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Kubernetes heading OpenStack way

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Kubernetes heading OpenStack way? Krishna Kumar CNCF Ambassador & Cloud Architect Huawei Kubernetes 2 nd BirthDay Celebration @Redhat Office Bangalore CNCF Meetup presentation July 29 th 2017
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Kubernetes heading OpenStack way?

Krishna Kumar CNCF Ambassador & Cloud Architect Huawei

Kubernetes 2nd BirthDay Celebration @Redhat Office

Bangalore CNCF Meetup presentation July 29th 2017

Page 2: Kubernetes heading OpenStack way

DISCLAIMER The opinions and data points given in this presentation are taken from various internet sources and all those links are given in this deck. I have just aggregated few of those points and of course, the authors get the full credit of their statements.

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There was a need for a container orchestrator at Google (derived from Borg) and so Kubernetes was born!

The Kubernetes project is thriving and is one of the fastest-growing open source projects in history. Although Google initiated the project and Red Hat is a top-two contributor, Kubernetes has a large and growing ecosystem of contributors that includes companies both large and small, including CoreOS, Heptio, Rancher, IBM, and Microsoft.

Kubernets is a Container orchestration Mechanism (management and deployment engine)

Kubernetes comes from the Greek word for “helmsman”, developed by Google in 2014.

One of the largest open source community (bigger than 5x with Mesos – the next biggest competitor)

The creators are Joe Beda, Brendan Burns and Craig McLuckie. Apart from Google, Comcast, Verizon, etc. have large k8s deployments. Can scale up to 5000 nodes at present.

Kubernetes v1.0 officially launched in July 2015 and now reached at 1.7,

which has some rich features including stateful workloads update.

Release 1.8 and beyond will be more of production ready quality focused. Kubernetes community is called for stability in the release. So we will see less features and more stable code base going forward!

History There was a need for a cloud platform not proprietary to take on AWS.

And the OpenStack was born!

In 2010, Rackspace and NASA announced a collaborative effort to develop an open source cloud platform – nova & swift – two projects put together called OpenStack. The OpenStack mission is “to produce the ubiquitous Open Source Cloud Computing platform that will meet the needs of public and private clouds regardless of size, by being simple to implement and massively scalable”.

The first release was known as “Austin” and now it called Octata (Pike & Queens coming..), every six month there is a release. Release names are alphabetically ordered names of places. There are several teams and each team produces independent releases for the projects and then put together.

Evolution of OpenStack - From Infancy to Enterprise – For example one of the installation Walmart lab roughly holds 100K cores of compute running on OpenStack. Verizon, Paypal, Ebay, Rackspace all has big deployments.

OpenSatck Havana, its 8th release, the community started concentrating on stability in 2014. Several vendors got in to OpenStack bandwagon and started contributing ferociously. Some of them were for sack of contribution instead of real world problem solving. Finally, it reached a stage, were need to refocus on the core and discard unrelated items.

After initial ramp up stability comes to play for determining the success of the project!

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Mainly container orchestration. Supports containers in VM and Baremetal.

Kubernetes Installation on Bare Metal & CoreOS – Use flannel for overlay or use Calico to manage network policy.

When it comes to initial deployment (at scale) it is said to be complex and difficult to properly set up. It requires an engineer with a specific skill set that may be hard to find in todays’ engineering landscape.

Kubernetes functions as a third-party management system for the containers – so all container issues affects this one too – like the scope of the workloads that are acceptable to run in containers will limit the widespread adoption of Kubernetes.

An area in which Kubernetes is lacking is the scheduler. The default Kubernetes planner relies on the allocated resource requirements provided by the application owner, regardless of the real-time consumption. This approach will create resource fragmentation on each node.

Kubernetes also is very complex installation -Startups are exploring this space. For example, Heptio created by Joe Beda, k8s founder.


Mainly VM orchestration. Supports BareMetal & Containers too.

Baremetal installation using Openstack project Ironic – baremetal native.

OpenStack Virtual Baremetal - OpenStack Virtual Baremetal is a tool for using OpenStack instances to test baremetal-style deployments.

Openstack Magnum - Container Orchestration Engine Provisioning

OpenStack, bare metal, or containers? Yes to all three - Piston's new

CloudOS aims to manage bare metal servers, VMs in OpenStack, and eventually containers

OpenStack is most valuable at its core, as infrastructure for VMs on private network, not as containers management.

Long term, OpenStack's fundamental advantage is in edge computing use cases for telcos," said Jonathan Chiang, chief architect of cloud infrastructure at NBCUniversal.

Vendors like Mirantis, SUSE, Canonical, Red Hat, and even VMware are happy to help to navigate the orchestration mess.

Deployments are still complex in both world and third party help is mainly used

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Kubrnetes on Big data is not picked up as such. Yarn or Mesos is widely used for orchestration in Big data domain.

There is a Bigdata SIG in k8s exploring various aspects. Covers deploying and operating big data applications (Spark, Kafka, Hadoop, Flink, Storm, etc) on Kubernetes. Focus on integrations with big data applications and architecting the best ways to run them on Kubernetes.

