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Kopenhagen Fur News, September 2011

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Kopenhagen Fur News, September 2011
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Page 3: Kopenhagen Fur News, September 2011

12 14

5 Editorial

6 Kopenhagen Fur awarded prize for the cooperation with young Chinese

8 News in brief

10 A dream of a bright swakara future

12 The missing link was Danish

14 North American mink skins for sale in Copenhagen

16 Nova Scotia goes brown

18 MBA-students’ visit to Kopenhagen Fur

20 Shoe and bag institute goes hairy

22 More than just a learning experience

25 Events in Copenhagen

26 Auction schedule and offering 2011/12

29 Copenhagen hotels

30 Contact Kopenhagen Fur

ContentsSEPTEMBER 2011


editor in Chief TORBEN NiElSEN


[email protected]

RASMUS PAlSGåRD/[email protected]



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Page 4: Kopenhagen Fur News, September 2011

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Page 5: Kopenhagen Fur News, September 2011


In June, the Danish Minister for Food received a report from Denmark’s second-largest university, Aarhus University, on animal welfare in fur production. The Minister had commissioned the report in response to persistent claims by animal rights activists that animal welfare conditions at Danish mink farms were unspeakable. The report compiled Danish and international research on animal welfare in fur production. The conclusion of the report was crystal clear: Animal welfare in fur production is far better than in other parts of agricultural production. Moreover, the Ministry’s own inspectors reported on the results of an inspection round comprising all Danish mink farms. In this case, the conclusion was equally clear. Very few animals were found injured on unannounced inspections and, in general, animal welfare was excellent. This has been backed by the Danish Veterinary Association, which has stated that animal welfare at the farms is superb. Consequently, it would be reasonable to assume that all talk of animal welfare and mink would subside in Denmark. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The fact of the matter is that the agenda of animal rights activists is not animal welfare, but to give animals rights that are equal to those of humans. The animal rights movement’s mind-set is relatively old, and also formed a significant part of the Nazi mind-set. Nazis are nature romanticists. Nazis believe that humanity is slowly, but surely, degenerating because human beings are no longer part of nature. Society is – so to speak – protecting the weak, which goes against the laws of nature. Thus, by giving animals rights equal

to those of humans, the Nazis formed a basis for treating humans and animals according to the same set of values. It established the concept of superhumans and subhumans and consequently the right to exterminate e.g. Jews and other humans and peoples believed by the Nazis to be inferior. The German animal rights laws of 1936 were the first step on the way to genocide of the European Jews. And this alliance between the Nazis and the animal rights activists persists. The campaign against hallal slaughtering is fought arm in arm by the far right and animal rights activists in both England and the Netherlands. The end justifies the means. The love for animals is used by both groups as a cover for their hatred of humans. The most surprising

circumstance is that the Israeli animal rights movement is so strong that the country is seriously discussing a ban on fur imports. Jews, Nazis and animal rights activists joining forces. Does it get more bizarre? By contrast, the rest of us can be pleased that fur is in fashion like never before and that researchers, veterinarians and others not adhering to misanthropic ideological approaches to animal welfare approve of our trade.


By contrast, the rest of us can be pleased that fur is in fashion like never before and that researchers, veterinarians and others not adhering to misanthropic ideological approaches to animal welfare approve of our trade.

Photo: Helle Moos

Page 6: Kopenhagen Fur News, September 2011


It was a proud Sales Director, who talked about the recognition, awarded by the Danish Embassy, which was presented on ‘Open Day’ at the event at the Danish Embassy in Beijing. - I am very proud that the Danish

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Danish Embassy in China appreciate our effort in China. It is an honour to receive an award in spite of the fact that we have not started the project for that reason, Sales Director of Kopenhagen Fur, Mr

KoPenhagen fur awarded Prize for the CooPeration with young ChineseIn May on ‘Open Day’, the Danish ambassador in Beijing awarded Kopenhagen Fur recognition of the company’s cooperation with young Chinese.

By Marie graBow westergaard

On behalf of

Kopenhagen Fur,

general manager Chen

Weixian receives the


Page 7: Kopenhagen Fur News, September 2011


Kenneth Loberg says. The work, Kenneth Loberg refers to is the cooperation between Kopenhagen Fur and a wide range of young designers and other creative artists in China, and the agreement on the cooperation between Kopenhagen Fur and the Tsinghua University in China, which was entered into in 2007. Ambassador Mr Friis Arne Petersen

drew special attention to the cooperation with the Tsinghua University and also Kopenhagen Fur’s ability to combine Danish materials with Chinese culture, as he spoke to the guests at the ‘Open Day’ event. - I would like to convey our special thanks to Kopenhagen Fur for what they have done for Denmark and China. Kopenhagen Fur has supported young Chinese designers and artists, and since 2007 they have cooperated with the Tsinghua University about activities and education of young people. I hope that other Danish companies will learn from Kopenhagen Fur. Through their cooperation with the young Chinese they have found a method to combine Danish materials with Chinese design traditions and ideas, Friis Arne Petersen said.

