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KOHAG Market Intro WA500-6

Date post: 01-Jun-2018
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  • 8/9/2019 KOHAG Market Intro WA500-6


    WA500-6 Market Introduction

    Introduction of New machine

    No. PM 05-12-01


    3 Minor change2 Model change

    1 New MachineCategoryMachine Model

    WA500-6Wheel Loader

    Planned Distribution Date


    ! - "


    6 - !

    " - 5

    6 - #

    $ - !0

    !1 - !

    1% Introduction &lan 'thi( )age*

    % +etail( -1 &re)aration ,chedule for Machine introduction

    - ackground of +e.elo)ment

    -! ,trategy of +e.elo)ment

    -" ,ale( /eature(

    -5 Ma or ,)ecification and Com)etitor(

    -6 utlook +e(ign

    -2 Attachment 3 )tion 4a le WA500-6

    -# Ma or Com)onent 78)enda le &artInterchangea ility

    No% Content &age

    1% Introduction &lan

    Week 12 / 2005Planned Mass Production

    Week 15 / 2005Planned irst !nit "hi#$ent

    12 Dece$ber 05

  • 8/9/2019 KOHAG Market Intro WA500-6


  • 8/9/2019 KOHAG Market Intro WA500-6


  • 8/9/2019 KOHAG Market Intro WA500-6


    WA500-6 Market Introduction

    he Bol+o C220 has been introduced in 2001 as irst$odel o -"eries. o $eet the regulation, the$achine gets an u#dated engine. his wheel loaderhas +er e icient dri+e line. he weakness o this$achine can be seen in lower durabilit in co$#arisonto W'500-3 > A'E*0F regarding ra$e design and

    co$#onent li e ti$e. his li$its the utilisation #ro ile othis $achine to lighter a##lication like loose $aterialhandling.

    to get ahead of the main com)etitor(

  • 8/9/2019 KOHAG Market Intro WA500-6


    WA500-6 Market Introduction

    New da(h WA500-6 W?L conce)t

    4o im)ro.e traction3 rim-)ull

    4o reduce the

    fuel con(um)tion

    4o increa(e the)roducti.ity

    New modern andattracti.e machine


    New tran(mi((ionwith large tor:ue


    Load (en(ing

    hydraulic (y(tem

    >igh ()eed on(lo)e( and

    larger ucket

    4o meet the4I79 III regulation(

    4o lower the maintenance co(t

    )timum acce((for fa(t re)air 3 maintenance


    2-3 "trateg o de+elo#$ent

  • 8/9/2019 KOHAG Market Intro WA500-6


    WA500-6 Market Introduction

    Increased Operator Comfort - Cow o#erating noise- oo$ o#erator cab- 'da#ti+e gas-#edal with .aria le (hift timing

    according to #edal angle and engine-r#$

    New Engine- New de.elo)ed ,AA6+ 1"07-5

    engine for lowe(t emi((ion(- ncreased #ower 2(3kW / 352@P- $#ro+ed tor:ue cur.e =$a4.

    1.*50N$ G 1.250r#$?

    Re-Designed Driveline- Carge ca#acit tor ue con+erter or better e icienc and lower

    fuel con(um)tion- i$-#ull increased ro$ 57 to E07 o o#eration weight- ra+el s#eed G 10@ (lo)e 10km?h- 4or:ue con.erter lock-u) ' )tion* also in nd gear or e+en

    higher s#eed under all conditions.

    New Hydraulic Concept - @igh #ressure .aria le )i(ton

    #u$#s =320bar?- Load (en(ing h draulics

    2-) "ales %eatures

    Larger productivity - Increa(ed ucket ca)acity - >igher to) ()eed

    Lower maintenance cost- 9e.er(i le fan =hinged? or uick and

    eas cleaning- "crewed engine bonnet to# co+er orbest accessibilit to engine co$#art$ent

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    7/32WA500-6 Market Introduction

    2-) "ales %eatures

    Due to e$#lo $ent o 78hau(t a( 9ecirculation= F ? s ste$, both N 8 and &M e$issions areconsiderabl reduced.

    4he engine com)lie( to the 7&A 4ier ! regulation( .

    Increa(ed engine )erformance and engine tor:ue

    WA500-6 WA500-!

    ated engine#ower =Net?

