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Kingdom of Heaven as declared by Jesus and John

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  • 7/28/2019 Kingdom of Heaven as declared by Jesus and John


    Kingdom of Heaven & God: by O. P. Armstrong, July 2013 r3/15

    Kingdom of God as declaredbyJesus & Apostles

    Daviddeclared by the Spirit

    All theendsof theworldshall remember and turn unto the LORD: andallthe kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. For thekingdomisthe LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations. All they that befat upon earth shall eat and worship: all they that go down to the dustshall bow before him: and none can keep alive his own soul. A seed shallserve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. They shall

    come, and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born,that he hath done this

    Danielsaid of Christ Kingdom:And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom,

    which shallneverbe destroyed: and the kingdomshall not be left to otherpeople, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it

    shall stand for ever. FN3TheAngel speaking to Mary of Jesus stated clearly:He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord

    God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign overthe house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdomthere will be no end

    Jesus during his natural life plainly spoke;Thelaw and the prophets were until John. Since that time the kingdom of

    Godhas been preached, and everyone is pressing into it.ToNicodemus heexplained "Most assuredly I say to you unless one is born again he

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    explained Most assuredly I say to you unless one is born again he

    Kingdom of Heaven & God: by O. P. Armstrong, July 2013 r3/15

    It is the mystery of the kingdom, the coming of the Lord, the plan of the ages,the meaning of the times, the purpose of the dispensation, the secret of the lasttime, which so many have missed and which is so blessed to understand. Oh,

    that the ministry of today might better know and more faithfully impart to thehousehold of faith the mystery of the kingdom and the treasures of the Father'shouse. Then would we cease to sorrow over the wretched degeneracy of themodern pulpit and a large part of the modern Church. Then would men losetheir taste for the silly sensation, the empty trivialities, the lengthy recreationswhich bear so often the very name of religion, and invade so frequently the

    sanctity of the pulpit and the very sanctuary of God.

    Such a steward was Eliezer, Abraham's servant,whotook his master's treasures and went forth to win forhis son a bride, and attracted her confidence and lovetoward his noble master, first showing her and thenbestowing upon her the rich treasures which he hadbrought. The ministry of Christ is appointed todispense the richest treasures of God's grace. To usare committed the mysteries of the kingdom ofheaven. Paul tells us what some of these mysteriesare. One of them was the glorious secret of Christ's in-dwelling through the Holy Ghost. This was themystery that had been hid from ages and generations,

    and was at last made manifest to the saints, which is Christ in you, the hope ofglory. This glorious mystery the apostle longed to communicate to all the world,to tell them of the power and of a Presence that could be a substitute for all

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    Kingdom of Heaven & God: by O. P. Armstrong, July 2013 r3/15

    Holy Ghost. Beloved, do not let us be left behind. May God arouse us fromlethargy, apathy and petty goals. We have a glorious crown to win. We have aliving age in which to win it. We have one short life to gain our future rewards.

    This will be our joy and crown of rejoicing in the presence of Christ at Hiscoming. That we are laying up our treasures over yonder and life is beinginvested in the glorious possibilities and prospects of the ages to come and thekingdom which shall never pass away. Let us then be "steadfast, immovable,always abounding in the work of the Lord," for "we know that our labor is not invain in the Lord.' When the Lord Jesus appeared we find Him at once facingthe "Sabbath question, and we notice two distinctattitudes which He takes from the beginning. The first is apositive recognition of the Sabbath as one of theinstitutions which He assumed and incorporated into Hiskingdom and took under His direction and authority. "The

    Son of man," He says, "is Lord also of the Sabbath."Mark2.28.In the Lord's day parallel passage in Matthew12:1-8, He assumes still more authoritative direction ofthis day; and, after citing several Old Testament precedents for a properfreedom in the observance of the day, as, for example, in the case of David andthe priests themselves, who were obliged to minister in the many manual

    services. He then adds the strong expression of His authority to deal with theSabbath supremely: "ButI say unto you that in this place is one greater thanthe temple, for the Son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath day." The LordJe Ch i t th di tinctl ecogni e the Sabbath b t on the othe hand He

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    ordinances of His kingdom to develop out of the circumstances that gave thembirth.The Gospel did not start out as a rigid system of theology laying down cardinal

    principles and enacting written laws like the Mosaic economy but it grew out ofliving facts so that every institution and ordinance of Christianity has behind itan incident rather than a proclamation. Even the Lord's Supper grew out of thefarewell meeting of Christ with His disciples.The very assemblies of Christianity evolved themselves out of the simplegatherings of the apostles. The government of the Christian Church was not

    laid down in any text book or manual of laws, but evolved gradually out of thehistory of the early Church. So it was with the Sabbath and its importantchanges. He wanted it to spring spontaneously in their hearts as the newmemorial of something dearer than even the deliverance from Egypt, or thefirst creation, and. so keeping ever before their minds the great fact of Hiscoming resurrection as the central point of the Christian faith and hope. Heordered that glorious event to come, not on the Jewish Sabbath, which was notfitted to signalize it, for it marked rather the end ofthings than the beginning of a new series of gloriousevents which run through eternal ages. One other glimpse of the light shines through thedimness, where we find the apostle Johngoing aparton this same dayand the Holy Ghost was recognizing

    it, and the Lord Jesus making a personal visit fromthe heavens and giving to his aged servant theapocalyptic vision of the coming ages and the kingdom of glory.

