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T ransparency Report 2018 Kost Forer Gabbay & Kasierer (EY Israel)

TransparencyReport 2018Kost Forer Gabbay &Kasierer (EY Israel)

Transparency Report 2018: EY Israel 2

ContentsMessage from EY Israel Chairman .................................................................................................................................. 3

Message from the EY Israel Managing Partners and the Assurance Leaders....................................................................... 4

About us ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Legal structure, ownership and governance ................................................................................................................. 5

Network arrangements .............................................................................................................................................. 6

Commitment to quality .................................................................................................................................................. 8

Infrastructure supporting quality................................................................................................................................. 8

Instilled professional values ........................................................................................................................................ 9

Internal quality control system .................................................................................................................................. 10

Client acceptance and continuance ............................................................................................................................ 11

Performance of audits ............................................................................................................................................. 12

Review and consultation .......................................................................................................................................... 13

Audit partner rotation .............................................................................................................................................. 14

Audit quality reviews ............................................................................................................................................... 14

External quality assurance review ............................................................................................................................. 15

Compliance with legal requirements .......................................................................................................................... 15

Independence practices ............................................................................................................................................... 16

Continuing education of audit professionals .................................................................................................................. 18

Revenue and remuneration .......................................................................................................................................... 19

Financial information ............................................................................................................................................... 19

Partner remuneration .............................................................................................................................................. 19

Appendix 1 ................................................................................................................................................................. 20

Appendix 2 ................................................................................................................................................................. 21

More information about EY can be found at ey.com.

Transparency Report 2018: EY Israel 3

Message from the EY Israel Chairman

Welcome to the 2018 Transparency Report of Kost Forer Gabbay & Kasierer (EY Israel). We believe that how we advance auditquality, manage risk and maintain our independence as auditors should be transparent to our stakeholders. We value regulardialogue, and this report is one of the ways in which we advise our stakeholders on what we are doing in each of these areas.

Executing high-quality audits continues to be our top priority and is at the heart of our commitment to serve the public interest.It enables us to grow the global EY network successfully and responsibly, while achieving our purpose of building a better workingworld. Auditors play a vital role in the functioning of capital markets by promoting transparency and supporting investorconfidence. Companies, regulators and other stakeholders count on us to deliver excellence in every engagement.

EY is focused on investing in tools to improve what we do, creating the highest-performing teams, and building trust andconfidence in the audits we perform.

EY Israel’s reputation is based on and grounded in providing high-quality professional audit services objectively and ethically toevery company we audit.

I encourage all our stakeholders — including our clients and their investors, audit committee members and regulators — tocontinue to engage with us on our strategy as well as any of the matters covered in this report.


A Member of Ernst & Young Global

EY’s purpose: building a better working worldEY is committed to doing its part in building a better working world.

The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the worldover. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical rolein building a better working world for our people, our clients and our communities.

Transparency Report 2018: EY Israel 4

Message from the EY Israel Managing Partners andAssurance Leaders

We continue to embrace the transparency objectives of the European Union’s 8th Company Law Directive, which requirestatutory auditors of public interest entities (PIEs) to publish annual transparency reports.

The 2018 EY Israel Transparency Report complies with the Directive and covers the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018. In thisreport, you can learn more about our internal quality control system: how we instill professional values, how we perform an audit,our review and consultation processes, our approach to audit quality reviews and our independence practices.

EY Israel is focused on enhancing audit quality and upholding our independence, informed by several matters including externaland internal inspection results. Continuous improvement of audit quality requires us to challenge approaches to audit execution,and we focus on this by evaluating all inspection findings and taking responsive actions.

/s/ Yoram Tietz /s/ Doron Sharabany

Co- Managing partner Co- Managing partner


A Member of Ernst & Young Global

Transparency Report 2018: EY Israel 5

About usLegal structure, ownership andgovernanceKost Forer Gabbay & Kasierer (hereafter" EY Israel") is apartnership organized in Israel and is a member firm ofErnst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited byguarantee (EYG). In this report, we refer to ourselves as“EY Israel”, “we”, “us” or “our”. EY refers collectively to theglobal organization of the member firms of EYG.

The EY Israel executive committee comprises 11 partnersand deals with the Firm's general and operationalmanagement. Among other basic matters, the EY Israelexecutive committee is responsible for certain partnermatters.

EYG member firms are grouped into four geographic Areas:Americas; Asia-Pacific; Europe, Middle East, India andAfrica (EMEIA); and Japan. The Areas comprise a number ofRegions, which consist of member firms or sections ofthose firms.

EY Israel is part of the Americas Area, which comprisesmember firms in 31 countries.

The coordinating body for EY Americas is the AmericasOperating Executive (AOE). It oversees the execution ofglobal EY strategy in the Americas and comprises: theAmericas Area Managing Partner; the Americas DeputyManaging Partner; the Area Leaders for Accounts, Talentand Risk Management; the Area Leaders for Assurance,Advisory, Transaction Advisory Services and Tax; and theManaging Partners of each of the Regions in the Americas.

Americas Ethics Oversight BoardWith membership drawn from the EY Americas leadership,the service lines and the member firms that make up theAmericas Area, the Americas Ethics Oversight Board(AEOB) strives to create an environment that encourages allpersonnel to act responsibly, including reportingmisconduct without fear of retaliation. The AEOB is alsoresponsible for evaluating certain breaches of the EY GlobalCode of Conduct, and recommending appropriateconsequences and sanctions for misconduct. These canrange from training and counseling to separation from themember firm.

Transparency Report 2018: EY Israel 6

Network arrangements

EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction andadvisory services. Worldwide, over 250,000 people inmember firms in more than 150 countries share acommitment to building a better working world, united byshared values and an unwavering commitment to quality,integrity and professional skepticism. In today’s globalmarket, the integrated EY approach is particularlyimportant in the delivery of high-quality multinationalaudits, which can span nearly every country in the world.This integrated approach enables EY member firms todevelop and draw upon the range and depth of experiencerequired to perform such diverse and complex audits.

EYG coordinates the member firms and promotescooperation among them. EYG does not provide services,but its objectives include the promotion of exceptional high-quality client service by member firms worldwide.

Each member firm is a legally distinct entity. Theirobligations and responsibilities as members of EYG aregoverned by the regulations of EYG and various otheragreements.

The structure and principal bodies of the globalorganization during the year ended 30 June 2018 aredescribed below. They reflect the principle that EY, as aglobal organization, has a common shared strategy.

The Executive includes the Global Executive (GE), itscommittees and teams, and the leadership of the fourAreas. At the same time, the network operates on aRegional level within the Areas. This operating model allowsfor greater stakeholder focus in the 27 Regions, permittingmember firms to build stronger relationships with clientsand others in each country, and be more responsive to localneeds.

Global Governance CouncilThe Global Governance Council (GGC) is the main oversightbody of EYG. It comprises one or more representatives fromeach Region, other member firm partners as at-largerepresentatives and up to six independent non-executives(INEs). The Regional representatives, who otherwise do nothold senior management roles, are elected by theirRegional Partner Forums for a three-year term, withprovision for one successive reappointment. The GGCadvises EYG on policies, strategies and the public interestaspects of its decision—making. The approval of the GGC isrequired for a number of significant matters that couldaffect EY.

