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Know thyself and Your MOORISH Father God-Allah...

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Page 28 Page 1 Know thyself and Your Father God-Allah 7 That you may learn how to live instead of hate. Every man needs to worship under his own vine and fig tree The Uniting of Asia #4 MOORISH. ORTHODOX.

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Know thyself and Your Father God-Allah

7 That you may learn how to live instead

of hate.

Every man needs to worship under his own vine and fig tree

The Uniting of Asia

#4 �



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Islam, This edition of the Moorish Orthodox Voice is a special edition because it will be published on January 8, that day for us Moorish Sufis because that is the nativity of our leader Noble Drew Ali for whom shined a great light unto the world. That light has steadily been growing stronger with every passing second. As the Christmas and Kwanza holidays have passed us by being celebrated by those who celebrate and cherish them on the 8th of the first month is when we have our holiday, this is when we share our physical gifts that are mere symbolic jesters for the true gifts of Fraternity, Unity, and Love that we have for one another and for the human family. Though we may laugh and sing the songs of ancient Moabites let us not forget ourselves as role models for those who may be a witness to our behavior in our absence. We are to be a light unto the nations of the world, a beacon of hope, an instrument of the Most High God- Allah. We must be an embodiment of his principles if we are to get this world back on track. We must also be aware that many will not understand our position both within and without the Islamic family. They may threaten us, physically and emotionally harm us, even try to take our loved ones away and we are to accept these things because the majority has never understood the esoteric teachings of the pure spiritual line. We are upholders of a lineage that goes back to the dawn of mankind, the very creation of Adam. We must not despair in our trials nor be faint of heart but know that everything happens according the will of God who does as he pleases. The stronger the resistance the more in the way of Allah we are. If many of the Prophets had to suffer why should we believe ourselves to be different?

A Few Quotes of Noble Drew Ali

If you dream of me, it’s like seeing me for true, because the devil cannot steal my appearance

The Moors were the first people, and all other people that use our name are adopted into our


Before the end time, every knee will bow to Islam

It will take 50 years to find out what I brought you, and if you are not careful, 50 years after

I’m gone, you wont know that I have been here

Allah alone is perfect

Allah alone guides the destiny of the Moorish Science Temple of America

Atlantis is going to rise again

Don’t throw away your Bibles, because I am

going to use them to condemn the government

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Ali: On His heavenly Throne By yusuf el

So if you are in the Temple or if you are merely a curious inquirer about the ways of Islamism and the overall teachings of Noble Drew Ali then I invite you to seek out a Shrine near you and attend the festivities, sing, dance, and be merry experience Islam in a way you never thought possible.

Until next time May the road rise with you and yours

Abdul Batin Bey

7 If you would like to know more about the Moorish Orthodox Church of America please look us up on Facebook. If you would like to send comments, news clippings articles or what have you please send them to [email protected]

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Head of the Movement By Abdul Batin Bey

Within the Moorish movement a distinction is made between of the followers of Noble Drew Ali akin to the divisions within Islam and Christianity respectfully. All three started off with a single person who taught the way of God to his people in his time. The problems seem to arise when that head figure is no longer there and the need for power corrupts the minds that the teacher’s void creates. In some cases it was those who knew these teachers the closest that tried to gain control over the flock while in other cases it was a Johnny come lately that never knew the leader but claimed either through visions or reincarnation to be the leader or to at least know the leader. In the case of Noble Drew Ali it was all of the aforementioned. This article does not try to dismiss all the other branches of the family tree in order to set up an Orthodoxy but it is meant to be understood that there was a specific line that Noble Drew Ali like the Prophets Jesus and Muhammad that was suppose to carry on his holy mission. The lines of these men still exist but other lines have come up that have now gained status that maybe it was never meant to have. We members of the Moorish Orthodox Church come from a line that was not chosen by Noble Drew Ali but non-of-the-less has played an important role within the Moorish Community as a whole. Better or for

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discourtesy, lack of service and actual unreliability, our business enterprises in every field of endeavor should have fullest of confidence co-operations and patronage whenever and wherever they can be given.

