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9 Showers and cooter to cia v faIr am warmer t morroV I 1 29 NEW YORK FRIDAY JUNE BY THE SUN PRINTING I TWO I J L bt T uflVOLL- XVJINO 221900COPYRIGHT 1900 AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION PRiCE CENTS JRIG ON the and Send OUR CONSULATE DESTROYED Washiu ton Uplniou That May Be Readed as a Declaraton of War Adrlral Kempe Rep t 110 Reporl- 81ld Alled Force 1 A wlt B- eenlorrerea fibre Prolelo to Tit TVauaul OVI tie ot Coo frmaUon ot Report That Admiral Ihror Rurld pkl- 1re a 8lalbl of 1rf In CpllParl More lop1 of SUton one It Vowtr lit II IrPIU- o for Stadlal to China W nINOTS tAn despatch here artmon Kpmil rmmiUdlnt American l Intrprlte b that a hoslie act Is a against the Unied Stall an other Mtnns Admiral Nr that the an by a mean that ChI nee Inrnrlii Artllr a the sP are to be or thy had thlm are not capable them Admiral to the ot l u Cheto June being tmericm consulate and mitch of toen let en rut ioc1udln 13 Amprcni In Jam W Rluridleor California Ls the Consul at lie WIS to the on Sept n The omou or the on aro G Stat Yccnsul and of mar Consul to hn rauIy him In TlpnTeln The ot the column by W T of the who to oornrnandof- the detachment or 1M marns sent from the week on to Pe- t Admiral Kempt MaJor bu In the Just IWell years The rao that a In of the tint or the men Ire mlrln8 put a nanl- omer In or Ihor which Inchldl newe other thm hn by statement In York that the new that the had ben ma ace that II I B fak the and In other quarler TM Ot Is by tte omcr or the and or them to boquoted to probable of the of on AIIrl al and the quarter Furlhr advll JUltlr- clon thtt would be to a loa or war China but ta rf- Ir ell B1 lent W Taku thin TITSIClI- lilese Attok CI Foreiii Fleets Relief This Sass Relief YorC- Inclides AmercaiPreY1ou Lack the Column Hal UnisoN the Chine Government the the RalaiM lArger FOrce June fl1cla reived this from Rear Ad- miral the China ornelais t mean the has coninitited which pra iIcali declaration war cvnuhtto at- TienTlnhaihecn detroy d bombard mentnndthiaIitakento the conducted the ahelling without big cnn If of- uIna KempfVi dpatcb e- ddreet Secretry the Navy followi- TAKU via 21TienT4n bombarded conoeeloni destroyed Wailer United 6tate Tienltn appotnted coneulate i91 other Syiveter 11111 ot- Waehington Bertrand- Ragedale Rar dale i zuppoaed lila with commander relief aent to- TIerTi1n dtufrat Kemp Is Major Utile ton Waier Marine Corp wai signed by Admiral Barney the Cavil naval the Solace Wailer a Virnlan been MartheCorp marine officer La command column indicatea all 130 as tt Ia cuMomory to command a detachment bluejacketa- No o Importance Kemptl- adratch been received the Government Th printed New Praident h all torsignreln- Pekin TienTain- L bcing bombarded denounced at White house omtal eerlou- ea4 the situation realized Administration none Ia willing ne the outcome bombardment TiaiTin with lt destructive effecta the Conu1ate foreign necoamaryto tantamount declare againqt it certain that more American tmope wilt be At < It not to the the Tat probably- be within the daya Should the at Pekn and the tb dent mr It Denuar W Ion of mean or giving to Intereata In China to A or the United Staten edt Admiral Rempr the today naval hal leeC4 for about for the The tour days for the run to Ion and It at a wN the armorclad can reach she WL ordrcd thin She wu abort In and the men wore n8ar W the eAI at tat mot or the Orlonl The leh too for Taku enough anll lore lat t num for hip men ire to b trneterr to the on the Aciatie 5uthmplon on way The Don Juan d ar rived It Plprday Admiral Reml hu not Ind culper New Orlean to Taku the Nay Depart- ment thl thaI n to north ot Luzon Wu at the Slate this mnrnlnl In- Ifr ot hoprulnl end tat newppr Dola nc Elprne tb Central at tb tty Et or WestA r P d wrttin ii poulbio outline policy of Government will determined few situation TienTain- be is Government Preel deem call an extra Congrena btt4r proteetlou Atnertcan and determine whether state war involving tepgrnphed navy De- Dartmnt that the tranaport Zatiro hong Kong with l battiechip Oregon Zaftro wIll take Konc will be leant before big whither week bee crew additional work It Li eupponed ttn Denartment nina wilt be Taku Inn Manila with pmvWong to three monthi- The training Iiufaio whoe 400 American warehtp station left England for Gibraltar today toMantiL Altriawhlch is vietting Chinese portiwbere American fnterentsmayrequire protection Canton decldpj to the lie teIegraped has directed take atatina ofT the coast iinLiter called Department lie continued to maintain declared Sipeb Car Dialeg York s found Ca could not told the star ur State that he had 1ord from wbo that he would for the safety of foreign and ot and In the of What are not map that Nankln near the CIt and not far from River the of and Szhuen nouman PUN CUT 0- VaelDf About Pt of Forll nr Mul fti TIUI a quieting of newl Pekln and Admiral mOra by Hemp mfe to to the or to In Ime quart I that have of the w the that By many the Trlene In and which from Takl on same day a the Admiral WI misled by a rumor I the Omt1 were the and Is Kempt Admiral Brce depth TAKt fo hu Ito with for nor with TienTain for bold the Tlim and to rtUr or Tien from Hon Kong and from on Juno 23 that t on around TlenTeln Our there should agreed on this morning and ISued Admlral and senior or the RUe In China delre make known to and on the reports aboutdajiger to foreign Minlalera be true He of- Nanking be able to answer era mtaeionaile and the preeervatlon peace Grder three ereat province tli YanzTseKiang theen provincea could be learned The shows while YangTeKiag flown through provinces Kiangtau- Nianuber Other provinoea adjoining are the and STILL th izepr- entatlys Not Allayed 3al Cob I L074D0x June dii absence authentio from lso concerning Sey force The uneasineen is Increased Admiral the American tIle reference deepatch a relief party TienTain is interpreted meaning events allies compeillng theta move without waiting for reraforcementa are con- sidered 000nesary dl Admiral hirucs Admiral dispatches were apparently transmitted the is re- garded as furnishing bope that Atnerkan native Japanese other da that the cituation less serious than Admiral believed via been communlmtlon Admiral Seymour reven days flve days The sIlica forte Tongku ne- curely They wil advance the Tam wheuInsuckntstrength Troops uoex- pected tomorrow BOO It Is believed fighting constantly going garrison be 3000 The following prociamatlon was will be lmmedlateIy The naval offloern authorities coasts and and In the and or China they intend to are force only the who OPPOI on the to for the In the Houl or this Under Forhm Mid he say that no authentic lut from air was nine when heard or seven or forty of 1enTRln about the same from A to a agency from Yokohama thee a lu tat the tOMe Iekln have Admiral Say mour lb or the dead The als that whole ot whIch II by Gen short The at Yokohama wit new to for A for blueJlke landd at to the but no of danger were found the men were mmbrke I that the In In Parts and a or M In a deation In the Chamber or nothing to the reports or the few In do to the enVOi In Pekln be found w however do not the to their In China rivers elite provinece that ua against Boxers and them march Petin reecueof Iheirfeilowcountrymen Commons afternoon Secretary Brodrhk re- gretted to there was Information from China The communi- cation Claude Medon1d te hiritish Minister received days ago AdmIral Seymours force hut days ago was some thirty mfle north weat and distance deepatch news sari in generally discredited rumor circulation at been commander silted naval forces ii despatch nays that it- is probable the the Hiroehim- sChinee division commanded Fukuahima will be afloat Russian cruiser arrived the Russian Minister Japan will leave Taku today flrltiuh has been WooSung protect telegraph station u sIgns situation Is viewed official quarter Berlin with certain degres optimism Deicans the French Foreign Minister Deputies eon there was absolutely justify alarming hut days while olflclahe Berlin not conceal their dispoiltion believe that foreign will be hopeful views affect goyernments preparations strengthen forces ermanys decision to out two naval with a total or about InvolTs or the kind that she yet t but are working wit and In a few The or or Hu- e at or ho wu to a leg a Tb are the and mlstrlt the act or and dIplom- tit It cnot wi thou t ale prete nd that Count had for theIr and they forget the of doubtful the or Port Arthur and Tallnwl- nb Rusi or the which lurvltl treated solemn A the from Irs that whch left Tku aCer of the for by the at Shanghai Their that the on the niaht ot June 1 I the or In or troop however were the The at Cefoo Taku She In In one ot her bier The I to to Juno hu at heard tom srmour tore dar from Toldo that one and mn at Taku to Japanese dept at SaId where they for and ot Ltkwaa R- lr 1 A send batteries 2200 men the greatest undertaking has tempted all the departments together characteriitloexactneea the men will day coincidence the death Count the Russian Foreign Minister very beigbth the crisis with which supposed be parUculaaly as- soclated Is remarked by the press bay grim dramatic appoalteneas comments generahiy tinged with ineradicable uspIcton with which alt Russian politicians bore Englishmen cannoteastly cerise transactions connected with occupation curious laxity with Count undertakings Times Sbanghsi steamers bombardment foreIgn heel have officers report fl4xern caused great destruction native city TknTsin the the foreign who auftlclently strong foreign settlement toN pdo boat destroyer Whiting lies arrived from baa unexploded sbei going Nagasaki repair HnMoIA1 21The British torpedo boat destroyer Whltlrtt arrived Cliefoo lie commander reports that nothing has been Admiral international 21Official adsices received sar hundred offleern who were wounded were conveyed the maclos were eAred nurses the Red Cross Society Cbli sad fttra SIT Vi Tickets good gotag- Jun J y PEACE