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Kopenhagen Fur News September 2012

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Kopenhagen furSeptember 2012

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Page 3: Kopenhagen Fur News September 2012

12 14

5 Editorial

6 Branding is essential

8 News in Brief

11 Kopenhagen Fur meets with the Chinese Minister of Commerce

12 Royal support in Korea

14 Danish mink breeders campaigning

16 A centre of excellence for fur business

18 Future Hong Kong business leaders visited the June auction

20 Distinguishing two shades of Black

22 A true fur pioneer

23 Kopenhagen Fur congratulates Paul Pedersen

25 Events in Copenhagen

26 Auction schedule and offering 2011/12

29 Copenhagen hotels

30 Contact Kopenhagen Fur

ContentsSEPtEMBER 2012


editor in Chief tORBEN NiElSEN


[email protected]



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Page 5: Kopenhagen Fur News September 2012

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The fur industry has always been international. The fur production and the consumption of fur have inherently been geographically separated. The hunt for the precious skins typically took place in deserted areas such as Siberia, North America, Greenland, etc., while the consumers buying the fur garments were living in densely populated economically developed areas. By and large, it is still like that. The production of fur skins is considerably bigger than the consumption in Northern Europe and North America while it is the other way round in China, Korea, Japan, Southern Europe and Russia. In an astonishingly short time, China has assumed the role as the world’s only most important country for production of fur products. A few years ago, the fur production typically took place in the consuming countries and was mostly handled by smaller furriers. The division of labour in the international fur industry has therefore become even more fragmented. Major structural changes will often be experienced as a crisis. Seen from the outside, our industry prospers, as sales are good and prices are high. However, the situation in the industry varies widely depending on where the business is in the value chain and where it is located geographically. Generally, farmers and trappers enjoy good times with high earnings. Conversely, the future in some countries is uncertain because of the threat of a ban on fur production. Retailers are suffering in North America and Europe during the economic crisis and it does not improve their situation that the traditional furrier profession is under heavy pressure. It is inherently extremely difficult for many businessmen to go from being a craftsman to become the proprietor of a fashion company. The industry in the traditional markets therefore needs a tremendous modernization. Similarly, large parts of the industry seem to be plagued by overcapacity in China, with the consequence that profit

margins are extremely small and not nearly provide sufficient earnings to a reasonable consolidation and - equally important - to the further development of the sector. Our business is global but the challenges vary from market to market. As an industry, we have a need for strong international cooperation because we are extremely dependent on each other. However, we also need a strong national and regional cooperation because the problems in the industry vary from country to country and between regions. Consequently, we decided to modernize IFTF. We currently work at dividing IFTF into four strong regions. IFTF London is to coordinate the work in the regions and will continue to carry out a range of universal functions such as the fight for free trade and OA label issues. IFTF London will also attend to the industry’s trade policy interests in countries that do not naturally fall within the four regions. The four regions are Europe, North America, Asia and Russia. The idea is that the four regions will be responsible for the entire industry’s interests including

both trade and production. In Europe, this means that we have established a joint organization between IFTF and EFBA, i.e. the fur breeders’ European interest organization based in Brussels. The idea is that the other regions are to organize themselves accordingly. We live in a changing world. Therefore, it is extremely important that organizations do not stagnate in a structure that might have been relevant when it was set up but which is not able to meet future challenges. All processes of change are difficult because the process of change a little brutally uncovers weaknesses and strengths in a given industry. However, the process is necessary. Stagnation is equal to decline in a dynamic world and therefore, although all change carries the seeds of conflict, we are forced to adapt our international organizations to the reality we now live in. This is the process IFTF has now started on.


However, the process is necessary. Stagnation is equal to decline in a dynamic world and therefore, although all change carries the seeds of conflict, we are forced to adapt our international organizations to the reality we now live in. This is the process IFTF has now started on.

Photo: Helle Moos

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Branding is essentiaL Until February this year, Chen Weixian was the Head of Kopenhagen Fur’s representative office in Beijing. Now this is a closed chapter in his life, and in cooperation with Kopenhagen Fur, Chen has launched a marketing company. In the future, Chen Weixian will be consultant for the Chinese fur industry, and teach them how to market and brand themselves.

By kristoffer veggerBy

In recent years, as the Chinese economy has kept on expanding, the country has become the biggest fur manufacturing nation in the world. On average, 90% of the skins that pass through Kopenhagen Fur’s auction house end up being processed in The People’s Republic of China. As a result of this, the country has witnessed a regular boom in the number of fur importers and manufacturers. These are the people Chen now wants to do business with, by teaching them how focusing on marketing can strengthen their companies and increase sales. - In China everybody wants to be the best, but marketing and especially branding is something they haven’t really dealt with before. Many people are not used to promoting their company or distinguishing it from the competition – until now, it has not been necessary in order to succeed. I have worked with a company whose name was similar to the word “shark”, but the logo portrayed a dolphin. When I pointed this out, they immediately noticed the problem, and it shows what we are dealing with, says Chen Weixian with a smile. - A name is not the same as a brand. A brand is a “life story” you can combine with your product and thereby make it more interesting for the buyers. A brand is so much more than just a name.Evidently, there is plenty to tackle if you ask Chen Weixian. At the moment there are about 4,000 fur manufacturers located in China – a number that just keeps growing. And this is where the new consulting company comes into play.

