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KSif Nortec—PcrMM oat (recciTtag- ••for*, favor ay luigtariioticaf MALOSE, THPBSDA^SO^ ^ 18*1, Himct •faraf «£* t 3 ; *i - ARP AVIftn PnWfa^ f a - d a p * . aUmuf, fraud the soldiers out of tbeir wsw*. 16th; n i l Iff. 'W<[ ofCani ProE j »-i ir H' 5 -..^^-' ..- .A*Aj«obttTO>2roF RELIEF, 1 v GpOpef WrfWt TMrd'AYeiiue, }• •>>*?&. meeting;, of delegates from the |dSocieik*o4New York, Connect- i IMatid, atut part* ofc-Jlfassachusetts, -pMfr-JStotfi *irt-.fc*\ held in the ** ""wiBv % <n»" WEbitesDAV, THE 6> hoj tawiiliBfeo SPJeaejpied. unfbi h$3 favorifesJ ! -by meh"appbfnteu^8ni|'&>m- andttt* people will soon inete dut'to 'him that punishment itf fhe>balfot. ^bx : mk \ti$> r i acr-~~"—•*-••-• - *• • -- ~ -**••* JWB r votes but to make' against then? feishts^to^Mritlic ri [dons soldiers for that purposed iBy^&ja^ea^iafS^ fcthcyfobpr^tacpr^ •.to foi st a Pr^ideiit uiwn'tbeconntr/ whft»,tbe ; peopi c wiU rejaet, and by fraud andforgery'to _ . . . ,* # .. ,im puuitary Commission but.thrOu, e^eryofb^a^hcy.and tQ.aHbersonsmtereatea [inffh^wlfam!6fouPsfcfeand9fdnridcdB0ldleiii Me earntMy hope jo have thejleasure of «&•" ins vbn wn ttiis occasion, as" well as tho ; ,niens- FROM PETERSBUaeH. BeoonDoiunotUlbroeofthcBtbelPorittoa" Amtt SOP OOOPrlconenjuid 7 WaconsCap^ 'C£ , WiBDiPAETMEOT. ) WAEHIH«TOir, Oct. 38—9 P. M.-J -v. FallCoi ;cbe^^l^"Srt55I«S^• 'v?!* aeni y 'Vara Bfee- , „, , -. , ^«BmTSnr*lfSoi?" *-Z^i^| w "fe8p£j8< extendedto"^ '^ nfeiilonoroneoirthcPiirtlei. The T»«tlm(M»y Banning a^to^inaiv*. ,0fen|ng»inj^^jhe;IJejpartnSent that an,«4vance' infbrca/or the pumose of BicmAnfemw »•« made % wgybtt ,~.* •» .^- -, ^"s xuiiiytK^'r^S 0 ^*^ 0 your community. TieaS liCu^^'^^^^^righiandS^ ^ u by §o T TS :0K6. t .fS 9 * u ?l^P'WH>*ayB the pleasure ofTecdrlnk _, v . ui »ica i/uopiC. "I'll!© 1 and sympathy ffiese'iaKnliaflsfor -atkal Thd confessions of the'paMics arreted leaves norodm to doubfthe intention of these inJoun- drela'and YUe 'troth of ihe'offs^uiBii*^- •«»"- i madkj If theft sett'li' .less they dj than Union Count?- JS*- 1 *-- liT^ pf aead «*»»»-^Mtflfi.toed, J tbeo^oalmn^ «* ^^fi^J^Sjf ttV eviniujj: tuo vnemy attacked* Hahcbcb Tlg- cfrbnilyjliutwwpwpnlsed; •flPHe'pnrpose being! accompiiihed»tl«:trciopa were withdrawn from J the advanced^posUiona to which, they Jiad been pusl!ea,"to Bearet fo Une Of former occupation. The telegrameaof Gen. Grant give all the de- * *•-. ; CCTrPcannsrOctar.aOML Him. Main M. Stanton, decretory oflVar. I have just returned from the crogaing of the Boydton plank road witli^Hatcher'a Creekir- Onr lino now,extend* from£its former left in Armstrong's Suit-;, thence to the south bank of Hatcher's Creek trt the point above-named. At everypointtheenemy was found entrenched, and bis works manned. NoSttacfe was made during the day further than to drive pickets and cavalry inside the main works. Oarcasd- alties havo beealtebtj probably leas than 200.— The same in probably truejof the enemy. We captured 7 loaded teams on the way from Stony .... _ 1 _„ VJWfcwmaw .Creektoth8caemy,lSbce,fjatUe, a" traveling £ of meeting our fellow-workers— 'orge, and from 75 to 100 prisdnera. ht**xn>ni~3-a -—--* ••••• - - On our right Butler extender ion, on' 17Ui'or_.. nay-'desired informaUottglTenltt d8».at,thelr rooms, in. the Cooper Un- xinesday and Thursday, the- 10th and member. Thebooksnndntnrn.hoQj^j n&tipn;!. m gmtnwm . , «'"a«^«u3ier rous or regimcni^ihut •%] y lyonkiiiatlon^. m mesMtfiedes^Mj^XmU4nf-\ 'Ai8p©4ali%cni, I 8-pjg,Aa|?MB^] , (whnsQfname we ha?e,J 'has been berej&qmJ " ' i V l S a f «Iw » Orangey County for the rolls of the dead and missing of the QaeHupdi*danaTiEenty,<fi>nrtn | and the One IJandrqd and Twenly^eigbtli-Ees- iments.. ^haj.efegicpo^i he want.SriUiisiich a roll,thaij tod.cs!.'crate..thenameaofrtUehonored dead bylplftcing. them*la> forge4|^3trBaf'isIi60k out for thejfraud J j., - -i-. !t . , The ^gdensbnrgh .Jomml says tltat£ TOO 'o/; [Uje bogus spidiers' votes,, Tnanfefactawa^tiBa!- timore and .Wasbingtonj,.Jjay!B. be«n^cM4ntO; c.. r-_i ence CountyjtOvb&tUsedoja^^lecHoh lie same^ay bc 3 truerof;,evejy,.Couaty llate. Keep; a good: loofeout: i&u tlmm. perfectly, safe to rejece<nU votes at- _ T strengthened. Very Kafaeetfuliy yours, , ".' T W cftfiU W; JSSS^EB SCHUYLER, •'• niS^^A LAKE, - K f dmmlttce of Invitation. flie^ilBW SliTB OP SEFADA, ? m m 4 fifeniiff, JVoyecaber 3jl 1864, KVK^L^CL^li^o con-.ribute', ^KfgQipLA^ATIOy. I^AiSea^ The Cbflgijeis of the ITflited State passed ateaOT,-%hfcMvaB 5 approved on the 21ai day of Maroli laat, «ehtitledl u An fact to enaM< the people of>-2£evada to form a constitutio; and State^goyernment,'.' and for tbe admissioi ^ before ^ C a ^ ^ ^ ^ X ^ There is no such offi MB !n.,L.J .... :.*' f Lweopr; Prssident at^WffiSSt «•• i »such offlcerffejie^ryic^ ... A Speedy ^ffriat. ,1' Whence J Baltimfre and i r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ E S ^ the Govemojvwhp T r a i l , W'.i^Sz'S ivmm " i • t •• i * ^ # a j i before the tlig-brjttf/Jimfkhere,'is ^o^k ~'*"|-dfle '.'if we ,afe :tosnc-' y^ojild aevoje. pt, Jeast actiw,;di])sdnt iuid earnest tenfoicc of tour brave, soldiers in the rtght Butler Extended around weD [toward the Yorktown road, without finding a point unguardedf . ^ .., , I BhaUkeep our troops "out where they are mi> til towards noon to-morrow', in hopes of invit ing an attack. U. a GRANT Lieutenant-General. ' Cnttr PontT, Oct. 28,1884. Bon. M. Btdnton, BeinkS^^ War : The attack on Gen. Hancock, now that a re- port has been received, proves to bo a decided success. He repulsed the enemy and remained in hia poaWnn i.~u=— until mil "IB: GIG/»NTIC8CHEHE0FFRAUDDEFEflTE0 * ' Mow of OoT/Sayntonr's'T'riands." , , Special Dispatch to the New York Times. | " ; WASHnfGTpN, Thursday Oct> 27. Astounding discoveries have been made by the Government of intended frauds in regard to soldiers' votes; the grounds of the confidence of leading Democrats of being able to carry New York .are now understood. A systematic and wide-spread 'conspiracy has been brought to light, carried on by agents here and at Baltimore Harper's Ferry and in the Army of the Potomac under the immediate supervision and direction of the leaders of the party in New York, Sev- eral of these agents have been arrested and are now in jail, and others will be arrested as fast as proof can be collected and proper provision can be. jnade for their trial. ~ ^ part ofthe state of New York—I do not know' NEW T o r s , Tliu.•=•!,. ( , ; •_,, ,.,,. from what county. He is not in the service; he Edmrd Danohue Jr AV- /,',,,, g a State Agent Icannot say at what time it j DEAa 8iB:-Incloscd'in ;•, , ,..,j.. , . was firet propost-d to forge the papers, tat it j,, &od ,; fe , ., ' rsa^odTp^trt^Sa^^^^^ >;-' - when L S on yP first proposed ,o forge paper^.- 'Sl*& SMSff^oaiu i 7 ' " '' "' " There was a man nam^d G. SI. Bundy in my of- cs M££a) j VH \ FAR" if r fice. He is now in New York. Also, a man tMS^J (ZnC m i «„ r• named H: Newcomb. I never saw lum until ho m , . tommi,san-G h.r^. •came there. He isa lawyerin Albany. Part of The examination was reSumt-d. the forged papers were made in my office and i Mr. Wood said that two part brought there. Thcr'wpwno"" 11 " 1 t.i«« in a " broug never knew of any correspondence on the sub . containing ilie names of the McClellan t-Wx-u ject with Gen. Farrell, the Commissary of Sub-1 On Thursday, Wood went lo tl.i- IV.. sistence, except the package which you have.— I Marslir I, Col. Wooley, informed him " The package contained a lot of blank envelopes I was b- ing done. The office at No. and powers of attorney, with a letter from Gen. ''- , "' ••••"- Farrell, marked "confidential," which contained a list of names of residents of Columbia Co. Hilt n/if !•>• 1 ftk 11 is sa'd 111'- I{ illischild lii-lmont i3 ."g<.'iil in this ("•U.000 invi-s't I in the St Tiiis f.ict aLc.tunts for the Mr. Be!moat's "cocoa Ut Chairman of ihe Democra of New York, and contri money to carry the State the late election. Gen. j Fajelte street '•f «i *J1A mm 5 u y„,commisf>ion has aireadrbeen or. dered, and wfll meetto-morrowinornifi^in^r timore, underthe Presidencvof & S ^ ^ i S J a1 ' In the trial of two ; of ttoh2$g%gSR^ ..*» uiumti uecnm di- rect and constant communication with leading officials and members of the Democratic State Committee in New York, the testimony in their cases, which I have seen and read, is full, direct and conclusive. Jt will leave not *""» «•«-»••—* . .wuuiu v/ommoia Co. 1 did not let any one know that I destroyed the lorged papers left with me, but told my associates that I sent them to different parts of the State to be mailed. A young man came from Washing- ton on Friday or Saturday last, saying if I litul any spare blanks to send them over to Washing- ton. I am not certain whether lie did or no; say anything about there being some men ov< r there who could attend to these mutters. I do not know how many forged papers were sent off bnt I heard them say they sent them from Washington by the dry goods box-full. I do not reccoilect hearing them talk dispairiugly, but they talked quite jubilantly. 1 sent the forged papers to Gen. Farrell, with the follow- ing Inttni* . was then visited, and Done and Kerry,' with the books, rested. mg letter: MY the slightest uouof mat a gigantic conspiracy; has been at work for monthsln maturing and executing a plan for defrauding the soldiers of their votes m ^ iffi.^ : W * Piston* onnTJeld n ' T O J*en he commenced withdraw- r v^inuuiuii,.' ana tor the admissio:. of such Stafa'into the Union on an equal footing wiflr-tho original Siatea; "Whereatf ThesaidConstitution and State Gov- nmcnthave been formed pursuant to tlie condii dons prescfilied'by the fifth section of the act of'CbngresS ! aforesaid, and the certificate re- quired bytho said act, nhd also, a copy of the Constitution and ordinances have been sub- _ Vwwu 6 »,U11 HJf Ui of tho 3d Corps before the attack was made.-^- Wo lost no prifloners,,exceptthe usual stragglers who are always picked up. Our caj the day on the South side foot up 910. leva tue success of the operations, which was. most decided, was mainly due to the now.,. - * »»- ~ who are always picked up., Our captures for the day on the South side foot Up 910. Gen,'Meade, in his report, says: "I am induc- the United states, In duty imposed upon me accordance .TJ^ith tlie __.„ ^a^u. uoon me by the acfe^f Congress aforesaid, dojhereby declare and jproclaim that the said State of ** " "(fed inln t!.« TT_.' ^ j Nevada te,ad&fiedinto ?7 n fr ' Smd 8tat ^- arre.tpfG 07vSe ^ . ^ „^}MV^fS^Si"' 0 0 ° a % •* and^ashmgtoa.waasnnounoS' i, ^' i * It 5 eS3 F hc { > I haveThereuntfeet m. »«J7 " ¥m? ^ e ^ t 9«aaob^|n( 0 tlio;facsi8. .Lord onnihnncm nr ] „-',.7i.rt\f^ r ?* our 'Pi;«».'_ —''* --rjx-i"", •nMjixM <y.tcr< They were asfguuded at th& evidenced wiU Bav*e^a cause lo complain ofauydela* S the trial, and vtitt/h* „,.-_!; _„ .v-r™ «^«R ^ m^h^hnULmh^^o mqu^and!-yeS,nna milion^ " ^ ' ^ W*>*mW[hmb. ! - m •na-w.oork,?