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Thot 4 2 day February thot 4 2 day FEBRUARY [Romans] Ronnie Gibson 1

Thot 4 2 day February

thot 4 2 dayFEBRUARY


Ronnie Gibson


Thot 4 2 day February

These devotions are dedicated to the endearing memory of my dear friend and brother-in-Christ Robert Robinson, whom the Lord thought

appropriate to call home to glory on July 18th 2014.


Thot 4 2 day February


It had long been my late brother’s desire that I focus on producing a set of daily devotions to encourage God’s dear children on their Christian pathway.While sharing some of these devotions with Robert and his wife Maureen my attention was directed, by the Holy Spirit I believe, to Paul’s letter to the Romans.So, for each month of the year, I intend to systematically go through the first twelve chapters of the book - a chapter for each month. This would entail considering each chapter verse-by-verse on a daily basis. Of course, January would equate to chapter one; February to chapter two, and so on. However, since there are sixteen chapters in Romans and only twelve months in the year, I have added an ‘executive summary’ as a tailpiece to December.While I set out my analysis of the Roman epistle it is not meant to be construed as a commentary, but a devotional work.Therefore, I pray as we share these devotions you will be drawn closer to our Lord, and experience His blessing both on your own life, and through you, the life of your family members.


Thot 4 2 day February





Chapters 9-11THE REAL JEW

Chapters 12-16


As we come to chapter 2 of Romans and contemplate the ‘real gospel’, we add to the ‘power’ of God as seen in chapter 1, the ‘judgment’ of God - which is presented in verse 16: “In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men, by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel”.I will endeavour to follow the above analysis throughout the daily devotions, seeking to stress the ‘reality’ which Paul presents in this wonderful and inspiring epistle.Reality, in the realms as outlined above. Teaching, to challenge all of us as to the will of God for this world, and also for your life and mine.So, let’s go, and please God, we will learn together, more of our wonderful, magnanimous, amazing God.


Thot 4 2 day February

February 1st2. THE REAL GOSPEL—and


Romans 2v1

You will recall that for the month of January our devotions centred on Romans chapter 1, under the title of ....'the real gospel and ........THE POWER OF GOD .....and we used verse 16 as the key - "for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation”. Since this is the first cornerstone in the building-block of God's gospel, it follows that the next block should be to dismiss any thought that God turns a blind eye to 'SIN'.

Paul now develops chapter 2 (and hence this month's devotion) in setting the record straight Romans 2v1 - "Therefore thou art inexcusable,O man, whosoever thou art that judgest; for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things."Paul will later in the month remind us that the day will come when God shall judge the secrets of men (v16), but today he is setting out his stall so that all men might understand with clarity that their words do not hide their actions from the all-seeing God. How dreadfully often we are bombarded with high-lofted opinions of those who would seek to pressurise and control us, only to find within a short time they are found guilty by their peers of similar wrongdoing. Paul's thrust therefore as we proceed day by day is to get our thinking positively in place that (as verse 11 stipulates) "God is no respecter of persons". Today, get your relationship right with Almighty God! Do not get distracted by the clamour of the high-decibel so-called 'righteous'. God knows the secrets of your heart; go peacefully throughout this day.


Thot 4 2 day February

February 2nd2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 2v2

"But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things."

We are brought by Paul today to a further declaration of God's wonderful insight into human thinking and actions. The end of chapter 1 has dealt fiercely with the misdemeanours of men and women. Here then Paul assures his readers that the method whereby God will judge such individuals, regardless of their high-minded judgmental attitudes, is the plumb-line of truth. I have borrowed the use of the plumb line from the book of Amos, when the Lord instructed the prophet to use such an instrument as an example of correctness to His people. However, I use it today to remind all believers in Christ that they should not let their hearts be disturbed by what they read in the newspapers, what they see on the news channels; what the media as a whole pommels out to our souls on a daily basis. Our God has His plumb line and He will judge all by this measure. So as we, His children, shelter under the One Who is the Truth, let us today get our priorities in focus. Our God is on His throne, and He is intimately aware of the spiteful attitudes of those who judge, even when they themselves are guilty.

