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Kyamkwanzi Leadership Summit Report Sep 2012

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Plot 22B Tagore Crescent, Kamwokya, Kampala, Uganda


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We thank you Almighty God for this inspiring Leadership Summit!  This report captures the details of the mission that saw more than 100 Kyankwanzi District technocrats, politicians, security personnel and other leaders trained in ethics and integrity. The World Shine Ministries team led by the WSM Founder/President, Rev. Dr. Medad Birungi was warmly welcomed by the Kyankwanzi Resident District Administrator Caleb Tukaikiriza On Sept 19, 2012.

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The Mission content included topics such as Transformational Leadership by Geoffrey Tindimwebura, Teamwork in Service by Alfred Nuwamanya, Challenges & Opportunities by Shedrack Musinguzi, The State of the Nation by Dr. James Nsaba Buturo, Professionalism in Service by Samuel Bakutana, Balancing Work & Family by Connie Birungi and The Integrity

Crisis in Uganda by Rev. Dr. Medad Birungi, among other speakers.

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The former Ethics & Integrity Minister (Buturo) stressed repeatedly that to assess The State of the Nation; one need not look at figures. Figures on the economy, health and other aspects of Uganda are intangible and cannot be physically located.

“This state defines, describes the state today. We are in a very difficult situation because the Church, the Mosque, Government are not addressing what is making Uganda be in such a dangerous state of morality. We have critically run short of honesty, care, patriotism, respect, industry and increased in corruption, greed, theft. Our nation has been invaded by homosexuality, pornography, witchcraft…”, he warned in a entrancing presentation.

He cautioned that immorality affects Uganda in several ways. He cited politics, the way relate with our compatriots, the way we manage or mismanage our resources. He noted that elections in Uganda are controversial, immorality causes instability because security is undermined by purchase of wrong equipment, there is corruption in the Church, Mosque, the Justice Law and Order sectors. He also noted that immorality breeds anger in sections of the population against their ‘more privileged’ compatriots thus triggering civil unrest, immorality brings national dependence, national weakness making it easier for Uganda to be dominated by foreigners. We have turned against ourselves.

He warned that we should not pay lip service to God. “God should be at the centre of our nation. We need to pray hard. God is being told that He is a private affair. If we allow greed, dishonesty and other evils to prevail, then we shall compromise ourselves. Imagine that scenario in our homes. We need to punish all evil. Let us avoid the defeatist attitude. It all starts with me/you, our families, our communities, our Nation and beyond. Let us not look to the Government to change the moral equation of this nation. Time is not on our side. We need to invest in our moral rearmament.”

“It is not the many vehicles, the mushrooming buildings or even good roads that make our nation. It is the quality of life which is being undermined. What will happen to our children and their children?,” he asked


In a riveting presentation, Rev. Dr. Birungi (above) discussed areas of integrity that have been eroded by immorality.

He said leaders’ significance requires leaders to be:

instruments of change,

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eye openers, designers, shepherds, lights of society, ambassadors of civilization and great protagonists.

On leadership style, he pointed out: There are many different ways to lead God's people.

• Visionary leader - These leaders have a crystal-clear picture of what they want to happen. They cast visions powerfully and possess indefatigable enthusiasm to pursue the mission. 

• Directional leader - The directional leader can carefully assess the values, mission, strengths, weaknesses, resources, personnel, and openness to change of an organization - then point that organization in the right direction. 

• Strategic leader - A strategic leader forms a game plan everyone can understand and is able to get various departments synchronized and focused toward the goal.

• Managing leader - These leaders possess the unique ability to establish mile markers on the road to the destination, then organize and monitor people, processes, systems, and resources for mission achievement. 

• Motivational leader - These leaders possess insight into who needs a fresh challenge, additional training, public recognition, and an encouraging word or a day off.