^ ^he[ election ol. jtea-igfiefttsr Tietory tjian thf | t^r'ninst-lclive mo efibrt'M^-iei,, to-secure jsp -uSm^mmmm^S#¥fftPBl d be tnade tojPRp- i^*W$MPMV£%M$c^^n$ but>te ""*-* ^*iea;|g%djt.y^e..; TJle§el lapawdre to«^^s»#aiCoMii^;,ojf^saw BE r . Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty- for;>|I|Q:sar^ a?- ., , four^and bf the independeifce'of the United —«n r -ru- r> <iv•'»»'' States, the eighty-ninth^ .. Judg^Parker. and iis.associates hurried:to ntBytSePtesident A1 ? RA ** M "^COLN. ;«^Slf> and found thettrisal. iRcpr,ogregs,T- > r -yitouAM k SEWARD, Secretary of State. , ' They were furnished jxith.th^evMeflce/o€.|he , —j- -. ^d, auo|on^exa.naiiiing, , the Droof~nwr<«».«i<. . .WAHE?G FOB MOCIBLLAS'S ELEOTIOH.—A c^rjEespond,ent|pf the New York. Ecening Po4> writing from Jlobile Bay, gives the following sketch of a rebel deserter, and says it is a fair t Bpecimen 1 <p£s£enes which frequently occur in thft^quarter: | ,-t ,- . "He did\,,npt .mean to fight 'much more'—- i rather ,tirqd:pfthatT--would like to go to 'New Orleans' nnq stay with his friends there until |,'S6Glellan Is elected President, when 'we* will '3uVT8? *dUT independence* and peace. 'Every- body says so With us in "Alabamy,' and 'all along where Vm hw>>» ~ nT - j ed to^bellevo the ch was. most decided, was mainly persona) operations of Maj.-Gen. Hancock and the conspicuous gallantry of Brig.-Gen. E igan.'l U. 8. GRAFT, Lieut.-Gen. • Heports from Gen. Sherman to 6 o'clock this evening indicate tbat the rebel arm: threatening demonstration but there is noreasonto andJThomas will be found prepared ever movement «iay take place. The reports from Missouri and Arkansas con- cur instating the defeat of Price, with heavy loss. ay is ?g.tin as against Tennessee, j i o reason to doubt that Sherman for what- 0 .—~ ouiuicu vt ineir votes and. for overwhelming the suffrages of citizens at. home by the forged votes of thousands and tens of thousands Of soldiers who have fallen in battle, or died in the hospitals, or who have nev- er existed. In Some cases sealed envelopes con- taining Lincoln ballots have been opened and McCJellnn ballots have been substituted, but the main* reliance of the conspirators has been on the forgery of signatures of pretended soldiers to papers transmitting McClelian and Seymour votes. Men now 'in custody have been actively en- gaged in this business for weeks, and, as one of the parties involved declares, forged ballots of this kind have been forwarded *~ '" *-" o the bead-quarters York and Albany. BALTIMORE, Oct. 22,1864 DEAU SIB:-—If you are energetic, you will be able to get the within votes all arranged for the 8th of November. I should have done more to them, ,but 1 have not time. They are all on the square—the same as the blacks get theirs. Neither would bear close scrutiny- Ed. Donahue said send tliis on to you, and I have done it. Truly, yours, DEMOCRAT. P. 8.—They are all soldiers—companies and regiments all O. K. Of the rest I have nothing to say. If you have no use for them, send them back. M. J. FERRY, No 85 West Fayetie-strect, Baltimore. papers, ie., M- The books, <fec, of Ferry and Dono!it:e u then exhibited to the court, including a nu:n' r of letters, among wliicli was the follow.. „, found in a p.ickage of 55 votes addressed : • Gen. J. A. Farrell, Hudson, N. Y., wiili '. words: "New York S'.ile Age:.ey, 65 W. I'I.. elte-streef, Baltimore, Md.," piinfed on one cor- ner, and the Ietier was marked "Pi-rsonal." It will be perceived thai it is in answer to tiu letter above: SEW YORK STATE AGKNCT, BALTIMOKK ) No. 85 West Fayette street, Oct. as, ix.,1. j" To Gen. J. A. Farrell : MY DEAJK SIB:—I send wiUi fliis note a mi;: - ber of ballots for your county. I have n... . out a number from the list vmi sen: me. I ;i • send a package from Mr. Fern-. State A_ r .;. and yon will And a note from'liim esplaii.i: things. I guess you have enough; feann? th. you have not, I inclose envelopes and p»we: of attorney, sworn to. Youranfill them u-> for Columbia or any other county. You < .1 : fill them up as well in your county as v,v . here. If you want names of-enh-ted pers. •!. , ascertain them from the Supervisor's list of county. In haste, your friend, £.1). fBnrinessJft Purely a vegetable toni remedy of the ageforlo feebleness and prostratior Wahoo and Calisaya Bitte; their action upon the systei jjally the force of cireulatio of the diges^veT organs, ant effects of change of water o ly the use of intoxicating li« will satisfy the most skepti druggists and respectable d J. PiNKEKi " * Svraeuse, E. H. WlLOffit, Ageat, at Malone S^ 5 > o < - i ii 1 IV lou (.an procure large envelopes for atlorne; nanus at Albany. Put in some good nai.. for attomevs au,' Jr. ' \ or attorneys. A. r.,11 -™ , S?,!a!S , ,jls'4Sy < ;r tal •• «11 had cast a -ood vote " Mr. OrviU> K. Wood, of West Chazy, Clinton Co., N. Y., was then sworn on the Government, and lows .- testified part of the in substance as fo!- j EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. Important Order Irom Gen, Dix to Onard Aicatnat Btekal Kmlwariea Totlns ** the Approaehlott Election. -NEW YOBE, Oct. 29. The following order has been Issued by Gen. HEADO.PABTEBS DEP'T OB TSB EAST, NEW YoBfc Crrr, Oct. 28,186i General Onbri, No. 20. Satisfactory information has been received by the Major-Gtffleral'commanding,-that Rebel agchts in Canada design to send into the United States and colonize, at different points, large numbers of refugees, deserters and enemies of . <~ «=u in dry goods box- es-full, to the head-quarters of Ihe conspiracy, in New York and Albany. Judge Holt, the Judge Advocate General, has had the papers laid before him, and has prepared a brief report on the subject. He pronounces the crime thus committed to be one of the most serious charac ler, and it will be dealt with as such by the Gov- ernment. * You must not be surprised if these disclosures and arrests should touch some persons high in official and public authority in New York.— Amon<r other things discovered in this city was Resides at West Chazy, Clinton Co., N. Y.; a merchant; came to Baltimore as the Agent the Union Committee'of his county to assi>t .„ procuring soldiens' votes in this city; visited Ft. McHenry, and there met Capt. McDermot, of the 91st N. Y., and several soldiers from Clinton hev * w £,w w»viacu 111 U11S City the headquarters of a set of gentlemen, busily engaged in filling up commissions of agents, signed in blank by Gov. Seymour, and some of the parties involved themselves hold commiss- ions from him. stopped there two or three days; in conver- sition with Capt. McDermo't, in relation to the voting of soldiers, he remarked that there .had been some "checker playing," and his suspicion* were aroused ; visited Newton University Hos- pital, and from what he heard there suspected that something was wrong; went to the office of the State agency, No. 85 Lafayette street, and there_met Mr. Ferry; asked him how things were getting along, giving him to understand that he (Wood) belonged to the McClelian par- ty ; Ferry desired to know if he had a commis- sion from Gov. Seymour; he told him that he had not, but he represented his county commit- tee. Mr. Ferry desired to see his commission He said he had none; but he had irom O.-i. 14 t:\ : for. . ( the Government, With 0 Tiew to vote at the ,., . -. —---——— •wMrt.nuxi-j una it iSr 7 , w h r en ^ "^tee the Rebel cause has been performed, that they may? be S i z e d ror tne purpose or ehodtimr down ^ErefreimstrtutiohV^ along where PTO been.' We are all *a waiting' for your Yanby elections, and our people says, and the editors ton, that if McClelian is elected we'll be all right for separation and peace,, but Sbnfaifs' t!Wi 4fie^*rrf^ *^y d^fS^y^lf-Lincoln & re-elected then the Oon%ttftitfof?-!«r SiWi9> ^ l o n g e r ;>£;we mean to give in then: We j*iwj*i' t-s'H »TBaKafthss&» llanis .somejimes D t.lJYil^Y' hear watcl __ ^.rwiAbe an' ... b i-Mi^=& =*^^,ti^en. Butireetiori enV or brttwls.'but for : orfeiF",--"f» -r; s-proclamation decHrini m ^ fc b $P [^MmiimMyo^^SP 31001611 there's no:ttse-%ing anytniu zmnU " ^ • Those wife wM'tS aid JefK Davis can do s& into operation on the first day of the-preseht •• •- ' - = - ' ' - ' i " . - . ' •Wi© EiecfioM jpitami. : ;' If ftirther-evidence were wanting to^satisfy anyoneofthe.gnilt.of the^ppperhead politii ciansin the'attempt to defraud the soldiers of their vote's and tor overrule therTerdiceof.th people in the comingelection,.that evidence | sjlpplied by the confession of Ferry, Donah^ and Newcomb. N o amount o f brazen, copper- MWHe^irom,»fcflJohn8:to SConfreal was la tech r j head denial, can Jjlot out this- crldence-, s O r l S ^ , ! ^ «I>*Ubftdecision of Ju^gaMcr tOonr,who;isanEhgIlshman,onaw Coming Presidential election; and it is not uni niroi-.-1 "---- cause has , .,-..„ „_ organized - shobting down peaceable citizens and plundering private property, as in fihelr recent/predatory incursions on the Detroit ititer and St. Aibaus. Against these meditated Outrages on the purity of the, elective franchise, and the nefarious acts of robbery, incendiarism and murder, it ia the determination of the Ma- jpr-General commanding to adopt every proper S recautlon, and to visit upon the perpetrators, ' they should be detected, the most signal and summary punishment. 1 All the classes of persons enumerated, wheth- er citizens 61 the insurgent States who have been, in OieJtebeJif^ieeorengage&in.actaol hpetility to the Government, deserters from the military service of the'United Slates, or men drafted, or iulrf«*'to - draft, whoihavefledto «*a3e theh- duty to their oountry,- arc liable 'to nishment for the crimes they have already mmitted, and no effort will be spared to arr Further Details. BALUJIOKE, Thursday, Oct. 27. Some days since it became apparent that the Copperhead managers in the State of New York had conceived and were executing some system of frauds, by which they expected to carry the State at thePresidential election, by overriding •the will of the legal, voters. Measures were im- mediately takentodiscover the nature and ex- tens of their frauds, and in a short time the au- thorities had in their possession evidence suffi- cient to justify the arrest of two of tbe» Copper- head State Agents, who were carrying on their operations in Baltimore and Washington. Yes- terday, the Secretary of War issued an order di- recting the Military Commission, of which Gen. Doubleday is President, to immediately proceed with the trial of Edward Donahue, Jr„ and M. J; Ferry, who were held as prisoners at Baltimore. The Court met, this morning, at Barnum's HOT leL CoL John A Foster, of the 175th N. Y. V., acting as Judge Advocate. Alexander N. Har- vey, Esq., of Buffalo, was present, to watch the proceedings and to assist in eliciting the charac- ter and ramifications of the alleged frauds. The prisoners being arraigned, th« following charges and specifications were read, to; which they were required, to plead: \ O0A11GE8 AHD SPECIFICATrONS PREFERRED AGAINST EDWARD DONAHUE, JB., AND MOSES J. .EEBUX. and than he .change-thetnature of the crimed Jf v ....