    6!BW ?!5 >& 1%$00r)m

    !5kW ?!15 >& %100r)m

    Ma4. enginetor ue 1#50Nm 1% 50r)m 1"00Nm 1%"00r)m

    %uel consu$#tionG rated s#eed

    215g #.kW/h

    230g #.kW/h

    Ao$$on railin ection s ste$

    De('1#00 ar*

    De('1 00 ar*

    'ir to 'ir ' tercooler De( No

    4haust Fas e-circulation = F ? De( No

    New de.elo)ed B MA4,E ,AA6+1"07-5 7ngine

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    8/32WA500-6 Market Introduction

    Pu$# Bal+e



    Pu$# Bal+e



    Pu$# Bal+e


    NewF .aria le ca)acity )i(ton )um) (y(temCurrentF fi8ed ca)acity )um) (y(temPu$# is deli+ering e4actl the re uired low

    No lo(( of flow

    Pu$# is deli+ering $a4i$u$ low all the ti$e,

    the obsolete low is redirected to tank

    Lo(( of flow

    Pu$# Bal+e



    2-) "ales %eatures Low fuel con(um)tion and low noi(e

    =aria le &i(ton &um)( and Load ,en(ing >ydraulic(

    WA500-! WA500-6

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    9/32WA500-6 Market Introduction

    ucket load

    o o m r i ( e ( ) e e d

    ucket fullucket half

    & mode

    N mode

    7ngine 9&M

    7 n g

    i n e

    4 o r : u e

    & mode

    N mode

    New electric engine control to li$it highre+olution to achie+e low uel consu$#tion %

    New )i(ton )um) (y(tem li$iting $a4i$u$boo$ s#eed according to large bucket load= orces o boo$ and bucket $o+e$ent will notchange at an s#eed?

    2-) "ales %eatures Low fuel con(um)tion

    Normal F /or high fuel efficency

    &ower F /or high )roducti.ity

    &ower ,witch

    Inno.ati.e Normal and &ower- Mode

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    10/32WA500-6 Market Introduction

    2-) "ales %eatures

    ood acceleration and high ()eed on flat-ground and (lo)e(

    - ncreased ri$-#ull at e+er s#eed will gi+e good acceleration

    - Coad > carr and slo#e tra+eling are acilitated

    - as $aterial-#enetration =digging? due to une ualed ri$-#ull at low s#eeds

    Increa(ed 9im)ull and 4ra.elling &erformance


    0% 5




    0 10 0 !0 "0

    ,)eed 'km?h*

    9 i m - ) u

    l l ? W e i g h

    t 9 a t i o


    10 degree (lo)e

    %lat3)k$/h -I 3(k$ /h

    10 degree*k$/h -I 10k$/h

    ncreased Digging Power =high initial ri$#ullJJJ?



    Low fuel con(um)tion and great )roducti.ity

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    12/32WA500-6 Market Introduction

    =- (ha)e Loading to ! ton 4ruck

    @ourl0 %uel Aonsu$#tion =C/h?

    3(,1 3*,))3,(


    7-mode &-mode WA500-! % u e

    l c o n s u $ #

    t i o n

    = C / h ?

    @ourl Production =$3/h?

    (E 0 ()0


    7-mode &-mode WA500-! @ o u r l 0

    P r o

    d u c

    t i o n

    = $ 3 / h ?

    icienc =$3/C?

    1E,) 1*,1),



    7-mode &-mode WA500-! 5 i c i e n c 0

    = $ 3 / C ?




    Load and carry 20m

    @ourl %uel Aonsu$#tion =C/h?

    )E,5 51,5 ) ,5 ) ,55(,E





    7-mode & -m ode 7-m ode &-mode % WA50 0-! % u e

    l c o n s u $ #

    t i o n

    = C / h ?


    With Lock-u)


    2-) "ales %eatures Low fuel con(um)tion

    &ne o the ke eatures o the W'500-($achine is its e4tre$el low uelconsu$#tion. With an a+erage reduction oa##ro4. 157 and increase o #roducti+it o107, the uel e icienc is i$#ro+ed b 257in co$#arison to W'500-3.

