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KS3 REVISION BOOKLET Year 8 Trinity Catholic High …fc.tchs.uk.net/ff/KS3/Revision booklet Year 8...

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Using this booklet to help you revise, will help you go from this….. to this…….. What will I find in this booklet? 1. An introduction to a number of revision techniques 2. A revision tips mind map 3. Subject Specific Revision Activities with Stretch and Challenge Activities KS3 REVISION BOOKLET Year 8 Trinity Catholic High School 2014
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Using this booklet to help you revise, will help you go from this…..

to this……..

What will I find in this booklet? 1. An introduction to a number of revision techniques 2. A revision tips mind map 3. Subject Specific Revision Activities with Stretch and Challenge Activities


Trinity Catholic High School 2014 2012

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An Introduction to Revision Trinity Catholic High School Summer 2014

Features of a Good Revision Plan! No matter what the task, all good revision plans have the following 5 features: 1. List each topic in each subject. 2. Decide upon the area which

requires the most attention. 3. Work out how much time you

have before the tests begin. 4. Match the topics to the time

left. 5. Tick off the completed work. The morning of the test:

Have a good, healthy breakfast.

Stick to your normal routine.

Use positive self-talk.

Imagine positive situations.

Leave the house with plenty of time to spare.

Bring water with you into the test.

Exam Technique:

Read questions carefully.

Have spare pens, pencils and rulers at the ready.

Give yourself time checkpoints.

Underline key words in questions.

In Maths, don’t miss out any steps in your working out!

Move on if you are unsure of a question. You can return to this later and guess at the answer if necessary.

Distribute time on a question in relation to the number of marks that are available.

Go back over your answers and double check them!

Do not leave questions unanswered.

This booklet aims to help you prepare for your forthcoming summer exams. We have high expectations of all students at Trinity and therefore it is most important that you try you hardest to meet or exceed your target level. Before you begin revising, it is important to check your target level for each subject.

WARNING: Should you not meet your target level you will be given a 10 hour revision pack for EACH subject that you underachieve in and this must be completed to a very high standard. In addition, you WILL have to re-sit the test at Saturday school. The Headmaster will be informed of your progress and you may also be targeted for after school classes and Saturday School. If you revise thoroughly, you will avoid having to give up your free time to attend extra classes.

If you use this booklet to help you revise, you WILL reap the rewards when you finally achieve or exceed your target level!

Prizes will be awarded in assemblies to those students who perform exceptionally well in their tests.

“Before everything else, preparation is the key to success”.

Remember to create a revision timetable so that you do not overload, or under load yourself. Revision should be carried out in blocks of 45 minutes. Factor in breaks for snacks, walking the dog, going for a bike ride. A sample timetable is shown below. Make up a similar timetable according to your own school day and stick up on your bedroom wall or in your study area to help you keep on top of homestudy and revision. Good Luck! 5- 5.45pm 15 minute


6-6.45pm Dinner




15 minute



Monday English


TV Maths


ICT H/S Internet Science Revision

Tuesday French


Reading Music


RE H/S TV History Revision

Wednesday English





Maths H/S Reading ICT Revision

Thursday RE Revision

Phone Calls

Drama H/S

Spanish H/S

Phone Calls

Geography Revision

Friday PRE H/S TV Science H/S

English Revision




45 minute


11.30 –


Lunch 2 –


1 hour


3.45 – 4.30pm

Saturday RE






Spanish Revision

Sunday French Revision

Science Revision

ICT Revision

History Revision

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Revision poster

Mind Maps: Mind Maps are excellent memory techniques because, by using a mixture of colour, pictures and imagination with logical and sequential information, they use both sides of your brain. Condense your notes and organise them by theme, main ideas and details. An example is shown below:

Spider Diagrams: Before you begin revising a topic, you might like to test yourself and see what you know first. This will help you to gain an impression of how competent you are in a particular area, to see exactly what you need to revise and how much time you should be spending on it. Once you have divided your revision up into manageable sections and allocated time to each part, devote five minutes at the start of each study session to creating a spider diagram detailing all that you can recall about that area of knowledge. Write the title of the section in the middle of your paper and draw a ring around it. Divide the large section into smaller sub-sections by writing sub-headings around the main word. Use these words as the foundations from which to build your other thoughts around. Recalling certain facts and arguments will lead you to other connected information and ideas. Once you have written all that you can, take a look at your revision guide, class notes or text book and try to establish what has been left out. After refreshing your mind on the information you were already familiar with, your revision session should then be centred on filling the gaps in your knowledge.

Strategies for Revising

For each subject, your teacher has suggested a range of revision strategies, you can find this information within this booklet. Some of these methods are shown below. Find out more about revision strategies on this page and the next! TEST A FRIEND: Test your friends on their revision notes and have them test you on yours! Talking through previous lessons and what you learnt will do you SO much good!

FIRST CLASS: Use the VLE to access loads of revision resources and past test papers that your teachers have created for you!!!!

Imagine YOU‟RE the BOSS! Now you can be the teacher! Imagine you were creating the test paper. Write a list of questions that might come up and try to answer them. Why not create a mark scheme as well – what answer will be awarded FULL marks???

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Hot Potatoes: „Hot Potatoes’ is a software package that allows you to make five different types of interactive exercises to help you to revise. You can make yourself the following, based on areas of subjects that you struggle most with!