Today, take hope in your Lord, for you are not deceived by the false gospel of this world but rather you are established firmly under the banner of the 'real' gospel. Hallelujah!

February 3rd


Thot 4 2 day February



Romans 2v3

"And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?"The real gospel dramatically focuses on the crucial issue of sin! The worldling may well judge others and put himself on a higher plane of accountability. But he merely fools himself, for our God sees intensely through the masquerading and showmanship of the self-righteous and promotes His ideology that He has no respect of persons (v11). The Lord is so delicately deliberate here in that, through the apostle Paul, He reminds all men there is that dreaded day of judgment coming. And because He sees the secrets of each heart there can not be, nor will be, any avenue of escape.I recall a local preacher, when addressing the deep subject of Hell, he said, 'there are no exits in Hell!' Well, Paul is reminding the people at Rome that there is no exit, no escape, from the day when God will open the books and reveal all.All the bluster and self-importance of this century cannot mask the reality of the gospel Paul seeks to preach. It is real! And being real, it deals with sin, even sin which so many construe to be undetectable.How wonderfully astute was God's Holy Spirit in directing Paul to deal with the 'power' invested in the gospel in the first chapter, so that all, who in anyway consider themselves out of the reach of God's saving grace, can find eternal refuge in His Son Jesus Christ.

February 4th2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Thot 4 2 day February


Romans 2v4

"Or despiseth thou the riches of His goodness and forebearance and long suffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?"

If ever there was a verse for the child of God to dwell on, this is it. I have no doubt you have a family whose attitudes and activities break your heart, and your cry to God continually is, 'Lord, save them!' Well, today take great hope and encouragement for today's devotion is aimed directly at you. Notice the tender words which Paul uses to adequately describe the utter tenderness and patience of our God - "goodness"; "forebearance": "longsuffering" - words which summarise the characteristics of the Saviour as none other. That loved-one, may well present the subtle; less than subtle; outrageous comments and attitudes, but do not be disheartened, Paul faced it when presenting the real gospel in his day, just as you do today. Thankfully, our God has not varied His gospel nor His Word, nor His character; He stands patiently like the prodigal's father awaiting his son's 'coming to himself'. That coming to himself, by the prodigal, is the deep wish of every parent's prayer life.

The ignorance, in Paul's day, of these people bordered on the contempt of God; this is the depth of their sin. You know it, I know it; but we both know, that no matter how deep the distance between your loved-one and the Lord there is (chapter 1) "power" is this wonderfully, real gospel of Jesus Christ.


Thot 4 2 day February

February 5th2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 2v5

"But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasureth up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God".The unmistakable picture in today's devotion is of the rebellious sinner whose heart becomes hardened and stubborn. But Paul goes ever so much further because he sees such headstrong abhorrence of God's pleas as merely stocking up the shelves of eternity awaiting the coming judgment. The warehouse of Heaven is mightily enclosed with row after row of the catalogues of man's refusal to heed God's voice and constant warnings. Such sin will be dealt with as an inspector in a factory checks the finished product to ensure adequate accuracy with the elaborate design drawing. The Lord God is no different! At the paramount of His anger against consistent failures and rebellion He will reveal the catastrophic manifesto of man's sin against His holiness. And yet there is sufficient power within this real gospel which Paul propagates to cover the most heinous and diabolical of persistent sinning: but the warning is that continuation of such practices retained within itself the possibility of hardness and stubbornness of heart. Today, however, there is yet time, for the forebearance, longsuffering and goodness of God is wonderfully available to all those you know who have been described in this month's devotions. Keep on praying!


