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Knowing, loving and serving God MESSENGER - …tumchof0/images/Newsletters/Newsletter... · 4...

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MESSENGER TRINITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH • LITTLE ROCK, AR TRINITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH | 1101 NORTH MISSISSIPPI | LITTLE ROCK, AR 72207 PHONE 501.666.2813 | FAX 501.666.1375 | TUMCLR.ORG CALENDAR OF EVENTS DECEMBER 6 6:00 p.m. Carol Dabney Book Reading DECEMBER 7 9 & 11 a.m. Trinikids Choirs and Angel Babies 5:00 p.m. Blue Christmas Worship Service DECEMBER 13 10:00 a.m. & 2:00 p.m. Carol Dabney Book Reading 10 a.m. CARE Luncheon DECEMBER 14 11:00 a.m. A Thrill of Hope DECEMBER 20 9:00 a.m.Volunteer Salvation Army Wearhouse DECEMBER 23 Christmas Eve Eve Non-Traditional Service 6:00 p.m. Carold, Candles & Communion DECEMBER 24 Christmas Eve Service 5:00 p.m. Carols, Candle & Communion DECEMBER 28 9 & 11 a.m. Blessing of the Toys TUESDAYS 9:00 a.m. Tuesday Morning Bible Study 6:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Study 7:30 p.m. AA Meetings WEDNESDAYS 6:30 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal WORSHIP TIMES 8:30-10:30 AM Coffee and Fellowship 9:00 AM Solid Grounds Worship-Relaxed Fit* 11:00 AM Worship-Updated Traditional* 10:00 AM Sunday School* *child care available **child care by request OFFICE HOURS MON-THURS 8:30 - 4:30 FRIDAY 8:30 - 12:30 EMERGENCY NUMBERS Rev. Betsy: 501.517.1661 Gayle Fiser: 501.766.3810 December 4, 2014 Vol. 2, Issue 12 Trinity Family, What Christmas present will you buy first? Chances are, by the time you read this column, you’ve already purchased some, maybe all, of your gifts. Do you try to buy for the children first? Is it the spouse? The difficult sibling? The friend who has everything? Whoever you gift this year, I’ve learned that simply buying a present doesn’t really do it for my spiritual life. Gifts can be very thoughtful, needed, or simply done as an occasional extravagance that rarely happens. Gifts can be fun to give and receive. As Christians, though, our gifts ought to be challenged with a measure of the Jesus ethic. In other words, where will your money go first? Or where will your treasure go? Where will your abundance go? David Glaze, our Minister of Music, told me recently that he had asked his family not to give him gifts the last few years and instead to make a gift to a favorite charity where the money can be spent in a way that honors the relationship, but does more good for someone else. As many of you know, Trinity offers a wide variety of ways to give to those in need during this time of year and to make a positive difference in God’s world. First, I want to encourage you, if you have not already, to please gift the church by turning in your estimate-of-giving or pledge card for 2015. As you probably know, we are trying to take Trinity to the next level by creating the personnel, infrastructure and design to implement our strategic goals. Right now, our church will plateau without additional resources, particularly to expand engagement in fellowship Knowing, loving and serving God CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 INCREASING OUR MINISTRY’S VITALITY HOW WILL YOU SPEND YOUR GREATEST GIFT THIS YEAR? Blessed Advent and Merry Christmas from Rev. Betsy and all the Snyders. Sullivan, Wyatt, Nilla*, Dottie*, Momma, Daddy, Santa, Nori*, Cougar*, Penn and Aubrey. *Furry family members!



TRiNiTy uNiTEd METhodiST chuRch | 1101 NoRTh MiSSiSSippi | liTTlE Rock, AR 72207phoNE 501.666.2813 | fAx 501.666.1375 | TuMclR.oRG