Independent Non-ExecutivesUp to six Independent Non-Executives (INEs) are appointedfrom outside EY. The INEs are senior leaders from both thepublic and private sectors, and reflect diverse geographicand professional backgrounds. They bring to the globalorganization, and the GGC, the significant benefit of theirvaried perspectives and depth of knowledge. The INEs alsoform a majority of the Public Interest Sub-Committee of the

GGC, which addresses public interest matters, includingpublic interest aspects of decision-making, issues raisedunder whistleblowing policies and procedures, perspectiveson stakeholder views and engagement in quality and riskmanagement discussions. The INEs are nominated by adedicated committee.

Global ExecutiveThe Global Executive (GE) brings together EY’s leadershipfunctions, services and geographies. It is chaired by theChairman and CEO of EYG, and includes its Global ManagingPartners of Client Service and Business Enablement; theArea Managing Partners; the global functional leadershipfor Talent and Finance; the leaders of the global servicelines — Assurance, Advisory, Tax and Transaction AdvisoryServices; the Global Leader for Public Policy; and one EYGmember firm partner on rotation.

The GE also includes the Chair of the Global AccountsCommittee and the Chair of the Emerging MarketsCommittee, as well as a representative from the EmergingMarkets practices.

The GE and the GGC approve nominations for the Chairmanand CEO of EYG, and ratify appointments of the GlobalManaging Partners. The GE also approves appointments ofGlobal Vice Chairs. The GGC ratifies the appointments ofany Global Vice Chair who serves as a member of the GE.

The GE’s responsibilities include the promotion of globalobjectives and the development, approval, and, whererelevant, implementation of:

• Global strategies and plans• Common standards, methodologies and policies to be

promoted within member firms• People initiatives, including criteria and processes for

admission, evaluation, development, reward andretirement of partners

• Quality improvement and protection programs• Proposals regarding regulatory matters and• public policy• Policies and guidance relating to member firms’ service

of international clients, business development, marketsand branding

• EY’s development funds and investment priorities• EYG’s annual financial reports and budgets• GGC recommendations

The GE also has the power to mediate and adjudicatedisputes between member firms.

GE committeesEstablished by the GE and bringing together representativesfrom the four Areas, the GE committees are responsible formaking recommendations to the GE. In addition to theGlobal Audit Committee, there are committees for GlobalMarkets and Investments, Global Accounts, EmergingMarkets, Talent, Risk Management, Assurance, Advisory,Tax, and Transaction Advisory Services.

Transparency Report 2018: EY Israel 7

Global Practice GroupThis group brings together the members of the GE, GEcommittees, Regional leaders and sector leaders. TheGlobal Practice Group seeks to promote a commonunderstanding of EY’s strategic objectives and helps driveconsistency of execution across the organization.

EYG member firmsUnder the regulations of EYG, member firms committhemselves to pursue EY’s objectives, such as the provisionof high-quality service worldwide. To that end, the memberfirms undertake the implementation of global strategies andplans, and work to maintain the prescribed scope of servicecapability. They are required to comply with commonstandards, methodologies and policies, including thoseregarding audit methodology, quality and risk management,independence, knowledge sharing, human resources, andtechnology.

Above all, EYG member firms commit to conducting theirprofessional practices in accordance with applicableprofessional and ethical standards, and all applicablerequirements of law. This commitment to integrity anddoing the right thing is underpinned by the EY Global Codeof Conduct and EY values (see page 10).

Besides adopting the regulations of EYG, member firmsenter into several other agreements covering aspects oftheir membership in the EY organization, such as the rightand obligation to use the EY name, and the sharingof knowledge.

Member firms are subject to reviews that evaluate theiradherence to EYG requirements and policies governingissues such as independence, quality and risk management,audit methodology, and human resources. Member firmsunable to meet the quality commitments and other EYGmembership requirements may be subject to separationfrom the EY organization.

Transparency Report 2018: EY Israel 8

Commitment to qualityInfrastructure supportingqualityQuality in our service linesVision 2020+, which sets out EY’s purpose, ambition andstrategy, calls for EYG member firms to provide exceptionalclient service worldwide. This is supported by anunwavering commitment to quality and service that isprofessionally and globally consistent, and means servicethat is based on objectivity, professional skepticism, andadherence to EY and professional standards.

EYG member firms and their service lines are accountablefor delivering quality engagements. EY service linesmanage the overall process for quality reviews of completedengagements and input for the quality of in-processengagements, which helps achieve compliance withprofessional standards and EY policies.

Vision 2020+ has reinforced the ownership of qualityby the service lines, including audit. It has alsoresulted in increased clarity around the role of riskmanagement in policies and practices that support andimprove audit quality.

The Global Vice Chair of Assurance coordinates memberfirms’ compliance with EY policies and procedures forassurance services.

Professional PracticeThe Global Vice Chair of Professional Practice, referred toas the Global Professional Practice Director (PPD), isoverseen by the Global Vice Chair of Assurance and worksto establish global audit quality control policies andprocedures. Each of the Area PPDs is overseen by theGlobal PPD and the related Area Assurance Leader. Thishelps provide greater assurance as to the objectivity ofaudit quality and consultation processes.

The Global PPD also leads and oversees the GlobalProfessional Practice group. This is a global network oftechnical subject matter specialists in accounting andauditing standards, who consult on accounting, auditing andfinancial reporting matters, and perform various practicemonitoring and risk management activities.

The Global PPD oversees development of the EY GlobalAudit Methodology (EY GAM) and related technologies sothat they are consistent with relevant professionalstandards and regulatory requirements. The GlobalProfessional Practice group also oversees the developmentof the guidance, training and monitoring programs andprocesses used by member firm professionals to executeaudits consistently and effectively. The Global, Area andRegion PPDs, together with other professionals who workwith them in each member firm, are knowledgeable aboutEY people, clients and processes, and they are readilyaccessible for consultation with audit engagement teams.

Additional resources often augment the Global ProfessionalPractice group, including networks of professionalsfocused on:

• Internal—control reporting and related aspects of theEY audit methodology

• Accounting, auditing and risk issues for specificindustries and sectors

• Event-specific issues involving areas of civil andpolitical unrest; or sovereign debt and relatedaccounting, auditing, reporting and disclosureimplications

• General engagement issues and how to work effectivelywith audit committees

Risk managementResponsibility for high-quality service and ownership of therisks associated with quality is placed with the memberfirms and their service lines. Among other things, theGlobal Risk Management Leader helps oversee themanagement of these risks by the member firms, as well asother risks across the organization as part of the broaderEnterprise Risk Management framework.

Member firm partners are appointed to lead riskmanagement initiatives in both the service lines andmember firms, supported by other staff and professionals.The Global Risk Management Leader is responsible forestablishing globally consistent risk management executionpriorities and enterprise—wide risk management.These priorities cascade to member firms, and theirexecution is monitored through an Enterprise RiskManagement program.

