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  • 7/27/2019 KNP 2 Revised


    State of the Art Lecture for IE (India), Oct. 2012

    Infrastructure Projects for Common Wealth Games 2010


    Prof Mahesh Tandon

    Managing Director, Tandon Consultants Pvt. Ltd, India

    INAE-AICTE Distinguished Visiting Professor, IIT Kanpur & IIT Roorkee

    1.0 Introduction

    The 19th Common Wealth Games (CWG 2010) were held in Delhi from 3 to 14 Oct 2010. About 6500 athletes and

    officials representing 71 Common Wealth nations and dependencies competed in 17 sports disciplines and 272 events.

    This was the largest sports event ever held in India. It was also the first time that Common Wealth games were held inthe country. Holding an event of this magnitude is an expensive exercise with the enhancement of the host countrys

    image being the main motivation. The hosting of such a mega event requires the development of games village,

    sporting venues and ofcourse large infrastructure projects.

    The infrastructure projects in the city had to be planned on an ambitious scale as mobility within Delhi was perceived

    as difficult and congested and evaluated as a risk area.

    Major flyovers, traffic interchanges and metro (MRTS) structures contributed significantly in uplifting the image as

    well as the visual quality and character of the city of Delhi. Archeological monuments in the city of Delhi had to be

    specially catered to in the concept, design and construction of these infrastructure projects.

    It is proposed to give a brief exposure to the major traffic interchanges, elevated road, elevated corridor and MRTSstructure which constituted the landmark projects of the games. These projects employed a variety of techniques and

    were constructed in an incredibly short time. Tandon Consultants Pvt Ltd acted as the Design Consultants for six of

    these projects while they were proof checkers for the seventh.

    The projects include:

    1) Three Level Grade Separator at Ghazipur Intersection on NH-24

    2) Barapulla Elevated Corridor: The fast-track Village to Venue project.

    3) Badarpur Elevated Corridor to connect Delhi to Haryana

    4) Mukarba Chowk Grade Separator to disperse traffic at Delhi Border

    5) Flyover at Intersection of NH-24 and Bund Road near Commonwealth Games Village

    6) Underpass at Rotary Near Domestic Airport Along Road Connecting to Dwarka7) Extardosed Bridge at Moolchand Intersection for Delhi Metro

    2.0 Underlying Concepts

    The most important elements constituted the concepts related to the enhancement of environmental performance of

    these infrastructure projects. These elements are identified below:

    Evolving structural shapes that would be aesthetic and enhance the quality of the environment Developing concepts that would result in a reduce period of construction. Conservation of natural resources Conservation of Archeological monuments and heritage structures Utilising the space occupied by the citys landfill and garbage dump for socially relevant purposes Minimising structures and maximising ground level roads and embankments to reduce costs and

    environmental impact

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    Use of fly ash and geogrids in embankments thereby enhancing sustainability Use of blast furnace slag cement thereby utilizing industrial by-product Encouraging pedestrians, cyclists and public transportation in preference to personal motorized vehicles Signal free junction for movements of traffic in all directions thereby reducing pollution from stationary


    Integrating existing structures, facilities and water bodies as part of the overall design concept Delhi falls in Seismic Zone IV and all the structures cater to the requirement of earthquake resistant design.

    3.0 Identification of Innovative Technologies:

    Precast segmental superstructure where practical for speedy construction Diaphragm wall for speedy, safe and traffic friendly construction of under ground structures using

    top-down techniques

    Segment lifter employed for the first time in country for speedy construction and no disturbance to existingtraffic for some of the balanced cantilever construction spans

    Integral structure bridges for enhanced seismic performance, durability and safety during construction Elastomeric bearings as seismic dampers Mechanised slip formed crash barriers for speedy and well finished construction.

    4.0 The Infrastructure projects of CWG 2010 in brief

    How some of the ideas discussed above were translated into the projects of CWG 2010 is discussed in the

    remaining part of this paper

    4.1Three level grade separator of Ghazipur Intersection at on NH-24

    The 3-level grade separator on the critical intersection of NH-24 & Road no.56 in East Delhi (Fig 1) was

    constructed for the Commonwealth Games 2010. A flyover is aligned along NH-24 and an Underpass

    perpendicular to it. The existing rotary at ground level was retained but modified to suit the functionalrequirements (Fig 2).

    The 800m long flyover consists of 2 separate carriageways of 4 lanes each. The twin-leaf substructure is

    monolithic to the superstructure to constitute an integral bridge. Cast-in-situ balanced cantilever construction

    was adopted to yield 4-span and 3-span modules.

    The 680m long Underpass (Fig 3) is constructed using diaphragm walls along its periphery in the longitudinal

    direction. Tension piles were used with the base slab to counteract uplift due to the high water table. The portion

    of the Underpass crossing the rotary was covered with a deck slab cast into the diaphragm walls.

