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King's Weekly Newsletter - Week 5

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The weekly newsletter of King's Christian College
“Educating students in Christian leadership for tomorrow’s generation” KING’S CHRISTIAN COLLEGE Thursday, May 26, 2011 1st, 2nd and 3rd for King’s Cheerleaders On Sunday 22nd May, three King’s Christian College primary school cheerleading teams went to the Brisbane regional competition in Logan. The teams competed in three dif- ferent sections and came away with great results - King’s Kittens (P - Yr3) received first place, King’s Kubs (Yrs 2-6) third place and King’s Kats (Yrs 2-7) second place. The teams received three lovely, big trophies that will be proudly displayed at school. Mrs Hicks would like to thank the team captains, parents, special helpers and most importantly the athletes for an incredible result. Well done to all of the students! The teams are now working hard for the state competition that will be held on the 19th June. On Sunday, King’s cheerleaders performed in Brisbane at the regional cheer and dance competition. We tried our very best and came 2nd in our pom routine. It was very fun and the crowd was amazing. ~ Maddie Fife, 7G and Laura Jericevich, 7M
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“Educating students in Christian leadership for tomorrow’s generation”


Thursday, May 26, 2011

1st, 2nd and 3rd for King’s Cheerleaders

On Sunday 22nd May, three King’s Christian College primary school cheerleading teams went to the Brisbane regional competition in Logan. The teams competed in three dif-ferent sections and came away with great results - King’s Kittens (P - Yr3) received first place, King’s Kubs (Yrs 2-6) third place and King’s Kats (Yrs 2-7) second place. The teams received three lovely, big trophies that will be proudly displayed at school. Mrs Hicks would like to thank the team captains, parents, special helpers and most importantly the athletes for an incredible result. Well done to all of the students! The teams are now working hard for the state competition that will be held on the 19th June.

On Sunday, King’s cheerleaders performed in Brisbane at the regional cheer and dance competition. We tried our very best and came 2nd in our pom routine. It was very fun and the crowd was amazing. ~ Maddie Fife, 7G and Laura Jericevich, 7M

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Early Learning ProgramsParenting with Power

Scripture of the week: “I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart. I will glorify Your name forevermore.” Psalm 86:12

What is a Heart Moment?

A heart moment is a special connection that takes place inside of your child’s heart, or in your own heart, or both, that confirms a step of progress. Sometimes the heart mo-ment just reminds you of the significance of your parenting role. Other times, the heart moment helps you feel close to your child in a unique and powerful way. For some, a heart moment is when the light bulb comes on in your child that says, “I finally get it, dad.” This is often the case after we have sown seeds of obedience, understanding and discipline into our children and finally, after many years of watering, fertilising and constant weeding, as parents always do, we see the fruition of these seeds. Sometimes it takes many years but the ‘heart moment’ is amazing.

Sometimes, heart moments just happen, but many times

they are the result of intentional effort on the part of hard-working parents. You do the daily work of parenting because you know it’s the right thing to do. Along the way you’re trying to teach values and life lessons, but most of the time you are just trying to get the things done that have to be done today.

Some parents have longed for heart change for months or years and seem to have given up on any significant develop-ments. Then a heart moment comes along to provide en-couragement that yes, there is hope that this child may ac-tually grow to maturity someday. Tears are often associated with heart moments, further revealing the extent of their importance to parents. Usually, they bring tears of deep joy, but sometimes it’s amazement, admiration, grateful-ness, pride or just the intense satisfaction of feeling close.

Strategy for the week: When a heart moment over-whelms you with emotion, it is important to express what you are feeling to your child. It is in those times when children can often catch the significance of their choices, that they have made an important decision or action that has deeply touched mum or dad. Be on the lookout for heart moments. They are the reward of parenting and often result in teachable opportunities with your child.

~ In His service, Klaus Knobloch and Rosemary Whincop

‘Under 8s Week’ Celebrations

There was great excitement this week at Noah’s Ark Pre School and Child Care Centre while the King’s Kats cheerleading squad performed their winning item as part of celebrating early childhood at King’s. There were smiles all around, with many of the girls remem-bering their days at Noah’s Ark and Prep. Thank you to the squad and Mrs Hicks for sharing in our celebrations with such energy and enthusiasm.


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Setting Goals

Thursday, May 26, 2011 - Page 3


Recently at assembly, I encouraged students to set achiev-able goals and explained the importance of doing so. Set-ting goals is like setting a road map for where you want to go. It gives direction and purpose instead of wafting in the breeze. When a goal is achieved one has a positive feel-ing of accomplishment and moving forward. This feeling of success encourages one to set new goals and to continue to move ahead with confidence.

