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@KSU Dec 2013 Issue

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@KSU Magazine is a seasonal printed publication by the student body council of The University of Malta (Kunsill Studenti Universitarji) which features articles by the executive team and promotes KSU activities.
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f rom my previous

roles within SACES

both as treasurer and

president, I have always had a

personal preference towards

PR and finance. While every

role is important, I personally

believe that those two roles

are what fuels and drives the

organisation forward. They

work hand in hand, as having

a good corporate identity

would attract more sponsors

and sales of adverts while

having enough financial

backup would enable better

promotion and the quality of

the events themselves.

When I first started KSU a few

months ago, the leap from

a Faculty based organisation

to that of a student body

representing over 12,000

students came to quite a

shock for me. The work

started immediately and since

day one I have been doing my

best to keep up with all the

offices within KSU.

Promoting KSU’s work while

keeping up with my studies

and my personal freelance

work is without a doubt the

greatest challenge I have

come across throughout my

life. I think of quitting every

single day because at times

it becomes overwhelming,

however when ever I see a

successful event put together,

the satisfaction succeeds that

overwhelming feeling and I

immediately say it was worth


This year I am working on

promoting KSU’s work in

diverse ways – apart from

keeping up with quality digital

artwork, printed media,

photography and videos;

keeping up with emails

and Facebook messages

which I receive and answer

daily; bringing on board a

Marketing Intern to help out

with adverts; keeping up with

frequently sharing events

online; frequently keeping

the website, Facebook users

and KSU App users up to date

with all that is going on within

KSU – this year I want to also

extend promotion beyond

our usual means. A few of the

ideas will become apparent in

the coming weeks, however I

wish to invite anyone with any

suggestions and ideas to send

me an email on

[email protected].

sean malliaPublic RelationsOfficer


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becKY camilleriVice President

JoHn gabarretta

Ksu eXecutiVe

Secretary General


andrea attardFinancial Officer

tHomas bugeJaPresident

sean malliaPublic RelationsOfficer

@KSU DEC 2013

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daniel Vella fondacaroEducationCoordinator

tHomas naudiInternationalCoordinator

malcolm zammitEducation Commissioner

luana VassalloSocial PolicyCoordinator

gaYle lYnn callusCulture & EntertainmentOfficer

tamara caligariSocial PolicyCommissioner

luKe azzopardiCulture & EntertainmentCoordinator

Yanica sant


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in the past months of our

2013/14 term, our work as

a team has focused on

continuing the work and

initiatives done in previous

years, whilst always focusing

on improving the council’s

operations, extending its reach

and keeping students at its

core. KSU’s work this year has

taken a number of directions,

aimed at increasing both KSU’s

reach and relevance in student


KSU’S relationS with the

UniverSity of Malta

In the past months, we have

continued to foster the

working relationship that the

council has with the University

of Malta, since we believe

that good faith, good will

and constructive criticism

goes a long way in making

a difference on our campus.

Throughout the past weeks,

KSU has strengthened

its position within Student

House, cooperated fully with

the UoM on initiatives such

as Discover University and

Christmas on Campus, as

well as fostered dialogue and

discussions which have lead to

tangible improvements

which shall be announced in

the coming weeks.

KSU and Sixth forM


As the representative council

of all University of Malta

students, KSU also represents

the sixth form students

studying at Junior College.

However, KSU does not cover

the other private or public

sixth forms such as Giovanni

Curmi Higher Secondary, De

La Salle College Sixth Form,

St. Aloysius College Sixth

Form and St. Martins College

Sixth Form. Nonetheless, it is

a fact, that the great majority

of students from these other

institutions eventually move

on to join us at the University

of Malta. In this regard, KSU

has embarked on a number

of Sixth Form Visits, were

KSU executive members had

the chance to show these

students, the workings of the

council and its relevance,

whilst meeting them in person

and answering questions

tHomas bugeJaPresident

driving ksuforward

@KSU DEC 2013

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driving ksuforward

related to the UoM in general.

Following these meetings, KSU

is also keeping in contact with

a number of student councils

from these institutions with the

aim of creating a network of

student councils, which share

ideas and good practices,

whilst continuing to promote

healthy student activism.

