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Knowledge Series India May1 Sogdiana...

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INDIA KNOWLEDGE FROM THE FIELD Sustainable Land and Ecosystem Management Country Partnership Program (SLEMCPP) The GEF Secretariat Learning Mission to India was focused on the Sustainable Land and Ecosystem Management Country Partnership Program (SLEMCPP) designed to pilot and demonstrate integrated approaches to the management of produc<on systems in the country. The Learning Mission was jointly organized with the World Bank as lead GEF Agency for the program and with full support of the Ministry of Environment and Forests and State Government Agencies involved in the Program. In addi<on to consulta<ons with Government and GEF Agencies and partners involved in the program, field visits were conducted to enhance learning about the approaches and prac<ces applied with local communi<es and land users. Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized
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Sustainable  Land  and  Ecosystem  Management    Country  Partnership  Program  (SLEM-­‐CPP)  

The   GEF   Secretariat   Learning   Mission   to  India  was  focused  on  the  Sustainable  Land  and   Ecosystem   Management   Country  Partnersh ip   Program   (SLEM-­‐CPP)  designed   to   pilot   and   demonstrate  i n t e g r a t e d   a p p r o a c h e s   t o   t h e  management  of  produc<on  systems  in  the  country.   The   Learning  Mission  was   jointly  organized  with  the  World  Bank  as  lead  GEF  Agency   for   the   program   and   with   full  support   of   the   Ministry   of   Environment  and   Forests   and   State   Government  Agencies  involved  in  the  Program.      

In   addi<on   to   consulta<ons   with  Government   and   GEF   Agencies   and  partners   involved   in   the   program,   field  visits  were  conducted  to  enhance  learning  about   the   approaches   and   prac<ces  applied   with   local   communi<es   and   land  users.    


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Learning  Missions  are  a  key  component  of  the  GEF  knowledge  management  ini<a<ve.  They  aim  at  producing  on-­‐ground  analysis  of  the  execu<on  of  GEF  funded  projects.  Lessons  derived  from  the  learning  missions  will  be  used  to  improve  focal  area  strategies  and   policies,   and   inform   project   design   and   implementa<on.   In   coordina<on   with   the   Scien<fic   and   Technical   Advisory   Panel  (STAP),   the   GEF   Secretariat   has   iden<fied   a   list   of   “learning   ques<ons”   relevant   to   each   focal   area   strategy  with   the   ul<mate  objec<ve  of  enhancing  the:  

a. Cataly<c  effect  of  GEF  through  iden<fying,  up-­‐scaling,  and  replica<ng  best  prac<ces    

b. Global  Environmental  Benefits  (GEBs)  through  improved  understanding  of  social  impacts    

c. The  poten<al  for  sustainability  of  project  outcomes  across  GEF  focal  areas.  

For  the  Land  Degrada<on  focal  area  in  par<cular,  the  learning  missions  try  to  determine  how  effec<vely  the  Integrated  Ecosystem  

Management  (IEM)  approach  is  being  applied  to  combat  land  degrada<on  in  drylands.  The  knowledge  generated  will  contribute  

The Integrated Ecosystem Management (IEM)

The   IEM  Approach   is  based  on  the  ecosystem  approach  adopted  by  the  Conven<on  on  Biological  Diversity.   It  aims  at   integra<ng  

land,  water  and  living  resources  management  to  promote  conserva<on  and  sustainable  use  in  an  equitable  way.  The  approach  (a)  

applies  scien<fic  methodologies  focused  on  levels  of  biological  organiza<on,  in  which  humans,  with  their  cultural  diversity,  are  an  

integral   component   of   many   ecosystems;   (b)   requires   adap<ve  management   to   deal   with   the   complex   and   dynamic   nature   of  

ecosystems   and   the   absence   of   complete   knowledge   or   understanding   of   their   func<oning;   and   (c)   does   not   preclude   other  

management  and  conserva<on  approaches  but  could   rather   integrate  several  approaches  and  other  methodologies   to  deal  with  

complex  situa<ons.  