Calendar of events

deCember 66:00 p.m. carol dabney Book Reading

deCember 79 & 11 a.m. Trinikids choirs and Angel Babies5:00 p.m. Blue christmas Worship Service

deCember 1310:00 a.m. & 2:00 p.m. carol dabney

Book Reading10 a.m. cARE luncheon

deCember 1411:00 a.m. A Thrill of hope

deCember 209:00 a.m. Volunteer Salvation Army Wearhouse

deCember 23christmas Eve Eve Non-Traditional Service6:00 p.m. carold, candles & communion

deCember 24christmas Eve Service5:00 p.m. carols, candle & communion

deCember 289 & 11 a.m. Blessing of the Toys

tuesdays9:00 a.m. Tuesday Morning Bible Study6:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Study7:30 p.m. AA Meetings

wednesdays6:30 p.m. chancel choir Rehearsal

worship times8:30-10:30 amcoffee and fellowship

9:00 amSolid GroundsWorship-Relaxed fit*

11:00 amWorship-updated Traditional*

10:00 amSunday School*

*child care available**child care by request

offiCe hoursmon-thurs 8:30 - 4:30friday 8:30 - 12:30

emergenCy numbersRev. Betsy: 501.517.1661Gayle fiser: 501.766.3810

December 4, 2014Vol. 2, Issue 12

Trinity Family,What Christmas present will you buy first?Chances are, by the time you read this

column, you’ve already purchased some, maybe all, of your gifts.

Do you try to buy for the children first? Is it the spouse? The difficult sibling? The friend who has everything?

Whoever you gift this year, I’ve learned that simply buying a present doesn’t really do it for my spiritual life. Gifts can be very thoughtful, needed, or simply done as an occasional extravagance that rarely happens. Gifts can be fun to give and receive.

As Christians, though, our gifts ought to be challenged with a measure of the Jesus ethic. In other words, where will your money go first? Or where will your treasure go? Where will your abundance go?

David Glaze, our Minister of Music, told me recently that he had asked his family not to give him gifts the last few years and instead to make a gift to a favorite charity where the money can be spent in a way that honors the relationship, but does more good for someone else.

As many of you know, Trinity offers a wide variety of ways to give to those in need during this time of year and to make a positive difference in God’s world.

first, I want to encourage you, if you have not already, to please gift the church by turning in your estimate-of-giving or pledge card for 2015. As you probably know, we are trying to take Trinity to the next level by creating the personnel, infrastructure and design to implement our strategic goals. Right now, our church will plateau without additional resources, particularly to expand engagement in fellowship

Knowing, loving and serving God

coNTiNuEd oN pAGE 2

inCreasing our ministry’s vitalityhow will you spend your greatest gift this year?

Blessed Advent and Merry Christmas from Rev. Betsy and all the Snyders. Sullivan, Wyatt, Nilla*, Dottie*, Momma, Daddy, Santa, Nori*, Cougar*, Penn and Aubrey. *Furry family members!

staffsenior ministerRev. Betsy Singleton [email protected]

minister of musiCdavid [email protected]

Children’s ministerpaul [email protected]

youth ministerJay [email protected]

CommuniCation ministerJudy [email protected]

direCtor of worship arts with Children & youthcharles [email protected]

minister forCongregational Care Gayle [email protected]

trinity presChool direCtorTammy [email protected]

finanCial seCretarySusan [email protected]

offiCe managerkim [email protected]

together, community engagement and a non-traditional worship. our target is $1.25 million.

Initially, our pledge numbers were ahead of last year with 180 cards and $740,605! Indeed, our pledge amounts for 2015 are up per card! You heard our dreams! However, turn-ins are lagging with the holidays. We now have 190 cards in for $773,415, which is $85,000 behind last year at this time. There are about 50 cards we’re still expecting, and there are over 100 more that we estimate could be turned in. please turn in your card today; they are available in the pews. Without you, our dreams for increasing maintaining and increasing excellent worship experiences, music and programs for children and youth, discipleship groups, more fellowship together, and outreach into our community can’t happen. 52 new members this past year (see insert) means more resources are needed. What Christmas present will you buy first?

To increase our ministry’s vitality, please consider raising your gift, even if it is for a small amount.

Trinity will also offer many opportunities for hands-on service, including Books for Brady Kids, working with the Salvation Army to buy gifts for needy children (pick up an angel at Park Plaza or at their distribution center (Dec. 20, 9 a.m. - 12). In addition, you can work the Arkansas CARES luncheon or collect supplies for UAMS patients. You can also support our youth and buy a ham from their annual ham smoke—great gift!

There will be a second-mile giving opportunity for Blue Christmas, Christmas eve eve and Christmas eve (see related article below).