--j ,...»,uv JJUIUCU 10icarn. recently.lost his left foptj. ,J^» ^a^peyer^lr 1 I tieof Chapin's Farm, b^ a, ball passing tliijougii^ bis fbpt,. ^hjkjh. .rcfldere^ anjpptatfon„tpcce*-J sajy, , CapPBjfinnaftl^C^ikiga,^ npon Ilia. *)»&$^ar^p^Joined^e^sarflse;^ IT'THIISIVAEBAHS R4iro.-^rThe Montreal cor- rcspofldent of the; St. Albans Meuenger says flthert4wtt of 4 jthejraiders hayo been captured, .ihBrxhait'the police have the assurance that I three more of them are lurking in MontreaL !:<,:One,:of the i-easons for the removal of the Sfc Johns to Montreal wasm »»•»•'- t them. For this purpose all Provost Mar- shals and their deputies within thia Department are commanded to exerdso all possible vigi- lance, and to adopt such, measures as may be neceeeary to detect such persons coming into tl|e United States forthcDurr^tffwtihi ******** N.au^t 0 ^ 4 ^ ®&^ s t Albntreal, by pid defense, wbile ir iS^eralai yrritdfhabta* on'sj-Bench in case nf & appeal, Th<$ eraonjeclianceiD ...... ,_._*.. . W W * vuv cnance insjead «j£] mo? ^AgaW. #-yieldteg ihdse tninoV 'points, -which -the prosecution diave reason 16 believe .do.^ (Kw'^wi their chances of success, in the eypntofanunfavorabloissueof the matter, the re$ponsibOity attaches to the Canadian, rather fthtoetit^own GTovernment.'' - •' ' •'"•-*"• . 'cThe Tpfonto jSlote publishes correspondence from New York* stating that "extensive aecrei: itfrrageniehts are b^rngtnadsi hy s^beliii i New [York totbririitjfeuTa colllsioh betwe vi the mmmStatetfaud Great^Britain, imalthJ{: Canl •d'atheiiroublesomeground.": ; T'.- ? . 1 Bq^es.ot,bIajife^^ comjwi*»Jonafor tUe,Co»fede- x a m a r t o y haVe. l*eep, .seat; tg; Ganadavthe :Md- p^i^colMDOHdebt «»** r -i-w-» ---^--^ ^ id wWGfp® fuflf** 1 ¥**mm United States for the purpose 01 votmg or of committing depredations on- private proper- ty, and to pnnrent their escape, .and it is earn- estly recommended the electors of the, States in this Department to take within their respective election districts such measures as may be re- quired for their own security, and- to aid the military authorilies-in frastrating the designs otltho Rebel ageatt and emissaries, orin bring- ing the perpetrators to punisbm.ent,; Should any of the^malefactoritucwed in perpetrating their crimes, e n d i v e meatures will be taken to prevent their return; to Canada, and for this purpose special directions will be, given and suitableguanjs.-Coiftne'frontierwill be proTid- ed'beforethedayofelecaon, ' A s a further protection, all perBohalrbm the nsurgent States now within the Department'or who may come Within it on., or before the third day of November, are. hereby required to" be registered ba'or tie»rt-tlii¥-'da^r^»iixd"''aii- such persons- aa come within the Department after, tbatday willrepbrtimmediately-on tfieiy arriy-. at f Thaaawho fill to comply mththlareg"'--- meat, w l l l ^ c o M d e ^ « d a s * p m a ^ el&iBj of ihe iraurgent'attthoriUea it Bichindnd, and W l H b e i t r e a t a d a w r d i n g i y . ' ^ '?~ J •'••.'/••if. 3j?he^^ ; B^sie*inriW«,wy;.wiIi^be^at the-he»d ; redjudicial to the welfare „„..v., i/ui. uc iiau a list of the soldiers of his county, which appeared tos-iiisiy Air. Ferry. He told Mr. Ferry that he came to Baltimore to get the vote of the Ninety-first New York. He was informed that it had been. McClelian received 400 votes and Lincoln 11.— He expressed susprise at the small number of votes polled for Lincoln, when Mr. Ferry said that, When Union votes comes into that office, tbej^were all right when they went out that- they were doing more here thought of. ^ ^ h e accused objected that it was he, and Dot Jan. Ferry on trial. The Judge Advocate replied, you and Ferry are jointly tried. Accused—I am here on trial and Mr. Ferry is not, and I submit to the Court that I should not be held responsible for the action of another. The presidentfaid the accused had a right to object _ The Judge Advocate said the acts and admis- sions of one conspirator bound the other, pro- vided it was proof of the conspiracy. The court was cleared. On re-opening, the evidence was pronounced admissible. Witness continued:—Mr. Ferry remarked, "There is a great deal more being done than you think of." He then said lo witness, "Yon have yonr county lists?" I answered that I had a portion ot them. Said he, "That is all we want." Said I, "How ?" He replied, "I have got a nigger here who signs these papers, and you need not go further." I said that was a good point gained, and would save a great deal of trouble. Witness then left, the office, agreeing to call again in the afternoon, cordiagly called. At that of Albanj-, New York. SHERIFF'S Or.-'ii' 1 :. AI.B4.NY M. Donahue, Esq., Baltimore .-, DEAR SIR:—Ymir ieVirrapli of ;ho lfis .also your letters of the lf/tii an,! l!i: in-t. to hand in due course oi it. :'. I an - 1 our tclegx.tpb by sui-l : ng El. .\('.vi--..;i, jou have of course K°I the au-suc-r I. time Hvic d-jyuti like U? I saw -M aad showed him your teli'!»ra;>b. lie •vnnt to spire Barney. It you w [ will send some one. As to s.-n Jes, you bad better send them by Mr. "Wa He always calls at the State A.u'Mey when c 1 :.:-: ing this way. Send them as fast as you e.: " "' first to me. Ali is well here, ar.il u . cve».-. It is uniicc- -n'ire c inf.- _..« ability, -ind hope you wLl like jour help. Please keep me advised. ^- H. CJRANDELL. The following from Donahue to E. Newco:i.!> • r.t mi.re i, !:u.^ .he [ ; et them: are confident oi' comple! cessary lo s:ty that all here deuce 111 y.)ur skiil and Yours, followi was also read MY DEAR ED, A.LBANY, arrived Oct. 17, 18C4. h'Te yestir,..; morning, and to-day I hare called upon Ci.g C.randefl, Watermnil and others. They" well satisfied with our efforts ia the r.i:i<: Jnesuav am to he's. ..« ia the c.ui am to be sent away again on Wed noon. I do not know v.bete 1 I will ask th.tt yi u bt- attitciitd to my jn staff. I have told Cairjrer that you were ;• ai:.n. Remain about Baltimore . ud \V .s.i'. ontiCyoii hear from me or Sh.r.ii Ciai.. t^ee what vou c a f t ^ a n d advise- In h^jc,y#|a'3lend. THE SCJI OF D1SEAS the operation 1 f BrandreUi's Pills is reduced aad their continued a directions which accompany each I tain to cure, in all cases wheie th their reru|.erjtive power. SrNOP?!-* 'V BmscnKTH's Pais C whole curative effect may be plat stomach and bowels are out of ord affected. If auy disease exists ic whether local or general in charact or less affect the gt."&jach and bow J, Pills, by removing impurities from I the.stomacb ami bjwels of matters healthy action restore and keep it governing organs <>f,the economy 0: spectable dealers in medicines. Editor of Paltoilium : DEAR SIR:—With your permissio: readers of your paper that I will se> who wish it (fuee), a Recipe, with foi and usinp a simple Vegetable Balm, move, in ten days, Pimples, Blotche Imparities of the Skin, ieaving the's and beautiful. I will a!so!mail free to those havir Faces, simple directions and inforr f them td start a full prowth of Luxur j a Moustache, in Jess than thirty days [ All applications answered by retur Respectfully, Yours, THOS. F. CH Jly 28—Sm. SSI i A Card-to the Sn Swallow uro or tiu-ee n..gst.eads Bitters," "Sarsaparilla." "Nervous A] and after yo'j ar- satisfied with the r. of OLD DOCTOK BLX'HAN'* KNttLI. and be restored to health and vigor i They are purely veeetable. pleasan salutary in their effects . o the broke constitution. Oi-i and young can tak. Imported ant sold in tlie Tinted star. t JAS. S BCTLER No. 421 Broads XT Agent f. P. S.—A Box of the Pills, securely [ to any addiess on receipt of price, vt post pahi—money refunded by .Le A. tion is not given. D R E S S BIAS*.] Miss JANK (TARtHSEa with Mro. Wm Palmer's are continually receiving tht from new York and are prepared to d the latest styles and best manner, facilities for stamping. Also, the exel fashionable and beautiful method of j for dresses, cloaks, Ac. And ail kinds embroidery, &c, will be executed in tt Malone, April 23, ISM—tf. THE &SEATEXGJL.IS1 SIR JAMES CLAI- Gelebrated Fema PROTECTED BY ROYAL &££§£ Sentence of tine Fori our jvop.e I,. -. DONAULK. rers. Donohue WASHINGTON,'Kirv.z. and Ferry, the agents in Use recejic lection frauds, have been convicted by the military commissioner and sentenced lo lmprL-i- jonment for Hie. The sentences have been :\\, proved by President Lii.col:i, and wilt be im mediately earned into execution. ^* CAar^—Conduct ofiheservfce. Falsely p^rsonatmgrad're^lcreV^"^^^ Ume there falsely and fraudulently I signing and forging names of ofBcers and soldiers in suck service, iSpecification^-ln this, that said Edward Dona- Ime, Jr., and J/L J, Ferry, being ostensibly aut thorized as the agents of the State ofNew York for the purpose of receiving the votes of the soldiers of the United States, electors of the State of New York,, at the general election to be held on the eighth day of November, 1864, did falsely and fraudulently personate the offi- cers-nnd soldiers who have been, or now are, in the military service of the United States, and did falsely and fraudulently sign and forge, and also caused to bo signed and forged to the blanks ismed under and pursuant to Chapter 268 of the laws of the State of New York, passed April 21,1864, entitled "An act to ena- ble qualified electors of the State absent there- from, and In the military service of the United. States, in the army and navy thereof,tovote,"; names purporting to be the names of officers and soldierstothe service "of tho finite a,-.— Ac was a w „*...... u mc i-egister Witness remarked that he did not want his handwriting to appear in any of his county votes. Ferry said, "You can take the clerk's place and copy there, and I will put him on your list.'* Witness accordingly went to work. Witness here pointed out the book and the place where he copied these names. Ferry took bis list and witness went to work with the Sixteenth New York Cavalry; the list" that Witness copied were signed "C, G. Arthur;" Ferry added the words, "Lieutenant Command- ing," witness thinks, and on some of them, | .: .1 - - witness desired fo sen Important to School 2>islrseis. J Trustees of BchooIDistricts in Franklin Cm: ky are notified that they should call upou ;li [Town Clerks of their respective towns for H Isters for their school. After having obtain. ihem I hey should fully acquaint themselves « 1 the instructions oa (becover and carefully si e. it that teachers keep them with exactness a.- tii future appropriation of money to their di< will entirely depend upon their correctness. COMMISSIONERS. * The editor of the Southern Confederacy, a Georgian paper, in writing home to his paper, from Richmond, says: "The pressure brought upon the authorities here, favoring the arming of the blacks, has Been too s-trone to rt-Mct — district '•Captain and A A. G.: .,.roag Hence it is with gratitude that I Jcially that arra"—-•—*~ - made to arm, for the «, WHUC iu ui 111, ior liie £ f e £ * ~ P W »«> Ne"w York 3 ,"to.' Perry 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * h l « m ^ ^ wmm* *^te^ *5N«fadaiaii>gi(»n»] " fc%#H»|E, them thoPttiaid«nt,li»« admitted to! the |fiupn Crci*ber; 18W. . By the act rffertol to, ,„,,,.