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KSRA Diciplinary and Procedures HandBook

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  • 8/12/2019 KSRA Diciplinary and Procedures HandBook


    H A N D B O O K O F



    FOR K.S.R.A

    Version 5.2

    This document contains detailed procedures for functioning and execution of K.S.R.A. related processes,

    which are not included in the Bye-Laws as stated and agreed with. These procedures are subject to

    revision as and when required, mandated by acceptance of a majority of the Managing Committee

    members, with an unchallenged resolution passed by the Hon. Secretary, K.S.R.A.

    All members are requested to follow the rules, codes &guidelines set forth in this document. A copy of

    the latest document will be made available with the Range. Officer, K.S.R.A., as well as on-line at


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    K.S.R.A. Procedure Manual

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    Sl. Date Version Edits Comments Author

    1 6/Feb/12 1.0 Created Document.

    Added procedure for issue of car


    To be reviewed by

    Hon. Secretary

    Anand C K


    2 6/Jul/12 2.0 Made changes to contact person for

    issue of Car Stickers

    Added Job Description, Roles and

    Responsibilities of Armorer, Asst.

    Armorer, Coach, Range Officer and


    To be reviewed by



    Anand C K


    3 16/Oct/12 3.0 Included Disciplinary Procedures (Range

    Incidents and Membership Incidents)

    To be reviewed by



    Anand C K


    4 16/Mar/13 4.0 Added Rules and Disciplinary measures

    compulsory for all shooters.

    Added certification requirement grant

    to only CRTC completed members.

    Re-arranged content.

    (This document was officially adapted at theExecutive Committee Meeting of KSRA held

    on 11 March 2013, to be ratified in the next


    To be reviewed by



    Anand C K


    5 26/Mar/13 5.0 Added Legalities and Code of Conduct

    (Disciplinary Codes)

    Adopted corrections as suggested by

    the Hon. Administration Officer.

    MC review pending Anand C K


    6 20/Jul/13 5.1 Updated main header of the document

    to reflect change of Administration

    office and contact information.

    Edited selection criteria for hiring,

    including a window for soliciting an

    external selector/observer for finalizing

    of selections for all job requirements.

    As per MC review

    post discussion

    with the Vice

    President of the


    Anand C K


    7 22/Dec/13 5.2 Changed Title

    Added new section Mandatory

    Agreement by Members, to include

    Mandatory NRAI guidelines for all

    members, as per decision taken in MC

    Meeting on 21 Dec 2013.

    Added roles and responsibilities of



    As per MC review

    and as per decision

    taken in MC

    Meeting on 21 Dec


    Anand C K


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    K.S.R.A. Procedure Manual

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    ContentsREVISION HISTORY ................................................................................................................................ 2

    RULES & REGULATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 5

    MANDATORYTOBEFOLLOWEDBYALLMEMBERS&SHOOTERS: ............................................................. 5RANGESAFETYRULES: ............................................................................................................................... 5DISCIPLINARYRULES: ................................................................................................................................. 6DISCIPLINARYCODES: ................................................................................................................................ 7

    Mandatory Agreement by Members ..................................................................................................... 7Additional Code ..................................................................................................................................... 8

    Dress Code............................................................................................................................................. 9Behavior Code ..................................................................................................................................... 12

    Ethical Code......................................................................................................................................... 13Information Code ................................................................................................................................ 14

    LEGALITIES: .............................................................................................................................................. 15

    ROLES AND RESPOSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................ 16

    DESCRIPTION: .......................................................................................................................................... 16SOLICITING,SELECTION&INTERVIEW, AND RESULT: ................................................................................ 17

    RANGEOFFICER(RO) ............................................................................................................................... 22Job Description .................................................................................................................................... 22Responsibilities .................................................................................................................................... 23

    Job Requirement ................................................................................................................................. 23COACH(CO) .............................................................................................................................................. 25

    Job Description .................................................................................................................................... 25Responsibilities .................................................................................................................................... 27

    Job Requirement ................................................................................................................................. 29ARMORER(AR) ......................................................................................................................................... 31

    Job Description .................................................................................................................................... 31Responsibilities .................................................................................................................................... 32

    Job Requirement ................................................................................................................................. 33ASSISTANTARMORER(AAR) .................................................................................................................... 35

    Job Description .................................................................................................................................... 35Responsibilities .................................................................................................................................... 36

    Job Requirement ................................................................................................................................. 37LUSKER(LR) .............................................................................................................................................. 39

    Job Description .................................................................................................................................... 39Responsibilities .................................................................................................................................... 39

    Job Requirement ................................................................................................................................. 40ADMINISTRATION/EXECUTIVE/CO-ORDINATINGOFFICER ................................................................... 41

    DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS -RANGE INCIDENTS ......................................................................................... 42

    INCIDENTS AT THE SHOOTING RANGE ................................................................................................................ 42IMMEDIATE MEASURE FOLLOWING ANY INCIDENT ............................................................................................... 43

    CATEGORY A ................................................................................................................................................ 44FORMAT FOR APOLOGY LETTER -CATEGORY A ................................................................................................... 45CATEGORY B ................................................................................................................................................ 46FORMAT FOR APOLOGY/DEFENSE LETTER -CATEGORY B ...................................................................................... 47CATEGORY C ................................................................................................................................................ 48FORMAT FOR APOLOGY LETTER -CATEGORY C ................................................................................................... 49CATEGORY D ............................................................................................................................................... 50FORMAT FOR APOLOGY LETTER -CATEGORY D ................................................................................................... 52

    DISCIPLINARY REGULATIONS ............................................................................................................... 53

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    DISCIPLINARY REGULATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 53

    CONFORMATION TO INFORMATION EXCHANGE ................................................................................................... 54CONFORMATION TO MONETARY DUES ............................................................................................................. 55INCIDENTS OUT OF THE RANGE -PERTAINING TO K.S.R.A. ................................................................................... 56

    CRT, LIFE AND PERMANENT MEMBERSHIP ........................................................................................... 57

    PROCEDURE FOR JOINING THE CRTCOURSE ....................................................................................................... 57

    ISSUE OF PERMANENT MEMBERSHIP FOR CRT COMPLETED MEMBERS ................................................ 59

    ISSUE OF ORDINARY MEMBERSHIP ................................................................................................................... 59


    ISSUE OF LIFE MEMBERSHIP ............................................................................................................................ 60

    ISSUE OF CAR STICKERS ....................................................................................................................... 61

    CARSTICKERS: .......................................................................................................................................... 61

    PROCEDUREFORISSUE: ........................................................................................................................... 61WHATTHEMEMBERSHOULDFOLLOW: .................................................................................................. 61

    OFFICIALPROCEDURE: ............................................................................................................................. 62

    ISSUE OF CERTIFICATES ........................................................................................................................ 63

    CERTIFICATES ........................................................................................................................................... 63

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    The following DISCIPLINARY RULESare meant to be followed by ALL SHOOTERS,MEMBERS AND

    VISITORSat the Range. Some of the rules shall extend beyond the range, in a matter of

    maintaining the DIGNITY AND INTEGRITYof the association.

    All shooters, members and visitors have to FOLLOW ALL THE RULES MENTIONEDbelow without

    any compromise in deviations. Visitors, who accompany shooters and members shall be

    considered to be updated of the below proceedings by the shooter and/or member they


    any sort and STRICT,UNBIASED AND IMMEDIATE ACTION WILL BE TAKENas required. If any of

    these rules are not understood, immediate clarification must be sought with the Range

    Officer, Executive Committee Member or any designated official.


    1. All Shooters, Members and Visitors shall at all times abide by any order given by

    the Range Officer, the Coach, Armorer, Hon. Administration Officer and any of

    the Committee Members.

