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Kuliah Dr.zili Asidosis Dan Alkalosis Respiratorik Edit

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Gas transport and pH regulation dr.Syazili Mustofa

pH regulationdr.Syazili MustofaBiochemistry departement of medical faculty lampung university ASAM BASA..pH[H+]

AcidBaseNotasi pH diciptakan oleh seorang ahli kimia dari Denmark yaitu Soren Peter Sorensen pada thn 1909, yang berarti log negatif dari konsentrasi ion hidrogen. Dalam bahasa Jerman disebutWasserstoffionenexponent (eksponen ion hidrogen) dan diberi simbol pH yang berarti: potenz (power) of Hydrogen. pHpH Regulation4Maintenance of relatively constant blood pH value is essential for health, since changes in blood pH will affect intracell pH alter : - metabolism - protein conformation - enzyme activity - equilibria of reaction that consume / generate H+(oxidation - reduction reaction)Maintenance of a constant blood pH is, in part, achieved by - buffer system in the blood control short - term changes in acid - base metab. - in long term : balancing proton loss & proton gainSyazili Mustofa5pH value of plasma may be affected by :- malfunctioning of buffer system or- disturbance of acid base balance e.g. due to - kidney disease or - altered breathing frequency ( hypo / hyperventilation)Normal alterial plasma pH : 7.40 0.05- pH < 7.35 acidosis- pH > 7.45 alkalosisSyazili MustofaBuffer System63 major body water components : - plasma : within circulating system - interstitial fluid : fluid that bathes cells - intracellular fluidComposition : - plasma : - major kation : Na+ - small amounts : K+, Ca2+, Mg2+- dominant anions : HCO3-, Cl-- small amount anion : protein, HPO42-, SO42-- mixture organic anions - interstitial fluid : - similar - contain less protein plasma & interst. fluid extracell. Fluid

- intracell fluid : - major kation : K+- major anions : - organic P (ATP, BPG, glycolitic intrmd) - protein

Syazili Mustofa7Each fluid makes a different contribution to buffering* Major buffer of extracell fluid : HCO3- / CO2 system- not very effective in resisting pH changes from changes in pCO2- effective in controlling pH changes caused by other than pCO2 changes* Intracell fluid : responsible for buffering pCO2 changes ( Hb buffering within RBC)* Extracell fluid & intracell fluid : equal in buffering strong organic / inorganic acids Plasma : excellent indicator to handle additional loads of acids

Syazili Mustofa8Every buffer consist of : - a weak acid : H A - conjugate base : A- e.g. acetate-/acetic acid, NH3 / NH4+, HPO42- / H2PO4- weak acid : neutral, (+) charged, (-) charged conjugate base : 1 less (+) charge / 1 more (-) charge than weak acid Henderson - Hesselbalch equation :pH = pK + log

direct relationship between pH & ratio .[conj. base ] [acid]Syazili Mustofa9[HCO3-] / [CO2] buffer system :Blood pH : 7,4 p.k. : 6,1

[HCO3-] / [CO2] ratio = 20/1 at normal blood pH = 7,4Every changes in [HCO3-] or [CO2] changes the ratio changes pH compensation to normalize blood pH.7,4 = 6,1 + log 20/1Syazili Mustofa10Blood plasma is a mixed buffer system :HCO3- / CO2 , HPO42- / H2PO4-, protein / H proteinMajor buffer of plasma : bicarbonate buffer system an open system : pCO2 is adjusted to meet the bodys needsIf respiration can not accomplish this adjustment pCO2 changes strikingly bicarbonate syst. would be ineffective.Syazili MustofaAcid - base balance & its maintenance11Acidosis : excess acid or def. of alkali in the bodyAlkalosis : excess alkali or def. of acid in the bodyThere exist mechanisms where the body normally rids itself of excess acid or alkali

Individuals produce large amounts of acids* Major acid : CO2 volatile : normally excreted by the lungs Inability of the lungs respiratory acidosis or alkalosisSyazili Mustofa12* Respiratory acidosis : result of hypoventilation of alveoli CO2 accumulates Alv. hypoventilation : occur when depth or rate of respiration - airway obstruction - neuromuscular disorders- diseases of CNS

- chronic resp. acidosis : chronic obstructive lung disease (emphyema)- inhalation of gas mixture with high pCO2 resp. acidosisIncrease the PCO2 ------> the pH goes down. Hypoventilation.

Acute resp. acidosisSyazili Mustofa13* Respiratory alkalosis : arises from decreased alv. pCO2 Hyperventilation : - anxiety : most common cause - CNS injury involving resp. center - salicylate poisoning - fever - artificial ventilation High altitude alv. pCO2 chronic resp. alkalosis

Decrease the PCO2 ------> the pH goes up. Hyperventilation.