Multiple-choice quizzes

Short answer quizzes

Jumbled sentence exercises

Crossword exercises

Fill-in-the-blanks exercises You can access this brilliant software at http://hotpot.uvic.ca/. What have you got to lose? Simply download the software and get cooking up a storm of learning!! Don’t half bake your revision! Cue Cards: Note/cue cards are always really handy for when you're out and about. List definitions and rules you need to know. Or write key words from which you can fill in the gaps to tell the whole story. These are also (very!) handy for learning language vocabulary. You can buy index cards in any good newsagent that will be a convenient size once cut in half, or buy ready made ones. Once filled in, these cards will allow you to reclaim time that would otherwise be wasted - on the bus, in the queue at the supermarket - there's no limit. Don’t forget to place on key word on one side of the cue card and the definition of the word on the other side of the card. Get Mum or Dad or even your Grandma or Grandpa to say the key word and test you on the definition!

Audacity is a FREE piece of software that you have been introduced to in ICT lessons. You can use Audacity to record your revision notes and cut, copy or mix sounds together. Play them back, especially if you are an aural learner, and listen to your words being said back to you. This will help to solidify your revision. Don’t forget that you can record your voice onto iPods and iPhones – when you are on the bus with your headphones in, no one will ever know that you are listening back to your class notes rather than the latest “Will-i-am” track!


Page 1: Art Page 2: Design and Technology Page 3: English Page 4: French Page 5: Geography Page 6: History Page 7: ICT Page 8: Maths Page 9: Music Page 10: P.E. Page 11: R.E. Page 12: Spanish Page 13: Textiles

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Secondary Revision

Ask an Expert

Home Learning

Multiple Intelligences



HOW? Preferred

Learning Styles –

identify it!


READY? Prepare


READY? Prepare


WHEN? Plan it! Make a revision plan

WHERE? Place it!

WHEN? Pace it! – how often, how long for?

Play background music

Draw it! - pictures

Map it! - mind map or

spider diagram

List it in order

Explain it to someone


Reading too long? Sing,

rap rhyme or dance the


Say out aloud or sing it! Stressed?

- Take more breaks

Need reassurance?

- Rely on family, friends & good planning

- not lucky mascots

Try :



Try :


Work out a realistic schedule,

such as …

... every night 6 till 7 o’clock?

... and






… plan schedule around your

favourite TV programmes?

... Saturday mornings instead

of Friday evenings?

… followed by longer session and

longer break

– 40 to 50 minutes,

E.g.: Do a past exam paper …

Work in short bursts

then short break

– 10 to 20 minutes,

E.g.: Learn by heart

- 10 French words, 9 times tables…

Learning lists – make up

your own funny phrases

or acronyms (initials)


– football, walking, running …

- they’re exams – not worth ruining

your health for!




- Get more sleep

- not more coffee

Drink loads of water –

the brain works best

with 6-8 glasses.

Eat brain food – more

complex carbs (potatoes,

rice, cereals) and less of

the simple carbs

(sweets& sugary foods).


See ‘Online

Revision Guides’

You need -

A quiet space,

Your own study area

- separate from your

relaxation area if possible

- and a good sized table

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Year 8

Outline of Assessment given: There will be 2 exam papers which will comprise of an observational drawing timed test and an extended project e.g. My Ideal City.

Topics to be revised: Support your current project

Link to your Gallery/ Museum research

Be thoroughly documented – show off your presentation skills

Be visually exciting

Be well thought out

AO1 Develop Ideas – gather lots of information

AO2 Experiment, Select & Refine (try different materials)

AO3 Record Ideas – what you think & why?

AO4 Present - a personal response –what did you enjoy & why?

Subject Specific Strategies for Revising: Drawing is making a mark. Making marks is what creates an image.

TRY some of these….

Zoom into an area of the still life / object.

Look carefully at the shapes that you see.

Draw lightly, transferring the shapes and structures you are looking at – fill the page.

Start to look for the light and the dark.

Vary the pressure of your pencil to create the tones you see.

Aim for 4 tones – black, dark grey, light grey & white.

Make your drawing look 3D by using directional shading – you are giving it form.

In order to create an image you must believe you can make those marks into a work of Art. Within your


Experiment with a range of materials – e.g. collage, biro, felt tips, colour pencils, different types of paint/ pastels etc.

After experimentation choose the method you like best.

Evaluate all the work you produce – record your thoughts and ideas, comment on how your ideas have developed, what you think has worked well and what you can do to improve it.

Stretch and Challenge – Home Study Activities These are posted on the VLE. Week Beginning: 5th May 2014 Task Outline: What’s On? List 5 Galleries or Museums in London or across the UK that are currently holding exhibitions you would be interested in going to. Success Criteria: Galleries / Museums listed showcase the variety of what’s on.

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Week Beginning: 12th May 2014 Task Outline: Contrast & Compare Contrast & Compare two exhibitions of your choice from the selection you have found interesting on the internet (or in person). Success Criteria: Include images of the work featured in the exhibition. Include the exhibition blurb-what’s it about from the galleries perspective. Express your opinion of the exhibitions – what interests you about them? Why have they caught your eye? ….The I-Factor! Week Beginning: 19th May 2014 Task Outline: The I-Factor Produce a review of a chosen Artist’s / Designer’s work featured in your favourite exhibition. Success Criteria Include images Express your opinions & thoughts about the work consider…..Does it have meaning? Does it tell a story? What’s your reaction to it? Why do you have this opinion? Do the materials encourage a reaction? Present as a newspaper article.

Wider Reading: Books, Articles, Journals Broadsheet Newspaper Art/ Culture Supplements, Local Newspapers, Time Out magazine, Online Reviews, Check out Tate Channel, The Art Library (All Art studios have a satellite library) Art is everywhere and so are articles about it e.g. check out the Henri Matisse Cut-Outs Exhibition 17th April-7th September 2014 online exhibition information from the Tate Gallery.