Read carefully the doctrines of the Moorish Science Temple of America. It contains our hopes, aims, rules and articles of religion. Every member should have a copy.

In conclusion, I urge you to remember there is work enough for all to do in helping to build a better world. The problems of life are largely social and economic. In a profound sense, they are moral and spiritual. Have lofty conceptions of your duties to your country and fellowman in general and especially those with whom you deal. This includes such honesty and righteousness as will cause you to put yourself in the others fellow's place. Look for the best in others and give them the best that is in you. Have a deeper appreciation for womanhood. Brighten the hopes of our youth in order that their courage be increased to dare and do wondrous things. Adhere at all times to the principles of love, truth, peace, freedom, and justice.

I am your affectionate leader. I shall continue to labor, day and night, both in public and private, for your good, thereby contributing to the welfare of our country and its people as a whole.

worse that is up to the individual to decide. Many within the Moorish Community on all sides of the fence are calling for healing and reconciliation this I applaud but for this to happen in the true sense it’s going to have to come about through the line chosen by Noble Drew Ali. Not by a line that sprouted in defiance, ignorance, or uncertainty. Some have gone to there local states and set up there own charter claiming to be the charter that was founded by Noble Drew Ali. Most people would never question what people say but in some cases it is good to check some facts out. Noble Drew Ali set up his Temple in County Cook in MD, all subordinate Temples also go through County Cook MD regardless of there physical location in the country. Like many other Branches of other business have a headquarters and all other businesses ass on to that original place so too does the Temple. If you are in a Temple you have the right to ask them to see where their Temple’s headquarters are. You can do this by asking them directly or by looking up Moorish Science Temple records on-line and it will give you every subordinate Temple affiliated with the one that Noble Drew Ali founded. If the Temple you are in does not fall under this lineage then you have some thinking to do and questions to ask. Another distinction between the Temple founded by Noble Drew Ali from the other Temples is according to the State of MD files and Noble Drew Ali it is not a non-profit organization, or a charity organization, it is a business organization and it is set up in that manner. Again, these records can be found on the World Wide Web and if your temple is set up not as a business but as a charity or a non-profit organization then again it is not the Temple founded by Noble

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Drew Ali. When Ali was on earth paid his taxes he wasn’t except from such. If Ali did it why aren’t these other Temples who claim his lineage not doing it? The easiest answer would be because they don’t know enough about Noble Drew Ali or his organization to know the inner workings that he set forth. With this in mind we must now turn our heads to the one chosen by Noble Drew Ali to take over his organization before he left this earth. Just as Jesus proclaimed James to be the head of his movement centered in Jerusalem (Peter was not the foundation of the Jesus movement read Acts) and just as Muhammad left his cousin and son-in-law Ali in charge (last sermon as well as many sayings authenticated by both main branches if Islam agree on) Noble Drew Ali left Edward Mealy El in charge of his movement. While Noble Drew Ali was alive he pronounced it at a Temple meeting and no one said a word against him but as soon as he passed over the splits came. Now we have so many different Temple organizations some with two charters others with none some claiming to be of the Temple but never set foot in one while others call themselves something different all together and yet claim to be the true original Temple or even worse claim that they were around before Moorish Science Temple while using Noble Drew Ali’s materials. The line of Edward Meanly El is the line that sooner or later all others will be absorbed in if they are going to be truthful. If you have an authentic Moorish 101 you will see that on the back is a picture of Edward Mealy El clearly proving that Noble Drew Ali appointed his as his successor. Having said this the one biggest difference between the Moors is that in the lineage of Mealy El ask them


It is a sad weakness in us after all, to oppose our fellowmen for their religious beliefs and if there are angels who record the sorrows of men as well as their sins, they certainly know how many and deep are the useless sorrows that spring forth from such opposition. Possibly, love and time will cancel our ancient hatreds in this regard and prove that in mankind tolerance is better than unwarranted opposition. In connection with our religious aims and beliefs, we must promote economic security. The preaching of economic security among us is by no means as widespread and intensive as the circumstances demand. No other one thing is more needed among us at this time than greater economic power. Better positions for our men and women, more business employment for our boys and girls and bigger incomes will follow our economic security. We shall be secure in nothing until we have economic power. A beggar people cannot develop the highest in them, nor can they attain to a genuine enjoyment of the spiritualities of life.