    2. Indiscipline of any sort, noted against the Range Officer, Coach, Hon.

    Administration Officer, Committee Members and any other Shooter, Member orvisitor at the range shall attract immediate and required disciplinary measures.

    3. All shooters and members shall always honor the association, its vision and

    mandates, without undue resistance of any verbal or physical outbreak on any of

    the personnel and/or shooters/members of the association.

    4. All issues/concerns shall be handled in a respectful manner, being brought to the

    notice of the Executive Managing Committee.

    5. The working of the association rests in the Hon. Administration Officer, the

    Coach and the Armorer carrying out the decisions made by the Executive

    Managing Committee, and shall be respected with due adherence.

    6. Visiting officials and representatives of other associations, VIPs, dignitaries andinvitees shall always be treated with the same due respect as expected towards

    any Managing Committee Member.

    7. Any sort of malice intended at any personnel in the range, including the

    Administration personnel, Managing Committee members, Shooters and/or

    members must and should be completely avoided. This shall include verbal and

    physical representation considered undue and undignified for the association.

    8. Any and all intended actions shall be must and should be under the Disciplinary

    mandates. All such actions that can attract disciplinary action will be enforced.

    9. Disturbance of any sort, which may disrupt the functioning of the association,

    the range, shooters and decisions made by the Executive Managing Committee

    shall be totally avoided. Failure to do so will attract sure and immediateDisciplinary action.

    10.All members and shooters are expected to maintain the said code of conduct

    without any malice or intent to cause harm, dis-functioning or negative impact

    to the association.

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    The below set of confirmatory mandates is considered as agreed by all members of the

    Karnataka State Rifle Association. These norms stand between the association and all

    members of the association, with all references made to both males and females. It is

    understood that all members confirm to all the points below, and that the said parties

    are legally bound by all the below norms, as in an agreement, and as enforceable.

    1. The shooter/member confirms that he/she is not bound by any other

    corresponding agreement.

    2. The shooter/member is obliged to not enter into any

    undertaking/agreement/contract that may come into conflict to this agreement.

    3. The shooter/member agrees to represent the state of Karnataka in National and

    Zonal championships.

    4. The shooter/member agrees to attend all training camps, selection trials,championships and/or other programs, except from prevented from doing so for

    educational/medical reasons and/or family emergencies. In such case, the

    shooter/member will request permission in advance, when reasonably possible

    to do so, to absent from such programs. The Hon. Secretary and Managing

    Committee members acknowledges grant of all such permissions.

    5. The shooter/member themselves have to obtain permission from schools,

    colleges or any other such institutions for attending and participating in training

    camps, selection trials, championships and/or other programs.

    6. The shooter/member agrees to abide by all the rules and regulations of the

    Karnataka State Rifle Association (KSRA), the National Rifle Association of India

    (NRAI), International Shooting Sports Federation (ISSF) and the World Anti-

    Doping Agency (WADA).

    7. The shooter/member will inform the association about all inquiries and offers

    from any sponsor, agency, clubs and others, which may have come directly or


    8. The shooter/member will take permission from the association before taking to

    media or any other agency.

    9. The shooter/member will inform KSRA if he/she opts for any sponsor or agency.

    10.The shooter/member will wear proper sports outfit during training and


    11.The shooter/member will provide complete information about his/her personalcoach.

    12.External coaches so opted by any shooter/member should abide by all the rules

    and regulations of the association, which is considered guaranteed by the

    shooter/member. Such coaches should not be involved in any criminal,

    discriminatory or invalid issues.

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    13.Parents of shooter/member or personal coaches will not interfere during any

    coaching camps.

    14.The shooter/member who opt for personal coaches, should guarantee personal

    presence of such coaches to be mandatorily present in all the coaching camps

    and competitions, with no cost borne by the association or the government.

    15.The shooter/member will follow and abide by all instructions given by the Hon.

    Secretary, M.C. Member, Coach and Range Officer.

    16.The shooter/member will represent him/her self with an appropriate behavior atall times, at the shooting ranges, coaching camps and competitions.

    17.The shooter/member will not involve in usage of inappropriate

    language/discussion/gesture, racism and ethnic or gender related slurs towards

    team mates, coaches, officials, competitors or spectators.

    18.The shooter/member will not involve in usage of any legally banned substances,

    non-prescribed medicines, including performance enhancing substances and

    other related drugs.

    19.The shooter/member will not involve in any form of drugs or drinking during

    coaching camps or championships.

    20.The shooter/member acknowledges that misconduct and quarrel can lead toserious action.

    The shooter/member acknowledges that failure to abide by the rules set forth in this

    agreement constitutes to a breach of this agreement and subjects the shooter/member

    to Disciplinary Action and possible expulsion from the Karnataka State Rifle Association.

    The shooter/member fully and wholly agrees to the terms of this agreement, and the

    regulations mentioned in this entire handbook, and acknowledges having completely

    read and understood the Disciplinary and Procedure Handbook of the Karnataka State

    Rifle Association, and agrees to abide by the rules and regulations set forth herein by

    the Karnataka State Rifle Association, or as amended from time to time, and agree to be

    legally bound by this agreement.


    The following DISCIPLINARY CODESare meant to be followed by ALL SHOOTERS,MEMBERS AND

    VISITORSat the Range. .

    All shooters, members and visitors have to FOLLOW ALL THE CODES MENTIONEDbelow without

    any compromise in deviations. Visitors, who accompany shooters and members shall be

    considered to be updated of the below proceedings by the shooter and/or member they


    these codes are not understood, immediate clarification must be sought with the Range

    Officer, Executive Committee Member or any designated official.

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    As required by every Association, a Dress Code shall be made mandatory. However, in

    view of the requirements of functioning as sportsmen, the following rules shall show

    limited compromise to International standards, allowing shooters and enthusiasts, as

    beginners and novices to adjust to ruling standards. However, a minimum level of

    quality and standard must and should be maintained, to reflect and promote the quality

    and interest of the association.

    1. All shooters and members must dress appropriately, suitable for sport shooting,

    decent viewing and official intervention.

    2. Clothing shall minimally consist of tops with or without sleeves, but covering

    most portions of the body, in a manner such that any form of vulgarity is not

    shown, as may reflect the true value and character of a sportsman.

    3. Clothing shall minimally consist of bottoms covering legs at least until the knee,

    in a manner such that any form of vulgarity is not shown, as may reflect the true

    value and character of a sportsman.

    4. Foot wear shall minimally consist of any form of shoes, or sandals with socks,

    clearly covering the entire foot at least from toes to the ankle bone. Other typeof footwear, like heeled shoes, wedges, platforms, slides or mules may be

    permitted only to women and children, or in specific cases, men and boys who

    have an injury that will not permit them to wear foot covering wear.

    5. All forms of boots, athletic shoes and casual shoes (with or without laces) are

    allowed. However, shooters are urged to adapt to the ISSF norms of clothing, as

    mentioned in section of the ISSF Rule Book, as preparation and

    adherence to sports shooting.

    6. Changing of clothing is refrained to changing rooms, and at no point shall any

    shooter change dresses in public, other than wearing/removing/exchanging or

    shooting jackets and trousers.

    7. Non-Compliance to any of the dress codes will mean no entry to the shooting

    ranges, as may be officiated by the Range Officer, Coach, Armorer, Hon.

    Administration Officer or any Managing Committee Member.

    For everyones benefit, the Dress Code, as defined by the ISSF is extracted in the below

    section. Please be aware of the International code required by all aspirant shooters who

    aim to see International glory.

    Extract from the ISSF Rule Book Rule, available at:


    CLOTHING REGULATIONS. In order to address this situation and achieve positive

    change, the ISSF Executive Committee provides the following guidelines regarding

    how Rule will be interpreted and enforced, beginning in 2010:

    1. All clothing worn by competitors in training, elimination, qualification and final

    round competitions and in award ceremonies must be clothing that is appropriate

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    for wear by athletes in international-class competition. All clothing must convey

    positive images of shooting athletes as competitors in an Olympic sport.

