................................................................................. 12

4.4 Warranty claim expense structure and standard ................................................................................. 12

4.5 索赔费用结算 .......................................................................................................................................... 12

4.5 Warranty claim expense settlement ....................................................................................................... 12


 .......................................................................................................................................... 12

4.6 Replaced parts management ................................................................................................................... 12

5. 配件商务政策 ................................................................................................................................................ 13

5. Spare parts business policy ........................................................................................................................... 13

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  2011 King Long Overseas Service Policy

第  3 页 

5.1 配件订购 .................................................................................................................................................. 13

5.1 Spare parts order ..................................................................................................................................... 13

5.2 配件订单管理 .......................................................................................................................................... 14

5.2 Spare parts order management .............................................................................................................. 14

5.3 配件价格 .................................................................................................................................................. 15

5.3 Spare parts price ...................................................................................................................................... 155.3 配件供应 .................................................................................................................................................. 16

5.3 Spare parts supply ................................................................................................................................... 16

5.4 差异件的处理 .......................................................................................................................................... 17

5.4 Settlement for Parts Discrepancy ........................................................................................................... 17

5.5 退货 .......................................................................................................................................................... 17

5.5 Return Policy ............................................................................................................................................ 17

5.6 备用金政策 .............................................................................................................................................. 17

5.6 Reserve fund policy .................................................................................................................................. 17


 .................................................................................................................................................... 18

6. Expense payment ........................................................................................................................................... 18

7. 车辆各级定期维护 ........................................................................................................................................ 18

7. Vehicle periodical maintenance of each class .............................................................................................. 18

8. 附则 ................................................................................................................................................................ 18

8. Supplementary Articles ................................................................................................................................. 18

五 附件

 ......................................................................................................................................................... 20

 Article 5 Attachment ............................................................................................................................................... 20

附件一 金龙海外服务网络建设标准 ............................................................................................................. 20

Attachment 1 King Long Overseas Service Network Construction and management Standard ............... 20

1. 范围 ............................................................................................................................................................ 20

1. Coverage ..................................................................................................................................................... 20

2. 职责 ............................................................................................................................................................ 20

2. Liability....................................................................................................................................................... 20

3. 培训 ............................................................................................................................................................ 20

3. Training ...................................................................................................................................................... 20


 ............................................................................................................................ 20

4. Principle of Overseas Service Provider Establishment .......................................................................... 20

5. 海外服务网络管理流程 ............................................................................................................................ 20

5. Overseas Service Network Construction and Management Flow ......................................................... 20

6. 海外服务商设立的条件 ............................................................................................................................ 22

6. Precondition of Overseas Service Provider Establishment .................................................................... 22

7. 海外服务商的职责 .................................................................................................................................... 22

7. Overseas Service Provider liability .......................................................................................................... 22

8. 海外服务商的建议组织机构 .................................................................................................................... 22

8. Overseas Service Provider organization recommendation .................................................................... 229. 本标准的解释和修订权归属金龙。 ........................................................................................................ 22

9. The rights related to this standard’s construal and amendment shall be vested in King Long. ......... 23

附件二 车辆到港检查报告 ............................................................................................................................. 25

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  2011 King Long Overseas Service Policy

第  4 页 

Attachment 2 Arrival Inspection Report ......................................................................................................... 25

附件三 车辆交车前检查(PDI) ........................................................................................................................ 27

Attachment 3 PDI .............................................................................................................................................. 27

附件四 新车走合维护登记表 ......................................................................................................................... 29

Attachment 4 New vehicle break-in maintenance registration form ............................................................ 29

附件五 金龙产品首次维护项目与要求 ......................................................................................................... 30

Attachment 5 Kong Long Product First Time Maintenance Items & Requirement(Diesel) ................. 30

附件六 新车走合维护明细表 ......................................................................................................................... 31

Attachment 6 Vehicle Breaking-in Maintenance List ..................................................................................... 31

附件七 金龙海狮系列海外保修政策 ............................................................................................................. 32

Attachment 7 KING LONG OVERSEAS WARRANTY POLICY ON HAISE SERIES ............................ 32

1. Definition .................................................................................................................................................... 32

2. Warranty Precondition .............................................................................................................................. 32

3. Warranty Scope ......................................................................................................................................... 32

4. Warranty Period ........................................................................................................................................ 32

5. Warranty Exemption ................................................................................................................................. 33

6. Arbitration ................................................................................................................................................. 33

7. Validity ........................................................................................................................................................ 34

8.Release Date ................................................................................................................................................ 34

附件八 索赔单 ................................................................................................................................................. 35

Attachment 8 Warranty Claim ......................................................................................................................... 35

附件九 保修车辆维修竣工验收单 ................................................................................................................. 37

Attachment 9 Warranty Vehicle Repair Completion Form ........................................................................... 37

附件十 索赔费用对账单 ................................................................................................................................. 38

Attachment 10 Warranty Claim Expense Account Confirmation ................................................................. 38

附件十一 配件订购询价单 ............................................................................................................................. 39

Attachment 11 King Long Inquiring List ........................................................................................................ 39

附件十二 金龙 VIS 视觉识别系统 ................................................................................................................. 40

Attachment 12 King Long VIS ......................................................................................................................... 40

附件十三 海外售后服务代理协议 ................................................................................................................. 51

Attachment 13 Overseas After-Sales Service Agreement ............................................................................... 51

附件十四 配件验收回执单 ........................................................................................................................... 58

Attachment 14 Parts Acceptance Receipt ........................................................................................................ 58

附件十五 配件核正单 ..................................................................................................................................... 59

Attachment 15 Part Verification List ............................................................................................................... 59

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  2011 King Long Overseas Service Policy

第  5 页 

一 目的 

Article 1 Purpose 



This Overseas Service Policy is enacted specifically for the purpose of regulating and standardizing the overseas after-sales

service of Xiamen King Long United Automotive Industry Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “King Long”) and its Overseas Service


二 定义 

Article 2 Definition



King Long Products: Microbuses, manufactured by King Long exported to the overseas market,including minivan、ambulance

and so on.



Users shall mean King Long Products’ user.






Warranty  shall mean that King Long will be in charge of repairing or replacing parts (limited to parts which could not be

repaired) with quality malfunction caused by material, manufacture, assembly in order to recover King Long Products technical

function within buses and coaches quality warranty period (“Warranty Period”). The Users shall operate, use and maintain King

Long Products correctly according to Product Operation Manuals (including manuals related to parts and accessories).

三 适用范围 

Article 3 Applicable Coverage


This policy is applicable to after-sales service related to King Long Products.

四 内容及要求 

Article 4 Content and requirement

1. 海外服务网络的建设与管理 

1. Overseas service network construction and management


According to Attachment 1 “King Long Overseas Service Network Construction and Management Standard”, Overseas Service

Provider should carry out its service network and management construction.

2. 车辆到港检查和车辆交车前检查 

2. Vehicle Inspection at destination port and Pre-Delivery Inspection



2.1 Vehicle inspection at destination port

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  2011 King Long Overseas Service Policy

第  6 页 



2.1.1 After order confirmation, King Long sales department shall pass on the relevant information, as well as delivery

information, to after-sales department, who shall then keep it on record and advise the distributor of ETD & ETA for each




2.1.2 If the actual arrival time beyond ETA, the distributor shall transmit the message to King Long, who shall make feedback

for it after cause investigation.


辆到港检查报告》须由海外服务商签字后在检查后的 15个工作日内将《车辆到港检查报告》的扫描件  email给金

龙([email protected])和相关业务联系人。如果超过 15 个工作日不提交的,金龙售后拒绝


2.1.3 If the arrival time at port before ETA, the distributor shall make arrival inspection for vehicles and fill in “Arrival

Inspection Report” (Attachment 2), which shall be then signed by the distributor and its scanning copy to be sent to KingLong ([email protected]) and relevant personnel within 15 working days after inspection. If the

report submittal later than 15 working days, King Long will be entitled to refuse any claim by terminal users.



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  2011 King Long Overseas Service Policy

第  7 页 

2.1.4 If the submitted report incomplete, King Long after-sales department shall return it to the distributor for revisal until

approval. After it the claim shall be then undertaken by King Long and relevant information to be kept on record. That is

where the flow ends.



2.2 Pre-delivery Inspection

2.2.1 经销商将每辆车的订单信息发给金龙售后,金龙将根据订单时间判定保修起算时间并建立车辆档案储存,如果订

单时间超过车辆到港时间后的 90天,索赔起止时间从第九十一天开始计算,并将保修时间添加到车辆档案中储存。

2.2.1 The distributor shall provide each order details to King Long after-sales department, who shall by that set valid warranty

 period and establish files for vehicles as record. If the order is placed beyond 90 days after vehicle arrival time, the

warranty claim period shall start from the 91st day after arrival at port, meanwhile the vehicle files to be renewed.

2.2.2 经销商接到客户订单后,对车辆进行 PDI 检查,检查项目按照附件三进行,检查的结果填写《车辆交车前检验表

PDI》。经销商需在 15个工作日内将 PDI检查报告签字后的扫描件发给金龙([email protected]

和相关业务联系人。若金龙售后在 15个工作日之内收到 PDI报告,索赔起止时间以 PDI检查之日起开始计算,否

则索赔起止时间以车辆到港时间开始计算;索赔起算时间最晚不能超过车辆到港后 90天。 

2.2.2 After receiving order from customer, the distributor shall make pre-delivery inspection (PDI) on the items of Attachment 3

and fill the results in. The PDI report shall be signed by distributor and its scanning copy shall be sent to King Long

([email protected]) and relevant personnel within 15 working days after the inspection. If King

Long receives the report within 15 working days, the warranty claim period shall start from the day of PDI, otherwise, start

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  2011 King Long Overseas Service Policy

第  8 页 

from vehicle arrival time. The starting time shall not be later than 90 days after vehicle arrival.

2.2.3 若经销商提交的 PDI 报告不完整,金龙售后将向经销商解释原因并需重新填写,直到报告内容符合金龙售后规范


2.2.3 If the submitted PDI report incomplete, King Long after-sales department shall explain and return it to the distributor for

revisal until approval.

2.2.4 金龙售后将审核过的 PDI报告保存,流程结束。 

2.2.4 King Long after-sales department shall keep the approved report on record, and that is where the procedure ends.

3. 新车走合维护 

3. New vehicle break-in maintenance

3.1 新车走合维护规定 

3.1 New vehicle break-in maintenance regulations

3.1.1 总则:购买金龙产品的用户,必须按照《保养保修手册》中的要求,到海外服务商处进行新车走合维护,海外服


3.1.1 General Principle: The customer of King Long product, should follow the relative regulation of “King Long Microbus

Maintenance and Warranty Manual” to perform the new vehicle break-in maintenance in Overseas Service Agent. TheOverseas Service Provider should make new vehicle break-in maintenance twice.