Our men, women and children should be taught to believe in the capacity of our group to succeed in business, in spite of the trials and failures of some of them. Trials and failures in business are by no means confined to any particular group of people. Some business ventures of all people fail. We have many men and women among our people who are qualified, both by training and experience, who are shining lights in the business world of all the people. It is a sad weakness in us as people that we have withheld the very encouragement, support and patronage that would have made some of our worthy business ventures a grand success. And worst of all, have joined in the condemnations of them when they failed. Except in cases of actual dishonesty,

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customs and actions of over 200 millions of people. It is a work of importance whether considered from a religious philosophical, or literary viewpoint.

In the promotion of the plans for the betterment of mankind, there has never been some kind of opposition. And strange as it may seem, such opposition has come from sources where there were no ideas or lack of courage to force attention to ideas. Whether in church, state or the social community, any attempt to do anything out of the usual way, seldom fails to receive criticism. Not because the course cannot be pursued legally or that it is unreasonable, but because it has been considered in terms as new.

The Moorish Science Temple of America has received some opposition and criticism. In the main the opposition has come from certain Christian ministers. They have expressed themselves as being opposed to our propagation of the Mohammedan religion. Possibly, because the promotion of the Mohammedan faith among our people in the United States is considered by them in terms as something new. Whatever the reasons may be for their opposition, the legal right to oppose citizens, individuals and organizations alike for their religious belief does not exist in the United States. The door of religion freedom made by the American Constitution swings open to all, and people may enter through it and worship as they desire. Without religious freedom, no search for truth would be possible; without religious freedom, no discovery of truth would be useful; without religious freedom, religious progress would be checked and we would no longer march forward the nobler life which the future holds for the races of men; without religious freedom, there would be no inspiration to lift our heads and gaze with fearlessness into the vast beyond, seeking a hope

who is the head of the Moorish Science Temple today is and they’ll give you only one name Noble Drew Ali. Some of these other Temples are claiming that they or there teacher is the head of the Temple if that’s the case then you better get out because others may be elected to certain offices but only Noble Drew Ali is the head of the movement and this is also what separates the M.S.T.A. from other businesses. The office of President is never filled by anyone because it’s filled forever by the man who founded it all anyone can ever be is a vice president that’s as high as you can go. You can be the head cardinal but you can never be the Pope because that office is filled forever. God chose noble Drew Ali for that position everyone else is chosen by man and man cannot take a position that was not appointed to him. Next time you see a brother or a sister talking about Noble Drew Ali, Islamism and the whole deal just ask them that simple question Who’s the head of the Moorish Science organization and if any other name besides Noble Drew Ali comes out of there mouths then you know where they stand and where there teachings come from.

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Deuteronomy 18:15 (Commentary by Abdul Batin Bey)

The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own brothers. You must listen to him. For this is what you asked of the Lord your God at Herob on the day of the assembly when you said, “Let us not hear the voice of the Lord our God nor see this great fire anymore, or we will die. This is read in the Temple every year on Noble Drew Ali’s birthday, though God is talking to the Israelites specifically in this passage it can be addressed to many other people as well. Has not every culture on earth asked the same thing for a representation to be sent among us so that we may know God through a filter a or more relatable way. This passage not only shows us that God understands and fulfills our needs but also shows our own frailty because we know that seeing the Presence of the Lord face to face may actually kill us. God does not hide himself from our view because he’s playing games or tricks but he does so because we have asked him to and we must deal with such consequences. Among your own brothers is telling, in the literal sense it means among the Israelites but in a wider sense it means or can mean among the different peoples of the world. A Moses will be raised among the different branches of the human family Moses

westward across Syria, Asia Minor, Turkey, southward to Africa, covering more than half of that continent. It found its way to India, amnd beyond, to the Islands of Sumatra, Java, and Borneo.