- The fur companies rarely think in terms of branding or marketing, because they did not need to. But now the competition on the Chinese market has become so fierce that it is necessary to create more than just a product. They have to create something that people know and can associate themselves with, something more than just fur. We need to create the Adidas and Louis Vuitton of fur, explains Chen Weixian.

a suPPLementChen Weixian has been employed at Kopenhagen Fur for the last seven years. He helped establish Kopenhagen Fur’s representative office in Beijing, and that is why he has been given the full responsibility for the new consulting company. Torben Nielsen, CEO of Kopenhagen Fur, explains: - In Chen Weixian we found a man, who has managed to gather some of the best minds around him. He has an exceptional network in the Chinese part of the fur business and is extremely loyal towards Kopenhagen Fur. I can’t think of anyone else who could manage what he does. The Kopenhagen Fur consulting agency is meant as a supplement to the existing office in Beijing. The representative office

will still promote Kopenhagen Fur in China and provide services for Kopenhagen Fur’s customers. They will continue to assist the customers in obtaining visa for Denmark and other free services, but when it comes to consulting assignments for the Chinese fur industry the new consulting company takes over. - Recently we have seen an increase in the demand for actual consultancy assistance from the Chinese manufacturers. Therefore, it was natural to establish the consulting company with the purpose of servicing the Chinese market and establish a separate business, says Torben Nielsen. According to Chen Weixian it is only natural that a company like Kopenhagen Fur meets the challenge to consult the Chinese fur business. - It can be difficult for people outside the business to understand just how the fur trade works. Therefore, it makes sense that a company like Kopenhagen Fur, with all its expertise and experience, undertakes this assignment, says Chen Weixian. Through its presence in the past several years, Kopenhagen Fur has established a reputation which, according to Chen Weixian, enjoys great respect both in China in general and in every aspect of

“It can be difficult for people outside the business to understand just how the fur trade works. Therefore, it makes sense that a company like Kopenhagen Fur, with all its expertise and experience, undertakes this assignment.”

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the fur business. - People in the fur business know that with us they get professional, and competent assistance. In general, there is a great deal of trust associated with the name, and brand, Kopenhagen Fur. In addition, no one has the same focus on servicing the Chinese market as we have, the best example is our services yield by the representative office in Beijing. The consulting agency plans to join in on the effort in promoting the new innovation centre, which is under development in Copenhagen. The centre will be a joint venture consisting of Kopenhagen Fur, Danish Fashion & Textile and Danish Jewellers Association. Apart from promoting Danish design in China the purpose with the centre is to attract Chinese investors and designers to Copenhagen.

the Last PieCe of the PuzzLeThe new consulting agency will soon be a reality, but Chen Weixian already has a number of ideas on how to develop the consulting agency further.

- It would be obvious to link the company to Kopenhagen Fur’s EMBA-project at the Tsinghua University in Beijing. At the university they learn the importance of branding and marketing and they are provided with a number of tools and methods which they can work with themselves. But they do not become experts on the matter. This is where we can step in. We can help them utilize the tools they have been given, says Chen Weixian. For the time being, Chen Weixian is just waiting for the final approval from the Chinese government before the consulting agency will be a reality. The office is ready, the customers are ready and Chen Weixian is ready to write a new chapter in Kopenhagen Fur’s Chinese tale. - When our role is completely defined, we hope to undertake even more assignments. For example we could train the customers’ employees in terms of marketing and branding. In that way they can contribute to raising the image of the business as a whole in the future, concludes Chen Weixian.

“In Chen Weixian we found a man, who has managed to gather some of the best minds around him. He has an exceptional network in the Chinese part of the fur business and is extremely loyal towards Kopenhagen Fur. I can’t think of anyone else who could manage what he does.”

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sorting CoursesKopenhagen Fur Academy hereby announces the dates of the popular courses next season;

Sorting course I: 22 to 26 October 2012Sorting course II: 14 to 18 January 2013Sorting and auction procedures course: 28 May to 18 June 2013

The courses are well attended. You can register to attend the courses online on www.kopenhagenfur.com – AUCTION - ABOUT US - SORTING COURSES.

For more details, please contact:Annette HindborgPhone: +45 4326 1440Fax: +45 4326 1449E-mail: [email protected]

news iN BRiEF

Beyond BoundariesThe second EU-China year of Intercultural Dialogue started with an Open Day event at the Danish Embassy in Beijing in May, where more than 2,000 guests enjoyed a great day of Danish culture and the best of Danish brands and products.

As a leading Danish exporter to China, Kopenhagen Fur participated in the event with an exhibition featuring creativity in fur developed together with young design talents from China. The exhibition of innovative fur designs featured the theme of “Beyond Boundaries” allowing fur to transcend all boundaries.

The exhibition showcased a series of the latest design pieces from both Tsinghua University Kopenhagen Fur Studio in China and Kopenhagen Fur Studio in Copenhagen. Among the exhibited items, the fur teddy bear attracted the visitors overwhelming attention.

- For Kopenhagen Fur, ‘Beyond Boundaries’ represents our commitment to the innovation of fur techniques and design, as well as the cultivation of local fur designers, so as to upgrade the Chinese fur industry together with the international fur industry, says Ms Chris Cui, General Manager of Kopenhagen Fur’s office in Beijing.

offering sCheduLe 2012/13

We are pleased to announce the auction dates for the season 2012-2013 as follows:

The calendar 2012/13 with next season’s auction dates is available at Kopenhagen Fur’s September auction 2012. You are welcome to pick up the calendar in the service counters.

December 2012Inspection: 9 – 11 Dec.Sales: 12 – 14 Dec.

February 2013Inspection: 30 Jan – 2 Feb.Sales: 3 – 7 Feb.

April 2013Inspection: 15 – 19 AprilSales: 20 – 24 April

June 2013Inspection: 12 – 17 JuneSales: 18 – 24 June

September 2013Inspection 1 – 6 Sept. Sales: 7 – 13 Sept.

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ChinChiLLa sPeCiaList Buys toP LotMr Iordanis Michailidis, IMPEL Luxury Furs, bought the June auction’s chinchilla top lot for 700 DKK (118 USD) per skin through Michael Tager and Frank Sun. Mr Michailidis is a veteran in the chinchilla business having spezialized in chinchilla dealing and manufacturing for nearly two decades. However, he did not buy the top lot for himself.