KSU’S expanding horizonS

- SportS and CUltUre

KSU this year has also been

focusing on areas which might

have been given less of a

priority in recent years. When

it comes to Sports, KSU has

been spearheading a number

of initiatives aimed at bringing

students closer to the sports

both on and off campus. This

is evidenced by collaborations

with the MFA and the South

End Core group which has

seen the KSU office turn into a

ticket outlet for both football

and rugby matches. This has

lead to very encouraging

results with a number of KSU

collaborations with other

student organizations taking

a substantial number of UoM

students to the stadiums and

at a reduced student price.

In the case of culture, KSU

has also been making inroads

in this area, with a number of

collaborations with the V.18

organization, with talks leading

to an eventual formalized

understanding between V.18

and KSU.

KSU aS the relevant voiCe

of MalteSe StUdentS

Throughout this term, KSU has

also shifted its focus on social

policy and national issues of

importance to ensure that a

democratic student position

is issued to the media and

the general public. KSU has

issued a number of positions

which include a stance in

favour of the Spring Hunting

Referendum, a post budget

reaction asking for clarification

on a number of student

issues and a statement of

concern over the Individual

Investor Programme scheme.

This allows KSU to remain at

the forefront, as a relevant

student voice in our society,

safeguarding student rights

and playing an active role in

our society.

This is only a few of the

initiatives partaken this year

by KSU make sure you keep

following us on our social

media pages and on campus

for any updates on the above-

mentioned initiatives.


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THis WAs


@KSU DEC 2013

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Bring On



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l et us consider the

question: ‘What is

the end goal of each

University student?’. Well, this

can’t be too difficult to answer,

can it? Obvious answer,

one might say: ‘To fulfil the

respective course and achieve

the hardly-earned certificate’.

While it is true that the goal

of the student is to ultimately

earn the degree/diploma in

the respective profession and

field of study, one must not

overlook the path leading

to achieving the award. I am

saying this because a student

can achieve his/her goals

whilst achieving other things

through University life, which

will eventually enhance the

achievement. This is the

reward of an active student


Finally, after an effortful four

years, I shall be graduating

in December, and therefore

achieving my intended goal.

However, I can say that I will

be and am taking much more

from my University experience

other than the Engineering

Degree. Together with reading

for a degree, I always made

sure to maintain an active role

in the student society. From

my first year at University,

I contributed in student

organisations and also kept an

active role within my faculty.

My time in UESA provided

me with various engaging

and challenging experiences.

I also had the privilege to

serve my fellow engineering

colleagues as a Faculty student


malcolm zammitEducationCommissioner

acHieVing Your goals


@KSU DEC 2013

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Now, I am fulfilling this

student activism experience

through my role of Education

Commissioner in KSU.

Our work in KSU is also about

goals. Our constant goal is

that of representing students

and safeguarding their rights.

Another critical goal is that of

working towards improved

quality in education. That

sums up the relevance of

the Education Office; where

we have been engaged in

delivering recommendations

on youth employability and the

promotion of work experience

during academic formation

at University. The office is

also contributing to the

renegotiation of the academics

collective agreement by

suggesting improvements

for the student’s educational

experience at university. This

work does not arise solely

from the two members of

the office but is part of a

much wider loop. Student

representatives contribute to

the work of the office through

an active participation in the

Education Commission (KE).

This collective effort increases

the possibility of achieving

further goals.

Being part of the students’

council is my epitome

of service to the student

body. The experience is

quite demanding, as are

all experiences in student

activism. I have given much

of my time and energy – but

I have taken much more in

return! These experiences did

not hinder me from achieving

my student goal, but helped

to achieve them in a more

fulfilling manner. This is my

suggestion to you, dear fellow

student: ‘Think wisely – and

make the best out of your

University years!

acHieVing Your goals



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t he KSU Executive

Board was elected

by the students, and

therefore serves the students

from beginning to end. I

believe that KSU is a service

and a learning experience in


As Education Coordinator

one of my roles is to handle

feedback and complaints

regarding student education

and education policy. This

helps me to identify the various

problems that students from

different faculties and institutes

face, and this serves to

sharpen our plan of action for

future cases.

In the past months the KSU

Education Office has been

meeting up with the Library

administration to discuss

relevant matters so that

together we would help

the students to study in a

better and more efficient


This past month I also sat on

the graduation speeches

selection board to choose the

graduation speeches for this

year’s graduation ceremonies.