    2. During award or other ceremonies, athletes are required to be dressed in their

    official national uniform or national tracksuits (tops and bottoms of training or

    warm-up uniforms including sport shoes). For teams, all members of the team

    must wear the same national uniforms. Rule

    3. Pistol competitors must comply with Pistol Clothing Regulations described in

    Rule 8.4.5.

    4. Shotgun competitors must comply with Shotgun Clothing Regulations described

    in Rule 9.9.1.

    5. Rifle competitors must wear shooting jackets and trousers that comply with Rifle

    Clothing Regulations described in Rule 7.4.6.

    6. The intention of ISSF pistol and shotgun clothing rules is that shooters in

    competitions must wear sports-type clothing that incorporates or displays

    national, NOC or NF colors and emblems. Appropriate clothing for wear during

    competitions includes training suits, tracksuits or warm-up uniforms, etc. as

    issued by national federations or NOCs.

    7. Prohibited clothing items for competitions and award ceremonies include blue

    jeans, jeans or similar trousers in non-sporting colors, camouflage clothing,

    sleeveless T-shirts, shorts that are too short, ragged cut-off shorts, all types of

    sandals, trousers with patches or holes as well as shirts or trousers with non-

    sporting or inappropriate messages (See Rule 6.10.1).

    8. Changing clothing must be done in designated areas and not on the field of


    9. All clothing must comply with ISSF Eligibility and Sponsorship Rules regarding

    the display of manufacturer and sponsor marks.


    ISSF Equipment Control, Shotgun, Pistol and Rifle Juries are responsible for

    enforcing ISSF Clothing Regulations and this interpretation of ISSF Clothing


    During the 2010 World Cups, ISSF Juries will issue verbal warnings regarding

    violations. Juries will maintain a record of all warnings issued, noting the

    shooters name, national federation and specific violation. ISSF Technical

    Delegates will forward this information to ISSF Headquarters. ISSF

    Headquarters will request National Federations with many athletes that receive

    warnings to assist in correcting these violations.

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    Beginning with the 2010 World Shooting Championship, ISSF Juries will issue

    written warnings with requests to correct clothing violations for first violations.

    Athletes who receive written warnings and who do not correct clothing violations

    (change clothing) will be disqualified. Juries will normally give warnings during

    equipment inspection or training. Juries may allow a competitor to complete a

    pre-event training series or stage (shotgun or 25m pistol) before changing if

    sufficient time to change is not available. No athlete will be permitted to

    participate in a qualification or final round competition while wearing

    inappropriate or prohibited clothing.

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    1. The behavior code very much adheres to and reflects the Disciplinary Rules and

    Responsibilities, as mentioned above.

    Other relevant and important behavior codes are as mentioned under.

    2. All Shooters and Members must and should follow proper behavior befitting a

    state association.

    3. All Shooters and Members shall always act and behave in a manner that can only

    show positive conduct or the Association Norms, and not in any such derogatory

    ways, that may harm or dent the dignity of the association and its norms.

    4. Behavior towards all co-shooters, members, officials and MC members shall

    always carry due respect as may be commanded by a sportsman, elected

    representative or authoritative position.

    5. Any form of verbal and physical abuse including cheap behavior not reflecting

    the sportsman spirit that a member or shooter should display, will be strongly

    dealt with without bias.

    6. Appropriate behavior is always welcome, and respect is commanded by virtue

    and not by demand shall be the underlining cause of all behavior codes of theassociation.

    7. Any form of undue exhibition should be refrained from, in the interest of not

    disturbing the sporting conduct as required by the association.

    8. Do not use Mobile Phones while at the range.

    9. Do not disturb other shooters while at the range.

    10.Do not involve in any negative activity that may inflict harm on the image of the

    association, its members, the managing committee or its officials.

    11.Do not steal or involve in any criminal and unlawful activity.

    12.Work towards progress and positive reinforcement of the spirit of sports, with

    team building, sincere and an open attitude, which conveys solidarity, education,

    information exchange and success.

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    Ethical code stands for a set of understandings that work towards the greater

    achievement of the individual and the organization, in a non-partial and unbiased

    manner, highlighting humanity, solidarity and sportsman spirit.

    1. All shooters and members shall strive to achieve positive results in the best

    manner as should be achieved by a sportsperson.

    2. No use of drugs or any such factors that could cause undue advantage over other

    shooters/members shall be used. Any known involvement in any such abuse

    shall immediately attract temporary suspension from the association, pending a

    committee review. Post the review suitable actions or reversals, including legal

    considerations shall be enforced.

    3. No shooter/member shall show any biased nature or approach towards any

    other shooter/member on basis of their caste, religion, gender, achievement,

    luxury, living-standard, social-position or anything else, so as to remain within

    the Ethical Code standards.

    4. All Shooters and Members must and should show discipline in all matters

    pertaining to the range activities, its members, its management and its officials.5. Any and all forms of extending or soliciting help or non-monetary aid for

    promotion of sports shooting activities is considered well within the sports spirit

    frame, provided it has been handled in an ethical and unbiased manner.

    6. Under no circumstance shall any shooter/member involve in adding as a

    nuisance value to the range, its activities or its members. This shall extend into

    possible areas of back-biting, spreading rumors, stealing others achievements,

    false-claim or marring reputation of the association or its members.

    7. To be ethical is to promote the sports shooting fraternity and the association as

    a joint entity, and to not cause any form or harm, be it from negligence,

    intention or accident.

    Please do digest the fact that the strength of the association lies in its shooters and

    members, and therefore the shooters and members are equally responsible to maintain

    the reputation of the association and to achieve as a part of the whole. Although sports

    shooting comprises of individual achievements, an ethical approach would be to

    demonstrate proper tea spirit in raising the learning bar, by sharing, caring and positive


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    All information pertaining to the association is meant for benefitting shooters and

    members towards progression in sports shooting. It is important how and why this code

    is shared and with what intention. The information code expects shooters and members

    to responsibly use and share the information pertaining to the association, in a manner

    that best suits the interest of the association and its member. All information shared by

    the management, coaches and the range officer, is solely meant to improve the

    shooting fraternity of Karnataka, and produce talent pool for the Nation. Although this

    information is free to share, it should only be done so with good intentions and with an

    overall goodwill to the shooting fraternity and the association.

    1. All information published in the notice board is meant to enrich the shooters and

    members of the happenings and events of the range, and the decisions taken by

    the management.

    2. Such information is not meant for mere propagation to the public, and any such

    distribution by any shooter or member should be done with proper discretion.

    3. Any information which needs to go public will be handled by the association, as

    per requirements. If any other shooter or member thinks any information shouldbe made public or should not be, the same should be communicated to the Hon.

    Administration Officer or to any of the Committee Member, who will take the

    matter forward.

    4. Some information may be personal to shooters or members, and flooding such

    information out of context or out of boundaries that the said person may

    consider as disturbing, should be avoided at all costs. All those who do

    propagate such information into out-of-bound areas, with or without any

    intention, will face required disciplinary action that the committee deems fit.

    5. All information pertaining to sports shooting should be shared for benefitting the

    shooting of individuals and thus adding to the talent pool. However, although

    retention of such sharing cannot be considered negative, all shooters and

    members are urged to consider knowledge of the sport as beneficial when

    shared to other team members.

    6. Information of the range, its activities, scores of shooters, team plan, special

    advice of coaches, etc., are meant to benefit the association and the state teams

    representation. Although K.S.R.A. works towards building a stronger National

    talent Pool, competitions between states and achieving in the same means a lot

    towards charting a progression roadmap of the association. . In this context,

    every shooter and member should be aware of all consequences of sharing such

    information with those not from our state.

