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KNOCKOUT BULLYI NG - Weeblytrevorosborne8.weebly.com/uploads/1/8/3/5/18359719/knockout_bull… ·...

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Page 1: KNOCKOUT BULLYI NG - Weeblytrevorosborne8.weebly.com/uploads/1/8/3/5/18359719/knockout_bull… · to Knockout Bullying. Introduction Background Across the United States there is a


Page 2: KNOCKOUT BULLYI NG - Weeblytrevorosborne8.weebly.com/uploads/1/8/3/5/18359719/knockout_bull… · to Knockout Bullying. Introduction Background Across the United States there is a
Page 3: KNOCKOUT BULLYI NG - Weeblytrevorosborne8.weebly.com/uploads/1/8/3/5/18359719/knockout_bull… · to Knockout Bullying. Introduction Background Across the United States there is a

Introduction................................................................................ 1

Background................................................................................ 1

Situation Analysis....................................................................... 2

Research.................................................................................. 3-4

Target Audience........................................................................ 5


Objectives.............................................................................. 6- 9

Strategies................................................................................. 6-9

Tactics...................................................................................... 6-9

Evaluation................................................................................ 6-9

Time Line.................................................................................. 10

Budget...................................................................................... 10

Appendix.............................................................................. 11-15

Team PRinciple........................................................................ 16


Page 4: KNOCKOUT BULLYI NG - Weeblytrevorosborne8.weebly.com/uploads/1/8/3/5/18359719/knockout_bull… · to Knockout Bullying. Introduction Background Across the United States there is a




Rexburg, Idaho, or “America’s Family Community”, is a small farming town in the desert tundra of Southeastern Idaho, full of hard working and friendly people. It’s also home to Brigham Young University-Idaho (BYU-I) and its wide range of students from diverse cultures and backgrounds. Each makes up a half in the total population, which amounts to more than 27,000 residents. The diversity RI�LWV�UHVLGHQWV�FUHDWHV�D�EHQHÀFLDO�DPRXQW�RI�FRPPXQLW\�LQYROYHPHQW�DQG�SURYLGHV�XQLTXH�OHDUQLQJ�opportunities for everyone. Among the residents of Rexburg are the BYU-Idaho students that make up Principal PR. These students have chosen to participate in the Bateman competition because of the opportunity to make a change in their community. Bullying is a nationwide issue that is gaining attention and should be addressed in every community, HYHQ�´$PHULFD·V�)DPLO\�&RPPXQLW\µ��7KH�XQLTXH�PL[WXUH�RI�UHVLGHQFH�DOORZHG�3ULQFLSDO�35�WR�conduct a community event to teach bullying prevention tactics. This event was held on February 23rd at two local and prominent businesses, Kiwi Loco and Skeeter’s Dawgs. With a Knockout Bullying theme, community members were encouraged to come and participate in a variety of fun contests and activities that would also teach simple bullying prevention lifestyle changes. The goal of this campaign was to teach all residents of all ages simple tactics they can do every day to prevent bullying in our town to keep it “America’s Family Community”. By utilizing social media, other media vehicles and local organizations, Principal PR was able to reach the residents of Rexburg to Knockout Bullying.



Across the United States there is a major bullying problem affecting communities, with about 2.7 million students who are bullied each year. Idaho is not exempt from the effects of bullying, as they rank 2nd in rates of adolescent suicides per capita. Madison County students, including those from %ULJKDP�<RXQJ�8QLYHUVLW\²,GDKR��KDYH�VHHQ�PDQ\�RI�WKH�QHJDWLYH�FRQVHTXHQFHV�DV�ZHOO��

This issue manifests itself in a variety of ways, from physical abuse to emotional trauma, with a ZLGH�UDQJH�RI�EHKDYLRUV�DVVRFLDWHG�DQG�HYHU\�FDVH�LV�GLIIHUHQW��1R�PDWWHU�ZKDW�WKH�VSHFLÀF�DFWV�are, there are always negative side effects. The good news is, bullying can be prevented and the negative side effects remedied through strong, positive relationships.

9LFWLPV�RI�EXOO\LQJ�DUH�SURÀOHG�DV�KDYLQJ�QR�VXSSRUW�IURP�WKHLU�WHDFKHUV�RU�FODVVPDWHV�EHFDXVH�WKH\�are different. Students with strong, positive support systems are less likely to become bullies and are better able to handle the effects of being a victim of bullying. But many school faculty members, parents and other community members don’t know what they can do to help create those support systems. A previous campaign, by the Madison Cares organization, helped to promote awareness about bullying in the Madison County community. This campaign focused on the negative effects of bullying on the kids in Southeastern Idaho communities, such as Rexburg.