LZADERt BtN 011 TRI Mt and or Desires to for Attend Cootrrlc DPtl TUI between and Arthur and In the today ot 20 of the mot Inluemll Cabinet and who fought the Amen and thirty lbeate for a day to part In the the Montenegro Del llaf Torres and held at the dent Paterno The element houni to the of nn w brtng about honorable a cmpr log subject to unanimously and Gen a by the the of third the of otc otcr In the new the or or the talands to the or a or prnal to on sixth the ot Bt and In the prnCA and the ot the Tho or the the members blleve that wi abide by Paterno to from chair which I by Arulnaldo crIminal traitors wu the ot the or Tarlao There labstos and wns found In pUt 41 All who took meeting were In ot pac or the Commlnlon of the meeting said The They are unable to granp work an I the movement to Should an had with Gen la Arthur to the a clvl over FILIPINOS WANT OP THE x0w To at Manila With Agitnaldo Approval rrepar a Statement Their Hi Submitted to Gsa NacArtharLalte- rIues His Amnesty ProciamsUonCap- tared Generals Liberated Halt a Day That They May the apaaz Ceb SUN MANILA June confereno the Filipino lesders Un Mao the Philippine Commission resulted asembhing Filipinos military omeers hadieglshatedand against 005 prisoners who bad been halt taKe Among latter were Generals Garcia Maca- bule Lukbn The meeting was Carmen reel Bettor tavern Americans was conspicuously absent Three wero devoted discussion arrangement dignifled and peace Finally scheme seven propositions approval was adopted will be presented to MacArthur- Thlsschemelneiude4 first generalamnesty both Amerinans and FiUpinos second return confiscated property providing Filipino general use revenue reiievo distress the Impoverished people tlfth guirantee rights accrd1ng the American establishment civil gov- ernment Manlia seventh expuilon spirit sssembly was apparent since Aguiniildo their Bettor dared All falling observe the mahdate issuing this backed are This fIrst general meeting Filipinos since fail wero numerous heated considerable d fikuhty excluding discussion those favor Phihiopico speaking people deal in glittering generalities detahte however this mornings ii excellent indication hope will continue subject necessary modifications understanding be tM Junta proposes negotiate with commission concerning meaL UfESY TO IEHEl ot the Proclamation by Oea Juno or was Ucn at ny or the President of the United complete for and lute or acton for the future to who or at Fob hao In or a di and who a or the formally with iuch Inoe end to a decllaUon and and the la- In and over rlvUe o to whatever that who of war the ot are not the of ho dire to or the terms herewith reQuet to pr- Int the or mOlt who them nut rank make their Im- mediate wan the records each tu to nov part to his OWn for which the States such M Iy or Prominent W 0 to COnfer wlb the Hoard b tu v 1 and trunsporta ton for that purpose In order to mu h suiting tho which since and to provide In for which the or the Ply 30 to each roan who U S r Governor 10 If El ZXCItAYG OTEt Reported to the Emperor on Under Eropesu CaNs SUN June 21 The for there of the on the subject or The Idea to depose the and Emperor on the throne CUll tinder control No Power make 1ttmpt Bt VIENNA UThe an wit a the to that there no but for the pro tection of ot trouble The ought not The ony a Is ot the quo which should be assured FRHVCIZ SlSPICIOV on tie TaltKlal surprise Is some felt In In Pan force whIch Enl on whprlt is lad the duty and lt anaval would north China or I to IUPPfl the West Hvr plte- U IIIJNtJ O ONT GO From Cato of Treaed Oltbrkt Aftr CaSio TiE KONO 21 thAt owing to the forelxn Consuls trouble to out LI Chane orm a north to remAin In The Iekln to AOlt4 the trouble there 1Il0lNG DI RODOEI1 DDS Drl flaY Tka to Guard Kowloo KONG June 2lRbber band pU the author are to check The have to the to Trp on S Adv I FiLIPINO Teat lned Mae Arthur at Meatia Today WAStILNOTOX 21 The following notice amnesty promulgated by Mac Arthur Manila today direction Staes the undersigned announce awnesty with immunity the past abo liberty all per- Sons any time since 4 ltD been in insurrection against the United titites either a military capacity shall ninety days 11cm date hereof renounces connev- tioli ubscnlbe ackaowieddiu accepting the of the thu herewith published is extended all con- cerned any reservation cx- eepting reons have violated the dunimr period actIve hostilities embraced Peeps Lbs amnesty tii take advantae at forth are themselves to commanding at the convenient etAtiun will receive conideraiton so cording 14 fur prepare and thereafter permit Individual pro coed according United will furnish transportation rosy be available eithr steam- boat wagon desIre the MiiItary Governor or with American ominlssioner will permitted ianltu wilt as far with mitigate as is froni various disturbances IBO6 bays suceeded each other so rapidly some tneuura trarsttcry period must Inevitably succeed a general I eace authorities States wilt presents a rifle condition Arivamims MaoAnvmtv- nMajorGee Military Ptai Repiice the Throne Cootrol- Syecial PUP4IOUTIIE Conooe iagdeburg Gozcie- sayslt has good authority staling that fume ben antxchnnge notes recently between Powers China ii Dowager Fmprees rphaco the young with a cU European mini territorial aggrandize meat Juno Corresporistesc Poll iigi publWes Interview Itunsuan dip- lomat regarding Powers China lie says Ii war against China that thooperatlona ate Emmropean and the prevention recurrence the peruonage rep- resenting the supreme power to b- ereplad policy which avoId dangerous qucatton the retablinhnment status better 01 NGLAYD Surprise Expresied at the Latter ActivIty SzwcIoJ Ceft DiipaRn te TImE SUN PARIS June 21Considerable cx pressed and antiety omcial cinches the large naval the mandarins are dotna their prevails Is thought that such force be mnore beneflcal in Canton CIIAj Cancels lush Because Departure I um- sHoo June adyloes say tbs raprenentatlonsof that was likely break his absence liming has can- celled his passage steamer to the andhaaconscnted Canton was about to start for Hessare the Frontier zerlaL Cabft flsvflct So Tall CUN 110040 are latin In near the Kowloon frontier The ChInese them taken measures prevent disturb- ances from spreading liii Sunday 1dl Water flay Long island > BAlCES ZN CMINA flay XD Iou Dept Cal Pnl In the Chamber or the or AIaM he a from the and that were taken w the apatch said In complete Frenoh to the or tha would In Tra In tour one despatch bat n that or any or the Powers A to the Figaro from hu the companies to for the or tO Chin end Dido been from the and ordered to hue ale ROWE are to China The I the of or whom b otcr 8TBIPPlD liE IBIIII Mob in the Exaapi of Mt and workers mob In At Toy a crowd or o ocock and the nonunion worker wIt chunks of U WA on Iun hot and le9 and He picked up by the mob had been and t zany die- t factory a of log attacked women who hid taken their their them their Several were to the by the mob the men on tine party curred Weinrich factory though at the lat ter the before much ben dons The near the mob had been was with or and hat a nonunion woman toro to An or polo guard and over 01 DBATF u FORCE will 4000 UIkt Crwbses Gmnbots and a float Spttah SUN June Deputies today IL Debased Minister Foreign announced that had received cable the French Coniul at Tunnan situation had improved preparations being meet any emergencies France and Russia do wero acting accord troops number 4000 be Clmtna would also be Chinese waters eight gunboats and was estimated the French and forces would equal those deepatch Marselilea aye the French Government approached navIgation with avlew chartering stearnehipi conveyance troops to June 2lTheflnitiah cruisers Isis have detached MedIterranean squadron ChIna They Malta more Italian cruisers preparing go to Government considering advisability deepatching troops part will possibly carla from Erythrea italians woxipi Dayton Follows the Louts Law freshen DarroN Juno 21The striking olgannekers laundry imitated St Louis methods this city tonight the laundry hoodlums gathered as the establishment stones brick 0 tb and coal end were Injured A Miller struck thohead with a knocked sense Ilowu tonnibiy kicked was the police after dispersed taken his home lie Schaeffere cigar crowd sUlk girt the place tearing clothing beating wtthdiub hairand otherwise maltreating theni girls stripped almost skin cheer lag attacking Similar scenes 00 at place police arrived damn ags had Street Schaeers factory driven o covered scraps womens clothing and millinery every garment captured from having been hrpds satra detail hereafter all laundries till the trouble is IN ST IOUI by Riding ou a ar- ST LoUts Juno End to front B by strike old BIhted from a ear on Luck slreet and by four wompo struck her she ran road her Thu or the her brother to the sone and the ran Jerman Schumacher the won leer lon on Uay from mob which her for on a car found or and and The verdict looked upon a were from I Attacked FonWonienfon Boycotted Street Mo 21The West comes the with woinanbeating case sympathizers Juan elshm 17 years andeneer avenue today was nttacked vho repeatedly home screams girl assail- ants away keeper who Pauline Decoration nought a zttscked riding was guilty assault battery ody 1 ai travesty The jurors selected South St Louis TWO YoUNG KlUm Run Over This on Coney lland Two women stuck by a on island at tM and were car reached the mIddle ot bridge suddenly frame the went un feet before It be The and some went back found bode women had ben The woro the and were there A or Twentieth and A un- known a or JIFT LECTJ4IC to on the RId I the Bate ot 88 an flour Conn Juno motor over Canaan brach of the nd the official or rnnllnt that It maIntain hour New abut ten from Stamford The tip t WM In 12 and U and trip In minute and Owing In the road the motors not at power There two to each truck The of a which be used and The and It t mae tIp In DROWNED AT Wad ud Care Rim Oat Over lyard and Jumper wu In Erie this He an