    Pedestrian bridges (3 nos.) consisting of steel arch with a span of 70m suspending the walkway were incorporated

    for crossing major arterial roads at Ghazipur, Delhi (Fig 4).

    Other interesting features relate to the integration of all modes of transportations (cars, buses, trucks, two-whelers, three-wheelers) as well as pedestrians into the scheme. The overall landscaping is awe-inspiring with the

    existing water body forming a very pleasing feature of the same.

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    Rd. no. 56Akshardham



    Anand Vihar




    Fig 1: Google Map of the Location

    Fig 2: Completed Structure Enhancing Environment

    Fig 3: Integration of Cycle Tracks in Underpass

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    Fig.4:Ghazipur Intersection on NH-24 60m: Arch FOB

    4.2 Barapulla Elevated Corridor: The Fast-Track Village to Venue Project

    Commissioned by the PWD Government of Delhi for the Commonwealth Games (CWG 2010), the elegant design of

    Barapulla Elevated Corridor (Fig 5) was envisaged as a dedicated signal-free access to transport participants from the

    Games Village to the Main Venue (Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium). Located along the existing Baraulla Nallah drain, the4.5 km long viaduct consisting of 2 separate structures of 10m width each for the up and down traffic has an important

    legacy value for the city for the east-west traffic, Fig 6.

    The innovative design concept was geared for high speed construction (time available: 20 months) using precastprestressed segmental techniques (no. of segments 3000) for most of the alignment including obligatory spans (upto

    85.0 m), employing Balanced Cantilever construction. Standardisation was the key to cost-optimisation while

    decreasing the expansion joints in the deck led to increased riding comfort. Flexibility in design for accommodatingmodifications in alignment, span arrangement and foundation configuration contributed greatly in avoiding relocation

    of underground and overhead utilities during construction.

    Delhi is a city of archeological monuments and a highly sensitive approach is required to be taken for their

    preservation. Each of the major crossingspresented difficult challenges. For instance, the block-time for the NorthernRailway tracks was limited to a mere 2 hours on alternate days, (Fig 7), while the deck level had to be raised to 20m to

    provide an uninterrupted view of the Khan-i-Khana Tomb on Mathura Road (Fig 8). Sharp curvatures and skew

    crossings characterised the alignment to avoid crossings above the ancient Barapurlla Bridge and to ensure that the

    elevated corridor can be built without slowing on shutting down traffic.

    Fig 5 Barapulla Elevated Corridor: Layout and Completed Structure

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    Fig 6: Segmental Construction over Lala Lajpat Rai Crossing

    Fig.7: The Railway Crossing under Construction

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    Fig.8: Barapulla Planning: View of Khan-i-Khanas Tomb from Mathura Road

    4.3 Badarpur Elevated Corridor, New Delhi

    Constructed as a part of the Golden Quadrilateral under NHDP on BOT basis this 4.4km long 2x3 lane elevated

    highway is located on Delhi-Agra Section of NH-2. It crosses 5 major intersections and has 2 toll plazas. It is

    characterized by spectacular geometrics, which has earned for itself the nick name of jalebi chowk, Fig 9.

    Apart from several vehicular and pedestrian underpasses the project also caters to interchanges and ramps to providefor a seemless signal-free ride.

    Precast prestressed concrete segmental construction (2200 nos. segments) was the predominant technique used for the

    spans varying from 28m to 46m and carriageway width of 11.8m, Fig 10. The governing weight of the segment was


    Design innovations could ensure simplicity of construction techniques and eventually reduced maintenance in service

    conditions resulting in considerable economy for the concessionaire. The project completion schedule of 24 months

    was cut short to 23 months, which accrued to the advantage of the public as well as the concessionaire.

    The flexibility in the design concept permitted modifications in span arrangement required during construction when

    unchartered utilities were encountered.

    Highlights of the design included minimum disturbance to existing traffic at ground level during construction and the

    creation of an outstanding visually arresting concrete structure. The sharp curvatures required to fit the structure to the

    alignment introduced complexities in segmental construction that were successfully addressed by the designer and the


    Fig.9: Badarpur Elevated Highway: JALEBI CHOWK

    Fig 10: Precast Segmental Construction in progress

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    Fig 11: Clear Lines Demonstrating Quality of Construction and Landscaping for

    Enhancing Environment

    4.4 Mukarba Chowk Grade Separator to disperse traffic at Delhi Border

    The path-breaking 8-lane main flyover (Fig 12) consists of a continuous steel box girder with a composite concreteslab (Fig 13). The superstructure has been widened to 10-lanes to incorporate bus-stops at deck level that caters to

    facilities like ramps, stairs and escalators for vertical movement and under-bridges for cross-overs for passengers,

    Fig 14.

    The aesthetically designed slip road and loop structures (Figs 15, 16) are integral concrete bridge construction,

    allowing for the elimination of bearings and expansion joints.

    The structures have specially designed features for earthquake resistance (Fig 17) as well as those that cater to poor

    soil conditions that have a high liquefaction potential.