GEF Learning Missions

The  Learning  Mission  included  the  following:  

• A  visit  to  the  State  of  UXarakhand  to  engage  with  the  Watershed  Management  Directorate  and  key  stakeholders  for  the  World  

Bank/GEF   project   on   “Sustainable   Land,  Water,   and   Biodiversity   Conserva<on   and  Management   for   Improved   Livelihood   in  

UXarakhand  Watershed  Sector”;  

• A   visit   to   the   State   of  Maharashtra   for   consulta<ons  with   consor<um   partners   and   communicates   for   the  World   Bank/GEF  

project  on  “Strategies  to  Enhance  Adap<ve  Capacity  to  Climate  Change  in  Vulnerable  Regions”;  

• A  visit  to  New  Delhi  for  consulta<ons  with  Government  officials,  other  GEF  Agencies  (FAO  and  UNDP),  and  na<onal  partners  on  

the  overall  experience  with  the  IEM  approach  as  embodied  within  the  SLEM-­‐CPP.  

The  Consulta<ons  were  guided  by  the  following  ques<ons:  

a. What  are  the  drivers  that  generate  cataly<c  effect?  

b. How  does  the  GEF’s  cataly<c  role  influence  the  choice  of  ac<vi<es  to  GEBs?  

c. How  is  progress  toward  targeted  IEM  outcomes  being  tracked?  

d. What  tools  and  indicators  are  being  applied  for  monitoring  the  IEM  approach?  

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India’s  SLEM-­‐CPP  targets  mul?ple  global  environmental  benefits  in  the  context  of  improving  livelihoods  through  community-­‐driven  interven?ons  

The   SLEM-­‐CPP   represents   an   important   learning  opportunity   on   the   cataly<c   effect   of   GEF   financing   to  pilot   and   demonstrate   integrated   approaches   to  management   of   produc<on   systems   for   mul<ple  environment   and   development   benefits,   including  adapta<on  to  climate  change.  The  overall  program  design    reinforces   the   crucial   need   to   apply   innova<ve  approaches   for   agro-­‐ecosystem   management.   These  approaches   address   vulnerability   risks   to   communi<es  that   depend   on   sustainability   of   ecosystem   services   in  produc<on   systems   (agriculture,   livestock,   fisheries   and  forests).  This  places  the  local  people,  especially  poor  rural  farmers  and  fisher-­‐folks,  at  the  heart  of  SLEM  CPP.    

The   SLEM-­‐CPP   includes   six   sub-­‐projects   located   in  different  parts  of   the  country,  mainly   in  dryland   regions.  They   all   embody   mul<disciplinary   perspec<ves   covering  ecological,   social,   economic,   and   ins<tu<onal   priori<es  across   mul<ple   scales.   Five   of   the   six   projects   were  specifically   targeted   on   the   most   vulnerable   states   and  sub-­‐regions  where  degrada<on  of  land,  water,  and  forest  resources   are   likely   to   be   exacerbated   by   the   effects   of  climate  change.  As  a  result,  mul<ple  global  environmental  benefits   can   be   addressed   through   innova<ons   and  interven<ons   for   soil   and   water   conserva<on,   carbon  sequestra<on,   conserva<on   of   biodiversity,   and   climate  change  adapta<on.  

The  UFarakhand  Watershed  Project  highlights  the  GEF  cataly?c  effect  on  integrated  ecosystem  management  in  prac?ce  

The   UFarakhand  Watershed   Project   was   designed   with  the   overall   goal   of   restoring   and   sustaining   ecosystem  func<ons   in   the   UXarakhand   Himalaya   watersheds   as   a  basis  for  enhancing  income,  food,  and  livelihood  security.  The   project   was   linked   to   a   decentralized   watershed  management  project  (referred  to  as  “Gramya”)  funded  by  the  World  Bank  and  the  Government  of  India,  designed  to  improve  the  produc<ve  poten<al  of  natural  resources  and  increase   income   for   rural   inhabitants   in   75   micro-­‐watersheds.   GEF   resources  were   specifically   targeted   on  20  of  the  75  micro-­‐watersheds,  all  of  which  were  selected  based  on  severity  of  erosion,  extent  of  poverty,  and   lack  of  infrastructure  facili<es.  The  focus  was  on  interven<ons  

for   controlling   land   degrada<on   at   watershed   level;  promo<ng   sustainable  use   through   fostering  markets   for  non-­‐<mber  forest  products;  biodiversity  conserva<on  and  management   through   watershed   planning   and  community   par<cipa<on;   and   increasing   adapta<on   to  climate   change   in   natural   resource   based   produc<on  systems.    