Imagine this.You head off on a walking holiday for a week. You are re-

ally excited because you will be hiking with your friends and a guide. You arrive at base camp, begin organising your hike pack, then set off with your group for the three-day trek. You begin walking through the glorious bush and admire the beautiful landscape.

After about five hours, however, you wonder how far you have got to go before you get to your destination for the day to set up for camp.

You call to the guide, “When will we get to where we’re going?”

‘I don’t know,’ your guide replies. ‘I didn’t bring a com-pass or a map. I just thought we’d keep walking until we stopped.’

Right about now, you feel nervous. You get slightly anx-ious about where you are all headed. Right now, you’re clearly lost!!

And there’s probably no mobile phone coverage... or bat-tery life left in anyone’s phone!

Life can be like a long hike. We can walk for what seems like an eternity and not really get anywhere important. That is exactly why setting goals in life is of major impor-tance. We need to have a clear map that we can follow and revise along the way when needed.

Why people don’t set goals -1. they don’t understand the importance of setting goals2. they don’t know how 3. they are afraid of failingGoals need to be written down as it encourages commit-

ment to what you want to work at and achieve next. Set achievable goals. Goals can be short-term and long-term. Regularly revise set goals and add new goals. Reward your-self when goals are attained.

Goal setting is one of the most important skills a teenager can learn. Setting goals helps one achieve great things in one’s life and to give a sense of accomplishment. If goals are not set, one runs the risk of being a drifter.

Take the first step and set three goals to get started.Happy parenting. And so it is. Maintain good relation-

ships. Bring heaven to earth. Fear prevents, faith prevails. God bless. True meaning of Easter. Celebrate the risen Christ. Happy Mother’s Day to all our mums. Find the joy. Defend the Australian way of life. Encourage goal setting. ~ Rhonda Bevan, Head of Secondary

Rugby @ King’sOver the past year the rugby coaches have worked hard

at improving the standard and profile of rugby in the high school. Although we have a long way to go in order to achieve our goals, our senior (U17) team’s success in the first half of the season has been very encouraging and serves as proof that the hard work is paying off. The team is undefeated after five games with scores of 26-0 against Emmanuel, 32-0 against AB Paterson, 50-7 against Somerset College, 78-3 against Coomera Anglican College and 69-17 against Trinity Lutheran College.

These results can be attributed to the players’ and coach-es’ dedication, hard work and eagerness to learn. During the Easter holiday the team had a two-day training camp during which an outside coach from the Queensland Reds Junior Academy assisted us with our preparations. The team has also been training on a Wednesday afternoon after school from 3:20 pm – 4:40 pm.

The hard work and success over the past season extends beyond the senior team. Our Year 10 team has been train-ing during lunch time on Wednesdays and the Year 8 and 9 boys train from 7 – 8 am on Thursday and Tuesday mornings respectively. As a result, in the College’s fixture against Coomera Anglican College (CAC) all our teams won and against Trinity Lutheran College only the Year 9s were de-feated. The Year 9s, however, have shown remarkable im-provement since last year, with their match against CAC an example of the progress they’ve made. In last year’s game they were beaten by more than 50 points, and this year they managed to win 24-0.

It is pleasing to see the players and coaches reaping the rewards of their hard work. However, as Christian educa-tors our aim extends beyond the rugby field. Rugby affords us the opportunity to build relationship with the players and it provides a means of speaking into the lives of the young men at the college. Our ultimate goal is to be positive role models for these boys who we pray will become mighty men of God.

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“Educating students in Christian leadership for tomorrow’s generation”


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GeneralSchool Fees Accounts News

• Term 2 fees were due Friday 29th April unless you are on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly payment plan. Music and dance fees, where applicable, will be charged on your next statement and need to be paid separate to your payment plan.

• Payment plans can be paid via direct debit or BPay on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis.

• Credit card plans can be set up automatically on the 15th, 26th of each month or the first week of term.

• To organise a plan please contact Elaine in admin via email: [email protected] State-ments will be sent to your email address. For email address changes please email [email protected]

King’s Christian College uses and recommends Toshiba Photocopiers

Bible Study - Thursday mornings 9.00am, Barista LoungeSpecial Monthly Key Women meetingsComing Up:Thurs 2nd June – 6.45am to 8.30am in Barista Lounge Breakfast – Guest Speaker - Rhonda Bevan Cost: $15 - Includes breakfast Registration requiredFor more information please contact Shirley Sykes at

the church office on 5593 4233.