Who’s present will you buy first? What will be your best gift? How will you spend your greatest gift this year?

May you have a Blessed Advent as we prepare for the Christ to come to us again.

Rev. Betsy

Change the lives of hundreds of children in Arkansas and Africa. Whatever you give as your Christmas eve offering will be given to two projects benefiting children in greatest need, locally and globally. Trinity’s Miracle Team selects these projects and encourages your participation in giving and hands-on service projects. Go to tumclr.org for more information. caring for families with kids: Methodist family health Methodist Family Healthprovides quality, compassionate psychiatric and behavioral healthcare to children and families throughout Arkansas. MFH serves approximately 2,400 clients daily in its

This service is for anyone who feels disappointed, estranged, isolated, or sad for a variety of reasons such as death, loss, depression or the burden of having too much or not enough. We are here to support each other. The focus of this time together will be the hope we find in a small child born in a world of violence, oppression and marginalization. Join us for a special evening and bring someone who needs to feel God’s care and love in a welcoming community of faith.

two Christmas giving opportunities that bring light

blue Christmas serviCedeCember 7 | 5:00 pm

inpatient, residential and outpatient venues of care, Methodist Children’s Home, Methodist Behavioral Hospital, Methodist Counseling Clinic and Arkansas CARES. For more information, go to methodistfamilyhealth.org. Advancing hope in Malawi - ZoE’s project ZOE’s project, a 3-year empowerment for children in Malawi has changed lives through its outreach to orphans and vulnerable children to provide resources and skills the young need to overcome poverty through health, connection and preparation for vocational training and business start-up. For more information, visit their website at Zoehelps.org.


bikes for bradyIf you have an unused stationary bike,

one with a book stand, please consider donating it to Brady Elementary School. The staff is beginning a “Read and Ride” program utilizing stationary bikes with book stands in the upper-grade classrooms. Schools in other areas have found that this is a great motivational tool to encourage reading, work off extra energy, and promote healthy exercise. More information is available online at www.tumblr.com/search/read+and+ride+program.

If you have a donation contact Georgiana Soderberg at 227.0906 or email at [email protected], or let the church office know.

missions fair sCavenger hunt winners1st prize: Sharon Marrs, $25 gift card2nd prize: Reece Simon/Joan Simon,

$10 gift card3rd prize: Maggie Huey, $10 gift card 4th prize: Callie Epps, $5 gift card

Congratulations to the winners and many thanks to all who stopped by the Fair and signed up to participate in our ministry throughout the year.

faithworks serviCe opportunitiesSATuRdAy, dEcEMBER 13 | 10 AM-12 pM

Trinity will host a luncheon at Martin Hall for the women and children in the Methodist Family Health Arkansas CARES program. Volunteers are needed to help with decorations, cooking, serving, visiting, and clean-up. Sign-up on the connect card or contact contact cynthia crone if you are available to help with this event.

SATuRdAy, dEcEMBER 20 | 9 AMTrinity will have a Faithworks event at the

Salvation Army Warehouse. Volunteers are needed to assist with sorting and preparing donations for delivery to the recipients. Sign-up on the connect card or contact Georgiana Soderberg if you can volunteer for this event.

books for brady elementary students (ages 4-12)

Place new books under the Christmas tree in the Narthex by december 14. contact Britt Burnett for more details.

doNATE MiTTENS/cApSHang donations of hats and mittens on

the Christmas tree in the preschool wing. These items will be given to the children living at Arkansas CARES. donations due by Sunday, december 13.

trinity angel treedEcEMBER 7 oR dEcEMBER 14

For those who adopted Salvation Army Angels at Trinity, please remember to return the gifts along with the Angel ID on Sunday December 7 or December 14. There will be a trailer in the lower parking lot, and someone will be available to accept your gifts before and after the second service. please contact laurie Norman by email at [email protected] if you have any questions. Thank you for your participation in the Angel Tree program!


prayer requests for the ChurCh & Community:

Please remember the following church members, families and guests in your prayers: illNESS: Jeff Bell, Barbara Webb, Travis Tunnell, Mary Smead, Dale Hahn, Greg Adair, Diann Brumback, Mona Hughes, Marty and Jerry Sullivan, Loree Treat, Reagan Hinsley, Bonnie Bynum, Ruth McCargo, Kim Capp, Gabe and Mary Hunter, John Webb, Nancy Clark, Mary Frances Hodges, Lois Looney, Karen Verser, David Swift, Patti Pieroni, Nina Pieroni, Jim Trickett, Anne Hunter, Regina Wilson. hoMEBouNd: Offie Lites, Dottie Fulmer, Clay Price, Wallace Hurley, Bill Elmore. SyMpAThy: Paul Fiser in the death of his cousin MiliTARy: Patrick Taylor, Will Goggans, Derek Hays, Nick Price, Matthew Knef, all veterans. ExpEcTANT pARENTS: Courtney and Paul Kelly, Katherine and Charlie Williams, Rachel and Chris Stevens, Marlena and Patrick Wilson, Rachelle and Rob Maass. TRipS: Tour of the Holy Land, Disney 2015., Spring Break Ski Trip. oThER coNcERNS: Peace and healing for Ferguson, MO, tornado survivors in long time recovery, for all caregivers, for our leaders, the church and the world, safety for the Hyman family in Gaza, Peace in Middle East, Nigerian school girls, ebola

outbreak, displaced and hungry children. Please

send your prayer request to Judy Gribble at [email protected] or call 501.666.2813. It will appear in the next newsletter and on screen during our worship services.

attendanCe totalsnovember 16Worship 325Sunday School 224Online 15

november 23Worship 320Sunday School 226Online 53

november 30Worship 401Sunday School 206Online 34


changing lives through missions

through missions

changing lives through missions

changing lives through missions



Cokesbury hymn soCiety no meeting in deCember

Cokesbury Hymn Society will NoT meet on december. We will resume in January. If you enjoy singing old hymns, come join us and bring a friend.

Please contact Sarah Woolfolk at 868-6094 for questions.

Children’s musiCWhat an exciting time of music making

the TriniKids choirs and youth hand bells have had this semester! With weekly rehearsals, a presentation for stewardship consecration Sunday, and the Christmas presentation of “Child of the Light” on Sunday, December 7, the church hallways have been filled with wonderful music.

plEASE NoTE ThE folloWiNG:

Sunday, dec. 14 – January 4:No Sunday afternoon music activities

Sunday, January 11:Music activities resume

Saturday, May 2 & Sunday, May 3:Children’s musical “The Big Fish: Jonah’s Whale of a Tale”

Monday, August 3 – friday, August 7:Trinity Worship Arts Camp (grades 1 – 12)

Please contact charles Stanley at 501.400.3535 or [email protected] with questions.

oasis lunCheondeCember 18 | 11:30 am

The next OASIS luncheon will be December 18 at 11:30 a.m. in Martin Hall. Carol Blow will entertain us with holiday music so come and invite a friend.

please call, sign up or email Gayle fiser at [email protected] to register.

planned giving: other kind of gifts

Some persons have given jewelry, art, coin and stamp collections antiques, mineral rights and other personal property to their church. These gifts can be made during lifetime or at death. There are certain tax advantages to making these kinds of gifts. When the church sells the gifted property, it can support various causes of the church determined by the donor.

finanCial peaCe universitysundays at 9 amjanuary 11 - marCh 8

Join Kim and Nat Mills on Sundays from 9:00-10:45 a.m., January 11-March 8 as they facilitate a series of video presentations by Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University.

Dave Ramsey teaches practical, biblically based principles to pay off your home mortgage, car loan, credit card debt, plan for your children’s college fund and your retirement. For more information about Financial Peace University, visit the website at www.daveramsey.com/fpu/faq/. To register for the class contact kim at [email protected] or 666-2813.


annual ham smokeAnnual Ham Smoke for youth will be on

december 20. These are GREAT presents, donations to shelters and food kitchens, and they are of course perfect for your Christmas holiday dinner or party!! Details on how to get yours, coming soon!

annual winter retreat

Mark your calendars youth and parents, if there is one event we do all year that you do NoT want to miss, this is it. The Annual Winter Retreat to Shepherd of the ozarks will be January 30 - february 1, 2015. Details and costs to follow soon!

new prayer gardenThe church would like to thank John

Bell for creating a new prayer garden on the south side of the church for his Eagle Scout project. With the help and guidance of artist and Eagle Scout, Trenton Byrd of Firebyrd Studio near Mountain Home, John created the three crosses in the garden. Good Earth Garden Center donated the benches and the Children’s and Youth Ministries, as well as United Methodist Men, donated funds for the project.