Apart from the events,

complaints and campaigns,

the Education Office organises

the KE (Commission of

Education) Meetings and

Education Officers’ Meetings.

I am responsible for recording

the attendance and writing the

minutes for the KE meetings,

where student representatives

representing various faculties

and institutes meet up to

discuss education policy. The

student representative

elections were held in

November 2013. The

Education Officers’ Meetings

serve as a channel between

the student representatives,

the student organisations and

the KSU Education Office.

I am also serving as a KSU

representative on the SMGB

(Student Maintenance

Grant Board) within the

Ministry of Education and

Employment to discuss

financial issues regarding the



Education Coordinator

daniel Vella fondacaro

@KSU DEC 2013

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TAL-GĦAJN U L-HAKKAX’tagħmel għaqda li taħdem favur lingwa fl-2013? Tinsisti fuq kitba u taħdit korrett? Tippreokkupa ruħha b’ortografija korretta? Iva u le. Imm’iktar le; għax għalkemm dawn huma elementi importanti f’lingwa, irridu nirrikonoxxu li lingwa hi ħafn’iktar minn hekk.

F’dawn l-aħħar xhur l-Għaqda fittxet li tinvesti aktar fi proġetti edukattivi u interdixxiplinarji, speċjalment għaż-żgħażagħ. Bniet ukoll relazzjonijiet tajbin ma’ entitajiet li mhux bilfors mill-qasam tal-Malti, minħabba li l-lingwa fl-aħħar mill-aħħar taf tinfiltra f’kull qasam. Uħud mill-punti li ħdimna fuqhom huma:

programmi ta’ kitba kreattiva: sabiex jiżdied il-qari, qabelxejn irid ikun hawn materjal tajjeb għall-qari, u sabiex nagħtu l-kontribut tagħna minn dan il-lat, qed naħdmu qatigħ sabiex l-Għaqda tipprovdi korsijiet ta’ kitba kreattiva, bit-tama li ħames jew għaxar snin oħra jkollna kittieba mħarrġa sew. S’issa saru tnejn: Taħżiż (etajiet: 18-25), b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Aġenzija Żgħażagħ u l-Fondazzjoni AWL, u Inħarrfu l-Ħrejjef (8-14), b’kollaborazzjoni mat-Teatru Salesjan u s-Salesjani Juniors.

pubblikazzjonijiet: ngħiduha kif inhi, inti u tfittex xogħol, speċjalment tkun għadek ħiereġ mill-Università, ħaġa sabiħa li fuq is-CV ikollok biblijografija. U dan l-Għaqda tifhmu wkoll, tant li tagħti l-opportunità lill-istudenti jkollhom kitbiet fl-istess rivista ma’ akkademiċi stabbiliti. Dan tagħmlu permezz ta’ Leħen il-Malti, li ilha toħroġ mill-1931, jiġifieri s-sena tat-twaqqif tal-Għaqda.

Noffru wkoll opportunitajiet oħra; pereżempju l-parteċipanti ta’ Inħarrfu l-Ħrejjef kellhom ktejjeb ippubblikat b’kitbiethom, l-istess dawk ta’ Taħżiż. U ċerti li ’l quddiem se jkun hemm opportunitajiet oħra li għandhom iħajrukom issegwuna jew tissieħbu...

Mhux faċli żżomm għaqda ta’ ’l fuq minn 80 sena aġġornata maż-żminijiet, imma dan qed nagħmluh filwaqt li żammejna l-ispirtu tal-fundaturi tagħna ħaj. Bħalma Rużar Briffa u Ġużè Bonnici kienu ġejjin mill-Fakultà tal-Mediċina u mhux mid-Dipt. tal-Malti, l-istess qed ikollna ħafna membri li jissieħbu u li ġejjin minn fakultajiet u dipartimenti differenti. Wara kollox, il-Malti mhux biss tal-istudenti tal-Malti. Lanqas tal-għajn u l-akka...

Tistgħu tikkuntattjawna fuq [email protected] jew fuq Facebook.

KIT AZZOPARDIViċi PresidentGħaqda tal-Malti - Università


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JoHn gabarettaSecretary General

raditionally, many

students usually

treat their education

as a means to an end and

have never really thought of

moulding it as they really wish.

