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Knightly NEWS · 2021. 5. 6. · Scribe Nathan Nasby ... Carmine M. Bravo District Deputy...

Date post: 20-Jul-2021
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1 CHARITY, UNITY , FRATERNITY & PATRIOTISM Knightly NEWS May 2021 Annunciation Council 12761 / St Patrick Assembly 2883 Brother Knights, The next two KofC Annunciation Council 12761 Business Meetings are very important and require your participation in the Annual Election of New Officers for the fiscal year of 7-1-2021 thru 6-30-2022. On Tuesday, May 4, 2021, during our Virtual/On-line meeting, the following slate will be presented for your consideration: GRAND KNIGHT - Tom Steedle DEPUTY GRAND KNIGHT - Carl Krot CHANCELLOR - Russell Dunn RECORDER - Russell James TREASURER - Mike Cusick ADVOCATE - Barney Gentry WARDEN - Albert Pagan INSIDE GUARD - Brian DeGailler OUTSIDE GUARD - Ivan Lawyer TRUSTEE 3 YEARS - Dennis Franko TRUSTEE 2 YEARS - Tim Tiralosi TRUSTEE 1 YEAR - Joe DiSalvo During our "In Person/On-line" Business Meeting scheduled for June 1, 2021, nominations from the floor will be open for the Election of the above positions. Appointments of the CHAPLAIN, FINANCIAL SECRETARY, LECTURER, and MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR will be announced shortly thereafter. Also, we will need volunteers to help on the following estab- lished Committees: AUDITORS, AWARDS & BIRTHDAYS, BENEFITS, BUDGETS, CALLING TREE, CANDIDATE INTERVIEWS, CHURCH EXEMPLIFICATION TEAM, FAMILY, FINANCIAL, FOOD & REFRESHMENTS, LEGAL MATTERS, MEETINGS SET- UP, MEMBERSHIP, NEWSLETTER, PRAYERFUL SUPPORT, PROGRAMS & EVENTS, PRO LIFE, PUBLIC RELATIONS, RETENTION, VISITATION TO THE INFIRMED, VO- CATIONS, WELFARE, YOUTH, ETC. Using your God given talents in support of any or many of these committees of the largest Catholic Fraternal Organization, the KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, will satisfy your goals of SERVICE AND CHARITY to ALL. Thank you for answering the call! BLESSED MICHAEL MCGIVNEY pray for us. Vivat JESUS + + + Grand Knight - Dennis Franko [email protected] or (407) 717-4143
Annunciation Council 12761 / St Patrick Assembly 2883
Brother Knights, The next two KofC Annunciation Council 12761 Business Meetings are very important and require your participation in the Annual Election of New Officers for the fiscal year of 7-1-2021 thru 6-30-2022. On Tuesday, May 4, 2021, during our Virtual/On-line meeting, the following slate will be presented for your consideration:
CHANCELLOR - Russell Dunn RECORDER - Russell James
TREASURER - Mike Cusick ADVOCATE - Barney Gentry
WARDEN - Albert Pagan INSIDE GUARD - Brian DeGailler
OUTSIDE GUARD - Ivan Lawyer TRUSTEE 3 YEARS - Dennis Franko TRUSTEE 2 YEARS - Tim Tiralosi
TRUSTEE 1 YEAR - Joe DiSalvo During our "In Person/On-line" Business Meeting scheduled for June 1, 2021, nominations from the floor will be open for the Election of the above positions. Appointments of the CHAPLAIN, FINANCIAL SECRETARY, LECTURER, and MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR will be announced shortly thereafter. Also, we will need volunteers to help on the following estab- lished Committees: AUDITORS, AWARDS & BIRTHDAYS, BENEFITS, BUDGETS, CALLING TREE, CANDIDATE INTERVIEWS, CHURCH EXEMPLIFICATION TEAM, FAMILY, FINANCIAL, FOOD & REFRESHMENTS, LEGAL MATTERS, MEETINGS SET- UP, MEMBERSHIP, NEWSLETTER, PRAYERFUL SUPPORT, PROGRAMS & EVENTS, PRO LIFE, PUBLIC RELATIONS, RETENTION, VISITATION TO THE INFIRMED, VO- CATIONS, WELFARE, YOUTH, ETC. Using your God given talents in support of any or many of these committees of the largest Catholic Fraternal Organization, the KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, will satisfy your goals of SERVICE AND CHARITY to ALL. Thank you for answering the call! BLESSED MICHAEL MCGIVNEY pray for us. Vivat JESUS + + + Grand Knight - Dennis Franko [email protected] or (407) 717-4143
May 2021
. Dear Knights and Ladies, In the month of May, the Church remembers the Mother of God, who is a model of disciple- ship for men and women of all times. Mary is ever contemporary, with her message of loving sur- render to the will of God in all things, and her desire to please God in every way. Much as happily married spouses try to find ways to please one another, Mary's love for God was the driving force of her life. As our late Bishop Thomas Grady once wrote, Mary was the "first disciple of her Son." She was incredibly open to the Holy Spirit's guidance, and was eager to learn God's ways. Jesus once remarked: "anyone who does the will of my Father in Heaven is mother, brother, and sister to me." Hence, obedience