- I bought it for a customer who ordered a special jacket and only wants the best quality which is the reason why I bought the chinchilla top lot here at Kopenhagen Fur, Mr Michailidis says.

Mr Michailidis owns a range of high-end boutiques around the world, where he sells his own chinchilla products.

weLL known toP Lot Buyer did it againThe economy in Turkey is improving, and so is the country’s fur business. The fact that Mr. Coskun Köluk from Turkey, General Manager of Tasari Kürkmod, has recently bought several top lots at Kopenhagen Fur’s auctions is evidence of this.

At Kopenhagen Fur’s June auction, Mr. Coskun Köluk bought the male top lot Palomino Velvet for 1320 DKK (223 USD) per skin.

- I simply like the excitement of bidding for the top lot, so I always try to compete for it. I regard the top lot as a very prestigious purchase, Mr. Coskun Köluk says.

Along with the purchase of the top lot comes the privilege to show three styles at Kopenhagen Fur’s gala show at the Beijing Fur Fair in January 2013. Mr. Coskun Köluk plans to use the top lot skins to market the styles under the Gata Fur Tasari Kürkmod’s brand.

- I think an initiative like giving us the opportunity to show three styles at Beijing Fur Fair strengthens the image of Tasari Kürkmod and Kopenhagen Fur. I definitely see the benefit of getting the exposure for my company outside Turkey, especially in China, Coskun Köluk says.

The auction’s other mink top lot, Stardust females, was bought by China Fur Commodities Co. Ltd for their customer Beijing Weiernuo Fashion Co., Ltd., who owns the brand VLLRNO. The sales price was 700 DKK (118 USD) per skin.

PostersFor the season 2012/13 we have produced new fashion posters. The posters are always very popular.

You are welcome to collect the posters from our service counter downstairs during your visit.

The posters will be available from the September auction on.



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koPenhagen fur meets with the Chinese minister of CommerCe

With Kopenhagen Fur’s significant contribution to Danish exports to China, Torben was sought after both by the media and at meetings during Hu Jintao, the Chinese President’s visit to Denmark on 14-16 June. Torben was present when the Danish business elite world met with Chinese executives and top ranking politicians, officials and ministers at the Chinese-Danish Conference on Business and Trade. Later during the state visit, Chen Deming, the Chinese Minister of Commerce, joined Pia Olsen Dyhr, the Danish Minister for Trade and Investment, at a more selected meeting. Five Danish companies including Kopenhagen Fur were invited to participate in the meeting to discuss the subject of even better conditions for Danish companies in China. Thus, Torben had the opportunity to present Kopenhagen Fur’s views directly to the Chinese Minister of Commerce. Torben’s main message was a further development of Kopenhagen Fur’s vision to strengthen

the Chinese fur industry through knowledge sharing and co-operation. Besides co-operating with retailers in

China and our Chinese customers, our present co-operations in China have culminated in the fur-related design centre and an MBA education at Tsinghua University. We believe that the Chinese fur industry will be able to add more knowledge to the products in terms of even better manufacturing, better design, and better marketing in order to develop international brands. The meeting was a success and the talks continued far beyond the appointed schedule. Commenting on Kopenhagen Fur’s presence at the meeting with the Chinese Minister of Commerce Chen Deming, Pia Olsen Dyhr, Minister for Trade and Investment, said: - Everyone knows that the Chinese state visit is a fantastic event with a great potential for Danish trade and investment interests – supported by Kopenhagen Fur’s efforts and activities in China. Kopenhagen Fur delivers – along with other Danish companies - some of the solutions, which the Chinese are looking for.

“Everyone knows that the Chinese state visit is a fantastic event with a great potential for Danish trade and investment interests – and can be seen from Kopenhagen Fur’s activities in China especially because of Kopenhagen Fur’s efforts and activities in China. Kopenhagen Fur delivers – along with other Danish companies - some of the solutions, which the Chinese are looking for.”

During the Chinese state visit to Denmark in June, Torben Nielsen, CEO of Kopenhagen Fur, participated in a meeting with the Chinese Minister of Commerce and attended the royal gala dinner.

By hans LØgstruP PouLsen

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royaL suPPort in koreaThe promotion tour to Korea, attended by Kopenhagen Fur, was graced by the presence of the Danish crown prince couple. The trip has already let to concrete engagements.

By hans LØgstruP PouLsen

Along with the three Danish ministers of Business Affairs, Trade and Education, HRH Crown Prince Frederik and HRH Crown Princess Mary went to Korea with a Danish business delegation in May. Kopenhagen Fur took this opportunity to present the high quality of Danish mink skins and its versatile potential in fashion at several meetings and with a pop-up shop in one of the major department stores in Seoul selling fur products of the new in-house brand Oh! By Kopenhagen FurTM. Most noticeable, Kopenhagen Fur hosted a gala dinner and lavish fashion show, presenting Kopenhagen Fur’s customers and representatives from the Korean fashion and retail industry with the quality and the potential of Danish mink skins in fashion. Representatives from the Hyundai Department Stores were pleased with what they saw. That led to an instant agreement on pop-up shops in Hyundai Department Stores in July. Mr Seung Ho Lee, purchaser for Hyundai Department Store Group, explains that by becoming acquainted with the

history and brand power of Danish products, he sees Kopenhagen Fur as a promoter for a new initiative selling fur products in Hyundai Department Stores. - We do this to make customers interested in other types of fur products than they usually see in our shops. Therefore, we believe that a summer shop with small and light fur accessories is a good idea, Seung Ho Lee says. Kopenhagen Fur’s own products will be sold together with fur designs made by the Korean fur manufacturers SungJinFur, Jindo and Keun Hwa. Kenneth Loberg, Sales and Marketing Director at Kopenhagen Fur, is very pleased with the summer pop-up shops in Hyundai Department Stores. He sees this engagement as an instance of the great potential for fur fashion in Korea. - We have experienced great interest from retailers for our high-quality mink skins in Korea. We aim to turn this interest into a demand to match our skin collection on the Korean fur market in the future, Kenneth Loberg says.