By design containers are not meant to store data. It is common practice to run only applications that can crash without causing downtime in containers. In Bigdata, data is important element. So there exists a natural disconnect for containers in the bigdata.

Real-Time Data Analysis with Kubernetes, Redis, and BigQuery - perform

real-time data analysis of Twitter data using a pipeline built on Google Compute Engine.

Containerized BigData in Mesos and Kubernetes - Given the clusterization and stateful requirements, Mesosphere has a point: making Mesos native frameworks seems more straightforward than trying to squeeze the BigData tools to fit in Docker containers.

StatefulSets – is used currently for some bigdata deployments. What we need is a appearance of new natively containerized BigData tools.

Big Data

Openstack does not have much success in big data either, Yarn & Mesos occupied that part of the equation, kind of.

Some Big data projects under OpenStack: TROVE - Database as a Service SAHARA - Big Data Processing Framework Provisioning SEARCHLIGHT - Indexing and Search Openstack has done some POCs with various industry segments like auto.

HADOOP, THE PERFECT APP FOR OPENSTACK – Big data giant, Hortonworks

tried to play this game but not much success.

Big Data as a Service at Mass Open Cloud - Massachusetts Open Cloud (MOC) Big Data as a Service (BDaaS) solution we built on top of OpenStack

Reference to Solutions including BIGDATA - OpenStack as solution to fix that but as public cloud provider it lost its chance in 2012. Market for OpenStack implementation is very limited and will be only shrinking in the future. product and market is better to be ready to see big battle between major providers including Cloudera, Hortonworks and MapR. During the “war”, they will dismiss utility services as “good for testing/dev but not for production”.

Containerized BIGDATA & OpenStack’ed BIGDATA are not having any traction, not sure any future in it!

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• Kubernets on Openstack and Kubernetes with Mesos, Yarn, etc. various combinations of deployments are tried at different installations.

• Side-by-side and nested Kubernetes and OpenStack deployment with Kuryr - Kuryr enables both side by side Kubernetes and OpenStack deployments, as well as nested ones where Kubernetes is installed inside OpenStack VMs.

• Deploy OpenStack as an Application on Kubernetes – Tectonic OpenStack on Kubernetes provides high availability with simple scaling and control plane self-healing, virtual machine live migration, and the full complement of OpenStack IaaS feature

Complex combinations

• Openstack on Kubenetes and other IaaS solutions are mixed and matched by several vendors.

• Is NFV OpenStack’s Last Line of Defense? By virtue of being different from the enterprise use case, NFV has some unique requirements. These range from service chaining, service assurance, distributed NFV, smaller footprint (each cluster could be just a few nodes), higher levels of availability etc.

• Use Cases - Various kinds of combinations. “In the next 5-6 years, we’ll see a nice heterogeneous deployment of things managing VMs and things managing Docker containers. Then who knows by then. We’ll probably hit quantum containers by then as well, so the whole world will change,” Ceppi says. “It will be an ever-evolving landscape.”

Complex combinations are attempted to derive value but not known what benefit really it brings!

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GKE – is a k8s stack and uses the same open source version., quiet natural fit!

Azure Container Service (ACS) supports all combinations – k8s, Mesos and Docker Swarm. Azure Container Instances (ACI) - No Kubernetes required.

AWS ECS is not kubernetes, see Amazon EC2 Container Service vs. Kubernetes.

Amazon now leading the Kuberntes SIG-AWS. Kubernetes on AWS still a work in progress as management tools emerge – Kubernetes Operations (kops) is a utility that eases the spin-up of Kubernetes clusters on the Amazon Web Services (AWS).

AWS also has begun to embrace the development of upstream Kubernetes as part of its expanded partnership with Red Hat on OpenShift, which kicked off in May 2017.

Does AWS Plan to Battle Google Using Kubernetes(forecast $2.7B by 2020)? – rumored with VMWare-AWS building Private cloud?

With Big Cloud Vendors OpenStack and Azure - Hybrid Data Centers

Google Cloud Platform for OpenStack Users Using OpenStack To Build A Hybrid Cloud With AWS - There’s a huge benefit to be

had by transforming OpenStack into a true hybrid cloud layer, where the OpenStack API becomes an open standard to include not just private cloud, but public cloud management as well.

None of the Big player is competitor to Kubernetes or Openstack - they just use as it is.

Kuberntes cluster in AWS with Kops

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Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) The Foundation’s mission is to create and drive the adoption of a new computing paradigm that is optimized for modern distributed systems environments capable of scaling to tens of thousands of self healing multi-tenant nodes. •(a) Container packaged. Running applications and processes in software containers as an isolated unit of application deployment. •(b) Dynamically managed. Actively scheduled and actively managed by a central orchestrating process. •(c) Micro-services oriented. Loosely coupled with dependencies explicitly described (e.g. through service endpoints). - Governing Board will be responsible for marketing and other

business oversight and budget decisions for the CNCF. - Technical Oversight Committee (“TOC”) - End User Community End User Technical Advisory Board - Severeal new projects may get in – Potential projects in CNCF

Foundations & Projects

OpenStack Foundation A non-profit corporate entity established in September 2012 to promote OpenStack software and its community. More than 500 companies have joined the project, promotes the global development, distribution and adoption of the OpenStack cloud operating system. As the global independent home for OpenStack, the Foundation serves more than 60,000 Individual Members from over 180 countries around the world. https://www.openstack.org/foundation/

Several related projects under one umbrella in both worlds – though organized different way!

