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Kit whv 2013

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  • 7/29/2019 Kit whv 2013


    Protected B

    (when completed

    Application Form

    Section A : Personal DetailsFULL NAME (FAMILY NAME / SURNAME)

    (as shown on your passport)


    (as shown on your passport)

    DATE OF BIRTH(dd-mm-yyyy)


    PLACE OF BIRTH(city or town, country)







    CURRENT MAILING ADDRESS(street, city, province/territory, postal code)




    *The IEC applicant understands that dependent(s) may not accompany the applicant under his/her application. Dependent(s) of IEC applicants/participants must submit an individual application (e.g., visitor, worker, student) to enter Canada.

    Section B : Details of Intended Work in Canada(not applicable to WHP)Name of employer in Canada

    Address of place of employment in Canada(street, city, province/territory, postal code)

    Job title and brief description of duties

    Contract start DATE, as shown on yourcontract(dd-mm-yyyy)

    Contract end DATE, as shown on your contract(dd-mm-yyyy)

    Section C : Signature and Date

    No one can sign your application form on your behalf. This form must include your original signature. No

    photocopies will be accepted. Your signature must correspond to the one in your




    Spain Working Holiday 2013

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    Protected B

    (when completed


    Foreign Affairs Canada and International Trade Canadais committed to respecting the privacy

    rights of individuals, including safeguarding the confidentiality of information provided byindividuals.

    Participation in the International Experience Canada (IEC) initiative is voluntary. Submission ofyour IEC application package to the Government of Canada constitutes your consent to thecollection, use, storage and disclosure of your personal information. The information that youprovide on the IEC Application and Declaration forms is collected under the Department ofForeign Affairsand International Trade Actfor the purpose of administering the IEC initiativeand determining your eligibility to participate in this initiative.

    Your personal information will be shared between Foreign Affairs and International TradeCanada, Citizenship and Immigration Canadaand the Canada Border and Services Agencyin

    order to determine your suitability for admission to Canada and for remaining in Canadapursuant to Canadian legislation, particularly the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

    Also, your personal information will be used by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canadato send you two survey questionnaires for statistical purposes.

    All information collected under the IEC initiative will be retained until two years after yourapplication was processed. It will then be destroyed. An electronic copy will be kept until youreach 37 years of age

    Individuals whose personal information is collected for IEC initiative purposes are covered bythePrivacy Act(http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/P-21/page-1.html). As such, under the

    Act, their personal information is protected and they have the right to access this information,subject to certain exceptions and exemptions.

    Personal information collected for the IEC initiative appears in the Personal Information Bank(PIB) FAI PPU 901 for Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, and in PIB CIC PPU 051for Citizenship and Immigration Canada, both of which are described on theGovernment ofCanadas Infosource website (http://www.infosource.gc.ca/).

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    (when completed)


    (It is mandatory that you tick each of the boxes below.)

    Before entering Canada, I will have and retain comprehensive travel medical insurance that will

    cover the entire period of my intended stay in Canada. I acknowledge that I am fully responsible forcovering any medical expenses I may incur during my stay in Canada as a result of injury or illness. Iacknowledge that ifI dont have medical insurance at any time during my stay in Canada I will nolonger be eligible to participate in the International Experience Canada (IEC) initiative, and neither theGovernment of Canada nor the provincial or territorial government in the Canadian province orterritory in which I am staying can be held accountable for my medical fees and expenses.

    I acknowledge that my dependent(s) (i.e., spouse/common-law partner/child/children) may NOTenter and reside in Canada by virtue of my IEC application/participation. My dependent(s) mustsubmit a separate application to enter and reside in Canada; for example, as an IEC initiativeparticipant, visitor, student or worker. (If you do not have any dependents, instead of ticking the box,please write N/A (Non Applicable) over it, by hand.) For more information, please consult the

    Common-law Partners/Spouses section of this FAQ(http://www.international.gc.ca/canada-europa/france/jeunesse-youth/faq-en.asp).

    I acknowledge that within the framework of the IEC initiative, I am not permitted to have two validpermits at the same time (work permit and/or study permit).

    I acknowledge that if I am accepted to the IEC initiative and am issued a Letter of Introduction,but do not participate in the IEC initiative during the period for which the letter is valid, the issuance ofthe Letter will count as a participation and I will therefore not be allowed to re-apply to the IECinitiative in this category, unless multiple participations in the same category are allowed according tothe terms of the Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding between Canada and my country. Ialso acknowledge that I will not be refunded the participation fee that I paid to the IEC initiative.