“Key Women”… A ministry of King’s Christian Centre

ChristlikeQuote from “Walk in Faith” by Ray McCauley

... how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. Acts 10:38

Jesus went about doing good and He came that we may have abundant life. We should be Christlike, doing good and claiming the promises set out in the Word of God. Whatever we do should draw people to Jesus, not away from Him.

Please note that this scripture does not say that the Lord was anointed to be anointed ... there is always a reason for the anointing. Jesus was anointed ... then went about doing good and healing all.

Living a supernatural life is not necessarily to live a spec-tacular one. Very infrequently does the spectacular occur, but the supernatural can become a lifestyle. Speak to the Holy Spirit all the time, He will show you things to come. Ask Him for wisdom as you study the Word and you will find yourself reaching to greater heights because of the super-natural God that is at work within you. We are channels of God’s power, love and mercy. Daily I ask the Holy Spirit to show me situations where I can be a channel of the Lord’s blessings. Why don’t you ask Him too?

The supernatural should be natural to you.If you wish to contact Guy Ormerod, College Chaplain,

you can write to - [email protected] or pastoral care: Kerrilee Walsingham - [email protected]

Dental Van Students in Years 2, 3, 10, 5, 8, PH, PK and PL have been

provided with an offer of oral health care pack to take home.

The pack includes:* Child & Adolescent Oral Health Service brochure* Examination cardPlease familiarise yourself with the process by reading the

information provided.If your child is enrolled in one of the years listed above

and did not receive a pack and you would like to arrange for your child to receive oral health care, please contact the Oral Health Call Centre 1300 300 850 Monday to Friday 8.00am - 4.30pm excluding public holidays.

If your child requires disability access please identify this requirement with the Call Centre Operator.

Dates for your diaryMay 27 Yrs P-3 Fun RunMay 26,27,28 HS Musical - AladdinJune 2 Primary APS Rd 6June 3 HS APS Rd 7June 6-10 Yrs 11 & 12 ExamsJune 9 Primary APS Rd 7 Regional Cross CountryJune 10 HS APS Finals

For more details and updates visit the website -www.kingscollege.qld.edu.au click on calendar.

Action Bibles DonatedKing’s library wishes to thank Mr Arch McDonald and Surf-

ers Paradise RSL for their very generous donation of eight brand new action bibles to our collection!

The bibles are beautifully illustrated editions, published in graphic novel format by David C. Cook and proving VERY popular with the students at King’s. We have already made five of the bibles available for borrowing in the main library, with two reference copies in each of the main library and lower primary library (meaning there will always be a few copies available for the students to read).

Happy reading :) ~ Miss Rachel Solyom and fellow library team

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PrimaryUPPER PRIMARY SPORT TERM 2 WEEKLY RESULTS ROUND 4 Thursday 19th May KING’S TEAMS Win Score Player of the Week Boys Volleyball 1 Wash Out Boys Volleyball 2 Wash Out Girls Volleyball 1 Wash Out Girls Volleyball 2 Wash Out Boys Newcombeball 1 KCC 2-1 Yaron Strachan Boys Newcombeball 2 SOM 3-2 Thomas Chard Girls Newcombeball 1 KCC 4-0 Tahlua Zikmundovsky Girls Newcombeball 2 CAC & KCC 3-0 & 1-0 Brooke Gavin Junior A1 Netball Wash Out Junior A2 Netball Wash Out Junior B1 Netball Wash Out Junior B2 A Netball Wash Out Senior A1 Netball ABP 16-4 Kea Bowen Senior A2 Netball ABP 17-4 Senior B1 Netball KCC 20-17 Zaneeta Robertson Senior B2 Netball KCC 15-10 Tayla Newell Junior Boys Soccer 1 KCC Forfeit Nathan Bow Junior Boys Soccer 2 KCC 2-1 Joshua Westerlaken Senior Boys Soccer 1 KCC 11-2 Mackenzie Lynn Senior Boys Soccer 2 ABP 8-1 Paul Lee Junior Girls Soccer 1 KCC 2-1 Jemima Laag Junior Girls Soccer 2 ABP 1-0 Layla Oxborrow Senior Girls Soccer 1 KCC 2-1 Ellie White Senior Girls Soccer 2 ABP 5-0 Josey Wame Junior Boys Hockey 1 KCC 6-5 Kalan Small Junior Boys Hockey 2 ABP 5-1 Jacob Chan Senior Boys Hockey KCC 6-0 Denzel Gargar Senior Girls Hockey SSC 2-0 Maddison Fife Year 4 Rugby KCC 9-2 Kaidyn Fraser-BellYear 5 Rugby KCC 11-1 Gareth FreemanYear 6 Rugby KCC 2-1 Nat RyanYear 7 Rugby KCC 24-7 Mai Phillips Senior Boys A Tennis Wash Out Senior Boys B Tennis Wash Out Senior Girls A Tennis Wash Out Senior Girls B Tennis Wash Out Junior Boys A Tennis Wash Out Junior Boys B Tennis Wash Out Junior Girls A Tennis Wash Out Junior Girls B Tennis Wash Out

