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L < - I · h . Oord boord coNitNction toya : executed in oclor on !lat. oat'O board with p...

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my experie su:t:t1o1ent •

• to :reel o Judge

• ,



863 f irlft.A.Yenu• . ~o. A•l New York Ci ty . 11, New York W..r-oh 26 , 1947

1 am writint;. to you ln r e!'er onoo to • pla n for internati onal eduo•~lon, upon wh ich I ha ?$ be en wor king for tho past two year s.

Cal led "Edueation Toward a Peaceful Soc i et y," my pl&a a i~• at br ingin& tho peopl e• or th~ world i nt o oloeor aoquaintane o and undor st.tl.nding thru exporhnoo with ea.oh ot her'• ou l tvree , langua~ea,

o\.lstOti'S , ideals and p-obl me . l ht vo ohoaon &a ey t ol!'ching modi• a l l thoao things which children and adult• &l i ke do or oootaot for pleasure . These inoludo dol la ond othe r toyt, bop~•~ radio pr o&rama, cartoon motion pic tures, ote . Us ing thoeo aa media , I haYo Qu i lt a. pr ogrum wh.ioh offora u porionoo tn mott athtulat i ng f orma to each ago-gr oUp in ita own natural a phor o or intoreet, making that exper ience a n integr al part of doily l ito.

Sinoo be&lnning wor k on tho pr otre.zn , I have boon oarotul to check ita to~chinr. pr1 4ci plo8 a nd , where poa ai blo~ child and parent r eact ions to the ideu and aa ted&la devol opod . 1 have dhcun ed 1t6 ph.o o in tho worl d eduoa tlon piotwre with Or . li&rold Bonja:nin, Director of I nternt~.timal Educa tion Relat i ont in Washington and its politi ed or diplon~ati o por t ent with Dr. R&yn~ond Zwmer, Director, I ntordop&r t~ental Co~ttoo for Intercultural Cooperation. Both of t hese ~on received the pl~n with enthvai~em and o~~endation . Ita pr inot.ploo &nd id.,ah are, i n ao far u I havo boon llbl o t o detennico, oo~phtel y in line with t he polioiu of tho United s t.atea De lega tion tc U~~CO a nd wlth the purpoaea of that orga.ni&a tion. It is~ own ea.rnoat be lief that tho pr ogn.m will pro ..-e ot th o traateat val ue in bu1ldhlg a reall y pea.ooful One \Yor l d ecr::run 1ty.

Because the pl an cru et be oxooutod oomv.eroially , and ia • in o~r -.ya - a dopa r curo from t he accepted definition ot ~oducat1on" , I he. vo a ought and e aooking tho ad1o'iO• a nd op1n1ona of thoao who know tho world picture and who oan recogni&e a l l poaai bl o rami fioa ­tiona of tho plan in &otion . With these thing• in ~ind, I am e n­olosint • troapeotus of tho pl an tor your study and hope that you msy find tho time t o talk with =e a bou t it i n more detail . I sha l l ramai n oo~pletoly at your aor vioo for furt her writt on note• or 1ntor ~

V ! tfllf,

Th• nk you, Mta . Roouvel t , t o thle l•tter •od pr oa peotut . 1 tion onl y l.lpon &Iaurance f ro• Dr. or ywr co1aid erat i011.

f or giving your t1me &nd thoutht h& v• proeu=ed t o aek your a tten­Denj~1n that my projeot 1a worthy

R~yd~ ___ 1

' Tho tollowiz1! is • pl&n !or prop.rotion and diotr ib\ltion or

certain edueatio~ ea~erials Which ~ll pr~••nt informat ion and ~ struct.ion &bout the peoples and nation. of the world in tho rona ot cntcrta!noe1~ or play .

