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Knysna & Partners Business Plan 2015

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BUSINESS PLAN 01 JULY 2015 - 30 JUNE 2016

B U S I N E S S P L A N01 JULY 2015 - 30 JUNE 2016

K N Y S N A T O U R I S M B U S I N E S S P L A N0 1 J U LY 2 0 1 5 - 3 0 J U N E 2 0 1 60 1

Tourism in South Africa is currentlyexperiencing one of its worst declines in two decades. A recent report by Grant Thornton confirms that international arrivals are down by 1,600 passengers per day. This is the equivalent of four jumbo jets every day.

The report confirms a 6% drop in arrivals for the first quarter of 2015 (150,000 less visitors).

Tourism businesses that are invested in the Indian and Chinese markets have been especially affected by this decline, and have reported drops in performance of between 25% and 40%. Some companies that foresaw this phenomenon adjusted their strategies to focus on the domestic market, whilst businesses serving South Africa’s traditional markets (Europe, England, etc.) have reported only minor declines, or even some slow growth.

This document suggests a marketing strategy that focuses on mature niche markets that we know remain robust. This strategy recognises that the marketing budget at our disposal is tiny compared to the massive amounts that local businesses that focus on attracting customers and investment from outside our region pour into marketing every year. The strategy proposes embracing the efforts of these businesses, and working together with them in a collective to direct that focus to receptive markets.

1. OverAll ObjecTiveSAs a custodian of brand Knysna, Knysna & Partners is

mandated to market all sectors of the economy.

Facilitate the growth of existing events.

Develop new events and encourage Business events.

Define an investment and trade promotion


Assist investors and

entrepreneurs.Establish a sound

research and develop mechanism

to guide further marketing initiatives.

Establish industry

partnership programs.

ThiS mArKeTing PlAn will STrive TO:

The organisational structure of the entity that will manage this process is defined in the strategy document already adopted by the board of Knysna & Partners. The process of galvanising the various sectors of the economy will be achieved through formalising these sectors into forums.

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2. FOrumSWe have defined and clustered representative groups that have an impact on the economy of the greater Knysna area.

a. Forum: events & Festivals

The forum for owners or managers of events and festivals serves to achieve a number of objectives, includingi. Targeting opportunities within niche markets e.g. Trail Town Festivalii. Aligning contributions to charities and ngOs (See ngO & charity Forum below).

b. Forum: national brands

The forum for national brands strives to align all national businesses that have a presence in Knysna, and that benefit from the economic success of Knysna even although they don’t effectively market the knysna brand. The idea is to create a fund from this forum that can support a specific communications strategy.

c. Forum: leD Forum

it is proposed that a local economic Development Forum be established to inspire and define conversation between businesses and emerging businesses. representation from this forum can then contribute to and inform the K&P’s board and it’s strategic position for the future.

d. Forum: Timber Forum

The timber economy of the greater Knysna area is significant to both the brand (timber heritage contributes significantly to the brand value) and to the economy as a whole. however, the timber economy needs special focus and attention. The Timber Forum enables all stakeholders and role-players to give input to a specific strategy that focuses on the various elements of the timber economy.

e. Forum: charities & ngO’s

charities and ngOs are currently organised under an umbrella body known as the garden route community care Forum. Kysna and Partners have already had discussions with members of the garden route community care Forum regarding broadening the objectives of the forum, and aligning its objectives with those of this organisation. All parties agreed the concept held merit and that further discussions will be held to achieve our joint objectives.

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3. evenTS & FeSTivAlSSee www.visitknysna.co.za/festivals-and-events.html : events & Festivals for the 2015/2016 budget year.

Knysna & Partners strives to work with event owners to enhance Knysna’s brand position, and to send key messages to niche markets (key messages are described under point 5 - campaigns below).

To date, our strategy has been to communicate to key niche markets through the participants in each event. we use social media to target celebrities or ‘event champions’ who have high followings, and whose followers will therefore receive our messages.

As a second part of this strategy, we strive to influence the placement of editorials and features by hosting journalists who specialise in writing for the niche markets specific to each event or festival. Knysna thus benefits from these editorials and features without having to purchase advertising space.

we spend a considerable time pitching to event organisers in order to get them to choose Knysna for their events, which bring valuable investment to the economy.

we are currently busy with pitches for the following events in 2016:

a. expedition Africa

An international adventure racing event proposed for Sedgefield during May 2016, with SANParks as our strategic partner. Knysna & Partners is required to generate approximately r 250,000 worth of value for the organisers in accommodation etc, through leveraging partnership

b. nue (national ultra endurance Series)

mTb event from uSA in collaboration with wesgro and Squirt lube, and with SAnParks as our strategic partner. Proposed for October 2016.