Useful Websites: Tate Galleries www.tate.org.uk – raw canvas student help National Gallery www.nationalgallery.org.uk Saatchi Gallery www.saatchi-gallery.org.uk British Museum www.britishmuseum.org www.art2day.co.uk investigate the Fine Art Area

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Design & Technology

Year 8 Outline of Assessment given: There will be one exam paper (1 hour) covering Theory and Design skills. Differentiated papers will be issued to students where needed.

Topics to be revised: Stages in the Design Process

Designing Skills

Problem Solving skills

Isometric drawing/sketching skills

Packaging symbols

Visual Analysis of consumer products

Health and Safety in the workshop

Tools and Machinery used in the workshop


CAD Skills (Google SketchUp!)

Subject Specific Strategies for Revising: Use Year 8 Revision PowerPoint Guide to revise (on VLE).

Use Revision sheet to check areas needing revision (Task 1 on VLE).

Prepare mnemonic for the stages of the Design Process (Page 9 of Homestudy Booklet).

Practice Isometric drawing (Task 2 on VLE)

Practice Visual Analysis skills using worksheet (Task 3 on VLE).

Review your own Design Folder & Homestudy Booklet.

Stretch and Challenge – Home Study Activities These are posted on the VLE. Week Beginning: 5th May 2014 Task Outline: Prepare mnemonic of Design Process. Success Criteria: Mnemonic is remembered in starter ‘test’ at the next Design & Technology lesson, recalling which design process relates to which letter. Week Beginning: 12th May 2014 Task Outline: Print off Task 3 (Product Analysis sheet); fill in the boxes and bring to next lesson. Success Criteria: Complete all sections with the name of the feature and a reason explaining why it is there.

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Week Beginning: 19th May 2014 Task Outline: Print off Task 2 (Isometric drawing sheet); complete drawings and bring to next lesson. Success Criteria Accurate 3D drawings using isometric grid

Wider Reading: Books, Articles, Journals Look for technology or design in the news. Collect articles or interesting pictures on products / ideas / projects / buildings and bring them to the next Design & Technology lesson.

Useful Websites: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/design/ http://www.technologystudent.com/ http://www.designandtech.com/ http://www.design-technology.info/

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Year 8

Outline of Assessment given: There will be 3 exam papers: differentiated according to ability. Reading: 1 hour 15 minutes Long writing task: 45 minutes Short writing task: 30 minutes

Topics to be revised: Reading

Audience and purpose (who is the text written for and what is it trying to do)

Style of writing (formal, informal, descriptive etc)

Layout (overall format)

Structure/organisation (the way the text has been put together)

Viewpoint (through whose eyes is the story told and the effect on the reader)

Language (how the writer uses language to create the desired effect on the reader e.g. facts/opinions, imagery, vocabulary, sentences and punctuation).


Writing conventions of writing to explain, comment, inform, and imagine.

Connectives (to link ideas)

Developing powerful sentences


Spelling of common words.

Subject Specific Strategies for Revising: Use non-fiction texts (leaflets, advertisements, articles, news reports) to identify form, purpose


Annotate features of language and layout on a range of non-fiction texts. (keep a private folder at


Write cue cards on:

AFOREST (Anecdotes/alliteration, facts, opinions, rhetorical questions/repetition, exaggeration, statistics, trebles).

PALL: Purpose, audience, language and layout.

Use the sample questions on the VLE to practice planning and writing responses under timed


Create mind maps of features of writing types.

Make a list of synonyms for common words like good, bad, nice etc. Make a list of the words you frequently misspell and learn them..

Stretch and Challenge – Home Study Activities These are posted on the VLE.

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Week Beginning: 5th May 2014 Task Outline: Reading Paper Read the advice on how to answer questions on the reading paper. Read the text on the practice paper and answer the questions. Success Criteria: Understand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from texts and use quotation and reference to text infer and deduce information from a text. Deduce, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from texts understand the writer’s viewpoint. Identify and comment on the structure and organisation of texts, including grammatical and presentational features at text level. Explain and comment on writers’ uses of language, including grammatical and literary features at word and sentence level. Identify and comment on writers’ purposes and viewpoints and the overall effect of the text on the reader. Week Beginning: 12th May 2014 Task Outline: Writing to Inform Read the advice on how to answer questions on the writing paper Write the answer to the long writing question using the planning sheet. Success Criteria: Produce texts which are appropriate to task, reader and purpose. Organise and present whole texts, sequencing and structuring information, ideas and events. Vary sentences for clarity, purpose and effect. Select appropriate and effective vocabulary.

Week Beginning: 19th May 2014 Task Outline: Write to describe. Plan the answer to the short writing question and write your response. Success Criteria Produce a text appropriate to task, reader and purpose. Pay attention to details by: appealing to the senses; use careful vocabulary choices such as strong verbs, adverbs and adjectives. Appeal to the senses. Use simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, personification etc to create imagery Show, don’t tell. Use accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Wider Reading: Books, Articles, Journals Weekly/Daily newspapers, non-fiction magazine/ website articles, advertisements, leaflets.