To the early representatives of this faith the world's debt is incalculably great. For it was they who transmitted the treasures of Greek literature from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance; they who originated the graceful forms of which the Tajmahal and the Alhambra are the most famous examples. It was they who contributed to the sciences of algebra and chemistry, astronomy, and medicine; they who dotted the Sareen Empire with the universities and who built at Bagdad and Cairo the most renowned universities of the world. During those centuries of ecclesiastical despotism when the Christians church suppressed all intellectual activities save those that were theological, causing the talent that reproduced to supplant the genius that creates. Mohammedans did all in their power to encourage and stimulate research in every branch of human inquiry

The Moors or Mohammedans added to the beauty and grandeur of Spain. For centuries, art, science, literature, and chivalry flourished among them, while the rest of Europe was still sunk in the gloom of the Dark Ages. The Moors were ingenious and industrious of subjects of Spain. Their expulsion from Spain in 1610, was one of the chief causes of the decadence of that country, for both agriculture and industry fell into decay after their departure.

Mohammedanism makes no distinction between high and low, rich and poor; it is like the sky, it has the room for all,

The Koran should be the interest to all readers. It is the Bible of the Mohammedans, ruling over the

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A National organization with a Rotarian complexion as it relates to branch Temples became obvious with the increasing number of inquiries from men and women in different sections of the organization. There are branch Temples in fifteen different states at this time.

Since the work of the Moorish Science Temple of America was largely religious, the organization has been legally changed to a religious corporation and an affidavit to this effect has been properly filed in the Cook County Recorder's office of Illinois.

Inspired by the lofty teachings of the Koran, we have it as the revealed word of God Allah. We shall foster the principles of its teachings among our members. This is our religious privilege as American citizens, under the laws of one of the greatest documents of all time, the American Constitution.

Mohammed was the founder of the Mohammed religion. It originated thirteen centuries ago on Arabian Peninsula, where the streams of commerce and culture met and mingled in the middle ages, where the markets of exchange were stationed for treasures of India and the products of the Mediterranean coasts. There this religion was established in the unprecedented short period of twenty years, and unlike many other religions, without the aid of any royal patronage and support. Buddhism had its Asoka; Judaism its Joshua; Christianity its Constantine; but Mohammedanism had no person of royal rank and power to assist in its establishment and spread Today this religion is acknowledged by nearly two hundred and fifty souls and extends over an area equal to one-third of the globe. From Arabia it spread eastward over Persia, Turkestan, Afghanistan;

being the mold that all others will be formed after this is how important Moses was to the Lord. Indeed these words are true if we read our history we will find that among the different branches of the human family prophets, and messengers have rising and like Moses they sought liberation for there people whether it be liberation in the purely physical, spiritual or both. Akin to Moses Noble Drew Ali was called to rise up a people that have been oppressed. Whereas Moses had to bring the people to the promised land the land they left in search for a better life elsewhere Noble Drew Ali had to rise up a people that lost there very identity and bring them back into the fold of the one true God. It was also necessary for these two men to spend time away from the very people they were going to save before they could return with the power of God to guide them. Moses went to the west of Egypt to herd sheep, have a family, and go through outer and inner trials that would mold him into the perfect leader for the Israelites. Noble Drew Ali had to travel abroad, study the secret mysteries of Egypt and Arabia going through his own purification before he was prepared to lead his people to the path of glory. Also, neither one saw the complete fulfillment of there mission Moses died over looking the promise land while Noble Drew Ali died before he could get his Moors to fully grasp his ideas leading them to a metaphorical promise land. I would like to take some time to look at the mention of Herob. Herob is a mountain range often referred to as “the mountain of God”. A closer look at this mention gives us a clue about how we can commune with God as Moses did. The first thing is to look at the name Herob one of the meanings is solitude when we enter the presence of the Most High we must be in