Transparency Report 2018: EY Israel 9

Global confidentiality policyProtecting confidential information is ingrained in theeveryday activities of EYG member firms. Respect forintellectual capital and all other sensitive and restrictedinformation is required by the EY Global Code of Conduct,which provides a clear set of principles to guide thebehaviors expected of all EY people. The GlobalConfidentiality Policy further details this approach toprotecting information and reflects the ever—increasing useof restricted data. This policy provides added clarity for EYpeople and forms the fundamental element of broaderguidance that includes key policies on conflicts of interest,personal data privacy and records retention. Otherguidance includes:

• Social media guidance• Information—handling requirements• Knowledge—sharing protocols


Managing the risk of major and complex cybersecurityattacks is a part of doing business for all organizations.While no systems are immune from the threat of cyber—attacks, EY Israel is vigilant in the steps taken to secure theenvironment of EYG member firms and to protect theirclients’ data. The EY approach to cybersecurity is proactiveand includes the implementation of technologies andprocesses necessary to manage and minimize cybersecurityrisks globally. EY information security and data privacyprograms, consistent with industry practices and applicablelegal requirements, are designed to protect againstunauthorized disclosure of data. There is a dedicated teamof internal and external cybersecurity specialists whoactively monitor and defend EY systems.

Beyond technical and process controls, all EY people arerequired to affirm in writing their understanding of theprinciples contained in the EY Global Code of Conduct andtheir commitment to abide by them and to participate in anannual security awareness learning activity. There arevarious policies outlining the due care that must be takenwith technology and data, including but not limited to theGlobal Information Security Policy, and a global policyaround the Acceptable Use of Technology. EY cybersecuritypolicies and processes recognize the importance of timelycommunication. EY people receive regular and periodiccommunications reminding them of their responsibilitiesaround these policies and general security awarenesspractice.

Components of the audit quality control programIn the following sections, we describe the principalcomponents of the audit quality control program, which EYIsrael follows:

• Instilled professional values• Internal quality control system• Client acceptance and continuance• Performance of audits• Review and consultation• Audit partner rotation• Audit quality reviews• External quality—assurance reviews• Compliance with legal requirements

Instilled professional valuesSustainable Audit QualityQuality is the foundation for exceptional client service. It iswhat we pride ourselves on. It is integral to our work andcentral to our responsibility to provide confidence to thecapital markets. Delivering quality is at the heart of all wedo and supports our purpose of building a better workingworld for our people, our clients and our communities. Thisis reflected in the Sustainable Audit Quality (SAQ) program,which is the highest priority for our Assurance practices.

Each member firm that makes up our global structure iscommitted to providing high-quality audits. In 2015, welaunched the SAQ initiative throughout our Assurancepractices. SAQ establishes a governance structure and isfocused on continuously improving our audit process.

We use the word “sustainable” in SAQ to demonstrate thatthis is not a one-off, short-term initiative, but an ongoingprocess of improvement. EY has had a common auditmethodology for some time; now we have a commonlanguage and processes regarding audit quality.

There are six components to SAQ: tone at the top,strengthening people capabilities, simplification, audittechnology and digital, enablement and quality support, andaccountability. SAQ is implemented by each member firm,and is coordinated and overseen globally.

Audit quality and the key elements of SAQ are somethingevery senior manager, manager and team member mustunderstand and be committed to implementing locally. SAQis essential to all our goals and ambitions, and each ofthe Regional and Area leaders is held accountable forthose goals.

We have made significant progress through SAQ. EY’sinternal and external inspection findings globally areshowing improvement, and we are producing greaterconsistency in execution. We have deployed world—classtools that enhance the quality and value of our audits. Ourability to deliver consistency is based in part on the use ofEY Canvas, our online audit platform. It better supportsaudit execution, streamlines communications and enablesus to provide a seamless audit.

Transparency Report 2018: EY Israel 10

We recently launched the EY Canvas Client Portal, whichadds to the leading—edge tools already offered to ourauditors. In addition, we have deployed the 2018 AuditMilestones Program globally, which establishes the use ofMilestones on selected PIE audits as one important step toimproving results and sustaining quality acrossengagements.

There is also a network of Quality Enablement Leaders(QELs) across the practice and an overall Global AuditQuality Committee.They help us in executing and reviewing root-cause analysisand understanding the impact our initiatives are having indriving quality outcomes, better behaviors and a continuousimprovement mindset. This infrastructure demonstratesthat audit quality is the single most important factor in ourdecision—making and the key measure on which ourprofessional reputation stands.

Tone at the topEY Israel leadership is responsible for setting the right toneat the top and demonstrating EY’s commitment to buildinga better working world through behavior and actions. Whilethe tone at the top is vital, our people also understand thatquality and professional responsibility start with them. Ourshared values, which inspire our people and guide them todo the right thing, and our commitment to quality areembedded in who we are and in everythingwe do.

The EY approach to business ethics and integrity iscontained in the EY Global Code of Conduct and otherpolicies, and is embedded in the EY culture of consultation,training programs and internal communications. Seniormanagement regularly reinforces the importance ofperforming quality work, complying with professionalstandards, adhering to our policies, leading by example andthrough various communications. Also, EY’s quality reviewprograms assess professional service as a key metric inevaluating and rewarding all professionals.

The EY culture strongly supports collaboration and placesspecial emphasis on the importance of consultation indealing with complex or subjective accounting, auditing,reporting, regulatory and independence matters. We believeit is important to determine that engagement teams andclients correctly follow consultation advice, and weemphasize this when necessary.

The consistent stance of EY Israel has been that noclient is more important than our professionalreputation — the reputation of EY Israel and thereputation of each of our professionals.

Code of ConductWe promote a culture of integrity among our professionals.The EY Global Code of Conduct provides a clear set ofprinciples that guide our actions and our business conduct,and are to be followed by all EY personnel. The EY GlobalCode of Conduct is divided into five categories:

• Working with one another• Working with clients and others

• Acting with professional integrity• Maintaining our objectivity and independence• Respecting intellectual capital

Through our procedures to monitor compliance withthe EY Global Code of Conduct, and through frequentcommunications, we strive to create an environment thatencourages all personnel to act responsibly, includingreporting misconduct without fear of retaliation.

The EY Ethics Hotline provides our people, clients andothers outside of the organization with a means toconfidentially report activity that may involve unethical orimproper behavior and that may be in violation ofprofessional standards or otherwise inconsistent with theEY Global Code of Conduct. The hotline is operated by anexternal organization that provides confidential and, ifdesired, anonymous hotline reporting services worldwide.

When a report comes into the EY Ethics Hotline, either byphone or internet, it receives prompt attention. Dependingon the content of the report, appropriate individuals fromRisk Management, Talent, Legal or other functions areinvolved to address the report. The same procedures arefollowed for matters that are reported outside of the EYEthics Hotline.