-.,-- , jI«has.con"&e^ « •^«^o*ii» , a«wf^^*«eclii>n> and. makes 4be. J«th a? . ivrrtj'rL .„.„.„, ^h., i^k .H^nvr-^f* *».% {,;J%gknd^ opoflr *V'?*"; t; '/ti itfj - ^ t l , ^ i 4- \ . Jhere.jri . - f-W3t f A JiQiiwoftb*-143d4 int;rontofRlcam9nd,andi «db«i|ttate»tfe.#^ rtB ** ' • ' • •'"•'•" ^ -^l^T ana soldiers in the service of the United States,, and qualified electors of tjhe^tate of New, Yorit,, anil absent therefrom; said blanks being issued uuder said laws and intended to be used for the! purpose of transmitting the vote of the aoldiers! signing the samo to his proper attorney, to bej usMat the general election- to be held in said. State on the 8rh dar -*«•—• , ,.„„ .v. *.»r.T i inn, out r"ci objected as it was necessary to wait for Dona- hue, who was in Washington, and said he would telegraph him; he (Ferry) then tele- . graphed to Donahue at Washington to come on at once, and he said that when Donohue came he would have these fixed for the witness, and could send tbem on. (If should be explained here that the soldiere' power of attorney contains blanks for the inser- tion of four names; that of the votes himself, the person authorized to receive the ballot, the witness to the affidavit, and the officer before whom it is made. It appears to have been so explained that a different person filled each •^851, Mr. McClelian a-- Tf^TRDSHa popoja'ion m? '•^BtM^^ f Bm^'0'ike iOfliilr- i ^ u n e n i i 'gorj: was »ttticii ; ;bj.# fragment of « ; iheir,- * ^ W stanjdyjHlleri near WlacWer,"VaL^ii the lOtli Continuing his evidence—5fr; Wood said that on Saturday afternoon list he met Donahue and Edward Newcomb, also of Albany at Fer- 0 , »»«. «-wMinRMU^.**&*^ t ;Cdnsiderable conversation ensued apd^eedof 010^*18 and adldiera whosej »»°«t ^ ' e t t e r s lelegrapbmg to Washiiigioa namea putodrted to be signed thereto* and ihl % .Donahue to come to B*it in n - n—-•...- fraud of their rights as jsucli electors; all this! . 0 ».« «« ^HVU ,.ci*=utwj^.;, -au. inis at the cities of Baltimore and Washington' dur- w\ C6m •••^zr-J. '•K fember last. . . ,. < , t ^wiB^reiaeinljere^wi^ firsthattjefor jffiejioBfession or thVYaneWiM the^(j^ ; Be«riB>eniwaaift'th«fitafc 4 iji'e W' i- > 0."' gng«^n^taadiuffWlheavifv> ... . , ,, dttri^g the war, j^lutaWtoareui'lMaeri H0*A;c*O.8*M» < 0f W«t Bangor : H .SECOI^MSPA^OH. After the adjournment of the 1 Milita IrespectaWeofjth4*w0pr«o»eniput on trial to-; ilat> stafedtpffjieJufig*lAdvocato^thedeair-' m i&Wtik&d confession'of ali he knew in con-i hn'ecdon wjtb thoto fraudulentand forged popersJ m&mw&tf vfaa,«ptnplie4 w»tl» k iM»d;hi4 «ohftsr; isloju < waa .^|riuen outw the usual form ; df does-;, f Hdhaaiid'answVJrs., , When' he had concluded the cotu*t reassembletl, and Judge Advocate Fos- termade to the cou?t a statement embodying ytlte facta^cpjjltiseja by f , «r^ihi^Lh>TejhBa; •m$m&K.;<-yn^C> ^i'-U, < f .: "^ ..-,!.-,.jj |cospE8«Har OF Jt*?«R»T, ta« arATB AOKST .- laiiminir. 1'onauue said he was on the eve of starting to City Point, ttMbe had received a pass, A^c.; from the War Departinenfev Thg party then, separated for the nigUt,:alihavtoiagrebdioroeeV^^ to resist.- ..«.. * am able to state officially that arrangements are now beh.^ ,„„A~ . "- -• Spring campaign, thr.-e ;F, whose masters are to compensated by the Confederate Govern- ment. The slaves thus armed are to have 'heir freedom and fifty aerfSiOf .land each, which in- sures them p&rmaq*m«£Smes in the South." JSr*— On tlie 4th of 1 clared it "necessar, ^.^auaan. pupuia-ion s: ficiently numerous, intelligent and "warlike t.. constithte a nation." .. On the 18th of January, 1864, Mr. Pen l!.t-n voted against a resolution" speaking of the Re- bellion, arid declared'that it is the "sacred duty of the"people to meet it, fight it, CRtrsrr it, and forever destroy if Now, both of these men are ruuning <>n the same ticket! Will some one please iril t:~ whether "crush" or "not to crush" i* the mot: > of this Janus-faced team ? UIIOFlSllflKCfS IX F»A1VKL.1N COSL : \'Ti' V--/:C M- Hc^^.in Ms «^y^ Jnc^diaryi- lfo,tiii»uranc«. Oaowgo cstltttat^ ^ '' ***W«* - M O * B * ^ - py. y, aKwrna'—iisw .SL'TiS.Sr*""***' ****** R*hm*Ki CWta., and 'wjtis ; tr'tUfa- ?6ee^'iw : fe: |«wt IT fi»ut the *woy We intended to hara m*d« »«w>«xtraetifr(«iit,but our space will sot ft* W^>Co,*mM or stalA in* Mind «---- -, ,_ _^*. i r ^ m T™**uwvma agivwa with all our IM»>I.I ttoouglif the heart i t the cbargi oa th**nei^f j^.% fl *°WJ- w, ^ c lme made by Gen. Jkitler's fbrota on Uw *** ' * ' ' * . ' - " i'- : " v MM. ottttu waa •iii^iwi , yaa*iin thswirp Vias-^-cWattaf bo* te>(B»----«i>d hid ahowa liimatif a brave aoMier, nerer afcrlnlthig f*w» d*nger,aiid«VTOi««In»tocWbjMlalt. Hi* funeral win tWatteaded by BUtt EaftDidttttamoaOismh tea. 'Idon^^ileM^eainw^rhetttlie first pa §rv^ei^.Wo^,of.Cltattott Cp,,^:¥,.it was Balthnofg yeaM,i&8 ing;andfix-ngpaperaenongh i<okeep;Ferryat work,' In a conversation before'separatjog one I of them sail that Jlilngs wefe gbi4g on all right Igml' tthaj there were abouit-tweiity men in Washington Operating On the wbrk. Donahue said;that they ;wero sendmg.them off in dry goods boxes fall.. Witness met. them again' Sunday mornings- All were present. "Iwew- comb sat at one end of the fable, filing out the descriptive portion of the power of attorney.— Donahue was WriUng the uatoei 'of. the offlcers who purported fb take'the affidavits. * New- comb wrote one name in the blanks and Dona- hue another, generally the lost, TkePri8oheiW-D6 vou swear that I wrote a «o}dief»4!amp-?y r ,/.:,(...:.} ;•>,. c ..,, , -...,'{;--,:-;> ^ Wifneas^-r-do: •••'- -• •:': -•-'•«-•> ^«->^.v^ Pi'ejjar&I from a preftcrtptf-on- &f Si PAt/*i<~um Ejeiraortihi+EFtf to This in valuable medicine Is anfailing those painful and dangerous diseases t constitution is subject. It mcierates a!' ai! obstacle^ and a 6peedy cure may be TO IrlARBSKO LA H U peculiarly suited. It will, io A »hor monthly period with regularity. Karh bottle, price One Dollar, bea' Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent conn C^TTa?I03S Thea£ Villa Khotdil not l>% taken by FIHST THREE MnSTIM of Pregn /•"re to hring on Jfitcari i*ige, bat tit a are f<tfe. In lit cases of Nervous and Spinal Afft Bi.-k and Limbs, Fatigue on alight exei the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, thesi t-ure when alt other means have faile powerful remedy, do not contain iron, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet aroi which should be carefully preserved. .SOLD BY ALL DRUG £ :<le Agent for the Cnited States and Can JOB MOSES, 27 Cortland N. B.—$1.00 and 6 postage stamps end iat-d At?ent, will insure a bottle, containic turn nialL CIUCULA Tt> the Trustees of 'Common Schools in 1 The Undersigned, Commissioners of desire yonr co-operation in the labor of i. lowing Text Books into the Schools of this The Series of National.Readers and S "Watson's). The Series of Geographies by Monte ith Wells & Quackenbos' Gramnter. Davies' Primary, intellectual, and Scho Tlie Readers, Spellers, Oeop-aphies ant named are generally finding their way in will perhaps be better left to their intrinsi meodation than to any thing else—with tion tbat when ioew books are bought i books. In regard to the Arithmetics, the case ! ent. There is now a great variety In the the progress of the papil by embar&ssing labors of the teacher. A uniformity of subject is desirable if it can be attainec expense to Parents and Guardians. Ai presents itself which will enable Schools t change with little cost. An agent of t visit your School at an early day in th set: these Arithmetics to pupils, or es their bands, on the following terms : For Rnh1n*ton & Adams' (\ew)_Even e For Robinson 4 Adams' (.Old)—Half tht Those wlshiog to buy new—Publisher^ In the labor of this exchange, we drsir mdnt anij cooperation. The modern h better method of presenting subjects foun the desirableness of uniformity, and the way of doing the thing, arc the reasons 8. P. BATES, 1st Cist., G. W. LEWIS, 2d Blst., N B.— Merchants and Dealers in th< bO'*be on their sbelves, other than those cular, ire udvise-1 to send them to H. F. ! tijiwhurrfb, who will exchange them for th wiibont los3 or cost to the dealer. In Prankiin, September 2Tth, by the ALFRED H. MABtHALL, of Lewis, Esse NIE P. MERKni; ot Jranktta. A clear case ot.J!&3M<lB_Ji.w, again there otll never beAntiS&xise of compl m. Iu Co-:auM:. Oct. 27th, isei, 5iUC»nE f^ years. ; Forever float that Standard Sheet. thei^ahdwound'i -W^doeway of law 1 VftOt a l l a y offlcft He came and reprea«xt«l llmarif aa ait agent of the Cebi iral Committee of hia county to Took after ita Jof cal.Hcl<ef We talked abounha way in whhjbl vote* could be takes. ^ It was agreed that we should kign the names of ofHoers and soldiers, and then send them home tobareifwlocal tfcjfci pthealBda ',th^,,w|^ ! <isi ^eyblanla W'aathe^fBctttfrwaose^n^^^^ Tmm ^ 0 ^w^>fAtto^biS Ofl&paefc "_' * was «f Dono- S**^^fa^!K4^»iJSf*^**WP«'f' l«l«"ed ,# » Augart DalleaOBt hH#m JQUraMed lhaa-aay other ai)Mi In lnjifrif :wp jbn prfea of gold, He U Ch ilnwMi of lias JbOoaai DemarnnK Oum- tMnnot teU what names waatawd, . The ni< pew at*to the bond!*now ooth*ttl}le^ 1 ffld $ign«T«»y ooawliy of tfwm. tkm^a* age:«/30 in which nXto^htf^L^ identiaed by Mr. Wood as the S &n ^.rsob,i,,S°stttSrJ!S; , S Where Arcatbea tliefoe bnt foils before us; With (freedom's soil beneath o or feet, AudFreedom'sBaanerstreaoiiuK o'er us ^Th^^llowing'meetingitare announced, 5 ind otlieil appotefments will ,1s made as scon as arrangenients.,are i .complefeai All Eveulng; uieetinn, to commenco at 6 o'clock. •• - • H. H. ^-H».s?a«,^^^ •Joiner «C* wWl hit j*«jr.. m saya they an, tmjj, tamiMain fa,^,,^ « *•• lE^^W^w ••a ««t^:'* -assyasaa r ,i Thursday, Npv. 3--jSeman's Hall, „.isiEs,Esq. "'-'.•' .- - ' " BOU.C. IT, HVLBITRD, \VU1 atldress Meetings as fallows: At FORTCOVINOTON", Thursday evctiin-. |fo«Jinber'8* i Eaglenall.:'..- J •-•• ; At i B A N D W GESTSI^ Friday evenings A* NORTH 'BSHQOH, Saturday evening,. November $-rT«wfi#ou$e. - .. , • Hon/WStt-A.WheeJer, will- •"' DICSlNSOJf OEJTTEH; m JJQveiijller 4. JOSEPH Gi Takes pleasure in annoonclag to his o Friends of BA.VGOR, BRANDON and lie has opened .V BLACKSMITH op;K«t|eUie Store of Dickinson t Lawi K4N0 >R, where be ntHbe ready to atten. .te&;re .cork in his line of business, with, j Hie lowest prices. Please call before ol* where.—Bangor, Oct. 81,1663.—K8ml.. NEW HARNESS w Nhes xc ti.form the pablic that Ire has ue%B Shop, where he Is ready to a«e -, Harness "Vy- -Ail ordtrg promptly attended A. W. Ferfjnson's Old Slioj '.' FlanDa£an , i Bote NpiMK tit Kriila'tf. evctiii.j. «WBts-wtt>RSiaa«attaBS^^ «f «w State afeat;' P»»4<lock,«f Maj« Wt wj r.i-etkL t Hon. WIM. A. JTudiro mtiowa: . At CONStAm,E. on Thursdav evening At'^JRK^te 11 -^ mm, #M®m Silver YkvSsd'Wm M&line, Nov,.l,lS5l,, OH iv o-"i\ i. "O. Ike VtUAQlC UBR^RV hwVwn rei 4}«* UIM «ar» tudi>l« to Batloli*'. G* «1BMMM« for Hie (Jettierj of boa***Ti .My?^ i *n «*••»»»...- StDSirkSAl