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Page 6: KNOCKOUT BULLYI NG - Weeblytrevorosborne8.weebly.com/uploads/1/8/3/5/18359719/knockout_bull… · to Knockout Bullying. Introduction Background Across the United States there is a




Primary Research

Interview with Alicia Anderson, teacher at Madison Middle SchoolThursday,January 31, 2013 at 4:00 p.m.

What school do you teach at? What subject(s) do you teach?Madison Middle School, Language Arts, Grammar, and Social Studies

Do you think bullying is a problem in the Madison County Schools?I think it is a problem, maybe not a major problem, but a problem that does need to be addressed.

What is the most common form of bullying you see or hear about in your school?I think verbal is the most common form of bullying in my school. There aren’t kids beating other NLGV�XSV��EXW�WKH�VWXGHQWV�LQ�PLGGOH�VFKRRO�DUH�WU\LQJ�WR�ÀJXUH�RXW�KRZ�WR�LQWHUDFW�ZLWK�WKHLU�SHHUV�and get attention. Many of them probably learn their lessons from the media which does not show appropriate behavior when interacting with friends. During many of the shows on the TV, the only time people laugh is when one person is making fun of another person. Our students learn from their example and then come to school and start to make fun of their ‘friends’ thinking this is the way to make people laugh. Unfortunately many people do laugh at their jokes. The person that is being attacked this way then becomes very self-conscious and if they are friends with the bully, they don’t say anything because they don’t want to lose one of their friends.

Why do you think kids bully other kids?Again, just because of the things they see in the media and probably also at home. Another stem of bullying comes from the students themselves not having a great self-image. If they don’t think they are popular, they will bring down other students around them so they can look better themselves.Do you think bullying can be prevented? If so, how?We need to have honest communication with our students. I also think that we as teachers will sometimes tease students or be sarcastic with our students. We need to be very careful not to do this as this shows the student that it is appropriate. And, even though we as adults may not mean to be harmful, students will pick up on the ‘teasing’ and take it to a higher level and then start to bully.

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Interview with the Phillips Family on BullyingSunday, January 27, 2013 at 6:30 p.m.

Background:�7\UHOO�ZDV�DGRSWHG�E\�'DOH�DQG�-DFNLH�3KLOOLSV�LQ�������+H�ZDV�WKH�IRXUWK�$IULFDQ�$PHULFDQ�FKLOG�WKDW�'DOH�DQG�-DFNLH�KDG�DGRSWHG�DW�WKDW�WLPH��+H�LV�D�VRSKRPRUH�LQ�KLJK�VFKRRO�and he is from Rigby, Idaho. Situation: Tyrell was playing on a local high school basketball team during a rivalry game. Whenever he would get the ball the students and parents of the rival high school called him racial slurs. Dale and Jackie were extremely offended that people would even say that about any student. �� Bullying is in Tyrell’s high school, not as prominent as some may think�� +H�FDQ�VHH�LW�KDSSHQ�HYHU\GD\�� Gossip is a form of bullying that is becoming worse�� Video games probably have an effect on bullying, especially violent video games�� Music can also affect people’s attitudes and behaviors�� It starts in the home, learning from parents and watching their actions and listening to what is

being said�� Cyber bullying is becoming more popular down in Southeastern Idaho�� Bullying in this area is more verbal and mental then it is physical

Secondary Research

�� According to statistics from Family First Aid, about 30 percent of teenagers in the U.S. have been involved in bullying, either as a bully or as a victim of teenage bullying.

�� Over 13 million American kids reported being bullied this year, making it the most common form of violence experienced by young people in the nation.


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Target Audiences

Based on the demographic in our community, we chose to target students between the ages of �������7KLV�VDPSOH�FDQ�EH�EURNHQ�GRZQ�LQWR�WZR�PRUH�VSHFLÀF�WDUJHWV� Primary AudienceStudents between 17-19

�� 7KH�WUDQVLWLRQ�SKDVH�LQWR�FROOHJH�LV�D�WLPH�ZKHQ�VWXGHQWV�FDQ�EH�LQÁXHQFHG�WR�FKDQJH�WKHLU�EHKDYLRU��,Q�D�VHQVH�LW�LV�D�WLPH�WR�ÀQG�RQHV�VHOI��%XOO\LQJ�GRHV�KDSSHQ�LQ�FROOHJH��$V�VXFK��LW�LV�crucial to educate these impressionable individuals the proper tactics to stop bullying in their University and community.