    7. Since discussion about firearms is not generally welcome in public circles,shooters and members are cautioned to refrain sharing of such information with

    public, especially during transit to and from competitions, during other such

    travel, during meetings and events outside of the range premises and such.

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    The following LEGALITIESapply for ALL SHOOTERS,MEMBERS AND VISITORSfrom affiliated clubs

    and associations, who opt to use their own firearm and/or ammunition. With high

    respect to safety and regulatory norms, the following rules are to be strictly followed at

    the Range.

    1. All personal firearms should be EXPLICITLY DECLAREDwith the Range Officer or

    Armorer, even BEFORE UNPACKINGthe same, while at the range.

    2. All personal firearms and ammunition must and should accompany the ORIGINAL

    AND VALID PAPERWORKas approved by the government.

    3. A PHOTOCOPY OF THE PAPERWORKcertifying the use of the firearm/ammunition by

    the said member/shooter/visitor should be presented to the Range Officer

    soliciting permission to use the same at the shooting ranges. On obtaining such

    permission, the same may be handed over to the Armorer before proceeding to

    use the said firearm/ammunition at the ranges.

    4. It is not the obligation of K.S.R.A. to keep any record of the shooting history of

    any shooter or their personal firearm/ammunition. However, it is mandatory for

    the association to permit ONLYVALID USAGEas per the Union of India.5. All matters pertaining to JUDICIAL INTERVENTIONwill be mandated after due perusal

    by the Managing Committee. In the interest of maintaining the solidarity of the

    association and the goals of K.S.R.A., the sole interest would be to completely

    prevent any possible illegalities occurring within the range, and as in our

    responsibility and control.

    6. Any knowing of shooters and members being involved in NEFARIOUS ACTIVITIES

    considered illegal in any manner will attract disciplinary action of the Managing


    7. It is also the duty of members and shooters to bring to the notice of the Range

    Office, Coach, Armorer, Hon. Administration Officer or any M C Member, of anysuch activity within the range that may be deemed criminal, sinful and/or


    8. Consumption and/or Possession of Alcohol, Drugs or any such illicit material

    within the Range will be deemed as unlawful. Such incidents will attract

    immediate Disciplinary action by any K.S.R.A. official or Committee member, and

    can range from Temporary to Permanent Suspension of membership and/or

    permit into the Range Premises, followed by any required Committee hearing.

    9. It is every member and shooters responsibility to ensure the respect due to a

    royal sport like shooting, the dignity attached to the sports fraternity and the

    respect commanded by a state organization for promotion of sport shooting

    within the state of Karnataka, is always deemed and regarded with good esteem.

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    DESCRIPTION:The Roles, Responsibilities and Job Description of all personnel associated with K.S.R.A.

    are hereby declared in the capacity of the Managing Committee, towards ensuring best

    compliance of services rendered as a State Association.

    These shall hold valid for selection, appointment and supervision of the Range Officer,

    Coach, Armorer, Asst. Armorer, Administration Officer, Executive Officer, Co-Ordinating

    Officer and Luskers who are directly in indirectly associated with K.S.R.A. The same shall

    also apply for all such personnel to abide by and follow, in the most ethical and moral


    The below rules and clauses have been formed to ensure that the talent pool,

    achievement and the basic purpose of the K.S.R.A. is met to satisfaction, and as per

    expectations of all stake holders.

    All candidates shall enter the selection criteria based on submission of a bio-data, duly

    attested by self. The bio-date shall itself come under the scrutiny of the managing

    committee, to verify the said details. In such regard, the Hon. Secretary, the Hon.

    Administration Officer and the managing committee members can validate the

    references provided. Suitable action of (1) permanent banning of said candidate, (2)

    Legal implications and/or (3) rejection of candidature, can occur if any of the said

    mention in the bio-data is proven invalid. The same matter may be brought up at the

    managing committee meeting or at any emergency meeting, so called by any of the

    managing and administration members, in view of ensuring a clear and transparent

    process of hiring candidates with a reputable and unquestioned background.

    In the circumstance of considering any candidate with lower caliber of experience, skill

    or knowledge, the matter should be taken up for review by the managing committee

    and passed with a majority in the attending quorum. The quorum itself shall only be

    valid if the managing committee members show physical presence of the said member,

    to review the shortage of skills, experience or knowledge suitable for the said role, and

    to accept or reject based on valid reasoning, covering practical, moral and legal

    implementations. On common understanding, a secret ballot may be considered, to

    elect the candidate into position. All final selections of important positions of CO and RO

    will mandate the physical presence of an external selector and/or observer, who is of

    noted authority and subject matter expert on the related job opening, preferably

    solicited from a State or National body, as a representative, consultant or on reference.

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    SOLICITING,SELECTION&INTERVIEW,AND RESULT:The Managing Committee, on recognizing the need to hire any person for a suitable

    opening, as may be required for regular operation and training of KSRA and its ranges,

    shall adhere closest to the below procedural guidelines.


    1. The Managing Committee shall represent the requirement of the said position ontheir Notice Board, and may also consider displaying the same on their website,

    FaceBook & Social Media page and or other clubs/associations, including anadvertisement for the same on any print media as may seem suitable.

    2. The Managing Committee, in its notice for soliciting suitable candidates for thesaid position, shall give a detailed description of the said position, including roles,responsibilities and job description, to clearly outline a model candidate, with a

    final date of submission of profiles. However, based on the applicants and their

    profiles, the closest match shall be considered based on due selection andinterview process.

    3. All candidate profiles shall be distributed to all MC members by theAdministrative Officer, either thru hard copy or by email, whichever seems fit.

    4. The soliciting notice shall clearly mention the last date of application and a briefof the follow-up procedure that the candidate must be aware of.

    5. The soliciting notice may or may not discuss compensatory benefits, but shallhave a band demarking the minimum and maximum reimbursement policybeforehand, so that the selection criteria shall include these details while duly

    considering expectations of candidates.

    6. The Managing Committee shall appraise the Vice President of the association oncreation and soliciting of such job openings.

    7. All profiles of candidates received for such solicitation shall be kept within thecircle of the Managing Committee, until the selection process.


    1. The Managing Committee, post receiving of applications for a position, thru the

    solicitation (as mentioned above), shall hold a special meeting to consider theprofiles received. Alternately, the selection can be made part of a regular meetingof the MC body, under the supervision of the Hon. Secretary, or the Hon. Joint

    Secretary, on behalf of the Hon. Secretary, with a minimum quorum of fifty one

    percent of MC members present in person to review the profiles.2. All the received profiles of candidates should be reviewed by the present

    committee members. In case of those who are unable to attend the meeting, they

    may inform the Hon. Secretary or the Hon. Joint. Secretary or any other MC

    member of their review of the profile(s) that were circulated before the meeting,as received by the Administrative Officer, stating their preference and due

    remarks on the profile(s).

    3. The present MC members can make valid suggestions and feedback in the mostunbiased manner on the profiles of the candidates, which may be recorded by the

    Hon. Secretary. The Hon. Secretary may also appoint any MC member to do the

    recording on his/her behalf, if the Hon. Secretary so thinks the MC member ismore adept to handle matters related to that job opening. This is to ensure certain

    technical and related matters are duly considered and the best appointment

    procedures are followed.

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    4. Based on the guidelines and the job description, all the MC members will rate theprofiles based on the details procured. This is to ensure that the profiles of those

    matching closest to the requirement get the highest rating.

    5. If any particular description or mention in the candidates profile requires morefollow-up including clarification, reference or proof, the MC member can solicit

    the required action from the candidate under the permission of the chair.

    6. The MC members will then select the final list of candidates who will appear for

    the interview.7. The Hon. Secretary will then suggest a date, seconded and accepted by thequorum of MC members, for when shortlisted candidates should appear in personfor any interview and test as may be required. At this juncture, the Hon. Secretary

    may decide on what procedures of the below should be included in the selection

    process:7.1Written tests: Written tests shall comprise of questions with Objective-Type

    answers. These tests shall be the same for all candidates appearing for the test.