Our values: who we are

People who demonstrate integrity, respect and teaming

People with energy, enthusiasm and the courage to lead

People who build relationships based on doing theright thing

Internal quality control systemStructureEY Israel’s reputation for providing high-quality professionalaudit services independently, objectively and ethically isfundamental to our success as independent auditors. Wecontinue to invest in initiatives to promote enhancedobjectivity, independence and professional skepticism.These are fundamental attributes of a high-quality audit.

At EY Israel, our role as auditors is to provide assurance onthe fair presentation of the financial statements of thecompanies we audit. We bring together qualified teams toprovide our services, drawing on our broad experienceacross industry sectors and services. We continually striveto improve our quality and risk management processes sothat the quality of our service is at a consistently high level.

We recognize that in today’s environment — characterizedby continuing globalization and the rapid movement ofcapital and the impact of technology changes — the qualityof our audit services has never been more important. Aspart of EY Vision 2020+, EY continues to invest heavily indeveloping and maintaining our audit methodology, toolsand other resources needed to support quality service.

Transparency Report 2018: EY Israel 11

While the market and stakeholders continue to demandhigh-quality audits, they also demand increasingly efficientand effective delivery of audit services. In addition to theinvestments mentioned, EY continues to seek ways toimprove the effectiveness and efficiency of its auditmethodology and processes, while improving audit quality.

We work to understand where our audit quality may not beup to our own expectations and those of stakeholders,including external audit firm regulators. We seek to learnfrom external and internal inspection activities and toidentify root causes of adverse quality occurrences toenable us continually to improve audit quality, and webelieve that taking effective and appropriate actions toimprove quality is important.

Effectiveness of the quality control systemEY has designed and implemented a comprehensive set ofglobal audit quality control policies and practices. Thesepolicies and practices meet the requirements of theInternational Standards on Quality Control issued by theInternational Auditing and Assurance Standards Board(IAASB). EY Israel has adopted these global policies andprocedures, and has supplemented them as necessary tocomply with local laws and professional guidelines, and toaddress specific business needs.

We also execute the EY Audit Quality Review (AQR) programto evaluate whether our system of audit quality control hasoperated effectively so as to provide reasonable assurancethat EY Israel and our people comply with applicableprofessional standards, internal policies and regulatoryrequirements.

The results of the AQR program and external inspectionsare evaluated and communicated within EY Israel to providethe basis for continual improvement in audit quality,consistent with the highest standards in the profession.

The GE is responsible for implementing qualityimprovement. As such, it reviews the results of our internalAQR program and external audit firm regulatory reviews,as well as any key actions designed to address areasfor improvement.

The recent results of such monitoring, together with therecent feedback from independent external audit firmregulators, provide EY Israel with a basis to conclude thatour internal control systems are designed appropriately andare operating effectively.

Client acceptance andcontinuanceEY policyThe EY Global Client Acceptance and Continuance Policysets out principles for member firms to determine whetherto accept a new client or a new engagement, or to continuewith an existing client or engagement. These principles arefundamental to maintaining quality, managing risk,protecting our people and meeting regulatoryrequirements. The objectives of the policy are to:

• Establish a rigorous process for evaluating risk andmaking decisions to accept or continue clients orengagements

• Meet applicable independence requirements• Identify and deal appropriately with any conflicts

of interest• Identify and decline clients or engagements that pose

excessive risk• Require consultation with designated professionals to

identify additional risk management procedures forspecific high-risk factors

• Comply with legal, regulatory and professionalrequirements

In addition, the EY Global Conflicts of Interest Policy definesglobal standards for addressing categories of potentialconflicts of interest and a process for identifying them. Italso includes provisions for managing potential conflicts ofinterest as quickly and efficiently as possible through theuse of appropriate safeguards. Such safeguards range fromobtaining a client’s consent for EYG member firms to act fortwo or more clients to declining an engagement to avoid anidentified conflict.

The EY Global Conflicts of Interest Policy and associatedguidance were updated in early 2015. The updates take intoaccount the increasing complexity of engagements andclient relationships, and the need for speed and accuracy inresponding to clients. They also align with the latestInternational Ethics Standards Board for Accountants(IESBA) standards.

Putting policy into practiceWe use the EY Process for Acceptance of Clients andEngagements (PACE), an intranet—based system, forefficiently coordinating client and engagement acceptanceand continuance activities in line with global, service lineand member firm policies. PACE takes users through theacceptance and continuance requirements, and identifiesthe policies and references to professional standardsneeded to assess both business opportunities andassociated risks.

Transparency Report 2018: EY Israel 12

As part of this process, we carefully consider the riskcharacteristics of a prospective client or engagement andthe results of several due diligence procedures. Before wetake on a new engagement or client, we determine whetherwe can commit sufficient resources to deliver qualityservice, especially in highly technical areas, and if theservices the client wants are appropriate for us to provide.The approval process is rigorous, and no new auditengagement may be accepted without the approval of ourPPD.

In the EY annual client and engagement continuanceprocess, we review our service and ability to continue toprovide quality service, and confirm that clients share EYIsrael’s commitment to quality and transparency in financialreporting. The partner in charge of each audit, togetherwith our Assurance leadership, annually reviews ourrelationship with the audit client to determine whethercontinuance is appropriate.

As a result of this review, certain audit engagements areidentified as requiring additional oversight proceduresduring the audit (close monitoring), and some audit clientsare discontinued. As with the client acceptance process, ourPPD is involved in the client continuance process and mustagree with the continuance decisions.

Decisions about acceptance or continuance of clients andengagements consider the engagement team’s assessmentof whether the company’s management may pressure us toaccept inappropriate accounting, auditing and reportingconclusions to undermine quality. Considerations andconclusions on the integrity of management are essentialto acceptance and continuance decisions.

Performance of auditsAs part of EY Vision 2020+, EY has invested significantly inimproving audit methodologies and tools, with the goal ofperforming the highest-quality audits in the profession. Thisinvestment reflects EY’s commitment to building trust andconfidence in the capital markets and in economies theworld over.

Audit methodologyEY GAM provides a global framework for delivering high-quality audit services through the consistent application ofthought processes, judgments and procedures in all auditengagements, regardless of size. EY GAM also requirescompliance with relevant ethical requirements, includingindependence from the entity we audit. Making riskassessments, reconsidering and modifying them asappropriate, and using these assessments to determine thenature, timing and extent of audit procedures arefundamental to EY GAM. The methodology also emphasizesapplying appropriate professional skepticism in theexecution of audit procedures. EY GAM is based onInternational Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and issupplemented in Israel to comply with the local Israelauditing standards and regulatory or statutoryrequirements.

Using an online tool, EY Atlas, an EY auditor is presentedwith a version of EY GAM organized by topic and designedto focus the audit strategy on the financial statement risks,and the design and execution of the appropriate auditresponse to those risks. EY GAM consists of two keycomponents: requirements and guidance, and supportingforms and examples. The requirements and guidance reflectboth auditing standards and EY policies. The forms andexamples include leading practice illustrations, and assist inperforming and documenting audit procedures.