    I acknowledge that it is the policy of the IEC initiative to deal only with the candidate and that,consequently, at no time will the follow-up of my file be discussed with a third party (i.e.: parents,lawyers, consultants, travel agencies, etc. ). I acknowledge that I, myself, must send my ownapplication package. I also acknowledge, however, that it is possible for a third party to advise meand help me fill in my IEC application form before I send it. If I receive advice or help from a thirdparty, I acknowledge that I am nevertheless responsible for all of the information contained in my IECapplication package.

    I will enter Canada with a return or departure ticket, or with sufficient funds to purchase a returnticket at the beginning of my stay in Canada.

    I intend to leave Canada before the expiry of my passport, before the expiry of my work permit, orbefore the expiry of my health care insurance, whichever comes first.

    I solemnly declare that I have completed the IEC application and Declaration forms accuratelyand truthfully to the best of my knowledge, and I have not misrepresented myself in any way. Iacknowledge that if I have knowingly or unknowingly falsely represented myself, my IEC applicationpackage will not be accepted, and I will not be reimbursed the participation fee that I paid to the IECinitiative.

    Signature Date (dd-mm-yyyy)

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    Application Kit

    Spain Working Holiday 2013

    This category is designed for Spanish youth wishing to go to Canada for tourism andcultural discovery purposes, while being authorised to work on a casual basis in order to

    increase their financial resources or to do volunteer work (maximum 12 months).

    This application kit contains 3 sections:

    SECTION 1: INSTRUCTIONSEligibility Criteria

    Required DocumentsParticipation FeeSending In Your Application

    SECTION 2: PROCESSING YOUR APPLICATIONEvaluation ProcessProcessing Time


    Formalities at the Point of Entry (Customs)Additional Information

    APPENDICES2-page IEC Application FormDeclaration FormChecklistMedical Declaration Form

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    Eligibility Criteria

    You must:

    be a Spanish citizen who normally resides in Spain; be between the ages of 18 and 35 inclusive on the date the application is

    received; have the equivalent of C$2,500 to help cover your expenses at the beginning of

    your stay, please note you may have to present evidence of these funds whenyou enter Canada;

    be prepared to take out health-care /hospitalisation/repatriation insurance for theduration of your stay you may have to present evidence of this insurance whenyou enter Canada;

    pay a participation fee that is equivalent to C$150 in Euros; and not have previously participated in this category nor have already participated

    twice in the IEC initiative with Spain.

    It is possible to participate twice in the IEC initiative with Spain, however, the staysmust fall under two different categories. A third participation in the IEC initiative is notallowed.

    Within the framework of the IEC initiative, you are not permitted to have two validpermits at the same time (work permit and/or study permit).

    You are strongly advised against making any definitive arrangements until youreceive the Embassys decision (i.e. purchasing insurance, plane ticket, etc.).

    Required Documents

    Please read the instructions below carefully.

    Incomplete application = Rejected application

    1. Download CertificateDownload, print and attach this as the cover page of your application.You will obtain this certificate by clicking on the link provided in the email giving youaccess to your application kit.

    2. 1 Copy of the 2-page IEC Application FormSave this 2-page IEC application form on your computer. Then complete it on thescreen and print one copy. Finally do not forget to sign and date this form.This document must include youroriginal signature.

    The signature on your IEC application form must correspond to the one in yourN l i hi f b h lf

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    3. Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) Forms:

    Application for Work Permit Made Outside of Canada (IMM 1295), 5-page form when completed

    Family Information (IMM 5645), 2-page form

    To access these forms and obtain instructions on how to complete them, pleaseconsult theCitizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) Forms page(http://www.international.gc.ca/canada-europa/france/jeunesse-youth/formulairesCIC_CICforms-en.asp).

    4. Declaration FormRead carefully. Duly complete all boxes, sign and date. This document must includeyouroriginal signature.

    The signature on your declaration form must correspond to the one in your passport.No one else can sign this form on your behalf.

    5. Medical Declaration FormRead carefully and check the appropriate box at the bottom of the form. Pleaseinclude this form in your application.

    6. 2 Identity PhotosStaple (do not glue) the 2 photos to the CIC Application for Work Permit MadeOutside of Canada (IMM 1295) form, in the bottom left-hand corner of the first page(in the section marked FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DO NOT WRITE IN THISSPACE). Thephotos must conform to the specifications set out by Citizenship andImmigration Canada (www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/photospecs-e.pdf).