Thot 4 2 day February

February 6th2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 2v6

"(God) Who will render to every man according to his deeds:"Perhaps this is one of those texts which should be highlighted in every believer's Bible. The righteous, holy God will give to each one whatever his deeds deserve.The noise and clamour and publicity of this world's media is not loud enough to drown out the majesty of this godly conclusion. The gloss, glamour and A-listing of celebrities will not impinge on the correctness and accuracy of the righteous Judge's conclusions. The wealth of the billionaires - with our own London being the home to the most billionaires in the world - cannot diminish the poverty of those who stand before the all-searching inspection of our God. God has His own accounting system which defies man's intrusions and computer wizardry. He recompenses the unbeliever in direct proportion to the sins committed and to their intrinsic value. Not all sin carries the same penalty, for that would be unjust, and we do not have an unjust Judge. Each sin will carry its own burdensome load in so far as it betrayed the wealth of the gospel message and the pleadings of a welcoming Saviour. In the light of the above, it surely behoves you and I to renew our vows before our Lord today in order to proclaim, with replenished strength, the message of the real gospel which holds the inherent power to deal sufficiently and totally with these matters. What a gospel! What a Saviour! This is 'real' business!


Thot 4 2 day February

February 7th2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 2v7

“To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life."

Paul flips over the coin after yesterday's devotion. The unsaved are so assured of their doom without Christ, but equally with the same doggedness and determination there is eternal life for those who will seek after the Lord and do His will. Beautiful words are pulled together by Paul as he encourages those of us who love the Lord. He mentions with delicate warmth - "patient endurance"; "well-doing"; "glory"; "honour" and "immortality". Characteristics which match the repentant sinner whose faith is lodged concretely in the finished work of the Lord. A faith which is not dependant on our mood swings and flittering emotions but on the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ and His atoning work.

Add to today's devotions a little peek at Romans 8 verses 31 to 39 and savour the delightful assurances our God has presented to us.

Do enjoy!

February 8th


Thot 4 2 day February



Romans 2v8

"But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath."

Paul turns the coin back again, having given a little insight to the end of the righteous, he considers once more the fate of those who are agitators and without true thought of God. He will further elaborate this theme in tomorrow's devotion also, but today he draws us repeatedly back to what I designated earlier as God's plumb-line, that is, the truth.There is no escaping the process of sin from God's reckoning; His real gospel is dynamically designed to redress the horror and wastefulness of sin and it's consequences.How singularly important is the repetitive theme of chapter one and the unfathomable power invested within the gospel of Jesus Christ. This alone is God's remedy! He has laid down His truth and whilst Satan may beguile the populace generally the Lord God will not deviate from the truth - His plumb-line. How crucially important that we as believers catch the majesty of Paul's words in stressing that the answer to the sin question is unswervingly the truth. The gospel with its inner quality of power and truth holds the master key to serving our loved ones and seeing their salvation.I know the message is deemed by some modern-day preachers to be somewhat anti-social and outdated. But who do we believe? The sincere but misguided enthusiast of today or the untouchable Word of the holy God?

February 9th2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Thot 4 2 day February


Romans 2v9

"Tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile."How cleverly and subtly Paul now introduces a further important dimension to this whole panorama of sin. His language previously has been of the hardened heart of the recurring sinner, but now it deepens to the evilness of the soul within each man and woman pursuing their own agendas in life. And should there be any members of the fellowship in Rome in any frame of mind that their own national allegiance may be somewhat exempt from the impending catastrophe Paul adds both categories into his thrust - the Jew and the Gentile.Coupled to this all-embracing concept is the awesome realities of "tribulation" and "anguish". Sin, committed by any nationality or by any religion, is answerable to the truth of God Who, in a couple of days time, will advocate that with Him there is no respect of persons. The secrets of every hardened hard and every evil-working soul will be microscopically scrutinised by the searchlight of God's Word; Paul is determined not to minimise the devastation awaiting such sinners but always reminding them of the overcoming power of the gospel. What a challenge to you and me as to what we do with this information and insight. What a God we have! What a gospel we have! And this has been entrusted to us.