  • 8/9/2019 KOHAG Market Intro WA500-6


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    14/32WA500-6 Market Introduction






    0 10 0 !0,)eed 'km?h*

    A a ( ) e d a l a n g

    l e ' I *

    / / /


    L >


    n C-$ode, the shi ting-#attern will be $o+edto a lower s#eed-range. his kee#s theengine at lower engine rotation and results inlower uel consu$#tion at tra+eling. Pressingthe gas #edal into a dee#er angle, will eitherhold gear or shi t down u# to $a4i$u$#ossible s#eed =sa$e as @ $ode?..

    Mode selections are Manual, C, and @.

    2-) "ales %eatures 7a(y o)eration and low fuel con(um)tion



    New Ada)ti.e a( &edal with =aria le ,hifting &oint(

  • 8/9/2019 KOHAG Market Intro WA500-6

    15/32WA500-6 Market Introduction

    2-) "ales %eatures >igh (afety (tandard and o)eration comfort

    7nlarged Wheel a(e and 4i))ing Load

    WA500-6 J WA500-!J

    i##ing Coad straight !%"50 kg % 00 kg

    i##ing Coad )0K % 00 kg 1$% 00 kgWheel ase !%2#0 mm !%600 mm

    he e4tension o wheel-base b 1*0$$i$#ro+es the static ti##ing load and thed na$ic stabilit . hat grants also or

    e4cellent o#erator co$ ort and togetherwith .A.".". =tion? the W'500-( is#er ectl suited or load > carra##lication.

    K1#0 mm

    L 6a#an sourced

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    16/32WA500-6 Market Introduction

    2-) "ales %eatures )eration comfort

    WA500-6 )erator ca

    WA500-6 WA500-!Noise internal 2" d 'A* 22 d 'A*

    Noise e4ternal 102 d 'A* 111 d 'A*

    "ectional area %15m 1%66m

    he new designed o#erators cab eatures

    large glass areas or best +isibilit andsa et . 'n integrated &P" "tructureensures low $achine height. ' large dooro#ening angle in co$bination with rearhinged door $akes it as eas as #ossibleto enter the cab.

    New >igh Comforta le )erator( Ca

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    17/32WA500-6 Market Introduction

    2-) "ales %eatures )eration comfort

    ' new sliding t #e console and a largear$rest in co$bination with PA-controlensures a $a4i$u$ o o#eration co$ ort.





    New >igh Comforta le )erator( Ca

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    18/32WA500-6 Market Introduction

    2-) "ales %eatures )eration comfort

    ' new logical and easil understandable$onitor dis#la is showing all o#eration#ara$eters in su#erb ualit . he roo$cab eatures as standard a co$binedcooling and heating bo4 and a storageco$#art$ent or docu$ents.

    Cool and heating o8 +ocument (torage com)artment

    New >igh Comforta le )erator( Ca

  • 8/9/2019 KOHAG Market Intro WA500-6


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    20/32WA500-6 Market Introduction

    2-) "ales %eatures Low re)air and maintenance co(t

    o reduce the re#air and $aintenance ti$e,a new conce#t o engine bonnet has beenrealiOed. 'll co+ers are bolted-on t #e toensure uick access to all engineco$#onents and large stabilit o the enginebonnet itsel .

    disasse$bl o the $u ler, #re-cleanerand to# co+er it is #ossible to get access tothe u##er #arts o the engine or$aintenance. his reduces the ser+ice costdrasticall or e+entuall ad ust$ents orengine ins#ection works.

    New ,crewed 7ngine onnet for uick Acce((

  • 8/9/2019 KOHAG Market Intro WA500-6


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    22/32WA500-6 Market Introduction

    2-) "ales %eatures 7a(y cleaning for lower maintenance co(t

    9e.er(i le and >inged 9adiator /an for 7a(y Cleaning

    %or uick cleaning, the radiator an can changethe turning direction whilst the engine is running. #ushing a button the blowing direction o the

    radiator an can be re+ersed whilst the engine isrunning in order to #er or$ a short-ter$ cleaningo the radiator. %or intensi+e cleaning a hingedradiator grid and an $otor ensures o#ti$u$access within a ew $inutes. 'n auto-re+erse an

    is oreseen as o#tion.

    e+ersiblean switch

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    23/32WA500-6 Market Introduction

    2-) "ales %eatures

    7MM, '7:ui)ment Management

    Monitoring ,y(tem* 't a glance instru$ent $onitor #ro+ideso#erator with all necessar in or$ationMaintenance control and troubleshootingin or$ation are dis#la ed on the characterdis#la 9

    Dis#la o 'ction and %ailure Aodes lectric " ste$ %ailure @istor Mechanical " ste$ %ailure @istor Data trans er +ia 8&M ' #ossible

    Lower re)air and maintenance co(t

    9eal-4ime-Monitoring of machine condition(- no urther $easure$ent e ui#$ent needed

    =h dr. oil #ressure, engine r#$ etc.?