EY GAM can be “profiled” or tailored to present the relevantrequirements and guidance, depending on the nature of theentity being audited. For example, there are profiles forlisted entities and for those considered non-complexentities. Enhancements to the audit methodology are maderegularly to address new standards, emerging auditingissues and matters, implementation experiences, andexternal and internal inspection results. In 2017, EY GAMwas updated to address the requirements of new section225 of the International Ethics Standards Board forAccountants Code of Ethics (IESBA Code), Responding toNon-Compliance with Laws and Regulations and theresulting conforming changes to the ISAs. In addition,updated guidance was issued on performing joint audits andaudits when the entity uses a service organization, alongwith new policies relating to maintaining the auditdocumentation in electronic form. EY GAM was alsoenhanced by adding guidance to address common questionsfrom audit teams and issues arising from inspections.

In addition, we monitor current and emergingdevelopments, and issue timely audit planning and otherreminders. These reminders emphasize areas noted duringinspections as well as other key topics of interest to ourlocal audit regulator(s) and the International Forum ofIndependent Audit Regulators (IFIAR).

TechnologyOur audit engagement teams use technology to assist inexecuting and documenting the work performed inaccordance with EY GAM.

EY Canvas, our global audit platform, lies at the heart of theaudit and enables us to provide a high-quality audit. EYCanvas is built using HTML5, state-of-the-art technology forweb applications. This allows us to provide data security andto evolve our software to respond to changes in theaccounting profession and regulatory environment. Thepredecessor audit support tool, GAMx, was decommissionedin 2018.

Through the use of profile questions, audit engagements inEY Canvas are automatically configured with informationrelevant to an entity’s listing requirements and industry.This helps to keep our audit plans customized and up-to-date, and provides direct linkage to our audit guidance,professional standards and documentation templates. EYCanvas is built with a user interface that allows the team tovisualize risks and their relationship to the planned

Transparency Report 2018: EY Israel 13

response and work performed in key areas. It also enables alinkage for our group audit teams to communicate inter-office risks and instructions so that the primary audit teamcan direct execution and monitor performance of thegroup audit.

EY Canvas includes a Client Portal to assist teams incommunicating with clients and streamlining their clientrequests. Mobile applications are integrated with EY Canvasto help our people in their audit work; for example, inmonitoring the status of the audit, capturing audit evidencesecurely and performing inventory observations.

Audit engagement teams use other software applications,forms and templates during various phases of an audit toassist in executing procedures, making and documentingaudit conclusions, and performing analysis.

At EY, we are making data analysis integral to our audits.Our use of data and analysis is not about additiveprocedures or visualizations. It is about taking largepopulations of company data, and applying our globallyconsistent technology (EY Helix) and methodology (EYGAM) to audit that data.

EY Helix is a library of data analyzers for use in audits.These data analyzers are transforming the audit throughthe analysis of larger populations of audit-relevant data,identifying unseen patterns and trends in that data, andhelping to direct our audit efforts. The use of data analyticsalso allows us to obtain better perspectives, richer insightsand a deeper understanding of transactions and areas ofrisk.

EY is deploying data analyzers to analyze the businessoperating cycles of the companies that we audit, supportedby analytics-based audit programs to aid the application ofthese data analyzers.

Using the EY Helix library of data analyzers, ourengagement teams can enhance their audit riskassessment, enabling the audit of higher-risk transactions,and assisting our people in asking better questions aboutaudit findings and evaluating the outcomes.

EY Atlas is a global technology platform that enables ourauditors to access the latest accounting and auditingcontent, including external standards, EY interpretationsand thought leadership.

Formation of audit engagement teamsEY Israel policies require an annual review of partnerassignments by our Assurance leadership and PPD to makesure that the professionals leading listed-company auditspossess the appropriate competencies (i.e., the knowledge,skills and abilities) to fulfill their engagementresponsibilities, and are in compliance with applicableauditor rotation regulations.

The assignment of professionals to an audit engagement isalso made under the direction of our Assurance leadership.Factors considered when assigning people to audit teamsinclude engagement size and complexity, specializedindustry knowledge and experience, timing of work,continuity, and opportunities for on-the-job training. For

more complex engagements, consideration is given towhether specialized or additional expertise is needed tosupplement or enhance the audit engagement team.

In many situations, internal specialists are assigned as partof the audit engagement team to assist in performing auditprocedures and obtaining appropriate audit evidence. Theseprofessionals are used in situations requiring special skillsor knowledge, such as information systems, asset valuationand actuarial analysis.

Review and consultationReviews of audit workEY policies describe the requirements for timely and directsenior professional participation, as well as the level ofreview required for the work performed. Supervisorymembers of an audit engagement team perform a detailedreview of the audit documentation for accuracy andcompleteness. Senior audit executives and engagementpartners perform a second-level review to determineadequacy of the audit work as a whole, and the relatedaccounting and financial statement presentation. A taxprofessional reviews the significant tax and other relevantworking papers. For listed companies, an engagementquality reviewer (described below) reviews important areasof accounting, financial reporting and audit execution, aswell as the financial statements of the company we auditand our auditor’s report.

The nature, timing and extent of the reviews of audit workdepend on many factors, including:

• The risk, materiality, subjectivity and complexity of thesubject matter

• The ability and experience of the audit team memberspreparing the audit documentation

• The level of the reviewer’s direct participation in theaudit work

• The extent of consultation employed

Our policies also describe the roles and responsibilities ofeach audit engagement team member for managing,directing and supervising the audit, as well as therequirements for documenting their work and conclusions.

Consultation requirementsEY consultation policies are built upon a culture ofcollaboration, whereby audit professionals are encouragedto share perspectives on complex accounting, auditing andreporting issues. Consultation requirements and relatedpolicies are designed to involve the right resources so thataudit teams reach appropriate conclusions.

Consultation is built into the decision-making process;it is not just a process to provide advice.

For complex and sensitive matters, we have a formalprocess requiring consultation outside of the auditengagement team with other personnel who have moreexperience or specialized knowledge, primarily ProfessionalPractice and Independence personnel. In the interests of

Transparency Report 2018: EY Israel 14

objectivity and professional skepticism, our policies requiremembers of Professional Practice, Independence andcertain others to withdraw from a consultation if theycurrently serve, or have recently served, the client to whichthe consultation relates. In this circumstance, otherappropriate individuals would be assigned.

EY policies also require that we document all consultations,including written concurrence from the person or personsconsulted, in order to demonstrate their understanding ofthe matter and its resolution.

Engagement quality reviewsEngagement quality reviews are performed by auditpartners in compliance with professional standards foraudits of all listed companies and those considered closemonitoring. Engagement quality reviewers are experiencedprofessionals with significant subject matter knowledge.They are independent of the engagement team and ableto provide objective evaluation of significant accounting,auditing and reporting matters. In no circumstances maythe responsibility of the engagement quality reviewer bedelegated to another individual.

The engagement quality review spans the entireengagement cycle, including planning, risk assessment,audit strategy and execution. Policies and procedures forthe performance and documentation of engagement qualityreviews provide specific guidelines on the nature, timingand extent of the procedures to be performed, and therequired documentation evidencing their completion. OurPPD approves all engagement quality review assignments.