John would like to thank Paul Owen, Jay Sweningson, and the Board of Trustees for their support of his project. John, a tenth grader at Little Rock Central High School, not only is a member of Trinity, but also of Troop 12 of the Boy Scouts of America at Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church. His parents are Jeff and Tricia Bell.



worship artsTrinity children Kindergarten thru 5th

grade are ready to See the Light in the Worship Arts Ministry! During service, 11:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Trinity’s children will learn scripture through the Arts, in Believers’ Village.

This month the Worship Arts Ministry will continue to follow Rev. Betsy’s sermons and explore Advent, December 14; Christmas, December 21; and Epiphany, December 28.

trinikids little roCkers running group

Hey, kids—let’s start training! Pull on your running shoes and become a part of the TriniKIDS “Little Rockers Group” who will be training to complete the Little Rock Kids Marathon on February 28, 2015.

All children ages 7-12 can participate in the final mile in downtown Little Rock. Runners must be registered by December 1, 2014, to receive the 2015 medal for completing the marathon. Kids who register after this date and complete the marathon will receive the medal from last year.

Registration is $25 per child. Sign-up and complete the registration form online at www.littlerockmarathon.org

Wesley Hunt will be our leader on race day and will schedule some group training along the way. Mr. Paul will distribute a sample training schedule and more information to those interested.

Contact Mr. paul at [email protected] or Wesley hunt at [email protected]

believers’ village rotationnovember 30-january 4

Travel with us to Bethlehem on a special, starry night to watch the miracle unfold. Grades 1-5 will prepare for and experience the Advent/Christmas story through the eyes of the angels, the shepherds, Mary and Joseph, the Wise Men, and the animals themselves as they all wake up to one very special early morning SONrise.

Be with us during this meaningful time from 10:00-10:50 a.m. each Sunday in Believers’ Village.

‘twas the mouse before Christmas

Trinity member, Carol Dabney, will be singing Christmas Carols and reading her book Twas The Mouse Before Christmas at the Arkansas State capital, december 6 at 6 p.m.; the hilary clinton children’s library, december 13 at 10 a.m.; and the knowledge Tree, december 13 at 2 p.m.

Carol is pictured above with Harold, the mouse in the book. Harold bakes cookies for Santa and leaves them out on Christmas Eve. He also arranges the nativity and puts out the cat. The spirit of giving is a part of this book written and read in both English and Spanish. Visit www.caroldabney.com

tumC memorials& honoraria memorialsMinnie Blancett by Carolyn Itzkowitz (Music)

Georgeann osam by Charles & Ann Watson (Music)

Sid painter by Charles & Ann Watson (Music)

Jim foster by Charles & Ann Watson (Music)

Joe Reed by Charles & Ann Watson (Music)

honorariumsdale Adcock by Triune Sunday School Class (Van Fund)

Bob lane by Triune Sunday School Class (Van Fund)

lois looney by Triune Sunday School Class (Van Fund)

charles Watson by Triune Sunday School Class (Van Fund)


worship & events

brad and walker williams Penn Snyder’s best friend

ingathering volunteer effortsAnother team of Trinity volunteers gathered in Martin Hall and assembled over 100 health kits. These kits are sent to a United Methodist relief supply Depot to be distributed in times of disaster. Thank you so much for those that donated supplies and volunteered.

brady elementary book treeThe Brady Elementary Book tree is located in the foyer. Bring books for children K-5th grade by Sunday, December 14.