exhibition at and which held a tho Juet after ho ode wind shifted and Instead or toward the hl he was nut the boP the and wu ten or the and Into the lake d- In the wak ot but they Ledyud down 10LJOAJlST BOnIBT In Own ot Violating Law In Euro Than SAiT June 21The jury In the or or D II who from he is a who wit un lawful Margaret plural wire a ot out Three balou taken no but the on an ot that he Dr bhtpp Roberts m ot 0 a wire that the never beon that her 1 such TI14T irovxn Again la C Pw C June The a around the It and more It wit 1 dtecoa ceap WOMEN Early Morning the Creek firidgi young were trolley car the oney 130- oclock mornirs instantly killed The had the when reams came beneath wheels Tho car 2O could stooped conductor mnotorman and and the two evidently instantly killed bodies Consy Island police station beatified as MIs Lavtnaki 311 street Brooklyn Miss Anderson address The motorman and conductor were locked up- on charge homicide CAKS- Kupected Run Consolidated Milea Stianroup 21A high power electric car was tented tho New Consoildatesi railroad thu the road are can its alleged speed miles an Canaan in miles marie muinutse the return a io seconds IA curves were run foil are motors car is the first number are to between Providence Fall River distance ii seventeen miles Ii proposed the fifteen minutes AERONAUT TOLEDO Changed uddenl7 Lak ToiEDo June 21Arthur an- ecronaut parachute drowned Loke evening was giving the butchers grocers picnic was Prenque Isle out- side city limits the city as expected carried oven us evidently abandoned parachute cllmbtne the the irma balloon collapsed dropped Steamers the balloon before arrived had gone GUILTI- Conirted Ill City the having floe Wife LAtIN Utah cecond trIal the case Roberta was barred Congress because polygamist and wa charged here cohabItation with ens his returned verdicj guilty today after being fifteen were The defendant made silbumitted matter agreed statement faOt married Margsret number as and relationshIp has severed and recognlz niNa THE WN UseS Columbia S But lighter YeiterdyC- oIvBmahA S phenome0- of ring sun was notI ci again to- day was slightly cloudy however the ring was luminous then yesterday Blsny observed weather remarkably cool Rely Lpea Plate Chlorides for household and 4 MKINLEf fo- rte GaDai of 1900 NAMED BY No Men for the Natona STIRRING Harmonlons Outcome of Partys Great COlnnto- nPrtdlo ot Dy by e With draw- l ot Resolution to Intbea DPrtDttloDlor 1bUy NomlaUaIXIIey for President of Followed Ooly in In NUI ot Panty Roetl Seeoaded the a Nom batten Can tIne Rol Cal Showing cKlnl1 Vnantmoui low Name ot Uonet for rPrldaA EnISaator Depw What te 8 I StoryRotn On ot H Owntaa Made of the New National Commltn- nDprlr DlelUel for Home For Pm1tWILLAU JcKIuSY o For ROOSHVILT ot Oyster Ur N V June wu great and ticket which the Cooven ton The or C relvd a renomlnlUon Every one or the In the for him for loPrll York ROUSE VEJJT- Roll1icu taudai Beaiors ACCLAMATION Oilier Presdllte Tickets DEMONSTRATIONS the the Rogue Us the Oaai Cut Dowu the her Mite the Convention in His Speech gem Enthusiasm That Tar passed Twice Twenty Tears Conventions Either Nomination sod Tumult Greeted fits Appearance Other Speeches Seconding the and Ihea Selection Presents the Wild DemonstratIon Seconds the Nom- ination and Tell a- New Vote Lacks McKInley Chair a man of th Canton Ohia VksPruIdriSTnEouona PuTLanxuuxa 21ThIs the inspiring Presidential Republican National nominated today President 926 votes convention was cast Gov Roosevelt dent received 923 yots New State was to only it Coy noonltlt wit lila at the naturUy vote for himself The renomInation or President and for rlcPre dent hy the I or a bf for many a day by tOo who In The cnvn 1A In splendid order The raor of last dys had away The day The sun ebon rather In the middle ot the day but at no there The nine to the hail long the to the work to end wit Every or for the or beings Into Three eta II were put In the conunUon In to emphatic for more rom Outside or the were thousancf who could not get In but that oven who debarred entering on and herd the which the or McKinley ADD TO by who In the Never o pont at a I may ot of by ot element of of a by any ot wife or In a et gallery where or lien up at the mlndous for him In rep gentle on and her or tIme States In the humble were to and two hands In or on the m Archbishop or Roma at ne or OMM brat a let and or hand the of or his On the frt day ona by a or by a of tM Baptist On dy ot mae ToY an I o the mat or 10 ot York OUtb Tckrh from and from or a1 O I 0 P entitled 72 votes It cast delegation time and the the nomination offlov Roosevelt were accompanIed wildest evidences approval It was scene which will remembered par tloipsted it machinery tlon working bitterness and the three passed was almost perfect It was warm time was any great discomfort trolley lines run convention were jammed before convention was ready be- gin which was the nominations kind vehIcle was ever built purpose carrying human was drafted service thousand hail was response demands conventIon ball there so uniform was the good feeling those were from the convention halt lotted the grass outside roiling cheeva greeted names and Roosevelt WOMEN t2ILIiL Wg BCKNE Many happy recollections will be entertained those looked over the vast audience convention bali were there many ladles Republican National Conventlon faces depicting the keenest interest the proceedings the uee their gowns the rainbow colors the hats worn them and their gentle though profound ignorance the essential practical politic as working national convention were not means the lwt the attractions Mrs Roosevelt the Vice4yesidentlaj candi- date sat front In the she could see every fleeting glance her hun bands face taco lighted Ire cheers some resembled the and fine McKinley the day that she sat in the Senate gallery at Washington naw husband Inaugurated President United All audience high and disposed believe moreover to Msert that the great the galleries were especially etTective with their great collection national airs SItting bealde Permanent Chairman henry Cabot Lodge rostrum was the Rev Ryan this Catholic See Philadelphia black and purple robes his eierkaj Upon hi was gold cross upon the was signet ring an Archbishop Church there were two prayers the Methodist Church and the other clergyman Church the CecoOd a clergyman the Episcopal Church the prayer ARcIlBisflOP YSTANs riuvan Archbishop Ryan delivered audience Fourth 1117 Tour via New Central at half rates to Falls Thousand i1sn43 St Lawitnce River Adirondecic Mountains Uontreat etc rood three bun dais obtet agents Daniel A New < In ot with eye sad O Thou orOod the ot the splendor the Light ot Who lan world up voC to who as we sitttst at or the Father to and pry The 0 end that by the and the of such and acton as may duo of our above or or Interest the of ot of they the ono or but the or Thy own vole And 0 of let It a ot but ot And It In the done w any let made the of made to let or the an own ot fair lad let tem by the ot we uk or 0 ot w bigotry 0 Triune to The w to In of In or we may work out our on nately Join the or the and to te Son and t- ote Holy Atll QUAY His Into lab man and his out at of him on the a city and one or tem has ell for Ever Quay Penn with violent urn Pent Lodge In ot his Is the of lat Samuel J Tden or New York he wished t I 13 o- rt on w males pro for a ot trom lana at he wu of New York for Vic It tat Quay not ot the un The ot wu Mr Quay ot his action I for the rub on Rules up at least ot work made state a lost up by wu for his In announcing he not to Its feet the Archbishop the pIcturesque and dignified robes his office uplifted arms and closed figure lit substance and of His glory Light illumlimee every who cemneth into this we lift hearts and Thee speak Thee Jesus Christ blea thIs great assembly this ruler down wisdom slttoth Th she illumino Intellects purity hearts Thy servants and suggest principles beet con the Thy people rulers rise consideratIon personal party and realize awful importance a minIsters Thy powcro King Kings Unlfy all these varied elements that may bear and hearing obey voIce authority which Is echo divine Spirit Love be obedience affection past any injustice has been cisse reparation be Let children those whose fathers were once enslaved be never tool Inferiority and the children forest whose casters the glorious mountains and rivers plains and laughing valleys this be hosed great heart the And Thee Spirit Love and Unity banish far mm the land all religious Blase God this glorIous country musks us truly loyal truly grateful Thee truly obedient that walking the light intelligence and tho vigor chastity manifest destiny earth and may onto chonis all natIons chanting Glory be to Father Ghost WITIIDLLAWIS IWLuS The great multitude sank their one woman EsSenator Pennsylvania wu upon feet lbs cheers that rolled sight roads even the ntmsou peonIes rostrum tremble Mr Quay has certainly been favorite In this con- vention lie baa many friends In this every the National Committee one seemed to have inherited the lungs and the meet reaonmant otvoicss Every time Mr stood upon his feet tlwee sylvanlani greeted his presence Chairman quickly and the Pennsylvania statesman that purring voles which 60 faxniilar to his friends and which is like ioftly modulated tones the his objections miles and Committee Rules Quays amendments these vldod smaller representation Itepubli can delegates to the national conventions naturally Democratic States When Senator midnight had announced that Roosevelt President was known Mr press his objections report Committee Rules full report the Committee on Rules quickly adopted speaking said later decided upon this step this morning thedobateover my proposed amend the Committee would use two days the conventions The lennsylvsnia stateftman this meat smiled grImly winked solemnly and wound saying that sufllcient explanation conduct that had decided press his amend ment IN In be hear tA back I the hal for now In