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danish mink Breeders CamPaigningAggressive animal rights campaigners have made propaganda for years telling that fur breeding equals animal cruelty. As everyone working in the fur trade knows, that is rubbish. In recent years, the campaign has aimed at telling the public that mink held at fur farms are subject to massive injuries caused by housing standards. Activists in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland have published pictures of injured mink claiming to document animal welfare problems, and mass media have more than willingly made sensational stories based on these pictures. In spring, Danish fur breeders decided to put a foot down and present facts of fur breeding to the Danish public. It culminated with people in their thousands visiting mink farms all over the country on 13 May. In Denmark, mink farming is a major contributor to the GNP. Almost 100 per cent of the produced mink skins are exported and a total of 6,000 people are directly employed by mink breeding. Many Danes are not aware of the importance of the fur trade to the Danish economy. Therefore, Kopenhagen Fur’s campaign began by informing about the hardcore economical facts by ads in leading newspapers. As most other European countries, Denmark faces a slow economy and budget reductions so the mink farming’s contribution to the economy

was an important fact to tell. Kopenhagen received much positive response from this first campaign.

The second step was an up-front never-seen-before-campaign showing mink with injuries to tell the truth about the presence of injured mink in the production. Solid documentation shows that way below 1 per cent of the mink population must be destroyed due to injuries, and, as documented by an official report from the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, the presence of injuries and diseases is extremely low in the mink production and considerably below other kinds of husbandry. The campaign stated that Danish fur breeders are the best in the world but not perfect. Fur breeders will do what they can to keep down the number of injured and ill animals, but will also deal with them when it occurs. Politicians and the public in general welcomed this step. Reactions were positive, and widespread support was publicly spoken. Instead of discussing propaganda spread by animal rights activists the discussion concentrated on facts, and that is always for the benefit of fur farming and trade. Kopenhagen Fur finished the campaign by inviting the public to visit a mink farm on 13 May. Nine farms all over the country opened their gates, and 7,500 people accepted the invitation. As always, people were pleasantly surprised by what they saw. In September, mink breeders will invite the public to come and visit again.

Politicians and the public in general welcomed this step. Reactions were positive, and widespread support was publicly spoken. Instead of discussing propaganda spread by animal rights activists the discussion concentrated on facts, and that is always for the benefit of fur farming and trade.

By sØren jesPersen

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After their final lecture at Kopenhagen Fur’s auction house in Denmark, the second class of Executive MBAs in fur graduated from Tsinghua University, one of China’s top rank universities and Kopenhagen Fur’s collaborator on the Executive MBA programme. After the graduation ceremony, the graduates’ contentment was obvious.

Emphasizing on the most valuable output, there was concord about the value of getting new perspectives on the fur industry, especially through the other MBA graduates. - The programme has surpassed my expectations. For me, the level of new information has been tremendous and I have gained a new network, where everybody have

the same visions for future development of the fur industry through cooperation, Mr. Zhang Kai Biao, General Manager of Beijing Vostokfur Product Work Sho, says. Another MBA graduate is Mr. Li Liang, owner and CEO of Beijing Nassin Quotent Trade Co., Ltd. He agrees with Zhang Kai Biao and sums up the versatility among MBA participants.

a Centre of exCeLLenCe for fur BusinessThe second MBA class from Tsinghua University had their last lecture at Kopenhagen Fur auction house. Kopenhagen Fur News had a talk with two of the graduates on the instant output and future goals.

By hans LØgstruP PouLsen

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- It provides the right kind of knowledge-sharing when you have a room full of brokers, manufacturers, retailers and so forth. Then every sector of the fur industry can contribute, he says.

Changing the futureAs the two businessmen put it themselves, an MBA programme takes up precious time considering that they both have a company to run. But at the same time, they call it a necessary sacrifice and an investment for future development for their own businesses. That requires innovative and changed mind-sets. - For instance, I have gained valuable knowledge on how to optimize human research; how to retain skilled staff members and how to recruit new ones. Also, the courses made me reconsider how the retail link should

be organized out in the shops, Li Liang says.For many operators in the fur industry, innovative thinking seems to be an important part of the future. In recent years, prices of mink skins have been increasing, and throughout the auctions of the first six months of 2012, the prices have been at a very high level. That situation prompts a challenge for the actors to seek out the profit in the fur industry. Zhiang Kai Biao and Li Liang both hope that Kopenhagen Fur will take future leadership to guide the fur industry in the right direction and to handle the comprehensive situation concerning high skin prices. - Kopenhagen Fur’s support through knowledge-sharing is already extensive and immense. I hope that we in the future will see further initiatives from Kopenhagen Fur, also regarding a wider range of issues like

technology, manufacturing techniques and product information, Zhang Kai Biao says. Kenneth Loberg, Sales and Marketing Director at Kopenhagen Fur, appreciates and welcomes the visions for future cooperation. He considers further cooperation as an important aspect for developing the fur industry in the right direction. For the fur Exective MBA alumni particularly he sees a logical potential for knowledge-sharing in the newly created alumni club for all present and future graduates. - We are more than willing to share our knowledge of fur, when it can benefit the fur industry as a whole. Through the alumni club, we wish to create an innovative forum to strengthen the fur industry through cooperation. It is in our best interest to promote a continued development of the fur industry, Kenneth Loberg says.

“Kopenhagen Fur’s support through knowledge-sharing is already extensive and immense. I hope that we in the future will

see further initiatives from Kopenhagen Fur, also regarding a wider range of issues like technology, manufacturing techniques

and product information.”