Audit engagement team resolution process fordifferences of professional opinionEY has a collaborative culture that encourages and expectspeople to speak up, without fear of reprisal, if a differenceof professional opinion arises or if they are uncomfortableabout a matter relating to a client engagement. Policiesand procedures are designed to empower members of anaudit engagement team to raise any disagreements relatingto significant accounting, auditing or reporting matters.

These policies are made clear to people as they join EY, andwe continue to promote a culture that reinforces a person’sresponsibility and authority to make their own views heard,and seek out the views of others.

Differences of professional opinion that arise during anaudit are generally resolved at the audit engagement teamlevel. However, if any person involved in the discussion of anissue is not satisfied with the decision, they refer it to thenext level of authority until agreement is reached or a finaldecision is made.

Furthermore, if the engagement quality reviewer makesrecommendations that the engagement partner does notaccept or the matter is not resolved to the reviewer’ssatisfaction, the auditor’s report is not issued until thematter is resolved. EY policies require documentation ofdisagreements and their resolution.

Audit partner rotationEY supports mandatory audit partner rotation to helpstrengthen auditor independence. EY Israel complies withthe audit partner rotation requirements of the code of theInternational Ethics Standards Board for Accountants(IESBA) for listed companies in Europe, as well as the U.S.Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), whererequired. EY Israel supports audit partner rotation becauseit provides a fresh perspective and promotes independencefrom company management while retaining expertise andknowledge of the business. Audit partner rotation,combined with independence requirements, enhancedsystems of internal quality controls and independent auditoversight, helps strengthen independence and objectivityand are important safeguards of audit quality.

We employ tools to track partner rotation that enableeffective monitoring of compliance with requirements.We have also implemented a process for partner rotationplanning and decision-making that involves consultationwith, and approvals by, our Professional Practice andIndependence professionals.

Audit quality reviewsThe EY Global AQR program is the cornerstone of the EYprocess to monitor audit quality. EY Israel executes theGlobal AQR program, reports results and developsresponsive actions plans. The primary goal of the programis to determine whether systems of quality controls,including those of EY Israel, are appropriately designed andfollowed in the execution of audit engagements to providereasonable assurance of compliance with policies andprocedures, professional standards, and regulatoryrequirements. The Global AQR program complies withguidelines in the International Standard on Quality ControlNo. 1 (ISQC No. 1), as amended, and is supplementedwhere necessary to comply with Israel professionalstandards and regulatory requirements. It also aids EYIsrael’s continual efforts to identify areas where wecan improve our performance or enhance our policiesand procedures.

Executed annually, the program is coordinated andmonitored by representatives of the Global PPD network,with oversight by Global Assurance leadership.

The engagements reviewed each year are selected on a risk-based approach, emphasizing audit engagements that arelarge, complex or of significant public interest. The GlobalAQR program includes detailed risk-focused file reviewscovering a large sample of listed audit engagements tomeasure compliance with internal policies and procedures,EY GAM requirements, and relevant local professionalstandards and regulatory requirements. It also includesreviews of a sample of non-audit engagements. Thesemeasure compliance with the relevant professionalstandards and internal policies and procedures that shouldbe applied in executing non-audit services. In addition,practice-level reviews are performed to assess compliancewith quality control policies and procedures in the

Transparency Report 2018: EY Israel 15

functional areas set out in ISQC No. 1. The Global AQRprogram complements external practice monitoring andinspection activities, such as inspection programs executedby audit regulators and external peer reviews.

AQR reviewers and team leaders are selected for their skillsand professional competence in accounting and auditing, aswell as their industry specialization; they often work in theGlobal AQR program for a number of years and are highlyskilled in the execution of the program. Team leaders andreviewers are assigned to inspections outside of their homelocation and are independent of the audit teams reviewed.

The results of the Global AQR program, external practicemonitoring and inspection activities are evaluated andcommunicated to improve quality. Any quality improvementplans describe the follow-up actions to be taken, the peopleresponsible, the timetable and deadlines, and sign-off oncompleted actions. Measures to resolve audit qualitymatters noted from the Global AQR program, regulatoryinspections and peer reviews are addressed by Assuranceleadership and our PPD. The actions are monitored by ourPPD and Assurance leadership. These programs provideimportant practice monitoring feedback for our continuingquality improvement efforts.

External quality assurancereviewEY Israel’s audit practice is subject to inspections by PeerReview of the Institute of Certified Public Accounts of Israel,the U.S. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board("PCAOB") and certain European regulators. As part of itsinspections, the inspectors evaluate the quality controlsystems and review selected engagements.

The last quality assurance inspection by Peer Review tookplace in 2018. The last quality assurance inspection by thePCAOB took place in 2017. The last quality assuranceinspections by certain European regulators (UK FinancialReporting Council and Swiss Federal Audit OversightAuthority) took place in 2016.

We respect and benefit from the inspection process. Wethoroughly evaluate points raised during the inspection inorder to identify areas where we can improve audit quality.Together with our AQR process, external inspections aid usin making our audits and related control processes of thehighest quality in the interests of investors and otherstakeholders.

Compliance with legalrequirementsThe EY Global Code of Conduct provides a clear set ofstandards that guide our actions and business conduct.EY Israel complies with applicable laws and regulations, andEY’s values underpin our commitment to doing the rightthing. This important commitment is supported by anumber of policies and procedures, explained in theparagraphs below:

Anti-briberyThe EY Global Anti-bribery Policy provides EY people withdirection around certain unethical and illegal activities. Itemphasizes the obligation to comply with anti-bribery lawsand provides greater definition of what constitutes bribery.It also identifies reporting responsibilities when bribery isdiscovered. In recognition of the growing global impact ofbribery and corruption, efforts have been increased toembed anti-bribery measures across EY.

Insider tradingThe EY Global Insider Trading Policy reaffirms the obligationof our people not to trade in securities with insiderinformation, provides detail on what constitutes insiderinformation and identifies with whom our people shouldconsult if they have questions regarding theirresponsibilities.

Trade sanctionsIt is important that we are aware of the ever—changingsituation with respect to international trade sanctions. EYmonitors sanctions issued in multiple geographies andprovides guidance to EY people on impacted activities.

Data privacyThe EY Global Personal Data Privacy Policy sets out theprinciples to be applied to the use and protection ofpersonal data, including that relating to current, past andprospective personnel, clients, suppliers, and businessassociates. This policy is consistent with applicable laws andregulations concerning data protection and privacy formaintaining and processing personal data. Furthermore, wehave a policy to address our specific Israel data privacyrequirements and business needs.

Document retentionEY Israel’s record retention policy applies to allengagements and personnel. This policy addressesdocument preservation whenever any person becomesaware of any actual or reasonably anticipated claim,litigation, investigation, subpoena or other governmentproceeding involving us or one of our clients that may relateto our work. It also addresses Israel legal requirementsapplicable to the creation and maintenance of workingpapers relevant to the work performed.