3.1.2 客户购车后,经销商需对车辆进行 PDI检查。 

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  2011 King Long Overseas Service Policy

第  9 页 

3.1.2 After vehicle sales to customer, the distributor shall make pre-delivery inspection for each vehicle.

3.1.3 在进行首次走合保养前,经销商需对用户进行操作及保养培训并监督,若用户未按照操作手册和维修手册进行操

作和保养,经销商可以拒绝任何索赔申请。若车辆行驶里程 2000KM左右,请经销商督促客户进行首次走合保养,



3.1.3 Before new vehicle break-in maintenance, the distributor shall give users a train on vehicle operation and maintenance, andtake supervision for the train. If the user does not adhere to operation manual and service manual, the distributor is entitled

to refuse any claim. After the vehicle kilometrage reaches 2000KM, the distributor shall urge customer to perform new

vehicle break-in maintenance, after that both parties should sign on “New Vehicle Break-in Maintenance Registration

Form” (Attachment 4). The original version to be kept by the customer, while the copy by the distributor and sent to King

Long after-sales department as record. If no record of first maintenance is provided as required, King Long will refuse any

claim application.

3.1.4 用户购车后未按要求对车辆进行走合维护或后期的周期性维护,视其自动放弃“保修”,即使在保修期内,由此引


3.1.4 Any user who does not follow requirement to make break-in maintenance or afterwards periodic maintenance shall be

regarded as giving up “warranty”; any consequence arising thereof, even during the Warranty Period, shall be borne by theuser on its own account.

3.1.5 凡经走合维护的车辆,如发生因维护者过失,或未按维护项目作业引起的机械损坏等后果,一律由承担走合维护


3.1.5 All the mechanical breakdown and/or other damages related to the vehicles which have been performed break-in

maintenance, caused by maintenance service provider or by the reason that maintenance service provider failed to execute

 break-in maintenance according to stipulated maintenance items, shall be borne by maintenance service provider.



3.2 New vehicle break-in maintenance items and requirements

3.2.1 新车走合维护项目与要求见附件五《金龙产品维护项目与要求》 

3.2.1 Break-in maintenance items and requirements refer to Attachment 5.

3.2.2 发动机、桥、变速箱参见厂家提供的使用维护说明书,如果未注明特殊保养要求,请参见附件五。  

3.2.2 For engine, axle and transmission gear, please refer to producer’s maintenance manual. If without special maintenance

requirements, please refer to Attachment 5.

4. 保修管理规定 

4. Warranty claim regulations

4.1 保修政策 

4.1 Warranty policy

4.1.1 金龙海狮系列产品的保修政策参见附件七 

4.1.1 King Long overseas warranty policy on Haise Series refers to Attachment 7.

4.1.2 KD产品的保修:对于由于 KD件在发运、装配等过程中出现的任何损坏或故障引起的质量问题不属于本保修政策

范围内,具体的 KD产品保修政策由海外服务中心另行提供。 

4.1.2 King Long overseas warranty policy on KD:  Any quality failure caused by assembly and transport of agency is out of

warranty policy, the details of KD warranty policy will be provided by King Long Overseas Service Centre separately.



4.2 Warranty claim procedure


4.2.1 Warranty claim application procedure chart

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  2011 King Long Overseas Service Policy

第  10 页 

4.2.2 索赔申报 

4.2.2 Warranty claim application 海外服务商在维修用户车辆前,应先核对《新车走合维护登记表》(见附件四)和该车的出厂编号、底盘号、发

动机号、购车日期等相关内容,对行驶里程进行现场核对,以确认用户的报修是否在保修期内。 Before maintaining customer’s vehicle, Overseas Service Provider shall check on site the Vehicle Series Number,

Chassis Number, Engine Number, purchase date etc. following “New Vehicle Break-in Maintenance Registration Form”,

also the mileage should be checked in order to confirm whether customer’s declaration is within guarantee period. 及时检查、分析鉴定、准确判断造成故障的原因及责任方,若确认为在保修期内出现因厂方责任引起的故障,海

外服务商负责对相关部件进行免费修理或更换,填报《索赔单》(见附件八)向金龙提出索赔申报。 Inspect in time, analyze & identify, judge correctly the reason for breakdown and liability party. If the breakdown is

caused by King Long within guarantee period, Overseas Service Provider shall repair or replace the related parts free of

charge, and fill in “Warranty Claim” form (Attachment 8) and declare to King Long. 索赔单的填写要求:海外服务商按索赔单的项目提供完整的、准确的车辆信息、故障现象和故障原因、更换的配件、配件的来源、相关的费用和照片,其中更换的配件来源为:(A) 由金龙提供(B)海外服务商已储备的金龙件(C)

海外服务商当地购买。 Warranty Claim filling requirement: For the required items in Warranty Claim, Overseas Service Provider should provide

complete, correct vehicle information, breakdown and its cause, replaced parts, parts source, related expense and photos,

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第  11 页 

among which replace parts source can be: (A) supplied by King Long; (B) King Long parts stored by Overseas Service

Provider; (C) purchased by Overseas Service Provider locally.

4.2.3 索赔审核 

4.2.3 Claim Examination 金龙接到《索赔单》后需审查该索赔是否符合保修条件,并对车辆信息、故障描述、更换的零件项目及相关的费

用等进行审核。若故障不在保修范围内,将原因回复海外服务商,建议在当地购买配件或向金龙购买配件。金龙需在二个工作日内将审核的结果反馈给海外服务商。 King Long shall examine whether the warranty claim conform to warranty stipulation, and check the vehicle information,

 breakdown description, replaced parts and relative cost. If breakdown is beyond warranty scope, King Long will reply

Overseas Service Provider with the relevant reasons and suggest Overseas Service Provider purchase parts locally or

from King Long. King Long should inform the checking result to Overseas Service Provider within two working days. 对于因特殊情况未能提供索赔单或提供的索赔单的描述不能界定故障是否属于保修范围,金龙本着以最快的速度

排除用户车辆故障的原则,可先行发件按以下规定处理: In the case of failure to present Warranty Claim due to special circumstances or the description could not check

 breakdown is in warranty scope, based on the principle of eliminating vehicle breakdown for customers at earliest time,

King Long will firstly send parts to Overseas Service Provider according to following regulations:

1) 当海外服务商有备用金担保时,金龙先组织备件提供给海外服务商。待责任明确时,若故障属于保修范围,


1) When Overseas Service Provider has reserved fund in King Long’s account, King Long will prepare spare parts and

supply to Overseas Service Provider. On the condition that liability is confirmed and breakdown is in warranty scope,

material will be at King Long’s cost; otherwise material cost will be deducted from Overseas Service Provider’s

reserve fund.

2) 若海外服务商申请索赔的资料不全无法做出是否为保修索赔判断时,海外服务商应当在提出申请的 15个工作


2) If warranty claim information submitted by Overseas Service Provider is not enough for judging, Overseas Service

Provider should complete relevant information within 15 working days after claim application or a time agreed by two

 parties. King Long reserves the right to judge breakdown as warranty claim.

3) 若海外服务商未按上述第 款第 2 项规定补齐相关的资料,金龙将不再预发配件,并且将已发的配件从


3) If Overseas Service Provider fails to supplement relevant information according to the foregoing Item 2) of Article, King Long will not pre-deliver spare parts, and will deduct payment from its account for the dispatched parts.



4.3 Warranty claim requirement

4.3.1 索赔单是海外服务代理提供给金龙的索赔依据之一。因此,索赔单必须填写准确,完整,并按时提交给金龙,否


4.3.1 As one of the claim evidences that Overseas Service Provider provides to King Long, Warranty Claim shall be filled in

 precisely and completely, and presented to King Long timely, otherwise King Long has the right to reject paying any

warranty cost.

4.3.2 海外服务商在对车辆修复后,需填写《保修车辆维修竣工验收单》(见附件九),并经用户签名和对本次服务进


4.3.2 After repairing vehicle, Overseas Service Provider shall fill in “Maintenance Completion Form” (Attachment 9), which

 becomes effective after user signature and service evaluation.

4.3.3 凡属保修期内的服务,海外服务商必须向用户提供免费的服务,不允许向用户收取费用,出现违规一经查实将按

实际发生额的 3倍给予处罚。 

4.3.3 Overseas Service Provider shall provide free service within warranty period. Charge to Users is not allowed. If violation

occurs, Overseas Service Provider shall be fined with the amount equivalent to three times of the actual charge against


4.3.4 未经诊断确认故障的真实性、原因和责任即实施保修而发生的费用由相关的责任海外服务商承担。  

4.3.4 The expense arises from any repair without confirmation for breakdown authenticity, reason and liability shall be borne by

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Overseas Service Provider.

4 3.5 因维修质量不合格产生的任何费用、责任由海外服务商承担。 

4.3.5 Any cost or liability caused by unqualified maintenance service shall be borne by Overseas Service Provider.

4.3.6 对于拒绝为用户服务的,金龙有权解除并终止海外售后服务代理协议,并终止支付相关费用。  

4.3.6 As for Overseas Service Provider with refusal to serve customers, King Long has right to terminate overseas after-sales

service provider agreement and cease to pay the relevant costs.



4.4 Warranty claim expense structure and standard

4.4.1 索赔费用=零部件费(FOB厦门)+零部件管理费 

4.4.1 Warranty claim expense = parts expense (FOB XIAMEN) + parts managing expense

4.4.2 零部件管理费:只适用于海外服务商采用已储备的金龙件用于保修的情况,金龙给予一定比例的零部件管理费。


4.4.2 Managing Expense is only applicable for those King Long Genuine Spare Parts which have been purchased by Overseas

Service Provider in its warehouse and used for warranty maintenance. Managing expenses for different components is as


Spare Part Name Managing Expense

Engine assy, transmission assy, front/rear axle assy, frame assy,

A/C condenser, retarder assy, ECUParts FOB Value × 10%

Other spare(except above-mentioned) parts Parts FOB Value × 15%

4.4.3 若更换件为由海外服务商已储备的金龙件,零部件费按当期订购价(FOB厦门)加上零部件管理费结算。 

4.4.3 If replaced parts are the stored King Long spare parts by Overseas Service Provider, parts expense will be settled as current

 purchasing price (FOB XIAMEN) plus parts managing expense.

4.4.4 当更换件为海外服务商在当地购买的,零部件费按金龙审核批准的价格结算,零部件管理费为零。  

4.4.4 If the replaced parts are purchased locally by Overseas Service Provider, the spare parts expense will be settled based on

King Long approved price, and parts managing expense is zero.

4.4.5 若更换件为由金龙直接提供给海外服务商,零部件管理费为零。 

4.4.5 If the replaced parts are supplied by King Long directly to Overseas Service Provider, spare parts managing expense will

 be zero.

4.5 索赔费用结算 

4.5 Warranty claim expense settlement

4.5.1 海外服务商在用户故障修复后的三个工作日内将经用户签字确认的《保修车辆维修竣工验收单》的扫描件反馈给

金龙相关业务联系人:[email protected]

4.5.1 Within 3 working days  after the breakdown has been repaired, Overseas Service Provider should submit the scan

copy of “maintenance completion Form” signed by customer to King Long: [email protected]

and related business contact person of King Long.