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future hong kong Business Leaders visited the june auCtionThe Executive MBA programme at the Chinese University of Hong Kong is top ranked in Asia. In June, the class of 2012 visited Denmark and Kopenhagen Fur on their graduation trip.

By hans LØgstruP PouLsen

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The Executive MBA class 2012 had decided in unison that their graduation trip lasting eight days should go to Denmark. The students had free rein to choose the destination, and the choice was popular with Professor Andrew C. F. Chan, Director of the Executive MBA programme. - Denmark and Danish companies are interesting case studies when it comes to globalization and internationalization. Brands like Lego and Maersk have high rank in their respective industries globally. It is also interesting that Denmark acts outside the European currency zone while member of the European Union. A trip like this gives the class the chance to experience and learn about things firsthand, he explains. Visits were paid to many renowned Danish companies. The visit to Kopenhagen Fur was arranged by Christopher Lam, who attended the Executive MBA class 2012. He is Vice-President of KC Enterprises (Int’l) Co. Ltd. Together with his older brother, Kam Lam, President of KC Enterprises (Int’l) Co. Ltd, they are regular buyers at Kopenhagen Fur’s auctions. With Christopher Lam’s familiarity to the fur business and Kopenhagen Fur in mind, it seemed logical for the class also to visit the auction house. - Danish fur is a well-known high-end product in the fur industry, so the relevance to the overall theme of our visit to Denmark was obvious, Christopher Lam says.

ready for hard workFor years, Financial Times has ranked the Executive MBA at the Chinese University of Hong Kong as the best among all independent programmes in the Asia-Pacific region and number 14 worldwide in 2011. The quality of the programme reflects the positions of the 35 participants. Many of them are either CEOs or board members, and with an average of 14 years of business experience, they are well over the limit of seven years, which is required to attend the programme. The participants are dedicated to the programme although they have to manage their career while studying. Therefore, lectures have been put on Friday nights and Saturdays. However, according to Professor Andrew C. F. Chan that does not intimidate the participants. - For ambitious people as these participants, working hard is a natural part of everyday life. They know that the programme will be beneficial for their future career, he says. The participants will do a project on their experience from their trip. The aim is to show that they understand the country and the market and thus be able to develop concepts and business ideas relevant for the market. - The Executive MBA programme has been self-education. As participants, we have to take matters in our own hands to secure the best possible output. The trip to Denmark and the following project will challenge our ability to utilise this output, Christopher Lam says. The Executive MBA programme at the Chinese University of Hong Kong lasting two years consists of a number of core courses as well as elective courses.

Danish fur is well-known as a high-end product in the fur industry, so the relevance to the overall

theme of our visit to Denmark was obvious, Christopher Lam says.

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distinguishing two shades of BLaCk

Every year, Kopenhagen Fur holds a free sorting and auction procedures course for

the fur business. Many businesses take the opportunity to use the course as an

introduction to the fur business.

This year, Kopenhagen Fur’s sorting and auction procedures course was attended by 15 trainees. Compared to last year, this year’s course could be described as “small”. But what it lacked in numbers of participants, it made up for in skill.

By kristoffer veggerBy

Every year Kopenhagen Fur holds a free sorting and auction procedures course for the fur business. Many businesses take the opportunity to use the course as an introduction to the fur business. This year’s course was attended by 15 participants from six different countries spanning Germany, Greece, Italia, The Netherlands, Russia and China. - About 24 trainees signed up for the course, but for various reasons some of them had to cancel. Normally, we have about 20-22 trainees per course, says Hanne Kirkegaard, Head of Kopenhagen Fur Academy.

eager students Fewer participants than usual did not bother Sheila Hartung Wagner, skin sorter at Kopenhagen Fur and chief instructor of the course. - The ones who did attend did an amazing

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job. Maybe we have had a little more time for each trainee because the group was small, but they have not been given any special treatment compared to previous years. This group has been exceptionally eager to learn the procedures, she says. The course is free and offers a broad spectrum introduction to the fur business. This is the reason why many companies use the course as a way of training new employees for their future careers. - There are courses like this in Finland and the US, but they are neither as comprehensive nor as thorough as the one in Copenhagen. At Kopenhagen Fur we get three weeks’ training in how to sort the many types of skins and we are also taught how to conduct ourselves during the auctions, tells Yang Yao from the Chinese company Shenlong Processing. The course also consists of a mandatory

trip to a Danish mink farm and a dressing house. Furthermore, the trainees also learns the auction procedures. Every course finishes with an auction test where the trainees get a taste of how the auctions at Kopenhagen Fur proceed. But in the end it all comes down to the matter how to grade the skins. That is the reason why trainees wish to attend the course at Kopenhagen Fur, and another participant Yu Yang Yang from Newise Fur has a clear idea of

why this is so. - The instructors at Kopenhagen Fur can teach anybody to grade skins. They are very patient with you and do not mind going through the instructions again. They will also encourage you and give you good advice if you are struggling with something. The fur business puts a lot of trust in Kopenhagen Fur and that is why companies keep sending their employees here to learn.

The instructors at Kopenhagen Fur can teach anybody to grade skins. They will also encourage you and give you good advice if you are struggling with something. The fur business puts a lot of trust in Kopenhagen Fur and that is why companies keep sending their employees here to learn.

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- A sea of ideas ends up as a wave of new inventions. That is how Mr. Mauro Lotti describes his work with fur. Mauro Lotti started work with fur in 1968. Since then, many new contributions to work with fur have originated from his innovative mind and hands. At Kopenhagen Fur’s international centre for fur design and fashion, Kopenhagen Studio, many techniques and machines invented by Mauro Lotti are used to originate new ideas for the use of fur and to implement fur with other materials in fashion creations. Thomas Andersen, Kopenhagen Studio’s Product Development Manager, emphasizes Mauro Lotti’s contribution to the fur industry. - Without Mr. Lotti, the fur industry would not be the same. And it would definitely not be as interesting due to his strong personality, Thomas Andersen says.