foCus on More than just Money Kenneth Loberg is very pleased with the Ambassador’s enthusiastic words, and he believes that Kopenhagen Fur’s effort in China is important in several matters. - Our cooperation with the Tsinghua University is not just about making the Chinese use fur; it is about creating a

scope where the young Chinese have the possibility to experiment and learn new techniques – a place where you are allowed to be creative and use your imagination, and I feel that we have succeeded in doing that together with the university, Kenneth Loberg says. He is convinced that this award was given to Kopenhagen Fur - as the first Danish company in China ever – because money was not the focus. - I honestly believe that is has been important to the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs that is has not just been about money for us. Is has been about cooperation and development of new ways to understand and help each other – in defiance of cultural differences, Kenneth Loberg says. After the speech by Friis Arne Petersen the guests at ‘Open Day’ got the chance to get a taste of what is the result of the cooperation. The afternoon ended with a fashion show called ‘Fur-ever Young’ with styles made by the Chinese students and famous Chinese designers.


• As part of the EU-China Year of Youth

most of the EU member states’,

embassies in China held an event during

the month of May to celebrate European

and Chinese youth cooperation.

• The Danish Open Day event was the

biggest of all of the events and one of a

few open to the Chinese public.

• About 1,300 people attended the Danish

Open Day. More than 4,500 people

registered for the event.

Page 8: Kopenhagen Fur News, September 2011


to stay as exCLusive as PossiBLeThe Chinchilla top lot of the June auction was bought by Carlo Guida s.r.l. on behalf of the big Turkish company Punto Deri San Ve Tic Ltd. for 570 DKK (113 USD) per skin.

- Even though the prices are high, Punto wants the top lot for a special limited collection of garments, Tommaso Guida explains.

Punto has its headquarter in Istanbul and is one of the biggest fur brands in Turkey.

They make garments of all sorts of fur, but have recently chosen to concentrate on special types like chinchilla and sable to create garments that stand out.

- Punto has concentrated on chinchilla this year, they really want the skins and they want the best, Tommaso Guida says.

sPeCiaL ChinChiLLa tyPe for saLeAt the September auction 2011, Kopenhagen Fur’s auction room will be the scene of a small world premiere. For the first time the chinchilla type Blue Diamond will be offered for sale at an auction house.

The type which is a double recessive type of Afro Violet and Sapphire is bred by the chinchilla farmer Niels Sørig, who began breeding the type in 2001/2002.

The chinchilla farmer has spent the last ten years developing the Blue Diamond quality, and now he has produced sufficient animals for a sale. The Blue Diamond has been displayed already both at the International Kopenhagen Fur Skin Show 2011 and at the June auction 2011.

Interested customers can inspect the skins before the September auction, where they will be offered for sale.

news iN BRiEF

suPPort the fur Business on faCeBooK

new Chinese weBsite

Apart from Kopenhagen Fur, also IFTF and EFBA are on Facebook. Join us on Facebook and show your support!

Kopenhagen Fur’s popular website will have a Chinese sibling in August, 2011, right in time for the new season. The Chinese website will have the same look and same functions as the English one, and the links between the two will allow for smooth transition for different needs. Both websites will be an important interface and source of information for the fur and fashion industry. In tandem with the rapid growth of the fur industry in China, the demand for information has never been bigger. The Chinese website will also play a positive role in integrating the various activities of the company in China, to achieve better synergy with its partners.

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gata fur Bought the toP Lot for MKM Mr Coskun Kölük, General Manager of Gata Fur, bought the Female Top Lot in Pearl Beige Velvet for MKM Holding Group for 620 DKK at Kopenhagen Fur’s June auction.

- Our cooperation with MKM goes far back, and I am pleased to have bought this top lot for them, Mr Coskun Kölük said, and continued: - Our goal is always to produce the best quality of mink garments for our customers. MKM is one of the companies in Russia with whom we have been working constantly for many years, and we are planning to use the top lot skins for an exclusive garment to be offered to their elite clientele in one of their preferred stores.

MKM operates 16 big retail stores in 11 Russian cities.

exPerienCed Chinese Bought toP LotMr Kam Lam of KC Enterprises Ltd., Hong Kong, knows the auction house in Glostrup very well. He comes for the good quality of skins from Kopenhagen Fur.

- I want to use the top lot to promote my brand and underline the good quality of my garments, Kam Lam says. He bought the White Velvet Males top lot for 870 DKK.

It is his fourth top lot buy at a Kopenhagen Fur auction.

- I buy most of my skins here in Glostrup, because this is where I get the best qualities. I have been a buyer here since 1983, Kam Lam says.

sorting Courses 2011/2012KopenhAgen Fur ACAdemy hereby announces the dates of the popular courses next season;

Sorting course I: 24 to 28 October 2011Sorting course II: 16 to 20 January 2012Sorting and auction procedures course: 28 May to 19 June 2012

The courses are well attended. You can register to attend the

courses online on www.kopenhagenfur.com – AUCTION - ABOUT US - SORTING COURSES.