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Useful Websites: www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/words/writing www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/words/writing (tips for writing) www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks3bitesize/english/writing/index(the writing triplets and sentences/punctuation) www.edufind.com/english/punctuation/index.cfm (punctuation) www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/words/grammar/punctuation/commas/game.shtml (commas) http://englishplus.com/grammar/index.htm (grammar)

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Year 8

Outline of Assessment given: There will be 3 exam papers: Listening – 30 mins; Reading – 30 mins; Writing – 1 hour Differentiated papers and support sheets available

Topics to be revised: Shops & things to buy: Unité 1 (Shops and what they sell,

money and prices) Summary p. 19

Means of transport: Unité 2 (countries in Europe, transport, read and write holiday postcards, describe places, say what you are not going to do, say what you can/can’t do) Summary p 35

Your daily routine, school life & hobbies: Unité 3 (School, school life, comparisons, daily routine, say what you don’t want to do, discuss homework) Summary p.51

Talking about yourself, family and friends: Unité 4 (describing yourself and others, helping at home, say what you have done recently, asking questions, talk about presents and souvenirs, talk about the past and the present) Summary p.67

To talk about food: Unité 5 (Opinions, buying food and drink, describing food and recent meals, ordering a meal) Summary p.83

To talk about travelling: Unité 6 (talk about travel plans, ask for information and tickets, describe a journey, describe a day out, discuss what you did recently) Summary p.99

Parts of the body & Clothes: Unité 7 (describing clothes, parts of the body, how you feel and what hurts) Summary p.115

Key Grammar to revise

Present tense (-er, -re, -ir verbs)

Past tense: Unité 4, 5 & 6 and p.159 10.4

Future tense: Unité 2 and p.28

Subject Specific Strategies for Revising: Colourful and detailed mind maps on each topic including examples in French

Cue cards arranged per topics and the associated vocabulary. Ask someone to test you.

Acronyms to remember lists: Mrs Van Der Tramp to remember past tense verbs that use être Self and peer assessment using a traffic light (green, amber, red) revision lists

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Stretch and Challenge – Home Study Activities There will be 3 activities posted on the VLE in My Classes which you must complete in the 3 weeks leading up to the exam. Once completed, they must be either printed off or sent to your class teacher. Week Beginning: 5th May 2014 Task Outline: Prepare your own dictionary. Choose 70 key words from Units 1 to 7 (10 per topics). Arrange them in topics, order them alphabetically and find the meaning. Success Criteria: A variety of vocabulary must be used. Do not repeat vocabulary that appears in more than one module. To progress further find unknown vocabulary on the topic that you do not already know. Week Beginning: 12th May 2014 Task Outline: Prepare a 20 questions’ quiz on the grammar topics covered this year Success Criteria: Ensure that you use all three tenses and are aware of irregular verb formations. Also try to use different parts of the verb, not just the first person. Week Beginning: 19th May 2014 Task Outline: Prepare a PPT to introduce yourself to a French friend. Include detailed information about yourself and your family, where you live, your school, what you like to do in your spare time, where you went on holiday last year and what are your plans for this year. Success Criteria: You must include all information stated above. You must also ensure that you use all three tenses. Check structure, word order and ensure that you use time markers. When giving opinions you must justify them.

Wider Reading: Books, Articles, Journals Tricolore Total 2 Refer to websites below.

Useful Websites: http://www.linguascope.com http://www.languagesonline.org.uk http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/french/talk http://www.zut.org.uk/index.html

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Year 8

Outline of Assessment given: There will be 1 exam paper: The exam will last 1 hour and you will be examined on the SETTLEMENT unit. There will be a differentiated exam for students who are working at level 4c and below, as well as an extension paper for students with a target of 7b and above.

Topics to be revised: Settlement site

Settlement hierarchy

How to draw a line graph

Changes in settlement size over time

Urban model

Land use zones in urban areas

Urban regeneration in Stratford (Olympics)

Impact of urban regeneration on different groups of people (winners and losers)

Your own opinion about regeneration in Stratford

Subject Specific Strategies for Revising: Mind maps help you to generate ideas and make associations & links.

They can also act as a powerful memory aid because they are visual. Re-read your lesson notes and

make a mind map.

Colour, symbols and pictures can be included on your mind map to make it more memorable.

Make a poster of key words, with illustrations and put it up in your bedroom, your bathroom, the

kitchen, somewhere you will see it every day.

Highlight key words with highlighters to make sure you don’t forget the important information. Make

cue cards of key words.

A good way of remembering important processes, diagrams and terminology is through cue cards. Be

creative. Draw colourful images that help you remember what is on the card!

Decorate your room with Posters!! Make your room a revision centre!

Use a bright array of coloured paper, place post it notes and images all over your wall. This way, whatever you're doing you are constantly looking at your revision notes!

Ask your teacher for a ‘How to…draw a line graph’ worksheet. Practise this skill.

Stretch and Challenge – Home Study Activities These are posted on the VLE. Week Beginning: 5th May 2014 Task Outline: Complete a mind map of the unit. Success Criteria: A detailed mind map including examples from all topics. A mind map illustrating topics discovered from your extra reading from the

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website. Week Beginning: 12th May 2014 Task Outline: Draw and label an urban model. Success Criteria: An annotated, detailed diagram of an urban model. An explanation of the land use pattern on the urban model. Week Beginning: 19th May 2014 Task Outline: Describe the advantages and disadvantages of urban regeneration in Stratford. Success Criteria Using paragraphs make a balanced argument about the urban regeneration in Stratford. Evaluate the urban regeneration of Stratford.

Wider Reading: Books, Articles, Journals Magazine article in the ‘Taking it Further’ file on the VLE.

Useful Websites: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks3bitesize/science/environment_earth_universe/changes_in_environment/revise4.shtml http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/geography/urban_environments/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/videonation/videos/index.shtml http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2006/10/30/2012_lives_feature.shtml

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Year 8

Outline of Assessment given: There will be one exam paper. Students will have 1 hour to complete the exam. Differentiated papers will be issued to students as required. Topics to be revised: Tudors, Stuarts, Civil War

Chronology & Succession – make sure that can order dates chronologically and revise the Tudor and Stuart family trees

Mary Queen of Scots – Who was she? Why was she executed? Did Elizabeth I make the right decision?

The Civil War – What were the causes of the civil war? Who were the Royalists and Parliamentarians? How did the soldiers fight? Weapons? Advantages? Disadvantages?

Using sources – revise how to use source evidence in your answers.