BenefiCiaL Both for Consumer and ProduCerAmong Mauro Lotti’s first inventions was a tool to optimize the utilization of fox skins, especially the rear end of the skins. Then he refined a technique to make small cuts in fur skins in order to stretch them and thus use fewer skins to create a coat. - For the consumer, it has the advantage to make fur coats much lighter for instance, Mauro Lotti explains. Later, Mauro Lotti invented a membrane, which has the flexibility to move the skins but at the same time not let the skins overstretch. This supporting effect is valuable for skins with weak leather such as chinchilla skins. That invention got improved when a new version was invented, which could also be used as lining in fur coats - My cutting technique improved the results. The membrane also pushes the fur the right way and thus secures the fur to look its best, Mauro Lotti says.

a true fur Pioneer

“Without Mr. Lotti, the fur industry would not be the same. And it would definitely not be as interesting due to his strong personality.”

For over 40 years, Mauro Lotti, the Italian furrier, has contributed to the innovation of the fur industry. Recently, he automatized his greatest inventions for industrial use.

By hans LØgstruP PouLsen

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SEPtEMBER 2012 23

During the process of creating the lining membrane, he also invented a type of glue that glues linings to skins. This invention helped produce a better feeling when a person moves while wearing a fur coat.

just Push the ButtonWith an expensive material like fur skins, there is great interest in reducing the production costs. The latest project of the ingenious Italian has been to industrialize his inventions. He has succeeded in the production of a machine, which can carry out his cutting techniques faster just by pushing a button. - Efficiency improvements of fur manufacturing processes have to take place by implementing machines. The day will come when even China will face the challenge of higher wages, Mauro Lotti says.

Kopenhagen Fur congratulates Paul Pedersen, Chief Auctioneer at Kopenhagen Fur, on his sixtieth birthday on 9 September 2012. Paul started his career back in 1976 when he attended a sorting course at Kopenhagen Fur. After the course he received an in-house training as grader, and later on he became responsible for training of the skin sorters at Kopenhagen Fur. During the years, he gradually became both a skin and an IT expert. Paul is a key employee of Kopenhagen Fur, as he is an expert in all aspects of the cataloguing as well as IT data processing. Beyond his profession as chief auctioneer Paul also plays a leading role in developing IT programs for farmers,

customers and staff. He is in charge of the development of IT and data processes, statistics and sales programmes. Paul is so dedicated to his work that he very often works long hours. Paul is popular with farmers and customers who have known him as a fair and valuable auctioneer for more than 30 years. He has a special talent for keeping the auction room at boiling point with a sense of humour and a lot of energy. Buyers in the auction room feel great respect for Paul, and it makes him an important sparring partner when it comes to activities directed towards the customers. Looking forward to a continued good co-operation, Kopenhagen Fur congratulates Paul on his birthday.

koPenhagen fur CongratuLates PauL Pedersen

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Whether it is small or big business, conducted locally or globally, you always fi nd us close at hand. We are located in 21 countries, our main market being the Nordic region, the Baltic States and Poland. As a customer, you get one, single contact person with the total resources of the bank at your disposal. We utilise our entire network to together create solutions that provide your company with real competitive advantage. You are welcome to discuss with us the most interesting topic of all – the future. Get in touch with your nearest branch offi ce.

To all companies with faith in the future

Making it possiblenordea.com

Page 25: Kopenhagen Fur News September 2012

SEPtEMBER 2012 25


Lady gaga: “Born this way BaLL”Lady Gaga’s tour “Born this way ball” took off in Seoul

on 27 April and will travel the world during 2012-2013.

On 2 September she is in Copenhagen!

Of the new tour, Gaga said “THE BORN THIS WAY

BALL is an Electro-Metal Pop-Opera; the tale of the

Beginning, the genesis of the Kingdom of Fame. How

we were birthed and how we will die celebrating.”





Beethoven & raveL’s BoLeroTwo master pieces from France: Debussy’s sea

symphony La Mer and Ravel’s immortal Bolero.

French music is special and that is noticeable in this

concert’s two masterpieces. Debussy’s symphony La

Mer (The Ocean) describes the oceans’ incredible and

intangible size.

Another French classic is Ravel’s Bolero. Originally

composed as a ballet commissioned by Russian

ballerina Ida Rubinstein, the piece, which premiered in

1928, is Ravel’s most famous musical composition.





india : art now Over the past decade, India has made its mark

as one of the most vital and innovative centres of

contemporary art. With great creativity and intellectual

depth a new generation of artists is reacting to the

rapid changes typifying the globalized cities of the

world’s largest democracy.

The prominent artists and artist groups include Rina

Banerjee, Hemali Bhuta, Atul Dodiya and Sheela

Gowda. The artists in the exhibition lose themselves in

the chaos of urban life or seek out a quieter, inner life.

They describe the dreams of a new generation and

expose social conflicts.

〉UNtil 13 JANUARY 2013




india: fashion nowIn recent years, a brand new fashion scene has grown

up in India, where young Indian designers challenge

and experiment with the traditional dress culture. They

are transforming Indian fashion with sophisticated

style experiments and pushing the envelope of

what Indian fashion can be. Elegantly or teasingly,

the creations of the young designers build bridges

between the local and the global, between past and


ARKEN is showing colourful, witty, imaginative,

sculptural and experimental creations by the seven

most prominent young designers: Morphe by Amit

Aggarwal, Little Shilpa, Manish Arora, Sabyasachi

Mukherjee, Prashant Verma, Varun Sardana and 11.11

by Cell DSGN.

〉UNtil 13 JANUARY 2013



events in CoPenhagen2-14 SEPtEMBER 2012


we the PeoPLe (detaiL)A full-scale replica of the Statue of Liberty has been

built at a metal workshop in Shanghai. However, the

statue has not been welded together but has been split

into 400 fragments scattered all over the world.