4.5.2 金龙将于每半年向海外服务商进行费用结算,索赔单经金龙审核后, 金龙将出具《索赔费用对帐单》(见附件十),



4.5.2 King Long will make expense settlement each 6 months to Overseas Service Provider. After Warranty Claim is checked by

King Long, “Warranty Claim Expense Account Confirmation” (Attachment 10) will be issued and delivered to Overseas

Service Provider for its signature, and then sent back to King Long. If there is any opinion about the expense, Overseas

Service Provider shall check with warranty engineer of King Long within 5 working days after receiving “Warranty Claim

Expense Account Confirmation”, otherwise it will deem that Overseas Service Provider accepts the expense.



4.6 Replaced parts management

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4. 6.1 “保修”索赔更换下来的旧件产权属金龙所有,未经金龙书面许可,不允许拆卸分解旧件总成或总成上的附件。  

4.6.1 The property right of the replaced parts under warranty is in possession of King Long., Overseas Service Provider is not

allowed to disassemble the failed parts assy or accessory from assy without permission in writing by King Long.

4.6.2 旧件保管必须附有旧件标签,旧件标签的所有项目必须填写清楚、准确,不能有缺项,旧件实物、旧件标签和相


4.6.2 Replaced part shall be stored with label attachment, of which the items shall be filled clearly, correctly and completely. The

replaced object and lable must be in consistence with the corresponding “Warranty Claim”.

4.6.3 若金龙需要返回旧件时,海外服务商应按照金龙的要求返回旧件。返回旧件的运费由金龙承担。  

4.6.3 Overseas Service Provider shall return failed parts to King Long when the latter requires to, and the freight is borne by

King Long.

4.6.4 索赔旧件的保存时间为一年(自维修之日起计算),金龙在此期间将不定期派现场服务工程师对索赔旧件进行核




4.6.4 The replaced parts under warranty should be reserved for at least one year (as of the repair date), and King long will

designate service engineers to make verification on site occasionally during this period. If King Long engineers fail to gain

visas for verification, the reserve time extends to 3 months after King Long engineers checking onsite. If Overseas Service

Provider receives written notice from King Long of sending the failed parts to named destination, the reserve time extends

until shipment completion.

4.6.5 对不要求返回的保修索赔旧件,每年海外服务商对本年度保存期已满的索赔旧件进行销毁处理,并将销毁旧件的


4.6.5 Every year, Overseas Service Provider shall destroy the failed parts, which needn’t to be returned and reach reservation

 period, and present the destroyed parts list to King Long as record.

5. 配件商务政策 

5. Spare parts business policy



5.1 Spare parts order

5.1.1 为保证终端用户使用到纯正金龙配件,海外服务商必须从金龙订购配件(询价单见附件十一)。  

5.1.1 In order to guarantee genuine King Long parts for final customers, Overseas Service Provider shall order spare parts from

King Long.(Inquiring List refers to Attachment 11) 

5.1.2 金龙收到海外服务商询盘后,在 3 个工作日内给予报价。若为紧急订购,金龙在 1 个工作日内给予报价。客户指


5.1.2 After receiving inquiry from Overseas Service Provider, King Long shall return quotation within 3 working days, while

within 1 working day in the case of emergency. The parts from client own or specified equipment beyond the above

quotation time principle.

5.1.3 一般情况下常规订单只接受 T/T 和 L/C,金龙在收到至少 30%货款后开始备货,收到全额货款或信用证才发货。

紧急空运订单只接受 T/T,收到全额货款才开始备货。 

5.1.3 In principle, T/T or L/C payment is the premise for conventional order operation. King Long shall prepare parts after

receiving at least 30% payment, and make shipment just when receiving full payment or letter of credit. For emergency air

order, King Long accepts only T/T payment and prepares parts on the basis of full payment.

5.1.4 服务商订购配件以金龙提供的配件图册为参考,对于备件图册中没有或无法确定代码的配件,请填写《配件核正

单》(见附件十五)与金龙联系,金龙将于 2个工作日内给予回复。 

5.1.4 Overseas Service Provider shall place order by reference to the parts catalogue offered by King Long. For the parts without

Part No. or with uncertain No., Overseas Service Provider shall fill in “Part Verification List” (Attachment 15) and send

 back to King Long, who will then make response in 2 working days.

5.1.5 金龙配件订购流程 

5.1.5 Process flow of King Long spare parts order

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5.2 Spare parts order management

5.2.1 配件订单计划 

5.2.1 Spare parts order plan 海外服务商应当根据基本安全库存、整车保养、正常维修、运营等需求,制定相应的配件储备采购计划。 Overseas Service Provider shall make purchase plan for spare parts on the basis of such elements as fundamental safe

stock, vehicle maintenance, normal repair and operation. 常规订单:超过 500台的国家或地区,每月必须至少提报一次常规订单计划,少于500台的国家或地区,每三月

必须提报一次常规订单计划。 Conventional order: the country or region with vehicle inventory more than 500 units shall submit conventional order at

least once a month, while once three months for that with vehicle inventory less than 500 units. 紧急订单:除中国公休节假日,金龙随时接受海外服务商的紧急订单。 

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第  15 页 Emergency order: King Long takes emergency order always except Chinese public holidays and legal holidays.

5.2.2 首批配件订单计划 

5.2.2 First spare parts order plan 首批配件订单,即海外服务商第一次购买金龙轻客或新款车型,在没有任何售后服务历史数据的情况下,由金龙

推荐采购清单协助服务商订购第一批备件。 First spare parts order plan means that in the first time of Overseas Service Provider to buy King Long minivan or new

model, as no any data of after-sales service for reference, King Long will provide recommendation list for Overseas

Service Provider to place the first spare parts order. 根据整车订购量、车型数量、运输周期、服务网点数量,首批备件订货量通常为服务商前三个月整车订购计划

FOB金额的 5%。 By the terms of vehicle order quantity, vehicle models, transport cycle time and service outlets, generally the first spare

 parts order amounts to 5% of the total FOB amount of the vehicle orders by Overseas Service Provider in first three

months. 首批备件订购应与整车订购同步,与整车同步到达授权销售和服务区域,保证整车投放后有充足的备件供应。 First spare parts order shall be placed at the same time of vehicle order, which ensures that the both reach sales and

service areas simultaneously, and the vehicle sales to be launched on the basis of enough spare parts supply.

5.2.3 为了提高当地配件供应及时性,海外服务商须采购一定量库存配件,最小库存标准推荐如下:  

5.2.3 In order to improve local service efficiency, Overseas Service Provider shall purchase certain quantity of KL spare parts as

stock. Spare parts minimum storage standard recommended as follows:

KL Vehicle Quantity (Units) Minimum Storage Amount (USD)

Qty ≤ 20 $ 2,000 - $ 5,000

20 < Qty ≤ 100 $ 10,000 - $ 20,000

100 < Qty ≤ 200 $ 30,000 - $ 60,000

200 < Qty ≤ 500 $ 70,000 - $ 100,000

500 < Qty ≤ 1000 $ 110,000 - $ 160,000

1000 < Qty ≤ 2000 $ 170,000 - $ 230,000

2000 < Qty ≤ 4000 $ 240,000 - $ 310,000

Qty > 4000 More than $ 320,000



5.3 Spare parts price


 5.3.1 Overseas Service Provider shall place orders according to the price of parts stipulated by King Long, and the price of parts

may vary from time to time depending on actual circumstance.

5.3.2 配件采购时,金龙以 FOB中国厦门港的价格计价,包装费、港杂费等费用由金龙承担,运费、保险费等由海外服


5.3.2 The quotation of parts is calculated based on the price of FOB XIAMEN port, China. King Long shall bear the expenses

related to packing and THC, while freight, insurance of parts shall be borne by Overseas Service Provider.

5.3.3 配件报价有效期为 3个月。当报价超过 3个月,需根据订购时的配件价格和汇率进行核对。差价在 3%以内,可以

按原报价销售配件。当差价超过 3%时,需要重新报价。 

5.3.3 The validity term of parts quotation is three months. If the quotation exceeds three months, check of part purchase price

and exchange rate is required. If price difference is within 3%, parts could be sold at the original quotation, while have to

at a new quotation in case of over 3%.

5.3.4 紧急订购报价时,配件销售工程师对报价确认后根据配件的可交货周期,提供紧急订货的交货时间和常规订货的

交货时间供海外服务商选择。若海外服务商选择紧急订购,金龙有权加收配件价格 10%的配件加急费。 

5.3.4 When it comes to emergency order, after price confirmation King long parts sales engineer should provide the delivery

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time of both emergency and conventional orders to Overseas Service Provider. If the emergency order is chosen, King

Long is entitled to charge the extra emergency fee, which equivalent to 10% of the part price.

5.3.5 当期汇率:以每月第一个工作日中国银行公布的现汇买入价作为当月报价汇率。  

5.3.5 Current exchange rate: foreign exchange rate published by Bank of China on first working day of each month will be taken

as that month’s quotation exchange rate.

5.3.6 海外服务商经营金龙备件过程中,应结合当地的物价政策制定出合理、稳定的价格,备件利润应不高于当地市场竞争品牌备件运营的平均利润水平。服务商有义务按照金龙要求配合进行当地市场备件价格调研。  

5.3.6 As King Long spare parts operator, Overseas Service Provider shall set a reasonable and stable price according to the local

 price policy, and the profit shall not be more than the average level of local spare parts sales by brand competitors. It is

obligatory on Overseas Service Provider to conduct market survey for local price as King Long request.

5.3.7 对于履行上述配件计划政策(5.2条款)的服务商,金龙将给予相应的价格优惠支持,具体标准如下:  

5.3.7 For the Overseas Service Provider that implements the above parts plan policies (Article 5.2), King Long shall support it

with price concession accordingly as the following standard:

Individual Order Amount (USD) Discount

$ 1,000 < Amount ≤ $ 2,000 3%

$ 2,000 < Amount ≤ $ 5,000 6%

$ 5,000 < Amount ≤ $ 10,000 10%

$ 10,000 < Amount 15%


 Note: 单笔备件订单金额由金龙财务审核,以收到单笔订单货款为依据,不累计,金额不足者不给予折扣; Individual order amount shall be checked by King Long Finance Department based on its payment receipt. It is

non-accumulative and no discount for insufficient amount. 折扣金额直接从当笔备件订单中扣除。 The discount amount shall be deducted directly from the order payment.

5.3 配件供应 

5.3 Spare parts supply

5.3.1 对于进口国需要作第三方检验或申请进口许可证等要求的,订单需要取得检验申请号或进口许可证后才能生效。  

5.3.1 For the needs of the importing country, such as third-party testing or applying for import license requirements, orders will

come into effect only after they obtain test or import permit application.

5.3.2 国产配件常规订单交货期为自确认订单并收到至少 30%货款之日起最晚 40个工作日发货。紧急空运订单交货期为

自确认订单并收到全额货款之日起最晚 15个工作日发货。 

5.3.2 For the parts made in China, conventional order shall be delivered within 40 working days since the time of order

confirmation and 30% payment receipt at least. Emergency air order shall be delivered within 15 working days since the

time of order confirmation and full payment receipt by King Long.