there knew It did not the given to him lie the or which by Ibo for the ot to In wide the he WM a cop up In B Dow with a were a cal Jlr clerk cal the of The who the or had A n lie the or Ohio known road Md B the of the Sir yields to Ohio Another inter rpt the The lion the Presidents Md or Ohio to ator Foratr always a In the for the B- tst In a few But In hIs em hl Jump from t to loft m As lie this ho a ot the Fraer Names McKinley Senator A or CoNvxro Ohio I for that ron ut a rat that would In to the duty to a for or that for the I by the Rna wr trm he the ot WM again by front 1 when he the ot chairman for the U platform And not only hi ho this but bn by etc ensi ot land to In mind only one earl or for honor which abut tl first JucP On It that j not for or to or for to n with n thit or hL prtormn I and mot of tn the of Plblo duty TiE nF YYAI the American confided to him their mOt tnlt the B pw that to In country Idle he it lie It It buoyant hop urmd U have a branch me JAI r 334 aL under change ot eul nly Line trpAc NotttNtTIONS roll PRESIDENT OltOhit Permanent Chairman Lodge then Incisive tones which could convention President are order Immediately was uproarious cheer lag All was coming Senator Lodge use pretty gavel which was yesterday quickly grasped huge mallet oak was provided National Committee practical use attempting keep this convention order The Massachusetts statesman gavel as though had boon brought came crash There before order was restored and say The will roll Btatoi clerk roll States voice like fog horn lives in Columbus Stab capital lie Is familiarly as Deaconi Motley Alabama Mc- Iby back came tgueaky chairman Alabama delegation Jabarna great outburst of cheering proceedings Joseph Foraker senior Republican Senator from State head the delegation had been selected to present the Presidents name this convention Sea baa been great favorite National conventions lie made nomninatinig speech Iresldent Louts 1598 lIe ii very sturdy epeak lie uses gestures phstic moods his head swings and white hair rig Senator itself left hIs seat to walk to rostra was greeted with fine oitburit cheers As he faced maul titude more cheers rang out ton him AU the way through Senator receIved aim ovation Teraker Foraker said MR CUAIItULN teu GsvxauAN Alabama to and thank Alabama accommodation Ma- binna 54 however by sern an imysirtant sense that hail been ins duty Alabama has yielded be- caus the fact our candidate Presidency has fact ben already nominated lie was nomnirsatod distinguished Colorado assumed chairman lie nominated yesterday the Senator took nab ani he wan nominauj a thUd ttnie wIjili Senator from Indiana read the thus nominatei he has also nominated the whole American From this toe other every the same man is the we urn now confer and that milan Is the other man who wishes Republican next xo- vembr IA11slamii is it neesssary me one eisa speal him hers elsewhere lie ions aIreacl3 spoken and all the lie huts record repIet brilliant achievemento record Once and his hIghest ntce aI constitutes the striking possible and in fidelity coerces narmtm rotit Four nan htMiest ansi sacrpej with what result In this 000ntr paralyzed and prontra ted lie quickened with a unprecedented cli theIr history un everywhere has esenywhieie in tiepr he bios everywhere prosperous and with Potter A Kirthamn flnoalway opned Iaggtd- Masumu3fdIs the hudson Day I cO And their iii end the Isle a hu bn high atove wl cry or It to I so of lon to a ot CAN ole or I ray h what at to not of but ou Mr by for him we h wl we knew he wo knew he we kw taI suite or that Iho ot unu cunu 1 cuue In 01 a he honraly do t It the d tor but It roW ua alb I tardny on t that lii tem I no brlh lt with on lad 11 LO ln one bundd wo th Iird d the our oud world our The America a new aU Our Ubey lt hut It Cur tho Cuba comIo protfctnn IC rumeut the enjoymont sir the to hat done for we rll Tibet do tor A have 1 In the plUoml 10 htve A I put 1 mae In city of the ot the rich the par to the thl uirthpll or ond our WM roned ab their lonJ wrote hnrurW work stir ohlk tho ot ert a most rla for put or 1locla a aln the for allen to t midst or We cud not U we O Id We uo on t the must or f I the of hare we t the net Ole for of duty I On that Pint there no of Ion In well for thB I Ly whom lbs work time held the the hint othl And man the to to him the love aleto the Amen ppl8 lie t Ideal the highest ot ard Idea With our bane to vIctor In next In the name or on or or but on ot Tot the or t factories and tubes crirywhere they are now everywhere 0111 they are scisding surplus onsimicretal conquest 10 very earth wise ietai iitaidard thinly lisa and lyIij and the t full terror and itsmsO teen everlasting side this lose and elm I Amen can poiltfr AIpiaiise With a dlploinwy never excelled and equalled has over owe be Insunmnowtt and has to tatimo door Line lie has advanced tfmMts Chairman we art not surprised thha we aiitlelinted It all we norninateg at our years knew was was brave knew wins w would be faithful aDd davoteti amid Use greatest pee peace be uses little knew he would be called upon tq ltncoUIiter tziaLq war That t emergency wars It caine spit could avert It came pim sai nil Ilmore titan that chronicle our vto tories and Ittplaiiso3 Till stays drove from USipri eiurtii ncpstsitiis tii power Applause has grCater has ii Inw glory only hiiInflflfl and quality Iiiip freedom an mind education muid all the lirq hticw pjj we have s gloriously ourselrtw to its declared that is this 111011 neeiariiii liens where evidences so ltepubIica bee 1jrcugtit tbs nation where our own Constitmitinim where soul Jflrian and tiJJIIS and Uliiitniti their tier many tbs blood and and excite sentiments human Jib is indeed the and Grant and Unioii and liberty formally dedi eats earenow in turn back would amid not could trial be re world and meet omit responsibUiti presence mankind These rvsponbiliti bI aIC to n and now and command us that choose be our candi date and Is and the Caine beat fitted maim die charge this great ara 1axys QtALTPInATzoNs I differenee man all the so trust the great leader has far conducted has he lies heart ha has the special and special quality bvoni all Mr chair has also reputation and character and has led the that endear him his and giys the the respect admiration the and the can an man Amenican citizenship on candidate aim in his will bs carried ho- venbr an these no alone hhai his beloved State Ohio bhaht every other State and i here represented and In name everywhere throughout our Jurisdiction I tas be our n xt e lreIdancy WillIam McK2miiey < > ° ovun Senator 1 for the len that let or IMO wu It let lana ro a ot lie a hM a or a on a road The women Jup their The let bunobes or The standards front the They the the delegatIon A or ra move quickly lat the So So were vane The In one or pi up You a Ill from It The out a of yells ot the the tones or wore The on let Iso The din In hal It a The on Permanent Ca smashed and malt for order as The would not end and and tie their trophies or red blua marched up to the maid them there wed with furious 5ONol IN TE Joy or Tim to and the resounding evoked wave toJne from song out Again did t order tiled sod the and the hal up Tho bad w or went on for Dr tlml ChaIrman lie that He an crash Lodge or died The and Into their Time their his hn panlelpd on two In when at In when MeKlor nominated at 8t When was Bat Lodge or the ur New York uproar The of State howl of Joy Coy M to hay b de elb on paler You or your friends there WM for which wu This In Ierr shown a ot tur him hInt nt hut amid even that n Ir ntlmt ot for this thInd noat Central Obturto Train DEMONSTRATION flWIXLIT Foraker final words nominate to- be our next candidate Preddeacy Wil- 11am McKinleybad hislipa before audience upon table aschoolboy lie yelled Comanche lie voice wimlols sounds the rumbling wagon cot duroy 13000 and upon seats Californians their red white and blue delegates ripped their floor lifted them high above thom heads From BtandJ4- of hawaiian fluttered an Ames can flag forest bnightooIord sharply and above the audience were thrown is air were gated sunshades band the lerles started couldnt hear aisle cheers toiled and noise as thunder The South croons screechlike were heard piercing thunder Thouiusds tiny American t1ng fiercely waved cheers rolled and on It was pen demonlumn wan echoed and echoed front high the ooncen lion Indeed was thrilling scene applause lasted ten minute Its first stretch lodge crashed lie might just well base s toothpick tremendous thaerj The delegates alternate Californian with pampas grass and They their d- hiht OUTBLILS The the demonstration was unbounded thoiieands began dcc Glory Glory hiailebujahl chorus emotional feeling The standards the passed Glory The StarSpangled Ilanner T great national rang dear and male dlous Senator Lodge attempt bring about lie utteoly delegates their stand and pampas ganas trophies marched around the convention Astheymarched they took again the Glory Glory lialieiujahl multitude joined in Tb chanaid My Country Tin Thee fIve minutes longer that Iodgo insisted upon order swung oak mallet with vigor is athlete raht crashi bangl bang- tbangSenntor insisted upon order The strains the bands away deli gates alternates dropped scala- eahinustod great audience reluctantly reewned seats The scene only last years once Cleveljuiti was renominated Chicago 1502 muid the second time wait Louis In tiM noossEvanr cot vita itvryn 4 order finally resumed announced 0ov Itoosovelt State tnotier great was precipitated upos the convention Chief Executive th Empire was to eeconil th nominatIon of- lraldent McKinley The that greeted hlooeoveit with hia quick sbI the rostrum can cbubd but something in the groting itoesevelt almost fondlike convention way has sort affection It has sd mired slLrse feeling there ha len Mont th sin ctrot reaard young and upright and traigtsttoreuTt mutlcAn citizen Soevery body cheirel hum sind cried floo- YaleHarvard Race Vrms Railway New FlaiMslewalnace 13 Eroadway NewYokAd l4