Subject Specific Strategies for Revising: You and a friend could create a word search of all the key words and write the definitions as

clues. Swap word searches and try to find words based on the clues they've given you. The following website will assist you in this task. http://hotpot.uvic.ca/

Create a detailed mind map of an event you want to study. Highlight the most important

points on your completed diagram, then practice explaining the factors highlighted. Draw arrows

to show causes and consequences of the event. Explain why you have placed your arrows in those positions.

Create cue cards with questions on one side and answers on the other. Get someone else to

test you.

Choose a picture source and ask 5 questions about the source. (E.g. who produced this source? What is the purpose of this source? What can I learn from this source?) Answer your own questions using evidence.

Stretch and Challenge – Home Study Activities These will be posted on the VLE. Week Beginning: 5th May 2014 Task Outline: Create 20 cue cards with key words on one side, meanings on the other. Learn all key words and ask someone to test you on the spelling and meaning of 5 words every day. Success Criteria: Select key words from the lists you have been given in lesson and from your classwork.

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Make sure your key words are linked to the topics you need to revise (not just any topic). Spelling matters – so make sure you check carefully with a dictionary or your text. Week Beginning: 12th May 2014 Task Outline: Draw a detailed family tree for the Tudors and the Stuarts Extension: Add a fact about each royal you believe played a key role in England’s history. Success Criteria: Use your class notes, text book and independent research to develop and check your family tree. Make sure that you include facts about every royal that you have studied – keep the key topics (above) in mind to guide you here. Week Beginning: 19th May 2014 Task Outline: Create an A3 mind map with ‘The Civil War’ in the centre. Your branches should be linked to the key topics (above). Make sure you fully understand all aspects of The Civil War (before, during, after). Success Criteria: You will need to use facts and figures and other evidence from the text and your own research. Colours and images are useful as well. For more mind map ideas, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlabrWv25qQ&safe=active and http://thinkbuzan.com/

Wider Reading: Books, Articles, Journals Use the website below to access articles, essays, and source information about the English Civil War. www.englishcivilwar.org

Useful Websites: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/civil_war_revolution/ http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/civil_war_england.htm http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/CivilWar.htm

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Year 8

Outline of Assessment given: Paper 1 – 1 hour long split into 3 sections Section A – multiple choice questions Section B – questions on screens from different applications Section C – short answer questions on each of the topics below and an extended question Paper 2 – a differentiated paper which will be based on Paper 1 but will put more less emphasis on writing and more emphasis on using the visual skills of learners.

Topics to be revised: Airbrushing images

Movie making (EU Citizenship task)

Creating websites

Animation (cross-curricular with English)


Subject Specific Strategies for Revising: Learn the keywords and their definitions by getting a friend to test you

Create a mind map for teach topic

Familiarise yourself with the different softwares used throughout the year and the features they have

Practise creating formulas in Microsoft Excel

Practise creating animations or games in Scratch

Answer the past paper questions that are in First Class

Make revision cards on different coloured card for each topic

Revise with friends from class. Take turns preparing revision lessons for each other.

Stretch and Challenge – Home Study Activities These are posted on the VLE. Week Beginning: 5th May 2014 Task Outline: Good Practice using computers and e-Safety. Success Criteria: All: List precautions that should be taken when using school computers. Most: Describe reasons for taking precautions. Some: Identify ways of ensuring work is kept secure on a school network. Week Beginning: 12th May 2014 Task Outline: Filling in the missing words on a mind map on the different software’s used in Year 8 ICT.

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Success Criteria: All: Identify 2 features of each software used in Year 8. Most: Describe 2 features of each software used in Year 8. Some: List some advantages and limitations of using each software in Year 8.

Week Beginning: 19th May 2014 Task Outline: Creating a small animation in Scratch and then creating a game card which has instructions on it which explains how to recreate your animation. Success Criteria All: Understand the instruction blocks needed to create an animation in Scratch. Most: Be able to describe what the instruction blocks do in a given sequence. Some: Use iteration instruction blocks in an animation and describe their purpose in the animation you have created.

Wider Reading: Books, Articles, Journals Case Studies on a wide range of ICT topics http://www.teach-ict.com/case_studies/news_tasks.htm e-Safety resources for 11-19 year olds http://www.saferinternet.org.uk/advice-and-resources/young-people/11-19s

Useful Websites: http://www.teach-ict.com/ks3home.htm http://www.reviseict.co.uk/ks3/index.shtml http://youtube.com

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Year 8

Outline of Assessment given: There will be 3 exam papers: Paper 1 (Non Calculator) Paper 2 (Calculator) Mental test Sets 1a-1b level 6-8 paper 2a-2c level 5-7 paper 3a-3c level 4-6 paper 4 level 3-5 paper

Topics to be revised: SET 1A – 2B

Rounding to 1, 2 and 3 decimal places. Leading to rounding to significant figures.

BIDMAS and the 4 operations.

Long multiplication and division

Calculating with measurements- Metric and Imperial conversions.

Squares, roots and cubes. Solving/simplifying expressions involving indices.

Measure and draw angles. Finding the unknown angle on a line, at a point and in a triangle/polygon.

Recognise Alternate (Z), Corresponding (F) and Supplementary (C) angles.

Construct triangles with a protractor, compass and a ruler. Know how to bisect an angle.

Calculate and solve problems involving percentage increase/decrease.

Calculate with ratio and proportion.

Add and subtract decimals.

Multiply and divide with decimals

Squares, triangle numbers and patterns, finding the nth term.

Mappings and graphs

Equations of line y=mx+c. Plotting straight line graphs.

Expanding single and double brackets. Recognising basic factorising.


Rounding to 10, 100, 1000 and to 1 decimal place.

BIDMAS and the 4 operations.