    The question paper(s) and the process of the written tests may be summated

    by one or more MC members, who shall be appointed by the Hon. Secretaryas the Panel for the Interview process.

    The written tests shall cover all technical and knowledge cross-examiningquestions, so as to gain an in-depth understanding of the candidates commandof the subjects and skills required for the said job. The written tests shall be

    scored and recorded by the visiting interviewers and/or observers, who is to

    deliver their judgment of the ranking of the candidates in the order of closestmatch to least match. These recordings shall be attested by the visiting

    interviewer(s) and/or observer(s), and handed over to the Interview Panel who

    will take the report to the Hon. Secretary for the final decision.

    7.2Oral tests: Oral tests shall be conducted by the Interviewers constituted by thePanel for the Interview process and the invited external interviewers and/or

    observers, as mentioned above, to scour the technical as well as other skills of

    the candidate, which includes but is not limited to communication,understanding, present-ability, common sense, temperamental, character and

    other areas that matter to the job in discussion. Oral tests shall follow any

    written tests, and shall be conducted in a closed room, without any externalaudience. The candidate shall be explained the reason and goal of the oral test

    beforehand, so as to set the right expectations. For matters pertaining to

    mismatch of language or such communication, the Interviewers may solicitone external audience, on mutual agreement of the Interviewers and the

    candidate, to make required translations in an unbiased manner.

    The outcome of the oral tests shall determine the best match for the job, and

    shall be recorded by the visiting interviewers and/or observers, who is todeliver their judgment of the ranking of the candidates in the order of closest

    match to least match. These recordings shall be attested by the visiting

    interviewer(s) and/or observer(s), and handed over to the Interview Panel whowill take the report to the Hon. Secretary for the final decision.

    7.3Physical tests: Physical tests shall determine the physical ability of thecandidate if the job so requires. The physical tests shall be conducted for all

    candidates in the order or sequence of their selection. The details of the

    physical test shall be decided by the Interviewing panel along with the visiting

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    Interviewer(s) and/or Observer(s). Required timing and such records shall be

    made for each candidate under the supervision of the visiting interviewer(s)

    and/or observer(s), and handed over to the Interview Panel who will take the

    report to the Hon. Secretary for the final decision.7.4Other tests: Any other tests, as deemed fit by the Hon. Secretary, which may

    include but not limited to dismantle and re-assembly of arms, identification of

    various ammunition, technical queries on target and scoring systems, on-hand

    scoring methodology, repair and maintenance techniques, recording, usage ofcomputers and systems, record and book-keeping, on-site role-playing, etc.,

    shall be decided before hand, and in unison of the visiting interviewer(s)and/or observer(s).

    8. The Administration Officer shall suitable inform all candidates of theirrequirement to be physically available at the venue as decided by the Hon.Secretary, at the appointed time to take the required tests.

    9. The Administrative Officer shall invite the visiting Interviewer(s) and/orObserver(s), to conduct the required tests at the venue as decided by the Hon.

    Secretary, at the appointed time, and shall arrange for all required materialtransport, hardware and such requirements as the Interview Panel may require.

    10.If even the number of candidate(s) applied match the number of opening(s)solicited, the above set of procedures will be followed, to ensure that requiredcross-checking and suitability of candidate, for the job opening, is covered in

    detail and in quorum.


    1. The Interview process shall be conducted by the Interview panel of the visitingInterviewer(s), the visiting Observer(s) and the MC panel members, at the said

    time and venue. Any change of venue and time due to reasons of unavailability or

    personnel, natural causes, emergencies, etc., must be suitably informed to allcandidates and visiting Interviewer(s) and/or visiting Observer(s), with details of

    the postponement reasons and postponed details of venue and time, if available

    and decided by the Hon. Secretary.2. All the tests as deemed by the MC shall be conducted with all candidates in anunbiased manner. Any changes to the proceedings of the tests shall be informed to

    the Hon. Secretary, and required permissions for changes taken accordingly.

    Failing to do so by the visiting Interviewer(s) and/or visiting Observers maymandate a re-interview process if the Hon. Secretary so deems fit. Such re-

    interview(s) shall be suitably recorded by the Administration Officer and

    informed to all candidates in advance.3. The Administration Officer, shall collect and keep record of all final tabulations

    and scores of candidates, which will be passed on to the Interview Panel and the

    Hon. Secretary for the final decision making, along with the visiting

    Interviewer(s) and/or Observer(s).Any loss of scores and records by whatsoever means may mandate a re-interview

    of a similar process with the permission of the chair. However, the written tests

    may require a change in the set of questions, as may be decided by the Hon.Secretary and the MC members.

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    1. After a detailed analysis of all the scores and outcome of the test(s) as mentionedabove, the Hon. Secretary will announce the final list of candidates in the order of

    their preferred selection.2. The Administrative Officer will individually inform the candidates of their scores

    and the outcome of the interview on the specific date and time as may be

    communicated earlier.

    3. Any candidate who feels that there has been any confusion, error or wrongscoring, may inform the visiting Observer(s) within the next one hour of the

    decision being made. The visiting Observer must receive a written statement of

    the objection by the candidate, post which the observer may decide to:a. Disqualify the objection based on his/her best knowledge of the interview

    as supervised by the observer.

    b. Disqualify the objection based on invalid objection.c. Take the objection ahead and hold a closed quarter meeting with the

    candidate and/or the Hon. Secretary and/or the Interview Panel and/or the

    visiting Interviewer, to discuss the objection in detail. All informationavailable including scores, records and such detail(s) should be made

    available to the Observer by the Administration Officer, failing which theObserver may disqualify the entire procedure or raise suitable objection(s)

    to higher authorities, including the Vice President of the association.Based on findings, the Observer may (a) Disqualify the objection, (b) Stall

    proceedings pending further enquiry, which may or may not require

    outside consultation, but postponed to a later date or time, till when thehiring process shall be put on hold, and by when the Observer shall give a

    final decision if

    (i) the entire hiring process should be considered as invalid, or(ii) some parts of the hiring process is considered as invalid, or

    (iii) uphold the interview processes or part thereof but disqualify the

    result(s) based on bias, error, favoritism, mismatch, miscommunication,ill-setting, unrelated or any such disciplines that the Observer deems best,or

    (iv) uphold the entire interview process and all results and decisions of the

    Interview Panel, thus invalidating the objection raised. Depending on thedecision of the Observer, certain sections of the Interview, Interview Panel

    or the results may be re-looked at and required changes adapted to re-

    conduct the said parts or the whole interview process. In such cases, allcandidates may be suitably informed and the date and time of such re-

    scheduling announced by the Hon. Secretary.

    d. The candidate with objection, based on the result of the objection so

    declared by the Observer may also accept or reject the outcome. In case ofthe latter, the candidate can take the matter to the Vice President, but the

    continuation of the process of hiring the best suited candidate may

    continue based on the decision of the Hon. Secretary.4. The Hon. Secretary and/or the MC member(s) will then chart the Offer Letter

    consisting of the roles and responsibilities of the candidate(s), mentioning

    expectations and all reimbursement factors, including and not limited to the salary(Per Annum), perks, bonus, per-dium, other allowances, etc., to the candidate,

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    along with the suggested date of joining and other terms and conditions of the


    5. The candidate is required to accept the offer to finalize on completion of hiringfor the required job(s).

    6. If the approached candidate refuses to accept the offer, the Hon. Secretary and theMC members may make suitable re-offers based on the stand of rejection by

    candidate or may take the offer to the subsequently ranked candidate as per the

    outcome of the selection results.7. The final result of the interview, along with the final selection of the person(s) forthe said job(s) will be recorded with attestation(s) of the visiting Interviewer(s)and/or the visiting Observer(s), and suitably informed to the President, the Vice

    President, members and shooters of the association, as final and binding.