Secondary AudienceGeneral public of Rexburg

�� Community involvement is a key element to prevent bullying. Rexburg being a small community allows local businesses and organizations to work together to actively support hard-pressed issues VXFK�DV�EXOO\LQJ��+DYLQJ�GLIIHUHQW�FRPPXQLW\�PHPEHUV�LQYROYHG�ZLWK�WKH�PHVVDJH�RI�DQWL�EXOO\LQJ�FDQ�LQÁXHQFH�D�EURDGHU�UDQJH�RI�LQGLYLGXDOV�LQ�WKH�FRPPXQLW\��


The goal of this campaign was to teach all residents of all ages simple tactics they can do every day to prevent bullying in our town to keep it “America’s Family Community”.


Company Amount Price Total

Paramount 5 2@ $3.50 movie tickets (7)Sammy’s 6@ $3.99 gift cards (23) Fat Cats 20@ $2.50 gift card (50)NYB 4@ $5.00 gift card (20)Dealio 1@ $60.00 service (60)Skeeter/Kiwi (Donation) 1@ $150.00 cash (150)10 poster 10@ $1.43 print (6.43)L+DSSL��������'RQDWLRQ�� � ���#���� � � � �������WH[W�VHUYLFH������Vivint 1@ $50 print books (50)

Page 10: KNOCKOUT BULLYI NG - Weeblytrevorosborne8.weebly.com/uploads/1/8/3/5/18359719/knockout_bull… · to Knockout Bullying. Introduction Background Across the United States there is a



OBJECTIVES + STRATEGIESObjective 1: Increase awareness among 200 Rexburg residents on the importance of preventing bullying.

Strategy 1: Established a fun and persuasive event, Knockout Bullying, to educate students on the importance of bullying prevention.

Strategy 2: Created fun, metaphoric age appropriate topics and activities that grabbed the DWWHQWLRQ�RI��������\HDU�ROGV�ZKLOH�HGXFDWLQJ�WKHP�RQ�IRXU�QHZ�WHFKQLTXHV�WKH\�FDQ�LPSOHPHQW�LQ�their lives to help prevent bullying.

*Should these be combined? I feel like #2 would go within #1

Rationale: Teens and pre-teens are constantly bombarded? with scare tactics to encourage them not to do certain things in their life. To communicate our message it couldn’t be done through another scare tactic. Instead of trying to be another adult in their lives telling them what to do, we decided to think like one of them. After researching simple lifestyle changes that can be made, four bullying prevention skills were selected and combined with attention-grabbing metaphors. Booths were also created with relevant games and contests to teach the students about the skills.

Tactic #1: Educated students on the importance of talking to their parents or a trusted adult on a regular basis. By teaching the students to build a relationship now with the adults in their lives, if they’re ever in a dilemma they will be more likely to seek help. “Communication Chokehold” informs a student that not only is it OK to seek and provide help, it is encouraged.

To teach this message in a fun and interactive way we had volunteers play, “Chubby Bunny.” The YROXQWHHUV�HDFK�SXW�ÀYH�H[WUD�ODUJH�PDUVKPDOORZV�LQ�WKHLU�PRXWKV�ZLWKRXW�FKHZLQJ�RU�VZDOORZLQJ�DW�once. They then had to tell a friend how their day was. If the friend could understand them, then they would be the winning team. Each participant received a small prize such as a pie shake gift card to Sammy’s. The winning team could choose from a selection of larger prizes including: Jane Austin book set, CDs, movie tickets, etc.

Tactic #2: Encouraged students to help each other if they see one another being bullied. “Teamwork Tap-Out” communicates to the students that they are all going through the same thing. Adolescence LV�D�GLIÀFXOW�WLPH�RI�HYHU\RQH·V�OLIH��EXW�LI�WKH\�ZRUN�WRJHWKHU�DV�WHDPPDWHV�LW�FDQ�OHVVHQ�WKH�VWUHVV�DQG�hardships.

To teach this message in a fun and interactive way we had volunteers play the human knot. We had two teams of six; each team was told to make a tight circle and stretch out their arms to the center. Teammates then randomly grabbed hands, creating the human knot. They then had to untangle WKHPVHOYHV�ZLWKRXW�OHWWLQJ�JR�RI�RQH�DQRWKHU��7KH�ÀUVW�WHDP�WR�ÀQLVK�ZRQ��DQG�HDFK�SDUWLFLSDQW�DJDLQ�received a small prize.