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    the things which He said were written the world would not contain the booksthat should be written.

    Another was the mystery of the kingdom, the coming of the Lord, the plan of

    the ages, the meaning of the times, the purpose of the dispensation, the secretof the last time, which so many have missed and which is so blessed tounderstand.Oh, that the ministry of today might better know and more faithfully impart tothe household of faith the mystery of the kingdom and the treasures of theFather's house. Then would we cease to sorrow over the wretched degeneracy of

    the modern pulpit and a large part of the modern Church. Then would men losetheir taste for the silly sensation, the empty trivialities, the lengthy recreationswhich bear so often the very name of religion, and invade so frequently thesanctity of the pulpit and the very sanctuary of God.

    And so, early in this epistle we are brought into immediate contact with thegreat Redeemer "who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hathtranslated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: In whom we have redemptionthrough his blood, even the forgiveness of sins." "And having made peacethrough the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; ...whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. And you, that weresometimes alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hathhe reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy andunblamable and unreproveable in his sight." Here we find redemption reaching

    even farther than sinful men, for Christ hath reconciled all things both in earthand heaven.It was out of darkness: "Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and

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    In speaking of the true seed of the kingdom Christ says the good seed are "thechildren of the kingdom." And so again He says, "Ye are the light of the world."It is not what we say, but what we are and what Christ is within us that

    constitutes the strength of our testimony and the power of our life. It is the lifeof Christ within shining through the broken vessel in a suffering saint, a feebleinstrumentality that most honors God and most effectively works for Hiskingdom and glory.David, inhis exile years, was surrounded by the outlawsand outcasts of Israel, but through the power of his own

    personality and the grace of God that was with him, thesemen became transformed into his noblest followers andfriends, and afterward were made the very princes of Hiskingdom. So the Lord Jesus Christ takes us, a company ofpoor, worthless sinners and things that are despised, and,by the transforming power of His grace, He lifts us intoHis own likeness, and crowns us with His own glory. Andso, as we are thrown into the society of evil men, be it oursto lift and ennoble them, and instead of letting them draw us down let us liftthem up to the mounts of blessing, where God has set us, in order that we maybe the lights of a dark world and shine the brighter through the very darknessthat surrounds us.

    But the redeemer not only sacrificed his own inheritance, but also brought backthe forfeited inheritance of the dead husband; and so our precious God hasbrought back for us all that we lost in Adam, and added to it infinitely more --all the f llne of Hi g ace all the iche of Hi glo all that the age to co e

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    is also our Husband. Not only does He come down into our nature in theincarnation, but He takes us up into His person in that wondrous betrothalwhich is to reach its consummation in the Marriage of the Lamb.

    Finally, the fruit of the union was the dynasty of David and the birth of JesusChrist, the Son of man, the King of kings, and Lord of lords. Ruth's faithbrought her into a family of princes and a kingdom of glory. And so for us, too,redemption means a crown and a throne at the Master's glorious coming. Butback of the throne and the crown lays the love story of redemption and the boldappropriation of faith. We must learn to know the Bridegroom now if we would

    sit with Him upon His throne then and share the glory of His millennial reign.Oh! shall we take Him as our Redeemer, our Husband, and our coming Lord,and have Him say to us, "Thy Maker is thy Husband and thy Redeemer theHoly One of Israel, the God of the whole earth shall He be called."In speaking of the true seed of the kingdom Christ saysthe good seed are "thechildren of the kingdom." And so again Hesays,"Ye are the light of the world."It is not what we say, but what we are and what Christ is within us thatconstitutes the strength of our testimony and the power of our life. It is the lifeof Christ within shining through the broken vessel in a suffering saint, a feebleinstrumentality that most honors God and most effectively works for Hiskingdom and glory.The first is the story of the creation. Recognizing, of course, the literal andhistorical reality of the record, we have the authority of the scriptures

    themselves to regard it as the figure of the new creation, which the DivineSpirit is working out in the hearts of God's people, and ultimately willconsummate in the Kingdom of Glory. Forwe are his workmanship, created in