Child of the light TriniKids Cherubs (ages 2-5) prepare for the “Child of the Light” Christmas Presentation.

the triune Class Christmas CelebrationThe Triune Class celebrates Christmas with a luncheon on December 2.

trinity volunteers at the riCe depotGiant boxes of frozen rice on pallets awaited as we stood at the ready with cold metal scoops in hand, various sizes of ziplock baggies, food safety gloves, and don’t forget the hairnets. On November 22nd, many UMC groups from all areas of Arkansas gathered together at the Rice Depot to be the hands and feet in helping hungry families

new members


TRiNiTy iN AcTioN

Children’s ChoirUnder the direction of Mr. Charles and assisted by Miss Rachelle, our newly-formed children’s choir offers their musical ministry during both the 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. worship services. TriniKids choir participated in stewardship consecration Sunday on November 9. The children presented the song “Is There Anything I Can Do For You?”.

minitonesTo help commemorate Veteran’s Day, our MiniTones handbell choir, under the direction of Rachelle Maass, rings during 9:00 and 11:00 a..m. pre-worship service in the Narthex.

worship artsOn Sunday, November 2, Mr. Charles led the children in potting their own Paperwhite bulbs, as part of the lesson on stewardship for God’s world.

wonder plaCeFamilies of Trinity children and friends kindergarten-aged and younger celebrate “A Rollicking Good Time” with Brian and Terri Kinder at the Wonder Place Children’s Activity Center in Breckenridge Village on November 8th.

presChool donation to the arkansas food bankThe classes of Trinity Methodist Preschool traditionally read the story “Stone Soup” where they learn how everyone can give a little and feed a whole community. During the month of November the generous families of TMP contributed canned and packaged food items for donation to the Arkansas Foodbank. At TMP we hope to instill the joy of giving in the hearts of our precious children so that they can carry on a legacy of helping others.

village CommunionRev. Betsy blesses the Communion elements to be served to the citizens of Believers’ Village during the closing assembly of our Fall I rotation, “Blast Off!:Launching Kids on a Mission of God’s Love!”

stay ConneCted




PERMIT #2043TRINITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH1101 North MississippiLittle Rock, AR 72207

Address Service Requested

our purposeTo build a christian community where non-religious and nominally religious people are becoming deeply committed christians.

tumclr.org Current sermon series: nov. 30-deC.24From Dark Night to Son Light

We forget God uses darkness to speak to us, to understand the world in new ways. We forget God promised Abraham a future under the stars at night. We forget that

God appears in dreams to Jacob and Joseph. God speaks to Samuel, the prophet, when he goes to sleep. Ruth is given a lapful of grain as a sign of hope at night. Jesus is born under a dark night lit by a wondrous star. The holy family flees to safety at night. We live in a world so full of light that we forget about God’s guidance through

things seen and unseen. Sometimes we grow the most when we are in the dark. What are your fears? What worries keep you up in the darkness?

What darkness within keeps you from embracing God’s grace? Join us this sacred Advent and Christmas season as we put aside our fears and anxieties

to get to know the Christ who helps us find courage to face life’s challenging times. Let us look for God’s gift, the baby, who brought and brings hope in the darkness.

Adams, Michael & SarahAdcock, DaleArey, Frank & EdieArnold, Ben & DottyeArrington, Bob & Mary LouBailey, Bill & NancyBallard, LaurenBarber, Jeff & LaurieBarrett, Greg & Mary IvaBarnes, DebiBassett, JohnBassett, RichardBirdsong, Margaret Bolling, Jay & ChristyBorg, Doug & LauraBowen, AngieBradley, Bob & AnnaBrockmann, Bob & KatsyBrown, Nick & SusanBrown, Shari Browning, AliceBryant, John & LisaBuck, George & VirginiaBurkhalter, AlphaBurnette, BrittBuxbaum, MarciaCapp, Lynn GibsonCraig, BillCrone, Charles & CindyCrow, Steve & KathyCullen, PhyllisDabney, CarolDamour, Mary FrancesDantzler, BruceDavidson, RebeccaDay, VidaDeMillo, Andrew & HillaryDonoho, Mary NellDuckett, Jim & CherryDuckett, StacyDudley, RobertEdwards, Jim & MarthaEgan, Paul & CarolElliott, Bill & LuElliott, Lee & AstridEstes, Andy & Vickie