With ‘fit kids’ activities, crafts, movies and lots of friends, King’s OSHC offers a safe, fun after-school program for children in Prep to Year 6. Open till 6pm Monday-Friday, the centre provides kid-friendly snacks, homework help and flexibility for working parents. For en-rolments call Trevor Nicholson on 0401 697 013.

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PrimaryUPPER PRIMARY SPORT TERM 2 WEEKLY DRAW ROUND 6 Thursday 2nd June KING’S TEAMS OPPOSITION GAME TIME VENUE Boys Volleyball 1 Coomera Anglican College 1 1.15pm A B Paterson Boys Volleyball 2 St Stephens College 1 1.15pm A B Paterson Girls Volleyball 1 Coomera Anglican College 1 1.15pm A B Paterson Girls Volleyball 2 Trinity Lutheran College 2 1.15pm A B Paterson Boys Newcombeball 1 Emmanuel College 1.15pm King’s Boys Newcombeball 2 A B Paterson College 1.15pm King’s Girls Newcombeball 1 Emmanuel College 1.15pm King’s Girls Newcombeball 2 A B Paterson College 1.15pm King’s Junior A1 Netball St Stephens College 1.10pm King’s Junior A2 Netball St Stephens College 1.10pm King’s Junior B1 Netball St Stephens College 1.10pm King’s Junior B2 A Netball St Stephens College 1.10pm King’s Senior A1 Netball St Stephens College 1.10pm St Stephens Senior A2 Netball St Stephens College 1.10pm St Stephens Senior B1 Netball St Stephens College 1.10pm St Stephens Senior B2 Netball St Stephens College 1.10pm St Stephens Junior Boys Soccer 1 Coomera Anglican College 1.10pm A B Paterson Junior Boys Soccer 2 All Saints Anglican School B1 1.10pm A B Paterson Senior Boys Soccer 1 Trinity Lutheran College 1.10pm Emmanuel Senior Boys Soccer 2 A B Paterson College B1 1.10pm Emmanuel Junior Girls Soccer 1 Trinity Lutheran College 1.10pm Somerset Junior Girls Soccer 2 Trinity Lutheran College 1.10pm Somerset Senior Girls Soccer 1 Trinity Lutheran College 1.10pm Beattie Rd Coomera Senior Girls Soccer 2 trinity Lutheran College 1 1.10pm Beattie Rd Coomera Junior Boys Hockey 1 King’s 2 1.15pm King’s Junior Boys Hockey 2 King’s 1 1.15pm King’s Senior Boys Hockey Somerset College 1.15pm Hunt Park Senior Girls Hockey Somerset College 1.50pm Hunt Park Year 4 Rugby All Saints Anglican School 2 1.15pm All SaintsYear 5 Rugby St Stephens College 1.00pm All SaintsYear 6 Rugby St Stephens College 1 1.45pm All SaintsYear 7 Rugby Coomera Anglican College 1.00pm All Saints Senior Boys A Tennis Coomera Anglican College 1.00pm Hope Island Senior Boys B Tennis Coomera Anglican College 1.00pm Hope Island Senior Girls A Tennis Bye 1.00pm Hope Island Senior Girls B Tennis Bye 1.00pm Hope Island Junior Boys A Tennis Coomera Anglican College 1.00pm Hope Island Junior Boys B Tennis Bye 1.00pm Hope Island Junior Girls A Tennis Coomera Anglican College 1.00pm Hope Island Junior Girls B Tennis Coomera Anglican College 1.00pm Hope Island

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Tiffany Shines at the APS Cross Country

Tiffany Chevaz put in an outstanding performance at the recent APS Cross Country at Runaway Bay by finishing 1st in her age group by a convincing margin.