Knysna & Partners has inspired the following new events together with local industry partners:

c. village cricket Tournament

in collaboration with organisers Sport at backward Point, and proposed for march 2016. This event will target 16 teams (two local, 12 national, and four international) who will stay in the area for 10 days.

d. world village cricket Tournament

in collaboration with organisers Sport at backward Point (this event is still in concept phase).

Knysna & Partners seeks to enhance and develop the following events from 2016:

e. Triathlon Series:

The Knysna education Trust owns the rights to Triathlon in the southern cape. Knysna & Partners worked with the Trust to enhance their event at the PnP Knysna Oyster 2015 - the second year in which the event was held. Knysna & Partners will strive to encourage the Trust to create a series in the area with at least one other event in 2016; we will also strive to find a sponsor for the Trust, and will negotiate with world Sport to give the Trust’s Triathlon more support during the 2016 Oyster Festival.

f. Forum: Sedgefield Striders Tortoise Tuff (marathon and trail running).

This event has been identified as having a potential for growth. it is positioned excellently on the calendar , and it has all the ingredients to develop into a larger event. Knysna & Partners is striving to source sponsorship for this event.

4. PrOjecTS

a. Develop marketing collateral:

We have identified a need for marketing collateral in the printed space that will anchor our brand communications, and that will push broad messages and social media campaigns.

i. Find it:

Knysna & Partners has recently acquired this publication. This critical and significant information directory offers our organisation and the Knysna municipality an unprecedented opportunity by providing a foundation for information management.

ii. Knysna magazine:

Knysna & Partners aims to publish at least one edition of a printed marketing magazine. This magazine will be positioned for distribution during peak times (December and july). The concept has been presented in principle to world Sport as the anchor for communication during the Pick n Pay Knysna Oyster Festival.

iii. website:

Our website is a real-time platform and foundation for information management. it provides users with detailed information on the greater Knysna area.

The web site is by its nature a dynamic, on-going project that focuses on two key elements:

• Developing and maintaining a database and massaging the database through the majestic customer relations management system.• Providing a current interface that offers a unique user experience.

iv. Application (App):

The App is a marketing and social media tool designed to enhance the experience of users searching for information from mobile devices.

b. Develop the heritage route:

The heritage route is a collective designed to create a thematic travel initiative. Heritage has been identified by wesgro and DeDAT as a key focus area within the western cape Province.

i. Pledge nature reserve:

A municipal asset perfectly positioned to pay homage to the first nations of our area. Knysna & Partners has completed the first phase of this project: the design and conceptualisation of a First nation experience through story telling via a walking tour through the reserve. This tour has provided a business opportunity for a local Fist nation heritage specialist.

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ii. Old gaol:

This asset has been designated as a potential second leg of the heritage route. Knysna & Partners will facilitate the process of conceptualising the product (tour), with a planned implementation during 2016. it can then be presented at indaba.

iii. Old Fort: Thompson’s Folly (conceptual):

it is time that this asset is leveraged as an opportunity for Knysna. Knysna & Partners will identify the state institution that holds the rights to the land, and define the process of gaining access to begin working with the asset. The Old Fort has been designated as a potential third leg of the heritage route.

c. Trail Town - mountain biking, Trail running, hiking

Knysna Tourism claimed ownership of the brand position Trail Town of South Africa during the gr300. Knysna Tourism presented the cycle Knysna and Trail Town of SA concepts to wesgro and DeDAT; DeDAT then adopted the proposed strategy and included it into a regional focus within their cycle strategy for the Province as a whole. Focus will now be placed on developing the first phase of single track that will ultimately lead from Plettenberg bay to cape Town.

d. Slow Tour/route:

As a registered Cittaslow Town, Sedgefield is positioned as the Slow Town of greater Knysna. it hosts the Slow Festival, which is a perfect foundation from which to extend the concept, and so incorporate a Slow Tour/Slow experience-themed collective. The Slow Tour concept has been presented to weSgrO and DeDAT as a key focus for this organisation. goals for the Slow Tour in 2015/2016 include the completion of accreditation profiles for presentation to local business that qualify for inclusion in the concept.

i. green chefs:

A well established project that can now be included into aspects of the Slow Tour. Knysna and Partners will seek opportunities for the green chefs through projects like the Old gaol.

ii. Artisanal craft (cittaslow):

This project aligns with artisanal craft and leD initiatives. Crafters are identified and accredited through CCDI. Accreditation includes training opportunities that have to date been coordinated by this office. Knysna & Partners will continue coordinating these processes, with provision for the development of artisanal crafters. This includes exposure on a Slow Tour catalogue, which is a key goal for 2015.