5.3.3 进口配件和客户指定及自带配置的配件订单交货期以订货时确认的时间为准。  

5.3.3 Delivery time for imported parts and parts from client own or specified equipment is subject to the time agreed by two

 parties in order confirmation.

5.3.4 配件发运采用符合出口要求的木质外包装,超出此标准的包装所产生的额外包装费用经海外服务商确认后向其收


5.3.4 Wooden package up to exportation inspection and quarantine standard is used for part delivery. Any extra cost caused by

 package beyond the standard shall be borne by Overseas Service Provider after its confirmation.

5.3.5 服务商向金龙采购的配件清关后,应及时进行验收,填写《配件验收回执单》(见附件十四)反馈金龙

[email protected])相关业务联系人。 

5.3.5 After parts purchased from King Long have finished customs clearance, Overseas Service Provider shall accept and inspect

timely, then fill in “Parts Acceptance Receipt” (Attachment 14) and give feedback to King Long related personnel:

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[email protected]



5.4 Settlement for Parts Discrepancy

5.4.1 差异件的定义:海外服务商收到的配件与所订购的配件(订购配件的箱单、发票状态 )在品种和数量上出现溢、短、


5.4.1 Parts Discrepancy means that the parts received by Overseas Service Provider do not conform to that of Packing List &

Commercial Invoice as more, less or wrong in variety and quantity.

5.4.2 若出现差异件时,海外服务商需在货物清关后  15个工作日内填写《配件验收回执单》向金龙提出差异件申请。否



5.4.2 If Parts Discrepancy occurs, Overseas Service Provider shall fill in “Parts Acceptance Receipt” within 15 working days

after finishing customs clearance and apply to King Long. Otherwise, King Long shall be entitled to refuse any claim

application and check. In principle, excessive parts should be handled by Overseas Service Provider under negotiation of

 both parties. And the parts shortage, which indeed caused by King Long, will be compensated as warranty claim parts,

while relevant ocean freight is borne by King Long.

5.4.3 错件保管期为从金龙确认为错件时起二年。在此期间,如果金龙工程师到现场核对差异件但未能获取签证前行的,



5.4.3 Wrong part reserve period is two years since King Long confirmation. During this period, if King Long fails to gain visas

for verification onsite, the reserve time extends to 3 months after King Long engineers checking onsite; if Overseas Service

Provider receives written notice from King Long of sending the wrong parts to named destination, the reserve time extends

until shipment completion.

5.4.4 错件的处理须按照金龙的要求进行。保管期间,若海外服务商需要使用该批错件时,须向金龙申请,经金龙同意


5.4.4 Wrong parts treatment must follow King Long’s requirement. During reserve period, if Overseas Service Provider needs to

use this batch of wrong parts, the provider must apply to King Long. With King Long permission, they can use and pay to

King Long at the part price on application date.



5.5 Return Policy

5.5.1 在金龙配件销售工程师发给海外服务商确认订单之前,若海外服务商提出取消订购不收取费用。  

5.5.1 If order is canceled by Overseas Service Provider before King Long Part Engineer sending order confirmation, no expense

needs to be charged.

5.5.2 在金龙配件销售工程师发给海外服务商确认订单之后发货之前,若海外服务商提出取消订购,按取消订货的金额

的 30%收取退货费用。 

5.5.2 If order is cancelled after King Long Part Engineer sending confirmation, but before delivery, 30% of the parts amount

 price shall be charged by King Long as refund expense.

5.5.3 已发走的配件,不允许退货。 

5.5.3 As for the shipped parts, no return is allowed.



5.6 Reserve fund policy

5.6.1 目的:快速处理争议索赔,提高配件销售的效率,缩短配件销售周期,减少因等款而延误备货和发货的时间,并

可享受配件订购 9折优惠。备用金折扣优惠可用于所有配件订单,不限订单金额,若订单符合 5.3.7优惠政策要求,


5.6.1 Purpose: Dealing with disputes and claims rapidly, increasing spare parts sales efficiency, shorten sales cycle, reducing part preparation and delivery time caused by payment delay, and Overseas Service Provider could enjoy 10 percent discount of

the price for parts ordering. Reserve fund discount policy is applicable to all spare parts orders and without order amount

requirement. If the order meets simultaneously the price concession policy of Article 5.3.7, only the better price of two

shall be adopted. Each individual order is not allowed to discount twice.

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5.6.2 备用金储备额度:海外服务商可在在金龙建立备用金帐户。备用金额度建议不低于一万美元,余额低于 10%时请


5.6.2 Credit of Reserve Fund: the Overseas Service Provider shall establish a reserve fund account with suggested minimum

USD 10,000 deposited as reserve fund in King Long for urgent spare parts delivery. If it is less than 10% of set reserve

fund amount, the balance shall be made up after King Long notice.

5.6.3 备用金的使用 

5.6.3 Usage of reserve fund 在处理索赔业务时,对于用户车辆的故障报修在责任没有界定的情况下,有备用金的海外服务商可享受优先供应


费用则从海外服务商的备用金中扣除。 While dealing with warranty claim issues, if vehicle breakdown liability has not been verified, Overseas Service Provider

with reserve fund in King Long has preference to be supplied with spare parts. King Long will send parts firstly to

recover vehicle function at the earliest time. When liability is confirmed and the breakdown does not belong to warranty

scope, the value of the shipped spare parts will be deducted from reserve fund. 当购买配件总金额不足时,可用备用金抵配件购买不足额度。 Reserve fund could be used if the amount remitted by Overseas Service Provider is not enough for purchasing parts.

6. 费用的支付 

6. Expense payment



After Claim expense confirmed by two parties, Overseas Service Provider shall issue commercial invoice, invoice value

shall be the value confirmed by two parties. After receiving invoice, King Long will deal with invoice value in any of following

ways depending on specific circumstance:

1) 转入海外服务商的配件订购款; 

1) Transfer it into Overseas Service Provider spare parts purchase fund

2) 转入海外服务商的备用金; 

2) Retain in the Overseas Service Provider reserve fund account in King Long as deposit for the next time spare parts purchase.

3) 转现款给海外服务商; 

3) Transfer in cash to Overseas Service Provider

7. 车辆各级定期维护 

7. Vehicle periodical maintenance of all levels



For ensuring the good technical performance of vehicles, as well as service life and running safety, Overseas Service

Provider should make periodical maintenance of all levels for customers. Related items of periodical maintenance refer to “King

Long Microbus Maintenance and Warranty Manual”.

8. 附则 

8. Supplementary Articles

8.1 本服务政策的解释权归厦门金龙联合汽车工业有限公司。 

8.1 Xiamen King Long United Automotive Industry Co., Ltd reserves the right of final interpretation for the policy.

8.2 本政策自 2011年 4月 1日起实施,有效期至 2011年 12月 31日。 

8.2 This policy is valid from April 1st, 2011 to December 31st, 2011.

8.3 轻客服务课海外组组织架构如下: 

8.3 The organization structure of Minibus service section for overseas market as following:

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五 附件 

Ariticle5 Attachment

附件一 金龙海外服务网络建设标准 

Attachment 1 King Long Overseas Service Network Construction and management Standard



1. Coverage

1.1 本标准规定了金龙海外服务网络建设的原则、条件、职责和权限,使海外服务网络能更好的做好金龙客车的服务工


1.1 This standard regulates principle, precondition, responsibility and authority for King Long overseas service network

construction, which enabled to provide better service of King Long product.

1.2 本标准适用于已建立和申请建立金龙海外服务商的单位。 

1.2 This standard is applicable to the units with establishment or application of King Long Overseas Service Provider.



2. Liability

2.1 金龙海外服务课负责海外服务商建设标准的制定。 

2.1 King Long overseas service section is in charge of formulation for Overseas Service Provider construction standard.

2.2 金龙海外服务课负责海外服务网点的规划、建设和管理工作。 

2.2 King Long overseas service section is in charge of the layout, construction and management for overseas service network.



3. Training


King Long overseas service section will provide training for relevant staff of Overseas Service Provider according to this


4. 海外服务商设立的原则 

4. Principle of Overseas Service Provider Establishment

4.1 总则:维护金龙产品良好的市场声誉,为用户提供优质服务。 

4.1 General Principle: maintain the market reputation of King Long products and guarantee high quality service for the


4.2 依据海外服务的辐射半径及市场潜力的合理布局,结合金龙海外销售、服务的战略目标建立海外服务商。  

4.2 Establish Overseas Service Provider according to coverage of overseas service and reasonable layout of market potential,

combining with the strategy of King Long overseas sales and service.



5. Overseas Service Network Construction and Management Flow

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5.1 金龙销售卖出车辆后,如果是新经销商,由金龙销售将经销商的联系方式及时传给金龙售后。金龙售后主动联系经



5.1 After vehicle sales, for fresh distributor King Long sales department shall deliver its contact information to after-sales service

department, who shall then initiatively contact with the distributor to ask for the after-sales service mode of local market,

such as 4S model, Chain Operation, or franchise and so on. By these records, King Long will manage the initial inspection

of after-sales service in local market.

5.2 经销商需将“人员组织架构相关信息”提交金龙售后备案,经金龙售后审核通过后,方可提交“厂房设施及 VIS形



5.2 The distributor shall submit “Personnel Structure Information” to King Long after-sales service department for records and

approval. In the case of approval failure, King Long after-sales service department shall feed it back to sales department,

who shall then help and expedite the distributor to consummate it until approval. After then, the distributor shall undertake

next to submit “Service Equipment & VIS Information”.

5.3 经销商需将“厂房设施及 VIS 形象标识相关信息”提交金龙售后审核,审核通过后方可提交“备件库相关信息”。未通



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5.3 The distributor shall submit “Service Equipment & VIS Information” to King Long after-sales service department for

approval. In the case of approval failure, after-sales service department shall feed it back to sales department, who shall then

help and expedite the distributor to consummate it until approval. After then, the distributor shall submit “Spare Parts

Warehouse Information” as the next step.


金龙售后将经销商未通过审核的信息反馈给金龙销售,金龙销售协助督促经销商整改完善,直到通过审核为止。  5.4. The distributor shall submit “Spare Parts Warehouse Information” to King Long after-sales service department for approval.

In the case of approval failure, after-sales service department shall feed it back to sales department, who shall then help and

expedite the distributor to consummate it until approval. After then, the distributor shall submit “Replaced Parts

Management Information” as the next step.

5.5 下次订单到港时,如果上诉流程没有完成,金龙售后有权拒绝服务。如果完成上述流程,金龙售后将建立经销商档


5.5 If the above flow uncompleted before the arrival at port of next order, King Long is entitled to refuse after-sales service

supply. By contrast, in the case of flow completion, a distributor file shall be created by King Long after-sales department

and fed back to sales department. That is where the flow ends.