May our prayer daily be to seek wisdom from our God in dealing with those we love, in the light of the above.

February 10th2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Thot 4 2 day February


Romans 2v10

"But glory, honour, and peace to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile."

The coin flips again. Paul shows us the diametrically opposed side. The good, who believe God's truth, accept God's Son by faith, will not suffer the un-diminishing horror of a lost eternity, but rather, will enjoy glory, honour and peace.And again Paul, astutely, highlights both 'denominations' - the Jew and the Gentile. He has deftly inserted them both in yesterday's devotion as being among the rejecters of God's grace, then today he does likewise for those who of both opinions, truly accept the truth of God's grace.

Paul majestically compares the richness of believing faith in a trio of expressions. Those who rebel and accept not the truth there is 'unrighteousness'; 'indignation and wrath'; and 'tribulation and anguish'. However those who accept with confidence and gladness the truth of God there are also three wonderful expressions - 'glory'; 'honour' and 'peace'.

The old adage which suggests that ' it does not take a brain surgeon to work that one out', would seem most appropriate here.

How glorious it is to know the Lord today!

February 11th2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and



Thot 4 2 day February

Romans 2v11

"For there is no respect of persons with God".

Paul is building up to an important crescendo at verse 16 when he reinforces the fact that the Lord God will judge the secrets of every heart. So, during these past two days he has used the religious divide twice - Jew and Gentile, he lays the concrete foundation that in God's righteous judgment there is no discrimination.If you live in Northern Ireland, or, if you have dear friends in that country, you will know that the word 'discrimination' is perhaps the most overworked word in vocabulary. Most dates in the year, most areas in the country, most discussions in Parliament, hinge precariously on the subject matter of this word. But neither Jew or non-Jew, and no matter who you are in this world, you are one or the other, can utter the word 'discrimination' with justification. For God is above such trivia; beyond such tribal thinking; He does not love because you are a certain race, or dislike you because you belong to a different grouping. You are a precious human being; where you are from; what you have achieved; whatever your family connections; God equalises you with everyone else. I recall reading some Bible notes in which the author exclaims that there are only two things here on Earth which are eternal - the Holy Bible and the Human Being. You hold the first in your hand and it is eternal; you are the second, and God values you with precisely the same eternal value - He is not willing that ANY should perish but that ALL would come to repentance (2 Peter). Phew! What a God!

February 12th2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and



Thot 4 2 day February

Romans 2v12

"For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law, will be judged by the law."

Paul stretches our minds a little today in this whole matter of the real gospel being about sin. The Jew sought vigorously to hide behind their strict observance of the law, and thereby claim correctness with God. They demeanour the Gentile who could not possibly, in their estimation, attain to such a grandiose standing before a holy God. Paul has systematically presented his thesis that titles and names mean nothing to God. Privileges endued on one set of persons does not elevate them in a ranking order before God. With God there is no pecking-order, as yesterday's devotions stressed.

But there is a balancing act to be observed by all of us. The judgment on a Jewish individual by God will include the fact that He gave them the law, which was meant to be a schoolmaster to bring them to God, but they did not attend the lectures (sorry about the pun). Their judgment is particular because of this background. The non-Jew will also be judged fairly by God without reference to the select hereditarily teaching of the Jew. Both, and this is the crunch, will "perish" if Christ is not acknowledged through this real gospel. And please recall it is this gospel which Paul insists, contains the amazing quality of enlightenment and forgiveness in its power - (see chapter 1, January).

What a gospel message we have to share!

February 13th2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and



Thot 4 2 day February

Romans 2v13

"(For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified."