Transparency Report 2018: EY Israel 16

Independence practicesEY Global Independence policies require EY Israel and ourpeople to comply with the independence standardsapplicable to specific engagements, including, for example,the Code of Ethics of the IESBA and Israel independencestandard.

We consider and evaluate independence from severalperspectives, including our financial relationships and thoseof our people; employment relationships; businessrelationships; the permissibility of non-audit services weprovide to audit clients; applicable firm and partner rotationrequirements; fee arrangements; audit committee pre-approval, where applicable; and partner remunerationand compensation.

EY Israel has implemented EY’s global applications, toolsand processes to support us, our professionals and otheremployees in complying with independence policies.

EY Global Independence PolicyThe EY Global Independence Policy contains theindependence requirements for member firms,professionals and other personnel. It is a robust policypredicated on the IESBA Code of Ethics and supplementedby more stringent requirements where prescribed by agiven regulator. The policy also contains guidance to helppeople apply the independence rules. The EY GlobalIndependence Policy is readily accessible and easilysearchable on the EY intranet.

Global Independence System (GIS)The GIS is an intranet—based tool that helps EYprofessionals identify the listed entities from whichindependence is required and the independence restrictionsthat apply. Most often, these are listed audit clients andtheir affiliates, but they can be other types of attest orassurance clients too. The tool includes family—tree datarelating to affiliates of listed audit clients and is updated byclient—serving engagement teams. The entity data includesnotations that indicate the independence rules that apply toeach entity, helping our people determine the type ofservices that can be provided or other interests orrelationships that can be entered into.

Global Monitoring System (GMS)The GMS is another important global tool that assists inidentifying proscribed securities and other impermissiblefinancial interests. Professionals ranked as manager andabove are required to enter details about all securities theyhold, or those held by their immediate family, into the GMS.When a proscribed security is entered or if a security theyhold becomes proscribed, professionals receive a notice,and are required to dispose of the security. Identifiedexceptions are reported through the Global IndependenceIncident Reporting System (GIIRS) for regulatory matters.

GMS also facilitates annual and quarterly confirmation ofcompliance with independence policies, as described below.

Independence complianceEY has established a number of processes and programsaimed at monitoring the compliance with independencerequirements of EY member firms and their people. Theseinclude the following activities, programs and processes.

Independence confirmations

Annually, EY Israel is included in an Area-wide process toconfirm compliance with the EY Global Independence Policyand process requirements, and to report identifiedexceptions, if any.

All EY professionals, and certain others, based on their roleor function, are required to confirm compliance withindependence policies and procedures at least once a year.All partners are required to confirm compliance quarterly.

Independence compliance reviews

EY conducts internal procedures to assess member firmcompliance with independence matters. These reviewsinclude aspects of compliance related to non-audit services,business relationships with the companies we audit andfinancial relationships of member firms.

Transparency Report 2018: EY Israel 17

Personal independence compliance testing

Each year, the EY Global Independence team establishes aprogram for testing compliance with personal independenceconfirmation requirements and with reporting ofinformation into GMS. For the 2017 testing cycle,EY Israel tested more than 20 partners andother personnel.

Non-audit services

We monitor compliance with professional standardsgoverning the provision of non-audit services to auditclients through a variety of mechanisms. These include theuse of tools, such as PACE (see page 11) and ServiceOffering Reference Tool (see below), and training andrequired procedures completed during the performance ofaudits and internal inspection processes.

Global independence learning

EY develops and deploys a variety of independence learningprograms. All professionals and certain other personnelare required to participate in annual independence learningto help maintain our independence from the companieswe audit.

The goal is to help EY people understand theirresponsibility and to enable each of them, and theirmember firms, to be free from interests that might beregarded as incompatible with objectivity, integrity andimpartiality in serving an audit client.

The annual independence learning program coversindependence requirements focusing on recent changes topolicy, as well as recurring themes and topics ofimportance. Timely completion of annual independencelearning is required and is monitored closely.

In addition to the annual learning program, independenceawareness is promoted through a number of events andmaterials, including new-hire programs, milestone programsand core service line curricula.

Service Offering Reference Tool (SORT)

We assess and monitor our portfolio of services on anongoing basis to confirm that they are permitted by law andprofessional standards, and to make sure that we have theright methodologies, procedures and processes in place asnew service offerings are developed. We restrict servicesfrom being provided that could present undueindependence or other risks. SORT provides EY people withinformation about EY service offerings. It includes guidancearound which services can be delivered to audit and non-audit clients, as well as independence and other riskmanagement issues.

Business Relationship Evaluation Tool (BRET)

The BRET process and local tool helps to supportcompliance with independence requirements. Our peopleare required to use BRET in many circumstances to identify,evaluate and obtain advance approval of a potentialbusiness relationship with an audit client.

Audit committees and oversight of independence

We recognize the important role audit committees andsimilar corporate governance bodies undertake in theoversight of auditor independence. Empowered andindependent audit committees perform a vital role on behalfof shareholders in protecting independence and preventingconflicts of interest. We are committed to robust andregular communication with audit committees or thosecharged with governance. Through EY quality reviewprograms, we monitor and test compliance with EYstandards for audit committee communications, as well asthe pre-approval of non-audit services, where applicable.

Transparency Report 2018: EY Israel 18

Continuing education ofaudit professionalsProfessional developmentThe EY career development framework, EYU, provides ourpeople with opportunities for the right experiences, learningand coaching to help them grow and achieve their potential.

The learning component of EYU is based on an extensiveand globally consistent learning curriculum that helps all EYpeople develop the right technical and personal leadershipskills, wherever they are located around the world. The EYaudit core curriculum, The Audit Academy, combinesinteractive classroom-based simulations and “on-demand”e-learning modules with relevant reinforcement andapplication support. This high impact and award-winninglearning is supplemented by learning programs that aredeveloped in response to changes in accounting andreporting standards, independence and professionalstandards, and emerging practice issues.

Where an EYG member firm audits and reviewsInternational Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) financialstatements, relevant team members undertake learning tobecome IFRS-accredited.

EY Israel requires our audit professionals to obtain at least20 hours of continuing professional education each yearand at least 120 hours over a three-year period. Of thesehours, 40% must cover technical subjects related toaccounting and auditing.

In addition to formal learning, professional developmentoccurs through coaching and experiences our professionalsreceive on-the-job. Coaching helps to transform knowledgeand experience into practices.

Experienced professionals are expected to coach anddevelop less-experienced personnel to create a continuallearning environment. We also manage the assignment ofour people to particular engagements in a systematic waythat helps provide them exposure to a range of experiencesas part of their own development.