Other individual performances were also notable includ-ing Esme Venter, Sophia Muller and Erika Chavez. The 10 yr girls and 12 yr boys teams both finished 3rd overall for their age groups.

Congratulations to all the students who put in such a great effort in your preparation and on the day. Thank you to the coaches – Mr Stephens, Miss Grady, Mr Spink, Mr Bird, Miss Eagleton, Mrs Cheesman and Mr James Clark for your dedi-cation to the students’ running training.

~ Lindsay Genge, Primary Sport Coordinator

Jack Chosen for State Titles

Last Sunday I played for the Gold Coast’s U13’s hockey team, at the Labrador hockey fields for the Coulter Shield 2011. I was originally selected from 22 boys to form a team of 16 to go up to the Sunshine Coast two weeks ago. We played our first game against Toowoomba and lost 4-0. Our second game was against Bris-bane 1, which we won 2-1. Last

Sunday was the second day of the tournament. We won our first game against the Sunshine Coast 5-1. I scored one of the goals. We ended up coming 3rd over all out of the ten teams. I have been chosen, along with 13 other boys for the U13s state titles which will be at the end of June up at Hervey Bay.

~ Jack Castles, 6F

Year 3 excursion to the Planetarium

On Tuesday May 17th, all of the Year 3 students went on an excursion to the Planetarium in Brisbane. We are learn-ing about space, the moon, the earth and the sun, so it was a very educational day.

The excited students learnt many new facts and were amazed to experience the feeling of being in a dome that felt just like you were travelling in space.

We learnt all about planets, stars and galaxies and how to tell your position in space, whether you are north, south, east or west. We were able to see all of the planets in the dome and what size they are compared to earth and how far away they are from each other.

There was so much fascinating information and we just did not want the day to end. We all enjoyed a wonderful visit to the Planetarium.

~ Holly Stolting and Amberlyn Lim 3P

We had a great day at the Planetarium! After having lunch, we went inside the first room where we saw models of Saturn, Jupiter, rockets, satellites and the sun. Next we all lined up and waited to go into the big auditorium. When we went inside, the light in there made everything red. We sat in big, comfortable chairs and got to see pictures of our galaxy. We also had a look at Venus, Mars, the earth, Saturn, meteorites and comets. I really enjoyed the Plan-etarium. After the show, we had lunch and then went on the bus back to school. We had a great day. ~ Sean Oosthuizen

On Tuesday the 17th of May, we had our excursion to the Brisbane Planetarium. We had to go on a bus to get there and it took a long time! When we finally arrived, we had our lunch. After that, we went into the first room, which had faint lights. The room had a lot of really cool things in there like astronaut suits, pictures of space and models of planets. There was a second room that we went into where the roof was red like the sun. The man that was telling us about space in that room told us about the planets and stars in our solar system. After that, we went home. All of Year Three enjoyed our day at the Planetarium and thought it was very exciting. ~ Grace Stolting

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Saturday 30 July

12pm - 6pm





Purchase online at www.kingscollege.qld.edu.au

NB: Price increases to $26 after Term 3 starts

All tickets for purchasing available online only from 4pm Friday - www.kingscollege.qld.edu.auNB: Price increases to $26 after Term 3 starts

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Mikaela Rawlings

Gina HalesAlysha Davies

Kimberley Swensson


Saturday 30 July

12pm - 6pm





Purchase online at www.kingscollege.qld.edu.au

NB: Price increases to $26 after Term 3 starts

High School SportDates for the Diary• Friday May 27th APS Rd 6 v All Saints• Monday May 30th Regional Golf at Lakelands• Friday June 3rd APS Rd 7 v Saint Stephens• Friday June 10th APS finals day

APS Cross CountryKing’s sent along a team of 100 runners to Runaway Bay

to the annual APS Cross Country. On a good running day the team gave quite a reasonable showing finishing 7th over-all. Bernard Lierse, Jade Brandt, Mikaela Rawlings, Michelle Bristow, Emily Carey, Jake Myors and Vincent Sturm have qualified for the regional finals. We congratulate these sev-en runners.

The U/15 boys team finished 3rd. Team members were Jake Myors, Jacob Morey, Jesse Phillips, Tyler Bahnemann, Alex Jack, Matthew Hager, and Jayden Reid.

The open girls team also finished 3rd in their age group. Team members were Jade Brandt, Mikaela Rawlings, Kristee Wentworth, Alysha Davies, Gina Hales, Kimberlee Swensson, Shannon Wright and Claudia Hooper.