An  effec?ve  mul?-­‐stakeholder  and  ins?tu?onal  framework  is  essen?al  for  implemen?ng  IEM  in  watersheds.!The  project   in  UXarakhand  was  a  unique  opportunity   to  implement   the  watershed  guidelines  of   the  Government  of  India  approved  a  few  <mes  before  the  beginning  of  the  project.   The  Watershed  Management   Directorate   serves  as   a   State   Level   Nodal   Agency   to   manage   all   the  watershed  projects   in   the  State.  Mul<-­‐disciplinary   teams  of  4-­‐6  specialists  seconded  from  line  departments  played  a   key   role   in   providing   technical   support   across   the  watersheds.  In  addi<on,  several  na?onal  ins?tu?ons  and  civil   society   organiza?ons   were   mobilized   to   harness  technical   support   for   delivering   interven?ons.   The  ins<tu<ons   contributed   training   and   capacity   needs,  demonstra<on   of   new   technologies,   microfinance,   and  development   of   market   value   chains   for   communi<es  across  the  targeted  watersheds.    

The  project  also  engaged  scien<fic  ins<tu<ons  to  address  specific  needs  for  knowledge  genera<on,  monitoring  and  assessment   of   interven<ons,   and   quan<fica<on   of  environment  and  development  benefits.  A  key  example  is  The  Energy  and  Resource  Ins<tute  (TERI),  which  served  as  a   partner   for   baseline   and   final   impact   assessments   for  the   project,   including   the   development   of   a   sampling  framework,   designing   and   refining   ques<onnaires,   field  tes<ng,   pilot   surveys,   field   surveys,   data   cleaning   and  entry,  and  finally  data  compila<on  and  aggrega<on.          

Par?cipatory  processes  with  communi?es,  including  strong  gender  considera?on  and  inclusiveness  of  vulnerable  groups  enhances  project  ownership  at  the  local  level.  

The  project   in  UXarakhand  used  various  approaches  and  par<cipatory   processes   toward   building   ownership   at  mul<ple   levels  –   from  development  and  management  of  watershed   plans,   to   crea<ng   op<ons   for   enhancing  livelihoods   and   ins<tu<onal   strengthening.   The   project  approach   took   into   account   the   crucial   link   between  ecosystem   services   and   livelihoods   of   women   and  vulnerable   groups   in   the   fragile   watersheds.   Village  

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communi<es   ac<vely   par<cipated   in   project   ac<vi<es,  from   planning   and   implementa<on   to   monitoring   and  evalua<on.    

Various  par<cipatory  mechanisms  and  tools,  such  as  focus  groups,  were  used  to  select  and  implement  interven<ons,  covering  aspects  of  community-­‐level  development  based  on  natural  resources.  The  project  focused  on  the  inclusion  of  women,  using  various  tools  and  mechanisms:  “women  mo<va<ng   women”   for   awareness   and   social  mobiliza<on,   empowerment   of   women   in   decision  making   processes,   improving   par<cipa<on   of   women   in  various  commiXees  and  ins<tu<ons,  greater  emphasis  on  women-­‐led   income   genera<ng   ac<vi<es,   and   promo<ng  drudgery  reducing  interven<ons  that  also  generate  global  environment  benefits.    

Mul?ple  global  Environment  Benefits  are  possible  through  community-­‐driven  interven?ons  that  improve  livelihoods  and  create  op?ons  for  income  genera?on.    

Project  ac<vi<es  for  integrated  ecosystem  and  sustainable  land  management  in  produc<on  systems  address  specific  needs   for   improving   agricultural   produc<vity,   livestock  management,   and   income   genera<on   opportuni<es.  Par<cipatory  planning  enables  communi<es  to  streamline  livelihood  and  produc<vity  needs   into   land  management  op<ons  across   landscapes  and  watersheds.  As  a  result,  a  diversity   of   produc<on   and   development   op<ons   are  introduced   in   an   integrated   manner   to   help   improve  quality   and   sustainability   of   ecosystem   services   (land,  water,   vegeta<on   cover).   The   GEF   cataly<c   effect   is  demonstrated  by   linking   livelihood  priori<es   to  poten<al  global  environment  benefits  in  produc<on  systems.  