Long multiplication and division.

Calculating with measurements -Metric Conversions.

Squares, roots and cubes.

Measure and draw angles. Finding the unknown angle on a line, at a point and in a triangle.

Construct triangles with a protractor, compass and a ruler.

Calculate percentages e.g. 5%, 10%, 25% 50%.

Convert between fractions, decimals and percentages.

Adding/subtraction fractions, including with different dominators.

Calculate with ratio and proportion.

Understand reflections and line symmetry.

Add and subtract decimals.

Multiply and divide with decimals.

Divisibility and multiples.

Find prime factors of numbers.

Solve simple linear equations.

Interpret real life graphs.

Collect data and draw bar charts

Understand and use tally charts.

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Simplifying expressions.

Solving linear equations with unknowns on both sides.

Substituting into formula, including using negative numbers.

Writing formula.

Transformations: Enlargement, Reflection, Translations and Rotation. Including describing transformation.

Convert between fractions, decimals and percentages.

Adding/subtraction fractions, involving different dominators and Mixed numbers.

Multiply and Divide fractions.

Interpret graphs and charts.

Collect and analyse information.

Draw bars charts and pie charts.

Subject Specific Strategies for Revising: Flash/cue cards.

Mymaths and other mathematical websites. (login: tchs Password: ratio)

Mind maps.

Practice exam papers (look on emaths website).

Stretch and Challenge – Homestudy Activities These will be posted on the VLE. Week Beginning: 5th May 2014 Task Outline: Past SATs non calculator paper posted on VLE for students to print off and bring in completed to teacher. Success Criteria: Students should be looking to reach their target grade in the paper and highlight topics for revision. Week Beginning: 12th May 2014 Task Outline: Take two topics from completed SATs paper and complete a revision task on those topics. This may be posted on the VLE discussion boards or handed into staff. Success Criteria: Students should be looking to reach their target grade in the paper and highlight topics for revision. Week Beginning: 19th May 2014 Task Outline: Students complete a presentation on a topic of their choice and post on VLE discussion board. Success Criteria: The poster is very detailed covering all key points to the highest grade/level for the topic. A variety of research has been used. Ideas are organised into meaningful groups and examples are shown to illustrate the key points.

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The poster is innovative, exceptionally well presented with meaningful use of colourful and displays well from a wall. It serves its purpose for revision. Mathematical terminology is used and all spellings are fully correct.

Wider Reading: Books, Articles, Journals

Basic Mathematics: Practical real life examples (Teach yourself series) – Alan Graham KS3 Maths Revision Guide - Levels 5-8 (Revision Guides), Richard Parsons

Useful Websites: www.mymaths.co.uk www.emaths.co.uk www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks3bitesize/maths/

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Year 8

Outline of Assessment given: Your listening exam will take 45mins to complete and will cover all of the Units that you have covered in Year 8 (They are listed below to remind you). Some questions will be multiple choice whilst others require slightly longer answers. You will hear a range of different genres of music in your exam and will be required to identify/describe the music you can hear. In addition, you will also be given a comparison question where you may also be asked for your opinions. There will be a differentiated paper available with a similar selection of questions as listed above.

Topics to be revised: African Music

(African culture, instruments and key rhythmical words)

Caribbean Music (Caribbean culture, artists, genres and musical devices found in Reggae music)

Theme & Variations (How to vary a musical idea – developing use of musical elements, more advanced keyboard skills)

Film Music (How to create music for a certain atmosphere, which scales create which mood?)

Protest Songs (The mining Industry, traditional modern folk/protest songs, applying music and rhythms to lyrics).

Subject Specific Strategies for Revising: Read back through your books and create mind-maps on each topic reminding yourself of what we

have covered.

Go on First Class to find some of the resources we have used in class – and additional resources which you might like to use to test your knowledge.

Revise the notes of the piano/keyboard by locating ‘C’ (which is to the left of the two black keys), and then counting up the alphabet to ‘G’.

Create a poster with images to help you remember some of your keywords e.g. call and response, polyrhythm, unison, improvisation, Master Drummer etc.

Stretch and Challenge – Homestudy Activities These will be posted on the VLE. Week Beginning: 5th May 2014 Task Outline: Create a mind map on the seven elements of music & draw a keyboard identifying all of the different keys (including the black keys) Success Criteria: A creatively presented mind map displaying the seven elements of music and their meanings. Pictures could also be included to aid revision of the definitions. (Tempo, Texture, Timbre, Dynamics, Duration, Pitch, Silence).

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A correctly labelled keyboard diagram including all the white keys and both the sharp and flat name of each black note. Week Beginning: 12th May 2014 Task Outline: Watch a war film and make a list of 5 musical features you can hear that make the music appropriate to the film e.g. a marching snare drum. Success Criteria: List five musical features, and explain why it helps to make the music appropriate to the film. You may wish to consider the instruments used, as well as how the elements of music are used. Week Beginning: 19th May 2014 Task Outline: Create a mind map identifying all of the different ways you can vary a theme. Success Criteria: A colourful and creatively presented mind map displaying at least eight different ways a theme can be varied. Try to provide a definition for each of these techniques. You may wish to illustrate the different ways with pictures / diagrams to help you understand their meaning.

Wider Reading: Books, Articles, Journals To develop your keyboard skills further, take a look at the extra sheet music available in the Stretch and Challenge folder on First Class, or choose a favourite song of yours and try to learn it using a youtube video tutorial.

Useful Websites: www.teachingideas.co.uk/music/namethatnote.htm www.thirteen.org/publicarts/orchestra/orchestra03.swf www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/music/ You Tube – C is to the left of the two black keys & Every Good Boy Deserves Football. http://www.musictechteacher.com/musicquizzes.htm

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Physical Education

Year 8

Outline of Assessment given: END OF UNIT: Year 9 All sports Final Practical Assessment (2x Lessons) Competitive situation

Topics to be revised: Skills: Competes to a representative standard in at least 1 event.