But if there’s anything that

University enables you to do

it’s this – speak up!

This is exactly what KSU is all

about - the empowerment

of students into actually

playing an active role in their

education, rather than them

being the passive recipients

of textbook knowledge. KSU

supports a framework of

students who actively provide

feedback and consultation

about proposed changes in

the way University works and

help make proposed changes


Frankly, this is what I think

is the best aspect of tertiary

education – the ability of

students to engage in fruitful

discussion on how they are

taught with the individuals

who teach them. It is this

culture of mutual feedback -

where each party is respected

as being a key stakeholder

- that is the foundation of a

University that can grow.

Being in KSU really gives you a

good perspective on how alive

this scene of dialogue is. This

is what really helps us achieve

our goals and objectives, and

what helps create a better

understanding of where our

education needs to go. So next

time, whenever you get the

chance, just speak up – we’re

here to listen!

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t his year has been

quite the eye-

opener. I’ve always

occupied much of my time

with theatre, as I’ve always

felt the need for a creative

outlet in my life. Every play

was a new accomplishment.

Learning about new theatre

styles made me excited to

learn about all the other

things I had yet to discover

about the art form. Never

did it occur to me however,

that I could receive the

same satisfaction from

being involved in a student

organization. The opportunity

seemed terrifying at first, but

after only a couple of months

I was equipped with a new

set of valuable skills ranging

from office administrative

work to marketing and drafting

contracts which I would not

have acquired had I not gotten

involved with KSU.

Sometimes the best and

only way to discover your

strengths and/or limits is by

throwing yourself in the deep

end, and challenging yourself.

Unfortunately, nothing has

ever been accomplished

by simply staying in one’s

comfort zone, chilling at home

catching up on series – if only

! Trying to balance everything

definitely isn’t easy but it can

be extremely rewarding. This

is a particularly busy time for

KSU, so a number of projects

are under way.

Recently, Sean and I held

interviews with applicants

for the KSU marketing intern

position. A decision made in

order to boost KSU’s sales in

advertising. In addition to this

I’ve been securing sponsors for

events, whilst also overseeing

the activities of all the

executive members. KSU has

also been trying to reach new

markets by collaborating with

brands such as ALDO and 202

jewellers. You’re all familiar

with the cliché’s ‘life is short’

and ‘enjoy the moment’ , and if

I had to give anyone a word of

advice at University it would be

to do just that. The thing about

cliché’s is they tend to be

true. Take this time to try new

things, make a few mistakes.

It’s still acceptable because

we’re students, but work life

is just around the corner. So

make the most of this time,

and do what YOU want to do.


dO iTnow

@KSU DEC 2013

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dO iTnow

the KSU Executive

is continuously on

the go to ensure a

better way of life for students

frequenting the University of


My role within KSU is to act as

a watchdog over all aspects

of financial management,

working closely with the

Admin. Secretary Lucianne

Caruana and President

Thomas Bugeja to safeguard

and sustain the council’s


In summary, the main

responsibilities the Financial

Officer deals with are:

• General Financial


• Funding, fundraising and


• Financial Planning and


• Banking, book keeping

and updating of records

• Updating of internal

procedures of Control

• Control of Fixed Assets

and stock

It is typically good practice in

finance to set up sub-groups

to manage and oversee certain

areas within this aspect. This

year an Accounting sub-

committee was set up in the

beginning of the term. Mr.

Kersten Mallia and Mr. Ryan

Farrugia both Accountancy

students worked hand in hand

with KSU to review and update

the Fixed Assets Register.

Their role in this committee

included research, review and

updating of KSU’s assets list in

accordance with International

Accounting Standards.

Thanks to their hard work and

dedication, KSU now has an

updated record of the list of

assets within its possession.

The trading motto of every

financial Officer is to expect

the Executive members to do

More with Less – and even

though this creates many

internal debates, I must say

that I am extremely proud to

have the Administrative Team

and Offices working together

and in line with the budgets

prepared in order to reduce

unnecessary costs. Last but

not least, KSU is always trying

to improve its financial and

accounting procedures in

order to ensure transparency.

andrea attardFinancialOfficer

doing moreWiTH less


Page 18: @KSU Dec 2013 Issue


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@KSU DEC 2013

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c hristmas time has

arrived and looking

back I realized that

it has already been six months

since our term in KSU has

started. Up till now it has felt

like a roller coaster ride with all

the excitement, adventure and

also the ups and downs.