Etheridge, Deanna & EdFaubel, PaulFaubel, Steve & MelindaFell, EdnaFiser, PaulFisher, ScottFranquemont, Jim & LynnFrazier, Bo & KateFurreigh, Betty & RayGaribay, Rey & VenusGeisler, Jim & EllaGibson, RuthGlaze, DavidGoggans, MichelleGoodson, PatriciaGribble, JudithGuresky, JoAnnHall, ClariceHall, MarthaHampson, CarsonHanson, Richard & BettyHarper, George & JeanHathaway, John & PamHesselbein, ChuckHesselbein, Merry AliceHolmes, Charles & LouiseHopkins, Bob & ShaunaHughes, Robert & MonaHundley, Thomas ChaseHurley, Wallace & NellJewart, Tom & AritaJohnson, GayJohnson, Judy Johnson, SarahJones, Jim & ShirleyJones, VelmaJulian, Rene’Kenning, KenKenworthy, GeraldKossover, Jerry & BeckyKready, SarahLarson, DanaLazzari, Pete & DanaLee, CharleneLooney, LoisLynch, Jim

Martin, BettyMartin, KeithMartin, PattiMartin, Shirley AnnMatthews, BeckyMaxwell, Carol Frazier McCargo, LindaMcCaghey JulieMcClain, Veron & KayeMcClelland, Jim & Pat McDaniel, NormaMcWilliams, MichaelMetcalf, Jamie & MatthewMeyerdirk, Darrel & CarolMiller, JuneMiller, Brent & TandyMurphy, Mark & CandyMuse, Tim & MelissaNewell, Chris & PaulaNichols, John & JoanNorman, John & LaurieNorwood, Robert & CeciliaOakes, Pat & PeggyOcasio, Mike & MelanieOliver, SaraOrintas, JudyOury, Steve & AmyOwen, Paul & BeckyPainter, Sid & SusieParette, Bob & PatParker, Mary Parker, Mayne & JudyParnell, MakaPatterson, CarolPeterson, JacquePorter, Travis & LindaPrivitt, Van & ManaPruitt, RickReddish, RobbyReed, Joe & WilmaRichardson, AmandaRichardson, Ben & AllisonRichardson, BillieRichey, JaneRoberts, Trent & JenniferRoitz, Louise

Rowett, DaleRuehr, Jeff & PamRuggles, Dwayne, & NancySamuel, Roseanne & JamesSatterfield, Frank & EarlineSchaefer, PaulSegalla, DorothySimon, JoanShearer, Harris & DorothySharp, BaxterSmith, AdamSmith, Nancy JoSnow, DorothySnyder, Vic & BetsySoderberg, Lee & GeorgianaSorrows, JillSpeed, Drew & JillStanick, KatherineStevens, Chris & RachelStevens, Bob &SandyStewart, Clifford & NormaStewart, WandaSweningson, JayTanner, Lou & PattyTrussell, Wesley & SuzanneTurney, Don & AliceVanderVeen, RuthWall, Joe & NancyWalls, SueWalker, Shelton & Cyndi Warren, SuzieWatson, Charles & AnnWebb, BarbaraWebber, KarenWheeler, Mary EvelynWilf, SarahWilson, BryceWilson, MiaWilson, Wade & MimiWold, Don & ShelleyWoolfolk, Jack & SarahWord, VivianYager, Richard & Monica

Thanks to everyone who is making a committed pledge to give your resources to Trinity’s growth and service in 2015. You are taking us to the next level! It’s not too late. (as of Nov. 20, 2014)

1101 North Mississippi Avenue | Little Rock, AR 72207 | 501.666.2813 | www.tumclr.org

2014 New MembersWelcome all our new members form this past year!

Laura & Jason Blake

Richard & Martha White

Keith Martin

Michael Adams

Zac Nicholson, Kristin Vandaveer

Phyllis Mitchell

Shari Brown Brad Williams, Walker

Marlena Wilson, Judy Hayn, Brian & Caroline Cormack Jamie & Matthew Metcalf

Heather & Matthew Knef, Greyson

Joan Simon, Reese Carol & Brandon Ricketts, Emma Robby Reddish

Aaron & Mark Nixon, Madison Chris & Jennifer Olson, Connor Pat & Jim McClelland

Mira Cary Nadine Edwards Dana Larson, Heather Jameson

Kristin Owen, Ellery Margaret Birdsong Annie Meek

Hyland, Jamie &Max Herring, Liva McKnight

Jennifer & Brock HolmanLou Brock, Eden & Hannah Annalee & Robert Jackson, Julianne

Sara Beth & John BrennanWill & Jack

Steve & Kathy CrowCecilia Norwood