KSif Nortec—PcrMM oat (recciTtag-

••for*, favor ay luigtariioticaf

MALOSE, THPBSDA^SO^ 18*1, H i m c t •faraf «£*



- A R P AVI ft n

P« PnWfa^ fa-dap*. a U m u f ,

fraud the soldiers out of tbeir


16th; nil Iff. 'W<[ ofCani


j »-iirH' 5 -..^^-' ..-.A*Aj«obttTO>2roF R E L I E F , 1

vGpOpef WrfWt TMrd'AYeiiue, }•

•>>*?&. meeting;, of delegates from the | d S o c i e i k * o 4 N e w York, Connect-i IMatid, atut part* ofc-Jlfassachusetts, -pMfr-JStotfi *irt-.fc*\ held in the * * ""wiBv%<n»" WEbitesDAV, THE 6>

hoj tawiiliBfeo SPJeaejpied.


h$3 favorifesJ!-by meh"appbfnteu^8ni|'&>m-

andttt* people will soon inete dut'to 'him that punishment itf fhe>balfot. ^bx:mk \ti$>ri acr-~~"—•*-••-• - *• • -- ~ -**••*


r votes but to make' against then? feishts^to^Mritlic ri

[ d o n s soldiers for that purposed i B y ^ & j a ^ e a ^ i a f S ^ fcthcyfobpr^tacpr^ •.to foi st a Pr^ideiit uiwn'tbeconntr/ whft»,tbe ;peopi c wiU rejaet, and by fraud andforgery'to _ . . . ,*

# . . ,im puuitary Commission but.thrOu, e ^ e r y o f b ^ a ^ h c y . a n d tQ.aHbersonsmtereatea

[inffh^wlfam!6fouPsfcfeand9fdnridcdB0ldleiii M e earntMy hope j o have thejleasure of «&•" i n s vbn wn ttiis occasion, as" well as tho;,niens-

FROM PETERSBUaeH. BeoonDoiunotUlbroeof thcBtbelPorittoa" Amtt


O O O P r l c o n e n j u i d 7 W a c o n s C a p ^

'C£ , WiBDiPAETMEOT. ) WAEHIH«TOir, Oct. 38—9 P. M.-J

-v. F a l l C o i

;cbe^^l^"Srt55I«S^• 'v?!* • a e n i y 'Vara Bfee-

, „, • , -. , ^«BmTSnr*lfSoi?" *-Z^i^|w"fe8p£j8< extendedto " ^ ' ^

nfeiilonoroneoirthcPiirtlei. The T»«tlm(M»y Banning a ^ t o ^ i n a i v * .

,0fen|ng»inj^^jhe;IJejpartnSent that an,«4vance' infbrca/or the pumose of BicmAnfemw »•« made



,~.* •» .^- • -, — ^"s ~ » x u i i i y t K ^ ' r ^ S 0 ^ * ^ 0 your community. T ieaS l i C u ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r i g h i a n d S ^ ^ u by § o T T S

:0K6. t.fS9*u?l^P'WH>*ayB the pleasure ofTecdrlnk

_ , v . ui »ica i/uopiC. "I'll!© 1

and sympathy ffiese'iaKnliaflsfor


Thd confessions of the'paMics arreted leaves norodm to doubfthe intention o f these inJoun-drela'and YUe 'troth o f ihe'offs^uiBii*^- •«»"-i

madkj If theft sett'li' .less they dj than

U n i o n C o u n t ? - JS*-1*--

liT^ pf aead «*»»»-^Mtflfi.toed, J

t b e o ^ o a l m n ^ « * ^^fi^J^Sjf

ttV eviniujj: tuo vnemy attacked* Hahcbcb Tlg-cfrbnilyjliutwwpwpnlsed; •flPHe'pnrpose being! accompiiihed»tl«:trciopa were withdrawn from J the advanced^posUiona to which, they Jiad been pusl!ea,"to Bearet fo Une Of former occupation. The telegrameaof Gen. Grant give all the de-

* *•-.. ; CCTrPcannsrOctar.aOML Him. Main M. Stanton, decretory oflVar.

I have just returned from the crogaing of the Boydton plank road witli^Hatcher'a Creekir-Onr lino now,extend* from£its former left in Armstrong's Suit-;, thence to the south bank of Hatcher's Creek trt the point above-named. At everypointtheenemy was found entrenched, and bis works manned. NoSttacfe was made during the day further than to drive pickets and cavalry inside the main works. Oarcasd-alties havo beealtebtj probably leas than 200.— The same in probably truejof the enemy. We captured 7 loaded teams on the way from Stony

. . . . _ 1 _„ V J W f c w m a w .Creekto th8caemy, lSbce , f ja tUe , a" traveling £ of meeting our fellow-workers— 'orge, and from 75 to 100 prisdnera. ht**xn>ni~3-a -—--* ••••• - - On our right Butler extender

ion, o n ' 17Ui'or_..

nay-'desired informaUottglTenltt

d8».at,thelr rooms, in. the Cooper Un-xinesday and Thursday, the- 10th and member. Thebooksnndntnrn.hoQj^j



gmtnwm . , «'"a«^«u3ier rous or regimcni^ihut •%]

y l y o n k i i i a t l o n ^ . mmesMtfiedes^Mj^XmU4nf-\ 'Ai8p©4ali%cni, I 8-pjg,Aa|?MB^] , (whnsQfname we ha?e,J 'has been berej&qmJ

" ' i V l S a f «Iw » Orangey County for the rolls of the dead and missing of the QaeHupdi*danaTiEenty,<fi>nrtn

| and the One IJandrqd and Twenly^eigbtli-Ees-iments.. ^haj.efegicpo^i he want.SriUiisiich a roll,thaij tod.cs!.'crate..thenameaofrtUehonored dead bylplftcing. them*la> forge4|^3trBaf'isIi60k out for thejfraud J • j . , - • -i-. !t . , The ^gdensbnrgh .Jomml says tltat£ TOO 'o/;

[Uje bogus spidiers' votes,, Tnanfefactawa^tiBa!-timore and .Wasbingtonj,.Jjay!B. be«n^cM4ntO; c.. r - _ i e n c e CountyjtOvb&tUsedoja^^lecHoh

lie same^ay bc3 truerof;,evejy,.Couaty llate. Keep; a good: loofeout: i&u tlmm.

perfectly, safe to rejece<nU votes at-

_ T strengthened. Very Kafaeetfuliy yours,

, " . ' T W c f t f i U W; J S S S ^ E B SCHUYLER,

•'• n i S ^ ^ A LAKE,

- • K f dmmlttce of Invitation. flie^ilBW S l i T B OP SEFADA,





fifeniiff, JVoyecaber 3jl 1864,

K V K ^ L ^ C L ^ l i ^ o con-.ribute',

^ K f g Q i p L A ^ A T I O y .

I^AiSea^ The Cbflgijeis of the ITflited State passed ateaOT,-%hfcMvaB5approved on the 21ai day of Maroli laat, «ehtitledluAn fact to enaM< the people of >-2£evada to form a constitutio; and State^goyernment,'.' and for tbe admissioi

^ before ^ C a ^ ^ ^ ^ X ^ There is no such offiM B!n.,L.J. . . .„ : .* ' f Lweopr; Prssident at^WffiSSt

«•• i

»such offlcerffejie^ryic^ ...

A Speedy ^ffriat.



J Baltimfre and i r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ E S ^ the Govemojvwhp T r a i l , W ' . i ^ S z ' S


" i • t •• i

* # a j i before the tlig-brjttf/Jimfkhere,'is ^o^k ~'*"|-dfle '.'if we ,afe :tosnc-'

y^ojild aevoje. pt, Jeast actiw,;di])sdnt iuid earnest

tenfoicc of tour brave, soldiers in the

rtght Butler Extended around weD [toward the Yorktown road, without finding a point unguardedf . ^ .., ,

I BhaUkeep our troops "out where they are mi> til towards noon to-morrow', in hopes of invit ing an attack.

U. a GRANT Lieutenant-General. ' Cnttr PontT, Oct. 28,1884.

Bon. J£ M. Btdnton, BeinkS^^ War : The attack on Gen. Hancock, now that a re­

port has been received, proves to bo a decided success. He repulsed the enemy and remained in hia poaWnn i.~u=— until mil "IB:

GIG/»NTIC8CHEHE0FFRAUDDEFEflTE0 * ' M o w of OoT/Sayntonr's'T'riands."

, , Special Dispatch to the N e w York Times.

| " ; WASHnfGTpN, Thursday Oct> 27. Astounding discoveries have been made by

the Government of intended frauds in regard to soldiers' votes; the grounds of the confidence of leading Democrats of being able to carry New York .are now understood. A systematic and wide-spread 'conspiracy has been brought to light, carried on by agents here and at Baltimore Harper's Ferry and in the Army o f the Potomac under the immediate supervision and direction of the leaders of the party in N e w York, Sev­eral of these agents have been arrested and are now in jail, and others will be arrested as fast as proof can be collected and proper provision can be. jnade for their trial. ~ ^

part ofthe state of N e w York—I do not k n o w ' N E W T o r s , Tliu.•=•!,. ( , ; •_,, ,.,,. from what county. He is not in the service; he Edmrd Danohue Jr AV- / , ' , , , , g a State Agent Icannot say at what time it j D E A a 8 i B : - I n c l o s c d ' i n ;•, , , . . , j . . , . was firet propost-d to forge the papers, tat it j , , &od ,; fe , ., '

r s a ^ o d T p ^ t r t ^ S a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ >;- ' -when LSonyPfirst proposed ,o forge paper^.- ' S l * & S M S f f ^ o a i u i 7 '" '' "' " There was a man nam^d G. SI. Bundy in my of- c s M££a) j VH \ FAR" if r fice. He is now in New York. Also, a man t M S ^ J (ZnCmi « „ r• • named H: Newcomb. I never saw lum until ho m , . tommi , san-G h.r^. •came there. H e i s a lawyerin Albany. Part of • T h e examination was reSumt-d. the forged papers were made in my office and i Mr. Wood said that two part brought there. Thcr'wpwno""11"1 t . i « « — in a " broug never knew of any correspondence on the sub . containing ilie names of the McClellan t-Wx-u ject with Gen. Farrell, the Commissary of Sub-1 On Thursday, Wood went lo tl.i- IV. . sistence, except the package which you have.— I Marslir I, Col. Wooley, informed him " The package contained a lot of blank envelopes I was b- ing done. The office at No. and powers of attorney, with a letter from Gen. ''-,"' ••••"- — Farrell, marked "confidential," which contained a list of names of residents of Columbia Co. Hil t n / i f !•>• " « •



11 is sa'd 111'- I{ illischild lii-lmont i3 ."g<.'iil in this ("•U.000 invi-s't I in the St Tiiis f.ict aLc.tunts for the Mr. Be!moat's "cocoa Ut Chairman of ihe Democra of N e w York, and contri money to carry the State the late election.

Gen. j Fajelte street '•f « i

*J1A mm5uy„,commisf>ion has aireadrbeen or. dered, and wfll meetto-morrowinornifi^in^r timore, underthe Presidencvof & S ^ ^ i S J a 1 ' In the trial of two;of ttoh2$g%gSR^

— ..*» uiumti uecnm di­rect and constant communication with leading officials and members of the Democratic State Committee in New York, the testimony in their cases, which I have seen and read, is full, direct and conclusive. Jt will leave not *""» «•«-»••—*

. . w u u i u <« v/ommoia Co. 1 did not let any one know that I destroyed the lorged papers left with me, but told my associates that I sent them to different parts of the State to be mailed. A young man came from Washing­ton on Friday or Saturday last, saying if I litul any spare blanks to send them over to Washing­ton. I am not certain whether lie did or no; say anything about there being some men ov< r there who could attend to these mutters. I do not know how many forged papers were sent off bnt I heard them say they sent them from Washington by the dry goods box-full. I do not reccoilect hearing them talk dispairiugly, but they talked quite jubilantly. 1 sent the forged papers to Gen. Farrell, with the follow­ing Inttni* .

was then visited, and Done and Kerry,' with the books, rested.

m g letter:


the slightest uouof mat a gigantic conspiracy; has been at work for months ln maturing and executing a plan for defrauding the soldiers of their votes

m ^ iffi. : W * P i s t o n * onnTJeld n ' T O J*en he commenced withdraw-

r v^inuuiuii , . ' ana tor the admissio:. of such Stafa'into the Union on an equal footing wiflr-tho original Siatea;

"Whereatf ThesaidConstitution and State Gov-nmcnthave been formed pursuant to tlie condii

dons prescfilied'by the fifth section of the act of'CbngresS! aforesaid, and the certificate re-quired bytho said act, nhd also, a copy of the Constitution and ordinances have been sub-

_ — Vwwu 6 » , U 1 1 HJf Ui of tho 3d Corps before the attack w a s made.-^-Wo lost n o prifloners,,exceptthe usual stragglers who are always picked up. Our caj the day on the South side foot up 910.

leva tue success o f the operations, which was. most decided, was mainly due to the

now.,.- * »»- • ~ —

who are always picked up., Our captures for the day on the South side foot Up 910.

Gen,'Meade, in his report, s a y s : "I am induc-

the United states, In duty imposed upon me accordance .TJ ith tlie __.„ ^a^u. uoon me

by the acfe^f Congress aforesaid, dojhereby declare and jproclaim that the said State of ** " "(fed i n l n t!.« TT_.' ^ j Nevada te,ad&fiedinto ?7n fr '

S m d 8tat^-arre.tpfG0 7 v S e ^ . ^ „ ^ } M V ^ f S ^ S i " ' 0 0 ° a % • *

and^ashmgtoa.waasnnounoS' i, ^' i * I t 5 e S 3 F h c ™ { > I haveThereuntfeet m .