Showers and cooter to cia v faIr amwarmer t morroV I 1



L bt T




the and



Washiu ton Uplniou That May Be

Readed as aDeclaraton

of War

Adrlral Kempe Rep t

110 Reporl-

81ld Alled Force 1 Awlt B-

eenlorrerea fibre Prolelo to Tit

TVauaul OVI tie ot Coo

frmaUon ot Report That Admiral

Ihror Rurld pkl-

1re a8lalbl of 1rfIn CpllParlMore lop1 of SUton one It

Vowtr lit II IrPIU-o for Stadlal to China

W nINOTS tAn despatch

here artmonKpmil rmmiUdlnt American

l Intrprlte b

thata hoslie act Is

a against the UniedStall an other Mtnns Admiral

Nr that the anby a

mean that ChI

nee Inrnrlii Artllra the sP are to be

or thy had thlm are not capablethem Admiral

to the ot l u

Cheto June being

tmericm consulate and mitch of

toen let en rutioc1udln 13Amprcni In

Jam W Rluridleor California Ls theConsul at lie WIS

to the on Sept n The

omou or the on aro G

Stat Yccnsul andof mar Consul

to hn rauIy him In

TlpnTelnThe ot the column

byW T of the who

to oornrnandof-

the detachment or 1M marns sent from theweek on

to Pe-t Admiral KemptMaJor

bu In the Just IWell yearsThe rao that a In

of the tint or the men

Ire mlrln8 put a nanl-omer In or Ihorwhich Inchldl

newe other thm

hn bystatement In York that the

new that thehad ben ma ace that


I B fak the andIn other quarler TM

Ot Is bytte omcr or the and

or them to boquoted toprobable of the of


AIIrl al and the quarterFurlhr advll JUltlr-

clon thtt would be to a

loa or war China but ta rf-Ir ell B1

lent W Taku thin


lilese Attok CI Foreiii

Fleets Relief


Sass Relief YorC-

Inclides AmercaiPreY1ou



Column Hal


the Chine Government


the RalaiM

lArger FOrce

June fl1cla

reived this from Rear Ad-

miral theChina

ornelais t mean thehas coninitited which pra iIcali

declaration war

cvnuhtto at-

TienTlnhaihecn detroy d bombard

mentnndthiaIitakento theconducted the ahelling

without big

cnn If of-

uIna KempfVi dpatcb e-ddreet Secretry the Navyfollowi-

TAKU via 21TienT4nbombarded

conoeeloni destroyed


6tate Tienltn appotntedconeulate i91 other

Syiveter 11111 ot-

Waehington Bertrand-

Ragedale Rardale i zuppoaed lila with

commander relief aent to-

TIerTi1n dtufrat Kemp Is Major Utileton Waier Marine Corp waisigned by Admiral Barney the

Cavil navalthe Solace

Wailer a Virnlanbeen MartheCorp

marine officer La commandcolumn indicatea all 130

as tt Ia cuMomory tocommand a detachment


No o Importance Kemptl-

adratch been received the GovernmentTh printed New

Praident h all torsignreln-Pekin TienTain-L bcing bombarded denounced

at White houseomtal eerlou-

ea4 the situation realizedAdministration

none Ia willing ne theoutcome bombardment

TiaiTin with lt destructive effecta theConu1ate foreign


tantamount declareagainqt it

certain that more Americantmope wilt be At


It not to thethe Tat probably-

be within the dayaShould the at Pekn and

the tbdent mr It DenuarW

Ion of mean or givingto Intereata In

China to A or

the United Staten edtAdmiral Rempr the

today naval

hal leeC4 for aboutfor the The

tour days for the run to Ionand It at a wNthe armorclad can reach

she WL ordrcd thinShe wu abort In and the

men wore n8ar W the

eAI at tatmot or the Orlonl

The leh toofor Taku enough anlllore lat t num for

hip menire to b trneterr to the

on the Aciatie

5uthmplonon way The Don Juand

arrived It Plprday Admiral Remlhu not Ind culper New Orleanto Taku the Nay Depart-ment thl thaI nto north ot Luzon

Wu at the Slatethis mnrnlnl In-Ifr ot hoprulnl end tat newppr

Dola ncElprne tbCentral at tb ttyEt or WestA




wrttin ii poulbio outlinepolicy of Government will

determined few

situation TienTain-be is Government Preel

deem call an extraCongrena

btt4r proteetlou Atnertcanand determine whether state

war involving

tepgrnphed navy De-

Dartmnt that the tranaport Zatirohong Kong with l

battiechip Oregon ZaftrowIll takeKonc will be leantbefore big

whither week

bee crewadditional work

It Li eupponed ttn Denartmentnina wilt be

Taku Inn Manilawith pmvWong

to three monthi-The training Iiufaio whoe 400

Americanwarehtp station left

England for Gibraltar todaytoMantiL

Altriawhlch is vietting Chinese portiwbereAmerican fnterentsmayrequire protection

Cantondecldpj to the

lie teIegrapedhas directed

take atatina ofT the coastiinLiter called Department

lie continued to maintaindeclared

Sipeb CarDialeg

York sfound Ca

couldnot told the star ur Statethat he had 1ord from

wbo that he wouldfor the safety of foreign

and otand In the of

Whatare not map thatNankln near the CIt and not far from

Riverthe of

and Szhuennouman


VaelDf About Pt of Forllnr Mulfti TIUI

aquieting of newlPekln and Admiral

mOraby Hemp mfe to

to the or toIn Ime quartI that

have of thew

the thatBy many the

Trlene In andwhich

from Takl on same daya the

Admiral WI misled by a rumor I the

Omt1 were the andIs

KemptAdmiral Brce depth

TAKt fo huIto with for

nor with TienTain forbold the Tlim and

to rtUr or Tien

from HonKong andfrom on Juno 23

that t

on around TlenTeln Our thereshould

agreed on

this morning and ISuedAdmlral and senior or

the RUe In China delre make knownto and on the

reports aboutdajiger to foreign Minlalerabe true He


Nanking beable to answerera mtaeionaile and the preeervatlonpeace Grder three ereat provincetli YanzTseKiang theen provincea

could be learned The shows

while YangTeKiagflown through provinces Kiangtau-Nianuber Other provinoeaadjoining are the and


th izepr-entatlys Not Allayed

3al Cob I

L074D0x June diiabsence authentio from

lso concerning Seyforce The uneasineen is Increased

Admiral theAmerican tIle reference

deepatch a relief party TienTain isinterpreted meaningevents alliescompeillng theta move without waitingfor reraforcementa are con-

sidered 000nesary dl

Admiral hirucs Admiraldispatches were apparently

transmitted the is re-

garded as furnishing bope that Atnerkannative

Japanese other da thatthe cituation less serious than Admiral


via beencommunlmtlon Admiral Seymour

reven days flve daysThe sIlica forte Tongku ne-

curely They wil advance theTam wheuInsuckntstrength Troops uoex-pected tomorrow BOO

It Is believed fighting constantlygoing garrison

be 3000

The following prociamatlon was

will be lmmedlateIyThe naval offloern

authorities coasts andand In the and or China

they intend to are force only

the who

OPPOI on the to for the

In the Houl or thisUnder Forhm Mid he

say that no authenticlut

from airwas nine

when heard or sevenor forty

of 1enTRln about the samefrom

A to a agency from Yokohama

thee a lu

tat the tOMe Ieklnhave Admiral Saymour lb or the

dead The alsthat whole ot

whIch II by Gen

shortThe at

Yokohama wit new to

forA for blueJlke landd

at to thebut no of danger were found the men

were mmbrkeI that the

In In Parts anda or M

In a

deation In the Chamber ornothing to

the reports or the few

In do

to the

enVOi In Pekln be found whowever do not

the totheir In China

rivers elite provinecethat uaagainst Boxers and

them march Petinreecueof Iheirfeilowcountrymen

Commons afternoonSecretary Brodrhk re-

gretted to there was

Information from China The communi-

cation Claude Medon1d te hiritish

Minister received days ago AdmIralSeymours force hutdays ago was some thirty mfle northweat and distance

deepatch news

sari in generally discredited rumorcirculation at

beencommander silted naval

forces ii despatch nays that it-

is probable the the Hiroehim-

sChinee division commandedFukuahima will be afloat

Russian cruiser arrivedthe Russian Minister

Japan will leave Taku todayflrltiuh has been

WooSung protect telegraph station

u sIgns

situation Is viewed

official quarter Berlin

with certain degres optimism

Deicans the French Foreign MinisterDeputies eon

there was absolutelyjustify alarming hutdays while olflclahe Berlin not conceal

their dispoiltion believe that foreignwill be

hopeful views

affect goyernments preparationsstrengthen forces ermanys

decision to out two naval witha total or about InvolTs

or the kind that she yet t

but are working

wit andIn a few

The or or Hu-eat or

ho wu to

aleg a Tb

are theand mlstrlt

the act or anddIplom-tit It

cnot wi thou tale prete nd

that Count had fortheIr and they forget the

of doubtfulthe or Port Arthur and Tallnwl-nb Rusi or the which

lurvltl treated solemnA the from

Irs that whch left Tku aCerof the forby the at

Shanghai Their thattheon the niaht ot June 1 I theor In or

troop however werethe The


Cefoo Taku She InIn one ot her bier The Ito to

Junohu at

heard tom srmourtore darfrom Toldo that one andmn at Takuto Japanese dept at SaId wherethey for and


Ltkwaa R-lr 1 A

send batteries2200 men the greatest

undertaking hastempted all the departmentstogether characteriitloexactneea themen will day

coincidence the death Countthe Russian Foreign Minister

very beigbth the crisis with whichsupposed be parUculaaly as-

soclated Is remarked by the press baygrim dramatic appoalteneas

comments generahiy tinged withineradicable uspIcton withwhich alt Russian politicians

bore Englishmen

cannoteastlycerise transactions connected with

occupationcurious laxity with

Count undertakingsTimes Sbanghsi


foreIgn heel haveofficers report

fl4xern caused great destructionnative city

TknTsin the the foreignwho auftlclently strong

foreign settlement toNpdo boat destroyer Whiting lies arrived

from baa unexplodedsbei

going Nagasaki repairHnMoIA1 21The British torpedo boat

destroyer Whltlrtt arrived Cliefoo liecommander reports that nothing has been

Admiral international

21Official adsices receivedsar hundred offleern

who were wounded were conveyedthe maclos

were eArednurses the Red Cross Society

Cbli sad fttra SITVi Tickets good gotag-Jun

J y



Mtand or Desiresto

forAttend Cootrrlc


between andArthur andIn the today ot 20of the motInluemll

Cabinet and whofought the Amen

and thirty

lbeate for a day to part In thethe

Montenegro Del llaf Torresand

held at the

dent Paterno The element

houni to the ofnn w brtng abouthonorable a cmprlog subject to

unanimously andGen

aby thethe of third the

of otc otcrIn the new the oror the talands to the or

a or

prnal to onsixth the ot

Bt and In the prnCA andthe ot the

Tho or thethe members blleve that wiabide by Paterno

tofrom chair which I by

Arulnaldo crIminal traitorswu the ot

the or Tarlao Therelabstos and wns

found In pUt 41 Allwho took meeting were Inot pac

or the Commlnlonof the meeting said The

They are unableto granpwork an I themovement to

Should an had with Genla Arthur to

the a clvl over



x0w To

at Manila With Agitnaldo Approvalrrepar a Statement Their

Hi Submitted to Gsa NacArtharLalte-rIues His Amnesty ProciamsUonCap-tared Generals Liberated Halt a Day