Regional GolfWe congratulate both Kanami Iwama and Dee Dee Russell

who have qualified for the regional golf finals to be held next Monday at Lakelands. Both girls have worked extremely hard on their game and both have very, very low handicaps. We wish both girls all the very best as they trial to make the Queensland Championships. Good luck girls.

Regional SoccerKing’s sent three boys to the regional trials last week.

Wade Dolan, James Ellins and Jayden Reid all made the Hin-terland U/15 soccer team. At the regional trial Jayden was selected as a shadow player. We congratulate all three boys on a fantastic effort and wish Jayden all the best for the state championships.

APS Finals DayFor the first time, APS will hold a finals day to culminate

the winter season. All teams will play–off on this day against the teams next to them on the final table. More information to follow but the games will be played at central venues. At this stage a number of teams are looking to at least make the grand finals.

In the boys teams Mr Grady’s Open A & B volleyball, Mr

Ormerod’s open and inter volleyball, Mr Askin’s junior vol-leyball, Mr Deacon’s 2nd XV rugby, Mr Burden’s Year 8 rugby, Mr Jurin’s Boys Open C tennis.

In the girls teams Mrs Shimizu’s intermediate soccer, Mrs Weathered’s Year 8 netballers, Mrs Morgan’s Junior B tennis, Mr O’Donnell’s open and intermediate volleyball, Mr Sch-weitzer’s open B soccer are all still in strong contention for the grand final.

~ Peter Gillett, Secondary Sport Co-ordinator

Jake Myors

Alex Jack

Jade Brandt

Emily Carey

Tyler Bahnemann

Bernard Lierse Michelle Bristow

Vincent Sturm

James EllinsWade Dolan Jayden Reid

Dee Dee RussellKanami Iwama

Kristee Wentworth

Matthew Hager

Jacob Morey

Jesse Phillips

Shannon Wright Claudia Hooper

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Secondary SportOn Friday, 20th May, King’s played Trinity Lutheran College in round 5 of the APS competition. It was a very successful day for the college. A summary of results is listed below:

Boys TLC v KCC Player of the WeekSport Team Win ScoreSoccer Year 8 DR 2-2 Joshua Chan Year 9 KCC 3-0 Alex Jack Junior C1 ASAS 4-1 Connor Hammant Inter KCC 3-0 Adrian Gomm Open A KCC 6-4 Frank Christian Open B KCC Forfeit Hockey Junior Bye Senior ByeVolleyball Junior A KCC 3-0 Taylor Rawlings Junior B KCC 3-0 Bailey Fitness Inter A KCC 3-0 Filip Muresan Open A KCC 3-0 Justin Chandra Open B KCC 3-0 Jonathan Williams Open C KCC 3-0 Jesse PainterRugby Year 8 KCC 41-17 Jesse Damianopoulos Year 9 TLC 24-7 Levi Grimmond Year 10 Bye 2nd XV KCC 69-17Tennis Junior A KCC 13-11 Junior B KCC Forfeit Open A KCC Forfeit Open B KCC 21-3 Open C KCC 18-6

GirlsSoccer Year 8 KCC 3-0 Paige Owen Year 9 KCC 5-1 Junior C1 ASAS 5-0 Inter DR 2-2 Kirsty Abrahams Open A DR 0-0 Charlotte Pa’asia Open B KCC 5-0 Scarlett Judd-ParolinHockey Junior TLC 6-0 Volleyball Junior A KCC 3-0 Kayleigh Harris Junior B TLC 3-0 Monique Ambrose Inter A KCC 3-0 Robin O’Reilly Open A KCC 3-0 Open B KCC 3-0 Open C KCC 3-0 Min Jeong SongNetball Year 8A KCC 20-17 Fiona Chen & Courtney Thomas Year 8B KCC 13-5 Chanelle Brett & Shahena Stanford-Engwirda Year 9A TLC 27-2 Sanjana Bhatia Year 9B TLC 18-10 Zoe Porter Junior T2A EMM 32-2 Laura Baar Junior T2B ABP 5-2 Emerald Dalton Year 10A KCC 40-7 Mikaela Vanderburg Year 10B KCC 23-5 Elizabeth Penaia Open A TLC 30-20 Lani van Heerden Open B TLC 37-12 Autumn Underwood Open C TLC 28-12 Jasmyn O’Donnell Open D TLC 43-10 Cait RichardsTennis Junior A TLC 16-4 Grace Payne Junior B KCC Forfeit Open A TLC 17-7 Kanami Iwama Open B TLC Forfeit Open C TLC 19-5 Esther Park


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