and humility are requisites for the disciple, or follower of Jesus. Since both are spiritual gifts, we must pray for a spirit of humility, to open us to the graces God wants to give us. I'm reminded of Psalm 46's admonition: "Be still and know that I am God; supreme in the heavens, supreme upon the earth." This month we will crown Mary symbolically, but more important is that we crown Mary as Queen of our hearts. We "honor" Mary; we do not "adore her," as "adoration" belongs to God alone. She is, as the poet William Wordsworth once remarked, "mankind's solitary boast." We are proud of Mary, as one so obedient and devoted to God's will. And, we know that she is our spiritual mother, given to us by Jesus on the cross. We can truly ask her intercession on our behalf, confident of her motherly care for us. As knights and ladies, we can pray the Holy Rosary, which is an indulgenced prayer, for Our Lady's intentions: world peace, the needs of the Holy Father, repentance and conversion for sinners, for families, for priests and religious, for life, and for vocations. I feel confident that by so doing, our prayers will become expansive and loving. Our Lady, in turn, will remember our intentions as her dear children. It is quite true that when we concentrate on God's business - God's work in our world; He will handle our business, and do a much better job! Mary has taught us how to love, as evidenced by her obedience to God's will. May our love increase, and transform us into powerful disciples for the Gospel. Yours in Jesus and Mary, Father Steve Baumann Chaplain
Chaplain’s Corner
What a difference a person can make.
Donald Trump, who is not a Catholic, was the most pro-life president that our country has had. He enforced the Mexico City policy and other pro-life measures. Unfortunately, Trump lost his re-election bid to Joseph Biden, a person who claims to be a devote Catholic. Once Biden was sworn in as President, Biden cancelled our coun- try’s adherence to the Mexico City policy which specified that Federal monies cannot be used to fund abortions. Now, Biden, with the assistance of another self-proclaimed Catholic, Nancy Pelosi, has begun to repeal President Trump’s other restrictions on tax- payer funding of abortions. He is restoring money to organizations like Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers. Let all practical Catholics know that we must help save babies and, in order to do so, we must elect pro-life people to govern our country. Paul and Mary Guyet Pro-Life Couple, Council #12761
Navigator Robert Palmer—12761
Captain Les Phillip —5618
Pilot Pete Ramondetta—5618
Comptroller John Bowers —5618
Scribe Nathan Nasby—12761
Purser Ken Kiesel—12761
Admiral James Taglia—5618
Trustee 3 Year Jock Sterling— 12761
Trustee 2 Year Larry Marquis—5618
Trustee 1 Year Fred Milcarsz—5618
Brother Knights, This month, the councils will be electing new officers. Do you have what it takes to lead your council? Having been in the business world, with corporations, sole proprietorship and partnership along with many civic organizations, there is plenty of opportunity to succeed or not, as a leader. It is especially ap- parent in marriage. A leader is someone who can see how things can be improved and who rallies people to move toward that better vision. Leaders can work toward making their vision a reality while putting people first. Just being able to motivate people isn't enough — leaders need to be empathetic and connect with people to be successful. A real critical factor is from the word of God, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves." The ego can be a big downfall in that regard. Jesus said, “A good leader seeks the Lord, commits his way to the Lord and the Lord establishes the next steps.” The preparations of the heart belong to man, But the answer of the tongue is from the LORD. Supreme outlines for us the roles we are to play and our Catholic faith defines for us what spiritual context our behavior lies. The programs include, Faith, Family, Community and Life. Each of those taken in light of God’s Holy spirit make us better men in the faith, the community and especially family. Go into your prayer closet and listen to the Lord’s direction to make you a better Knight of Columbus, a better leader of men, a better Catholic and especially a better husband and father. Vivat Jesus, Carmine M. Bravo District Deputy #24/PGK/PFN [email protected]
Herb Knoll
Like most people, I use to dismiss the news of a person's passing. I found I could rationalize the death of others as people often do, with wild conjecture such as "Well, he/she had a long life," or some other insensitive comment.
