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Knowing by developing through living labs happy transformation and smart region 160512

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Knowing by developing through living labs - happy transformation and smart region by ENoLL VP Tuija Hirvikoski from Laurea University of Applied Sciences at the University of Western Cape in Cape Town, South Africa on May 16th, 2012. Workshop organised by University of the Western Cape, SMIT-IBBT-Vrije Universiteit Brussel, European Network on Living Labs, Living Labs in Southern Africa, Western Cape e-Skills Knowledge Production Hub
Knowing by Developing through Living Labs Director Tuija Hirvikoski, PhD, Laurea University of Applied Sciences European Network of Living Labs, Laurea with multiple Centre of Excellence awards in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area Open European Innova-on Ecosystem 16052012
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 Knowing  by  Developing    through  Living  Labs    

Director Tuija Hirvikoski, PhD, Laurea University of Applied Sciences European Network of Living Labs,

Laurea with multiple Centre of Excellence awards in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area

Open  European  Innova-on  Ecosystem  


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Let’s  talk  about    •  Life,  learning  and  

innova-on  •  Happy  Transforma-on  •  Crea-ng  Lorezian  BuGerfly  

effect  •  New  Collabora-ve  

Innova-on  Paradigm  •  Scaling  innova-on  up    from  

micro  level  to  the  design  of  societal  transforma-on  

•  Learning  by  Developing    16052012   2  

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When •  growing as human being by helping others to

grow into their own fullest potential

•  empowering individuals with knowledge and skills needed to navigate in the complex and

rapidly changing societal texture and to create happy transformation

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New Collaborative Innovation Paradigm is Needed  

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Grand  Challenges  

Smart Growth

Inclusive Growth

Global Responsibility

Sustainable Growth

Science & Society


Systems Design

Foresight Mental Models

GLOBAL CHALLENGES •  Make solar energy economical •  Manage the nitrogen cycle •  Advance health informatics •  Prevent nuclear terror •  Advance personalized training •  Provide energy from fusion •  Provide access to clean water •  Secure cyberspace •  Engineer the tools of scientific

discovery •  Develop carbon sequestration

methods •  Reverse-engineer the brain •  Enhance virtual reality National Academy of Engineering


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Integra-ng  Learning  and  Value  Crea-on  (Innova-on)  

Learning  by  Developing  (based  on  Knowledge  Triangle)  


CreaHng  share  value  through  LivingLabs    

the regional competence and knowledge, networks and diverse partnerships are integrated comprehensively to the learning process

Summer Schools 2011 Barcelona and Taipei, 2012 Canada and Finland


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Happy Transformation is based on Citizens’ Renewal Capacity

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Tolstoj:  “I  am

 part  of  ever


as  everythin

g  is  in  me”  

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Friesland,  Living  Lab  Region,  Smart  specialized  in:  

Integral regional development through: …..development of a conscious society….. …..creating a biobased society, using …..culture and creativity, …..talent development, and …..societal digitalization

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Acknowledgments Willem Reek

Giving back the power of conscious action to citizens. Thus enabling them to get in control of their life and

connected to a society and ecosystem they can really associate with.

…..just to create a better world together

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Finnish  Economic  Success  

   Castells  and  Himanen  (2002),  pointed  out  that  Finland  has  uniquely  created  a  virtuous  circle  out  of  its  informa-on  society  and  welfare  state,  through  the    con-nuous  finance  from  successful  informa-on  society,  whereas  the  state  creates  well-­‐educated  people  in  good  shape  for  the  informa-on  society’s  con-nuous  success  (Sabel  and  Saxenian  (2008),  21)  

9  16052012  

The Finnish Miracle by André Noel http://www.digipaper.fi/bluewings/78146/ 1.  Have an open mind 2.  Respect trial and

error 3.  Work harder and


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Learning by Developing - a Unique Way to Study -  a Future Learning Model

10  16052012  

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LbD  =  student-­‐centric  research  and  development  integrated  into  learning  

•  LbD  is  a  system  of  learning  and  human  development  that  mobilizes  and  harnesses  human  crea-ve  talent  en  masse.    It  is  a  learning  system  that  integrates  educa-on  with  research,  development  and  innova-on  opera-ons  (RDI);  consequently,  it  fuels  our  collec-ve  crea-vity.  In  addi-on,  it  provides  each  student  the  tools  to  develop  and  u-lize  his  or  her  crea-ve  talents  fully  in  order  to  generate  a  livelihood  for  him  or  herself  and  to  foster  produc-vity  for  society  as  a  whole  

•  hGp://www.laurea.fi/internet/en/031_quality/01/05_development/02_opera-onal_development/05_benchmarking_evalua-on_audit/centre_of_excellence_evalua-on_2009.jsp  

•  La        hGp://www.slideshare.net/tuihirv/laurea-­‐living-­‐labs  

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 Learning  by  Developing  –  a  Unique  

Way  to  Study    •  The  working  life  oriented  learning  method  Learning  by  Developing  is  a  

pedagogical  innova-on  developed  by  Laurea.  