Offer1nr. auch aubject-m.a.ttar o.s l&r'lguf.P.el'l , custOIIItJ, cultures, geos·raphy, history ond &eono~ics 1n fo~ acalod to •oat the natural interoats of t ho wtriouo a.ao-r.roups, the fl lattned progrQ.lll w1ll constit ute a 1f'Orl d-acquaintaneo coUl'so for children betl't'een t he ago!l ot three and titteen aa 3 solution to the roateet problo:n confronting puor.t.e Md cducatora in a new One World society:

'l'ho :.ate.r1Ala, wt.ich are to be rolouod under a controlled-now ay•t• con.r1r.: a a1'1JlO eubject-cour.t.ry each .,nth, 1nclude:-

A. For Ho=e Cse : 1 . C&rto;or:raph OlJ.P$ ot the world; app. 360 X 30-j executed

in color and rlth hu::aor : (a) sl,ow1.ng chlldron of t.ho VCLTioU couotrio.s in native

dress, <brellinea Whore distinctive, conveyMces .tloro distinctive, nativo and domestic tuli::al lito : t or children J - 8 ,

(b) •h?wing older children in nativo dress engneod i n oports ~~d other trAditional ~ctivities, !amouo build­ings, orid{;eo1 etc . , and points ot historical intoreot ; Cor children o - lS .

(An ex.'lllple sect.ion is avoilnble) .

2. llolla : boy Vld/or :1rl, - · 6" in ~.eight., executed in dur able '!l.llterial rit.t. clot~ in colored catt.on, and with Ct't.&nl a.nd personality, reprosentat1ve of t.he ehUdron or t.he Tahious Mt.ior.s . (a) A cardboard colloctor'S case tor these doll.t ah&U bo provided

t or chUdren 8 - lS years or at;e,o~

J , Uooks : app . 12 - 20 pnge6 in length; nat-she 9" X 11" with color ed illustrationn , prooenting language phraeoo, folk m~terial, str-plo custo~ and activities, social Aapecta ond geoeropcy. (a) in s il::ple story rorm with cut-outa .. act.ivity otillull

Cor children 3 - 8. Loose-lear bindor e ei\U.l be provided - attractively

( An exa:::ple """"acript 1.a a"Uilablo ) , clea igned.

(b) In adventure st.iry tore with eporu, ,_, and puty instr...o.ctiona .a ect.irlt.y ati=uli for ahlld.ren 8 - 1$.


h. Oord boord coNitNction toya : executed in oclor on !lat. oat'O­board with perforations cutting linea ana roldine linea, oto. marked, roproeentin& architecture, modes ot tranrportationJ .an1lul l1!e1 tt•• 1n the varioua countrie.l 1

(a) a dnlling, alloplo COnveJ<mce, and docoot.io anJ.ul.lo tor children J - 8.

(b) !UIOWI ~a or JOOmme~o, aoro adYanced OOI1Y.,..,..., etc ., tor children 8 - 1$.


S. Phoqrapb rocord01 app. (/' in di.aeter, executed in mm.IT! or eia1lv' u ter1al., p~sentinf;:: (a) Traditional or toll: lullabiee and ch1lcl ri1J1ooM ot tho varioua

!"'tiOJW in native J.anguo;o;o wit.h t ranolatia\a 1 tor chllclnn J-3. (b) Traditional toll: aongo and ~lY o! t~.e vorl..,. peoploa in

nat in lancuago with t ran.sloticno: tor chllclnn 8 - l$ .

6. Parent ~~&cuinoa: constituting a ooord.ination inet,.....nt, o!­for illf! helpl\11 OU8800tions !or Ulle of all uterialo) hobby idaao, travel and ot~r data1 ~~e. in an intereatinc tora. A looee leaf binder ona.u. be providea for thooe.

B. Yater ialo for School Uoo: 1 . DollD u described above but suitable i n ei~e tor <lemon~t.ration

3nd other echoolroOID use. 2. Tencher•o handbooko prooenting looson plano and unit plano in­

corporatU>c uae or toys ond knowledge gained in the hoaao . ) . Activity Pro.;r mo pW>licationo in dromatic-pagoant fono, covering

the hutol,l7 ond opirU or the varl.oua peoploo etucliod in tho hoce and achoolro<a. ( An ..,....,lt II8DII&Cript 1o avallal>le) .

c . 5\lPPl-ntary l:&torialt: l. Radio progr-•- IIWiio- dro=tic shows o~iJW Yiano _,. tho

varioua poopleo, oonring hollda;y ond restiYOl tiauo ~ at all ...... gl'Oupa.

2 . J.:otlon pictureo : Ccloic traveloguu with aniaatod cartoon characto"l aiN<! t all aee-srouP•.