» « J 7 " ¥ m ?^ e^ t9«aaob^|n(0t l io;facsi8. .Lord onnihnncmnr] „-',.7i.rt\f^r ?* our

'Pi;«».'_ —''* --rjx-i"", •nMjixM <y.tcr< They were asfguuded at th& evidenced

wiU Bav*e a cause lo complain ofauydela* S the trial, and vtitt/h* „,.-_!; _„ .v-r™ «^«R ^

m^h^hnULmh^^o mqu^and!-yeS,nna m i l i o n ^ " ^ ' ^ W*>*mW[hmb.

! • - •


•na-w.oork,? he[ election ol. jtea-igfiefttsr Tietory tjian thf

| t^r'ninst-lclive mo efibrt'M^-iei,, to-secure jsp

-uSm^mmmm^S#¥fftPBld be tnade tojPRp-

i^*W$MPMV£%M$c^^n$ but>te ""*-* ^*iea;|g%djt.y^e..; TJle§el l a p a w d r e

to«^^s»#aiCoMii^;,ojf^saw BE

r . Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-for;>|I |Q:sar^ a?- ., , four^and bf the independeifce'of the United

— « n r -ru- r> <iv•'»»'' States, the eighty-ninth^ .. Judg^Parker. and iis.associates hurried:to ntBytSePtes ident A 1 ? R A * * M " ^ C O L N . ; « ^ S l f > and found thettrisal. iRcpr,ogregs,T- > r -yitouAM k SEWARD, Secretary of State. , '

They were furnished jxith.th^evMeflce/o€.|he , — j - -. ^ d , auo|on^exa.naiiiing,,the Droof~nwr<«».«i<. . . W A H E ? G FOB M O C I B L L A S ' S ELEOTIOH.—A

c^rjEespond,ent|pf the N e w York. Ecening Po4> writing from Jlobile Bay, gives the following sketch of a rebel deserter, and says it is a fair

tBpecimen1<p£s£enes which frequently occur in thft^quarter: | ,-t ,-. " H e did\,,npt .mean to fight 'much more'—-

i rather ,tirqd:pfthatT--would like to g o to 'New Orleans' nnq stay with his friends there until

|,'S6Glellan Is elected President, when 'we* will '3uVT8? *dUT independence* and peace. 'Every­body says so With us in "Alabamy,' and 'all along where Vm hw>>» ~nT- j

ed to^bellevo the c h was. most decided, was mainly

persona) operations of Maj.-Gen. Hancock and the conspicuous gallantry o f Brig.-Gen. E igan.'l

U. 8. G R A F T , Lieut.-Gen. • Heports from Gen. Sherman to 6 o'clock this evening indicate tbat the rebel arm: threatening demonstration but there is no reason to andJThomas will be found prepared ever movement «iay take place. •

The reports from Missouri and Arkansas con­cur instat ing the defeat of Price, with heavy loss.

ay is ?g.tin as against Tennessee,

j i o reason to doubt that Sherman for what-

0 .—~ ouiuicu vt ineir votes and. for overwhelming the suffrages o f citizens at. home by the forged votes of thousands and tens of thousands Of soldiers who have fallen in battle, or died in the hospitals, or who have nev­e r existed. In Some cases sealed envelopes con­taining Lincoln ballots have been opened and McCJellnn ballots have been substituted, but the main* reliance of the conspirators has been on the forgery of signatures of pretended soldiers to papers transmitting McClelian and Seymour votes.

Men now 'in custody have been actively en­gaged in this business for weeks, and, as one of the parties involved declares, forged ballots of this kind have been forwarded *~ '" — *-" o the bead-quarters

York and Albany.

BALTIMORE, Oct. 22 ,1864 D E A U SIB:-—If you are energetic, you

will be able to get the within votes all arranged for the 8th of November. I should have done more to them, ,but 1 have not time. They are all on the square—the same as the blacks get theirs. Neither would bear close s c r u t i n y -Ed. Donahue said send tliis on to you, and I have done it. Truly, yours, DEMOCRAT.

P. 8.—They are all soldiers—companies and regiments all O. K. Of the rest I have nothing to say. If you have no use for them, send them back. M. J. FERRY,

N o 85 West Fayetie-strect, Baltimore.

papers, i e . , M-

The books, <fec, of Ferry and Dono!it:e u then exhibited to the court, including a nu:n' r of letters, among wliicli was the follow.. „, found in a p.ickage of 55 votes addressed : • Gen. J. A. Farrell, Hudson, N. Y., wiili '. • words: "New York S'.ile Age:.ey, 65 W. I'I.. elte-streef, Baltimore, Md.," piinfed on one cor­ner, and the Ietier was marked "Pi-rsonal." It will be perceived thai it is in answer to tiu letter above:

S E W YORK STATE AGKNCT, BALTIMOKK ) No. 85 West Fayette street, Oct. as, ix.,1. j"

To Gen. J. A. Farrell :

M Y DEAJK S I B : — I send wiUi fliis note a mi;: -ber of ballots for your county. I have n... . out a number from the list vmi sen: me. I ;i • send a package from Mr. Fern-. State A_r.;. and yon will And a note from'liim esplaii.i: • things. I guess you have enough; feann? th. you have not, I inclose envelopes and p»we: o f attorney, sworn to. You ran fill them u-> for Columbia or any other county. You < .1 : fill them up as well in your county as v,v • . here. If you want names of-enh-ted pers. •!. , ascertain them from the Supervisor's list of county. In haste, your friend, £ . 1 ) .

fBnrinessJft Purely a vegetable toni

remedy of the age for lo. feebleness and prostratior Wahoo and Calisaya Bitte; their action upon the systei jjally the force of cireulatio of the diges^veT organs, ant effects of change of water o ly the use of intoxicating li« will satisfy the most skepti druggists and respectable d

J. PiNKEKi " * Svraeuse,

E. H. WlLOffit, Ageat, at Malone

S^ 5 > o <- i i i 1 IV

l o u (.an procure large envelopes for atlorne; nanus at Albany. Put in some good nai.. for attomevs

au,' Jr. '

\ •

or attorneys. A. r.,11

-™,S?,!a!S,,jls'4Sy<;rtal •• «11 had cast a -ood vote "

Mr. OrviU> K. Wood, of West Chazy, Clinton Co., N. Y., was then sworn on the Government, and lows .-

testified part of the

in substance as fo!- j

EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War.

Important Order Irom Gen, Dix to Onard Aicatnat Btekal Kmlwariea Totlns ** the Approaehlott Election.

- N E W YOBE, Oct. 29. The following order has been Issued by Gen.


General Onbri, No. 20. • Satisfactory information has been received by the Major-Gtffleral'commanding,-that Rebel agchts in Canada design to send into the United States and colonize, at different points, large numbers of refugees, deserters and enemies of

. <~ «=u in dry goods box­es-full, to the head-quarters of Ihe conspiracy, in N e w York and Albany. Judge Holt, the Judge Advocate General, has had the papers laid before him, and has prepared a brief report on the subject. He pronounces the crime thus committed to be one of the most serious charac ler, and it will be dealt with as such by the Gov­ernment. * You must not be surprised if these disclosures and arrests should touch some persons high in official and public authority in New York.— Amon<r other things discovered in this city was

Resides at West Chazy, Clinton Co., N. Y.; a merchant; came to Baltimore as the Agent the Union Committee'of his county to assi>t .„ procuring soldiens' votes in this city; visited Ft. McHenry, and there met Capt. McDermot, of the 91st N . Y., and several soldiers from Clinton

h e v


w £,w w » v i a c u 111 U11S City the headquarters of a set of gentlemen, busily engaged in filling up commissions of agents, signed in blank by Gov. Seymour, and some of the parties involved themselves hold commiss­ions from him.

stopped there two or three days; in conver-sition with Capt. McDermo't, in relation to the voting of soldiers, he remarked that there .had been some "checker playing," and his suspicion* were aroused ; visited Newton University Hos­pital, and from what he heard there suspected that something was wrong; went to the office of the State agency, No. 85 Lafayette street, and there_met Mr. Ferry; asked him how things were getting along, giving him to understand that he (Wood) belonged to the McClelian par­ty ; Ferry desired to know if he had a commis­sion from Gov. Seymour; he told him that he had not, but he represented his county commit­tee. Mr. Ferry desired to see his commission He said he had none; but he had


O.-i. 14

t:\ :

for. . (

the Government, With 0 Tiew to vote at the ,., . -. —---——— •wMrt.nuxi-j una it i S r 7 , w hr e n " ^ t e e t° the Rebel cause has been performed, that they may? be S i z e d ror tne purpose or ehodtimr down


along where PTO been.' We are all *a waiting' for your Yanby elections, and our people says, and the editors ton, that if McClelian is elected we'll be all right for separation and peace,, but

Sbnfaifs' t!Wi 4fie^*rrf * ^ y d^fS^y^lf-Lincoln & re-elected then the Oon%ttftitfof?-!«r SiWi9> ^ l o n g e r ;>£;we mean to give in then: We

j*iwj*i' t-s'H »TBaKafthss&» llanis



t.lJYil^Y' hear watcl

_ _ ^.rwiAbe an'

. . . b i - M i ^ = & = * ^ ^ , t i ^ e n . Butireetiori enV or brttwls.'but for

:orfeiF",--"f» - r ;

s-proclamation decHrini m ^ fcb$P [^MmiimMyo^^SP31001611

there's no:ttse-%ing a n y t n i u z m n U " ^ • Those wife w M ' t S aid JefK Davis can do s&

into operation on the first day of the-preseht

• • • •- • ' • • • - = • • - ' ' - ' • i " . • - . '

•Wi© EiecfioM jpitami. • :;' If ftirther-evidence were wanting to^satisfy

anyoneofthe.gnilt.of the^ppperhead politii ciansin the'attempt to defraud the soldiers of their vote's and tor overrule therTerdiceof.th people in the comingelection,.that evidence | sjlpplied by the confession of Ferry, Donah^

and Newcomb. No amount o f brazen, copper- MWHe^irom,»fcflJohn8:to SConfreal was la techr j head denial, can Jjlot out this- crldence-, s O r l S ^ , ! ^ «I>*Ubftdecision of Ju^gaMcr

• tOonr,who;isanEhgIlshman,onaw

Coming Presidential election; and it is not uni niroi-.-1 " - - - - • cause has

, .,-..„ „_ organized - — shobting down peaceable

citizens and plundering private property, as in fihelr recent/predatory incursions on the Detroit ititer and St. Aibaus. Against these meditated Outrages on the purity of the, elective franchise, and the nefarious acts of robbery, incendiarism and murder, it ia the determination of the Ma-jpr-General commanding to adopt every proper

Srecautlon, and to visit upon the perpetrators, ' they should be detected, the most signal and

summary punishment. 1 All the classes of persons enumerated, wheth­

er citizens 61 the insurgent States who have been, in OieJtebeJif^ieeorengage&in.actaol hpetility to the Government, deserters from the military service of the'United Slates, or men drafted, or iulrf«*'to- draft, whoihavefledto «*a3e theh- duty to their oountry,- arc liable 'to

nishment for the crimes they have already mmitted, and no effort will be spared to arr

Further Details.