    - uick and eas check o $achine condition

    - hel#s $aintaining $a4. $achine #er or$ance

    Maintenance indicator

    - ensures longer $achine li e due to #ro#er ser+ice

    - each $aintenance ite$ is dis#la ed indi+iduall

    - a+oids unnecessar $aintenance

    Ad.anced ,elf +iagno(i( /unction

  • 8/9/2019 KOHAG Market Intro WA500-6


    WA500-6 Market Introduction

    2-5 Ma or "#eci ication and Ao$#etitors =Preli$inar ?



    =ol.oL 07

    @orse#ower net kW / @P 6! ? !5 !2 ? ! ! 5# ? !51"td. bucket ca#acit G 1.*to/$Q $Q 5%!mG 5%0mG 5%0mG

    erating weight kg ! %500 !1%100 !1% 00

    urning radius outside bucket $$ 2%650 #%000 2%#00

    reakout %orce kN /kg 5%000 !%600 !%000

    "tatic ti##ing load at 0K kg !%"50 % 00 !%500"tatic ti##ing load )0K kg 0%"00 1$%$50 0%600J

    @inge #in height $$ "6 5 "%505 "%6#0

    Du$#ing height at )5K $$ !% $5 !%165 !% #0

    Du$#ing reach $$ 1%500 1%6"2 1% 20

    otal height $$ !%2#5 !%265 !%2!0

    Wheel base $$ !%2#0 !%200 !%200

    ngine tor ue N$ 1%#50 1%615 1%260

    ngine dis#lace$ent ltr. 15% 15% 1 %0

    L't 3 K turning angle

  • 8/9/2019 KOHAG Market Intro WA500-6


    WA500-6 Market Introduction

    2-5 Ma or "#eci ication Di$ension

    A. &+erall length = i# o bucket / &A? E( 0$$. &+erall height 3 (0$$

    C. @eight to# edge o bucket ()30$$

    + . &+erall width 31E0$$

    7 . Min. ground clearance )50$$

    / . ucket width =Autting edge width? 3)00$$

    . Alearance i# o bucket 33E5$$&A 32E5$$

    > . each i# o bucket 1)00$$

    &A 1500$$

    I. Du$# angle )5K

  • 8/9/2019 KOHAG Market Intro WA500-6


    WA500-6 Market Introduction

    2-( &utlook Design

  • 8/9/2019 KOHAG Market Intro WA500-6


    WA500-6 Market Introduction

    2-( &utlook Design

  • 8/9/2019 KOHAG Market Intro WA500-6


  • 8/9/2019 KOHAG Market Intro WA500-6


    WA500-6 Market Introduction

    2- 'ttach$ent > tion able W'500-(

    Ao$$onalit= nterchageabilit ? & Ao$$on


    De+elo#$ent Alassi ication and lead ti$e ' 9 '+ailable ro$ $ass #roduction start 9 '+ailable a ter 3 $onths ro$ $ass #roduction start A 9 '+ailable a ter ( $onths ro$ $ass #roduction start D 9 o be de+elo#ed a ter ir$ order

    Largecategory Medium category

    D e t ai l

    c a t e g or 0

    +etail category,4+

    =aria le&4



    P r e

    # ar a

    t i on

    #r i or i t 0

    Commonalityto WA500-!