That They May the

apaaz Ceb SUN

MANILA June conferenothe Filipino lesders Un Mao

the Philippine Commission resultedasembhing

Filipinosmilitary omeers

hadieglshatedand against005 prisoners who bad been

halt taKeAmong latter were Generals

Garcia Maca-

bule LukbnThe meeting was Carmen reel

Bettor tavernAmericans was conspicuously absent

Three wero devoted discussionarrangement dignifled and

peace Finally schemeseven propositions

approval was adopted will bepresented to MacArthur-

Thlsschemelneiude4 first generalamnestyboth Amerinans and FiUpinos secondreturn confiscated property

providing Filipino generaluse

revenue reiievo distressthe Impoverished people tlfth guirantee

rights accrd1ng the Americanestablishment civil gov-

ernment Manliaseventh expuilon

spirit sssembly was apparentsince Aguiniildo

their Bettordared All falling observe the mahdateissuing this backed

areThis fIrst general meeting Filipinos

since fail wero numerousheated considerable d fikuhty

excluding discussionthosefavor

Phihiopicospeaking peopledeal in glittering generalities

detahte however this morningsii excellent indication hope

will continue subject necessarymodifications

understanding betM Junta proposes negotiate

with commission concerningmeaL

UfESY TO IEHElot the Proclamation by Oea

Junoor was Ucn

atny or the President of the United

complete for andlute or acton for the future to

who or atFob hao

Inor a di and whoa or

the formallywith iuch Inoe end to a

decllaUon andand the la-

In and over rlvUe oto

whateverthat who

of war the otare not the of

ho dire to or theterms herewith reQuet to pr-

Int the ormOlt who

them nutrank make their Im-

mediate wan the recordseach tu

to nov partto his OWn for which the

States suchM Iyor Prominent W 0

to COnfer wlbthe Hoard

b tu v 1 andtrunsporta

ton for that purpose In order tomu h

suiting tho whichsinceand to provide In for


or the Ply 30to each roan who

U S r Governor


Reported to the Emperor onUnder EropesuCaNs SUN

June 21 Thefor there

ofthe on the subject or The Idea

to depose the andEmperor on the throne CUll

tinder control No Powermake 1ttmpt Bt

VIENNA UThean wita

the tothat there no

but for the protection of

ot trouble Theought not

The ony aIs ot

the quo which should be assured


on tie TaltKlalsurprise Is

some felt InIn Pan force whIch Enl

onwhprlt is lad theduty and lt

anaval wouldnorth China or I to IUPPfl the WestHvr plte-


From Cato ofTreaed Oltbrkt Aftr

CaSio TiEKONO 21

thAt owing to the forelxnConsuls trouble to out

LI Chaneorm a northto remAin In The

Iekln to AOlt4the trouble there

1Il0lNG DI RODOEI1 DDSDrl flaY Tka to Guard


KONG June 2lRbber band pUthe

authorare to check The

have to theto

Trp onS Adv



Teat lned MaeArthur at Meatia Today

WAStILNOTOX 21 The following noticeamnesty promulgated by Mac

Arthur Manila todaydirection

Staes the undersigned announce awnestywith immunity the past abo

liberty all per-

Sons any time since4 ltD been in insurrection

against the United titites either amilitary capacity shall

ninety days 11cmdate hereof renounces connev-

tioli ubscnlbeackaowieddiu accepting the

ofthe thu

herewith published is extended all con-cerned any reservation cx-eepting reons have violated the

dunimr period actIve hostilitiesembraced Peeps Lbs

amnestytii take advantae

at forth arethemselves to commanding

at the convenient etAtiunwill receive conideraiton socording 14 fur

prepareand thereafter permit Individual procoed according

United will furnish transportationrosy be available eithr steam-

boat wagondesIre the MiiItary Governor orwith American ominlssionerwill permitted ianltu wilt asfar with

mitigateas is

froni various disturbancesIBO6 bays suceeded each other so rapidly

some tneuuratrarsttcry period must

Inevitably succeed a general I eaceauthorities States wilt

presents a riflecondition Arivamims MaoAnvmtv-

nMajorGee Military

Ptai Repiice theThrone Cootrol-

Syecial PUP4IOUTIIEConooe iagdeburg Gozcie-

sayslt has good authority staling thatfume ben antxchnnge notes recently between

Powers Chinaii Dowager Fmprees rphacothe young with acU European

mini territorial aggrandizemeat

Juno Corresporistesc Polliigi publWes Interview Itunsuan dip-

lomat regarding PowersChina lie says Ii war againstChina that thooperatlona ate

Emmropean and the preventionrecurrence the peruonage rep-resenting the supreme power to b-ereplad policy which avoIddangerous qucatton the retablinhnment

status better


Surprise Expresied at the Latter ActivIty

SzwcIoJ Ceft DiipaRn te TImE SUNPARIS June 21Considerable cx

pressed and antiety omcial cinchesthe large naval

themandarins are dotna their

prevails Is thought thatsuch force be mnore beneflcal in



Cancels lush BecauseDeparture

I um-

sHoo June adyloes saytbs raprenentatlonsof

that was likely breakhis absence liming has can-

celled his passage steamer to theandhaaconscnted Canton

was about to start for

Hessare theFrontier

zerlaL Cabft flsvflct So Tall CUN110040 are

latin In nearthe Kowloon frontier The ChInese

themtaken measures prevent disturb-

ances from spreading liii

Sunday 1dl Water flay Longisland



flay XD IouDeptCalPnl In the Chamber or

the or

AIaM he afrom

theand that were taken w

theapatch said In complete

Frenoh to the or thawould In TraIn

tour one despatch bat nthat

or any or the PowersA to the Figaro from

hu thecompanies tofor the or tOChin

end Dido been from theand ordered to

hue aleROWE

are to China The

I the ofor whom botcr

8TBIPPlD liE IBIIIIMob in the Exaapi of


and workers mobIn At Toy

a crowd oro ocock and the nonunion worker

wItchunks ofU WA on

Iun hot andle9 and He

picked up by the mob hadbeen and tzany die-

t factory a oflog attacked women who hid takentheir theirthem their

Several wereto the by the mob the men

on tine partycurred Weinrich factory though at the latter the before much

ben dons The nearthe mob had been was

with orand hat

a nonunion woman toro toAn or pologuard and




will 4000 UIkt CrwbsesGmnbots and a float

Spttah SUNJune Deputies

today IL Debased Minister Foreignannounced that had received cable

the French Coniul at Tunnansituation had improved

preparations being meetany emergencies France and Russia do

wero acting accordtroops number 4000

be Clmtnawould also be Chinese waters eight

gunboats and wasestimated the French and forceswould equal those

deepatch Marselilea ayethe French Government approachednavIgation with avlew charteringstearnehipi conveyance troopsto

June 2lTheflnitiah cruisersIsis have detachedMedIterranean squadron ChInaThey Malta

more Italian cruiserspreparing go to Government

considering advisability deepatchingtroops part will possibly

carla from Erythrea italians


Dayton Follows theLouts Law freshen

DarroN Juno 21The striking olgannekerslaundry imitated St Louis

methods this city tonight thelaundry hoodlums gathered

asthe establishment

stones brick 0 tb and coalend were Injured A Miller struckthohead with a knocked sense

Ilowu tonnibiy kickedwas the police after

dispersed taken his home lie

Schaeffere cigar crowd sUlkgirt the

place tearing clothing beatingwtthdiub hairand otherwise

maltreating theni girls strippedalmost skin cheerlag attacking Similar scenes 00

atplace police arrived damn

ags had Street Schaeersfactory driven o

covered scraps womens clothing andmillinery every garment capturedfrom having beenhrpds satra detail hereafter

all laundries till thetrouble is


by Riding ou aar-

ST LoUts Juno Endto front B

by strikeold BIhted from a ear onLuck slreet and by fourwompo struck her she ran

road her Thu or theher brother to the sone and the


Jerman Schumacher the wonleer lon on

Uayfrom mob which her for on acar found or and

and The verdict looked upona were from


Attacked FonWonienfonBoycotted Street

Mo 21The Westcomes the with woinanbeating case

sympathizers Juan elshm 17 yearsandeneer avenue

today was nttackedvho repeatedly

home screams girlassail-

ants awaykeeper who

PaulineDecoration nought

a zttscked ridingwas guilty assault battery

ody 1

ai travesty The jurors selectedSouth St Louis

TWO YoUNG KlUmRun Over This on Coney

llandTwo women stuck by a

on island attM and were

car reached the mIddle ot bridgesuddenly frame the

went un feet before Itbe

The and somewent back found

bode women had benThe woro the

and were thereA or Twentieth

and A un-


a or


to on the RId Ithe Bate ot 88 an flourConn Juno

motor overCanaan brach of the

nd the official or

rnnllnt that It maIntainhour New

abut ten from Stamford The tip tWM In 12 and Uand trip In minute andOwing In the road the motorsnot at power There two toeach truck The of awhich be used and