    The Mukerba Chowk intersection which was conceived as a green project threw up design challenges in the form of

    the citys garbage dump and several nallahs at the site. Use of flyash, blast furnace slag cement, segregation of

    motorized vehicles from cyclists and pedestrians, integrating the existing features at site, Fig.18, (archeological

    monument, burial ground, and sub-station) and creation of innovative and aesthetic structural designs were some of thehighlights of project.

    Fig.12: Model of Mukerba Chowk Traffic Interchange

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    Fig.13: Continuous Steel Box Girder with Composite Concrete Slab

    Fig.14: Example of Ramp Leading to Pedestrian Subway

    Fig.15: Cross Road Leading to Loops

    Fig.16: Mukarba Chowk Grade Separator: Main Flyover and Loops

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    Fig.17: Seismic Restraints

    Fig.18: Existing Features at Site

    4.5 Flyover At Intersection of NH-24, and Bund Road Near Commonwealth Games Village

    This 750m long flyover constitutes a vital link to and from the CWG Village. It is located at the junction of

    Bund Road and NH-24. The superstructure comprises precast beam cast-in-situ slab type of construction,

    Fig 19. Four modules of 25m+30m+25m of continuous decking ensured minimizing of expansion joints and

    better riding quality

    In order to ensure stability of precast PSC girders during erection, they were temporarily anchored to the piercaps using special stabilizing arrangements (Fig 20). The 30m long (67t) and 25m long (54t) post-tensioned

    girders were erected on to the pier cap by two cranes, one from each end. Adjoining girders were also

    interconnected for stability. These arrangements were removed only after casting of deck slab anddiaphragms.

    Aesthetically pleasing shape of piers and pier caps are the highlights of visually arresting features where

    landscaping enhanced the quality of environment. The poor sub-strata proposed difficult problems for the

    foundations. Special features of design include tackling the problem of liquefaction of upto 8.0m depth. Thepile diameter had to be increased from 1.2m to 1.5m in order to provide adequate rigidity to the structure

    under liquefaction condition for the 28m deep piles. Forces due to post earthquake event termed lateral

    spreading had also to be accounted for in the design.

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    Fig 19: Flyover near Commonwealth Games Village: Completed Structure

    Fig 20: Flyover near CWG Village: Stabilizing Arrangement of PSC Girders

    4.6 Underpass At Rotary Near Domestic Airport Along Road Connecting To Dwarka

    Heavy traffic congestion existed at the Rotary outside the Domestic Airport, Delhi. It was found that majority

    of the congestion was due to the large traffic volume plying between Delhi & Gurgaon going towardsDwarka. A one way 600m long underpass from Delhi (Dhaula Kuan) and Gurgaon towards Dwarka, below

    the existing Rotary was thus concerned (Fig 21). This was a most fortunate selection as an elevated structurein the vicinity of the terminal building would have spoilt the cityscape. Sometimes it is infinitely better to be

    unobtrusive and subtle in matters of infrastructure. This was one such occasion.

    A combination of Diaphragm Wall (D-Wall) and Retaining Wall was made to find an optimum ofconstruction time and cost and yet feasible construction. Fig 22 shows diaphragm wall with temporary

    bracing which was required before casting of base slab for the permanent connection. At certain places,

    underlying rock is comparatively shallow, though still below the base slab of the underpass. A specialised

    design detailing had to be prepared to tackle such locations. The covered portion below the rotary is 120m

    long. Adequate arrangements for drainage of the underpass have been made, by way of installing severalsubmersible pumps (with 50% redundancy), controlled through logical controller and fully backed up with

    DG Sets.

    Special highway geometrics were required to merge NH-8 with the underpass due to the limited land

    availability at the Dhaula Kuan end.

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    Fig 21: Underpass at Rotary near Domestic Airport:

    At Entry into Covered Portion

    Fig 22: Construction Stage Showing Junction of Diaphragm Wall

    and Retailing Wall

    4.7 Extrdosed Bridge at Moolchand Intersection for Delhi Metro

    The Extradosed Bridge of Delhi Metro at Moolchand on the Central Secretariat-Badarpur line is an important

    crossing over Ring Road. It has a span arrangement of 51.0m+65.5m+51.0m making a total length of 157.5m

    with a curved alignment (R=100m), Fig 23.

    The 2.0m deep 10m wide box girder deck accommodates two tracks and was constructed by precast segmental

    construction (Fig 24) it has axial suspension of stay cables from the 8.0m high pylons.

    No disturbance of traffic was permitted during construction at this heavily trafficked junction adjacent to whicha flyover and underpass already exist.

    An iconic structure in the middle of city was aptly justified by the low heightstructure which would notunnecessary protrude into the existing city skyline. Some of the highlights of the structure were small height of

    pylons above the deck, reduced girder depth to match the neighbouring spans and elimination of bearings and

    expansion joints.

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