Paul now enters a further challenge to both Jew and non-Jew concerning the eternal matter of the judgment of God on sin and the impact of the gospel. The Jews have their 'hearing' sessions each Sabbath as they attend to their synagogues. All matters concerning the intimate details of the Law are presented in a fundamental educational way. There would be no doubts as to the requirements of the Law where each jot and tittle were examined and scrutinised. It was their business to hear the Law. The non-Jew obviously did not have this privilege but, nevertheless, by observance of the world around them and of snippets of conversation they would hear, they also would have a degree of reception of God's Law. But the crucial matter of salvation depends not on 'hearing' that word but on obedience to it. Doing, in obedience, what the Lord insists is the gospel remedy for salvation. The apostle also adds an interesting principle here in today's devotion, the matter of 'justification'. This concept will be touched upon during many days but here he adapts that word which is deeply associated with Hebrew Scriptures and namely Abraham. Paul is deliberately being subtle here because he endeavours to arrest the attention of his readers to this all-important figurehead in the Jewish realm. If he can hang his arguments on the 'nail' entitled Abraham, he is well on his way to convincing his audience. How delightful of God's Holy Spirit to so guide him!

February 14th2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and



Thot 4 2 day February

Romans 2v14

"For when the Gentiles, which have not the Law, do by nature the things contained in the Law, these, having not the Law, are a law unto themselves....."

The clear strategy of Paul in that once he attempts to bring the Jewish people on board, he then, automatically it would seem, reverts to the Gentiles - lest they attempt to distance themselves from his assertions. The crucial principle of justification is equally relevant to both groupings and the Gentiles must also clearly grasp this. While they have not the Law as do the Jews, nevertheless there are elements of nature surrounding them which force them to accede to an unwritten law of God. God is never without His witness, in this case, nature. Their own inner conscience convinces them of the greater Being and they are required to respond accordingly. And Paul is continuing to stress quite forcefully that there is no sidelining, offloading, or postponing the inevitable of God's impending 'train-crash' of judgment. He will bring the 'train' of life to hit the 'buffers'; and whatever man's paltry excuses, the train will arrive spot-on time; no delays, no hold ups, no sidetracks. Should you be reading today's devotion and you are not yet saved, allow me this ripe opportunity to ask you to consider Jesus Christ as the One and Only 'station-master' for your life. If I may continue the analogy for one more moment, I would add He holds your 'ticket' in His hand. Reach out and take it! If you are a Christian, lift your heart to God in rapturous praise, for He has saved you from the awful disaster just around the next bend on the track.

February 15th2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and



Thot 4 2 day February

Romans 2v15

"Which show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or excusing one another;)"

Paul continues today with his close thoughts on the work of God's grace in the lives of the non-Jews. He discusses the thought that while the Jews themselves have the written Law, Gentiles can show the out working of that Law because it is written deeply in their hearts. Paul couples with that, that their consciences play an important and active part in their assessing the rights and wrongs of life relating to the things of God. How splendid for us to observe that those who may not follow the same 'traditions' as us, can yet exhibit the characteristics of a changed life.

Then Paul reaches deeper inside their beings and focuses on their “thoughts”. And in so doing he exhibits a little taste of annoyance in that he accuses them of gathering the feelings of their hearts, plus the witnessing of their consciences, and portraying these actively through their thoughts either to sway opinions towards right, or alternatively excusing their wrongs.

But Paul is not distracted by this apparent arrogance and philosophy for he knows the mind and working of his God when it comes to matters of the inner human sanctuary.

February 16th2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 2v1619

Thot 4 2 day February

“In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.”

Recall, of course, the brackets which have surrounded verses 13, 14 and 15 are now closed. So the theme at the closure of verse 12 is now resumed, and that theme is the one of divine judgment.

Three aspects of this impending judgment are importantly stressed here by Paul.

Firstly, there is the thought of ‘time’ - “in the day”.

As surely as he knows his God, he is equally as sure that the judgment of God will come at His selected time. On another occasion Paul will deliver fundamental teaching on this matter, when he wrote - “it is appointed unto man once to die, but after this the judgment”.