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solitude along, separate (holy) from the rest of the noisy world. Noise interferes with our connection to the universe this could be why so many people are afraid of being along they are afraid of facing there own smallness. Society in general is against quietness we live in a society that never rests that never wants you to rest until you drop keeping you in a dream state but the second you stop, listen the voice of the Most High will be there talking. The mention of this mountain is telling us that the real presence of the our Father-God is not up in the sky but in each and every one of us if we only dare to be alone, concentrate, prayer, chant, meditate, and to make this a daily part of our lives. Allah is in our hearts why not listen to what Yah is saying. Moses is not just a model for future prophets but he is also a model for us as individuals, everything God does he does with the ability that we all can have Union with Him. Most people want to follow, stand on the sidelines, very few want to enter the very presence of God because they have been made to fear the Lord, to even shun the Lord but even now as Allah is promising to rise up prophets like Moses He is still giving us the path to Him directly. That is the greatness, the beauty, and the power that our God, our King, Master of the Universe holds for us. Unity with Him is always open it’s simply a matter of us choosing to open that door, even if it’s no more than ten minutes a day you will feel and see the benefits in every part of your life.

Moorish Leader's Historical Message To America

Prophet Noble Drew Ali

In connection with the aims, objects, rule and regulations of the Moorish Science Temple of America. I deem it proper to submit to you a brief statement of our organization, covering its inception, rise and progress and of the Mohammedan religion, which I hope will be satisfactory to you and be the means of causing you all times to adhere to the principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice in your relations with mankind in general. I further, most anxiously hope this brief statement will help you to more clearly see the duty and wisdom of at all times upholding those fundamental principles which are desired for our civilization of our posterity, such as obedience to law, respect and loyalty to government, tolerance, and unity.

We organized as the Moorish Temple of Science in the year of 1925, and were legally incorporated as a civic organization under the laws of the State of Illinois, November 29th 1926. The name Moorish Temple of Science was changed to the Moorish Science Temple of America, May 1928 in accordance with the legal requirements of the Secretary of the State of Illinois.

The object of our Organization is to help in the great program of uplifting fallen humanity and teach those things to make our members better citizens.

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Allah-God, All Mercy and All Power. He is perfect and holy. All Wisdom, All Knowledge, and All Truth. These are some of His great attributes so far as we can understand. He is free from all defects, holy and transcendent. He is personal to us in so far as we can see His attributes working for us; but He is, nevertheless, impersonal. Because He is infinite, perfect, and Holy, we do not believe that death, decay, or sleep overtake Him, neither do we believe that He is a helplessly inactive and inert force. Nothing happens without his knowledge and will. He neither begets nor is He begotten, because these are the traits of frail and weak humanity. This unity of Allah is the first and foremost pillar of Islam and every other belief hangs upon it.

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Temple by Abdul Batin Bey

Has anyone wondered why it is the Moorish Science Temple instead of synagogue, or Mosque, or even Church? In part it could be a node to the Moorish Zion Temple since there are loose connections to that movement and the Moorish Science movement. The Moorish Zion movement though Jewish by nature still had parallels that were the precursors to the mission of Noble Drew Ali both taught that the so-called Negro were Moors, Canaanites, Hittites, and other such tribes within the bible. The founder of the Moorish Zion Temple would go on to found Beth Bnai Abraham though it was still Jewish by character prayers were offered to Allah and this congregation fasted during the month of Ramadan. Thus bridging the gap between Judaism and Islam that was needed to prepare the Moorish Americans minds in the direction that God was leading them. Just as history had three periods, three books, the people needed to pass through all three stages in order to come to the completion, full circle back to Islam that old time religion. The real reason though I believe is much deeper than just a friendly nod to a precursor. Everything has a hidden meaning, many hidden meanings and each one of us will find there own meaning that’s the beauty of a no dogmatic way of existing. You see the Moors already had synagogues but a synagogue is the start of man turning toward