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    The Range Officer (RO) must and should control the activities of the range in accordance

    to all safety norms of shooters, equipment and other rules. Reporting to the Hon.

    Secretary and the Administration Officer of the K.S.R.A., the RO shall enforce required

    standards to demonstrate a controlled and safe atmosphere at the range. Being in

    charge of the safety of all shooters, the RO shall take any required measure to

    commence, abort, stop or pause activities at the range, and in the most suitable

    manner, and on spontaneous needs of the circumstance. As the key authority of the

    range, the RO shall direct any and all matters to the Hon. Secretary and/or the Hon.

    Administration Officer, as deemed fit. In cases where the RO can make and enforce such

    decisions, the RO shall be wholly responsible for any outcome from the said decision.

    The RO may also double up as the Coach and/or the Armorer. This, in essence, would

    mean the broadening of the RO to take up responsibilities similar to what the Coach and

    Armorer would discharge. (Read Roles and Responsibilities of Coach and Armorer).

    As in needs basis, the RO shall assist the Hon. Secretary and/or the Hon. AdministrationOfficer, including the Managing Committee members in enforcing rules and regulations

    of the association, as well as in assisting hiring, monitoring and appraisal of the Armorer,

    Asst. Armorer, Coach, Lusker and other personnel, for rendering services to the K.S.R.A.

    The RO should be capable of directing and over-seeing repairs as may be required at the

    shooting range; Should be able to represent the State Rifle Association in matters

    pertaining with the National Rifle Association of India, Other State Associations,

    Shooting Clubs and all related governmental organizations like the C.O.P (Commissioner

    Of Police), Youth Services Department, K.O.A (Karnataka Olympic Association), S.A.I

    (Sports Association of India), etc.; Should mandatorily be present during all range

    operations hours, and additionally, as may be required, for continuance of protocol and

    work management related to K.S.R.A.

    The RO should exhibit great qualities of Integrity, Honesty and Morality in abiding by the

    rules and regulations of the association, maintaining order and safety at the ranges and

    in displaying an enthusiastic and positive outlook for development of shooting sports.

    This shall include abiding and enforcing all the laid out rules, regulations and processes

    in this Handbook of Procedures.

    An overall non-personal approach without any personal and prejudiced agenda should

    be displayed at all times.

    The RO maybe needed to accompany shooters to national and other shooting events,

    and should also travel on a needs basis to procure shooting related items, permissions,

    etc.The RO may, at certain times of need, be an invitee to the range, on special agreement

    of the managing committee, to assist as a mentor in required circumstances. Such

    invitees are accepted, provided there is already a full/part time RO, and special

    assistance and support is required on circumstantial need. Such circumstances are

    covered under:

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    1. Special coaching camps which require additional ROs to conduct a smooth

    training or competitive environment.

    2. Special training camps held to build the outlook for sports shooting.

    3. Temporary assistance as in replacement of the RO, who may be on leave,

    vacation or on official travel.


    1. The Range Officers area is the Range.

    2. The RO shall always be in-charge and responsible for all activities at the Range.

    3. RO shall mentor the Armorer and Asst. Armorer, to lead the best utilization of

    the range in the safest possible manner.

    4. RO shall inculcate and maintain all supervisory requirements of Safety of

    shooters, range discipline, rules and regulations of K.S.R.A.

    5. RO is in charge of all firing activities at the range and shall hold complete

    responsibility of every shot fired at the range, including arrangement and

    distribution of shooting lanes, conducting time bound activities and maintaining

    discipline at the shooting range.6. The RO shall exhibit adequate knowledge covering all basic aspects of Rifle, Pistol

    and Shotgun, including but not limited to its operation, parts, caliber,

    ammunition, cleaning, maintenance and handling. (This is specifically applicable

    to calibers of .177 Air pellets, .22 & .32 bullets and shotgun shells).

    7. The RO shall assist representation of K.S.R.A. in shooting related activities, local

    and out-station, including competitions, procurement, supervision, etc.

    8. The RO shall provide a daily rooster of activities at the range, including trainings

    conducted, members attended, special recognition of circumstances and

    conduct, work and attendance of helpers and other repair or maintenance

    personnel, etc.

    9. The RO shall mandatorily take care of all forms and procedures for invitingmembers, membership forms, competition forms, donor ship forms, legal forms,

    enterprise events, associated club requirements, meetings, etc.


    The below described Job Requirement shall hold for the specific role, and is so devised

    that the individual is adept in covering the roles and responsibilities (mentioned above),

    in the best manner. The Job Requirement so mentioned shall hold good for selection of

    the best candidate for the desired role, and in ensuring that all required and expectedduties are discharged with least supervision.

    1. Must have a minimum of 5 years of experience in sports shooting discipline.

    Exposure to training, state/national/international sports shooting events,

    training in respective disciplines, defense training and recruitment in shooting

    related positions, and state level representation as competitor shall be

    considered as experience.

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    2. Must be of acceptable weight, stature, health and mature mind, to be mentally

    and physically able to carry out the deemed responsibilities.

    3. Must have held the position of not less than a manager of a team, in any

    discipline or occupation.

    4. Must have good written & communication skills in at least two languages -

    English and the local language (Kannada)

    5. Good to have a detailed outlook on ISSF events, rules and regulations.

    6. Must have exposure to Air guns, Small Bore guns, Shot guns.7. Exposure to big bore guns is an added advantage.

    8. Must not have any criminal background.

    9. Certified courses in ISSF and NRAI training is an added advantage.

    10.Previous accomplishments in sports shooting are an added advantage. This

    refers to representation as competitor in National and/or International events.

    11.Should have working knowledge of all target and other systems used for

    shooting purposes. This refers to target systems like Sius Ascor (Electronic),

    Speith (Automatic) and manual systems.

    12.Must be able to travel on the needs of the association or its shooters to assist in,

    not limited to, competitions, procure ammunition & other shooting relatedmaterials, procure special permissions, oversee or supervise K.S.R.A. related

    activities, etc.

    13.A degree in any discipline is appreciated, more so if it is with physical training,

    sports or related fields.

    14.Must be thorough in accountancy, to administer the needs of K.S.R.A.

    15.Preferred age group of 35 to 55 years is solicited.

    16.Should be capable of discharging duties for at least the next 10 years, from date

    of joining K.S.R.A.

    The final call for offering a letter of employment or services wholly rests with the

    managing committee of the Karnataka State Rifle Association, after due diligence in

    verifying all above requirements and submissions.

    The reimbursement of the personnel is negotiable to an extent of:

    1. Full time salary, including conveyance, phone and others.

    2. Part time salary, including conveyance, phone and others.

    3. Honorary position which may or may not include any reimbursement.

    4. Invitee position, for special event based requirements, which may or may not

    include any reimbursement.

    5. (Others will include benefits and per-dium as may be applicable for all travel.)

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    THJULY 2012.

    THE BELOW DESCRIPTION CONSIDERS THESE NATIONAL MANDATES.(VIEW http://www.deccanherald.com/content/262805/sai-lays-guidelines.html)


    The Coach (CO) must and should be responsible for training and upbringing of all

    K.S.R.A. and invited members from other states and associated clubs, in sports shooting

    activities. This covers, not limited to, mental, physical and skill recognition,

    administration, observance, training development and mentorship.

    The CO shall be unbiased in dedicating time and effort in bringing out the best of all

    K.S.R.A. member shooters, by methods relating to learning, training and sports

    discipline. The CO shall, at all times, administer the best of sports shooting coaching

    capabilities, adhering to range safety and the association rules and regulations.