Understands fitness, coaching and training requirements for the event. Knows rules for competition.

Physical Capacity: To cope with the demands of the environment.

Mental Capacity: Determined to succeed, keep going in challenging situations, deal with emotions and good at helping others succeed as well.

Evaluation: Able to plan ways to improve performance. Use correct terminology at all times.

Warming up and cooling down: Able to design and lead warm ups and cool downs suitable for the sport. I can lead skills practices/drills.

Healthy lifestyle: Understand how athletics benefits health & fitness and can share this information with a group of any size and can lead groups to improve their skills/fitness in a lesson.

Subject Specific Strategies for Revising: Practise at various clubs in your local area during the summer term;

Redbridge Sports Club Directory

Produce cue cards to learn the different rules.

Watch you tube clips of sports and critique.

Video your performance or your peers and coach them to improve.

Stretch and Challenge – Homestudy Activities These will be posted on the VLE. Week Beginning: 5th May 2014 Task Outline: Exercise has physical, social and mental benefits. Explain what is meant by each of these terms and describe how exercise gives us these benefits. This must be in detail and handed in NOT EMAILED. Success Criteria: Each benefit will have a clear definition. Using a range of the sports that we have covered this year, you will explain how each gives us all of the 3 benefits, with specific examples. Extension Task: What is osteoporosis and how does PE reduce the risk of getting this condition. Week Beginning: 12th May 2014

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Task Outline: Describe the coaching points for the long jump. Explain what aspects of fitness would be needed to be able to compete at a top level in the long jump Success Criteria: You will include the approach, take off, flight and landing in your coaching points. For fitness you will describe speed, power, flexibility and coordination and explain why a long jumper needs each of these components of fitness. Week Beginning: 19th May 2014 Task Outline: Explain the role of the official in either tennis or rounders. Describe which qualities would an official need to show and explain why they would need each of these qualities. Success Criteria: Each quality has been clearly explained, and examples from the sport have been identified when the official would need to exercise this quality.

Wider Reading: Books, Articles, Journals. All sportsmen/women biographies Newspaper articles Sport reports

Useful Websites: Athletics http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/athletics/ http://www.uka.org.uk/ http://www.getactivelondon.com/ Badminton http://www.badmintonengland.co.uk/homepage.asp http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/other_sports/badminton/4162194.stm Cricket http://www.ecb.co.uk/ecb/ http://news.bbc.co.uk/sportacademy/hi/sa/cricket/default.stm Dance http://www.sadlerswells.com/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/teachers/keystage_3/topics/other_subjects.shtml Football http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/ http://www.thefa.com/ Gymnastics http://www.british-gymnastics.org/site/ http://www.getactivelondon.com/ Hockey http://englandhockey.co.uk/ http://www.getactivelondon.com/ http://news.bbc.co.uk/sportacademy/hi/sa/hockey/default.stm Netball http://www.englandnetball.co.uk/ http://www.getactivelondon.com/

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http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/other_sports/netball/default.stm Rounders http://www.roundersengland.co.uk/rounders/index.cfm/rounders-england/ http://news.bbc.co.uk/sportacademy/hi/sa/special_events/newsid_3028000/3028081.stm Rugby http://www.rfu.com/ http://www.getactivelondon.com/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/rugby-union/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/rugby-league/ Tennis http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/tennis/rules_and_equipment/default.stm http://www.lta.org.uk/

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Religious Education

Year 8 Outline of Assessment given: There will be 1 exam paper. 1 hour long. This will extend to 1 hour 15 minutes for some pupils requiring extra time. Differentiated papers will be issued to pupils where needed.

Topics to be revised: The Exodus: Moses’ early life, the burning bush, the 10 plagues, the

night of the escape, the 10 commandments.

The Passover: How is it celebrated today? Jewish festival of Pesach.

The Last Supper: How is it linked to the Passover? What happened? What did Jesus say and do?

Evaluation techniques: How to give a balanced viewpoint with reasons and examples for both sides and a conclusion.

Utilitarianism: the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Moral situations, what would you do? What would a utilitarian do?

What is Philosophy? What is a philosophical question? How could it be answered?

Subject Specific Strategies for Revising: Attend room 47 on Friday lunchtimes to use additional revision resources / ask a teacher.

Create a key word cloud using wordle.

Create mind map / cue card on each topic listed above.

Create questions for each topic and test your teacher.

Stretch and Challenge – Home study Activities Research Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. Who were they and what have they got to do with utilitarianism? Week Beginning: 5th May 2014 Task Outline: Create a list of key words from your studies since Christmas. Include their definitions and which topic they come under. Success Criteria:

Key word Definition Topic

Present your key word list as above. Include at least 15 words.

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Week Beginning: 12th May 2014 Task Outline: Create 9 exam questions using the following: Describe, Explain, Evaluate to start each question. Base the questions on the topics to be revised. Success Criteria: Set of exam questions created. Read aloud to family/friends to ensure you have created questions rather than statements. Present as a list of questions or as a revision worksheet. Answer the following: Are all topics covered? Do you have to refer to Biblical examples in your responses? Are key words explained? Week Beginning: 19th May 2014 Task Outline: Write bullet point responses to the 9 exam questions created last week. Success Criteria: Present your 9 exam questions with bullet point responses. Each bullet point is to represent a paragraph. Present as a list or as 9 spider charts. Answer the following: Have you explained any key words in the question? Have you referred to examples? Have you given your opinion? Have you given an alternative opinion? This piece of work should be 2-3 pages long. 2-3 questions per page of average type size / handwriting.