You are welcome to contact Ms Annette Hindborg for further information:Fax: +45 4326 1449Mail: [email protected]

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Christos Bourtsos is the youngest son of company owner Mr Konstantinos Bourtsos, and together with his father and his brother Mr Tasos Bourtsos he has been a regular guest at Kopenhagen Fur’s auctions since he was a young boy. - My father began to take me here to teach me about the auction when I was nine or so, so you can say I am an experienced auction guest, 19 year old Christos Bourtsos says. The company has existed since 1981 and has always worked with fur, mainly swakara and mink, but also sable and fox. Today he is visiting Kopenhagen Studio as part of Kopenhagen Fur’s new top lot buyer programme, where top lot

buyers get the opportunity to pay an exclusive visit to the design centre. For Christos Bourtsos who hopes to become a designer for his family’s company, it is an opportunity to see different styles and new ways how to use swakara. - I find it interesting to see some of Kopenhagen Studio’s designs. We also make hats, but not like that one, more like berets of fur for our Russian customers, Christos Bourtsos says pointing at a swakara top hat, which is shaved and coloured. The Russian customers form a large part of the success of Bourtsos S.A. In 1981 the company only had a small production, but then a couple of big Russian customers started buying skins

When a company buys the swakara top lot eight times in a row, it is reasonable to say that the top lot is important to them. For Bourtsos S.A the swakara top lot is part of a dream to become the biggest swakara manufacturer in the world.

By Marie graBow westergaard

Photo By jaCoB nieLsen

a dreaM of a Bright swaKara future

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“ I want us to be the biggest buyer of swakara and the biggest manufacturer of swakara garments in order to be the dominating company at the swakara market, ” Christos Bourtsos says.

through Bourtsos S.A. Today the company employs more than 75 persons and sells garments to both Russia, Korea, China and Ukraine. - The Russian customers are one of the reasons why we continue to buy the swakara top lot. They know us for our good quality, and we intend to keep it that way, so that is why we only buy the best skins, Christos Bourtsos says.

a dreaM of Being the BiggestChristos Bourtsos has many dreams both for himself and for the family company. Right now he follows the two designers who are employed in his family’s factory, and he hopes to enrol at a design school to be able to assist the company as a

designer. But he also has ambitions for the future of Bourtsos S.A - I want us to be the biggest buyer of swakara and the biggest manufacturer of swakara garments in order to be the dominating company at the swakara market, Christos Bourtsos says. Christos Bourtsos realizes that it may take a while before any of his dreams may come true, but both his father, his brother and he himself will keep working hard to succeed. -Bourtsos S.A is a strong company which keeps developing, and my family will do whatever it takes to keep it that way, Christos Boursos says.

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A fashion house, which stands out from the other houses, is situated close to the original Fur District in the centre of Manhattan, New York. Gilles Mendel is the fifth generation in the family company J. Mendel, which he has turned from a traditional fur store in Paris into an international, luxurious fashion brand. The company has great influence on today’s fashion scene. A beautiful flagship store is located at Madison Avenue. When you make mink fur into dresses for celebrities like Demi Moore and Cameron Diaz you need the best quality. - I use mink skins from Kopenhagen Fur. It is the absolutely best quality, and the wide selection of types is fantastic, Gilles Mendel says. Almost a hundred percent of the mink skins used for the J. Mendel collections come from Kopenhagen Fur. What is very interesting is that the company now uses Velvet skins from Denmark. Formerly, short nap from North America was considered the best, but not anymore, according to Gilles Mendel. - The short nap mink from Kopenhagen Fur brought the last link that was missing

for J. Mendel’s exclusive designs, Gilles Mendel says. At the moment, celebrities queue up for J. Mendel dresses, and the workrooms have difficulties in keeping up with the demand. Simultaneously, he is dedicatedly supported by his young fans. - Young girls worship me like God. It is crazy, but also very flattering, Gilles Mendel says. His popularity has reached artistic environments as well. This year Gilles

Mendel has designed costumes for The New York Ballet.

interesting CooPerationIn February 2010, Gilles Mendel and Kopenhagen Studio established an inspirational cooperation with the purpose of developing new creativity and techniques. Together with the furriers at Kopenhagen Studio, Gilles Mendel made a collection, which was presented at Copenhagen Fashion Week in February this year. - I admire Kopenhagen Fur, and I am happy for the cooperation. They are in the lead when it comes to innovation and techniques. At Kopenhagen Studio they are very pleased as well. - Gilles is a great fashion ambassador for us. He demonstrates in the noblest way what our skins can be used for. He is very innovative and has managed to transform J. Mendel into one of the most exclusive fashion brands, Partnerships and Alliances Manager at Kopenhagen Studio Natia Linneman, says.

the Missing LinK was danish

“ I use mink skins from Kopenhagen Fur. It is the absolutely best quality,

and the wide selection of types is fantastic,“ Gilles Mendel says.