6. Precondition of Overseas Service Provider Establishment

6.1 海外代理商的地理位置应交通方便,对客车通行无交通管制。 

6.1 Transportation convenient, no traffic restriction for vehicles.

6.2 厂房设施要求参考附表一 

6.2 Facility requirement refers to List 1

6.2.1 维修场地必须是水泥硬化,总成大修场地必须封闭; 

6.2.1 Repair factory must be cement vulcanized, assembly repair factory must be closed

6.2.2 厂门及配件门市部必须符合金龙规定的 VIS形象标识(见附件十二) 

6.2.2 Factory door and spare parts shop must follow King Long CIS. (Attachment 12)


6.3 Overseas Service Provider’s staff allocation requirement refers to List 2


6.4 Repair test devices and tools in Overseas Service Provider refer to List 3



7. Overseas Service Provider liability




Overseas Service Provider must implement “Overseas After-sales Service Provider Agreement” (Attachment 13) and supply

King Long product technical consult, vehicle inspection at port, new vehicle break-in maintenance and periodical maintenance,

repair within or beyond warranty period, spare part supply, feedback of product quality information and relative service

information to King Long timely.



8. Overseas Service Provider organization recommendation

8.1 海外服务商实行经理负责制,下设服务办公室、配件仓库、维修车间和技术培训室。  

8.1 Overseas Service Provider is in the charge by manager, with service office, spare parts warehouse, repair workshop and

training room.

8.2 经理、保修索赔工程师、配件销售工程师需保持稳定,若人员变动时,应及时通知金龙海外服务课。  

8.2 Manager, repair & warranty claim engineer, spare parts sales should be stable, while personnel change, a report must be sent

to King Long Overseas Service Section.



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9. The rights related to this standard’s construal and amendment shall be vested in King Long.

附录  Appendix


List 1 Staffing recommendation for Overseas Service Provider


List 2 Facility area recommendation for Overseas Service Provider


List 3 Repair equipment and tool recommendation for Overseas Service Provider


List 1 Staffing recommendation for Overseas Service Provider

 No. Position Person No. Position Person

1 General Manager 1 10 Technical Training Engineer 1 (pluralism)

2 Service Manager 1 (pluralism) 11 Old Part Warehouseman 1 (pluralism)

3 Maintenance & warranty engineer 1 (pluralism) 12 Auto Repair Technician 14 Receptionist 1 (pluralism) 13 Engine Engineer 1-3

5 Information statistic engineer 1 (pluralism) 14 Chassis Engineer 1-3

6 Spare Part Manager 1 (pluralism) 15 Sheet Metal Worker 1

7 Spare Part Plan Specialist 1 (pluralism) 16 Painting Worker 1

8 Spare Part Purchase Specialist 1 (pluralism) 17 Electrician 1

9 Spare Part Sales Specialist 1 (pluralism) 18 A/C Technician 1

Recommended Employees Number 8 – 21 persons


List 2 Facility area recommendation for Overseas Service Provider

Area Item Size (m2) Area Item Size (m2)


Customer Reception Room 20

Spare Parts

Retail shop

Customer Rest Room 20 Warehouse 40

Warranty Office 10 Old Parts Area 10

Finance OfficeSpare Parts ManagerRoom



Repair Workshop 150 Technical Training Room 50

Overhaul Workshop 25Inspection, Parking Area 400

>12m ditch or hoist 1

Minimum Space Area >750


List 3 Repair equipment and tool recommendation for Overseas Service Provider

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Special Equipments General Equipments

 No Item Qty Rmk No Item Qty Rmk

1 Parts cleaning machine 1 Required 1 Drill 1 Required

2 Tyre remove device 1 Required 2 Electric Welding Device 1 Required

3 Lubricate oil fill 3 Required 3 Air Welding Machine 1 Required

4 Lubricate grease fill 2 Required 4 Air Compressor 1 Required

5Air-con coolant fill (withvacuum pump)

1 Required 5 Grinding Wheel 1 Required

6 Electricity Charger 2 Required 6 Locksmith Platform & Equipment 1 Required

7 Engine Diagnostic Unit 1 Required 7 Handle Hydraulic Forklift 1 Required

8 Four Wheel Aligner 1 Required 8 Cutter 1 Required

9 Digital Multimeter 1 Required 9 Necessary General Tools 5 Required

10 Brake Lining Grinding Machine 1 Optional 10 Ordinary Lathe 1 Optional

11 Coolant Leakage Test Device 1 Optional 11 Pressure Machine 1 Optional

12 Body Truing Machine 1 Optional Measure Instruments

13 Paint Baking Booth 1 Optional No. Item Qty Rmk

14 CO2 Protective Welding 1 Optional 1 External Micrometers (set) 1 Required

15 Rivet equipment 1 Optional 2 Vernier Caliper 1 Required

Office Equipment 3 Internal Micrometers (Set) 1 Required

 No. Item Qty Rmk 4 Tyre Pressure Meter ≥1 Required

1 Telephone 2 Required 5 Torque Spanners (Set) 2 Required

2 Fax machine 1 Required Transportation Equipment

3 Computer (internet available) ≥2 Required No. Item Qty Rmk

4 Digital Camera 1 Required 1 Service Vehicle ≥1 Required

5 Projector 1 Required

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附件二 车辆到港检查报告 

Attachment 2 Arrival Inspection Report


Bus Type/车辆型号  XMQ VIN./车辆识别码 

Series No./车辆编号  Customer/客户 

Engine Type/发动机型号  Engine No./发动机号 

Arrive Date/到达日期  Inspection Date/检查日期 

外观 内饰部件点检情况  Appearance, Inner Decoration Part Inspection 

部位 position 损伤及描述  breakdown and description


front wall


rear wall


Left side wall


Right side wall


Inner decoration



AIR 检查者(签



AIR 检查日期 

Check date



Overseas Service

Provider sign

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随车工具 物品点检清单  Tools, Parts with vehicle delivery 




Tools name 








Inspection result

1  随车工具包  toolbox  A01-3901010-10 1   套  suit 

2  两用扳手  two-way spanner   8 10  1   件  pcs 

3  两用扳手  two-way spanner   12 14 1   件  pcs 

4  十字头螺丝批  cross head screwdriver   常规型号  ordinary   1  件  pcs 

5  一字头螺丝批  screwdriver   常规型号  ordinary  

6  鲤鱼钳  carp pliers  常规型号  ordinary 1   件  pcs 

7  千斤顶  jack   常规型号  ordinary 1   件  pcs 

8  撬棒  tommy bar   常规型号  ordinary 1   件  pcs 

9  车轮螺母套筒扳手  tyre nut sleeve spanner   常规型号  ordinary 1   件  pcs 

10  火花塞套筒  spark plug sleeve  常规型号  ordinary 1   件  pcs 

11  工具袋  tools bag  常规型号  ordinary 1  件  pcs 

12  柴油滤芯  diesel filter   常规型号  ordinary   件  pcs 

13  油水分离器  oil water separator   常规型号  ordinary   件  pcs 

14  钥匙  key  常规型号  ordinary   件  pcs 

15 机油滤芯  oil filter 常规型号  ordinary   件  pcs

AIR 检查者(签

字)Checker  Signature 

AIR 检查日期

Check date


(公司签章) Provider Signature

随车配件点检情况  Parts with Vehicle Delivery Inspection




Missing parts name






Missing parts name



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附件三 车辆交车前检查(PDI)

Attachment 3 PDI

Bus Type/车辆型号  XMQ Series No./车辆编号 

Paint /车身颜色  Qty /座位数 

BODY /版式  Customer 客户 

Inspection Date/检查日期  Examinator /检验员 




②脱漆/Painting off







⑩钣金凹凸/ unevennes


2  CHASSIS / MECHANISM – 底盘/机械传动机构 








Water Temp./水温 

indicator light/指示灯 

驱动桥  Leak Oil/漏油状况;

GEAR BOX/变速箱  Leak Oil/漏油状况;

BRAKE SYSTEM/制动系统 Parking Brake/驻车制动;Brake Oil



Tyre pressure 轮胎气压 ; Spare

Wheel /备胎

; Hydraulic tank/hose /转向油罐及管 

加注量/CAPACITYLubricating Oil/机油;

Cool water/冷却液 

CHASSIS OVERVIEW/底盘外观  Scratch/碰伤;Rust/生锈;Cable/线束  







COMPRESSOR/压缩机  Running/运行状况 

BLOWER/鼓风机  Running/运行状况 



HEATING/暖气情况  Running/运行状况 


Fan speed selection/风速调节 

Direction selection/风向调节 

F/R A/C switch/前后空调暖风开关  

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BATTERY /电池  Overview /一般状况 

FRONT LAMPS/前照灯; Running /运行状况 

REAR LAMPS/后组合灯  Running /运行状况 


/车内照明 Running /运行状况 

INSTRUMENT/仪表  Switches/翘板开关 

Wiper/Spray/雨刮及喷水; Running /运行状况 

VIDEO/AUDIO/视频音频  Running /运行状况 

BACKUP TV/倒车监视器  Running /运行状况 


MIRROR/电动后视镜 Running /运行状况 

Remote control/ 遥控器  Running /运行状况 

ELECTRICAL HORN/电喇叭  Running /运行状况 

CIGAR LIGHTER/点烟器  Running /运行状况 



检查内容  RESULT检查结果  REMARK



窗; GUARDRAIL/护栏 Leakage water/漏水 

FRONT DOOR/前门 surface / structure/门内饰板;Rubber/门胶

条;Lock/门锁;Door sliding /门滑轨;Gemel/

门铰链; ABCD柱/A-D Column


Rear Door/尾门 

Front windshield/前档玻璃 

Leakage water/漏水;Operation/作动状况;Installation/安装状况 Rear windshield/后档玻璃 

 pull-push window/推拉窗玻璃 

MARK /标志 

Front /前标志; Side /侧标志; Rear /后标

志; Frt door/前门标志; Emergency door/安


6.  DEVICE IN CAR/车内设备 


DRIVER SEAT/司机椅  Installation /装配状况;Operation /操作  

PASSENGER SEAT /乘客椅 Installation/安装状态  ;Operation /操作;

Qty’/数量;Cloth 外套面料 

UPPER COVER/顶棚  Cloth /面料;Smooth/平整度 

FLOOR/地板革  Cloth /面料;Smooth/平整度 




Tool 随车工具 , Key 钥匙 , Operation

Manuel使用说明书, Oil Filter 机滤, Fuel

Filter 油滤, Maintenance Manuel 维修手


Available or not 配备状况 

Special Status/特殊配置 


Report Company Name: Signature:

Report Time: 年  (year) 月  (month) 日  (date)

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附件四 新车走合维护登记表 

Attachment 4 New vehicle break-in maintenance registration form

登记表编号: Register no. 

姓名 customer name 固定电话  tel 手机  MB

单位  customer unit Email

用户地址  customer add MSN

车牌号  license no. 出厂编号 product no. 车型  model

购车日期 purchase date 到港日期 port arrival date 发动机号 Engine no.

走合里程  break-in km 走合维护日期 Break-in date 底盘号 Chassis no.