The instigator behind this trans-boundary project

is the artist Danh Vo. He had an exact replica of the

Statue of Liberty from the New York harbour made

at a metal workshop in Shanghai. However, the

approximately 400 parts that make up the 45 meter

sculpture have not been welded together – and nor

will they be. Quite the contrary: they have been sent

out into the world and are currently being exhibited at

a range of museums worldwide.

〉UNtil JUNE 2013




matisse – douBLes and variationsThe subject of this exhibition is Matisse’s experimental

process, specifically how the artist developed his work

by repeating compositions while using different formal

means of expression.

This exhibition will present the main phases of Matisse’s

development with a selection of paintings that spans

Matisse art from around 1900 until the late 1940s.

The exhibition will include approximately fifty

paintings by Matisse, as well as drawings and


〉UNtil 28 OCtOBER 2012



Whether it is small or big business, conducted locally or globally, you always fi nd us close at hand. We are located in 21 countries, our main market being the Nordic region, the Baltic States and Poland. As a customer, you get one, single contact person with the total resources of the bank at your disposal. We utilise our entire network to together create solutions that provide your company with real competitive advantage. You are welcome to discuss with us the most interesting topic of all – the future. Get in touch with your nearest branch offi ce.

To all companies with faith in the future

Making it possiblenordea.com

Page 26: Kopenhagen Fur News September 2012


KOPENHAGEN FUR auCtion sCheduLe and offering 2011/12



Black 40-30-00 30-00-0 30-00 50-40-30-00-0-1-2-3Mahogany 30-00 40-30-00 40-30-00-0 30-00 50-40-30-00-0-1-2-3Brown 40-30-00 40-30-00 50-40-30-00-0 30-00 50-40-30-00-0-1-2-3Glow 40-30-00 40-30-00 50-40-30-00-0 30-00 50-40-30-00-0-1-2-3Silverblue 30-00 40-30-00 30-00-0 50-40-30-00 0-1-2-3White 30-00 40-30-00 30-00-0 50-40-30-00 0-1-2-3Pearl 30-00 40-30-00 30-00-0 50-40-30-00 0-1-2-3



Black 0-1-2 1-2-3 1-2 00-0-1-2-3-4-5Mahogany 1-2 0-1-2 0-1-2-3 1-2 00-0-1-2-3-4-5Brown 0-1-2 0-1-2 0-1-2-3 1-2 00-0-1-2-3-4-5Glow 0-1-2 0-1-2 0-1-2-3 1-2 00-0-1-2-3-4-5Silverblue 1-2 0-1-2 1-2 00-0-1-2 3-4-5White 1-2 0-1-2 1-2 00-0-1-2 3-4-5Pearl 1-2 0-1-2 1-2 00-0-1-2 3-4-5

Other sizes will be offered when appropriate numbers of skins are available.

Sizes of types not mentioned above will be offered when appropriate quantities are available.

SIzeS To be oFFereD.

KopenhAgen Fur oFFerIng 2011/2012

Page 27: Kopenhagen Fur News September 2012

SEPtEMBER 2012 27

Breeders and breeders lowgrades will be offered at the June auction.

We reserve the right to make changes.

DECEMBER FEBRUARY APRil JUNE SEPtEMBER iN tOtAlSElliNG DAYS 14-16 7-10 20-24 19-25 8-14

mink (in miLLions)Black • • • •Mahogany • • • • •Brown • • • • •Glow • • • • •Pearl Beige • • • • •Golden Pearl • • •White • • • • •Sapphire • • • •Silverblue • • • • •Black Cross • • •var. Cross • • •Pastel • •violet •

Blue iris •Jaguar •Palomino • • •Stardust •Cinnamon • •var. mutations • •tOtAl MiNK 1,1 – 1,4M 3,8 – 4,3M 4,7 – 5,1M 4,7 – 5,1M 4,7 – 5,1M 20M

other skinsChinchilla • • • • •Rex Rabbits • •Swakara • •Foxes • • • •

AucTIon DATeS 2011/2012

December 2011inspection: 11 to 13 DecemberSales: 14 to 16 December

FebruAry 2012inspection: 3 to 6 FebruarySales: 7 to 10 February

AprIl 2012inspection: 15 to 19 AprilSales: 20 to 24 April June 2012inspection: 13 to 18 JuneSales: 19 to 25 June

SepTember 2012inspection: 2 to 7 SeptemberSales: 8 to 14 September

Page 28: Kopenhagen Fur News September 2012


a heLPing hand from the netherLands

We have participated in charity before, but I felt that here was an opportunity to both help a good cause and at the same time bring some attention to it. These kids have nothing, but the project gives them a chance to get a good start in life, and we want to support that, says Rien Leeijen.

had nothingToday, Leeijen is quite wealthy, and he is involved in a lot of things from mink to steel production, and in general he lives a very comfortable life. But it has not always been like that. He had eight brothers and sisters, and his father worked his fingers to the bone to provide for them, but there was never enough. Never enough money, never enough food, never enough of anything - Leeijen was the poor boy of the class. - I was the kid who had nothing, while

some of my classmates had everything. My life was not worse than the lives of many of the children that are lucky to attend the school project in Namibia, but I can relate to their situation.

It was hoped that the buyers would be willing to pay a little extra for the skins, when the profits were meant for charity. That wish came through. All 547 skins were sold and in total the auction raised just under 70,000 USD which will be donated to the children in Namibia. I am so happy right now, said Leeijen with great enthusiasm, when the last lot was sold. - With this money the project can help even more children and hopefully give them the tools to help themselves out of poverty. These children are the future, and we must make sure, that they are not left behind! To the question on whether the benefactors from Lion Mink Farms will donate their skins again Leeijen replies. - We might! As I see it, you come with nothing and you leave with nothing, and until then I will be allright with what I have.