Celebrities like Cameron Diaz and Demi Moore queue up for his dresses and young girls worship him for his fur designs. The man is Gilles Mendel – the fur is Danish.

By rasMus PaLsgård

“ I admire Kopenhagen Fur, and I am happy for the cooperation. They are in the lead when it comes to innovation and techniques.”

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Considering today’s market, Barry Jordan, Area Manager of Kopenhagen Fur in North America since August 2010, has one huge advantage: Kopenhagen Fur is able to offer the North American fur farmers a fixed sales commission of 1.60 USD (8.50 DKK) per skin when they sell their skins at Kopenhagen Fur. The competitors, Seattle-based American Legend Auctions and North American Fur Auctions (NAFA) in Toronto, pay a sales commission which is made up of a percentage of the sale. The sales commission can be over 6 percent when adding auction house percentage, association percentage and research levy. With the current price levels for mink skins this could set the farmers back 4.50 USD per skin – three times more than in Copenhagen. - We treat everybody the same way. It doesn’t matter if you are big or small. The feeling I get from the farmers is that they think Copenhagen is fairer, says Barry Jordan. With an approximate Canadian production of 2.4 million mink skins and an American production of 3.2 million, there are considerable opportunities for Kopenhagen Fur collecting their skins. Whereas the North American auction houses collect a lot of skins in Europe, primarily in Poland and Holland, Kopenhagen Fur never really made an effort on the other side of the pond. Until now.

the intersorting is attraCtive - We have started collecting skins in North America because we have been approached by both breeders and customers. The customers see an advantage in large supplies. They want to make their purchase more

efficient. Farmers in Canada and USA have approached us because they see a significant advantage in our intersorting, Managing Director of Kopenhagen Fur, Torben Nielsen, says. He predicts a shift in the mindset of the North American farmers, who have a tradition with farmer lots. However, from a North American farmer’s point of view, the development during the last 5 or 10 years, when Danish mink farmers have boosted the quality in the Danish mink production to new heights, has lead to a far more attractive intersorting at Kopenhagen Fur. - They are very aware of Denmark now. The Danish mink has improved and people are beginning to recognize it, says Barry

Last year Kopenhagen Fur began to collect mink skins in Canada and the U.S. The effort in North America means that the auction offering at Kopenhagen Fur will become even more attractive.

By MiCK Madsen

north aMeriCan MinK sKins for saLe in CoPenhagen

“We treat everybody the same way. It doesn’t matter if you are big or small. The feeling I get from the farmers is that they think Copenhagen is fairer,” says Barry Jordan.

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Considering today’s market, Barry Jordan, Area Manager of Kopenhagen Fur in North America since August 2010, has one huge advantage: Kopenhagen Fur is able to offer the North American fur farmers a fixed sales commission of 1.60 USD (8.50 DKK) per skin when they sell their skins at Kopenhagen Fur.

Jordan who worked with Hudson Bay’s Company in London since 1967 and NAFA on North American soil since 1982 respectively. He knows his North American farmers, and till now, information about Kopenhagen Fur has been scarce. - Nobody really considered shipping any skins to Kopenhagen Fur before, says Barry Jordan while Torben Nielsen says that the farmer lots system has lost value as the Danish farmers have closed the quality gap between the continents.

- We must acknowledge that North American fur farmers produce fantastic skins. The high-end group, however, makes up perhaps 20 percent of the entire production. It may be relevant to sell those 20 percent as farmer lots, but the rest will do better if intersorted with the Danish production. It is really simple: North American farmers should sell where it is most relevant and a lot of them have understood that already, Torben Nielsen says, adding that Kopenhagen Fur gives an additional advantage which Seattle

and Toronto are not able to offer, namely that sales can be spread over five annual auctions in Copenhagen which makes the North American farmers less vulnerable to fluctuations in the market. Kopenhagen Fur expects some 200,000 North American mink skins in the coming season. - We have had a better start in North America than expected, and it is our clear understanding that the inflow of skins will increase dramatically, Torben Nielsen says.

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To prevent the spreading of Aleutian Disease, a number of mink farmers from Nova Scotia, Canada, are changing the colour of their production from black to brown. The shift is remarkable, since Nova Scotia used to have the best black minks in the world, and the province on Canada’s east coast was the first place in the world to develop the jet-black mink with the characteristic bluish look. However, 16 years of Aleutian Disease (AD) have slowly affected the overall quality negatively. - AD has put such a risk on our operations that we had to do something, says Jonathan Mullen, one of the big Nova Scotia breeders, who produces close to 100,000 mink skins every year. The black mink is a mutation, whereas the brown mink is closer to the natural mink and thus more resistant to Aleutian Disease. At the same time Nova Scotia mink researchers believe they have found a gene that is resistant to AD. The basic idea is therefore to breed a line with the resistant gene, but brown breeding material is somewhat poor in Nova Scotia. - In order to increase the profit margin, we needed mink to cross-breed. There was really only one place to turn to, Jonathan Mullen says. In cooperation with three other Nova Scotia farmers and a farmer from Prince Edward Island, Jonathan Mullen imported 4,300 pregnant brown females from Denmark. It is likely to be the first time ever that Nova Scotia has imported breeding females from Denmark – but it is probably not the last. - I am very impressed. An amazing amount of work has been put into the production of these mink. They are just perfect animals, Jonathan Mullen says and explains that the rumour of the Danish mink has spread across the province at record speed. This season half of his mink will be brown, a number that will increase to 60 percent next year. - Their attitude is shifting right now. A lot of people want to move from black to brown. The light is going on in people’s brains, Jonathan Mullen says.

