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Kultur Jaringan AT2014 Protoplast Culture

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PROTOPLAST CULTURE Agustina Monalisa Tangapo

    Agustina Monalisa Tangapo

  • Protoplas

    Sel tumbuhan yang telah

    dihilangkan bagian dinding

    selnya sel tumbuhan

    telanjang tanpa dibungkus

    oleh dinding sel

    1. Individual cells

    2. Can be fused

    3. Can be transformed

    4. Can be used for organelle studies

  • Protoplas


    Isolated protoplast are capable of ingesting "foreign" material into the cytoplasm. This

    material includes the introduction of nuclei, chloroplasts, mitochondria, DNA, plasmids,

    bacteria and viruses.

    Protoplast can be used to study wall synthesis and deposition

    Protoplasts can be studied as single cell systems

    Protoplasts can be induced to fuse to produce a hybrid plant, which

    cannot be produced by conventional plant breeding due to


    Genetic transformation





  • Isolasi Protoplas

    Enzimatik pektinase, selulose dan hemiselulose

    Mekanik Klercker pada 1892 mengisolasi protoplas dari daun tanaman Stratiotes aloides memplasmolisis daun, kemudian diiris tipis-tipis dan melarutkannya

    pada medium cair (Torrey dan Landgren, 1977)

    Pada tahun 1960 Cocking berhasil mengisolasi protoplas yang

    hidup (viable) dari jaringan akar tomat melalui perlakuan dalam

    larutan enzim selulase yang diperoleh dari jamur Myrothecium

    verrucaria. Pada tahun 1968, preparasi isolasi dan purifikasi

    protoplas dari jaringan tanaman mulai dilakukan secara

    komersial menggunakan larutan enzim sellulase dan maserozim.

  • Methods of isolation of protoplast

    obtain sterile plant


    rinsing in a suitable


    facilitating enzyme


    purification of the isolated

    protoplasts (removal of

    enzymes and cellular


    transfer to a suitable


  • Methods of isolation of


  • Methods of isolation of protoplast

    The chief function of the cell wall is to exert wall pressure on the protoplast preventing excessive water uptake and bursting of the cell. Before the cell wall is removed, the cell must be bathed in an isotonic plasmolyticum (mannitol or sorbitol 13 %, these sugar alcohols are less readily metabolised by plant cells). It may be advantageous to test a range of mannitol concentrations varying from 8 -15% (w/v)

  • Notes

    Jenis dan konsentrasi enzim yang dapat

    dipergunakan untuk isolasi protoplas bervariasi : Pektin glikosidase, pektinase, selulase R-10, silanase, maserozim, meiselase,

    rohamen P, selulase onozuka RS, driselase, pektioliase Y-23, hemiselulase,

    selulisin, naserase dan rozim. Sterilisasi dengan milipore


    Setiap jenis tanaman, jenis jaringan sebagai sumber

    protoplas respon yang berbeda-beda terhadap enzim tersebut.

  • Purifikasi Protoplas Protoplasts are filtered through a nylon

    mesh (64micrometer) to remove

    undigested tissue, cell clumps, and cell

    wall debris.

    Transfer filtrate to centrifuge tube and

    spin at + 75 x g (5 min).

    Debris (in supernatant) is carefully

    removed (protoplasts have formed a

    pellet at the base of the tube).

    Protoplasts are carefully resuspended in

    culture medium (plus 13% mannitol), and

    the process is repeated three times.

    Protoplasts are examined for density and


    Protoplas hasil isolasi perlu dimurnikan

    atau dipurifikasi karena protoplas hasil

    isolasi masih bercampur dengan enzim,

    protoplas yang pecah dan debris (sisa

    jaringan yang tidak terdegradasi).

  • Densitas protoplas

    Protoplas utuh yang telah

    dimurnikan dapat digunakan

    untuk budidaya, diinduksi ke arah

    fusi atau untuk transfer organel

    atau materi genetik harus dalam jumlah cukup dan

    mempunyai viabilitas.