    Reporting to the Hon. Secretary and the Administration Officer of the K.S.R.A., the CO

    shall enforce required standards to demonstrate a controlled and safe atmosphere atthe range. Being in charge of the upbringing of shooting skills of all shooters, the CO

    shall take any required measure to improve the talent of individuals, in an effort to form

    good shooting traits, teams and medal-winning capabilities.

    Working in tandem with the RO, the coach shall assist in developing the best process for

    training shooters at the range, including distribution, arrangement, timings and such.

    The CO and RO shall work in a Matrix coordinated effort and in parallel authority. In any

    event of conflict in dispersing duties, the same shall be duly brought to the attention of

    the Hon. Secretary or the Hon. Administration Officer. Any such matter shall be

    considered for completion and final decision in the presence of at least two managing

    committee members, neither being a relative of the RO or the CO.

    As the key person to uplift shooting sports, and in the role of a State Coach, the COshall consider proven best practices in the most mature sense. This will include the

    rhythm of training, the co-ordination of skills, time-management, dietary concepts,

    physical and mental training, assistance of guns and ammunition, control of time

    managed concepts, etc. In the best efforts, the CO shall bring about generic and specific

    routines for shooters to adhere to, considering their learning curve, individual capacities

    of physical, mental, monetary and time constraints, upcoming events, and career map.

    For such reason, the CO shall individually take up any such required responsibility and

    work for the magnificence of the sport, and not for monetary or recognition benefits. In

    cases of conflict of administration of such process controls, the CO shall direct any and

    all matters to the Hon. Secretary and/or the Hon. Administration Officer, as deemed fit.In cases where the CO can make and enforce such decisions, the CO shall be wholly

    responsible for any outcome from the said decision. The CO may also be required to

    double up as the Coach and/or the Armorer. This, in essence, would mean the

    broadening of the CO to take up responsibilities similar to what the RO and Armorer

    would discharge. (Read Roles and Responsibilities of Range Officer and Armorer).

    As in needs basis, the CO shall assist the Hon. Secretary and/or the Hon. Administration

    Officer, including the Managing Committee members in enforcing rules and regulations

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    of the association, as well as in assisting hiring, monitoring and appraisal of the RO,

    Armorer, Asst. Armorer, Lusker and other personnel, for rendering services to the


    The CO should be capable of associated directing and over-seeing repairs as may be

    required at the shooting range, in a collaborated effort with the RO; Should be able to

    represent the State Rifle Association in matters pertaining with the National Rifle

    Association of India, Other State Associations, Shooting Clubs and all related

    governmental organizations like the C.O.P (Commissioner Of Police), Youth ServicesDepartment, K.O.A (Karnataka Olympic Association), S.A.I (Sports Association of India),

    etc.; Should mandatorily be present during all range operations hours, and additionally,

    as may be required, for continuance of protocol and work management related to


    The CO shall oversee all shooting factors of barrel matching, target systems, training

    methodology, individual skill appraisal, selection preparation and processes, equipment

    control, technical rules, range guidelines, and should be in a position to extend the same

    to all other district and associated clubs and associations of K.S.R.A.

    The CO should exhibit great qualities of Integrity, Honesty and Morality in abiding by the

    rules and regulations of the association, maintaining order and safety at the ranges andin displaying an enthusiastic and positive outlook for development of shooting sports.

    An overall non-personal approach without any personal and prejudiced agenda should

    be displayed at all times.

    The CO should be proficient in identifying shooters shortcomings/problems and advise;

    be able to manage, divulge responsibilities in running the day to day activities of the


    The CO should review all the arms and safety certification at the range and its members

    at request.

    The CO will help in setting up the range at associated district clubs and conduct camps

    at their venues to help promote the sport of shooting.

    The CO should be able to take the sport to schools identified by KSRA and advise/ help

    schools to take part at interschool competitions.

    The CO should be able to conduct CRTC training, both theory and practical, including

    certifying candidates as may be deemed.

    The CO should also be able to identify/supervise and have the rectification/repairs done

    at times when the ranges are not open to members for activity which will help in


    Serving the underlying need to be unbiased, the CO shall always suggest and oversee

    the formation of the best team to represent the association, in collaboration with the

    Hon. Secretary, the Hon. Administration Officer and other members of the managing

    committee as may be present in the selections.The CO must and should accompany shooters to national and other shooting events.

    The CO should represent the K.S.R.A. as Team Manager for all related shooting events,

    and is in charge of the safety, training and legal aspects of all representing competitor

    shooters of K.S.R.A. and associated clubs. The CO, as Team manager is in charge of the

    arms and ammunition being carried to such events, and shall strictly adhere to all

    required legalities. The Co, as Team Manager, shall assist every competitor representing

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    K.S.R.A. in the most unbiased fashion, and shall thrive to achieve individual as well as

    team success in all events represented.

    The CO may also be required to travel on a needs basis to procure shooting related

    items, permissions, etc.

    The CO may, at certain times of need, be an invitee to the range, on special agreement

    of the managing committee, to assist as a mentor in required circumstances. Such

    invitees are accepted, provided there is already a full/part time CO, and special

    assistance and support is required on circumstantial need. Such circumstances arecovered under:

    1. Special coaching camps which require additional COs to conduct a smooth

    training or competitive environment.

    2. Special training camps held to build the outlook for sports shooting.

    3. Temporary assistance as in replacement of the CO, who may be on leave,

    vacation or on official travel.


    1. The CO shall carry the responsibility of:a. Inculcating proper and efficient training of all shooters in all disciplines.

    b. Planning and enabling a roadmap for K.S.R.A. shooters participation in all

    shooting competitions.

    c. Constantly update on rules and regulations of the ISSF and the NRAI; enforce

    required rules to shooters of K.S.R.A.

    2. The CO shall exhibit adequate knowledge of all technical considerations,

    covering the permissibility and usage of different guns, ammunition, target

    systems, etc., including barrel-matching, and related information.

    3. The CO shall be updated of range systems including scoring, equipment, etc.

    4. The CO shall fathom rapid measures to cover any technical and non-technical

    requirements, like malfunctions, equipment control aspects, etc., apart fromshowing expertise in physical training, mental training and any such knowledge

    that would enhance performance in shooting sports. In this effect, the CO may

    request, propose and avail required training to better his/her competency in

    such matters.

    5. The CO shall work with the RO in ensuring requirements of Safety of shooters,

    range discipline, rules and regulations of K.S.R.A.

    6. The CO shall exhibit, administer and preach adequate knowledge covering all

    basic aspects of Rifle, Pistol and Shotgun, including but not limited to its

    operation, parts, caliber, ammunition, cleaning, maintenance and handling. (This

    is specifically applicable to calibers of .177 Air pellets, .22 & .32 bullets andshotgun shells).

    7. The CO shall assist representation of K.S.R.A. in shooting related activities, local

    and out-station, including competitions, procurement, supervision, etc., and

    contribute in providing statements in press conferences, meets, etc., and to

    represent the K.S.R.A. in all such matters as the State Coach. The State Coach will

    also be considered the Team Manager for all shooting related competitions

    representing the state of Karnataka. In this effect the State Coach shall be

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    responsible for training, performance and results of the team being handled. The

    State Coach shall be the main authority for managing such teams that represent

    the state of Karnataka, and all team members will be directed to function within

    the purview of the state coach.

    8. The CO shall provide a regular time-interval rooster of practice, training and

    improvement of all shooters being trained. Apart from this, the CO shall discuss

    and enforce an action plan covering rectification procedures in training, diet,

    weaponry distribution, ammunition quota and required processes that willbetter performance of shooters. In this regard, the CO is requested to also

    mitigate responsibilities to other junior coaches, committee members, and such

    volunteers, so as to utilize personal time in focusing of the better cadre of

    shooters. Essentially, this will result in building a pyramid of multiple tiers, which

    act as a bucketing system to qualitatively segregate shooters. These bands will

    enforce better planned and divided attention, of shooters and equipment to

    more deserving and required shooters.