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    Kingdom of Heaven & God: by O. P. Armstrong, July 2013 r3/15

    the ages of time, and by and by it will be evening and morning, one eternalday. And he that sits on the throne will say, behold I make all things new.Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a man that is a householder, who brings out of

    his treasure things new and old. Have we received not only the truth, but thespirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given us ofGod? We are in the Palace Beautiful; theInterpreter leads us, and as he showsus all its treasures, he stops and adds, These things areall your own. Havewe received them? -- the new creation, the bridegroom's love, the rest of God,the flowers and fruits of His spiritual husbandry, and the life of Christ to be

    made manifest even in our mortal flesh? Then, indeed, for us is it true evennow, He that sits upon the thronesays, behold I make all things new. And hesaid it is done; I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water oflife freely. He that overcomes will inherit all things, and I will be his God, andhe will be my son.God's fourfold picture of His Son. One by one are we,also following in sublime procession and entering intothe spirit of the new man, and the Son of Man, thekingliness of His Sonship, the strength and patienceof His crucified and risen life, and the intimacy andexaltation of His ascension and heavenly fellowship;and bye and bye we shall stand with Him in all the glory of His mediatorialthrone, and shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of our Father. This was the

    ideal of redeemed humanity which God placed as a group of heavenly statuary,as a pledge of our future destiny, as the goal of our highest aspirations, at thevery threshold of man's lost inheritance, and in the very hour of man's deepest

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    reformation, not the result of human energy or will, but the work of theAlmighty Spirit; beyond the power of nature and after it has failed. "Asmanyas received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God: which were

    born not of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." Have we experiencedthis mighty new creation? Blessed be God, it is for us as well as Abraham.This is not to be despised; this is not depreciated even in the Scriptures, but itcannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The word "natural" in the Epistles isliterally "psychical," the man of soul rather than the spiritual man. This is thenature which all the sons of Adam inherit, and which sin has tainted and

    overshadowed with the curse.The fact that Isaac had but one bride in an age of polygamy was a marked typeof his illustrious Antitype, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is gathering to HimselfHis one spiritual and beloved partner in the fellowship of His glory and Hiskingdom. Isaac's bride was chosen by the most deliberate counsel and care fromhis own kindred in distant Mesopotamia; so God is calling out of this remoteworld a people for his Son, and a race who are linked with Him by the kindredties of His own blood."I knowthat in nothing I shall be ashamed;" "The Lord shalldeliver me fromevery evil work, and will preserve me unto His heavenly kingdom ---"; I knowwhom I have believed, and am persuadedthat He is able to keep that which Ihave committed unto Him against that day." So also he says to Timothy:"According to the prophecies which went before on thee, that by them thou

    mightiest war a good warfare." It was for the joy set before Him that ourMaster endured the cross and despised the shame, and we, too, shall overcomeas we steadily hold in view our high calling and our immortal crown.

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    stand with Joseph and his greater Master, as the dispensers of God's blessingsto a dying world.The Great Deliverer has come to bind up the brokenhearted; to preach

    deliverance to the captives; to set at liberty them that are oppressed; to deliverus from the power of darkness and translate us into the kingdom of His dearSon. Only let us recognize our true condition; let us take His side against ouroppressor; let us not, like them, refuseMoseswhen he comes to set us free; letus lift up our cry to heaven, and the answer is already spoken. "Behold thecryof the children of Israel is come unto me, and I have seen the oppression

    wherewith the Egyptians oppress them.Andthis word, Yet once more, signifies the removing of those things that areshaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shakenmay remain. Wherefore we, receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let ushave grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godlyfear: For our God is a consuming fire." To these beautiful words Let us add, "seethat you refuse not Him that speaks;" this mighty salvation, this mightyindwelling, in working Christ; but receiving a kingdom that cannot be moved, akingdom of grace and of power, let us have grace, not our own efforts, our owndesperate struggles, but the grace whereby we may be enabled to serve Godacceptably, with reverence and godly fear. He does not say, "let us try our best,"but let us have the grace of God to do it; and it will keep us, and enable us to soappropriate His holiness and love, that those words will not affright us, "our

    God is a consuming fire.""Yourheavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things? Seek youfirst the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be

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    That is what He means. The whole material universe is to be made freethrough its uplifting power.

    So Saul, when searching for his, lost asses, found not only the asses but akingdom, too, and went home from the prophets house another man and toenter a higher sphere and service.It may have been the same mountain where thesermon ofMatt.5:8,was delivered, the famous Horns ofHattin,where He had first proclaimed the principles ofHis kingdom to the world. It is probable that the fivehundred brethren, of whom Paul speaks in 1Cor15ashaving all seen Him at once, were the persons presentat this gathering. They formed the surviving few whostill remained faithful after all the tragedy of thecrucifixion.