B A L U J I O K E , Thursday, Oct. 27. Some days since it became apparent that the

Copperhead managers in the State of N e w York had conceived a n d were executing some system of frauds, by which they expected to carry the State at thePresidential election, by overriding •the will of the legal, voters. Measures were im­mediately taken to discover the nature and ex-tens of their frauds, and in a short time the au­thorities had in their possession evidence suffi­cient to justify the arrest of two of tbe» Copper­head State Agents, who were carrying on their operations in Baltimore and Washington. Yes-terday, the Secretary of War issued an order di­recting the Military Commission, of which Gen. Doubleday is President, to immediately proceed with the trial of Edward Donahue, Jr„ and M. J; Ferry, who were held as prisoners at Baltimore. The Court met, this morning, at Barnum's HOT leL CoL John A Foster, o f the 175th N . Y. V., acting as Judge Advocate. Alexander N. Har­vey, Esq., of Buffalo, was present, to watch the proceedings and to assist in eliciting the charac­ter and ramifications of the alleged frauds. The prisoners being arraigned, th« following charges and specifications were read, to; which they were required, to p lead: \


and than he

.change-thetnature of the crimed


v ....--j ,...»,uv JJUIUCU 10icarn.

recently.lost his left foptj. ,J^» ^a^peyer^lr1

I tieof Chapin's Farm, b^ a, ball passing tliijougii bis fbpt,. ^hjkjh. .rcfldere^ anjpptatfon„tpcce*-J sajy, , CapPBjfinnaftl^C^ikiga,^ npon Ilia.*)»&$^ar^p^Joined^e^sarflse;^

IT'THIISIVAEBAHS R4iro.- rThe Montreal cor-rcspofldent of the; St. Albans Meuenger says flthert4wtt of4 jthejraiders hayo been captured, .ihBrxhait'the police have the assurance that

I three more of them are lurking in MontreaL !:<,:One,:of the i-easons for the removal of the

Sfc Johns to Montreal wasm »»•»•'-

t them. For this purpose all Provost Mar­shals and their deputies within thia Department are commanded to exerdso all possible vigi­lance, and to adopt such, measures as may be neceeeary to detect such persons coming into tl|e United States forthcDurr^tffwtihi

******** N .au^t 0 ^ 4 ^ ®&^

s t Albntreal, by pid defense, wbile ir


yrritdfhabta* on'sj-Bench

in case n f & appeal, Th<$

eraonjeclianceiD . . . . . . ,_ ._*.. . W W * v u v cnance insjead «j£] mo? ^AgaW. # - y i e l d t e g ihdse tninoV 'points, -which -the prosecution diave reason 16 believe . d o . ^ (Kw'^wi their chances of success, in the eypntofanunfavorabloissueof the matter, the re$ponsibOity attaches to the Canadian, rather

fthtoetit^own GTovernment.'' - •' ' •'"•-*"• • . 'cThe Tpfonto jSlote publishes correspondence from N e w York* stating t h a t "extensive aecrei:

itfrrageniehts are b^rngtnadsi h y s^beliii i N e w [York totbr ir i i t j feuTa colllsioh b e t w e v i the mmmStatetfaud Great^Britain, imalthJ{: Canl •d'atheiiroublesomeground.": ; T ' . - ? . 1 Bq^es.ot,bIajife^^ comjwi*»Jonafor tUe,Co»fede-xamartoy haVe. l*eep, .seat; tg; Ganadavthe :Md-p ^ i ^ c o l M D O H d e b t «»**r-i-w-» - - - ^ - - ^ ^

• id

wWGfp® fuflf**1¥**mm

United States for the purpose 01 votmg or of committing depredations on- private proper­ty, and to pnnrent their escape, .and it is earn­estly recommended the electors of the, States in this Department to take within their respective election districts such measures as may be re­quired for their own security, and- to aid the military authorilies-in frastrating the designs otltho Rebel ageatt and emissaries, orin bring­ing the perpetrators to punisbm.ent,; Should any of the^malefactoritucwed in perpetrating their crimes, e n d i v e meatures will be taken to prevent their return; to Canada, and for this purpose special directions will be, given and suitableguanjs.-Coiftne'frontierwill be proTid-ed'beforethedayofelecaon, '

A s a further protection, all perBohalrbm the nsurgent States now within the Department'or who may come Within it on., or before the third day of November, are. hereby required to" be registered ba'or tie»rt-tlii¥-'da^r^»iixd"''aii- such persons- aa come within the Department after, tbatday willrepbrtimmediately-on tfieiy arriy-. a t f Thaaawho fill to comply mththlareg"'-- -meat, w l l l ^ c o M d e ^ « d a s * p m a ^ el&iBj of ihe iraurgent'attthoriUea i t Bichindnd, and WlHbeitreatadawrdingiy . '^ '?~ J •'••.'/••if. •

3j?he^^;B^sie*inriW«,wy;.wiIi^be^at the-he»d ;

redjudicial to the welfare

„„..v., i/ui. uc iiau a list of the soldiers of his county, which appeared tos-iiisiy Air. Ferry. He told Mr. Ferry that he came to Baltimore to get the vote of the Ninety-first New York. He was informed that it had been. McClelian received 400 votes and Lincoln 11.— He expressed susprise at the small number of votes polled for Lincoln, when Mr. Ferry said that, When Union votes comes into that office, tbej^were all right when they went out that- they were doing more here thought of.

^ ^ h e accused objected that it was he, and Dot Jan. Ferry on trial.

The Judge Advocate replied, you and Ferry are jointly tried.

Accused—I am here on trial and Mr. Ferry is not, and I submit to the Court that I should not be held responsible for the action of another.

The presidentfaid the accused had a right to object _ The Judge Advocate said the acts and admis­

sions of one conspirator bound the other, pro­vided it was proof of the conspiracy.

The court was cleared. On re-opening, the evidence was pronounced admissible.

Witness continued:—Mr. Ferry remarked, "There is a great deal more being done than you think of." He then said lo witness, "Yon have yonr county lists?" I answered that I had a portion ot them. Said he, "That is all we want." Said I, "How ?" He replied, "I have got a nigger here who signs these papers, and you need not go further." I said that was a good point gained, and would save a great deal of trouble. Witness then left, the office, agreeing to call again in the afternoon, cordiagly called. At that

of Albanj-, New York. S H E R I F F ' S Or.- ' i i '1 : . A I . B 4 . N Y

M. Donahue, Esq., Baltimore .-, D E A R SIR:—Ymir ieVirrapli of ;ho lfis

.also your letters of the lf/tii an,! l!i: in-t. to hand in due course oi it. :'. I an -1 our tclegx.tpb by sui-l :ng E l . .\('.vi--..;i, j o u have of course K°I the au-suc-r I. time Hvic d-jyuti like U? I saw -M aad showed him your teli'!»ra;>b. l i e •vnnt to spire Barney. It you w [ will send some one. As to s.-n

Jes, you bad better send them by Mr. "Wa He always calls at the State A.u'Mey when c1:.:-: ing this way. Send them as fast as you e.: • " "' first to me. Ali is well here, ar.il u .

cve».-. It is uniicc--n'ire c inf.-

_..« ability, -ind hope you wLl like jour help. Please keep me advised.

^- H. CJRANDELL. The following from Donahue to E. Newco:i.!>

• r.t mi.re i, !:u.^ .he [ ;

et them: are confident oi' comple! cessary lo s:ty that all here deuce 111 y.)ur skiil and

Yours, followi

was also read

M Y D E A R ED, A.LBANY, arrived

Oct. 17, 18C4. h'Te yestir,..;

morning, and to-day I hare called upon Ci.g C.randefl, Watermnil and others. They" well satisfied with our efforts ia the r.i:i<: •

Jnesuav am to he's.

..« ia the c.ui am to be sent away again on Wed noon. I do not know v.bete 1 I will ask th.tt yi u bt- attitciitd to my jn staff. I have told Cairjrer that you were ;• ai:.n. Remain about Baltimore . ud \V .s.i'. ontiCyoii hear from me or Sh.r.ii Ciai.. t^ee what vou c a f t ^ a n d advise-

In h^jc,y#|a'3lend.

T H E SCJI OF D1SEAS the operation 1 f BrandreUi's Pills, is reduced aad their continued a directions which accompany each I tain to cure, in all cases wheie th their reru|.erjtive power.

SrNOP?!-* 'V BmscnKTH's P a i s C whole curative effect may be plat stomach and bowels are out of ord affected. If auy disease exists ic whether local or general in charact or less affect the gt."&jach and bow

J, Pills, by removing impurities from I the.stomacb ami bjwels of matters healthy action restore and keep it governing organs <>f,the economy 0: spectable dealers in medicines.

Editor of Paltoilium : DEAR SIR:—With your permissio:

readers of your paper that I will se> who wish it (fuee), a Recipe, with foi and usinp a simple Vegetable Balm, move, in ten days, Pimples, Blotche Imparities of the Skin, ieaving the's and beautiful.

I will a!so!mail free to those havir Faces, simple directions and inforr

f them td start a full prowth of Luxur j a Moustache, in Jess than thirty days [ All appl icat ions answered by re tur

Respectfully, Yours, THOS. F. CH.'

J l y 28—Sm. SSI i

A Card-to the Sn Swallow uro or tiu-ee n..gst.eads

Bitters," "Sarsaparilla." "Nervous A] and after yo'j ar- satisfied with the r. of OLD DOCTOK BLX'HAN'* KNttLI. and be restored to health and vigor i They are purely veeetable. pleasan salutary in their effects . o the broke constitution. Oi-i and young can tak. Imported ant sold in tlie Tinted star.

t JAS. S BCTLER No. 421 Broads

XT Agent f. P. S.—A Box of the Pills, securely [

to any addiess on receipt of price, vt post pahi—money refunded by .Le A. tion is not given.

D R E S S BIAS*.] Miss JANK (TARtHSEa with Mro. Wm-

Palmer's are continually receiving tht from new York and are prepared to d the latest styles and best manner, facilities for stamping. Also, the exel fashionable and beautiful method of j for dresses, cloaks, Ac. And ail kinds embroidery, &c, will be executed in tt

Malone, April 23, ISM—tf.


Gelebrated Fema PROTECTED

BY ROYAL &££§£

Sentence o f tine Fori

o u r j v o p . e I,. -. DONAULK.


• Donohue WASHINGTON, 'Kirv. z. and Ferry, the agents in Use recejic

lection frauds, have been convicted by the military commissioner and sentenced lo lmprL-i-jonment for Hie. The sentences have been :\\, proved by President Lii.col:i, and wilt be im mediately earned into execution. *

CAar^—Conduct ofiheservfce. Falsely p ^ r s o n a t m g r a d ' r e ^ l c r e V ^ " ^ ^ ^ U m e t h e r e

falsely and fraudulently I signing and forging names of ofBcers and soldiers in suck service,

iSpecification^-ln this, that said Edward Dona-Ime, Jr., and J/L J, Ferry, being ostensibly aut thorized as the agents of the State of New York for the purpose of receiving the votes of the soldiers of the United States, electors of the State of New York,, at the general election to be held on the eighth day of November, 1864, did falsely and fraudulently personate the offi-cers-nnd soldiers who have been, or now are, in the military service of the United States, and did falsely and fraudulently sign and forge, and also caused to bo signed and forged to the blanks ismed under and pursuant to Chapter 268 of the laws of the State of New York, passed April 21,1864, entitled "An act to ena­ble qualified electors of the State absent there­from, and In the military service of the United. States, in the army and navy thereof, to vote,"; names purporting to be the names of officers and soldiers to the service "of tho f inite a,-.—

Ac was a

w „*......u mc i-egister Witness remarked that he did not want

his handwriting to appear in any of his county votes. Ferry said, "You can take the clerk's place and copy there, and I will put him on your list.'* Witness accordingly went to work. Witness here pointed out the book and the place where he copied these names. Ferry took bis list and witness went to work with the Sixteenth New York Cavalry; the list" that Witness copied were signed "C, G. Arthur;" Ferry added the words, "Lieutenant Command­ing," witness thinks, and on some of them, |

.: .1 - - witness desired fo sen

I m p o r t a n t t o S c h o o l 2>islrseis.

J Trustees of BchooIDistricts in Franklin Cm: ky are notified that they should call upou ;li [Town Clerks of their respective towns for H Isters for their school. After having obtain. ihem I hey should fully acquaint themselves « 1 the instructions oa (becover and carefully si e. it that teachers keep them with exactness a.- tii future appropriation of money to their di< will entirely depend upon their correctness.


The editor of the Southern Confederacy, a Georgian paper, in writing home to his paper, from Richmond, says: "The pressure brought upon the authorities here, favoring the arming of the blacks, has Been too s-trone to rt-Mct —


'•Captain and A A. G.:

.,.roag Hence it is with gratitude that I

Jcially that arra"—-•—*~ -made to arm, for the «, W H U C iu ui 111, i o r l i ie

£ f e £ * ~ P W »«> Ne"w Y o r k 3 , " t o . ' P e r r y 1 ^ — ^ ^ ^ ^ * h l « m ^ ^

wmm* * ^ t e ^

*5N«fadaiaii>gi(»n»] " fc%#H»|E, them


admitted to! the |fiupn

Crci*ber; 18W. . B y the act rffertol to,

, „ , , , . - . , - - , j I « h a s . c o n " & e ^ «

•^«^o*ii» ,a«wf^^*«ecl i i>n> and. makes 4be. J«th

a? . ivrrtj'rL .„.„.„,

^h., i^k .H^nvr-^f* *».% {,;J%gknd^


*V'?*"; t; '/ti itfj - ^ t l , ^ i

4- \

. Jhere.jri

. - f - W 3 t f A JiQiiwoftb*-143d4

int;rontofRlcam9nd,andi «db« i | t t a t e» t f e . #^ r t B ** ' • ' • •'"•'•" ^ - ^ l ^ T

a n a soldiers in the service of the United States,, and qualified electors o f tjhe^tate of New, Yorit,, anil absent therefrom; said blanks being issued uuder said laws and intended to be used for the! purpose of transmitting the vote of the aoldiers! signing the samo to his proper attorney, to bej u s M a t the general election- to be held in said. State on the 8rh dar - * « • — •

, , . „„ .v. *.»r.T i inn, out r"ci objected as it was necessary to wait for Dona­hue, who was in Washington, and said he would telegraph him; he (Ferry) then tele-

. graphed to Donahue at Washington to come on at once, and he said that when Donohue came he would have these fixed for the witness, and could send tbem on.