But now, having been a caregiver for one as ill as my beautiful bride Michelle, and having witnessed her final breaths, I feel vastly different. I now become extremely saddened each time I learn of the passing of another human. It does not matter their age or what the circum- stances were surrounding their death. I wince whenever I hear someone offer aloof statements such as, "But they were smokers, weren't they?" So, what if they were? Is dying their punishment? What if they wanted to live just one more day so they could finish their crossword puzzle or the volunteer project they pledged to fulfill? What if they wanted to say they were sorry to a friend for an old misdeed, or perhaps, say "goodbye for now" to a grandchild who was rushing to his or her bedside but hadn't yet arrived?
Each person, regardless of the circumstances surrounding their passing, was someone's beloved child. Their mother loved, protected, and sacrificed for this person from the moment she learned of their conception until she would deliver him or her safely into this world. A moment so special, so unique in all-the-world, only women will ever fully understand and appreciate its significance. This fetus – this person - mattered. At least to his or her moth- er if to no one else. Perhaps the deceased was someone's father or mother or their sister or brother. They may have been someone's friend; another person's first love, soulmate, or perhaps someone's mentor. They may have been the good-hearted neighbor from down the street who always smiled when passing. They were likely to have been someone's col- league, or perhaps; it was they who made a difference in your cousin's life when faced with a series of insurmounta- ble challenges and did so without tribute. It could have been the deceased that years earlier saved another life when they donated a kidney to a dying teen- ager in need of a donor. It may have been the deceased that were among those who regularly donated blood to the Red Cross as the rest of us slept. The deceased may have proudly served our country in uniform with little regard or appreciation from those they protected. It may have been their performance in an elementary school play that brought the assembled parents to their feet shouting encore! And it may well have been their efforts that created jobs for others in our community. This child of God may have been among the Americans who always paid their taxes on time and never even at- tempted to beat the system, even when times were tough as they are today? Perhaps, just maybe, it was they who served as someone's hero or another person's only reason for living. (continued next page)
Author: The Widower's Journey
The loss of someone close will likely broaden anyone's perspective about life in general. "Life's senses"
become sharpened. "Life's wounds" become exposed. We each become veterans. Veterans of a kind of war most are
not prepared to face.
And sometimes, in war, we incur wounds. Deep wounds, contributing to a new appreciation for the gift of life, including the lives of those lost. For me, I cannot help but wonder how others can accept death with so little dis- comfort. As a society, have we become so mechanical, so programmed that we have shed our compassion and feel- ings? I pray this is not the case. So, the next time you speak with someone who is grieving the loss of a loved one, please do not offer up one of the lame comments we have all become accustomed to hearing in such situations. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding one's passing, it is the end of a human's life. It deserves better from all of us. Death comes with living. I got it. But lets at least learn to turn a deaf ear to anyone inquiring as to "How old were they?" or "Did they have any life insurance?" for neither question has value. Instead, upon learning of another
person's passing, let us inquire into their "life's deeds," and their "loves." Let us celebrate their unheralded contribu- tions to our world as we pay tribute to their life and all that it touched.