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TACTICS + EVALUATIONTactic #4: Informed students that a simple nice action will have a big impact. “Kindness Knockout” shows students that being kind to everyone will get them further in life. In the student’s lives they want WR�ÀW�LQ�DPRQJ�WKHLU�SHHUV��5HVHDUFK�VKRZV�WKDW�PDQ\�VWXGHQWV�WKLQN�WKH\�FDQ�DFKLHYH�WKLV�E\�EHLQJ�D�EXOO\��ZKHQ�LQ�IDFW�LW�KDV�WKH�RSSRVLWH�UHVXOW��,I�VWXGHQWV�ZDQW�WR�ÀW�LQ�DPRQJ�WKHLU�SHHUV�WKH\�QHHG�WR�be kind to others.

A creative works contest was implemented to allow the students to express how, “Kindness gets you Further” The contest included four categories: drawing, writing, photography and interpretative. The ÀUVW�WKUHH�FDWHJRULHV�ZHUH�VSHFLÀFDOO\�WR�WKHLU�WLWOH�EXW�WKH�IRXUWK��´LQWHUSUHWDWLYHµ�DOORZHG�VWXGHQWV�to have the freedom to express themselves as long as it was school appropriate. Winners of the competition received larger prizes.


Strategy 2: Promote Knockout Bullying event in local areas and through media with which students between the ages of 10-19 spend time.

Rationale: By using multiple media vehicles such as posters, social media and mass texts the message ZDV�VHHQ�PXOWLSOH�WLPHV�LQ�PXOWLSOH�ZD\V�E\�RXU�WDUJHW�DXGLHQFHV��7KHUHIRUH�RXU�UHDFK�DQG�IUHTXHQF\�will increase (can we measure this?).

Tactic #1: Kiwi Loco and Skeeter’s Dawgs provided a meal deal for the event including, a classic hot dog combo and 5 oz frozen yogurt.

Tactic #2: A mass text was sent out from The Dealio about the Knockout Bullying event and meal deal. The Dealio’s primary audience is made up of teens 15 and older.


Tactic #4: 3ODFHG�SRVWHUV�DQG�ÁLHUV�LQ�FRPPXQLW\�EXVLQHVVHV�ZKHUH�WHHQV����DQG�ROGHU�JR�WR�(Sammy’s, New York Burrito, Jamba Juice, Rigby Brolium’s).

Tactic #5: Created a Facebook event page to spread awareness of the community anti-bullying event, Knockout Bullying.

Outcome: By using Facebook both audiences were reached. Through the Facebook event page updates and messages were shared to the community and vice versa. Over 2,000 people were LQYLWHG�WR�DWWHQG�WKH�HYHQW�YLD�RXU�)DFHERRN�HYHQW�SDJH��:H�KDG����SHRSOH�UHVSRQG�WKDW�WKH\�ZRXOG�EH�´JRLQJµ�WR�WKH�HYHQW�DQG����WKDW�ZRXOG�´PD\EHµ�DWWHQG�WKH�HYHQW��

The Dealio coupon was sent out via text at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 23 (the day of the event).

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OBJECTIVES + STRATEGIESObjective 2: Gain community involvement from 10 Madison County organizations to support bullying prevention.

Strategy 1:�+HOG�FRPPXQLW\�HYHQW�VSRQVRUHG�E\�ORFDO�EXVLQHVVHV��.LZL�/RFR�DQG�6NHHWHU·V�'DZJV��WZR�connected businesses that are well known within the community) with simple fun and educational bullying prevention life style changes.

Rationale: Research shows that bullying doesn’t just occur at school but in community activities too. Sport coaches, business owners and volunteers are all encouraged to be examples to the students they spend time with. Adults need to stand up for what is right and give students encouragement to do the same and to be kind to their fellow peers.

Tactic #1: Invite local businesses to help sponsor the event by donating prizes.

Tactic #2: Invite the Family Crisis Center to set up a booth at the event to show support for Knockout Bullying event and provide educational information on how to seek help.


Outcome: Exceeded Objective

A total of 14 businesses helped sponsor our event. Through these donations we were able to raise $940 worth of in-kind donations (see budget on pg. 10).

The Family Crisis Center accepted our invitation to set up a booth at our event. By having this well-NQRZQ�QRQ�SURÀW�RUJDQL]DWLRQ�FRPH�WR�RXU�HYHQW�LW�VKRZHG�WKH�FRPPXQLW\�WKDW�WKHUH�DUH�UHVRXUFHV�that are available to help with bullying.

7KH�PD\RU�DFFHSWHG�RXU�LQYLWDWLRQ�WR�DWWHQG�WKH�HYHQW��+DYLQJ�KLP�SUHVHQW�VKRZHG�FRPPXQLW\�members how serious bullying is and that the community is aware of this issue.

Strategy 2: Use media to generate awareness of the Knockout Bullying event.