Knowledge and internal communicationsIn addition to professional development and performancemanagement, we understand the importance of providingclient engagement teams with up-to-date information tohelp them perform their professional responsibilities. EYmakes significant investments in knowledge andcommunication networks to enable the rapid disseminationof information to help people collaborate and share bestpractices. Examples include:

• EY Atlas, which includes local and internationalaccounting and auditing standards, as well asinterpretive guidance; replacement for GlobalAccounting and Auditing Information Tool (GAAIT)since the fiscal year 2017

• Publications such as International GAAP, IFRSdevelopments and illustrative financial statements

• Global Accounting and Auditing News, a weekly updatecovering assurance and independence policies,developments from standard setters and regulators, aswell as internal commentary thereon

• Practice alerts and webcasts covering a range of globaland country-specific matters designed for continuousimprovement in member firms’ Assurance practices

Performance managementLEAD, our new, forward-looking approach to people’scareer, development and performance sees an enhancedfocus on continuous feedback resulting in betterconversations built around 90-day cycles. Feedback isaggregated and used as an input to compensation andreward programs.

LEAD is designed to support the growth and development ofour people at all stages of their career at EY. An individual’spersonal dashboard provides an easy to interpret snap-shotof their performance against the Leadership at EYdimensions, and assess performance against peers.

LEAD retains components that were also included in ourprevious Performance Management and DevelopmentProcess approach. Those were providing our people withclear work expectations and the opportunity to self-assesstheir performance. During the course of the year, everyprofessional, in conjunction with their counselor, identifiesopportunities for further development.

Transparency Report 2018: EY Israel 19

Revenue andremunerationFinancial informationRevenue is presented in accordance with EU Statutory AuditRegulation.

Financial information for the period ended 30 June2018 expressed in millions $

Service Revenue Percent

Statutory audits anddirectly related servicesfor PIEs

3.2 54%

Other statutory auditservices and directlyrelated services for non-PIEs

1 17%

Non-audit servicesprovided to above auditclients

1 18%

Non- statutory auditservices provided to otherEU entities

0.7 11%

Total revenue 5.9 100%

The total audit services fees from EU entities is less than 5%of the total audit services fees of the firm.

Partner remunerationLEAD for partners, principals, executive directors anddirectors (PPEDDs) applies to all partners in EYG memberfirms around the world. LEAD for PPEDDs reinforces theglobal business agenda by continuing to link performance towider goals and values. The process includes goal setting,ongoing feedback, personal development planning andperformance review. Documenting partners’ goals andperformance is the cornerstone of the evaluation process. Apartner’s goals are required to reflect various globalpriorities, one of which is quality.

The lead audit engagement partners of listed companies inEurope are not compensated based on the sale of non-assurance services to their audit clients. This reinforces to

our partners their professional obligation to maintain ourindependence and objectivity.

Specific quality and risk performance measures have beendeveloped to account for:

• Providing technical excellence• Living the EY values as demonstrated by behaviors

and attitude• Demonstrating knowledge of, and leadership in, quality

and risk management• Complying with policies and procedures• Complying with laws, regulations and professional

duties• Contributing to protecting and enhancing the EY brand

We operate under a system that requires quality tobe a significant consideration in a partner’s overallyear-end rating.

To recognize different market values for different skills androles, and to attract and retain high-performing individuals,the following factors are also considered when wedetermine our partners’ total reward:

• Experience• Role and responsibility• Long-term potential

Instances of non-compliance with quality standards result inremedial actions. A pattern of non-compliance orparticularly serious non-compliance may result in actionsthat include separation from EY Israel.

Transparency Report 2018: EY Israel 20

Appendix 1EY Israel PIE audit clients

EY Israel public interest entity audit clients which listed on aregulated market in the EU/EEA (European Economic Area)Member States.

In the financial year ended on 30 June 2018, EY Israelperformed audits of the following public interest entitieswhich listed on a regulated market in the EU/EEA (EuropeanEconomic Area) Member States:

Matomy Media Group Ltd.

Plaza Centers N.V.

Pluristem Therapeutics Inc.

PPHE hotel group limited

SHL Telemedicine Ltd.

Transparency Report 2018: EY Israel 21

Appendix 2As of 30 June 2018, the following EYG member firms are approved to carry out statutory audits in an EU or EEA member state

Member State Statutory auditor or audit firm

Austria Ernst & Young Wirtschaftspruefungsgesellschaft mbH

Belgium Ernst & Young Assurance Services BCVBA

Ernst & Young Bedrijfsrevisoren B.C.V.B.A

Bulgaria Ernst & Young Audit OOD

Croatia Ernst & Young d.o.o.

Cyprus Ernst & Young Cyprus LimitedErnst & YoungErnst & Young CEA (South) Services LtdErnst & Young CEA (South) Holdings Plc

Czech Republic Ernst & Young Audit, s.r.o.

Denmark Ernst & Young Godkendt Revisionspartnerselskab

EY Grønland Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab

Estonia Ernst & Young Baltic ASBaltic Network OU

Finland Ernst & Young Oy

Julkispalvelut EY Oy

France Artois


Barbier Frinault & Associes

Conseil Audit & Synthese

Ernst & Young Atlantique

Ernst & Young Audit

Ernst & Young et Autres

Picarle et Associes

Germany Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

Ernst & Young Heilbronner Treuhand GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

EY Revision und Treuhand GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

Schitag Schwäbische Treuhand GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

Gibraltar EY Limited

Transparency Report 2018: EY Israel 22

Member State Statutory auditor or audit firm

Greece Ernst & Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors Accountants SA

Hungary Ernst & Young Könyvvizsgáló Korlátolt Felelõsségû Társaság

Iceland Ernst & Young ehf

Ireland Ernst & Young Chartered Accountants

Italy EY S.p.A

Latvia Ernst & Young Baltic SIA

Liechtenstein Ernst & Young AG, BaselErnst & Young AG, Vaduz

Lithuania UAB Ernst & Young Baltic

Luxembourg Compagnie de Revision S.A.

Ernst & Young Luxembourg S.A.

Ernst & Young S.A.

Malta Ernst & Young Malta Limited

Netherlands Ernst & Young Accountants LLP

Norway Ernst & Young AS

Poland Ernst & Young Audyt Polska sp. z o.o.

Ernst & Young Audyt Polska Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Finance spółka komandytowa

Ernst & Young Audyt Polska spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Doradztwo Podatkowe spółkakomandytowa

Ernst & Young Audyt Polska spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością sp. k.

Ernst & Young Usługi Finansowe Audyt sp. z o.o.

Portugal Ernst & Young Audit & Associados - SROC, S.A.

Romania Ernst & Young Assurance Services S.r.l.

Ernst & Young Support Services SRL

Slovakia Ernst & Young Slovakia, spol. s r.o.

Slovenia Ernst & Young d.o.o.

Spain ATD Auditores Sector Público, S.L.U

Ernst & Young, S.L.

Sweden Ernst & Young AB

United Kingdom Ernst & Young LLP

Ernst & Young Europe LLP

Total turnover of these EYG member firms resulting from statutory audits of annual and consolidated financial statements wasapproximately Euros 2.6 billion.

EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory

About EYEY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisoryservices. The insights and quality services we deliver help buildtrust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies theworld over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliveron our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play acritical role in building a better working world for our people, forour clients and for our communities.

EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one ormore, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, eachof which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, aUK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services toclients. For more information about our organization, please visitey.com.

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