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e. Knysna made:

‘Knysna makers’ is an leD project: a collective focused on training and developing local artisans crafters and manufacturers. Knysna & Partners will continue to support this group under the banner of ‘Knysna made.’

• Knysna Tourism met with the US company Gift Innovators at indaba 2015. Knysna & Partners will present the Knysna made catalogue to gift innovators in 2016. • Knysna & Partners secured exhibition space for local crafters at the Pick n Pay Knysna Oyster Festival.• We’ve also secured exhibition space for these crafters at the leisure isle Festival.• We are currently planning and designing an electronic catalogue for accredited crafters.• Crafters will receive training through SA Host.

f. lifesaving club:

The concept for this club was developed and introduced in 2015. Project champions have been identified, and meetings have been held with role-players who will become the founders of the project. collaboration with provincial and national bodies has been put in place. Knysna & Partners will continue to encourage this project to fruition.

5. cAmPAignSThe campaign ‘events & Festivals Town of SA’ enables Knysna & Partners to focus on each event’s niche market.

Knysna Tourism developed the following campaigns as a basis and foundation for marketing to specific target markets:

a. #PinkFootFwd:

A marketing campaign focused on the lgbTi market.

i. The internal campaign (a call to the people and businesses of Knysna to ‘Put your best foot forward’, is designed to prepare Knysna for the lgbTi market.II. The marketing campaign includes leveraging off the country representatives in the mr gay world competition, and through them, reaching the lgbTi markets in their respective countries. iii. Knysna Tourism targeted specialist lgbTi tour operators at indaba 2015. The call to action included bringing on board SA Tourism’s representatives in foreign countries to assist Knysna Tourism in focusing on this market.iv. Phase two of this campaign will include (a) expanding the marketing call to local inhabitants and businesses to improve market readiness, and (b) an on-going drive to establish communication with specialist lgbTi tour operators.

The hashtag #PinkFootFwd trended on Twitter on the Friday before the 2015 Pink loerie mardi gras. This created the perfect platform for launching the marketing part of the campaign, which was directed at niche tour operators in the lgbTi market.

b. #SlowTown:

The Slow Town campaign targets growing the Slow Festival and fine-tuning this event. As yet, we have no significant statistical evidence to show that the Slow Festival is attracting a dedicated market to our area. Our strategy will strive to create a compelling reason and proposition why visitors should choose the Festival and the destination.

Product-ready elements of the Slow Tour will be introduced to the Slow Festival 2016.

c. #FeelTheFever:

The jaguar Simola hillclimb gained traction in 2015 through the sponsorship of jaguar. Knysna Tourism’s relationship with the organisers of the event matured this year: roles and responsibilities were clearly defined, and evolved into a successful symbiotic working relationship. The event trended on the Friday on social media, which underscored the success of the strategic alliance between the parties.

The stage has now been set for 2016. Targeting the classic car enthusiasts and the Knysna lifestyle, Knysna & Partners will reach the target market by leveraging off the Jaguar Simola hillclimb and the classic car Show. it is believed that Knysna boasts the highest number of classic cars of any town in South Africa: this makes this event a natural fit to market Knysna’s desirability as a lifestyle destination.

d. #Knys1:

uniquely Knysna! This campaign seeks to galvanise all businesses and people in the greater Knysna area towards a commitment to service excellence. The slogan, ‘Knysna’s economy is everyone’s business’, is a reminder that all businesses should embrace the town’s core brand values.

This campaign underpins the national brand Forum mentioned above, and signals our commitment to joining in with the process of marketing the greater Knysna area as a worthy and desirable investment destination.

it should be noted that the #knys1 hashtag outperformed the #KOF2015 hashtag during and around this year’s Pick n Pay Knysna Oyster Festival.

e. #TrailTownSA:

46 million people rode mountain bikes on single track in the united States in 2001. Statistics recently released by AcSA show that north America remain one of the fastest growing market segments to our shores in terms of arrivals. The uSA and South Africa’s traditional markets (the uK and leading european countries) are holding their own in terms of growth to South Africa. This makes investing in marketing to the mountain biking, trail running and hiking niches in these countries a worthy proposition. The unique fact that Squirt lube is a Knysna-based product provides us with an opportunity to reaches the desired target markets through the company’s distribution network in bicycle stores in the uSA and europe.

This unique proposition was a catalyst for the adoption by wesgro and DeDAT of our cycle Knysna and Trail Town proposals.

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f. #Knysnamade:

The concept of following Knysna made products exported nationally and internationally and telling the Knysna story to buyers of these products, is a prospect that has not been fully explored.