He said Uganda is a blessed country in many areas:

• Has a potential of being a great nation.• It is endowed with natural resources such as; fertile soils (agriculture),• Ever green forests (fuel, ecological preservation),• Good climate with the equator running through,• Good water bodies with fresh water lakes (fishing, transport, food, industry), • Great rivers especially the Nile (Hydro Electric power, Fishing, Transport)• Various animal species and great national parks and game reserves (food, tourism),• Many bird species (tourism),• Many mountains: volcanic and block (climatic regulation, tourism),• Big population (Human resource / labour),• Rich diversity of cultures: languages, lifestyles, entertainment (tourism), Volcanic

complexities e.g. Katwe , minerals – copper, asbestos, (manufacturing industry),• Flat plateaus (farming, roads) • And many other resources that would make Uganda a developed country.• Uganda is also blessed with good institutions that would be establishing The rule of law

and developing a powerful democracy. • The Executive arm of Government (Policy Implementation), • Parliament (legislation and policy formulation), • The Judiciary: (Justice and fairness),• Religious Institutions (Morality, ethics, integrity and values), • The Pearl of Africa- Winston Churchill• Home for Refugees• Got independence without guerrilla war-granted• Economy was one of the leading economies in Africa in 1962,• 1962 it lent money to Israel, 1954 lent money to Singapore• It lent Money to Malaysia 1964• 1963 $1=1.5 Ug shs and £1= 2 Ug sh• Godly Anthem and Motto

But inspite of all the above blessedness, Uganda has registered negative statistics in its history: he calls this “A State of Integrity Crisis”

• 1st in Alcohol consumption

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• 3rd most corrupt country in the world, • 2nd in Road Accidents in the world• 3rd in Witchcraft, witchdoctors per square kilometre.• 4th in teenage pregnancies,• 7th in Domestic violence,• well known for high figures of HIV/AIDS infected people, 2.9 Million • 9th poorest in the world, • Loss of political, moral, spiritual, sexual, and financial integrity. • Alarming rate of witchcraft and child sacrifice,• Unbearable high rate of corruption at all levels of society, • Increased sexual immorality, • Gross violation of human rights, • Biting poverty, extreme immorality, tribalism and ‘nephewsm’,• Gender marginalization,• Street kids and street adults,• Theft of medicine from public hospitals and health centers to private clinics; • Disrespect of legally binding documents, • Selfish and inordinate ambitions in the hearts of many leaders and the led; • Irresponsible driving on our roads, • Many hooligans who set schools on fires, • Rampant market infernos,• Empty and unfulfilled promises by leaders, • Counterfeit goods and services on the public market,• Towns and cities decorated by rotting garbage• Towns and cities decorated by rotting garbage,• Harsh administrators and secretaries in public offices, • Discrimination and segregation in labour markets on the basis of ‘non-issues’, • Violence and rigging in elections • Defilement and rape of young girls and boys by their teachers, • And incest by parents and relatives.• Other areas include strikes, demonstrations • A chaotic riots over issues in High Schools; Colleges and Universities, • Academic fraud,• Very high rates of domestic violence,• High figures of HIV/AIDS infection, • Swindling of public funds by government officials, • Biting bribery from LC I upwards,• Commercialization of religion and religious hypocrisy, • rebel insurgencies and mob justice, misuse of natural resources• Teenage pregnancies,• Alcohol and drug abuse, sectarianism,• And all other sorts of moral degeneration,• Transactional leadership and many other challenges.• The head has been filled with great philosophical knowledge. • The heart and the hand have remained untrained, wicked and contaminated.

Everywhere integrity is in a dangerous crisis. • It is an issue of the heart.• The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart

On the impact, he cautioned: the lack of integrity has eaten up:

• Student leaders and the students they lead, • Teachers and their head teachers/lecturers and professors,• Local council leaders and those they lead,• Some government ministers and those under them, • The Judiciary and those they judge, • Members of Parliament and their constituencies,• Parents and their children,

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• Constructers and their buildings/constructions, • Government departments, non-governmental organizations • And the church leaders and the Christians they lead.