    Jumlah optimum protoplas yang

    viabel 104 105 protoplas/ml

    Densitas protoplas dihitung

    dengan alat haemocytometer

    Figure 4.2: Cell counting using a

    haemocytometer (based on Freshney)

  • Viabillitas protoplas

    Viabilitas protoplas dapat dijui

    dengan pewarnaan menggunakan

    FDA (Fluorescein diacetate), PI

    (Propidium Iodin), Phenosafranin, Evan

    Blue, Netral Red, Rhodamin 123,

    Fluorescein isotiosinat (FITC).

    Fluorescein diacetate (FDA): accumulates

    only inside the plasmalemma of viable

    protoplasts, can be detected with

    fluorescence/UV microscopy

    Evans blue: Intact viable protoplasts, exclude

    the Evans blue stain. Impermeability of the cell

    to Evans blue indicates a living cell.

    Cyclosis or protoplasmic streaming can be a

    measure of viability.

  • Isolation of protoplasts from green tissue.

    Protoplasts were prepared from 2-week-old kitaake plants and transformed as described (Methods). Picture was taken under bright field light using a Zeiss Axiovert 25 microscope with a 40 objective. Larger clear cells are derived from stem tissue whereas smaller chloroplast-filled cells were derived from green leaf tissue.

    Bart et al. Plant Methods 2006 2:13 doi:10.1186/1746-4811-2-13

  • Protoplast culture and regeneration

    Protoplas yang telah dimurnikan dikultur pada medium agar semisolid dan


    Protoplas sering dikultur pada media liquid untuk meregenerasi dinding sel

    terlebih dahulu, sebelum dikultur ke media agar.

    Media agar semisolid gel agar lunak (0.75 % w/v) agarose

    Protoplas yang sudah berhasil didapat apabila tidak akan difusikan dapat

    langsung diregenerasikan.

    Protoplas dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mendukung

    penelitian dasar biologi tanaman dan di bidang rekayasa genetik, misalnya hibridisasi somatik untuk meningkatkan kualitas tanaman.

  • Protoplast culture and regeneration

    From the protoplast solution of known density (about

    105 protoplast/ml) about 1 ml suspension is poured on

    sterile and cooled down nutrient medium in Petri dishes.

    The plates are incubated at 25C in a dim white light.

    The protoplasts regenerate a cell wall, undergo cell

    division and form callus. The callus can also be

    subcultured. Embryogenesis begins from callus when it is

    placed on nutrient medium lacking mannitol and auxin.

    The embryo develops into seedlings and finally mature



    Pembentukan dinding sel

    dan proses pembelahan

    sel (A=protoplas yang

    telah meregenerasi

    dinding selnya secara

    sempurna, B= awal

    pembelahan sel, C=akhir

    pembelahan sel dan

    D=Sel baru hasil


  • A. A terminal bud was placed in an enzyme solution consisting of 1% Cellulase Onozuka R-10, 0.05%

    Macerozyme Onozuka R-10, 1mM CaCl2, 1 mM NaCl, 0.1 mM KCl, and an appropriate osmotic

    concentration of sorbitol (pH 5.5).

    B. 1 hr after incubation with the enzyme solution.

    C. 2 hr after incubation with the enzyme solution. Only debris was left over the mesh, and isolated

    protoplasts were on the bottom of the vessel

    D. These freshly isolated protoplasts often have irregular shapes, and the cytoplasmic streaming has

    generally ceased.

  • Once the protoplasts have regenerated a cell wall, they undergo cell division and form a callus.This callus can be subcultured. The callus may undergo embryogenesis or organogenesis after about 3-4 weeks, in the correct culture conditions. The embryoids/organs can be grown up in the same manner as for most cultured plantlets .

    The first division

    of a rice protoplast

    four days after


    Protoplast derived

    plantlet of rice

    growing in a test tube

  • Fusi Protoplas

    Proses peleburan (fusi) antara protoplas dengan

    latar belakang genetik yang berbeda (beda

    spesies atau genus) dan dapat diregenerasikan

    menjadi tanaman utuh dan mempunyai karakter

    gabungan antara kedua induknya (asal protoplas).

    Fusi protoplas intra-spesies; inter-spesies; inter-genus.

  • Fusi Protoplas

    The nuclei of two protoplasts may or may not fuse together even after fusion of cytoplasms.

    The binucleate cells are known as heterokaryon or heterocyte

    When nuclei are fused the cells are known as hybrid or synkaryocyte (Constabel, 1978), and when only cytoplasms fuse and genetic information from one of the two nuclei is lost is known as cybrid i.e. cytoplasmic hybrid or heteroplast (Doods and Roberts, 1985).