The #KnysnaMade campaign will seek to explore and define opportunities within these markets.• Knysna Yacht Company• Squirt Lube• Knysna Racing Kayaks• Other

g. The events & Festivals Town of South Africa:

At indaba 2015, KT encouraged Tour Operators to include events and festivals into their itineraries. This campaign has effectively been launched and through SA Tourism offices we have secured two Tv shows using this angle to present to their markets.

This campaign will continue running through the database marketing to our Tour Operator database.

6. cOllAbOrATive (INDUSTRY) PARTNeRSHIP PrOgrAmS Together with WeSGRO and DeDAT, we have identified and committed to two partnership programs

i. cycle Knysna (extending to the garden route).ii. marketing Knysna as an attractive lifestyle destination (this campaign has recently been proposed and is currently in the concept phase).

7. TrADe ShOwS &exhibiTiOn PlATFOrmS:a. wTm – Africa

Annual international trade exhibition in cape Town. Knysna & Partners proposes exhibiting in 2016 in collaboration with Wesgro, and will also offer opportunities for key local products to attend the show.

Our ‘wTm 365’ project includes pushing key campaigns and messages to the database acquired at wTm Africa 2015.

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b. indaba

Annual international trade exhibition in Durban. Knysna & Partners attends in collaboration with wesgro. Our campaign includes:

i. A training and capacity building initiative for Smmes, which results in our taking emerging local Smmes to this show through the TeP (Tourism enterprise Partnership).ii. new product orientation. we conducted this programme for the first time in 2015. It was rated successful by participants.iii. ‘indaba 365’ includes pushing key messages to the database acquired at indaba 2015.

c. Artisan exhibition opportunities

we actively seek collective exhibition opportunities within the following high-volume events:

i. Knysna Oyster Festival craft collectionii. leisure island collective

d. electronic craft catalogue

A craft catalogue of all accredited craft; a publication by the ‘Knysna makers’ collective. The catalogue will be the platform in which all collectives will showcase their products. This will include products that are not part of a collective, but which are nevertheless genuine, local, made-in-Knysna products.

8. Action Plan:The budget column below represents the following categories

within our accounting codes:

marketing& Advertising

Pr & communication


Design (creative)

Training & Developmentmeetings &


AcTiOn PlAn

exhibition space

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K&P operational budget defines each project, event & festival and campaign under a specific accounting code. The breakdown of each accounting code will reflect the categories defined above.

Description Phase Action budget Timing

Forums Preparation Stakeholder meetings

22,500 August/Sept

Buy-in Align business groups


Agreements Promote formalisation of forums.


Contracting Define agreements


events & festivals:

Preparation Hold meetings with key events we are investing with.

40,000 August/Sept

Buy-in Establish consensus on strategic approach, roles and responsibilities.


Financial arrangements:

Define financial commitment to each festival and role of K&P.


Agreements: Define scope and terms of agreement

Nov: (for any project dated before this August)

Contract Conclude SLA with that event.

Nov: (for any project dated before this August)

PnP Oyster Festival

50 000

Literary Festival 20 000

Timber Festival 30,000

Leisure Isle Festival


Pink Loerie 20,000

MG Car Club 20,000

Splash Festival 10,000

Craft Beer Festival


Argus 20,000

Knysna Awards 10,000

School sports 30,000

GR200/300 40,000

7 Passes MTB Race



Find It 50,000 December 2015

Knysna Magazine 30,000 July 2016

Knysna App 20,000 Done (waiting on Eden)

Heritage Route

Pledge 30,000 Operational Sept

Old Gaol 20,000 Concept Feb

Trail Town 50,000 Ongoing

Green Chefs 15,000 Ongoing

Knysna Made 25,000 Ongoing

Lifesaving Club 5,000 Established Nov

Slow Route 20,000 Artisanal project

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#PinkFootFwd 50,000 Ongoing

#SlowTown 20,000 Ongoing

#FeelTheFever 25,000 March 2016

#Knys1 40,000 Ongoing

#TrailTown 50,000 Ongoing

#KnysnaMade 40,000 Ongoing

Events & Festivals Town of SA

30,000 Ongoing

industry Partnership Programs:

* Cycle Knysna/Wesgro

50,000 Phase one (complete Oct16)

* Lifestyle Town 50,000 Conceptual 2016

Trade Shows & exhibitions:

WTM – Africa 50,000 March 2016

Indaba 50,000 May 2016

Artisanal (electronic Catalogue)

50,000 Dec 2015

Knysna Tourism40 Main Road, Knysna, 6570

+27 (0)44 382 5510 (Knysna)+27 (0)44 343 2007 (Sedgefield)

[email protected]

Knysna’s economy is everyones business.