Projects https://www.openstack.org/software/project-navigator/

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Openstack rise & fall…..

2014: Year of the OpenStack Ecosystem - Its 8th release

(Havana ) captures all the momentum needed by the enterprise cloud.

2014: Open source cloud will outshine AWS, says OpenStack founder - Within the next three to five years, OpenStack community member Rackspace believes, the majority of clouds will be built on OpenStack

2014: Vmware will use openstack to win the cloud 2014: OpenStack has been heralded as being on a trajectory to "win" the

race to become the platform of choice for businesses building private clouds - OpenStack: Can the open-source platform still win private cloud?

2015: Still chance there openstack can beat AWS

2015: Openstack growing faster -

Openstack was the defacto cloud software but thing went wrong as vendors were not making money on it.

Openstack Founder at Openstack summit Vancouver May 2015

2016: Canonical Founder Mark Shuttleworth: vendors dropping out of OpenStack a sign of good health : HP and Cisco both significantly cut their OpenStack operations. Intel pulled the funding on its joint Innovation Centre, originally opened with Rackspace. And Mirantis also took the axe to its OpenStack engineer workforce, following an acquisition of TCP Cloud.

2016: OpenStack's Dead & Mirantis Dumped It? Not According to Vodafone – Telco guys still plays this game - Big OpenStack deployments by service providers include AT&T, Verizon, China Mobile, and Deutsche Telekom.

2016: Mirantis Pivots as OpenStack Loses 'Wow Factor‘ - VMware CTO for

cloud and networking Guideo Appenzeller told Enterprise Cloud News he sees limited demand for OpenStack, as enterprises find it too difficult to implement.

How is OpenStack so dead AND yet so very alive to SREs? – Rob, CEO RackN says “not yet.” Still there is a room for Infra play.

2017: Is This the Beginning of the End for OpenStack? – Mathew, CTO Weaveworks says “Problem one is that OpenStack initially was a platform to arm service providers to compete with AWS, and that war is lot + problem two is that OpenStack itself is a large and complex collection of software to deploy. It has itself become a big, complex pet, which is why Mirantis and others can make a living providing services, software and training.”

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Kubernetes is not PaaS; it is SaaP (Services-as-a-Platform)

Platforms and services are coming together and delivered as a single unit!

Randy Bias , VP Technology at EMC, Director at OpenStack Foundation (all content in this slide is from Randy’s presentation) https://www.slideshare.net/randybias/services-are-the-new-cloud-platform-servicesasaplatform

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2017 - the year of kubernetes? – Yes, it is, Very popular.

Kubernetes is king in container survey - Using a snapshot of Sysdig's services

that encompassed 45,000 running containers, Sysdig's 2017 Docker Usage Report shows k8s winning orchestration!

Docker really competes against platforms like VMWare, CloudFoundry and others not with kubernetes or other docker orchestration-

KUBERNETES: ITS PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE - There is a lot of potential in the platform but at scale it becomes difficult to manage. The gap between initial set up and running Kubernetes at scale, in production is large.

K8s or die: Skating into the future – “Kubernetes is surprisingly — and shockingly — just software, “It’s nothing special. It’s not a magic hat.”

Kubernetes's days may be numbered as open source changes - What happens if Google finds more efficient ways to drive paying customers to the Google Cloud Platform and other services? This is OK for now while Google funds Kubernetes to provide an API-laden path to its cloud. Collison cofounded the AJAX APIs group at Google, where his experience with Google’s internal Borg led him to architect CloudFoundry while at Vmware, now at Apcera believes “perceived value of open source OpenStack is “zero,” making it impossible for an ecosystem to flourish around it.”, “Kubernetes is repeating some of the mistakes that OpenStack made.”

The Future!

Kubernetes opensource, not making money, can it survive unlike OpenStack?


Open stack Lacks Singular sense of purpose - So many questions unanswered like, will it be on the Edge network as part of the network core, will it use etcd, focusing on core modules and deprecating others (6-10 projects max, not 50 of them), With containers or without, use openstack modules independent like Cinder storage, etc. Future looks uncertain!!!

As Ben Kepes said in this DockerCon recap, (DockerCon April 2017) “OpenStack as a project is a real good thing. OpenStack as a business maybe not so much.”

May 2017 - The eternal battle for OpenStack's soul will conclude in three years. Again -

very few IT executives at large organizations tell me they want to run private clouds.

May 2017 - IT pros ponder the future of OpenStack and Kubernetes - The market still has yet to decide whether OpenStack and Kubernetes should intertwine in layered architectures or take on separate roles in the enterprise. On the networking and storage side, OpenStack is more advanced and more flexible [than Kubernetes],

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Hey k8s, as you are moving towards Kindergarten, please don’t follow the path your elder sibling has taken!