    All such matters, as stated in section (8) above, may be presented to the

    managing committee for approval, and passed with a majority of votes or verbal

    acceptance in an agreed quorum of managing committee members.9. The CO shall make required arrangements to provide support and guidance to

    district rifle clubs and associations, as well as associated clubs on a needs basis.

    This may require frequent travelling to the said clubs, as well as interview, hire

    and supervise actions of other coaches hired in such clubs, as their junior and

    equal stakeholder in upbringing shooting talent within the state of Karnataka.

    This, by no means, shall restrict any information exchange and knowledge

    transfer between other state and national coaches, but remain strictly under the

    purview of sharing only such information which may not be considered

    confidential to the state or the managing committee. To this effect, even

    exchanging information of ammunition, strategic plans and roadmap may be

    found as breach of trust to this requirement.

    Consequently, the CO may request for inviting other coaches from other states

    and nations, in an effort to better implement quality training to shooters of

    K.S.R.A. and affiliated clubs/associations. Similarly, the CO may also be an invitee

    to other clubs, who agree to bear all charges in accommodating the CO. The

    above mutually benefitting associations of coaching may only be considered,

    provided a majority of the quorum of managing committee members agree in

    complete faith that the dependency and commercials remain well within

    impersonal benefit for the sole sake of the shooters of Karnataka.

    10.On a needs basis, the CO shall assist the RO in taking care of all forms and

    procedures for inviting members, membership forms, competition forms, donorship forms, legal forms, enterprise events, associated club requirements,

    meetings, etc.

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    The below described Job Requirement shall hold for the specific role, and is so devised

    that the individual is adept in covering the roles and responsibilities (mentioned above),

    in the best manner. The Job Requirement so mentioned shall hold good for selection of

    the best candidate for the desired role, and in ensuring that all required and expected

    duties are discharged with least supervision.

    1. Must have a minimum of 7 years of experience in sports shooting discipline.

    2. Must have exposure to coaching and training in sports shooting discipline.

    3. Must have participated in national/international sports shooting events for at

    least 5 years within a span of 10 years.

    4. Training and certification in ISSF related courses are highly welcome.

    5. Training in respective disciplines, defense training and recruitment in shooting

    related positions.

    6. Must have state and/or national level commendations of merit in shooting

    sports, like awards, medals, etc.

    7. Must be of acceptable weight, stature, health and mature mind, to be mentally

    and physically able to carry out the deemed responsibilities.8. Must have held the position of not less than a manager of a team, in any

    discipline or occupation.

    9. Must have good written & communication skills in at least two languages -

    English and the local language (Kannada). Expertise in the National Language,

    Hindi, is an added advantage.

    10.Must have a detailed outlook on ISSF events, rules and regulations, including

    technical, equipment and related considerations.

    11.Must have exposure to Air guns, Small Bore guns and Shot guns.

    12.Exposure to big bore guns is an added advantage.

    13.Must not have any criminal background.

    14.Should have working knowledge of all target and other systems used for

    shooting purposes. This refers to target systems like Sius Ascor (Electronic),

    Speith (Automatic) and manual systems.

    15.Must travel with the shooters to National and other competitions anywhere

    within the boundaries of India, to supervise, manage and mentor competitors in

    such events.

    16.Must be able to travel on the needs of the association or its shooters to assist in,

    not limited to, competitions, procure ammunition & other shooting related

    materials, procure special permissions, oversee or supervise K.S.R.A. related

    activities, etc.

    17.A degree in any discipline is appreciated, more so if it is with physical training,sports or related fields.

    18.Should be adept in Accountancy and Planning, to manage the requirements of

    shooters training needs.

    19.Age group of 35 to 55 years is preferred.

    20.Should be capable of discharging duties for at least the next 10 years, from date

    of joining K.S.R.A.

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    The final call for offering a letter of employment or services wholly rests with the

    managing committee of the Karnataka State Rifle Association, after due diligence in

    verifying all above requirements and submissions.

    The reimbursement of the personnel is negotiable to an extent of:

    1. Full time salary, including conveyance, phone and others.

    2. Part time salary, including conveyance, phone and others.

    3. Honorary position which may or may not include any reimbursement.

    4. Invitee position, for special event based requirements, which may or may notinclude any reimbursement.

    (Others will include benefits and per-dium as may be applicable for all travel.)

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    The Armorer (AR) is wholly responsible for all arms, ammunition and other equipment

    belonging to the K.S.R.A., or under the control of K.S.R.A. and its affiliated district

    clubs/associations. As the chief person in procuring, maintaining and dispersal of all

    sports shooting related equipment, the AR will take complete care of the armory of the

    K.S.R.A. Apart from this, the AR will also maintain all such required information and

    reports, relating to inventory, stock, sale and accounts related to K.S.R.A.

    The AR shall be strict and sincere in leasing out of any equipment and its recovery,

    adhering to all rules and regulations set by the managing committee of the K.S.R.A.

    Most importantly, the AR shall ensure proper and smooth distribution of arms and

    ammunition, including sports shooting equipment to all members of K.S.R.A. and its

    associated clubs/associations, in a most unbiased and healthy fashion.

    Reporting to the Range Officer, the Hon. Secretary and the Administration Officer of the

    K.S.R.A., in that order, the AR shall enforce required maintenance, distribution and

    safety systems, to best utilize all the shooting equipment of K.S.R.A., in an effort to formgood shooting traits, teams and medal-winning capabilities. All direct planning, process

    and reporting structure will rest with the RO. The RO shall, in turn, relate this

    information to the Hon. Secretary and the Administration Officer.

    Working in tandem with the RO and the coach, the AR shall assist in developing the best

    process for training shooters at the range, including distribution, arrangement, timings

    and such. In any event of conflict in dispersing duties, the same shall be duly brought to

    the attention of the Hon. Secretary or the Hon. Administration Officer. Any such matter

    shall be considered for completion and final decision in the presence of at least two

    managing committee members, neither being a relative of the AR.

    The AR shall follow other rules and regulations set up in this Handbook of Procedures, in

    controlling any mishaps and regrettable events associated with K.S.R.A, its shooting

    ranges, the shooting equipment and in its vicinity. In cases of conflict of administration

    of such process controls, the AR shall direct any and all matters to the Hon. Secretary

    and/or the Hon. Administration Officer, as deemed fit. In cases where the AR can make

    and enforce such decisions, the AR shall be wholly responsible for any outcome from

    the said decision. The AR may also be required to double up as the Assistant Coach

    and/or the Assistant Range officer. This, in essence, would mean the broadening of the

    AR to take up responsibilities similar to what the Coach and Range Officer would

    discharge. (Read Roles and Responsibilities of Range Officer &Coach). In such cases, the

    AR shall report to the Hon. Secretary, the Hon. Administration Officer or any Managing

    Committee member to solicit direction and mentorship as may be required.As in needs basis, the AR shall assist the Hon. Secretary and/or the Hon. Administration

    Officer, including the Managing Committee members in enforcing rules and regulations

    of the association, as well as in assisting hiring, monitoring and appraisal of the Asst.

    Armorer, Lusker and other personnel, for rendering services to the K.S.R.A.

    The AR must plan, tender, approve and direct over-seeing repairs as may be required at

    the shooting range, in a collaborated effort with the RO; Should be able to mentor the

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    Asst. Armorer in continuing with such repairs and maintenance; Should plan charts to

    track maintenance schedules, including inventory register, sale register, present and

    future requirement, special allowances, etc.; Should assist the RO in matters pertaining

    with the National Rifle Association of India, Other State Associations, Shooting Clubs and

    all related governmental organizations like the C.O.P (Commissioner Of Police), Youth

    Services Department, K.O.A (Karnataka Olympic Association), S.A.I (Sports Association of