Theand It tmae tIp In


Wad ud Care Rim OatOver

lyardand Jumper wu

In Erie this He anexhibition at andwhich held a

tho Juet after ho odewind shifted and Instead ortoward the hl he was

nut theboP the and wu tenor

the andInto the lake d-

In the wak ot but theyLedyud down

10LJOAJlST BOnIBTIn Own ot Violating

Law In Euro ThanSAiT June 21The jury In the

or or D II whofrom he is a

who wit unlawful Margaret

plural wire a otout Three

balou taken nobut the on an

ot that he Drbhtpp Roberts m ot 0 a

wire that the neverbeon that her 1such

TI14T irovxnAgain la C Pw

C June Thea around the

It andmore

It wit1

dtecoa ceap


Early Morning theCreek firidgi

young were trolleycar the oney 130-

oclock mornirs instantly killedThe had the

when reams came beneathwheels Tho car 2Ocould stooped

conductor mnotorman andand the two

evidently instantlykilled bodies ConsyIsland police station beatifiedas MIs Lavtnaki 311 streetBrooklyn Miss Anderson address

The motorman and conductor were locked up-

on charge homicide


Kupected Run ConsolidatedMilea

Stianroup 21A high powerelectric car was tented tho New

Consoildatesi railroadthu the road are

can its alleged speedmiles an Canaan in

milesmarie muinutse

the return a io secondsIA curves were

run foil are motorscar is the first number

are to between ProvidenceFall River distance ii seventeen miles

Ii proposed the fifteenminutes


Changed uddenl7Lak

ToiEDo June 21Arthur an-

ecronaut parachute drownedLoke evening was giving

the butchers grocers picnicwas Prenque Isle out-

side city limitsthe

city as expectedcarried oven us evidentlyabandoned parachutecllmbtne the theirma balloon collapseddropped Steamers

the balloon beforearrived had gone


Conirted Ill City thehaving floe Wife

LAtIN Utahcecond trIal the case Robertawas barred Congress becausepolygamist and wa charged here

cohabItation withens his returned verdicj guiltytoday after being fifteen

were The defendant madesilbumitted matter agreed

statement faOt married Margsretnumber as

and relationshIp hassevered and recognlz


UseS Columbia S Butlighter YeiterdyC-

oIvBmahA S phenome0-of ring sun was notI ci again to-

day was slightly cloudy however thering was luminous then yesterday Blsny

observed weatherremarkably cool

Rely Lpea Plate Chloridesfor household and




rte GaDaiof 1900


No Men for the



Harmonlons Outcome of Partys


nPrtdlo ot Dy by e With

draw-l ot Resolution to

Intbea DPrtDttloDlor1bUy

NomlaUaIXIIey for President

of FollowedOoly in In

NUI ot Panty

Roetl Seeoaded the



batten Can tIne Rol CalShowing cKlnl1 Vnantmoui

low Name ot Uonetfor rPrldaAEnISaator Depw

What te 8 IStoryRotn On ot

H Owntaa Made

of the New National Commltn-nDprlr DlelUel for Home


Oyster Ur N V

June wugreat and ticketwhich the Cooven

ton The or

C relvd a renomlnlUon Everyone or the In the

for him for loPrllYork


Roll1icu taudai Beaiors


Oilier Presdllte




the Rogue Us

the Oaai CutDowu the

her Mite the Convention in HisSpeech

gem Enthusiasm That Tarpassed Twice Twenty Tears

Conventions Either


sod Tumult Greeted fits Appearance

Other Speeches Seconding the

and IheaSelection

Presents the

Wild DemonstratIon

Seconds the Nom-

ination and Tell a-

New Vote LacksMcKInley Chairaman

of th



PuTLanxuuxa 21ThIs theinspiring PresidentialRepublican National

nominated today President

926 votes convention was

cast Gov Roosevelt

dent received 923 yots New State wasto only it Coy

noonltlt wit lila at the

naturUy vote for himselfThe renomInation or President and

for rlcPredent hy the

Ior a bf

for many a day by tOo who

In The cnvn1A In splendid order The

raor of last dys hadaway The day

The sun ebon rather In

the middle ot the day but at no thereThe

nine to the hail longthe to

the work to end witEvery or

for the or

beings IntoThree etaII were put In the

conunUon In toemphatic for more rom Outsideor the were

thousancf who could not get In butthat oven who

debarred enteringon and herd

the which theor McKinley


by who In

the Never o

pont at a

I mayot of

byot element

ofof a

by any otwife or

In a et gallery whereor

lien up at the

mlndous for him In repgentle

onand her

or tIme StatesIn the humble were

to andtwo hands In

oron the

m Archbishop or Romaat neor OMM

brat a let andor hand the

of or hisOn the frt day onaby a or

by a of tM BaptistOn dy ot


ToY an I othe mat or 10ot


OUtb Tckrh fromand

from or a1 O I 0P

entitled 72 votes It castdelegation time

andthe the

nomination offlov Roosevelt

were accompanIed wildest evidencesapproval It was scene which will

remembered partloipsted it machinerytlon workingbitterness and the threepassed was almost perfect

It was warmtime was

any great discomfort trolley lines runconvention were jammed

before convention was ready be-

gin which was thenominations kind vehIcle was

ever built purpose carryinghuman was drafted service

thousandhail was response

demandsconventIon ball there

so uniformwas the good feeling thosewere from the conventionhalt lotted the grass outside

roiling cheeva greeted namesand Roosevelt


Many happy recollections will be entertainedthose looked over the vast audience

convention bali were theremany ladles Republican NationalConventlon faces depicting thekeenest interest the proceedings the

uee their gowns the rainbow colors thehats worn them and their gentle thoughprofound ignorance the essential

practical politic asworking national convention were not

means the lwt the attractions MrsRoosevelt the Vice4yesidentlaj candi-

date sat front In theshe could see every fleeting glance her hun

bands face taco lighted Irecheers some

resembled the and fineMcKinley the day that she sat in the Senategallery at Washington naw husbandInaugurated President United

All audience high anddisposed believe moreover to Msertthat the great the galleries wereespecially etTective with their great collection

national airs SItting bealde PermanentChairman henry Cabot Lodge rostrumwas the Rev Ryan thisCatholic See Philadelphiablack and purple robes his eierkajUpon hi was gold crossupon the wassignet ring an Archbishop Church

there were two prayersthe Methodist Church and

the other clergyman Churchthe CecoOd a clergyman the Episcopal

Church the prayer

ARcIlBisflOP YSTANs riuvanArchbishop Ryan delivered


Fourth 1117 Tourvia New Central at half rates to FallsThousand i1sn43 St Lawitnce River AdirondecicMountains Uontreat etc roodthree bun daisobtet agents Daniel

A New


Inot with

eye sadO Thou orOod the ot

the splendorthe Light ot Who lanworld up

voC to who as wesitttst at or the Father to

and pry The0 end that by

the andthe of

such and acton as may

duo ofour above or

or Interest theof

ot ofthey

the onoor but the or Thy own

vole And 0 of let Ita ot but otAnd It In the donew any let madethe of

made tolet or the an

ownot fair lad let tem by the

otwe uk or 0 ot

wbigotry 0 Triune

to Thew toIn of

In or we may work out ouron

nately Join the orthe and to te Son and t-

ote Holy AtllQUAY His

Into labman andhis

out at of himon the

acity and

one or tem has ellfor Ever

Quay Pennwith violent

urnPent Lodge

In ot his Is

theof lat Samuel J

Tden or New York he wished

t I 13 o-

rt onw males pro

for a ottrom

lana at he wuof New York for Vic

It tat Quaynot ot the

un The otwu

Mr Quay ot his actionI for the

rub on Rules upat least ot work

made statea lost

up by wufor his In announcing

he not to

Its feet the Archbishop the pIcturesque anddignified robes his office uplifted armsand closed

figurelit substance and of His glory

Light illumlimee everywho cemneth into this we lifthearts and Thee speak

TheeJesus Christ blea thIs greatassembly this ruler

down wisdom slttoth Thshe illumino Intellects

purity hearts Thy servants and suggestprinciples beet con

the Thy peoplerulers rise consideratIon

personal party and realizeawful importance a minIsters

Thy powcro King KingsUnlfy all these varied elements that

may bear and hearing obey voIceauthority which Is echo

divine Spirit Love beobedience affection

past any injustice has beencisse reparation be Let

children those whose fathers were onceenslaved be never tool Inferiorityand the children forest whosecasters the glorious mountains andrivers plains and laughing valleys

this be hosed greatheart the

And Thee Spirit Love andUnity banish far mm the land all religious

Blase God this glorIouscountry musks us truly loyal

truly grateful Thee truly obedientthat walking the light intelligence and

tho vigor chastitymanifest destiny earth and may onto

chonis all natIons chantingGlory be to Father


WITIIDLLAWIS IWLuSThe great multitude sank their

one woman EsSenatorPennsylvania wu upon feet lbs cheersthat rolled sight roads even thentmsou peonIes rostrum tremble Mr

Quay has certainly been favorite In this con-

vention lie baa many friends In thisevery the NationalCommitteeone seemed to have inherited thelungs and the meet reaonmant otvoicss Everytime Mr stood upon his feet tlweesylvanlani greeted his presence

Chairman quicklyand the Pennsylvania

statesman that purring voles which60 faxniilar to his friends and which is likeioftly modulated tones the

his objections miles andCommittee Rules

Quays amendments thesevldod smaller representation Itepublican delegates to the national conventionsnaturally Democratic States When Senator

midnight had announced thatRoosevelt

President was known Mrpress his objections report

Committee Rules full report theCommittee on Rules quickly adopted

speaking said laterdecided upon this step this morning

thedobateover my proposed amendthe Committee would use

two days the conventionsThe lennsylvsnia stateftman this

meat smiled grImly winked solemnlyand wound saying that sufllcientexplanation conductthat had decided press his amend