    Protoplast fusion

    1. Somatic hybrids

    2. Cybrids (cytoplasmid hybrid

    atau heteroplast)

  • Inter-specific fusions

    Datura innoxia X D. stramonium = D. straubii (O. Schieder, 1978)

    Tomate X Kartoffel = Tomoffel (G. Melchers, 1978)

    Lycopersicum esculentum X Solanum tuberosum

    2n x 2n 4n Synkaryon

    2n Heterokaryon

    Fusion of haploid protoplasts (derived from anther cultures)

    n + n= 2n

    Somatic hybrids

  • Fusi Protoplas

    There are some genetic factors which are carried in cytoplasmic inheritance, instead of nuclear genes, for example, male sterility in some plants. Susceptibility and resistance to some of the pathotoxins and drug are controlled by cytoplasmic genes. Therefore, production of cybrids which contain the mixture of cytoplasms but only one nuclear genome can help in transfer of cyloplasmic genetic information from one plant to another. Thus, informations of cybrid can be applicable in plant breeding experiments. (Vasil, 1982).

    Fusion products - the hybrids and cybrids




  • Methods of somatic hybridization

    Procedure for successful somatic hybridization is as below:

    (i) isolation of protoplasts from suitable plants,

    (ii) mixing of protoplasts in centrifuge tube containing fugigenic chemicals i.e.

    chemicals promoting protoplast fusion, such as polyethylene glycol (PEG)

    (20%, W/V), sodium nitrate (NaNO3), maintenance of high pH 10.5 and

    temperature 37C (as a result of fusion of protoplasts viable

    heterokaryons are produced. PEG induces fusion of plant protoplasts and

    animal cells and produces heterokaryon (Davey et al, 1978),

    (iii) wall regeneration by heterokaryotic cells,

    (iv) fusion of nuclei of heterokaryon to produce hybrid cells,

    (v) plating and production of colonies of hybrid cells,

    (vi) selection of hybrid, subculture and induction of organogenesis in the hybrid

    colonies, and

    (vii) transfer of mature plants from the regenerated callus.

  • Fusion of


    of potato

    and tomato,



    of hybrid



  • Diagram prosedur fusi protoplas dari mesofil daun tembakau

    dan daun plantlet kentang;

    A. Plantlet kentang;

    B. Daun dari A dipotong-potong;

    C. Potongan daun C diinkubasikan dalam medium plasmolisis

    selama 1-8 jam selanjutnya diinkubasikan dalam medium

    enzym selama 4-16 jam;

    D1. Protoplasma dalam C disaring dengang filter steril, mess

    63 mikron ;

    D2. Suspensi protoplasma disentrifugasi;

    E. Pelet diresuspensi dalam medium pengapung (flotation) 10

    ml ditambah medium pencuci 1 ml selanjutnya disentrifuge,

    protoplasma akan melayang-layang diantara medium flotasi

    dan medium pencuci;

    F. Protoplasma diresuspensi lagi dengan medium CPW 13 M

    dengan kerapatan 1x 106 per mililiter;

    G. 1. Protoplasma diteteskan pada tengah-tengah cawan petri

    steril ditambahkan dengan satu tetes minyak mineral; 2.

    Tetesan tersebut ditutup menggunakan gelas penutup steril; 3.

    Tambahkan 3 tetes dari setiap macam suspensi protoplasma;

    H. Protoplas difusikan secara bertahap menggunakan medium

    fusagen PEG 22,5 dengan cara meneteskannya sebanyak 6


    I. Protoplasma dicuci dengan medium pencuci Ca+. Medium

    pencuci dicampur dengan medium kultur;

    J. Protoplasma diinkubasikan di bawah sinar pada suhu 25oC;

    K. setelah 2-3 minggu koloni multiseluler diembeding dengan


    L. Koloni seluler pada K ditanam pada medium MS basal

    (sumber: Trigiano & Gray, 2000).

  • RMAN


    (father of several hundred triploid progeny)

    Cybrid of Murcott (the Honey tangerine) containing the mtDNA CMS of G1 Satsuma mandarin

  • Thanks a lot for u att.