    7. Photocopy of the Identification Pages of your PassportThis photocopy must clearly show your first and last names, date and place of birth,passport issuance and expiry dates as well as your signature.

    A the time your application is received at the Youth Mobility Unit, your passport mustbe valid for a minimum of 12 months plus the processing time posted on ourwebsite. If you need to renew your passport in order to meet this requirement,you must do so before submitting your application. Do not send your originalpassport.

    Please note that the work permit issued at the point of entry cannot extend past yourpassport validity. Consequently, if you wish to obtain a work permit for the maximumlength of 12 months, at the time of entering Canada you must ensure that yourpassport is valid for at least one day beyond the date of your stay in Canada.

    8. Completed and Up-To-Date Curriculum Vitae (CV)You must list your entire work history as well as all of your study experiences,including the degree or diploma you are currently completing, if necessary. For eachof your professional and study experiences, please specify:

    dates (mm-yyyy)

    locations (city, country)

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    All periods of time mustbe accounted for(i.e. travel, sabbatical year,unemployment, etc.).

    Please list the official titles of your degrees, diplomas, and certificates (avoidtranslating them).

    9. ChecklistVerify that all the required documents are assembled in the proper order. Includethe checklist with your application.


    - All photocopies must be legible. They do not need to be certified or notarised.

    - All documents must be submitted in English or French or accompanied by atranslation. The translations do not need to be certified.

    - We keep all documents submitted, including originals. Please keep a copy foryour files.

    - The Embassy of Canada reserves the right to request additional supportingdocuments and/or proceed with additional verifications (i.e. request originaldocuments, contact your employer, etc.).

    - The Embassy of Canada will make its decision based on the information you haveprovided in your application. It is your responsibility to provide us with complete andup-to-date documents, as well as information that is clear and accurate.

    - For more information, please visit ourFrequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page(http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/spain-espagne/experience_canada_experience/faq.aspx?view=d) /Preguntas frecuentes(http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/spain-

    espagne/experience_canada_experience/faq.aspx?lang=spa&view=d).- WARNING: Inadmissibility for Misrepresentation

    All applicants are legally required to be truthful and disclose all relevant informationwith their applications. Applicants who submit an application package that containsmisrepresented information, knowingly or unknowingly, will be denied entry toCanada and may also be banned from travelling to Canada. The details of themisrepresentation will remain permanently on record with Citizenship andImmigration Canada and the Canada Border Services Agency. For moreinformation on misrepresentation, please visit theDocumentFraud/Misrepresentation page(http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/protection/fraud/document.asp).

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    Participation Fee

    The payment of the participation fee will only apply to candidates who submitapplications that meet all of the IEC eligibility criteria. Consequently, it will be requestedonly after the Youth Mobility Unit (YMU) has examined your application.

    If your application meets the IEC eligibility criteria, you will receive a conditionalacceptance email. In this message, you will be asked to pay the participation fee by wiretransfer. The fee amount, in Euros, as well as the bank coordinates of the account towhich the payment must be made, will be included in your conditional acceptance email.Only the Euro amount indicated in that message will be accepted as it will correspond tothe Canadian dollar exchange rate on the day of the conditional acceptance. You mustnot make this payment before receiving a conditional acceptance email from the YouthMobility Unit. If you make the payment before you have received the conditionalacceptance email, your application will be rejected on grounds of non-compliance.

    Additional information concerning the fee payment process will be provided in the

    conditional acceptance email.

    Sending In Your Application

    Mail your complete application to:

    International Experience Canada (ES-WHP 2013)Embassy of Canada in France35, avenue Montaigne

    75008 ParisFrance

    Applications will only be accepted by post. Applications that are sent by fax, email ordelivered in person will be refused and returned without being examined.


    The Youth Mobility Unit (YMU) in charge of the IEC initiative does not have apublic service desk. Please do not come in person to the Embassy of Canada in


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    Evaluation Process

    You will be kept up to date on the status of your application by email, from the time it is

    received at the Youth Mobility Unit (YMU) to the completion of its evaluation. Yourapplication will be examined in two phases: first, by theYouth Mobility Unit(YMU) andthen by the Visa and Immigration Section(VIS). If your application is accepted at theend of this process, you will receive a Letter of Introduction authorising your stay inCanada.