Being in KSU requires a lot of

hard work and commitment

however when you then see

the end result you realize that

all in all it was all worth it. All

the events, whether they are

educational, informative,

cultural or entertaining, are

organized for the benefit of

and to make students’ life at

University a more enriched


My role within KSU is that of a

coordinator within the Social

Policy office. Some might ask

what the KPS office really does

and what its purpose is. Well

to give a brief overview, KPS

meetings are held every month

where representatives from

student organizations discuss

current issues and draft

policies. Moreover, seminars,

discussions and debates are

organized throughout the year

so that students are given the

opportunity to learn and

inform themselves more about

certain topics, whilst also

giving the chance to students

to voice their opinion.

On another note, the

Social policy office has also

organized The KSU Careers’

Convention where companies

from different employment

sectors spent 3 days on

Campus in order to recruit

university students, therefore

providing the students with

the opportunity to meet their

future employers. Besides

these past events, other

initiatives lie within the pipeline

which include Organizations’

Days, Health Campaign and

a Debate Society amongst


Being an active student myself

in student organizations, I

encourage all students to get

involved and make the most

out of your years at University

and not only by excelling

academically but even more

so by building your own

personality and exploring new


luana VassalloSocial Policy Coordinator

sTAy A sTePaHead

@KSU DEC 2013

Page 21: @KSU Dec 2013 Issue

RTC Controlled System Ann-Marie Deguara June 2013

Home Automation & Alarm System Dylan-David Buhagiar June 2013

THESIS PRINTING & BINDINGYou put a great deal of work into your thesis.

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Digitall Studio Corradino Industrial Estate, Paola

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T: 21894446E: [email protected]



Page 22: @KSU Dec 2013 Issue



b eing active within

Sixth Form and

University is what

has enhanced my educational

experience these past 5 years

and looking back I do not

regret any part of it!

I started this journey at

St.Aloysius College where I

was a member of the crew

for all four Soirées and SAC

Fests in my two years at the

college. My participation in

the first Soirée taught me

the importance of involving

yourself in order to gain

experiences which you cannot

learn anywhere else. On

entering University, I wanted

to enhance this experience

and I promptly joined the ICT

Student Association (ICTSA).

I started as a sub-committee

member and made my way

to the role of President which

I held for almost 2 years.

Last year I decided to take

part in the KSU Students Fest

as a crew member for the

first time and I immediately

regretted not having taken part

in the previous years! These

experiences eventually led me

to where I am today – part of

the KSU executive in the role

of Social Policy Commissioner.

The position I hold now entails

a lot of work – much more

than I expected to have initially

but I am up for the challenge

and will continue to strive

to do my best and hopefully

this will reflect in my results.

Despite the amount of time

and work it takes to involve

oneself in such activities, I

always encourage friends

and any students I meet to

go ahead and take part in

anything that interests you as it

is what makes University life so

much more rewarding.

Social Policy Commissioner

tamara caligari

@KSU DEC 2013

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Culture andEntertainmentOfficer

gaYle lYnncallus

the Three Big Changes

in the Structure

ofthe Culture &

Entertainment Office.

The first thing I wanted to do

was to change the internal

structure of the culture office

and the way it works in order

to incorporate some of the

new ideas I had been working

on for quite some time. I

made three big changes, the

first being the introduction

of the Organisations’ Forum,

the creation of an Events

Team, and the founding of the

culture sub-committee. I felt

that it was time that KSU, being

a student’s council, should

take a more inclusive approach

in the running and organizing

of events on campus. This is

the main reason as to why

I implemented the above

mentioned changes. These

changes have proven to

be quite successful and

organisations have started to

work together, forming bonds

and networks which have

led to an improvement in the

quality of events.

This year’s Campus Fest had

a circus oriented theme. With

over 100 helpers we were

able to make the event a great

success, and one of the best

so far.

Another two successful events

organized in collaboration

with MUSC, ESN, and also

TDM2000 were the football

and rugby matches.