Diagnosing the problem, he reiterated that Uganda is in a moral crisis. If this is so, one wonders why Christianity has not transformed the society. The same people who go to church on Sundays are the same people who are involved in scandals including church leaders. Analysts allege that the problem is with the political and religious leadership.

Bishop Festo Kivengere once said that when the head is rotten, one cannot ask where the body is going. This means that leadership in society is rotten and people have no exemplary leadership.

Edward Burke, a renowned political philosopher says that all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing. Good men and women are just in apathy and evil triumphs!

General Norman Schwarzkopf has said that 95% of all leadership failures in the last century were failures of character. Grieg Johnston also said: “Leadership will destroy the man whose character is not prepared for it”.

He defined integrity:

• To have integrity means there is no double-mindedness or duplicity in one’s character.

• It is the condition of being whole, undivided in values and conduct.• Integrity is consistency; it is being true to your convictions regardless of

circumstances.• Integrity means doing what is right regardless of personal cost.

The person of integrity will be faithful to his marriage or tell the truth regardless of how embarrassing the truth may be to him or how much counseling is required to save his marriage.

• Integrity also means doing what is right when it is more beneficial to compromise and doing what is right when no one is watching.

• Integrity is also honesty, • responsibility, humility,• purity, spirituality,• charity and self-respect.

The indicators of the integrity crisis include:

Financial Integrity, Verbal integrity, Sexual integrity, Time management integrity, Telephone interruptions, Visitors dropping in without appointments, Meetings that are both scheduled and unscheduled, Crisis situations for which no plans were possible, Gambling and gossiping etc, Professional integrity, Spiritual integrity, Political integrity, Hygiene integrity, Social integrity, Food/dining integrity, Managerial/Administrative integrity,

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Academic integrity, Ecclesiastical integrity,

He outlined criteria for measuring integrity:

Majority vs. minority, Might vs. right, Right vs. legal, Truth: relative or absolute? Leaders: statesmen vs. politicians, Informed vs. transformed, World view vs. Biblical/Scriptural view, Political correctness vs. Biblical/Scriptural correctness, Defensiveness vs. offensiveness, Mess vs. message, Character vs. charisma, Public vs. private life, Peer pressure vs. fear pressure, Leadership vs. lordship, Transformational vs. transactional leadership and Personal integrity & corporate integrity.

• In conclusion, he says “Our call to action in 2012, the year of Jubilee is that all of us should respect ourselves and command respect, thereby upholding integrity in our nation.

• We have lost sexual integrity, political integrity, financial integrity, verbal integrity, managerial integrity, academic integrity, hygienic integrity, social integrity, spiritual integrity and many other areas.

• We need to promote accountability, transparency and honesty in order to restore integrity. Character is crucial in leadership. We need to combine character and charisma to have transformational leaders who will promote a rule of law, statesmanship, patriotism and nationalism in Uganda. This will enable us to have a lasting democracy and to avert a future genocide in Uganda. But promoting integrity begins with you to your neighbour, family, community, nation and continental.

Some of the leaders spoke out on rampant corruption, insufficient remuneration and other problems that have bedeviled the integrity of public servants in Uganda:

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And our car mysteriously broke down at Lwamata before Kiboga town…and is pushed by Good Samaritans to the nearest police station…

What next? Waiting for an SOS car from Kyankwanzi RDC…

The car (read pick-up) is here…first on tarmac…

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Then on murram to complete the journey…thank God…


The mission objectives were accomplished. The Kyankwanzi District leadership was trained.

The leaders opened up and spoke out against the rampant corruption, their inadequate remuneration and other problems that compromise their integrity at their respective work stations.

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The biggest challenge was the breakdown of our vehicle. We lost at least three hours from the function.

Thank you all for praying for this mission.

To God is the Glory.

God Bless U all.