"What is Islam?" By Noble Drew Ali

(From Moorish Literature As published in the "Moorish Guide National Edition") Islam is a very simple faith. It requires man to recognize his duties toward God Allah, his Creator and his fellow creatures. It teaches the supreme duty of living at peace with one's surroundings. It is preeminently the religion of peace. The very name, Islam, means peace. The goal of a man's life, according to Islam, is peace with everything. Peace with Allah and peace with man. The Koran, the Holy Book of Islam, tells us that the final abode of man is the "House of Peace." `where no vain word or sinful discourse will be heard'. The Holy Divine Prophet, Noble Drew Ali, says that a follower of Islam in the true sense of the word is one whose hands, tongue and thoughts do not hurt others. Object of man's life, according to Islam, is its complete unfoldment. Islam teaches that man is born with unlimited capacities for progress. Islam does not support the idea that man is born in sin. It teaches that every one has within him the seed of perfect development and it rests solely with himself to make or mar his fortune. The cardinal doctrine of Islam is the unity of the Father-ALLAH. We believe in one God. Allah who is

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religious life as a novice. It is where the rebuilding of the consciousness starts; this is the first step to changing your mentality from a carnal person to a righteous person. It is where man starts to base his life on truth instead of conjecture but the entire truth is still not fully grasped, they are tied to tradition more that experience thus in many cases becoming fixed states of consciousness not allowing themselves to grow any further shutting off any new revelations if one allows this mode to become all they know. Noble Drew Ali could not further his people’s education in a synagogue because it became a fixed state. It should be pointed out that Rabbi Leon Richelieu founded the Moorish Zion Temple many did not understand what he was trying to do because they were not fully aware of the deeper implications of a Temple. It was too early in there development so they stayed in synagogue. Why not then a Church? The Moors had plenty of churches, a church is a place where people start to move out of the synagogue phase see partial truth and into the idea that they are connected to the spirit of God and start to change there individual consciousness. A church is you start to nurture a relationship with God; it’s the first phone call of new lovers. This is when Divine Mind is first projected onto the consciousness and starts to plant the seed on the interior of each member of the congregation. It is the start of the spiritual ideas working in the life of its members. The church will guide you towards the Truth in a much more personal way. I should clarify that Church I’m not taking about a place of Creeds, Oaths, and dogma but a evolutionary step in your spiritual journey but the places that call themselves church or synagogue convey this idea but beware of becoming stuck in those mode of thinking

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that’s when dogma and creeds come in thus supplanting the original nature/intent of what it was suppose to be about. Remember the things of man will be cast away but the things of God will go on forever. So we went through phase one Synagogue then we went through phase two Church and now we come to faze three but as I mentioned before many were not yet ready for a temple until Noble Drew Ali had arrived. When Noble Drew Ali arrived preaching on his soapbox on a street corner people who were spiritually ready gravitated towards him because inside they knew he was taking them to that next step. So why a Temple, why that particular word? The meaning of the word Temple is “House of YHVH” before Noble Drew Ali came along the Moors were not ready to enter the house of God they had to warm up go through the steps to the Lords house. The Temple is seeing the Truth clearly without the distortions of the previous steps. It is facing and knowing you as an expression of God. It is the want to create heaven on earth. It is the place where you never want to leave. When you enter the House of YHVH you know that God is the one and only cause of everything. If you are still spiritually minded you will realize that this physical temple is a reflection of the Universe, that all the Universe is a Temple, and by you being in the image of God the image of all creation you are a living breathing Temple just as Jesus taught. This is the Divine Mind perfected because you are the Temple of the living God. In short it is Union, One with God. Only in a Temple do you realize that you and everyone around you is a high priest with the beam of Gods light shining directly into their personal Holy of

Holies. This is the pure state where now your prayers are the sweet incense that pleases the Lord. This is why I believe that Noble Drew Ali chose a Temple over anything else. He was leading his people to know themselves in a much more profound way than mere nationality and Olive tone coloring. As we have seen after he left this earth many stayed within the flesh not allowing the meaning of Temple the plain sight hidden message sink deep into there beings so they stopped at physical manifestation believe that was the ultimate when in fact Noble Drew Ali was leading them and continues to lead towards a deeper and eternal truth.