nova sCotia goes BrownBy MiCK Madsen

Photo By eriK Luntang

“ I am very impressed. An amazing amount of work has been put into the production of these mink. They are just perfect animals.”

Jonathan Mullen at his farm

mInK FArmIng In noVA SCoTIA

• Nova Scotia accommodates approx. 120 mink farms.• The total production will exceed 1.4 million mink skins in 2011.• In 1995 Nova Scotia’s production was around 400,000 mink skins.• The number of new farms is accelerating too. On average one new farm is

built every year.• Nova Scotia probably has the lowest average age of any fur breeding

community in the world. Many Nova Scotia farmers are under 40 years old.• Mink farming is now the most important agricultural industry in Nova Scotia.

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It was the beginning of a new learning experience for 28 students, when they graduated from the world’s first university class for people in the fur industry in late April. The education, which is the first of its kind, was developed by Tsinghua University and Kopenhagen Fur. After the graduation the students became members of the new Tsinghua University/Kopenhagen Fur students’ network for the exchange of learning experiences and knowledge. The students’ first trip was a visit to Kopenhagen Fur during the June auction. Fourteen students participated. During the June auction, the students visited Kopenhagen Studio. Mr Wang Tao, a big retailer from northern China, participated, and he was very impressed. - The trip over here has exceeded my expectations. Kopenhagen Fur has treated

us so well, been so open and showed us all we could ever dream of. I have really learned a lot. At Kopenhagen Studio I was struck by new ideas of fur techniques and products that my company can use as well, Mr Wang Tao says.

Between naiL guns and fur aCCessoriesMr Wang Tao was not the only one who was impressed by what he saw. After a short introduction by Creative Development Manager Ms Lone Olsen the students were introduced to two workshops of Kopenhagen Studio, and here the group saw, felt and asked about everything from techniques to equipment. - I have never seen a tool like that! Where did you get those nail guns from? I could use some of them in my factory, Mrs Wu Lijun, a manufacturer supplying merchandise

to the Russian market, asked. Fortunately, Product Development Manager, Mr Thomas Andersen, could present the product information to her so she could order them herself. Some of the other students looked at bracelets made of fur, and they all agreed that it could be the perfect product made of remains or small pieces of fur. Thomas Andersen also showed the group a fur ring technique that the group found very useful. - I really believe that most Chinese companies could learn something from Kopenhagen Fur. Both in terms of creativity and in terms of strategy, Mr Wang Tao said. The first Tsinghua University/Kopenhagen Fur student trip ever to Copenhagen lasted four successful days. After their stay in Denmark the group arranged a short visit to Kastoria in Greece before returning to China.

MBa-students’ visit to KoPenhagen furFourteen students who recently graduated from the Executive Education for Fur CEOs from Tsinghua University (EEFC) visited Kopenhagen Fur to kick start the Tsinghua University/Kopenhagen Fur students’ network.

By Marie graBow westergaard

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Kopenhagen Fur has entered a two-year cooperation with Ars Sutoria, a design school in Milan which has won great renown for its technical focus on accessories design. This cooperation includes courses in fur techniques for Ars Sutoria’s teachers so they can pass on the knowledge to their students.

By dina LuKiC

shoe and Bag institute goes hairy

Page 21: Kopenhagen Fur News, September 2011

Ars Sutoria is an internationally renowned institute for designers and pattern makers of footwear and leather goods. After more than 60 years, Ars Sutoria is still the only school that offers master courses teaching the technical details of designing shoes and bags. During the next two years, students of Ars Sutoria will be able to attend different courses in the design of shoes and bags, with a focus on the use of fur. The main purpose of this cooperation is to set up an educational programme, where the students learn how to work with fur. The idea is to give them an understanding of fur as a material and

thereby inspire them to incorporate fur in accessories. The school specialises in the further training of designers with focus on shoe and bag design, and today many of their former students work for some of the greatest fashion brands. Teachers from Ars Sutoria will also receive training in fur techniques at Kopenhagen Studio’s workshop, and thereby pass on this unique knowledge to the students of the school. - The cooperation with Ars Sutoria gives us a unique opportunity not only to promote the use of fur in accessories design, but also to work with specialists in shoe and bag design. This is a new

field for Kopenhagen Fur and we can offer students of Ars Sutoria training and insight in the newest fur techniques and show them the creative possibilities of fur, says Michael Holm, Design Manager at Kopenhagen Fur. The cooperation with Ars Sutoria is a part of Kopenhagen Fur’s focus on new industries, and hence a continuation of this year’s presentation of the furniture collection in Milan. The visitors and students at the school may also be inspired by different fur accessories and fur technique samples that Kopenhagen Fur has exhibited in a showcase at the school.