    His great commission to them to go forth and establishHis kingdom among all nations; and thirdly, the promiseof His presence through all the days until the end of theage. In declaring that all power is given unto Him inheaven and in earth, He does not refer to His primevaldeity and His Divine rights, but to that special kingdomand authority given to Him in the eternal covenant of

    redemption on account of His finished work. It issomething that has now been given to Him; it is thethrone of the Mediator which He assumes at the Father's

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    both of heaven and earth, until the consummation of redemption. It is, indeed,a glorious and transcendent claim.He Himself could say, 'Thou hast given Him power over all flesh, that He

    should give eternal life to as many as Thou hast given Him." Through HisName and the acceptance of His words all sins are forgiven, and the guilty soulin a moment translated out of the kingdom of Satan and from the curse of sinand hell to the glorious liberty of the children of God and heir-ship of Hiseverlasting kingdom.Divine life until 'out of weakness they are made strong," and can carry and

    sustain us through all the difficulties and apparent impossibilities that maysurround our work for Him. Let us go forth, especially in the kingdomsworkrealizing this that nature is subordinate to redemption and the naturalsubordinate to the spiritual and the kingdom of matter is under the control ofthe King of Saints:Finally, our risen Christ is yet to have all the power of earth's kingdoms underHis Scepter and to be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. God will overturnand overturn and overturn, until He come, whose right it is, for the kingdoms ofthis world must become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ. This isChrist's covenant right and reward, and the Father's heart will never besatisfied for His Son until His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We shallyet see our blessed King wearing the crown of the entire world, and we shall seeevery knee bowing to Him, and every tongue confessing that He is Lord.

    The Great Commission: ''Go ye therefore, and disciple allnations, Because of His power, and because of His right, Hebids His disciples go forth to establish His kingdom among

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    not deny that He will restore the kingdom to Israel, but He simply tells themaway from this expectation to their proper and present work, and gentlyreminds them with a shade of reproof ''that the times and seasons are not for

    them at all, but reserved by the Father in His own power.And so the whole story of the planting of the church in Jerusalem was the storyof the power of the Holy Ghost, and the testimony of Jesus through the lips ofweak and humble instruments. The same power is still ready to crown ourlabors with success and establish Christ's kingdom in our midst.In the fifthchapter we behold Him as the Priest-King, the Lion and the Lamb

    together, combining almightiness and mercy, as He takes the book to open theseals, and administer the mediatorial kingdom. And in the nineteenthchapterwe behold Him in His royal majesty about to leave the heavenly throne andassume His millennial kingdom on earth. Such are some of the scattered.There is no natural law but is now perfectly subject to His control. There is nophysical force but He can use or restrain at His Sovereign pleasure. There is nocreated intelligence but He can move at His will or destroy at His command.His ascension has forever challenged the absolute despotism of natural law andphysical force and placed at the command of faith the highest force, which willbe employed whenever His kingdom requires it, in defiance of every naturaland ordinary principle.True, He does not ordinarily need to act in a manner contrary to existing lawsand principles, any more than the entry of the young king of Germany upon the

    administration of the empire requires him to change themachinery of the government. He usually works in a linewith it, but is always supreme above it. So the Son of God,

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    providence. His handmakesall things work together for good to them that loveGod. His power appears in every chapter of the story of the Apostolic Church.The Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me unto His

    heavenly kingdom." Is He our King? Have we enthroned Him above everydifficulty, adversary and circumstances, and placed on His head many crowns?It was for this that He ascended. He holds the reins of universal power for oursake and on our account. He is Head over all things for the church which is Hisbody.

    At last He said to me -Oh so tenderly- My child, just takeMe, and let Me be in you the constant supply of all this,Myself. And when at last I got my eyes off mysanctification, and my experience of it, and just placed themon the Christ in me, I found, instead of an experience, theChrist larger than the moments need, the Christ that hadall that I should ever need who was given to me at once, and

    forever! And when I thus saw Him, it was such rest; it wasall right, and right for ever. For I had not only what I couldhold that little hour, but also in Him, all that I should need the next and thenext and so on, until sometimes I get a glimpse of what it will be a million yearsafterwards, when we shall shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of ourFather (Matt13:43), and have all the fullness of God.And so I thought the

    healingwould be and it too, that the Lord would take me like the old run-downclock and wind me up. CHRIST'S OWN TESTIMONY. TheLo d Je Hi elf hen He a

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    glory. The risen dead were represented by Moses and the transfigured living byElias. In Matthew 24, we have a detailed prophecy of the Lord's return. Wehave also the parables of the Talents, and the Pounds, the Marriage of the

    King's Son, the Ten Virgins, the Sheep and the Goats. These have no meaningunless the Lord is coming back again. All His teachings crystallized around twofocal points, His cross and His advent.Peter also in his second epistle forewarns us of thesame conditions. "But there were false prophets alsoamong the people, even as there shall be false teachers

    among you, who privily shall bring in damnableheresies, even denying the Lord that bought them,and bring upon themselves swift destruction. Andmany shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason ofwhom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. Andthrough covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you:whose judgment now of a long time lingered not, and their damnationslumbered not" (2Pet2:1-3). "Knowing this first, that there shall come in thelast days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is thepromise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue asthey were from the beginning of the creation" (2Pet3:3-4). Jude also forecaststhe same. "But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before ofthe apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ: how that they told you there should be

    mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. Theseare they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit" (Jude17-19).Already the fulfillment