Wider Reading: Books, Articles, Journals A range of books available in your R.E. classroom, including G.C.S.E. textbooks on Philosophy. Biblical commentaries online. The Exodus is recorded in the Bible. Chapter: Exodus. The Last Supper – A new approach to Mark’s Gospel. Available in R.E. classrooms.

Useful Websites: www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/introduction www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/the-ten-plagues-of-epypt/4571.html www.bbc.co.uk/religions/religions/judaism/history/moses

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Year 8

Outline of Assessment given: There will be 3 exam papers: Listening – 30 mins, Reading – 30 mins, Writing – 1 hour Differentiated papers and support sheets available

Topics to be revised: “¿Qué hay de interés?” Asking what is of interest in a place.

Unit 4.1

“Tus vacaciones” Talking about where you go and what you do on holiday. Unit 4.2

“¿Dónde fuiste?” Saying where you went, what for and who with. Unit 4.3

”¿Adónde fueron?” Talking about where other people went. Unit 4.4

“¿Lo pasaste bien?” Saying what you did on holiday. Unit 4.5

“Fueron de excursión”. Saying what other people did on holiday. Unit 4.6

“¿Qué hiciste el sábado?” Describing an event in the past. Unit 5.5

Use of Present tense (refer to pages 132 to 134)

Use of the Preterite tense (refer to unit 4&5 and pages 136 – 137- 87

Imperfect tense (refer to page 88 and137)

Use of Future tense (refer to page 134 and page 9)

Adverbs (refer to page 8 and 130)

Talking about frequency (refer to page 34 and 127)

Vocabulary revision: pages22-23-40-41-58-59-76-77- 94 -95-110-111

Subject Specific Strategies for Revising: Make up own “cue cards”, “mind maps” and “notes” use them to record key vocabulary and

grammar points. You may include pictures, use colour pencils and highlighting colours

You may make “Summary tables or grids” to put together verbs conjugation

Work with a partner and organize a “team –teaching” system, to teach each other

To learn vocabulary do it as “read/learn, cover, write and compare.”

Stretch and Challenge – Home Study Activities There will be 3 activities posted on the VLE in My Classes which you must complete in the 3 weeks leading up to the exam. Once completed, they must be either printed off or sent to the “discussion” folder. Week Beginning: 5th May 2014

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Task Outline: Prepare your own dictionary. Choose 50 key words from unit 4. Find the meaning and order them alphabetically. You can also refer to the back of textbook. Success Criteria: A variety of vocabulary must be used. Do not repeat vocabulary that appears in more than one module. To progress further find unknown vocabulary on the topic that you do not already know. Week Beginning: 12th May 2014 Task Outline: Prepare a quiz of 25 questions on grammar. Refer to pages 7, 8, 9, 12, 27, 34, 35, 39, 65, 68, 69, 70, 78, 87, 88 and 129 to 137. Success Criteria: Ensure that you use all three tenses and are aware of irregular verb formations. Also try to use different parts of the verb, not just the first person. Week Beginning: 19th May 2014 Task Outline: Prepare a PPT for a pen friend about your last holidays. Include where you normally go, where you went, who with, when, what you did, what you used to do regularly, what was the weather like, opinions and where you are going next time. Refer to unit 4. Success Criteria: You must include all information stated above. You must also ensure that you use all three tenses. Check structure, word order and ensure that you use time markers. When giving opinions you must justify them.

Wider Reading: Books, Articles, Journals Listos 2. Refer to websites listed below.

Useful Websites: www.asisehace.net/ www.spanishrevision.co.uk/ks3/ www.bbc.co.uk/gcsebitesize/ www.languagesonline/ http://www.sunderlandschools.org

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Year 8

Outline of Assessment given: There will be 1 exam paper (differentiated by ability): 1hr 30 mins You will need: Pen, pencil, colouring pencils, rubber, ruler.

Topics to be revised: Equipment – names and uses.

Reflective fluorescent materials

Fibres – animal and man made

New school bag ‘v’ Old school bag

Construction of a bag

Pattern pieces

Designing new bags

Suitable bag fabrics

Quality Control

Order of Manufacture – Level 8

Subject Specific Strategies for Revising: Colourful, detailed and focused mind maps.

Colourful cue cards – using images and key word testing.

Revision list check – use traffic light system.

Stretch and Challenge – Home Study Activities There will be 3 activities posted on the VLE in My Classes which you must complete in the 3 weeks leading up to the exam. Once completed, they must be printed off and brought to the next lesson. Week Beginning: 5th May 2014 Task Outline: Be prepared to debate the advantages/ disadvantages of the new school bag and your old school bag Success Criteria: Have your points on cue cards so you can refer to them in class. Consider what you would say to conclude your points. Week Beginning: 12th May 2014 Task Outline: Design a power point showing someone how they would make your drawstring bag. Go through each process. Success Criteria: Include key words and their definitions. Ensure each slide has images/ diagrams/ key words to ensure each slide is

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informative and interesting. Week Beginning: 19th May 2014 Task Outline: Come to the lesson with 5 quiz questions that can be asked on any of the topics you have been asked to revise. Success Criteria Trial the quiz questions on your family to evaluate the success of them. Can you think of another quick revision game that the whole class can complete?

Wider Reading: Books, Articles, Journals Students are encouraged to watch The Great British Sewing Bee and can make notes from this. The Telegraph also regularly prints interesting Textiles articles complete with pattern pieces and information about different fibres and fabrics.

Useful Websites: www.educationquizes.com/KS3/D-and-T/textiles-o2/ www.bbc.co.uk/schools/GCSE/bitesize/design/textiles/ www.textile4u.wikispaces.com/