•  The  LbD  -­‐projects  are  conducted  in  partnership  with  the  world  of  industry  and  commerce,  which  means  that  authen-c  workplace  issues  are  selected  as  subjects  of  studying.  

•  For  students  LbD  is  a  new  way  to  get  the  competence  needed  in  working  life:  they  grow  from  learners  into  experts  with  excellent  employment  opportuni-es  within  their  specific  fields.  

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                     LbD  in  a  nutshell  

 •  An  authen-c  working-­‐life  related  R&D  project  as  a  learning  environment  

•  Ac-ng  together  as  equal  partners  in  various  roles  with  different  responsibili-es  

•  Focus  on  the  consequences  of  ac-ons,  which  lead  to  achieve  new  competences    

•  A  holisHc  model  of  competence;  •  Knowing,  understanding,  doing  and  situa-on  management  as  an  integrated  whole  

•  Knowledge  in  theories,  embedded  in  skills  and  abili-es,  and  moral  knowledge,  and  experien-al  knowledge  as  an  integrated  whole  

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Modern learning methods at Laurea

•  Nominated by Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council as

Centre of Excellence in education: •  2005 – 2006 •  2008-2009 •  2010-2012

Centre of Excellence in Regional Development •  2003 – 2004 •  2006 - 2007

Highest employment rate Highest number of student driven start-ups 16052012   14  

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References:  •  Kivinen,  O.  &  Ristelä,  P.  2003.  Pragma-s-sia  näkökulmia  konstruk-vis-siin  

oppimiskäsityksiin.  Psykologia  /01/03.  •  Mieonen,  Reijo.  2008.  Toiminnan  käsite  pragma-smissa  ja  kulGuurihistoriallisessa  

toiminnan  teoriassa.  In  a  book  Kilpinen,  E.,  Kivinen,  O.  &  Pihlström,  S.  (toim.)  Pragma-smi  filosofiassa  ja  yhteiskunta-eteissä.  Yliopistopaino,  Helsinki.  

•  Niiniluoto,  I.  2008.  Arvot  ja  tosiasiat  –  samaa  vai  eri  paria?  In  a  book  Kilpinen,  E.,  Kivinen,  O.  &  Pihlström,  S.  (toim.)  Pragma-smi  filosofiassa  ja  yhteiskunta-eteissä.  Yliopistopaino,  Helsinki.  

•  Pihlström,  S.  2008.  Pragma-smin  näkökulmia  taitoon.  In  a  book  Ko-la,  H.,  Mutanen,  A.  &  Volanen,  M.V.  (toim.)  Taidon  Tieto.  Edita,  Helsinki.  

•  Raij,  K.  2000.  Towards  A  Profession.  Helsinki  University,  The  Department  of  Educa-on.  University  Press,  Helsinki.  

•  Raij,  K.  2007.  Learning  by  Developing.  Laurea  Publica-ons  A*58.  Laurea  University  of  Applied  sciences.  

•  Taa-la,  V.  &  Raij,  K.  2011.  Philosophical  Review  of  Pragma-sm  as  a  Basis  for  Learning  by  Developing  Pedagogy.  Educa-onal  Philosophy  and  Theory.  

•  Tynjälä,  P.,  Heikkinen,  H.  &  HuGunen,  R.  2005.  Konstruk-vis-nen  oppimiskäsitys  oppimisen  ohjaamisen  perustana.  In  a  book    Kalli,  P.  &  Malinen,  A.  (toim.)  Konstruk-vismi  ja  realismi.    Aikuiskasvatuksen  45.  vuosikirja.  Dark  Oy,  Vantaa.  

•  Vyakarnam, S. et al 2008). Making A Difference    

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Variety  of  choices  LbD Study tour What is LbD and how is it done in practice? A two-day study tour will present the key contents of LbD and give the participants a personal experience of LbD via carefully selected interactive demonstrations.

LbD Conference An interactive meeting place for practitioners and academics of innovative, student-centric ways of learning. A chance to meet and mix with development-minded colleagues from around the world.

LbD Instructor’s Programme Do you want to become a certified LbD instructor with a deep understanding of LbD learning environments and a capability to create them? Participate in our effective Instructor’s Programme – a must for anyone who is interested in developing target-oriented and student-centric learning environments.


LbD Curriculum Design How to build your academic programme into a curriculum with LbD in the heart? We will help you make the right choices and guide you through the process in the same effective way as Laurea.

LbD Learning Programmes We provide a wide selection of intensive 2–8 week LbD-based courses from Laurea’s academic disciplines. They offer your students a great chance to enhance their education by learning in teams in authentic working life development projects.

LbD Consultation Want to know more about LbD? How to incorporate it into your own university or programme, how to lead the transformation process, or how to sell the idea to the shareholders? We have vast experience on how to make LbD successful and are very happy to share it with you.

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Knowing  by  Developing    through  Living  Labs  

Summer  School  as  an  open  RDI  environment  and  LivingLab      hGp://www.laurea.fi/en/IIIENoLLSS/summer-­‐school2012/Pages/default.aspx    

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