Syazili Mustofa14 * Metabolic acidosis The body produced nonvolatile acids H+ + SO42-- hydrolysis of phosphate- esters phosphoric acid- metabolism - lactic acid - acetoacetic acid - - hydr. butyric acid- administration of : NH4Cl / Arg hydrochloride / Lys hydrochloride urea + HCl

Decrease the HCO3------> the pH goes downproduced in excess accumulation acidosisSyazili Mustofa15- ingestion of salicylate, methyl alcohol, ethylene glycol production of strong organic acid accumulation of nonvolatile acids metabolic acidosis- abnormal loss of base ;- renal tubular acidosis : abnormal amount of HCO3- escape from blood into urine- severe diarrhea HCO3-

Syazili Mustofa16* Metabolic alkalosis - intake excess alkali :- NaHCO3- salt of organic acid : Na - lactate NaHCO3- fruits & vegetables : contain mixture of organic acids - metabolized to CO2 + H2O no long term. effect on acid base balance - salt of organic acids [HCO3-] - abnormal loss of acids : vomiting, gastric lavage (Lose enough stomach acid to produce alkalosis) - rapid loss of body water :diuresis temporary [HCO3-]Increase the HCO3------> the pH goes upSyazili Mustofa17Causes of acid base imbalanceAcidosis : Respiratory : alveolar hypoventilation Metabolic : - H+ overproduction - HCO3- overexcretionAlkalosis : Respiratory : alveolar hyperventilation Metabolic : - alkali ingestion - H+ overexcretionSyazili Mustofa18Normal

Acidosis- Respiratory- Metabolic

Alkalosis- Respiratory- MetabolicBlood pH


Urine pH

6 7

[HCO3- ]/ [H2CO3


20 / > 1< 20 / 1

20 / < 1>20 / 1 Cause

HypoventilationH+ productionor HCO3- excretion

HyperventilationAlkali ingestionor H+ excretionSyazili MustofaRespirasiHiperventilasiPenurunan kekuatan otot nafas dan menyebabkan kelelahan ototSesakMetabolikPeningkatan kebutuhan metabolismeResistensi insulinMenghambat glikolisis anaerobPenurunan sintesis ATPHiperkalemiaPeningkatan degradasi proteinOtakPenghambatan metabolisme dan regulasi volume sel otakKomaKardiovaskularGangguan kontraksi otot jantung

Dilatasi Arteri,konstriksi vena, dan sentralisasi volume darahPeningkatan tahanan vaskular paruPenurunan curah jantung, tekanan darah arteri, dan aliran darah hati dan ginjalSensitif thd reentrant arrhythmia dan penurunan ambang fibrilasi ventrikelMenghambat respon kardiovaskular terhadap katekolaminManagement of life-threatening Acid-Base Disorders, Horacio J. Adrogue, And Nicolaos EM: Review Article;The New England Journal of Medicine;1998AKIBAT DARI ASIDOSIS BERATKardiovaskularKonstriksi arteriPenurunan aliran darah koronerPenurunan ambang anginaPredisposisi terjadinya supraventrikel dan ventrikel aritmia yg refrakterRespirasiHipoventilasi yang akan menjadi hiperkarbi dan hipoksemiaMetabolicStimulasi glikolisis anaerob dan produksi asam organikHipokalemiaPenurunan konsentrasi Ca terionisasi plasmaHipomagnesemia and hipophosphatemiaOtakPenurunan aliran darah otakTetani, kejang, lemah delirium dan stuporAKIBAT DARI ALKALOSIS BERATManagement of life-threatening Acid-Base Disorders, Horacio J. Adrogue, And Nicolaos EM: Review Article;The New England Journal of Medicine;1998ANION GAP:Essentially, the difference between the concentrations of cations (Na+ primarily) and anions (Cl-, HCO3-) in the blood.

Anion gap= ( Na + K ) ( Cl + HCO)

= 4-17 mmol l

High Anion Gap: It is high in any condition with reduced clearance or excess production of any unmeasured anions. Metabolic Acidosis. It indicates that you have added acids to the blood: salicylic acid, formic acid, lactic acid, oxalic acid, sulfuric acid.Normal Anion Gap: Respiratory Acidosis. It occurs when you ultimately become acidotic because of losing HCO3

It is low in hyperalbuminaemia, liver disease and paraproteinaemiasNormal value of arterial blood gasItem valuepH7,4[HCO3-]22 - 28 mEq / LPaCO233 - 44 mEq / LPaO290 - 100 mEq / LInget brho.

Regulasi Ph dan mekanisme kompensasi

Chronic control (long-term)Rapid regulation (short-term)

Regulasi pH pasien PPOKPCO2PPOKpH

NH4Cl Hipoalbumin..?Sintesis Alb