Secondly, there is the matter of ‘truth’ - “God shall judge the secrets of men…” Nothing is hidden from His scrutiny; there will be no ‘spinning’ of the evidence. What appears outwardly frontal will be assessed behind the issue to the reasons for the action.

Thirdly, there is the subject of ‘trust’ - “...by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.” The One Who ascribed Himself to be “the Truth” sits on the Judge’s bench, and He can be trusted to deliver an accurate and precise judgment.

February 17th2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 2v17


Thot 4 2 day February

“Behold, thou art called a Jew, and resteth in the Law, and makest thy boast of God.”

Paul now moves into overdrive. He feels he must push ahead with achieving clear understanding among his fellow-citizens that their traditional understanding of the precious relationship between themselves and God is askew.

He tells these Jews that they think all is well between themselves and God, based on the premise that they have been given the Law by God and thereby they have achieved an elevated position of acceptance as ‘friends’ of the Lord.

They felt they were exclusive and beyond challenge or correction from other so-called subservient religions or peoples.

Is it just me, or are my concepts of this world of ours and the various religious groupings matching the above perfectly?

When you discuss the claims of the Lord Jesus with members of other world-groupings they invariably sideline the exclusiveness of Christ and align Him alongside the other ‘prophets’ of our day.

What we have read today is a very deep challenge to us as believers that we equip ourselves with such a knowledge of the Scriptures and of Christ Himself that we can be apologetics of the Gospel and the forthcoming day of judgment.

February 18th



Romans 2v18


Thot 4 2 day February

“…..and knowest His will, and approved the things that are more excellent, being instructed out of the Law;”

Paul continues his re-alignment of the Jewish faith and faith in Jesus Christ.

He expresses his agreement that these Jewish people have at least three deep, fundamental grasps of the things of God - they are acutely aware of the will of God; God’s future strategy; God’s ultimate planning for the world as a whole - “and knowest His will”

they have gleaned and excelled in their understanding of things spiritual; have captured the meaningful differences between the temporal and spiritual concepts - “and approved the things that are more excellent”.

they have systematically been coached through catechisms and synagogue instruction - “being instructed out of the Law”.

But, and what a massive ‘but’ - they are not yet saved. How devious is Satan to lead souls to perdition through ‘another’ gospel.

February 19th2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 2v19


Thot 4 2 day February

“…..and art confident that thou thyself art a guide to the blind, a light to them which are in darkness.”

Paul again launches into his squaring of the circle. He is determined, under the hand of Almighty God and His Holy Spirit, to set the record straight. He desperately desires that his fellow-countrymen could grasp the truth of God and His Son Jesus Christ.

But to do so he has to mightily and yet purposefully distract these Jews away from their fortress of ‘we are the people’.

To do so he continues to pinpoint their self-imposed superiority, which he soon hopes to demolish. These Jews actually believe that they, and they exclusively, are the crutch for the blind to lean on for proper guidance, and the light that shines to guide those they consider to be still bound by darkness.

Paul will soon deal with this super-superiority, but, for the moment, leads them to the high place of their own conceit. The expression which comes to mind is - ‘pride cometh before a fall’.

I would contend that this is partially why the Lord instituted the Breaking of Bread Feast, that we may weekly “examine ourselves”.

February 20th2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 2v20


Thot 4 2 day February

“...an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, which hast the form of knowledge and of the truth of the Law.”

The catalogue of self-importance and self-aggrandisement continues to flow from the pen of Paul as he comes closer to the crunch with these Jews.

On the 18th we saw that these Jews knew God’s will; on the 19th we gleaned their confidence in the things of God - to the extent of ‘leading’ and ‘lighting’ the path for those in darkness. Now today Paul adds two further categories in which these earnest Jews seek to excel in their propagation of their knowledge of God.

Firstly, they teach the masses of uneducated, then, secondly, they instruct the novices and proselytes of the Jewish faith

All this, to demonstrate beyond challenge, their superior correctness and spiritual standing with God.

But Paul has been there already himself, and is merely building them up to bring them down.