“The cooperation with Ars Sutoria gives us a unique opportunity not only to promote the use of fur in accessories design, but also to work with specialists in shoe and bag design. ”

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KopenhagenFUR_190bx135h.indd 1 12/07/11 11.40

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With the biggest class and greatest diversity in nationality for many years, this year’s students attending the sorting and auc-tion procedures course at Kopenhagen Fur are not just learning new things about fur, they are forming a useful network. By Marie graBow westergaard

More than just a Learning exPerienCe

Carmen Rivero and Antonio Rodrigeues Palomo are the first Spanish students attending a sorting and auction procedures course at Kopenhagen Fur since 2001. In recent years, the course has been dominated by Chinese trainees, just as the market has been dominated by buyers from China. However, this year half of the 32 participants is Chinese and half is European which makes it the biggest class for many years. Carmen Rivero and Antonio Rodrigeus Palomo are pleased with the diversity in the class. - It is nice that so many different countries and so many different parts of the fur industry are represented here. You do not only learn new things

about fur, you will also be part of a well-established fur network, Carmen says. Carmen and Antonio from the Spanish retail company Crivero attend the course not only to learn more about fur, but also to kick-start a new era in the Spanish fur market which has been on the decline for the last few years. - There is a lot of potential in the fur market in Spain. We just need some new ideas on how to kick-start the market and we hope to find inspiration here, Antonio says.

eduCation is the way forward Both of them say that they have learned a lot about the fur industry already and

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“I believe that you should do something to help yourself, not just sit and wait. That is why we have come here. To educate our way out of the crisis as it were.”

they believe that education is the way forward. - Some people just sit twiddling their thumbs when a crisis approaches. In the Spanish fur industry we are going through an economic crisis with extremely high prices for skins, but I believe that you should do something to help yourself, not only sit and wait. That is why we have come. To educate our way out of the crisis as it were, Carmen says. They both believe that the network formed during the course will help them in the future. Ms Hanne Kirkegaard, Manager of Kopenhagen Fur Academy, is also excited about the great diversity in

nationalities on this year’s course. - We are very pleased that so many have grasped the opportunity of this course to learn more about the specifics of Kopenhagen Fur’s sorting as well as the auction procedures. The fact that so many different nationalities are attending adds further value to the course, and it also gives the trainees an excellent opportunity to network, Hanne Kirkegaard says and continues: - Kopenhagen Fur is the only auction house that offers this kind of education to customers. The courses have existed for more than 40 years and will continue at Kopenhagen Fur Academy.

“It is nice that so many different countries and so many different parts of the fur industry are represented here. You do not only learn new things about fur, you will also be part of a well-established fur network.”

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American legends, Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel

Basquiat. The exhibition will show individual works by

the two artists and more than 100 collaborative works,

which Warhol and Basquiat created in the brief, but

intense period from 1984 to 1985.

The exhibition offers a unique window into an unusual

collaboration between two very different artistic

temperaments. While Warhol had long perfected the

look and style of mass-production and Pop Art, young

Basquiat manifested himself with a fiercely expressive

painting style, a raw mix of symbols and characters

growing out of the unpolished idiom of graffiti.

〉 UNTil JANUARY 2012




Beethoven, stravinsKij and straussR. Strauss: Don Juan

Stravinskij: The Psalm Symphony

Beethoven: Symphony no. 3, Eroica

Beethoven’s fantastic Eroica-symphony is a milestone

in classical music. This is the first official performance

in Denmark by the conductor Fabio Luisi.





henri de touLouse-LautreCThe exhibition will present a wide range of works,

focusing mainly on Toulouse-Lautrec’s prints.

Toulouse-Lautrec comments on modern life in his

depictions, often by means of striking effects. For

example, he would utilise the mass media of the

time, such as posters, for rapid dissemination of


〉 17 SEPTEMBER 2011 - 19 FEBRUARY 2012




dvoráK, sven-david sandströM and stravinsKijMankind’s earliest times come alive in Stravinskij’s

masterpiece Le sacre du printemps. Experience a

Danish world-class ensemble Trio con Brio together

with Danish Radio’s Symphony Orchestra.