    1% 7((ential unit '4le "tandard %ront > ear Bariable 01, 02 'Ci$ited "li# Di erential %ront > ear Bariable 05, 0( '

    rans$ission rans$ission standard /A Bariable P50 'rans$ission with /A Cock-u# Bariable P51 '

    eration Ce+er 2 PPA Ce+er h draulic control Bariable Pattern '2 PA Ce+er h draulic control Bariable Pattern A 'PPA Multi unction Ce+er Bariable Pattern A

    erator "eat 'ir sus#ension seat without heating = " ? Bariable 80* '

    'ir sus#ension seat with heating = " ? Bariable 80E '"#ecial seat or 6"-"teering =Fra$$er? Bariable 80 A

    oo$ " D Ci t 'r$ Bariable 20 '@igh Ci t 'r$ Bariable 2) A

    @ draulic oil "tandard Bariable ' &io degradable oil Bariable *5 ' &

    "teering "tandard steering Bariable "01 '6o stick steering Bariable "02 A

    .A.".". With .A.".". ra+el da$#er s ste$ Bariable '*0 'Without .A.".". Bariable '

    Na$e Plate Fer$an Bariable 11 ' &nglish Bariable 12 ' &%rench Bariable 13 ' &talian Bariable 1) ' &

    "#anish Bariable 15 ' &

  • 8/9/2019 KOHAG Market Intro WA500-6


    2 * M A $# 4# d bl P h bili

  • 8/9/2019 KOHAG Market Intro WA500-6


    WA500-6 Market Introduction

    2-* Ma or Ao$#onent, 4#endable Part nterchangeabilit

    No . &art name Interchangea ility 9emark(

    Eni t

    1 ngine New Aurrent New engine "''(D1)0- 52 adiator New Aurrent Carger radiator 3 or ue con+erter New Aurrent New large ca#acit or ue con+erter ) rans$ission New Aurrent New rein orced trans$ission5 rans$ission +al+e New Aurrent New trans$isson( %ront a4le New Aurrent New ront a4le

    ear a4le New Aurrent New rear a4le* Pro#eller sha t ront New Aurrent New #ro#eller sha tE Pro#eller sha t $iddle New Aurrent New #ro#eller sha t

    10 Pro##eler sha t rear New Aurrent New #ro#eller sha t11 @ draulic #u$# New Aurrent New +ariable #iston t #e #u$#12 Main control +al+e New Aurrent New closed sensing $ain controll +al+e13 &rbit roll +al+e New Aurrent 1) Aut o +al+e New Aurrent 'bolished15 PPA +al+e New Aurrent1( rake +al+e New Aurrent New brake s ste$1 Ci t c linder New Aurrent Ahanged to s$aller dia$eter 1* ucket c linder New Aurrent Ahanged to s$aller dia$eter 1E "teering c linder New Aurrent Ahanged to s$aller dia$eter 20 i$ New Aurrent '$ount o i4ing screws changed21 @ dr.$otor or cooling an New Aurrent22 Monitor #anel New Aurrent New $ain $onitor

    Common Encommon

    In contra(t to WA 500-!>

    2 * M A $# t 4# d bl P t t h bilit

  • 8/9/2019 KOHAG Market Intro WA500-6


    2-* Ma or Ao$#onent, 4#endable Part nterchangeabilit

    No% &art name Interchangea ility 9emark(

    Eni t

    23 &P" Aab New Aurrent New cab2) ucket '- #e New Aurrent New bucket with di erent connection25 ucket - #e New Aurrent New bucket with di erent connection2( ucket A- #e New Aurrent New bucket with di erent connection2 'ir cleaner &uter ele$ent New Aurrent Carger t #e or new engine2* 'ir cleaner nner ele$ent New Aurrent Carger t #e or new engine2E ngine oil ilter New Aurrent New engine oil ilter 30 %uel ilter New Aurrent %uel ilter ha+ing i$#ro+ed ine iltration31 Aorrosion resistor New Aurrent

    32 /A &il ilter New Aurrent New ilter ele$ent33 @ draulic oil ilter New Aurrent Di erent ilter design3) 'ir condition ilter =outer? New Aurrent New air condition s ste$35 'ir condition ilter =inner? New Aurrent New air condition s ste$3( ire New Aurrent 3 .&.A. New Aurrent New t #e o bucket3* &ne #iece teeth New Aurrent 3E "er+ice brake disc New Aurrent New a4le with new brake s ste$)0 Parking brake disc New Aurrent New #arking brake s ste$)1 'lternator belt New Aurrent New engine)2 'ircon co$#ressor belt New Aurrent New engine)3 @oses New Aurrent Di erent siOes)) Aabin classes all New Aurrent New o#erator cab

    Common Encommon

    In contra(t to WA 500-!>