How deeply important it is for you and me to base our spirituality, not on ‘what’ we know, but on ‘Who’ we know.

February 21st2. THE REAL GOSPEL -and


Romans 2v21


Thot 4 2 day February

“Thou therefore which teachest another; teachest thou not thyself? Thou that preachest a man should not steal, dost thou steal?

Now Paul gets to the crunch. The spotlight shifts, oh so delicately, from what they know to what they do.

It is so essential that we recall, at this stage, that Paul has been where these Jews now are. He has come through the arduous rigours of the Mosiac law and has been adequately instructed. But, he has seen the light, both physically and spiritually.

Now his challenge, under the Spirit of God, is to lead his fellow-Jews into this same enlightenment. Not, in any sense, an easy task.

So he begins by highlighting two areas of inspection. One, have they learned personally the lessons themselves which they have been foisting on others - (practising what they preach), and two, have they clean hands when it comes to the realm of money?

If ever there was a day in which money, or the love of it, has become, not only the root of all evil, but the destruction of spiritual life, it is now, today!

February 22nd2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 2v22


Thot 4 2 day February

“Thou that sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? Thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacriledge?

This is the second of three verses in which Paul gets to the heart of this Jewish falsehood.

He has already dealt with ‘teaching’ and ‘preaching’ in yesterday’s devotion - (any ideas come to mind as to why he starts there?).

Today he gets very deep and personal. Relationships and finances come rising to the top. And his question to these self-appointed tutors is - are you practising what you preach?

The matters of ‘relationships’ and ‘receipts’ hit the spiritual headlines here. They are counselling abstinence from immorality but are engaging in some form of it themselves. They advocate the abhorrence of idols but search after the accumulation of wealth, which is their own brand label of idolatry.

Sadly, we also live in such an era, where relationships are breaking down and monetarily gain is the all-important, but erroneous symbol of God’s blessing.

Dear God, help us here today in these matters!

February 23rd2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 2v23


Thot 4 2 day February

“Thou that makest thy boast of the Law, through breaking the Law dishonoureth God?”

The issue comes rapidly to the surface today (and tomorrow), because these Jews who have set themselves on a high stratosphere of spirituality through their knowledge and expertise of the Law, are about to become humiliated and brought down.

Jesus once said to His disciples that those to whom much was given much would be required. Well, here it outworking in Paul’s rebuke of these Jews.

They insisted that the Law was of paramount importance, so therefore, any slip, no matter how small, they made of the same Law would be so dishonouring to God. This is what Paul points out to them.

The same God they allege belongs exclusively to them, if that were so, would it not equally follow that if they falter in one jot or tattle of that Law, their God would be reduced in value and demoted in their own eyes and in the eyes of the observing Gentiles around them?

Paul asserts, they have made a rod to break their own backs.

Yet, you and I must exercise deep discernment that we live rightly before Him today.

February 24th2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 2v24


Thot 4 2 day February

“For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written.”

Quoting the prophet Isaiah (ch 52v5) Paul forcefully reminds these Jews of the dire consequences of their hypocritical life-styles - the surrounding nations and peoples will ridicule and blaspheme the name of their God.

The Jewish nation had been given the truly remarkable position of propagating the name of Yahweh throughout the ever-expanding world. Regrettably their saying did not match their doing, and the world, in general, took copious notes.

The lesson here, of course, delicately sets all of us as believers in the dock. Invariably our actions do not always correspond to our words. The resultant disaster is that our fellowship with our Lord is soured, and our witness to a needy world is stymied.

Paul is leading these Jews to the understanding that the Law, albeit, a brilliant schoolmaster, was designed particularly to bring them and us to bring us to the eternal relationship to the Lord.

February 25th2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 2v25


Thot 4 2 day February

“For circumcision verily profiteth, if thou keep the Law; but if thou be a breaker of the Law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision.”