Research, croRt1vo work, od1ting1 and coordinntibn ot .ateriala into progr .. •hall be done~ otarr . Policy ohall be to keep subjoot-oattor authentic and current Md to or goni•• the progrOlll ao thot it III&Y be picked up at AllY t1oso . All ,..torialo ohall be trodOJI&l"ked and copyrl,ghted. Nationa and poopl oa pre­sented over a two year period shall 1nc.lud8 all <tho United NatioM, plu lire, Ital¥, Portugal, Switttrlancl and t ho Baltic St.at.oo. Sooall Dati oM ""iol> -closely reltt od and bW 11oa1l.ar cult ure• shall be grouped tor tro-. Large nations or v.orltd populationa and cult,.... aball be opooi&llT trootod t.o con.r.


PllOOOC'l'IO!l :

All production ohall. be done by indi\'idual concerne UJ>Mr contract .


Diatribution ohall. l>o !rom general headquarter ot!ico.


Sales shall. be on a !Je:aberohip Plan, sold by direct ma1J.,

l!o=berohip Plan:

A. FomiJ,y a:ecbership to include one (l) p..-,. package and thirtnn (13) baoic subject-country packageo per year·: l , PremiUJD package : One Cartograph J,lap, upon purchaoe of

a:ecberohip .

2. r~rrrr~~t:d (:~~:::~t=eko , to include:

d. One 1 phonos raph record e , One l parent magazine,

B. School 1/e:nberohip 1 to include One (l) promilllll package lind ton (10) basic subject- country packages pe~ year. 1 . Pro.,iwn package: Two (2) Cortograph llaps, upcn purchase

of llubo,.,hip, 2 . Basic Packages: One (l) every four weeks between the dsteo

of September lot and ~ 15th of each year, t o include: a . One pair (2) largo dolls b . One teaching Handbook e, One Activity Program publicati on d. One Parent ltaga.zino for reference.

It is suggested that me:nborships be oolicited thru contoct with lloardo of Education, Civic Groupe, Parent Teacher Associations, Womene and Service Clubs, t o insure entire community intoNot and raeUitate oeloo progrom.


A. Radio shoW5 shall be used ao .Overtio:lng..,.,dia for tll! entiN sch...., ,

B. Cartoon ~tion Pictures shall be sol d to Cbildren ts F1!. Library with contract tor releaae in coordination with rest o! progra..

Tho pl an """ conceived and hao been deftl oped u a method ot educating tho poopleo of tho 100rld tOl!Yd wider knowledge and deeper underet~ o! each other 1n preparation t Br lito 1n tho world coOillllllity, It ~~&&, thoro?oro, boon kept elaot io for adaption tc tho oooiel etructureo If tho various nationo of flho 100rld and entirely 1n line with tho policioa of tho United Nations Science, Education and CUltural Organization.

/ It h .. been cll.OC\IUOd with odueatora, aovernnem reproaamativea and ropreaontat 1veo o! vari ous groupo interaotod in international a!toira and ocluc~tion. In aaoh instance, tho plan hao boon raoiovod with enthuai~n and approba~ion.

A. United States Office o! Education•

Dr. Hll"Olcl Bonja:W>, Director 1 International Education Relationo .

Dr. 11&r7 -- Davis, nu-.etor !lcemary !clueation.

a. llopartant or St•t• :

Dr . Rqsncl z-r 1 Director Intorclopart.mental eo-itt.eo on

Irct,oreultural Relations.

C, Oarne&io Endo'to::>ent !or rnternat ional Poaco ,

Dr , Reward WU..on, U. S Dologato to United Nations Science, Education and CUlture! Oraan1zat1on.

o. Woodrow Wilson , oundation

Wra . Burnett ~ahon, Director .

&. \'lin, C. ~nitney Foundation:

Wr . Kilton c. Rose, Director .

F, Fraono Stat.o Collage:

Dr. Fr&nlt 1'. n-aa, Freoident and author o! PRJreiPLES OF 'rw.cHilO.

In adcl1t1on, tt. plan ....., discussed with 11r . c. Ireland, Vl...,_Freoident. o! tho AMrican Saeurity and Tnot ~ in l'ubircton, D. C. traa a !inancial-aeeurity standpoint and proll01011Cecl by llr . lrolancl to be aouncl.