经销商  sales provider 服务商 service provider

规定项目维护记录:  required items maintenance record



发动机机油  □  变速箱齿轮油  □  后桥齿轮油  □  机油滤芯  □ 

Engine oil gear box gear oil rear axle gear oil oil filter

燃油滤清器滤芯 Fuel filter element □  动力转向油及滤芯 power steering oil and filter element □ 

检查 调整  check, adjust

发动机各种皮带  □  发动机怠速  □  离合器踏板自由行程  □  离合器工作情况  □  制动踏板自由行程  □ 

Engine strap engine idle speed clutch pedal free stroke clutch work condition free pedal free stroke

前悬挂 front suspension□ 后悬挂 rear suspension□ 行车、驻车制动 run/park brake□ 动力转向系统 steer sys.□ 传动系统 drive sys.□ 前轮

前束 front toe-in□ 

各种管路接头  □  全车灯光和仪表  □  离合器液压油  □  制动液  □  冷却液  □  蓄电池液面  □ 

Pipe joint whole bus light & meters clutch hydraulic oil break fluid cooling fluid battery fluid surface



进气系统连接胶管螺栓  □  与底盘连接螺栓螺、螺母  □  变速器固定螺栓  □  传动轴连接螺栓螺母□ 

Intake sys connect rubber bolt bolt, nut connected to chassis transmission fix bolt drive shaft connect bolt nut

前轴所有部件的螺栓、螺母  □  后桥壳与差速器壳螺栓螺母  □  后桥壳后盖半轴螺栓螺母  □  车轮连接螺栓  □ 

Front shaft all parts’ bolt, nut rear axle housing and differential bolt nut rear axle housing rear cover half axle bolt nut wheel

connect bolt

转向系各部位固定螺栓  □  前后制动底板的紧固螺母  □ 

Steering sys each part fix bolt front rear brake bottom plate fix nut

润滑 清洗  lubrication clean

转向球头进行润滑 steer ball head lubrication□  .润滑全车底盘润滑点 lubricate chassis□  传动轴十字轴伸缩套 drive shaft cross

shaft elastic sleeve□ 

转向主销和制动调整臂及凸轮轴 steer master pin, brake adjust arm & camshaft□  空气滤清器滤芯 air filter element□  变速器通气孔

transmission breath hole□ 

其它紧固 调整 检查等维护项目

: other fasten, adjust, check items

用户对本次服务的评价:  appraisal for service this time


very good□ 满意

good□ 基本满意

fairly good□ 不满意

bad□ 很不满意

very bad□ 服 务 商 盖 章   service provider 

signature不满意的原因:reason for Dissatisfaction

用户签字:  customer sign 负责人签字:   person in charge




 Note: 1. The sheet will take effect after customer signature and service provider official stamp.

2. Mark "√" in "□" of each item to denote finished maintenance.

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附件五 金龙产品首次维护项目与要求 

Attachment 5 Kong Long Product First Time Maintenance Items & Requirement(Diesel) 

1. To replace engine oil:

Use diesel engine oil, which must meet the standard:API: CI-4 or over CI-4

SAE:10W-40 (Cold area:SAE:5W-30)

2. Replace engine oil filter ; 

3. Clean air filter ; 

4. Check and adjust fan belt, air conditioning belts and power steering belt tightness; 

5. For the battery which needs to be maintenance , please check the battery electrolyte, add distilled water when it’s not enough,

tighten the battery connector and clean the dirt at joints; 

6. Check whether the engine run in steady state; 

7. Check coolant, brake fluid, power, oil, liquid , added when level is insufficient, check whether the pipes, hoses and joints loose or

leak oil;

8. To replace gearbox oil: oil must meet the standard:API:GL-4 SAE:80W/90; 

9. Replace the differential gear oil: oil must meet the standard:API:GL-5 SAE:85W/90 (for hot place: SAE:85w/140); 

10. Check and adjust the free clearance of steering gear, check and adjust the toe in; 

11. Check and adjust the driving brake, clearance between the parking brake shoe and brake drum ,adjust wheel axial clearance; 

12. Check tire pressure, wheel nut torque; 

13. Check and adjust the clutch, brake pedal free travel and parking brake travel

14. Check whether the lights, instruments, speakers, all the electrical and wiring harness plug connection are in good condition.

15.Check air-conditioning system; 

16. Check the engine, chassis, parts of leaking oil and bolts fastening situation; 

17. All the grease fitting of the chassis should be filled in the grease meets the requirement;

Kong Long Product Maintenance Items & Requirement(



1. To replace engine oil: Oil must meet the standard: 

491Q、4RB2 engine:API:SJ SAE:10W-40、(for cold place:SAE:5W-30); 

V19、V20 engine: API:SL SAE:10W-40、(for cold place:SAE:5W-30); 

2.Replace the engine oil filter ; 

3. Clean the air filter ; 

4. Examine and adjust the fan belt, air conditioning belts and power steering belt tensioner ;

5. Non-maintenance-free battery, check the battery electrolyte, add distilled water when it’s sufficient, tighten the battery connector

and remove the dirt at joints;

6. Check whether the engine run in steady state

7.Check coolant, brake fluid, power, oil, liquid , added when level is insufficient, check wether the pipes, hoses and joints loose or

leak oil;

8. To replace gearbox oil, oil must meet the standard: API: GL-4 SAE: 80W/90;

9. Replace the differential gear oil, oil must meet the standard: API: GL-5 SAE: 85W/90 (for hot place: SAE:85w/140);

10. Examine and adjust the free space of direction machine, examine and adjust the toe in;

11. Examine and adjust the driving brake, gap between the parking brake shoe and brake drum ,adjust wheel axial clearance

12. Check tire pressure, wheel nut torque

13. Examine and adjust the clutch, brake pedal free travel and parking brake travel

14. Check whether the lights, instruments, speakers, all the electrical and wiring harness plug connection is in good condition;

15. Check air-conditioning systems; 

16. Check the engine, chassis, parts of leaking oil and bolts fastening situation; 


2、除机油滤清器和燃油滤清器由金龙承担外,其余材料由用户承担。  Remarks: 1. Other models’ adjustment, inspection items should follow specific data in “King Long Microbus Maintenance and

Warranty Manual”;

2. King Long bears oil filter and fuel filter, other material should be borne by customer itself.

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附件六 新车走合维护明细表 

Attachment 6 Vehicle Breaking-in Maintenance List

























Overseas Service







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附件七 金龙海狮系列海外保修政策 


The King Long Overseas Warranty Policy (Warranty Policy) is used as a guideline for warranty judgment on King Long Products

(definition described hereunder) .

1. Definition 


King Long Products: 6-metre below buses or coaches.


Customers: King Long HAISE Products’ purchaser or user.

2. Warranty Precondition 

King Long Products are required to operate, carry out the maintenances at all levels as per required at the Operation Manuel, the

related maintenance records shall be kept well for Warranty.

3. Warranty Scope

The failure or defects in King Long products’ material or workmanship occurring during the warranty period .

4. Warranty Period 

4.1  CBU Warranty Period

The CBU (Complete Bus Unit) warranty period is 24 months or 60,000km whichever comes first and begins on the date

of first registration stated on the vehicle registration form,which maximum shall not be more than ninety (90) days after King

Long Products’ arrival at the destination port.

4.2  Warranty Period for Different Components on CBU Parts

 No. Sort Part Name Warranty Period



Engine body

and its


Main bearing, Connecting rod liner, camshaft bearing, crankshaft thrust sheet,

 piston ring, cylinder liner, fuel supply pump, carbon tank solenoid valve, water

 pump, radiator, muffler, varied belt pulley, varied filter seat,  Fuel /water

separator ,  thermostat, cylinder gasket, Three element catalytic converter,

engine suspension cushion

12 months or



camshaft Clutch pressure plate, clutch release fork & shaft, clutch master cylinder, slave

cylinder, oil tank, propeller shaft universal joints

Front / rear

axle &



Steering oil tank, oil pipe, wheel hub, bearing for axles

Brake system Brake drum, vacuum booster, brake master cylinder, wheel cylinder, valves


systemShock absorber


Door lock, door lock remote controller, air spring, hydraulic spring, passengerseat adjusting unit, daylight lamp, automatic extinguishers, glass lifter



Varied sensors,  relays, switches, horn, engine flameout magnet valve, wiper

motor, wiper linkage mechanism, wiring harness

Other parts Non-rubber oil seals


A/C or heater

24 months

Body system

Surface paint, covering parts or surface decorative parts, body framework,

 body floor




Filter elements, bushes, lubricating oil (grease), coolant, brake oil, antifreeze,

liquid storage bottle of A/C, bulbs, rubber parts, rubber seal elements ,gasket

and washer, fuses, clutch disc, friction disc, broken glass, battery etc. No warranty



Spark plug, tyre, engine fuel injector and plunger, wiper blades, brushes of

alternator and starter, brake disc, current bearing etc

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 No. Sort Part Name Warranty Period



Parts not purchased by King Long

Artificial damage or other external damage part

Note: 4.2.1 The warranty period will be terminated upon the above mentioned time or mileage whichever comes first.

4.2.2 The warranty period for the parts not mentioned above is the same as the CBU.

4.3  KD warranty period should be provided as attachment by minibus service center

4.4  Warranty Mileage Calculation

4.1.1  If odometer runs well, the indication shall be adopted as the mileage for warranty.


In case that the odometer is defective, the mileage will be calculated by 100km per day based on the previous

maintenance record. In case of no previous maintenance record available, the mileage calculation of 100km per day shall

start from the effective date of warranty.

5. Warranty Exemption 

King Long does not take any legal liability or make compensation for the failures due to any of the following reasons:


Any consequence arising from modifying or converting King Long Products’ electrical system, changing fuse models or

specifications as well as using improper or unqualified fuses without King Long’s approval in writing.


Malfunction, accidents or failures including any related failure as well as consequence due to conversion, change or

modification of the parts or complete vehicle without King Long’s permission, replacement with unqualified parts or

substitutes of other manufacturer’s brand.


Damage of the engine or even the vehicle due to engine pipe leakage. Sealing of the engine intake and exhaust system shall be

examined from time to time.


Any consequence caused by continuing use of defective instruments without eliminating problem. Instruments indicatingengine oil pressure, water temperature, water level and air pressure shall be ensured normal operation.

5.5  Any loss caused by the failure due to using fuel, lubricating oil/grease, coolant, braking oil or electrolyte not conforming to the

requirement of King Long’s Operation Manual.

5.6  Any loss caused by continuing use of defective vehicle without eliminating problems, thus leading to expansion or

deterioration of the failures. Please note that vehicles shall stop operation until the failure is solved.


Any damage arising from improper maintenance not as required at the Operation Manuel, or by incorrect operation like over

speeding, overload and off-road driving etc.

5.8  Any loss of failure due to improper or wrong adjustment, fastening not as required at the Maintenance Manuel.


Any damage caused by vehicle operation without proper and necessary maintenance after a long-period (over 60 days)



Any indirect or subjectively assumed loss, like assumed turnover, alternative transport or telecommunication expenses,

spiritual compensation, etc. Or any harm or damage to the third party, person or property.

5.11 Any damage caused by Force Majeure (flood, earthquake, fire, hail, storm, dust etc.)


Any consequence caused by not using the original genuine King Long parts (purchased from King Long or through the

channel permitted by King Long in writing).