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    PARABLES OF THE KINGDOM:But the Lord Jesus has not left us mere fragments, of prophetic foreshadowing,

    but has given us in the seven Parables of the Kingdom in the thirteenthchapter of Matthew a very distinct unfolding of the progress of Christianityfrom the Ascension to the Advent. The disciples were looking for prosperity andpopularity. They were delighted with the success of their Master, with Hisvictory over disease, Satan, death and sin. What power could resist Him?Theysaw themselves already sitting with Him on the thrones of David's restoredkingdom. The Lord knew better. He saw the dark scenes that were just beforethem and the centuries of suffering and seeming failure for the cause which Hewas establishing at such awful cost.

    It was necessary that they should understand it,should be disillusioned and should be sent forth asministers of the New Testament with their eyes fullyopened. It is a very dreadful thing to-day for theminister of the Gospel to go forth expecting abrilliant future, expecting the acclamations of thecrowd, expecting the people to applaud him becausehe is true to Jesus Christ. It is necessary that theworker should understand that the kingdom ofheaven always means the cross, the judgment hall,

    the minority with the Lord Jesus Christ, our rejectedMaster. This was what He taught them in this seriesof parables.

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    The parable of the Tares represents theplanting of error in the Church, the heresies,

    corruptions and intermingling of evil men in theearly Church as well as later times. Even thelittle that grew got mixed with Satan's seed.The disciples thought they could pull up thetares, but He said that in pulling up the taresthey would pull up the wheat also. The peoplethat are in the business of judging are not in theLord's employ. "Let both grow together tillharvest." Our dreams of a perfect Church aredoomed to be disappointed. The devil workedwhile the Church was asleep, a work, alas,which we can ill eradicate by our discipline ordenunciation, but must wait for much of it to be

    burned out at the great harvest time.

    Henceforth, the visibleChurch is a mixture of truth

    and error, good and evil.

    Next, in the Mustard Seed we see the rapidgrowth of this mingled system covering theearth with its extensive shade, and lodging thefowls of heaven. Is not this most promising? Letus not be too sure. The fowls of the air who

    lodge in the branches have already a badreputation from the first parable, as thedestructive and mischievous intruders who

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    But was there no residuum of good left of all theapostolic sowing? Yes, the Hid Treasure and the Pearl

    represent the two sides of the elements of good incontrast with the two symbols of evil. The Treasurerepresents the pure and Scriptural elementssurviving in the Church in the individuals-the many;the Pearl in their unity, as the one small, yet pureand heavenly jewel of the Lord amid theencompassing corruption. Both find their historicalfulfillment in the faithful few who have ever existedin even the darkest ages of medieval corruption; the

    Albigenses and Paulicians, the Hussites and Moravians, the Waldernses andVaudois, the Wyc1iffites and Huguenots, the Reformers and Covenanters, andthe pure and true ones who have before and since dared to be faithful to Godand His holy Word. There has ever been a little flock, of which He says: "They

    shall be mine in the day when I make up My jewels." There are some whoidentify the Treasure with Israel, and the Pearl with the Church, the Bride ofthe Lamb. But this does not affect the dispensational bearing of the parables.Thus have we seen the two sowings, the growth of the evil, the hidden remnantof the good; and we ask, perhaps, are they always to be thus confounded?

    No, the parable of the Draw Netreveals to us the final separation.Angel hands will make it with

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    Once more in the Seven Epistles to thechurches of Asia, our Lord's last wordto the present age, we have what

    appears to the most thoughtfulexpositors an historical panorama ofthe successive stages of visibleChristianity from die vision of Patmosto the end of time, the seven churchescorrespond to the seven parables of the

    thirteenth chapter of Matthew.

    They teach the same lessons and unfold the same panorama and we may wellmeet the solemn conclusion which the Master does after He had deliveredthem, "He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the

    churches," for that is the "last message of the Holy Ghost to the modern church.It is not the ancient church, not the apostolic church; it is the church that wason earth two generations after the death of Jesus. Thousands had gone toheaven. Thousands of churches had been organized. And now at last the Lordcomes down to earth again for a second visitation in person, and on the isle ofPatmos He gives John a last revelation, a last outlook of the churches of the

    present age. The wisest expositors have almost uniformly united in recognizingin these seven epistles a panorama stretching down from the days of John tothe last time, each of these churches representing a different age, and yet eachf h i i i i i h d d ddi l i h h l

