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Krishna Leela Series - Part 46 - The Deliverance of Muchukunda

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Krishna Leela Series - Part 46 - The Deliverance of Muchukunda
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09:25:02 AM 46 th Discourse The Deliverance of Mucukunda Krishna Leela Series
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46th DiscourseThe Deliverance of Mucukunda

Krishna Leela Series

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Recap Garga muni’s insult by his Brother

in law

Yavana King KAlayavana, powerful

JarAsandha’s 18th


Krishna’s fought with kAlayavana? What happened?.....

NAradha’s suggestion to fight with


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Krishna came out of


Krishna’s beauty, Srivatsa mark, kaustubha jewels etc

4 handed vishnu form KAlayavana-hand to hand fight with krishna

Krishna walking, KAlayavana running behind

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Even Yogis cannot


Yasoda captured krishna, also tied him

Pure devotional service can conquer krishna

KAlayavana-chastising krishna, follows

Mleccha, Yavana sinful

Krishna enters a cave….

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KAlayavana enters the


Saw man sleeping

Strongly Kicked the man

Man woke up, looked around

Burned into ashes in a moment

In angry mood saw kAlayavana

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Maharaj Pariksit – Suka deva goswami

Who was he?

Why he was sleeping?

How he was so powerful?

How he came to the cave?

Suka deva answers ….

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He is from family of IksvAku

Mucukunda – son of great king MAndAta

Very powerful, helped demigods

Commander in chief Kartikeya speaks ..

Mucukunda wife, sons, ministers passed away.

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Karthikeya wants to give benediction Except liberation….why?

Mukunda – One who can give liberation (Mukthi)BG7.22

Mucukunda Very tired. Wants to sleepAnyone disturbs, by a glance to burn him into ashes

Thus KAlayavana burned

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Krishna appeared before Mucukunda. Beauty.. Who are you? Any demigod? Sun, moon, indra..?

Bodily effulgence removed the darkness Krishna’ identity? Etiquette of less important person

Krishna – Impossible to tell his birth, appearance and disappearance & activity.

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Ananthadev – narrates Krishna's activity….. Brahma’s request, Krishna appearedTo annihilate demon and reestablish regions principle. BG: 4.7

Appeared as a son of Vasudev.

Kamsa (kAlanemi) & many other demons killed

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Krishna – to show his causeless mercy, he appeared Mucukunta – Asked for Causeless mercy in previous life – Great DevoteeKrishna’s eternal principle – take shelter at his lotus feet, all desires fulfilled

Krishna’s benediction, mucukunda joyful.

Remembered Garga muni’s prediction



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namnam akari bahudha nija-sarva-shaktistatrarpita niyamitah smarane na kalahetadrishi tava kripa bhagavan mamapidurdaivam idrisham ihajani

nanuragaha O my Lord, Your holy name alone can render all benediction to living beings, and thus You have hundreds and millions of names, like Krsna and Govinda. In these transcendental names You have invested all Your transcendental energies. There are not even hard and fast rules for chanting these names. O my Lord, out of kindness You enable us to easily approach You by Your holy names, but I am so unfortunate that I have no attraction for


Sri Siksastakam


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One day of Brahma (12 hours) = (Satya + Treta + Dvapara + Kali Yuga)x 1000 (BG: 8.17) = 1,728,000 + 1,296,000 + 864,000 + 432,000 Years = 4,320,000 = One Yuga Cycle = Divya Yuga (1 Kalpa) x 1000

One Day of Brahma (1 Kalpa) = 14 manus

1 Manu will live for 72 Yuga Cycles = 4,320,000 x 72 Years

Present Manu Vaivasvata manu (7th manu), Brahma’s Afternoon.

Prediction - 28 Yuga cycle of Vaivasvata Manu Lord Krishna will appear on this planet.

CC (Caitanya to Sanatana Goswami)– Incarnation should be accepted through the vedic evedence

Garga muni’s prediction

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Mucukunda Speaking..

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Mucukunta, puffed up

Wanted to travel all over the world and conquer them.

Wanted to become Master of the world

Forgot the best friend sitting in the heart always.

Kala (Time) very powerful will finish everything

Mucukunda Continues..

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Royal decorated strong Body is finished.

Subordinate kings offer respects

Then instrument in the hand of queens

Snake swallows small rat (Time – Kala sarpa)

Body – Eaten by worms & insects, turned to ash, stool of an animal

Fell down in the feet of women for sense gratification

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Even royal life is full of miseries Material Entanglement

Association of Garga muni

Prayer – Engage me in your devotion service

Association of the pure devotees

Krishna’s causeless mercy – he lost everything

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3 Fold miseries – no satisfaction Do not want material enjoyment

Don’t want to become great brahmana – Merge into the brahma Jyothi

Don’t want to become yogi

Visvamitra MenakaSakunthala

Haridas Thakur

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Mucukunta- take shelter of Krishna’s lotus feet Krishna: pleased – you will always think of me

Next life, nice vaisnava, only krishna’s service

Ksatriyas – Hunting, sinful

A vaisnava – 1st class Brahmana

Highest Welfare activity - Preaching

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Those who are specifically favored by the lord can become absolute krishna conscious and be engaged in the work of preaching the Vaisnava philosophyLord Caitanya Mahaprabhu - Whoever have taken birth in india, should make them perfect and preach the KC all over the world.

What is preaching…?

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