Any damage caused by parts not supplied by King Long.


 Normal wearing and tearing is not included in the warranty.


6. Arbitration

6.1 King Long reserves the right on final determination on the Warranty Policy and warranty claim issues.

6.2 Unless otherwise settled through mutual consultation, all disputes or differences which may arise in connection with this

Warranty Policy, the arbitration shall take place at the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission

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(“CIETAC”) under CIETAC rules.

7. Validity 

The validity of this Warranty Policy is until December 31, 2011.

8. Release Date

The policy was published on March 1, 2009.

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附件八 索赔单 

Attachment 8 Warranty Claim

Xiamen King Long United Automotive Industry Co., Ltd.

Add: 9 King Long Rd, Jimei, Xiamen 321023, Fujian, ChinaTel:+86-592-6370372/6370538 Fax:+86-592-6370241

Email: [email protected]


Date: No. *: 

Distributor/Dealer* : Contact Person* :

Tel*: Fax*: Email*:

Customer*: Contact Person*:

Tel*: Fax*: Email*:

Warranty Period*: ______ Months or Km Operation Kilometrage*: Km

Arrival Date (Destination Port)*: (mm/dd/yy) Failure Date*:


Vehicle Model*: Vehicle Series No.*:

VIN*: Engine No.*:

Failure Description*:

Conjectural Cause*:

Claimable Parts List (Confirmed Warranty Parts are required to be preserved for one year)

Ser. Part No. Description Qty Remark (Urgent /



Appointed Consignee Address:

Dealer/Distributor Signature*

King Long Overseas Service Centre Use Only

Approved Warranty Parts List:

Ser. Part No. Description Qty Unit Price Sub Amount


Total Amount

Approved by: Date:

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Photo Attachment


Vehicle Photo * 

(Frontal Appearance)

License Plate Photo * 

Kilometrage on Dashboard

Odometer Photo * 


Chassis No. Photo

Claimable Parts Photo * 

or Damaged Parts Photo * 


1.  All the items marked with * shall be filled in as a required requirement. Representative of dealer or distributor is required to sign

 before sending the warranty claim to King Long Overseas Service Centre.


The warranty claim is required to be declared within five days after failure happened.

3.  Photos are required to attach to complete the warranty claim.


King Long reserves the right to make the final decision on the warranty claim.

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附件九 保修车辆维修竣工验收单 

Attachment 9 Warranty Vehicle Repair Completion Form






Repair Finish Date


License no.


Product No.




Purchase Date


Breakdown Date



故障现象  Failure Description

作业内容 Operation 更换配件名称  Replaced Part 数量 Qty.

用户对本次服务的评价  Appraisal on the service this time

很满意  □  满意  □  基本满意  □  不满意  □  很不满意□ 

Very good Good Fairly good Bad Very bad 


Service Provider Signature And Stamp

不满意的原因:Reason for Dissatisfaction


Customer Signature


Warranty Engineer Signature

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附件十 索赔费用对账单 

Attachment 10 Warranty Claim Expense Account Confirmation

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附件十一 配件订购询价单 

Attachment 11 King Long Inquiring List

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附件十二 金龙 VIS 视觉识别系统 

Attachment 12 King Long VIS

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附件十三 海外售后服务代理协议 

Attachment 13 Overseas After-Sales Service Agreement

This Overseas After-Sales Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “this agreement”) is made on this

day of 2010, in Xiamen, China by and between Xiamen King Long United Automotive Industry Co. Ltd.

under the laws of People’s Republic of China, with legal address at No. 9 King Long Road, Jimei District,

Xiamen, Fujian, P.R. China (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”), and______________________, a Company

under the laws of , with legal address at

 ________________________ ___________________(hereinafter referred to as “Party B”).

Whereas, the parties will sign an exclusive distributorship agreement in the territory of _____________________

for the distribution of a certain number of king long’s vehicle products in accordance with the terms and

conditions of the exclusive distributor agreement( the “Distributorship Agreement”) in which party B will be as a

distributor and Party A will be as a manufacturer.

Whereas both parties desire to maintain a good market reputation of KING LONG products and provide a high

quality after-sales service to the customers in the territory. And part B is willing to provide all after-sales servicesin the territory as a service provider for party A.

Therefore, in consideration of mutual covenants and undertaking contained herein, the parties agree as follows:

Article 1 - General Principle 

1.1 Party B shall provide after-sale service of products under the scope of a permission stipulated in this


1.2 Party A and Party B agree with the service regulations published by Party A as this agreement’s attachment,

which will be legally binding upon both parties.

Article 2 - Relationship of the parties

2.1 This Agreement is for After-Sales Service purpose only, and does not create the relationship of principal and

agent between the Party A and Party B.

2.2 Party B will be solely responsible for compliance with any laws, decrees, regulations or orders affecting the

dealers, agents, representatives, employees or workers of Party B, and will hold the Party A harmless from

any and all consequences whatsoever arising in connection therewith.

2.3 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Party A and Party B hereto with respect to the

subject matter hereof, and supersedes any and all prior warranty agreements, After-Sales Service agreements,

understandings, promises and representations concerning the subject matter hereof, and shall also be deemed

as a complete and exclusive statement of the terms and conditions. No modification of, addition to, or waiver

of any of the terms of this Agreement shall be effective unless contained in a written instrument signed by

each of the parties hereto.

2.4 Territory shall mean the following: _____________________________

Article 3 - Definition

3.1 The King Long product mentioned in this agreement refers to King Long Microbuses manufactured by

Party A in CBU exported to the Territory in Article 2.4.

3.2 Customers: The purchaser or user of King Long Products.

Article 4 - Warranty

4.1 The warranty period

4.1.1 Microbus: 24 months or 60,000 Km whichever comes first and begins on the date of first registration

stated on the vehicle registration form.

4.1.2 The warranty policy is listed in Attachment 7.

4.2 The date of first registration shall be within ninety (90) days from the date of King Long Products arriving at

the destination port. If not, Party B shall make the promise to the end user that the warranty period

commence from the vehicle registration date, then Party B shall solely take the responsibility of warranty

 beyond the scope of king long's commitment.

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4.3 Party A and Party B hereto agree that the damage or consumption of Lubricants or consumables listed in the

warranty policy resulted from the other defective parts in the course of warranty period are not in the


4.4 Party B shall notify Party A about each vehicle registration date by sending an email copy of registration

document issued by the __________ Ministry of Transport.

4.5 Party A warrants that the Vehicles conform with the standards required by the competent authorities in theTerritory.

Article 5 - Scope of Permission

Party A permits Party B to provide after-sales service for King Long product in the Territory in Article 2.4

5.1 Carry out new vehicle break-in maintenance and periodical maintenance for King Long products.

5.2 Carry out the warranty business for King Long products.

5.3 Provide maintenance service besides King Long product warranty.

5.4 Sell King Long spare parts.

5.5 Provide usage operation, maintenance training and technical support to customers.

Article 6 - Responsibility and Obligation of Party A6.1 Formulate and provide King Long bus maintenance regulation, warranty policy, spare parts policy and related

service management principle and method, supervise, check and instruct Party B to carry out after-sales

service work.

6.2 Party A shall reimburse Party B for Warranty granted by Party A. The exact means of payment is stipulated in

Article 10.

6.3 Party A shall be in charge of instructing and recommending the spare parts order details of sold bus model and

supplying the maintenance parts to Party B.

6.4 Supply to Party B relevant bus model’s “Maintenance Guide”, “Product Operation Manual”, “Spare Parts

Catalogue” and relevant product improving information.

6.5 Party A shall provide the technical consultation on product and relevant information about spare parts price, as

well as the technical support to Party B.

6.6 Training

Party A shall supply Party B with all necessary technical support to train Party B’s technicians for

After-Sales Service free of charge.

6.6.1 Party A supplies technical and business training to Party B in Party A’s location according to the local

market service needs and product layout. Party A provides local transportation and training free of charge.

6.6.2 Based on application of Party B, Party A shall provide 1-3 technicians to be present in the Territory to train

the Party B’s technicians. Salaries and transport costs in respect of Party A technicians shall be borne by

Party A, and Party B shall bear the expenses of the Party A technicians’ accommodation, localtransportation and telecommunication costs while the technicians are in the Territory.

6.7 Resident Service Assistance

6.7.1 Party A shall provide 1-3 experienced and competent engineers to remain resident in the Territory during the

warranty period so as to give Party B the service assistance support in relation to any technical problems if


6.7.2 Salaries and transport costs in respect of said Party A’s Engineers shall be borne by Party A, and Party B

shall bear the expenses of the said Party A Engineers’ accommodation, local transportation and

telecommunication costs while the Engineers are in the Territory.

6.8 Party A is in charge of providing service network construction standard to Party B and guiding Party B on its

service network construction.

6.9 Supplying Visual Identity System to Party B on King Long overseas service network.

Article 7 - Responsibility and Obligations of Party B

7.1 Party B shall be responsible for providing all after-sales service permitted by party A for King Long products

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in the territory of . If not, Party A is entitled to terminate its permission towards Party B.

For the sold products, Party B should still hold the liability of providing relevant after-sales service at the

requirement of Party A.

7.2 Party B shall, as a bus repair and maintenance company, have bus repair and maintenance qualification; Party

B shall follow Party A’s image design for Party B and can use Party A’s company emblem, label and hang

“King Long” mark in image layout and parts sales if permitted7.3 Party B shall set personnel organization, repair workshop, tools and equipment according to “King Long

Overseas Service Network Construction Standard”.

7.4 Party B shall supply following service to customers:

7.4.1 Vehicle inspection at destination port: According to the items listed on Arriving Inspection Report, Party B shall make an inspection after

vehicles arrive at destination port. Party B shall eliminate the damage or breakdown occurred on vehicle delivery. During the inspection, Party B shall find the vehicles not to meet the sales contract or do not conform to

the territory regulations and legislation. Party A shall do all necessary modifications to bring the Vehicles

Fit to be registered at the assigned territory in Article 2.4. Party B shall fill the inspection result into Arriving Inspection Report after the inspection has been finished.

The scan version of Arriving Inspection Report executed by Party B should be sent to Party A within 15

working days.

7.4.2 Pre-delivery Inspection: while the vehicle is going to be sold to the end customer, Party B shall make PDI

according to the items listed on the PDI form, the inspection result shall be filled in PDI form by Party B

with its signature and sent back to Party A with scan version within 15 working days.

7.4.3 New vehicle break-in maintenance: new vehicle break-in maintenance shall be performed twice according to

“King Long Microbus Maintenance and Warranty Manual ”

7.4.4 Warranty service: Party B shall provide warranty service to end users based on the warranty policy provided

 by Party A, and the items belonging to warranty range should not be charged.

7.4.5 Service beyond warranty: Party B should provide paid maintenance service beyond warranty period to

customers, and the charge standard of service and other relevant issues shall be governed by the local laws

and regulations.