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    corresponds to the age of persecution that came in the second and thirdcenturies to recall the cold and formal Ephesus to her first love, during which aseries of ten distinct persecutions swept the whole line with fire and blood, and

    carried countless martyrs into heaven. The church in Pergamos is a differenttype. It dwells at Satan's seat, the dominion of the world. It is assailed byBalaam's wiles, the allurements of the world. It is the church of Constantineand the converted empire, the church suddenly exalted to imperial favor,wealth and power and corrupted by the world from its faithfulness and purity;until the smile of an emperor, the seat of honor at a banquet, the grand

    cathedral, the proud bishopric or patriarchate took the place of ancientsimplicity and fidelity, and prepared the way for the next and deeper plunge.Then comes Thyatira, "that woman Jezebel,the"depths of Satan," a true andvivid picture of the rise of Romanism and all its deep and devilish wiles andwidespread domination over the Church of God from the sixth to the sixteenthcentury. Sardis represents a yet darker eclipse, "a name to live, and thou artdead." It is the Dark Ages, the putrid corpse of Medieval Romanism. And yet inboth these churches there are a few exceptions; there is a holy seed; there arethose in Thyatira that "have not known this doctrine," and there are "a fewnames even in Sardis that have not defiled their garments." These are therefugees of medieval times, the martyrs of Romanism, the witnesses for Godbefore the Reformation, who suffered and died for the testimony of Jesus, to thenumber of countless millions. Like a burst of sunrise comes the church in

    Philadelphia. It has "a little strength," but it is true. Especially does it honorGod's "Word" and hold up Christ's "name." Can we mistake it? It is the Churchof the Reformation, and its honored names shall forever be as pillars in the

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    which He is just about to sit down, He offers this glorious reward: "To him thatovercomes will I grant to sit down with Me on My throne, even as I alsoovercame, and am set down with My Father upon His throne." Such is the

    picture of the Church through the Christian age. "Have we understood all thesethings?" Have we seen any family photographs? Are we ready for the inspectionof Him who walks amid the Seven Golden Lamps, and looks with eyes that areas a flame of fire? Are we in Ephesus, Laodicea or Pergamos, or worse, inThyatira or Sardis? Or are we in suffering Smyrna, or humble, faithfulPhiladelphia? Thank God, the Seven Churches are not merely for brief and

    transient periods, but the spirit of each continues to the end. So there is a holyPhiladelphia even amid an insipid Laodicea, May He find us with the littleflock to whom it is the Father's good pleasure to give the kingdom.

    A woman is many times used in tine Scriptures as a type of evil. The prototypeof this same evil power was the ancient Jezebel of Samaria. In Zechariahtheemblem of corruption is a woman sitting in an ephah and carried forth toBabylon (vss. 7. II). In the parable of the leaven it is a woman who prefiguresthe spirit of corruption there symbolized. John wonders at this woman becausehe had seen the Church just before (ch.xii.) as a woman clothed with the sun.

    Alas that so soon the Bride of Christ should seem like an harlot! Once more inthe same chapter, and more fully in the 18th, the same system of evil isdescribed by yet another name-viz., BABYLON, or MYSTERY OF BABYLON-that is, not the real, but the mystical Babylon, corresponding in spirit and

    destiny, in pride, profligacy and destiny, to the ancient Queen of Empires. Thisname may refer THE GREAT APOSTASY especially to the city of Rome asmuch as to the system of Romanism. We know this name was given by the

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    was to be worshipped. The word worship here applied both to the Beast and theDragon. This worship of the Beast was really a worship of the Dragon. Papalworship is therefore devil worship. The word worshipped here means literally

    "kissed." The method of Papal worship is to kiss the great toe. And in St. Peter'sthe bronze statue said to represent St. Peter has had more than half of its toeliterally kissed away. To make the description still more literal it is said thatthis statue is not St. Peter at all, but just an old heathen JUPITER found atRome, and dedicated to the great Apostle. If this be so, then their worship istruly to the Dragon, for all the gods of Greece and Rome were literally symbols

    of demon powers. He was to do great wonders, and deceive them that dwelt onearth by those miracles that he should have power to do. This describes themiraculous claims of Romanism, and the false, deceptive character of some, aswell as the undoubted supernatural reality of others. He was to call fire downfrom heaven. This might well describe the anathemas of the Popes which calldown upon all who provoke them,

    1. He was to control the very buying and selling of all who refused his authority, How

    exactly this describes a Papal interdict, which the Pontiffs sometimes passed on refractorysubjects, completely cutting them off from all human fellowship, and forbidding all personsto transact business with them.2. The Beast is denoted by a numerical name -viz., SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SIX.While there have been innumerable guesses at the meaning of this mystical number, nointerpretation seems more reasonable than that of Irenseus, the Christian Father, that theword "Laieinos,' by adding up the numerical value of each letter, spells the number 666.