This served to promote and

instill a sports culture in Malta.

At the time of writing this I

am currently working on the

finishing touches for this year’s

Graduation Ball – The KSU

Great Gradball, the theme of

which is influenced by “The

Great Gatsby”. Another project

which is in the works is that of

the KSU Charity Event which

will take place in December

and will include help from

many of the University’s


@KSU DEC 2013

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l ike all other University

students, I like to

have fun. More than

anything, I have made it my

primary objective as a KSU

executive member to work on

tearing down the wall between

students and KSU as well as to

dissolve any fences brought

about by the outlandish

disputes between the political

organizations on campus.

Furthermore, I believe having

fun with everything I do at

the office helps to make

KSU a more approachable

organization, one heavily

dependent on culture &

entertainment and one which

this year is putting more

emphasis than ever on it’s

aesthetic and the national

culture scene.

I guess it’s very valuable

for KSU to have a Gozitan

member and one who is an

arts student. In ticking both

boxes and because of my

background as a designer,

I’m working with the PRO

on the direction of visuals

and aesthetics for KSU

Culture & Entertainment

events (including the newly

re-branded The KSU Great

GradBall) and with the vice-

president on securing links

between KSU and major

cultural organizations on


Up next I’ll be working solely

on a gallery space on campus

hosting culture internships

for all UoM students. It seems

that in the past, our office

was just about throwing big

parties and big events. Now,

it’s about throwing even bigger

parties, but more importantly,

about safeguarding culture on

campus, about pushing the

arts and about encouraging

organizations and students to

push forward their ideas and to

work with KSU.

luKe azzopardiCulture andEntertainmentCoordinator

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@KSU DEC 2013

Page 29: @KSU Dec 2013 Issue

to enjoy University

life is imperative.

Too many times

have I heard older people

telling me to make the most

of my University life - and that

is exactly what I have been

doing. The number one advice

I can give is to be as active as

possible - not to be afraid to

take risks.

In my first year I joined AIESEC,

a student organisation I knew

nothing about and no one in

it - as well as travel to London

on a Business Trip with ASCS,

the Association of Students

in Commercial Studies, of

which I eventually became

Vice President for a year.

Getting invited to represent

all students and being part of

KSU was the greatest honour

I could hope for. I know it’s

cliché to say, but University

really is the time when you

discover who you really are

and what you are made of!

The only way you can truly

come to understand the

essence of who you are is

by pushing and challenging

yourself in all sorts of ways.

The way I challenge myself is

by keeping as busy as possible.

Throughout the past 4 years

in University, I have always

been involved with a student

organisation, I have always

played football with a team

(training for 2 hours every

single day), I have worked

several small jobs on a shift

basis and I have travelled as

much as I possibly could.

Notwithstanding all this I have

always had ample time for

studies, social life and family.

The way I did this was through

effective time management

and planning. Some advice

that has helped me is to get a

good night’s sleep, as the Dalai

Lama said - “Sleep is the best


tHomas naudiInternationalCoordinator

maKe tHe MOsT Of iT


Page 30: @KSU Dec 2013 Issue


ibelieve that the KSU

international office is

what you make of it. This

office worked extremely hard

last year to raise the bar and

it is our duty to raise it even


Personally I focus on the

international dynamics of KSU,

that is KSU’s representation

within the European Students

Union (ESU) and MedNet

(Mediterranean Network of

Student Unions). I was very

recently elected to MedNet in

the role of financial secretary.

Being on the MedNet board

allows me to better represent

University of Malta students

internationally. Admittedly

being so involved does take up

a lot of my time however I fully

believe in making the most of

my University experience.

We are lucky enough to be

part of a University which

houses over 50 student

organisations which you can

be part of, not to mention

the large number of activities

which KSU organises including

Students Fest and Students

Exchanges which we more

than encourage you to join.

This invitation is also extended

to all international students

studying at our University.

I would like to take this

opportunity to remind the

readers that we only spend a

few years at University and it

would be a pity if we were to

regard University as simply a

stepping stone to our career,

and not a destination in itself.

Enjoy being a student, it

doesn’t last very long!

Yanica santInternationalOfficer

enJoY it WHile yOu cAn

@KSU DEC 2013

Page 31: @KSU Dec 2013 Issue

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