The Jew was intrinsically linked to the practice of male circumcision. It was the physical evidence, for them, of their unique and personal relationship to their Almighty God.

However, this profitable exercise was disowned by even one little deviation from the Law.

I am reminded of one of my horror nightmares - where driving behind a car-transporter, the holding chain breaks and the cars come tumbling down, with horrific results. When the driver stood in front of the Judge he claimed only partial responsibly as only one of the hundred links in the chain had broken, the other 99 being intact.

I do not need to elaborate on the ludicrously of his defence; but the apostle uses the same argument here - if these Jews break one of the Laws they are guilty of all the Law. They might as well not be circumcised but are now just like the heathen.

Paul’s advancement in the attack on their religion must be a challenge to us today!

February 26th2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 2v26


Thot 4 2 day February

“Therefore, if the uncircumcision keep the righteousness of the Law; shall not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision?”

There is nothing to compare with sitting at the feet of a man who has experienced what you are facing.

Paul, delicately but deliberately, steers the minds of these Jews to a place where he has already been. They tenaciously hold to the practice of circumcision as their physical evidence of sonship with God. Paul must destroy this concept in bringing them along the road to Christ.

So, he propagates the supposition that if a non-Jew upholds the rightness of the Law, surely he qualifies to the same standing as a circumcised Jew.

This is an all-important strategy employed here by Paul, for it reduces the very foundation on which his fellow-countrymen claimed partiality with God.

Today, we face not-dissimilar circumstances as we endeavour to present Christ to peoples who hold to their rites and observances, but miss the Person of Christ.

February 27th2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 2v27


Thot 4 2 day February

“And shall not uncircumcision, which is by nature, if it fulfil the law, judge thee, who by the letter and circumcision dost transgress the Law?”

Paul will reach the close of his presentation against those who propagate circumcision as the end-all and be-all of rightness with God. Tomorrow and the next day he will offer his studied conclusion. But today he does his incredible balancing act.

He seeks to draw this remarkable comparison to a further degree. He suggests that if a non-Jew catches the truth of the Law and so practices it, surely he then can become a judge of the Jew who does not obey the same Law.

Paul’s assertion is that obeying the Law is an equaliser of individuals whether they have or have not been circumcised. The Jew who does not pay proper credence to God’s law cannot and should not consider himself spiritual above the law-keeping non-Jew.

What a salutary concept to present to men who have become steeped in their concepts of what God requires to effect a right relationship.

I just see this challenge so evident in our day also.

February 28th2. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 2v28


Thot 4 2 day February

“For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh.”

The negative aspect of Jewish belief is here presented by Paul. He declares what a Jew is not (tomorrow he will describe what a Jew is).

A man does not qualify to acceptance by God because of his outward activities - whether that entails physical demonstrations of religiosity or physical observances to the ritual of circumcision.

What a crunch this must be to Paul’s readers. Their past history, teaching and rituals have just been decimated by one who was indeed one of their own until the day he met Christ.

Put yourself for a moment or two into their shoes. How would you feel if someone from your own circle presents an inscrutable refute of your predetermined thinking about the Lord? This is how these Jews were being confronted. Decision time!



Romans 2v29

“But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision 32

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is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.”

Here comes the positive aspect of Paul’s unfettered conclusion. What is a Jew? A real Jew is anyone who is right with God. For God is not looking for those who cut their bodies in actual circumcision, but He is looking for those with changed hearts and minds regardless of their religious background.

Such will not necessarily receive praise from men, but most decidedly receive it from God. But that is not the issue - the real crunch is the heart, mind and soul of the individual. Such individuals who have had the necessary change in their lives, such are those the Lord God requires.

This month’s devotions have all focussed on the real gospel and, associated with it, the judgment of God which follows man’s rejection of His Son, regardless of that rejection being camouflaged and concealed by religious ritual.

Next month we slip into chapter 3 of Romans and consider a further aspect of the ‘real gospel’.


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Thot 4 2 day February