    The word means "Latin," and it is especially applicable to Romanism, which is called LatinChristianity, and which since the year 663 has made the Latin language the vehicle of itsteaching.3 The Papal woman is clothed in scarlet and the Beast she rides is also scarlet We need

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    by the bayonets of France and Austria, and her present attempt is to get control of thedemocracies of Europe and America.6. She is represented as holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations. The veryseal of Rome is a woman holding in her hand a golden cup with the inscription-"Sedet superuniuersom:"7. She is to be supported by the kings of earth and then despoiled by them. "They shallhate the harlot and make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh and burn her withfire." This is one of the most remarkable fulfillments of prophecy. The world has witnessed

    just this spectacle for nearly one hundred years. France, the eldest son of the Papacy, wasthe first to turn upon her. The French Revolution struck her the first terrible blow, andthen Napoleon finished it, capturing and deposing the Pope himself. Then Italy finished

    what France began. Portugal has since followed suit, and today Cardinal Manning trulysays, there is not a nation to stand up, for the rights of the Church.8. The same picture as Daniel gave of her as a persecuting power. She Is "drunk with theblood of the saints and the martyrs of Jesus."9. And the same duration is also assigned, as given by Daniel, "Power was given tocontinue forty and two months"; that is, 1,260 years,10. The fall of Rome is described in the eighteenth chapter. This has not yet come. It

    would seem to indicate some sudden and terrific catastrophe coming "in one hour," andengulfing the City of Ages in a ruin like Sodom and Gomorrah, Ever since the days of thefathers it has been supposed that 'this will come through some great natural convulsion,and that Rome will go to its doom amid earthquake shock and fearful eruptions of fire andbrimstone.11. But before this comes it may be wehave much to develop. Out of its mouth,along with the Dragon and False

    Prophet; are to go, and are going, "theunclean spirits, like frogs, which are thespirits of devils working miracles,"

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    THE PAROUSIAThe Parable of the Ten Virgins in the 25th

    chapter of Matthew gives us a far-off vision of theMarriage Supper of the Lamb, and suggests withsolemn warning the danger that some may misstheir place in that blessed company. Surely theremust be a difference between the saintly soulsthat have been "washed and made white and

    tried," and the men and women who have foundtheir happiness in the things of the world, and would not understandthe Rapture of theBridegrooms love.

    Are these earth-stained souls, even if saved at last, to have the same place asJohn of Patmos, and Bernard of Cluny, with Monica and Mary of Bethany?Surely, the question is enough to make us pause and ask our hearts if it isworthwhile to run the risk. What would an earthly marriage be without love?

    Then what will heaven mean if we do not already know the betrothal of theheart to our Heavenly Bridegroom and the rapture of His love? Have we seenHim in His beauty? Have we hearkened to His call? Have we been won by Hislove? And have we learned, "For Oh the Master is so fair, His smile so sweet tobanished men, that they who meet Him anywhere, can never rest on earthagain."And they who see Him risen afar, At God's right hand for sinful men,

    Forgetful stand, of home and land, Remembering fair Jerusalem."


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    that both he that sowed and he that reaps may rejoice together:' Here is thedouble reward for service, addressed to them, the servants, viz., wages, paid asthey do the work, and a share in the fruit at harvest time. Again, the striking

    passage in I. Corinthians 9:24; "They that run in a race run all, but one receivesthe prize, I therefore run not uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beats theair: but I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection, lest after I havepreached the Gospel to others, I myself should be a castaway"; or, morecorrectly, "a disapproved competitor." It literally means one rejected at the endof the race as regards the prize-not finally lost, for such a thought never

    entered Paul's mind.GRACE AND REWARD: ACCORDING TO WORKS:Again the reward is according to service rendered. It is in exact proportion notto the quantity always, but to the spirit and value. How finely this is broughtout in the Parable of the Pounds. Five pounds multiplied bring five cities, andten pounds improved bring ten cities. The doubling of one talent is as muchrewarded as the doubling of five. The humblest worker, if fully faithful, is'recompensed as fully as the most illustrious."He that shall receive a prophet inthe name of a prophet shall receive a prophets reward, and he that shallreceive a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shalt receive arighteous man's reward."GRACE AND REWARD: JUDGMENT OF THE SAINTS:The service that was in the heart to do, but for which we had no opportunity,

    will be rewarded, "according to what a man hath, and not what he hath not."Many a quiet heart will be brought out into the light of heaven as the trueinstrument of a blessing in which others, perhaps, had a more public part.