7.4.6 Spare parts service: Party B shall provide tools, oil and diesel filter element which are provided by Party A

free of charge to customers at no cost. Party B should follow agreed max profit ratio 30 % to sell spare

 parts; the highest price of spare parts to customer: Party B purchase cost × max profit ratio agreed by two


7.4.7 Establish customer archives: Party B is responsible for providing Party A with local King Long product

owned quantity, establishing vehicle archives, customer archives, organizing customer visit periodically,

giving feedback on customer needs, market information and industry information to Party A timely.

7.4.8 Consultation service: Party B is responsible for guiding and training customers on King Long bus technical

function, structure characteristics, proper usage, repair method etc. as “Product Operation Manual”


7.4.9 Quality information feedback: Party B should send written report of important, typical or batch quality

 problems to Party A within 24 hours and should cooperate with Party A to deal with it actively.

7.5 Party B shall reserve breakdown parts of warranty range for at least 6 months in order to be confirmed by

Party A. During this period, if any staff of Party A is not sent to Party B to deal with the breakdown parts,Party B will be entrusted in writing by Party A to handle with them. The remaining value of the breakdown

 parts belongs to Party B. If Party A needs to get parts back, Party B shall cooperate with Party A. The cost

will be borne by Party A.

7.6 Spare parts storage and purchase

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7.6.1 Party B shall purchase adequate genuine and original King Long Spare Parts and accessories in stock and

available for after-sales service. Spare parts minimum storage standard recommended as follows:

KL Vehicle Quantity (Units) Minimum Storage Amount (USD)

Qty ≤ 20 $ 2,000 - $ 5,000

20 < Qty ≤ 100 $ 10,000 - $ 20,000

100 < Qty ≤ 200 $ 30,000 - $ 60,000

200 < Qty ≤ 500 $ 70,000 - $ 100,000

500 < Qty ≤ 1000 $ 110,000 - $ 160,000

1000 < Qty ≤ 2000 $ 170,000 - $ 230,000

2000 < Qty ≤ 4000 $ 240,000 - $ 310,000

Qty > 4000 More than $ 320,000

7.6.2 After the customs clearance of the spare parts purchased by Party B from Party A, Party B should inspectand receive timely and give feedback to Party A on excessive amount, lack amount or wrong parts within

15 working days, otherwise, Party A will not accept and handle them.

7.7 In order to improve customer satisfaction, Party B shall cooperate with Party A actively to make customer

satisfaction survey and appraisal, and send feedback of appraisal result to Party A.

7.8 Party B shall support Party A to organize service and advocate Party A and its products, maintain Party A’s

social reputation and image.

7.9 Party B shall be responsible for treating King Long bus technical material, drawing, scratches, samples,

techniques, quality trend, business information and relative decision as confidential, and shall not disclose to

the third party or make it publicly available or accessible in any way. If Party B discloses the said

confidential information to any third party or make it publicly available in any way without Party A’s priorwritten consent, Party A reserves the right to terminate this agreement and all the economic losses thus

caused to Party A shall be borne by Party B.

Article 8 - Spare Parts Terms 

8.1 Spare Parts Quotation Terms: the quotation of parts is calculated based on the price of FOB XIAMEN port,

China. Party A shall bear the expenses related to packing and terminal handling charges .The freight,

insurance of parts shall be borne by Party B.

8.2 Emergency order: Extra fee equivalent to 10% of the parts price for emergency order by Party B shall be

charged by Party A.

8.3 Refund: If Party B’s order is cancelled after confirmed by Party B before delivery, 30% of the total price of

 parts will be charged by Party A as refund expense.

8.4 Settlement for Parts Difference

8.4.1 Excessive amount parts in principle should be handled by two parties’ negotiation; Party A will be

responsible for the lack amount parts caused by Party A. After the reason is confirmed by party A, the

compensation will be treated as warranty claim parts and the part delivery ocean freight shall be paid by

Party A.

8.4.2 The wrong parts reserve period is two years since Party A confirms it belongs to wrong part. During this

 period, if the engineers of Party A need to come onsite to check but haven’t obtained visa, the reserve time

will be extended for 3 months after Party A’s engineers come to check onsite. If during this period, Party A

has informed Party B in writing to send the wrong parts to the designated place, the reserve time shall beextended until the completion of parts shipment.

8.4.3 Wrong parts treatment shall follow Party A’s requirement. During reserve period, if Party B needs to use

wrong parts, Party B shall send an application to Party A. With Party A’s permission, they can use and pay

to Party A according to the part price on application date. Party B applies to Party A for wrong part

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treatment if wrong part exceeds reserve period.

Article 9 - Warranty Claim Procedure

9.1 Party B shall analyze & identify the reason for failure timely and correctly . If the liability party is King Long

and the value of the warranty Claim exceeds USD 200.00 for above 6 meter or USD150.00 for microbus,

Party B shall get the written permission from Party A prior for warranty.

9.2 Party B shall fill-in completely the warranty claim form in English as per Party A’s requirement, which shall be sent by E-mail to Party A within 48 hours from when the claim happened. Party A shall not effect any

compensation without the Warranty Claim Form filled completely, but all the relevant warranty items shall

 be refilled within 15 working days by Party B. Party A reserves the right for judging whether breakdown

conform to warranty claim.

9.3 Party A will supply spare parts free of charge for warranty by sea only if Party A confirms Party B’s warranty

claim application on spare parts warranty. In case of air cargo or courier is required, the difference compared

with sea freight shall be afforded by Party B.

9.4 Party B should effect repairs for Warranty Claims by using spare parts of other suppliers, when this spare parts

isn’t available at Party A or when the delivery time is too long, which obliges the vehicle stop, but ever after

agreement with Party A.

9.5 Party B shall protect Party A from any fraud warranty claims by third parties.

9.6 Party A is entitled to make the final decision on the approval of the Warranty Claim Application.

Article 10 - Warranty Reimbursement

10.1 Warranty Reimbursement =parts expense (FOB XIAMEN) +parts managing expense

10.1.1 The parts supplied by Party A free of charge for warranty is not included in the said part expense

10.1.2 Managing Expense is only applicable for those King Long Genuine Spare Parts which have been purchased

 by Party B in its warehouse and used for warranty maintenance only.

10.1.3 Managing expenses for different components is as below:

Spare Part Name Managing Expense

Engine assy, transmission assy, front/rear axle assy, frame assy

A/C condenser, retarder assy, ECUParts FOB Value × 10%

Other spare(except above-mentioned) parts Parts FOB Value × 15%

10.1.4 The Labor Cost is not included.

10.2 All taxes, duties and customs regarding to conclusion and execution of this Agreement shall be paid by Party

A in the territory of People's Republic of China and by Party B out the territory of People's Republic of

China.10.3 Expense payment

After the said Reimbursement confirmed by two parties, Party B shall issue commercial invoice. Invoice

value shall be the value confirmed by two parties. After receiving invoice, Party A will deal with invoice

value in any of following ways depending on specific circumstance:

10.3.1 Transit it into Party B’s spare parts purchase fund.

10.3.2 Retain in Party B’s reserve fund account in KING LONG as deposit for the next time spare parts purchase.

10.3.3 Transit in cash to Party B.

Article 11 - Assignment

11.1 Party B shall not assign any or all of its rights and obligations under this agreement to any third party unless prior written consent from Party A.

11.2 Party B shall appoint a designated other after-sales centers within every 300 Km radius in the territory in

Article 2.4. Party B shall inform in writing Party B with all Contact Details such as, Name, Address,

Telephone numbers Telfax and E-Mail of all appointed after-sales centers in the Territory in Article 2.4.

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11.3 Party A shall not be held responsible for bad workmanship affected by Third parties or designated appointed

after-sales center in the Territory in Article 2.4.

Article 12 - Cooperation with the third parties

12.1 Party A shall be well equipped with a database of all Vehicles sold in Europe, The said database shall be

accessible through the internet and available to all European distributors to check the Year of manufacturing,

Year of first Registration and if the Vehicle in dispute will be covered by the warranty provided by Party A.12.2 Party B shall not refuse to effect repairs under warranty for Vehicles Manufactured by Party A that were sold

 by other distributors from Europe, and that are traveling in the territory in article 2.4.

Article 13 - Termination of Agreement

13.1 During the valid period of this agreement, in the event that one party fails to perform any or all the

obligations under this agreement, and fails to eliminate or remedy such breach within 30 days following the

receipt of the notice thereof from the non-breaching party, the non-breaching party shall have the right to

terminate this agreement.

13.2 In case of bankruptcy, liquidation and dissolution of one party, this agreement terminates automatically. The

termination of this agreement shall not relieve the outstanding claims and liabilities of both parties.

13.3 Before agreement terminates, two parties should settle all the legal and financial issues including but not

limited to the outstanding claims and liabilities and should not shuffle and delay for any excuse. The

economic loss caused by shuffling or delay should be borne by the shuffling party.

13.4 On terminating this agreement, Party B should return the property reserved at Party B but belongs to Party A.

Party B should not be allowed to use Party A’s mark or in the name of Party A to provide relevant service,

otherwise Party B should pay USD 50,000.00 to USD 100,000.00 infringement compensation


Article 14 - Force Majeure

 Neither party shall be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of obligations under this

agreement due to flood, fire, earthquake, war, strike, turbulence or any other events that are unforeseeable at thetime of the execution of this agreement and could not be controlled, avoided or overcome by such party. However,

the party whose performance is affected by the event of Force Majeure should inform the other party of its

occurrence as soon as possible in written form and a certificate or a document of the occurrence of the Force

Majeure event issued by the relevant authority shall be sent to the other party by airmail not later than 15 days

after its occurrence. If force majeure event lasts more than 3 months, both parties can terminate this agreement

through negotiation.

Article 15-Confidentiality

During the performance of this agreement, the parties shall treat any technical and commercial information

acquired from each other as confidential and not disclose to any third party, and not make it publicly available or

accessible in any way. Confidentiality period shall be ten years starting from the effective date of this agreementor terminates when the relevant technical and commercial information becomes publicly known information.

Article16- Validity of Agreement

16.1 This agreement is made out in duplicate in English.

16.2 Any amendment or supplement to this agreement shall be through friendly negotiation of both parties and

made in writing.

16.3 This agreement shall come into force since the executive date of the authorized representatives of both

 parties,. The agreement’s valid period is two years, namely from _____ to _____ _.

16.4 Any matter which not included in this agreement shall be settled through two parties’ negotiation. The parties

shall enter into supplement agreement, and the supplement agreement shall have the same legal effect with

this agreement.

16.5 All disputes arising from the performance of, or in connection with this agreement shall be settled through

friendly negotiation between both parties hereto. In case no settlement can be reached through negotiation,

the case shall be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in

accordance with the arbitration rules and the procedure for the said commission. The award of arbitration

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shall be final and binding upon both parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by its authorized

representative as of the day and year first above written.

Party A: Xiamen King Long United Automotive Industry Co., Ltd. (stamp)

Representative signature:

Party B: (stamp)

Representative signature:

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附件十四 配件验收回执单 

Attachment 14 Parts Acceptance Receipt

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附件十五 配件核正单 

Attachment 15 Part Verification List