This   is   achieved   through   interven<ons   for   improving  livelihoods   and   crea<ng   op<ons   at   the   local   level.   For  example,   interven<ons   for   restoring   sustainable  ecosystem   func<ons   in   fragile   watersheds   were   linked  directly   to   op<ons   for   income   genera<on   and   food  produc<on.  Water  surplus  from  improved  prac<ces  in  the  watersheds  has   enabled   farmers   to   introduce  high-­‐value  crops,   including   twenty   different   varie<es   of   off-­‐season  vegetables,   leading   to   higher   income   levels .     Simultaneously,   the  program  has   introduced  briquejng  techniques   which   provided   an   alterna<ve   source   of  energy   for   cooking   and   hea<ng,   reducing   a   households’  dependency  on  firewood  by  22  percent,  and  reducing  the  <me  spent  on  fuel  wood  collec<on.  

Effec?ve  project  monitoring  and  accountability  contributes  to  the  sustainability  of  outcomes  from  IEM  implementa?onEmploying  best  prac?ces  and  tools,  including  a  well-­‐established  baseline  facilitates  effec?ve  project  monitoring  

As  part  of  the  overall  monitoring  framework,  the  project  placed   special   emphasis   on   “social   audi<ng,”   which  ensured   transparency,   accountability,   and  openness  with  full   involvement   of   the   communi<es.   In   keeping   with  these   principles,   there   was   widespread   disclosure   of  informa<on   through  wall  wri<ngs,   awareness  genera<on  campaigns,   radio  programs,  and  publica<ons.  The  use  of  Informa?on   Technology   was   an   integral   part   of   the  project  from  project  formula<on,  planning,  and  database  management   to  monitoring  of   the  project's  physical   and  financial  progress  and   impact  assessments.  Management  Informa<on   System   solware   was   developed   as   an  endeavor  to  use  IT  for  management  of  informa<on.    

Knowledge  sharing,  documenta?on,  and  communica?on    increases  awareness  and  poten?al  for  scaling-­‐up  IEM  

Knowledge  ac<vi<es  were  implemented  at  different  levels  and   reflect   the   importance   of   linking   scien<fic   and  tradi<onal  sources.  Tradi<onal  knowledge  was  taken  into  account  during  the  planning  phase  and  fully  harnessed  by  the   implementa<on   team   through   surveys   consulta<ons  with   communi<es.   Knowledge   sharing   also   flowed   from  the  implemen<ng  team  and  NGOs  involved  in  the  project  to   the   beneficiaries,   with   the   dissemina<on   of  informa<on   and   knowledge   about   new   techniques   and  methodologies  to  harness  and  preserve  water  resources,  increase  and  diversify  agricultural  produc<vity,  and  create  alterna<ve   livelihoods.   A   Farmer   Field   School   was   also  established  with  the  coopera<on  of  one  of  the  farmers  as  a  hub  for  training  and  knowledge  sharing.  

Lessons   learned   and   best   prac<ces   applied   within   the  project   were   shared   with   other   government   agencies,  partners   and   donors   as   a   means   of   facilita<ng   scale-­‐up  beyond  the  project  areas.  The  project  generated  a  wide  range   of   knowledge   products   including   “how-­‐to-­‐do”  manuals,   descrip<ons   of   methodologies,   community  resource   maps,   watershed   work   plans,   and   synthesis   of  best   prac<ces.   These   and   the   documenta<on   of   lessons  learned  from  the  project  will  be   invaluable   for   informing  

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the  design  of  other  IEM  projects  and  for  informing  policy  transforma<ons   to   support   the   integrated   approach   at  the  state  and  na<onal  levels.  Video  documentaries  of  the  project  approach  and  specific  interven<ons  are  also  being  developed  for  dissemina<on  as  training  tools.  