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    (Matt.25.) and he who has multiplied and rightly employed his spiritualprivileges and endowments will be made a ruler over as many cities as thepound she gained. The faithful and wise steward who took good care of his

    Lord's household here, and gave to his children a portion-in season, will bemade "ruler over all that he hath." And they who left all and followed Christshall be recompensed hundredfold more in that time in the things theysacrificed for Christ. Even the secret thought of service that never wasexpressed will be recognized and recompensed, and "every man have praise ofGod." Nor will our gifts to His treasury be lost. The generous millionaire and

    the self-denying widow will find all their gifts on deposit, at compound interest,and they will stand astonished at their colossal fortunes. Like the crowns of theRestoration time, forged out of the golden gifts of the captives in Babylon, theirgold will be found hanging in diadems above their heads on heaven's pillars,inscribed with their names inwrought with His. Oh, then, no sacrifice will seemto have been too great, no gift too large, no love too warm, no enthusiasm toointense. Life's full significance will be unrolled, and our only regret will be that

    we cannot live it over again.End Quotes of ABS

    FootnotesFN1 Great Beast

    ABS (1843-1919)seventyplus writings were penned in large partbetween1880and 1917. Since then a century has passed from which to take a perspective onhis writings. The only changed perspective is here-in heldthat the great beastand abomination of revelation 17 may be seen as a confluence of Apostate-Ch i tianit J dai and I la cente ed in Je ale ABS all ded to o e

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    # Gospel Parables of Jesus in Chronological Order Matthew Mark Luke

    1 New cloth on an old coat (why the old must go) 9:16 2:21 5:36

    2 New wine in old wineskins (old way, law, preferred) 9:17 2:22 5:37-38

    3 Lamp on a stand (also see #6) 5:14-154 Wise and foolish builders 7:24-27 6:47-49

    5 Moneylender forgives unequal debts 7:41-43

    6 Lamp on a stand (2 time, see #3) nd 4:21-22 8:16, 11:33

    7 Rich man foolishly builds bigger barns 12:16-21

    8 Servants must remain watchful (also see #44) 12:35-40

    9 Wise and foolish servants (also see #42) 12:42-48

    10 Unfruitful fig tree (Nation Bearing Fruit, NBF) 13:6-911 Sower and four types of soil 13:3-8,18-23 4:3-8, 14-20 8:5-8, 11-15

    12 Weeds among good plants (Kingdom of Heaven) 13:24-30,36-43

    13 Growing seed (Kingdom of Heaven) 4:26-29

    14 Mustard seed (Kingdom of Heaven) 13:31-32 4:30-32 13:18-19

    15 Yeast (Kingdom of Heaven) 13:33


    16 Hidden treasure (Kingdom of Heaven) 13:44

    17 Valuable pearl (Kingdom of Heaven) 13:45-4618 Fishing net (Kingdom of Heaven) 13:47-50

    19 Owner of a house (Kingdom of Heaven) 13:52

    20 Lost sheep (sheep as children, also see #29) 18:12-14

    21 The sheep, gate, and shepherd (John 10:1-5,7-18)

    22 Master and his servant 17:7-10

    23 Unmerciful servant (Kingdom of Heaven) 18:23-34

    24 Good Samaritan 10:30-3725 Friend in need 11:5-8

    26 Lowest seat at the feast 14:7-14

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    # Gospel Parables of Jesus in Chronological Order Matthew Mark Luke

    37 Kings ten servants given minas (also see #45) 19:12-27

    38 Two sons, one obeys one does not 21:28-32

    39 Wicked tenants (Nation Bearing Fruit,NBF) 21:33-44 12:1-11 20:9-1840 Invitation to a wedding banquet 22:2-14

    41 Signs of the future from a fig tree 24:32-35 13:28-29 21:29-31

    42 Wise and foolish servants (2 time, see #9) nd 24:45-51

    43 Wise and foolish virgins 25:1-13

    44 Servants must remain watchful (2 time, see #8) nd 13:35-37

    45 Three servants given talents (also see #37) 25:14-30

    46 Sheep and goats will be separated 25:31-46

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    Page 30of 30

    Other Kingdom textsLuke1:32-33 Matt.13:16-23 Rom13.14 Luke9:2 John8:12

    John18:36-37 Matt.13:24-52 Phil3.9 Luke9.62 John14:16-17

    John 3:3 Matt.18:23-35 Mark4:1-20 Luke11:9-13 1Cor15:50Luke16:16 Matt.19:13-26 Mark4:26-29 Luke12:22-31 Acts14:22

    Matt.5:20 Matt.20:1-16 Mark4:30-32 Luke13:22-28 Rom14:172Cor5.21 Matt20:20-28 Mark10:17-27 Luke15:24 1Cor6.9-11Matt.7:13-23 Matt.21:28-32 Mark16.15-19 Luke18:15-16 Gal5.19-21Matt.11:11-14 matt22:1-14 Luke8:1-18 John6:57-58 Heb12.28

    OT overlooked Kingdom source materialsPs45.5-7 Dan2:44 Ps93.1-2 Ps96.1-6 Ps97-99Ps22.22-30