Conductor Fabio Luisi

Page 26: Kopenhagen Fur News, September 2011


KOPENHAGEN FUR auCtion sCheduLe and offering 2011/12



Black 40-30-00 30-00-0 30-00 50-40-30-00-0-1-2-3Mahogany 30-00 40-30-00 40-30-00-0 30-00 50-40-30-00-0-1-2-3Brown 40-30-00 40-30-00 50-40-30-00-0 30-00 50-40-30-00-0-1-2-3Glow 40-30-00 40-30-00 50-40-30-00-0 30-00 50-40-30-00-0-1-2-3Silverblue 30-00 40-30-00 30-00-0 50-40-30-00 0-1-2-3White 30-00 40-30-00 30-00-0 50-40-30-00 0-1-2-3Pearl 30-00 40-30-00 30-00-0 50-40-30-00 0-1-2-3



Black 0-1-2 1-2-3 1-2 00-0-1-2-3-4-5Mahogany 1-2 0-1-2 0-1-2-3 1-2 00-0-1-2-3-4-5Brown 0-1-2 0-1-2 0-1-2-3 1-2 00-0-1-2-3-4-5Glow 0-1-2 0-1-2 0-1-2-3 1-2 00-0-1-2-3-4-5Silverblue 1-2 0-1-2 1-2 00-0-1-2 3-4-5White 1-2 0-1-2 1-2 00-0-1-2 3-4-5Pearl 1-2 0-1-2 1-2 00-0-1-2 3-4-5

Other sizes will be offered when appropriate numbers of skins are available.

Sizes of types not mentioned above will be offered when appropriate quantities are available.

SIzeS To be oFFered.

KopenhAgen Fur oFFerIng 2011/2012

Page 27: Kopenhagen Fur News, September 2011


Breeders and breeders lowgrades will be offered at the June auction.

We reserve the right to make changes.


MinK (in MiLLions)

Black • • • •Mahogany • • • • •Brown • • • • •Glow • • • • •Pearl Beige • • • • •Golden Pearl • • •White • • • • •Sapphire • • • •Silverblue • • • • •Black Cross • • •var. Cross • • •Pastel • •violet •

Blue iris •Jaguar •Palomino • • •Stardust •Cinnamon • •var. mutations • •TOTAl MiNK 1,1 – 1,4M 3,8 – 4,3M 4,7 – 5,1M 4,7 – 5,1M 4,7 – 5,1M 20M

other sKins

Chinchilla • • • • •Rex Rabbits • •Swakara • •Foxes • • • •

AuCTIon dATeS 2011/2012

deCember 2011inspection: 11 to 13 DecemberSales: 14 to 16 December

FebruAry 2012inspection: 3 to 6 FebruarySales: 7 to 10 February

AprIl 2012inspection: 15 to 19 AprilSales: 20 to 24 April June 2012inspection: 13 to 18 JuneSales: 19 to 25 June

SepTember 2012inspection: 2 to 7 SeptemberSales: 8 to 14 September

Page 28: Kopenhagen Fur News, September 2011


BeLLa sKy CoMweLL hoteL weLCoMes KoPenhagen fur

adMiraL hoteL

In May 2011 the Bella Sky Comwell Hotel opened as the biggest design hotel in Scandinavia. The two hotel towers both incline at a 15 degree angle, providing a breathtaking view. All 814 rooms are furnished with luxuriously Scandinavian design, of those 589 are medium sized double rooms varying from 24-27m2. If you wish additional comfort, we can offer 86 spacious corner rooms. Furthermore we offer you three different restaurants. From the lobby you have direct access to the Lobby Bar and you can visit the Sky Bar on the 23rd floor where you can enjoy a drink and Nordic specialties. If you need to unwind after a long and exhausting day of meetings, you can visit our 850m2 Nordic spa and fitness area.


SpeCIAl room rATeS For KopenhAgen Fur AT The SepTember AuCTIon:

Medium Rooms: 24-26m2 DKK 1090,- incl. breakfastLarge rooms: 27-33m2 DKK 1290,- incl. breakfastX-Large rooms: 34-43m2 DKK 1490,- incl breakfast

Opened in January 1978 in a fully restored, listed warehouse from the 1780s, Copenhagen Admiral Hotel now ranks as a four-star hotel of uncompromising Danish quality and international top class.

Copenhagen Admiral Hotel lies in the very heart of Copenhagen overlooking the harbour front and The Royal Opera. It lies within walking distance of many of Copenhagen’s exciting attractions. It is close to Amalienborg Palace where the guards change in style when the Queen is in residence, The Little Mermaid at the Langelinie waterfront, the impressive Gefion fountain and the Amaliehaven park grounds.

The hotel has 366 rooms. All rooms have modem access and state-of-the-art radio and TV systems with video-on-demand, Internet and e-mail connections.