Field Agent Report May 2020 Spring is here, we have a new season and after a blessed Easter and a beautiful Eastertide, it's time to start planning again. With spring weather, I've put together my list of all these chores that need doing. Some of that includes physical repairs around the house, getting the lawn and flowerbeds ready to go, maybe even power washing my house. Now when you get outside to get that work done, please, please be careful! I’m reminded of two acquaintances who were up on ladders in the spring. In both cases, the ladder slipped, and each gentleman sustained two broken arms! Out of commission for quite a while. But there are many hazards that can put you out of commission…and that brings me to the important part of my message this month. Protecting your greatest asset - - - your ability to work and earn an income! Take your annual income (probably fresh in your mind with tax filing day extended into May) and multiply it times your remaining years of working. A 35-year-old making $50,000 a year will earn $1.5 million in the next 30 years…if he never gets another raise! So, you have lots to protect. But what if you’re sick or hurt and can’t work. Maybe it’s something simple like the gents above…a set of broken arms. But one of my members laid his motorcycle down on his leg…off from work for two years! That’s a lot of house payments to miss. Luckily, his disability income policy came to the rescue. It can happen to any one of us. And disability does not discriminate; man or woman; Black, white, Hispanic or Asian; young or old. A 2014 CDA Long-Term Disability Claims Review had a number of notes: More than 1 in 4 of today’s 20 year-olds will become disabled before they retire, 76% of us live paycheck to paycheck; less than 5% of all disabling accidents and illnesses are work related. That means 95% of those are not covered by Worker’s Compensation. You’re on your own 95% of the time. Turn to Social Security; but Social Security’s report on SSDI says that only about 40% of applicants are awarded benefits. Couple that with 69% of the private sector workforce having no long-term disa- bility income insurance and it’s no wonder disabilities are the #1 cause of mortgage foreclosures. So, what to do? Let’s get together and find out. Do you need disability income insurance? If so, how much? Maybe you have some at work…is it enough? Is it taxable? Is it the right kind? Let me suggest you put your mind and your family's mind at ease. Life is unpredictable, pandemic or not. Let’s plan for the worst…but expect the best. We can’t see what the future will bring, I’m here to help you plan for the unexpected. Let’s make sure that if you or your spouse are sick or hurt and can’t work, that your family can stay in the home you’ve provided, pay the utilities, buy groceries…make sure the basics are covered. Meanwhile, stay safe and healthy. Vivat Jesus!
Dear Brother Knights, The Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity is now available on-demand. This means that any current 1st or 2nd Degree Knights can advance to the 3rd Degree at any time of the day or night, 24/7, at their convenience. To participate in the ceremony immedi- ately, click on the link below and the 30-minute ceremony will start upon completion of your registration. Provide the required information including our council number (12761). • Please note that your family and friends are welcome to observe the ceremony. We look forward to you becoming a third-degree Knight of Columbus! On-Demand Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity - 1359367 Vivat Jesus, Bob Nettles Annunciation Council 12761 Membership Director 407-247-6719
If requested, the Fraternalism Committee will mail a Knights of Columbus “Get Well” or “Sympathy” card to Brother Knights or Families of those who are going through the Healing Process of a Physical or Emotional Ailment, or those who have Lost a Loved One and are in need of our Prayerful Support.
Please contact our Fraternalism Chairman SK Dennis Franko at
[email protected] or call 407-717-4143, for all requests.
*Keep Them in Your Prayers*
May 2021
Prayers needed for Requested By Prayers needed for Requested By
David Attard SK Dennis Franko Christine Kiesel SK Ken Kiesel
Walter Bagley SK Ed Fleri Cathy Kneller BK Tim Moon
John & Peggy Banaghan SK Bob Nettles Cindy Knoll SK Herb Knoll
Bob Barry SK Lou Buttice Charlotte Lacolla SK Ralph Falconi
Fr. Stephen Baumann SK Dennis Franko Jim Loisel BK Lou Tarantino