    1. Youth Mobility Unit (YMU) Upon reception of your application by post at the YMU, you will receive an

    email acknowledging receipt of your file. Please be aware that this message isgenerated by an automated system. If you use an anti-spam filter, please makesure that your system is configured to authorise the following sender (i.e. by

    adding it to your contact list): [email protected].

    The YMU will examine your application in accordance with the instructionsoutlined above and the provisions of the Canada-Spain Agreement ConcerningYouth Exchanges.

    If your application is accepted by the YMU: You will receive a conditional acceptance email from us asking you to pay the

    participation fee by wire transfer.

    The fee amount as well as the bank coordinates of the account to which thepayment must be made will be sent to you in this conditional acceptance email.You will have ten (10) days to make the wire transfer and upload your proof ofpayment via our secure online form; otherwise, your application willautomatically be rejected on grounds of non-payment. Additional informationregarding the payment process will be provided in the conditional acceptanceemail.

    After receipt of your proof of payment, you will receive an email from us

    confirming that your proof of payment has been received. We will thenundertake a final verification of your file.

    If everything is in order, you will receive an email informing you that the firstevaluation phase has been completed. Your application will then be forwardedto the Visa and Immigration Section for the second evaluation phase.

    If your application is rejected by the YMU: You will receive an email explaining the reason(s) for the refusal.

    If you wish to reapply to IEC, you must download a new application kit as your

    previous one will no longer be valid.

    Reminder: All incomplete or non-compliant applications will be rejected

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    2. Visa and Immigration Section (VIS)The Visa and Immigration Section will examine your application in accordance withCanadian immigration law and regulations.

    If a medical examination is required (i.e. for work with children, in elementary orsecondary education, or in health services), the Visa and Immigration Section ofthe Embassy of Canada in France will send you a personalised form andinstructions for this visit after having reviewed your application. The results of thisexamination will be required in order to complete your application. You shouldanticipate at least an extra three-week processing time, in addition to theprocessing time that will apply to your file.

    For more information theMedical Examination Requirements for Visitors page(http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/medical/medexams-temp.asp) will provideyou more information.

    If your application is accepted by the VIS: You will receive a Letter of Introduction at the email address that you provided

    on your IMM 1295 form. (No paper copy will be sent.). This letter is not apassport or a travel document allowing you to enter or to stay in Canada. Thisdocument indicates that your application for a work permit has beenapproved. You will not receive any other documents.

    If you use an anti-spam filter, please configure it to accept messages from thefollowing addresses (i.e. by adding them to your contact list):

    [email protected];

    [email protected]; and [email protected].

    Please also check your spam or junk folders to ensure that messages haventbeen filtered out.

    If your application is rejected by the VIS: You will receive a letter by post explaining the reason(s) for the refusal and a

    reimbursement process will automatically be triggered within the YMU.

    You will receive an email informing you that the YMU has initiated this

    reimbursement process.

    You will receive a final email notifying you of its completion.

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    Processing Time

    The processing time that applies to your file is the one indicated in the emailacknowledging receipt of your application at the Youth Mobility Unit. More information onthe processing time is available on theProcessing Times page (http://www.amb-canada.fr/iec/processing).

    Due to the high number of applications received, we will not respond to any questionsregarding your file during the processing period.

    In the event that you have not received an email or letter informing you of the Embassysdecision after the total processing time indicated in the Acknowledgement of Receiptemail has passed, you may inform us of this situation by completing the form availableon theProcessing Times page (http://www.amb-canada.fr/iec/processing). This form isto be used ONLY in this situation.



    The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) requires thatall participants in the International Experience Canada (IEC) initiative havecomprehensive health care and repatriation insurance upon their arrival in Canada. Thisinsurance must be valid for the entire duration of their work permit.

    In Canada, the health care and social security systems vary by province and territory.TheIECs Introductory Guide To Travel And Work In Canada(http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/spain-espagne/experience_canada_experience/guide/canada_guide-guide_du_canada.aspx?lang=eng&view=d) /Venir a Canad: Una Gua Prctica(http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/spain-espagne/experience_canada_experience/guide/canada_guide-guide_du_canada.aspx?lang=spa&view=d) will help you to understand your rights.

    The insurance policy that you buy must:

    cover health care/hospitalisation/repatriation; be valid for all of Canada (North America, Canada/USA or worldwide

    coverage); and

    be valid for the duration of your work permit in Canada.