Page 29: Kopenhagen Fur News, September 2011


hoteL Cat. address teLePhone

Norlandia Star (A) Colbjørnsensgade 13, 1652 V + 45 3322 1100

Du Nord (B) Colbjørnsensgade 14, 1652 V + 45 3331 7750

First (C) Vesterbrogade 23-29, 1620 V + 45 3378 8000

Clarion Hotel Copenhagen (C) Molestien 11, 2450 SV + 45 7012 7373

Glostrup Park (C) Hovedvejen 41, 2600 Glostrup + 45 4396 0038

Admiral (D) Toldbodgade 24, 1253 K + 45 3374 1414

Hotel Mayfair (D) Helgolandsgade 3 , 1653 K + 45 7012 1700

Scandic Glostrup (D) Roskildevej 550, 2600 Glostrup + 45 4343 4200

Scandic CPH (E) Vester Søgade 6, 1601 V + 45 3314 3535

Scandic Hvidovre (E) Kettevej 4. 2650 Hvidovre + 45 3686 0400

Scandic Sydhavn (F) Sydhavns Plads 15, 2450 SV + 45 8833 3666

Radisson Blu Royal (F) Hammerichsgacht 1611 V +45 3342 6000

Radisson Blu Scandinavia* (F) Amager Blv. 70, 2300 S + 45 3396 5000

Marriott - 5 stars** (G) Kalvebod Brygge 5, 1560 V + 45 8833 9900

Scandic Webers (G) Vesterbrogade 11B 1620 V + 45 3331 1432

Skt. Petri - 5 stars (G) Krystalgade 22, 1172 K + 45 3345 9800

CoPenhagen hoteLs

We urge you to make your hotel reservations as early as possible.

hoteL rates

Cat. a DKK 600-800

Cat. B DKK 800-900

Cat. C DKK 900-1000

Cat. d DKK 1000-1100

Cat. e DKK 1100-1200

Cat. f DKK 1200-1400

Cat. g DKK 1400-1800

Page 30: Kopenhagen Fur News, September 2011



MOB. +86 138 1055 4761

ContaCt KOPENHAGEN FURE-mail: [email protected]

phonE: +45 4326 1000

fax: +45 4326 1126

[email protected]

torBen nieLsen MANAGiNG DiRECTOR

+45 4326 1042 (SECR.)

Kenneth LoBerg SAlES DiRECTOR

+45 4326 1201


+45 4326 1042

CustoMer [email protected]

Brian tufvesson HEAD OF CUSTOMER DEPT.

+45 4326 1401

Birgit friis SECRETARY

+45 4326 1431


+45 4326 1440


+45 4326 1443

Christiane rautenBergKEY ACCOUNT MANAGER+45 4326 1442


+45 4326 1441

LaiLa weBLer CASHiER

+45 4326 1413


auCtioneersPauL PedersenCHiEF AUCTiONEER

+45 4326 1203


+45 4326 1209


+45 4326 1208


+45 4326 1415

KasPer s. reinBaCherCONTROllER, GlOBAl FUR FiNANCE, AUCTiONEER+45 4326 1422

Beijing offiCeweixian ChenGENERAl MANAGER

MOB. +86 135 0118 1720


MOB. +86 139 1093 7964


MOB. +86 139 1156 8019

area Managers

andrej ruMjanCevAREA MANAGER, RUSSiA

+45 4326 1103


MOB. +30 693 242 5858

CoMMuniCations [email protected]

sØren jesPersenMEDiA MANAGER

+45 4326 1289


+45 4326 1063

QuaLity [email protected]

farMer [email protected]

Bjarne rasMussenHEAD OF QUAliTY DEPT.

+45 4326 1342


+45 4326 1207

reCePtion/[email protected]


+45 4326 1112


+45 4326 1280

MarKeting [email protected]

Patrizia v. ChristensenMARKETiNG DiRECTOR+45 4326 1102


+45 7213 5013

Page 31: Kopenhagen Fur News, September 2011

the l e a d e r ’ s w a t c hNo other watch is engineered quite like a Rolex. The Day-Date, introduced in 1956,

was the first watch to display the date, as well as the day in its entirety. A

powerful expression of elegance and style, its classic design quickly became

a favourite among world leaders. The 36 mm Day-Date can display the day

in a wide choice of languages and is presented here in platinum.

the day-date

Vesterbrogade 6 | 1620 cph. V | +45 33 11 53 10

Østergade 22 | 1100 cph. K | +45 33 15 53 10

Page 32: Kopenhagen Fur News, September 2011


Infelber (Exports) Ltd4 Elthorne Road, London N19 4AG

Tel +44(20) - 7281 1966 E-mail [email protected] Fax +44(20) - 7281 2398

Eurasia Furs LtdUnit O, 10/Kaiser Estate Phase III

9-11A Hok Yuen Street, Hunghom, Kowloon, HK

Tel +852 2311 9803 E-mail [email protected] Fax +852 2721 3081

Infelber (Exports) Ltd4 Elthorne Road, London N19 4AG

Tel +44(20) - 7281 1966 E-mail [email protected] Fax +44(20) - 7281 2398

Eurasia Furs LtdUnit O, 10/Kaiser Estate Phase III

9-11A Hok Yuen Street, Hunghom, Kowloon, HK

Tel +852 2311 9803 E-mail [email protected] Fax +852 2721 3081