(I f should be explained here that the soldiere' power of attorney contains blanks for the inser­tion of four names; that of the votes himself, the person authorized to receive the ballot, the witness to the affidavit, and the officer before whom i t is made. It appears to have been so explained that a different person filled each

•^851, Mr. McClelian a--Tf^TRDSHa popoja'ion m?

'•^BtM^^fBm^'0'ike iOfliilr- i^unenii

'gorj: was »ttticii;;bj.# fragment of «;iheir,- * ^ W stanjdyjHlleri near WlacWer,"VaL^ii the lOtli

Continuing his evidence—5fr; Wood said that on Saturday afternoon list he met Donahue and Edward Newcomb, also of Albany at Fer-

„ 0 , »»«. « -wMinRMU^.**&*^ t ;Cdnsiderable conversation ensued a p d ^ e e d o f 0 1 0 ^ * 1 8 and adldiera whosej »»°«t ^ ' e t t e r s lelegrapbmg to Washiiigioa namea putodrted to be signed thereto* and ihl % .Donahue to come to B*itin.«n- n—-•...-fraud of their rights as jsucli electors; all this! . 0 » . « «« ^ H V U ,.ci*=utwj^.;, - a u . i n i s at the cities of Baltimore and Washington' dur-



•••^zr-J. '•K

f ember last. . . ,. < , t ^wiB^reiaeinljere^wi^

firsthattjefor jffiejioBfession or thVYaneWiM the^(j ;Be«riB>eniwaaift'th«fitafc 4 iji'e W '

• i - > 0."' gng«^n^taadiuffWlheavifv> ... ., ,,

dttri g the war, j^lutaWtoareui'lMaeri

H0*A;c*O.8*M»<0f W«t Bangor

: H .SECOI^MSPA^OH. After the adjournment of the1 Milita

IrespectaWeofjth4*w0pr«o»eniput on trial to-; ilat> stafedtpffjieJufig*lAdvocato^thedeair-' m i&Wtik&d confession'of ali he knew in con-i hn'ecdon wjtb thoto fraudulentand forged popersJ m&mw&tf vfaa,«ptnplie4 w»tl»kiM»d;hi4 «ohftsr; isloju < waa . |riuen outw the usual form;df does-;, f Hdhaaiid'answVJrs., , When' he had concluded the cotu*t reassembletl, and Judge Advocate Fos-termade to the cou?t a statement embodying

ytlte facta^cpjjltisejaby f,«r^ihi^Lh>TejhBa; •m$m&K.;<-yn^C> ^i'-U, <f.: "^ ..-,!.-,.jj |cospE8«Har OF Jt*?«R»T, ta« arATB AOKST

.- ™ lai iminir. 1'onauue said he was on the eve of starting to City Point, ttMbe had received a pass, A c.; from the War Departinenfev Thg party then, separated for the nigUt, :al ihavtoiagrebdioroeeV^^

to resist.-„ . .«. . * am able to

state officially that arrangements are now beh.^ ,„„A~ . "- -• Spring campaign, thr.-e

;F, whose masters are to compensated by the Confederate Govern­

ment. The slaves thus armed are to have 'heir freedom and fifty aerfSiOf .land each, which in­sures them p&rmaq*m«£Smes in the South."

JSr*— On tlie 4th of 1

clared it "necessar, ^.^auaan. pupuia-ion s : ficiently numerous, intelligent and "warlike t.. constithte a nation." ..

On the 18th of January, 1864, Mr. Pen l!.t-n voted against a resolution" speaking of the Re­bellion, arid declared'that it is the "sacred duty of the"people t o meet it, fight it, CRtrsrr it, and forever destroy i f

Now, both of these men are ruuning <>n the same ticket! Will some one please iril t:~ whether "crush" or "not to crush" i* the mot: > of this Janus-faced team ?


V--/:C M-

H c ^ ^ . i n Ms « ^ y ^


Oaowgo cstltttat^ ^

'' ***W«* - M O * B * ^ - py. y , aKwrna'—iisw

.SL'TiS.Sr*""***' ****** R*hm*Ki

CWta., and 'wjtis; tr'tUfa- ?6ee^'iw:fe: |«wt


fi»ut the *woy We intended to hara m*d«

»«w>«xtraetifr(«iit,but our space will sot ft* W^>Co,*mM or stalA in* M i n d «---- -, ,_ _^*. i r^

mT™**uwvma agivwa with all our I M » > I . I

ttoouglif the heart i t the cbargi oa th**nei^f j ^ . % f l * ° W J - w , ^ c

lme made by Gen. Jkitler's fbrota on Uw *** ' • * ' ' • • * . ' - " i ' - : " v

MM. ottttu waa •iii^iwi ,yaa*iin thswirp Vias-^-cWattaf bo* te>(B»----«i>d hid ahowa liimatif a brave aoMier, nerer afcrlnlthig f*w» d*nger,aiid«VTOi««In»tocWbjMlalt. Hi* funeral win tWatteaded by BUtt EaftDidttttamoaOismh tea.

'Idon^^ileM^eainw^rhetttlie first pa

§rv^ei^.Wo^,of.Cltattott Cp, ,^:¥, . i t was Balthnofg • yeaM,i&8

ing;andfix-ngpaperaenongh i<okeep;Ferryat work,' In a conversation before'separatjog one

I of them s a i l that Jlilngs wef e gbi4g on all right Igml' tthaj there were abouit-tweiity men in Washington Operating On the wbrk. Donahue said;that they ;wero sendmg.them off in dry goods boxes fall.. Witness met . them again' S u n d a y mornings- All were present. "Iwew-comb sat at one end o f the fable, f i l ing out the descriptive portion of the power of attorney.— Donahue was WriUng the uatoei 'of. the offlcers who purported fb take'the affidavits. * New­comb wrote one name in the blanks and Dona­hue another, generally the lost,

TkePri8oheiW-D6 vou swear that I wrote a «o}dief»4!amp-?yr,/.:,(...:.} ;•>,. c..,, , -...,'{;--,:-;> ^ Wifneas^-r-do: •••'- -• •:': -•-'•«-•> ^ « - > ^ . v ^

Pi'ejjar&I from a preftcrtptf-on- &f Si. PAt/*i<~um Ejeiraortihi+EFtf to

This in valuable medicine Is anfailing those painful and dangerous diseases t consti tution is subject. It mc ie ra tes a!' ai! obs tac le^ and a 6peedy cure may be

T O I r l A R B S K O L A H U peculiarly suited. It will, io A »hor monthly period with regularity.

Karh bottle, price One Dollar, bea' Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent conn

C ^ T T a ? I 0 3 S Thea£ Villa Khotdil not l>% taken by 1

FIHST THREE MnSTIM of Pregn /•"re to hring on Jfitcari i*ige, bat tit a are f<tfe.

In lit cases of Nervous and Spinal Afft Bi.-k and Limbs, Fatigue on alight exei the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, thesi t-ure when alt other means have faile powerful remedy, do not contain iron, or anything hurtful to the constitution.

Full directions in the pamphlet aroi which should be carefully preserved.

.SOLD BY ALL DRUG £ :<le Agent for the Cnited States and Can

JOB MOSES, 27 Cortland N. B.—$1.00 and 6 postage stamps end

iat-d At?ent, will insure a bottle, containic turn nialL

CIUCULA Tt> the Trustees of 'Common Schools in 1

The Undersigned, Commissioners of desire yonr co-operation in the labor of i. lowing Text Books into the Schools of this

The Series of National.Readers and ST "Watson's).

The Series of Geographies by Monte ith Wells & Quackenbos' Gramnter. Davies' Primary, intellectual, and Scho Tlie Readers, Spellers, Oeop-aphies ant

named are generally finding their way in will perhaps be better left to their intrinsi meodation than to any thing else—with tion tbat when ioew books are bought i books.

In regard to the Arithmetics, the case ! ent. There is now a great variety In the the progress of the papil by embar&ssing labors of the teacher. A uniformity of subject is desirable if it can be attainec expense to Parents and Guardians. Ai presents itself which will enable Schools t change with little cost. An agent of t visit your School at an early day in the set: these Arithmetics to pupils, or esc their bands, on the following terms :

For Rnh1n*ton & Adams' (\ew)_Even e For Robinson 4 Adams' (.Old)— Half tht Those wlshiog to buy new— Publisher^ In the labor of this exchange, we drsir

mdnt anij cooperation. The modern h better method of presenting subjects foun the desirableness of uniformity, and the way of doing the thing, arc the reasons w«

8. P. BATES, 1st Cist., G. W. LEWIS, 2d Blst.,

N B.— Merchants and Dealers in th< bO'*be on their sbelves, other than those cular, ire udvise-1 to send them to H. F. ! tijiwhurrfb, who will exchange them for th wiibont los3 or cost to the dealer.

In Prankiin, September 2Tth, by the ALFRED H. MABtHALL, of Lewis, Esse NIE P. MERKni ; ot Jranktta .

A clear case ot.J!&3M<lB_Ji.w, again there otll never beAntiS&xise of compl

m. Iu Co-:auM:. Oct. 27th, ise i , 5iUC»nE f years . ;

Forever float that Standard Sheet.


-W^doeway of law1 VftOt a l lay offlcft He came and reprea«xt«l llmarif aa ait agent of the Cebi iral Committee of hia county to Took after ita Jof cal.Hcl<ef We talked abounha way in whhjbl vote* could be takes. ^ It was agreed that we should kign the names of ofHoers and soldiers, and then send them home tobareifwlocal tfcjfci

pthealBda ',th^,,w| !<isi ^eyblanla

W ' a a t h e ^ f B c t t t f r w a o s e ^ n ^ ^ ^ ^

Tmm ^0^w^>fAtto^biS Ofl&paefc "_' * was « f Dono-

S**^^ fa !K4^»iJSf*^**WP«' f ' l«l«"ed ,# »

Augart DalleaOBt hH#m JQUraMed lhaa-aay other ai)Mi In lnjifrif :wp jbn prfea of gold, He U Ch ilnwMi of lias JbOoaai DemarnnK Oum-

tMnnot teU what names waatawd, . The ni< pew at*to the bond!*now ooth*ttl}le^ 1 ffld

$ign«T«»y ooawliy of tfwm. tkm^a*

age:«/30 in which nXto^htf^L^ identiaed by Mr. Wood as the S &n


Where Arcatbea tliefoe bnt foils before us; With (freedom's soil beneath o or feet, AudFreedom'sBaanerstreaoiiuK o'er us

^Th^^llowing'meetingitare announced, 5ind otlieil appotefments will ,1s made as scon as arrangenients.,arei.complefeai All Eveulng; u ieet inn, to commenco at 6

o'clock. •• - •

H. H.

^ - H » . s ? a « , ^ ^ ^ •Joiner «C* wWl hit j*«jr.. m saya they an, tmjj, tamiMain fa,^,,^ «

* • • lE^^W^w • •a ««t :'* -assy asaa r , i

Thursday, Npv. 3--jSeman's Hall, „.isiEs,Esq. "'-'.•' .- - ' "

B O U . C . IT, H V L B I T R D , \VU1 atldress Meetings as fallows:

At FORTCOVINOTON", Thursday evctiin-. |fo«Jinber'8*iEaglenall.:'..- J •-•• ; At i B A N D W GESTSI^ Friday evenings

A* NORTH 'BSHQOH, Saturday evening,. November $-rT«wfi#ou$e. - .. , •

H o n / W S t t - A . W h e e J e r , will- •"' DICSlNSOJf OEJTTEH; m JJQveiijller 4.

JOSEPH Gi Takes pleasure in annoonclag to his ol

Friends of BA.VGOR, BRANDON and lie has opened

.V B L A C K S M I T H op;K«t|eUie Store of Dickinson t Lawi K4N0 >R, where be ntHbe ready to atten. .te&;re .cork in his line of business, with, j Hie lowest prices. Please call before o l * where.—Bangor, Oct. 81,1663.—K8ml..

N E W H A R N E S S w Nhes xc ti.form the pablic that Ire has ue%B S h o p , where he Is ready to a«e

-, Harness "Vy--Ail ordtrg promptly attended

A . W . F e r f j n s o n ' s O l d S l io j '.' FlanDa£an ,i Bote

NpiMK tit

Kriila'tf. evctiii.j.

«WBts-wtt>RSiaa«attaBS^^ «f «w State afeat;'

P»»4<lock,«f Maj«Wt wj r . i -etkL t H o n . W I M . A . JTudiro — mtiowa: . At CONStAm,E. on Thursdav evening

A t ' ^ J R K ^ t e 1 1 - ^

mm, #M®m, Silver YkvSsd'Wm

M&line, Nov,.l,lS5l,, O H

iv o - " i \ i. "O. I k e VtUAQlC UBR^RV hwVwn rei

4}«* U I M «ar» tudi>l« to Batloli*'. G* « 1 B M M M « for Hie (Jettierj of boa***Ti

.My?^ i *n «*••»»».. .- S t D S i r k S A l