Innova?ve  technologies  promote  learning,  knowledge  exchange  and  informed  decision  making  for  management  of  natural  resources    

The   World   Bank/GEF   Sustainable   Rural   Livelihoods  Security   through   Innova<ons   in   Land   and   Ecosystem  Management   was   linked   to   the   Na<onal   Agricultural  Innova<ons  Program,  a  na<on-­‐wide  ini<a<ve  designed  to  pilot   and   demonstrate   natural   resource   management  innova<ons   for   increasing   sustainability  and   resilience  of  produc<on  systems.  The  project  embodies  the  integrated  approach   to   ecosystem   management   with   emphasis   on  development  and  deployment  of   innova<ve  technologies  to   inform   and   enable   decision-­‐making   by   poor   farmers  and  fisher-­‐folks.  The  cataly<c  effect  of  GEF  financing  was  to   mainstream   sustainable   land   and   ecosystems  management   into   development   and   implementa<on   of  innova<ons  through  collabora<on  among  farmers,  private  sector,  civil  society,  and  public  sector  organiza<ons.    

The  consor?um  approach  to  developing  and  pilo?ng  mobile  technology  plaTorms  represents  an  effec?ve  model  of  public-­‐private  partnership  for  IEM.  

Through   a   consor<um   approach   involving   na<onal  ins<tu<ons  and  Tata  Consultancy  Services  (TCS),  a  mobile-­‐planorm   known   as   “mKRISHI”   was   piloted   with   farmers  and   fisher-­‐folks   as   a   tool   for   natural   resource  management.    

In   the   agriculture   sector,   the   mKRISHI   technology   is  helping   farmers   to   integrate   clima<c   informa<on   and  weather   forecas<ng   into   their   decision   making   on   crop  produc<on   prac<ces.   Using   the   mobile   planorm,  par<cipa<ng  farmers  can  submit  queries  on  a  wide  range  of   concerns,   from   sowing   dates   to   fer<lizer   applica<on,  weeding,   and   pest   or   disease   incidence.   Farmers   are  therefore   able   to   plan   appropriately   and   avoid   or  minimize  risks  of  failure  during  the  farming  season,  which  enables   them   to   manage   land,   soil,   water   and   biomass  more  sustainably.    

For   fisheries  management,  mKRISHI   was   used   by   fisher-­‐folks   to   access   informa<on   on   poten<al   fishing   zones  

based   on   sea   surface   temperature   and   chlorophyll  concentra<on   (as   monitored   by   satellites).   In   addi<on,  they  also   receive  near   real-­‐<me  advisory  on  wind   speed  and  direc<on  in  the  fishing  areas,  which  enables  them  to  plan   their   expedi<ons   accordingly   as   well   as   decide   on  which   type  of  nets   to  use.    As  a   result,   they  are  able   to  save  <me,  reduce  fuel  wastage,  avoid  risks,  and   increase  reliability  of  catches.    


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The   learning   mission   generated   considerable   knowledge   of   integrated   ecosystem   management   principles   and   prac<ces  within   the   SLEM-­‐CPP.   The  overall   program  embodies   a  diversity  of   approaches   to   address  drivers  of   land  and  ecosystem  degrada<on  that  is  consistent  with  the  overall  GEF  mandate  for  environmental  sustainability.  In  this  regard,  the  GEF  and  the  Government   of   India   through   the   SLEM-­‐CPP   have   established   an   important   planorm   for   future   opportuni<es   to  increase   sustainability   and   resilience   of   dryland  produc<on   systems,  with   poten<al   for   transforma<onal   change   at   scale.  Plans   for   a   new   project   in   the   UXarakhand   watersheds   and   the   need   to   expand   the   applica<on   of   mobile   technology  through  public-­‐private  partnership  are  evidence  of   the   important   role  of   the  GEF   in  catalyzing   investments   for   the  global  environment.


Mohamed Bakarr, Cluster Coordinator for the Land Degradation Focal Area, GEF. [email protected] !Jean-Marc Sinnassamy, Regional Program Officer, Natural Resources, GEF. [email protected]!

Patrizia Cocca, Communications Officer, External Affairs, GEF. [email protected]!


“Through the SLEM-CPP, the GEF and India have established an important platform for future opportunities to increase sustainability and resilience of dryland production systems, with

potential for transformational change at scale.”