The Dutch farmer Rien Leeijen, who owns Lion Mink Farms together with his brother Pierre Leeijen, woke up one morning, and felt a need for charity. The need manifested itself during Kopenhagen Fur’s April auction, when he donated four of the mink lots, that he had brought to the auction, to Kopenhagen Fur’s Namibian School project.

Page 29: Kopenhagen Fur News September 2012

SEPtEMBER 2012 29

hoteL Cat. address teLePhone

Du Nord (B) Colbjørnsensgade 14, 1652 V + 45 3331 7750

First (C) Vesterbrogade 23-29, 1620 V + 45 3378 8000

Clarion Hotel Copenhagen (C) Molestien 11, 2450 SV + 45 7012 7373

Glostrup Park (C) Hovedvejen 41, 2600 Glostrup + 45 4396 0038

Admiral (D) Toldbodgade 24, 1253 K + 45 3374 1414

Scandic Glostrup (D) Roskildevej 550, 2600 Glostrup + 45 4343 4200

Scandic CPH (E) Vester Søgade 6, 1601 V + 45 3314 3535

Scandic Hvidovre (E) Kettevej 4. 2650 Hvidovre + 45 3686 0400

Scandic Sydhavn (F) Sydhavns Plads 15, 2450 SV + 45 8833 3666

Radisson Blu Royal (F) Hammerichsgacht 1611 V +45 3342 6000

Radisson Blu Scandinavia* (F) Amager Blv. 70, 2300 S + 45 3396 5000

Marriott - 5 stars** (G) Kalvebod Brygge 5, 1560 V + 45 8833 9900

Scandic Webers (G) Vesterbrogade 11B 1620 V + 45 3331 1432

Skt. Petri - 5 stars (G) Krystalgade 22, 1172 K + 45 3345 9800

CoPenhagen hoteLs

We urge you to make your hotel reservations as early as possible.

hoteL rates

Cat. a DKK 600-800

Cat. B DKK 800-900

Cat. C DKK 900-1000

Cat. d DKK 1000-1100

Cat. e DKK 1100-1200

Cat. f DKK 1200-1400

Cat. g DKK 1400-1800

Page 30: Kopenhagen Fur News September 2012


Lars skjoLdegaardAUCtiONEER

+45 4326 1021

kasPer s. reinBaCherCONtROllER, GlOBAl FUR FiNANCE, AUCtiONEER+45 4326 1021


MOB. +86 138 1055 4761

ContaCt KOPENHAGEN FURE-mail: [email protected]

phonE: +45 4326 1000

fax: +45 4326 1126

[email protected]

torBen nieLsen CEO

+45 4326 1042 (SECR.)


+45 4326 1201

inge Østermand SECREtARY (MANAGEMENt)

+45 4326 1042

Customer [email protected]

Brian tufvesson HEAD OF CUStOMER DEPt.

+45 4326 1401

Birgit friis SECREtARY

+45 4326 1431

annette hindBorgKEY ACCOUNt MANAGER

+45 4326 1440


+45 4326 1443

Christiane rautenBergKEY ACCOUNt MANAGER+45 4326 1442


+45 4326 1441

LaiLa weBLer CASHiER

+45 4326 1413


auCtioneersPauL PedersenCHiEF AUCtiONEER

+45 4326 1203

Per knudsenCHiEF AUCtiONEER

+45 4326 1208


+45 4326 1209

Beijing offiCe area managerChris CuiGENERAl MANAGER

MOB. +86 139 1093 7964


MOB. +86 159 0143 7370

inge LiuMARKEtiNGCOORDiNAtORtSiNG HUA MBA MOB. +86 139 0106 0450


MOB. +86 139 1156 8019


+45 4326 1472


MOB. +30 693 242 5858

andrej rumjanCevAREA MANAGER, RUSSiA

+45 4326 1103

CommuniCations [email protected]

koPenhagen [email protected]

sØren jesPersenMEDiA MANAGER

+45 4326 1289

sander jaCoBsenCOMMUNiCAtiONS DiRECtOR

+45 4326 1063

QuaLity [email protected]

farmer [email protected]

Bjarne rasmussenHEAD OF QUAlitY DEPt.

+45 4326 1342

jesPer Lauge ChristensenHEAD OF FARMER SERviCE+45 4326 1376

reCePtion/[email protected]

kathrine engBergFRONt OFFiCE MANAGER

+45 4326 1112


+45 4326 1280

jesPer mathiesenStUDiO DiRECtOR

+45 4326 1102

miChaeL hoLmDESiGN- AND PRODUCtiON MANAGER+45 4326 1158

Page 31: Kopenhagen Fur News September 2012

oyster perpetual datejust special edition

VESTERBROGADE 6 | 1620 CPH. V | +45 33 11 53 10ØSTERGADE 22 | 1100 CPH. K | +45 33 15 53 10

Page 32: Kopenhagen Fur News September 2012


Infelber (Exports) Ltd4 Elthorne Road, London N19 4AG

Tel +44(20) - 7281 1966 E-mail [email protected] Fax +44(20) - 7281 2398

Eurasia Furs LtdUnit O, 10/Kaiser Estate Phase III

9-11A Hok Yuen Street, Hunghom, Kowloon, HK

Tel +852 2311 9803 E-mail [email protected] Fax +852 2721 3081

Infelber (Exports) Ltd4 Elthorne Road, London N19 4AG

Tel +44(20) - 7281 1966 E-mail [email protected] Fax +44(20) - 7281 2398

Eurasia Furs LtdUnit O, 10/Kaiser Estate Phase III

9-11A Hok Yuen Street, Hunghom, Kowloon, HK

Tel +852 2311 9803 E-mail [email protected] Fax +852 2721 3081