    You are strongly advised against buying an insurance policy until you receive your Letterof Introduction.

    You must present your proof of comprehensive insurance coverage (healthcare/hospitalisation/ repatriation) to officials upon your arrival in Canada.

    Please note that the Embassy of Canada does not have information regarding insurancepolicies or providers.

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    Formalities at the Point Of Entry (Customs)

    Your work permit will be issued to you at the point of entry in Canada, upon presentationof the following documents:

    Letter of Introduction; passport; proof of insurance; and proof of funds (equivalent of 2 500 $CAN).

    Your Letter of Introduction will be valid for 12 months from its date of issue. It willindicate the deadline before which you must present yourself at a Canadian point ofentry in order to obtain your work permit.

    Upon presentation of the above documents, you will be given an open work permitvalid for 12 months. This means that when in Canada, you will be authorised to change

    jobs or employers freely within that 12-month period.

    We remind you that the work permit issued at the point of entry cannot extend past yourpassport validity. Consequently, if you wish to obtain a work permit for the maximumlength of 12 months, when entering Canada you must ensure that your passport is validfor this period plus one day.

    Before leaving the point of entry, verify that all the information on your work permit iscorrect (i.e. permit expiry date, mention Open,etc.).

    You may enter and exit Canada during the validity period of your work permit.

    If you plan to travel to another country, you must ensure that you meet the entrancerequirements of the country you plan to visit.

    Additional Information

    For additional information that will allow you to better prepare for your upcoming stay inCanada, please consult the following pages:

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)(http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/spain-espagne/experience_canada_experience/faq.aspx?view=d)/Preguntas frecuentes (http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/spain-espagne/experience_canada_experience/faq.aspx?lang=spa&view=d).

    IECs Introductory Guide To Travel And Work In Canada(http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/spain-espagne/experience_canada_experience/guide/canada_guide-guide_du_canada.aspx?lang=eng&view=d) /Venir a Canad: Una Gua Prctica

    (http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/spain-espagne/experience_canada_experience/guide/canada_guide-guide du canada aspx?lang=spa&view=d)

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    Medical Declaration Form

    Determine if you need a medical examination

    You will need a medical examination if:

    you have resided or stayed temporarily for six or more consecutive months in adesignated country or territory(http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/medical/dcl.asp ) in the one yearimmediately preceding the date you sought entry into Canada. This applies even if youare a citizen of a country where you do not require a visa to enter Canada;or

    you are coming to Canada to work in an occupation in which the protection of publichealth is essential. See the list below for more information.

    Jobs for which you need a medical examination

    Depending on your intended occupation while in Canada, certain temporary foreign workersare required to undergo a medical examination. The following list provides examples of suchoccupations. This list is not all-inclusive.

    1. Occupations that bring you into close contact (more than three hours a day or risk ofexchange of body fluids) with people, namely:

    o workers in the health sciences fieldo clinical laboratory workerso patient attendants in nursing and geriatric homeso medical students admitted to Canada to attend universityo medical electives and physicians on short-term locumso teachers of primary or secondary schools or other teachers of small childreno domesticso workers who give in-home care to children, the elderly and the disabledo day nursery employees

    2. Agricultural workers fromdesignated countries or territories.

    Plan your medical examination

    If you do need a medical examination, the Visa and Immigration Section (VIS) will provideyou with instructions and a form with your assigned file number before you see a designatedmedical practitioner.

    Your own doctor cannot do the medical examination. You must see a physician onCanadas list ofpanel physicians:http://www.cic.gc.ca/dmp-md/medical.aspx

    Do you require a medical examination?

    Yes, please send me instructions and forms No, I do not think I need to undergo a medical examination but I acknowledge

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    Unit Mobilit des Jeunes Youth Mobility Unit


    International Experience Canada (IEC)Spain

    Working Holiday 2013

    Required documents, to be submitted in the following order:

    Download Certificate


    Application for Work Permit Made Outside of Canada (IMM 1295), 5-page form duly

    completed, signed and dated with:

    2 identity photos

    Family Information (IMM 5645), 2-page form duly completed, signed and dated

    Photocopy of the identification pages of your passport

    Complete and up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV)

    Medical Declaration Form

    One copy of your 2-page IEC Application Form, duly completed, signed and dated with:

    Declaration Form,duly completed, signed and dated

    Reminder: All documents must be submitted in English or in French, or accompanied by a