Inbe hear tAback I the

halfor now In

thereknew It

did not the givento him lie the

or which by Ibofor the ot

to In

wide thehe WM a cop

up In B Dowwith a were a calJlr

clerk cal the ofThe who the or had A

n lie theor Ohio known

roadMd B the

of the Siryields to OhioAnother inter

rpt the The lion

the Presidents Md orOhio

toator Foratr always aInthe for the B-

tst In afew But In hIs em

hlJump from t to loft

m As liethis ho

a ot the

FraerNames McKinley

SenatorA or

CoNvxro Ohio Ifor that ron ut a

rat that would In tothe duty to a

foror that for the

I by the Rnawr trm he theot WMagain byfront 1 when he theot chairmanfor the

U platformAnd not only hi ho

this but bnbyetc ensi ot land to In

mind only one earl orfor honor which abut tlfirst

JucPOn Itthat j not for or to

orfor to

n withn thitor hL prtormn I

and motof

tn the of PlblodutyTiE nF YYAI

the American confidedto him their mOt tnltthe

B pw thattoIn

country Idle heit lie

It Itbuoyant

hop urmd

U have abranch me JAI r 334 aL underchange ot

eulnly Line trpAc


Permanent Chairman Lodge then Incisivetones which couldconvention

President areorder

Immediately was uproarious cheerlag All was coming Senator Lodge

use pretty gavel which wasyesterday quickly grasped

huge mallet oak was providedNational Committee practical useattempting keep this convention orderThe Massachusetts statesmangavel as though hadboon broughtcame crash Therebefore order was restored andsay

The will roll Btatoiclerk roll States

voice like fog horn lives in ColumbusStab capital lie Is familiarlyas Deaconi Motley Alabama Mc-Iby back came tgueakychairman Alabama delegation

Jabarnagreat outburst of cheering

proceedings JosephForaker senior Republican Senator

from State head thedelegation had been selected to present

the Presidents name this convention Seabaa been great favoriteNational conventions lie made

nomninatinig speech IresldentLouts 1598 lIe ii very sturdy epeak

lie uses gesturesphstic moods his head swings and whitehair rig Senator

itself left hIsseat to walk to rostra was greeted with

fine oitburit cheers As he faced maul

titude more cheers rang out ton him AU theway through Senator receIved aim

ovationTerakerForaker said

MR CUAIItULN teu GsvxauANAlabama to and

thank Alabama accommodation Ma-binna 54 however by

sern an imysirtant sensethat hail been ins

duty Alabama has yielded be-

caus the fact our candidatePresidency has fact ben already nominated

lie was nomnirsatod distinguishedColorado assumed

chairman lie nominatedyesterday the Senator

took nabani he wan nominauj

a thUd ttnie wIjili Senator from Indianaread the

thus nominateihe has also nominated

the whole AmericanFrom this toe other every

the same man isthe we urn now confer

and that milan Is the otherman who wishes Republican next xo-vembr IA11slamii is

it neesssary me one eisaspeal him hers elsewhere lie ionsaIreacl3 spoken andall the lie huts record repIetbrilliant achievemento record

Once andhis hIghestntce aI constitutes the striking

possible andin fidelity coerces

narmtm rotitFour nan

htMiest ansi sacrpejwith what result In

this 000ntr paralyzed and prontrated lie quickened with

aunprecedented cli theIr history un


esenywhieie in tiepr he bioseverywhere prosperous and with

Potter A Kirthamn flnoalway opnedIaggtd-

Masumu3fdIsthe hudson Day




end the Islea hu bnhigh atove

wlcry or It to I so of lonto aot CAN ole orI

ray hwhat at to

notof but ou

Mr byforhim we hwl we knew he wo

knew hewe kw taIsuite or

thatIho ot unucunu 1 cuue

In 01 ahe honraly do t Itthe d tor but It roWua alb I tardny on tthat liitem Ino

brlh ltwithon lad 11

LOln one bundd wo thIird d theour oud worldour The

America a new aUOurUbeylt hut It

Cur thoCuba comIo protfctnn

ICrumeut the enjoymont sir thetohat donefor we rll Tibet dotor A have 1In the plUoml 10 htveA I put 1 maeIncity of theot the rich thepar to the

thl uirthpll or

ond our WM roned abtheir lonJ wrotehnrurW work

stirohlk tho otert a mostrlafor put or 1locla aaln thefor allen tot midst or We

cud not U we O IdWe uo ont the must

or f I theofhare

we tthe net Oleforof duty IOn that Pint there no ofIon In well

for thB I Lywhom lbs work

time held thethe

hint othl Andman the

to to himthelove aleto the Amen

ppl8 lie t Idealthe highest ot

ard IdeaWith our baneto vIctor Innext

In the name oron or or buton ot Totthe or


factories and tubes crirywherethey are now everywhere 0111they are scisding surplus

onsimicretal conquest 10 veryearth wise

ietai iitaidard thinly lisaand lyIij and the tfull terror anditsmsO teen everlastingside this lose and elm I

Amencan poiltfr AIpiaiise With a dlploinwynever excelled and equalled has overowe be Insunmnowttand has to tatimodoor Line lie has advancedtfmMts

Chairman we art not surprised thhawe aiitlelinted It all we norninategat our years knewwas was brave knewwins w would be faithful aDddavoteti amid Use greatest peepeace be useslittle knew he would be called upon tqltncoUIiter tziaLq war That temergencywars It caine spitcould avert It camepim

sainilIlmore titan that chronicle

our vtotories and Ittplaiiso3Till

stays drove fromUSipri eiurtiincpstsitiis tiipower Applause

has grCaterhas ii Inw gloryonly hiiInflflfl andquality Iiiip freedom an

mind educationmuid all

the lirq hticw pjjwe have s gloriously

ourselrtw toits declared

thatis this

111011 neeiariiii lienswhere evidences so

ltepubIicabee 1jrcugtit

tbs nation where ourownConstitmitinim wheresoul Jflrian andtiJJIIS and Uliiitnititheir tier many

tbs blood andand excite sentiments human Jib

is indeedthe and Grantand

Unioii and liberty formally dedieatsearenow in

turn back would amid notcould trial bere world and meet omitresponsibUitipresence mankind These rvsponbilitibI aIC to n and now andcommand us that choose be our candidate and Is andthe Caine beat fitted maim diecharge this great

ara 1axys QtALTPInATzoNsI differenee

man all the sotrust the great leader

has far conductedhas he lies heart ha has the specialand special

quality bvoni all Mr chairhas also reputation andcharacter and has led the thatendear him his and giysthe the respect admirationthe and thecan an man

Amenicancitizenship on candidate aimin his

will bs carried ho-venbran these no

alone hhai his beloved State Ohiobhaht every other State and ihere represented and In name

everywhere throughout our JurisdictionI tas be our n xt elreIdancy WillIam McK2miiey




ovunSenator 1

for thelen

that let or IMO wu Itlet lana roa otlie a hM a

or a on aroad The women Juptheir The

let bunobes orThe

standards front the Theythe

the delegatIonA or ramove quickly

latthe So So were vaneThe In one or pi

up You a Illfrom It The outa of yells ot the

thetones or

woreThe on

let Iso The dinIn

hal It aTheon Permanent Casmashed and

malt for order asThe

would not end andand tie theirtrophies or red blua marched up tothe maid them there

wed with furious

5ONol IN TEJoy or

Tim toand the resounding evoked

wavetoJne from

song outAgain did torder tiled

sod theand the


bad w orwent on for Dr

tlml ChaIrmanlie that Hean crash

Lodgeor died The

and Into theirTime

theirhis hn panlelpd on two

Inwhen atIn when MeKlornominated at 8t

When was BatLodgeor the ur New York

uproarThe of

Statehowl of Joy

Coy Mto hay bdeelb on paler You

or your friends there WMfor which wu

This In Ierrshown a ot tur him

hInt nt hut amid even thatn Ir ntlmt ot

for this

thIndnoat Central

Obturto Train

DEMONSTRATION flWIXLITForaker final words nominate to-

be our next candidate Preddeacy Wil-11am McKinleybad hislipa before

audience upon

table aschoolboy lieyelled Comanche lie voice wimlolssounds the rumbling wagon cotduroy 13000 andupon seats Californianstheir red white and blue

delegates ripped theirfloor lifted them

high above thom heads From BtandJ4-of hawaiian fluttered an Amescan flag forest bnightooIord

sharply and above theaudience were thrown is

air weregated sunshades band thelerles started couldnt hearaisle cheers toiled and

noise as thunder The Southcroons screechlike were heard piercingthunder Thouiusds tiny Americant1ng fiercely waved

cheers rolled and on It was pendemonlumn wan echoed andechoed front high the ooncenlion Indeed was thrilling scene

applause lasted ten minuteIts first stretch

lodge crashedlie might just well base s

toothpick tremendous thaerjThe delegates alternate

Californian with pampas grassand

They their d-


The the demonstration was unboundedthoiieands began dcc Glory Glory

hiailebujahl chorusemotional feeling The standards the

passed GloryThe StarSpangled Ilanner T

great national rang dear and maledlous Senator Lodge attemptbring about lie utteolydelegates their stand

and pampas ganas trophies marchedaround the convention Astheymarchedthey took again the Glory Glorylialieiujahl multitude joined in Tb

chanaid My Country Tin TheefIve minutes longer

that Iodgo insisted upon orderswung oak mallet with vigor isathlete raht crashi bangl bang-

tbangSenntor insisted upon orderThe strains the bands away deligates alternates dropped scala-eahinustod great audience reluctantlyreewned seats

The scene onlylast years once

Cleveljuiti was renominated Chicago1502 muid the second time

wait Louis In tiMnoossEvanr cot vita itvryn 4order finally resumed

announced0ov Itoosovelt Statetnotier great was precipitated upos

the convention Chief Executive thEmpire was to eeconil th nominatIon of-

lraldent McKinley The thatgreeted hlooeoveit with hiaquick sbI the rostrum can

cbubdbut something

in the groting itoesevelt almostfondlike convention way has

sort affection It has sdmired slLrse feelingthere ha len Mont th sinctrot reaard young and upright andtraigtsttoreuTt mutlcAn citizen Soevery

body cheirel hum sind cried floo-

YaleHarvard Race VrmsRailway New

FlaiMslewalnace13 Eroadway NewYokAd