Rationale: By using multiple media vehicles such as posters, news articles and PSAs the message will EH�VHHQ�PXOWLSOH�WLPHV�LQ�PXOWLSOH�ZD\V�E\�RXU�WDUJHW�DXGLHQFHV��7KHUHIRUH�RXU�UHDFK�DQG�IUHTXHQF\�will increase (can we measure this?).

Tactic #1: A news release (see appendix pg. ___) was written and sent to the university newspaper, the Scroll and the community newspaper, The Standard Journal.


Tactic #3: A public service announcement (see appendix pg ?) was sent to the following radio stations, KBYI, Riverbend and?

Page 13: KNOCKOUT BULLYI NG - Weeblytrevorosborne8.weebly.com/uploads/1/8/3/5/18359719/knockout_bull… · to Knockout Bullying. Introduction Background Across the United States there is a




Two articles (see appendix pg ?) were written and printed in the university newspaper, the Scroll, before the event and after the Knockout Bullying event.

The Scroll also had its digital news present at the event in which they produced a broadcasted news segment (see appendix pg?) the following week.

The PSA was announced on KBYI went out Tuesday and Thursday for a week and a half (Feb. 14-21) at 12:29 p.m.




Strategy: Use incentives to pull families into attending event.

Tactic #1: Promoted that the school with the most students to attend the event would receive a $150 donation.





The incentive to win $150.00 for their school of representation may have been promoted and brought more people to the event, but wasn’t recorded properly. In order to give the school of representation DWWHQGHHV�KDG�WR�ÀOO�RXW�D�VXUYH\��LQ�ZKLFK�RQH�RI�WKH�TXHVWLRQV�DVNHG�ZKDW�VFKRRO�WKH\�UHSUHVHQWHG��8QIRUWXQDWHO\�ZH�KDG�RYHU�������SHRSOH�DWWHQG�WKH�HYHQW�EXW�RQO\�����DFWXDOO\�WRRN�WKH�VXUYH\���

By giving out these bookmarks those who were unable to attend the event could still get the information about how to help prevent bullying.

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L+DSSL·V�SULPDU\�DXGLHQFH�LV�PDGH�XS�RI�IDPLOLHV��7KH�L+DSSL�FRXSRQ�ZDV�VHQW�RXW�YLD�WH[W�DW����D�P��on Saturday, February 23rd (the day of the event).

Strategy: Use media to generate awareness of, “Knockout Bullying” event.

Rationale: By using multiple media vehicles such as social media, PSAs and news articles texts the message will be seen multiple times in multiple ways by our target audiences. Therefore our reach DQG�IUHTXHQF\�ZLOO�LQFUHDVH��FDQ�ZH�PHDVXUH�WKLV"��

Tactic #1: Created a Facebook event page to spread awareness of the community anti-bullying event, Knockout Bullying.





By using Facebook both audiences were reached. Through the Facebook event page updates and messages were shared to the community and vice versa. Over 2,000 people were invited to attend WKH�HYHQW�YLD�RXU�)DFHERRN�HYHQW�SDJH��:H�KDG����SHRSOH�UHVSRQG�WKDW�WKH\�ZRXOG�EH�´JRLQJµ�WR�WKH�HYHQW�DQG����WKDW�ZRXOG�´PD\EHµ�DWWHQG�WKH�HYHQW��

The PSA announced on KBYI went out Tuesday and Thursday for a week and a half ( Feb. 14 - 21) at 12:29 p.m.


Two articles (see appendix pg ?) were written and printed in the university newspaper, the Scroll, before the event and after the Knockout Bullying event.

The Scroll also had its digital news present at the event in which they produced a broadcasted news segment (see appendix pg?) the following week.

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Conducting research and data for general campaign and campaign book.

Created logo, also created bookmarks for event

Going to local businesses to get donations for event

Event and organization pages created for Facebook and sent out to the community and public

Sent news release to The Scroll

PSA’s started on multiple radio stations two weeks before event to get the word out about our event about bullying

Sent news release to Standard Journal. Also article was published in The Scroll for BYU-Idaho students

The Mayor of Rexburg was contacted and committed to coming to event on the 23rd

+DQJLQJ�XS�SRVWHUV�DURXQG�FRPPXQLW\�WR�PDNH�FRPPXQLW\�members aware of the event on February 23

Flyers and posters were hung up in local schools in the community



Passing out bookmarks to schools and local library to reach our target audience. Also followup article was published in The Scroll about event on Feb. 23.




11-15 Feb.

13 Feb.

13 Feb.

14 Feb.

19 Feb.

19 Feb.

21 Feb.

21 Feb.

23 Feb.

23 Feb.

26 Feb.

Time Line

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