Janet & Ron Boehly SK Ron Boehly Larry Lutz BK Dave Halloran
Dianne Bowser SK Ray Bowser Domonic Marcrina V SK Vince Corino
Ali Campbell & family SK James Taglia Richard Mazza SK Vince Corino
Bernadette Carroll SK Lou Buttice Diane & Richard McNamara SK Herb Knoll
Carol Cortes SK Vince Corino Al Melito SK George Miller
Mike Cusick SK Dennis Franko Callie Merrit SK Rich Gesell
Peter Daly SK James Taglia George & Kelly Miller SK Dennis Franko
Tricia Daly & family SK James Taglia Bill Mitchell SK Bob Nettles
Gloria Detrieh SK Mike Duffy Kathleen Michell SK Dennis Franko
Charles & Minnie Duffy SK Mike Duffy Kolbe Mitchell SK James Taglia
Karen Duffy SK Mike Duffy Brian & Mike Morro SK Carmine Bravo
Russell Dunn SK Dennis Franko Lisa Naylor SK James Taglia
Mary & Tom Dutko SK James Taglia Judy & Chuck Ness SK John Lampe
Jaques Everly SK Herb Knoll Bill Nolan SK Dennis Franko
Carl & Paige Fairley SK Dennis Franko Sylvia & Bob Nordheim SK Carmine Bravo
Rafael Falconi SK Ralph Falconi Drew Orton SK Herb Knoll
Austin Farr SK George Miller Bill Powers SK Tom Steedle
Dann Finch SK Luke Williams Alicia Scala BK John Scala
Al, Pat & Michael Fleri SK Ed Fleri Bob Shakar SK Bob Nettles
Wayne Fricker SK Ed Fleri Betty & Mark Shankroff SK Mike Duffy
Jackson & Bennett Frunzi SK James Taglia Felicity Sterling BK Shawn Sterling
Ryan & Tom Garrett SK Bob Nettles John Sterner SK Steve Sterner
Barbara Gesell SK Rich Gesell Marsha Temple SK Carmine Bravo
Gary Goddard SK Carmine Bravo Jacob Turner BK Frank Landi
Phil & Donna Henderson SK Rich Gesell George Vrabel BK John Scala
Kristie Gesell Houseman SK Rich Gesell Patrick Welch SK Herb Knoll
Andreas Insuasty SK Tom Steedle Luke Williams SK Bob Nettles
Nicole Jenau SK Hans Jenau Donna & Kent Winship SK Herb Knoll
Bill Kelley SK James Taglia Frank & Nancy Zeleznik SK Frank Zeleznik
Albert Christian SK Ron Abner Patricia Inbornone SK Lee rogers
Luise Alliston SK Dan McPherson Brad McNamara SK Herb Knoll
Paul Bender SK Bob Nettles Donald Myer SK Vince Corino
Peggy Dailey SK Lou Buttice Andrew Telesz SK Jim Telesz
Michael Giunta BK Mike Morris Fr. Eamon Tobin SK Robert Palmer
Our next BUSINESS MEETING will take place on
TUESDAY, May 4 , 7:00 pm, Via Live Stream / Free Conference Call.
Annunciation Council 12761 Information
H a p p y B i r t h d a y M a y 2 0 2 1
Annual Dues of $40.00 covering the period of July 1, 2020 — June 30, 2021, may be paid via Anedot at https://secure.anedot.com/kofc12761/donate
or by check payable to: KoC Annunciation Council 12761
And mailed to
Any questions may be directed to [email protected] or 407-489-4753
Annunciation Council Officers 2020-2021
Deputy Grand Knight Dr. Thomas O, Steedle Warden Albert Pagan
Chaplain Fr. Stephen Baumann Inside Guard Brian DeGailler
Chancellor Russell Dunn Outside Guard Ivan Lawyer
Financial Secretary Robert Palmer Trustee I Year James P. Telesz
Membership Director Robert Nettles Trustee 2 Year Joe DiSalvo
Recorder Russell James Trustee 3 Year Dr. Tim Tiralosi
Treasurer Mike Cusick Lecturer John Scala
Philip M Henderson Sr 05-03 John M Kuzminsky 05-12 Dennis M Bouley 05-22 John J Linde 05-03 Thomas M Kimbrough 05-13 Louis J Forte 05-22 Dr Renaldo D Daco 05-05 Jeffrey P Davis 05-14 David G Halloran 05-23 Dennis M Leavy 05-05 Mr Michael P Cusick 05-16 David E Joyce 05-25 Gerald J Keane 05-06 Jorge T DaSilva 05-16 Richard W Sprys 05-26 Shawn V Portmann 05-07 Jason J Danaher 05-17 Flavio A Arana 05-27 Ian L Gilden 05-08 Steve A Muller 05-17 Edward W Cote 05-28
Lee R Rogers 05-08 Bernard H Gentry 05-18 Albert Pagan 05-28 Joseph DiSalvo 05-10 James M Maki 05-18 H Keith Martin 05-30 Mr Joel M Teta 05-11 Robert F Hidock 05-21
Your Newsletter Editor is: SK Jim Telesz , Email: [email protected]
Please send all info for the next newsletter issue directly to me. The Newsletter will be sent out before the 1st of the month, for that month. All info for the Newsletter must be received by the 20th of the previous month. If possible provide text on the cover of your Email or in MS Word format. Pictures are preferred in JPEG or PDF format. This makes editing and formatting easier. Thank you.
Knights of Columbus
Altamonte Springs, FL. 32716-3217
5/4/21 TUES 7:00pm Council 12761 Business Meeting Virtual On-Line/Conf. Call
5/9/21 SUN All Day MOTHER’S DAY Spiritually or in Person
5/10/21 MON 7:00pm Assembly 2883 Business Meeting Virtual On-Line/Conf. Call
5/15/21 SAT 5:00pm Armed Forces Day St. Mary Magdalen Church
