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L I Sore Cut Burn O I Old that r 5 5 PainI I StoreI t A...

Date post: 07-Jun-2020
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L tt Z o > J < r fj = r < > J r Y If 7 tC 5 0 7 L i r If l fl r > ii I Old Sore 7 Cut Burn itisepfic I Cures the Old Sores that bother remedies wont cure I r ILelieves the PainI L Burn instantly J I A New Discovery t by Dr Porter an Old Railroad Surgeon I StoreI Krd AND ALL OR S i Ve have made arrangements the of the local by which they will give away free a limited number of regular 25 cent packages of Dr Porters Antiseptic Muling Oil as a of Introducing the remedy to those who have never used it sure of a free sample call oh your Druggist today I i PARIS MEDICINE COMPANY 262230 Pine St St Louis Mo manufacturers of LAXATIVE BROMO I QUININE and other standard preparations have a new discovery that far surpasses anything ever placed on the market forI oldsores cuts burns and all wounds 1 When Marconistated that he could send messages across the ocean without a wire or cable the world did not beli it if we were to tell you that Q Dr Porters Antiseptic Healing Oil i 1will cure old chronic sores which other remedies have failed to cure and will relieve pain of a burn instant ly you would not believe it therefore we wish to place remedy FREE OF COST in your hands to convince you that it is the most wonderful remedy ever discovered I We Mean It It is in every home When any of the family are severely burned or cut you havent time to send for a remedy but you need it at once therefore do not delay tosend to your Druggist for a regular 25c naftape FREE OF COST We give it free in this way because we know that when one family tries it will recommend it to other fam ilies and thus introduce it Send for a free package and convince yourself a wonderful progress along the line of new discoveries has been made in the manufacture of preparation It will cure Sores Burns Granulated Eyelids Chronic Eczema Ear Ache Running Sores Boils Scald Head Sore Throat Skin Diseases Ulcers Fever Sores Carbuncles Scalp Diseases Throat Trouble Bites Stings WoundS 4T The following dealers have these goods in stock for free distribution Holt T C Berea Ky J L Berea Ky Azbell C M Bighill Richardson J B Bighill Robins John Brodhead Abrams John W Clover Bottom Abney Payne Disputanta Bullock W M Parks J A Hugh Smith M J Kirby Knob Livingston Drug Co Livingston Gabbord Son AP Sand Gap LAST NO1ICE To the taxpayers of Rockcastle 5S County i The taxes for the year J 908 have been due since March 1Stfr and you are notified to meet me or one of my Deputies at the following places and dates named i Conway Saturday October 10th itL f f0 fOtdc > ill feOEuesday Ljw a5 j 1th O M Paynes Stoic = A Wednesday 14th 7 MK Pongo V v ThursdaytZ 4feIlansford I jti 1Fiiday f- vtJ 5 i 5 S S Level Green SaturdtyP r i V Green Proctors Mill Tuesdayc 2bt1 i r Ni 4J Ji 5 LiingstonS J Wednesday c 21s- tt St Solly Griffins > v Wednesday vVw > 21st v r vVi v Wildie1iiiday U 4 > 23rd- a ii > M ullins Station > i V Saturday 24th Ai tJu r > Brodhead > Saturday rJrir 24th- S i tr 3 ilaiiboTuesday 2th i 4 Uv VJ R L McFERRON Sheriff R ckcastle Count P SPlease remember that the penalty will be added Nov iStfr S andwe gihe all fair warning as I must settle with the County and State and am therefore compelled to collect the tax before I cand do so ARE YOU ONLY HALF ALIVE People with kidney trpuble are so weak and exhausted that they 7 are only half alive FOIeys ney Kemedy makes healthy kid ¬ 5 5 neys restores lost vitality and 5 weak delicate people are restored to health Kefuse any but Fol- eysORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative Does not gripe or nauseate Cures stomach and liver 5 troubles and chronic con- stipation ¬ I by restoring the natural action of the stom ¬ ach liver and bowels lIefU8 ubstitute Price GOo 5 5 KILLTHECOUQH AND CURE THE LUNGS WITH Dr Kings New Discovery 5 I c OUCHS OLDS ISOc 5 THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES GUARANTEED SATISPAOT0R MONEY BEFtJNDED 5 5 of a with maJority DrucjrisU means robe getting The absolutely the the needed they that this Old Catarrh Lambert Hansford ig For Wea- kKidneys I Inflammation of the blad ¬ der urinary troubles and backache jis- eDeWitts Kidney I I and Bladder Pills A Weeks I Trial For 25c E C DeWITT CO Chicago IlL- S LA5 CARSON i PAINTER AND PAPERHAHbERI WALLPAPER ROOM MOULDINGS ETC Let us make an estimate on work before placing yotif 6rder All Work Guaranteed S 55 CJ WeakHeart There are certain nerves that control the action theybecome action is impaired Short breath pain around heart palpitation ¬ or rapid pulse and other distressing symptoms fQl ¬ Cureis f adapted to the needs of these nerves and them S ¬ theheart thatbrings Try it Ithought i hearttrouble I cameinto havetaken andthis attenUon MRS D BARRON 804 Main St Coylngton j3P HeartCure falto Miles Medical Co ElkhartInd aer1Dr t = l o= = The American balloofl Cdtiquerttr which started in the third inteV national balloon race idr the fdffleS Garden Bennett at Btlia Mond yexplodeda few minutes after the start When the silk bag split and released the gas the balloon was 4000 feet above the earth For half the distance the oar and its occupants A Holland Forbes and August Post fell with terrific speed and a horrible death seem to await them in sight oi I 80 oob persons who had gathered But the silk bag suddenly filled with air and acted as a parachute avingtheirlies aod letting them oft with slight injuries By winning Tuesdays game from Detroit 3 to 0 Chicago has wonthree of the four games of the championship series Should victoJy again come to Capt Chances men today the worlds championship for i9o8 will come with it Tuesdays game was an errorless one and the Detroit en ¬ thusiasts ascribed their defeat very largelr to the luck of the game A foreign nobleman touring this ountry says there is no romance In the United States PephaTps he has not read the estimates of the Secretary of the Democratic Campaign Committee as to the plurality Mr Bryan will poll In November Many delegates including repre ¬ sentatives from Mexico India and Porn grl have arrived at Atlanta to attend the annual convention of military surgeons of the United Stapes which began on Tuesday iii MARRIED MAN IN TROUBLE A married man who permits any member of the family to take any thing except Foleys Honeyand Tar for coughs colds and lung trouble is gnilty of neglect Noth- ing ¬ is as good for all pulmonary troube The genuine Foleys Honey and Tar containsno opiates and is in a yellow package LAND FOR SALE 1000 acres of wild Ian3 coal and I timber six tracts one track of 300 acres located east ot depot in the town of Livingston Kentucky and the other tracks iu the vicinity of Livingston in Rockcastle and Laurel counties andaJlon the Louisville JNashville R5 R ex ¬ cept tracks 2 and 6 and these tvo arewithin a half mile of the rail ¬ road TRACK r i5o acres located on Piney Branch Land fairly well timbered and contains about a 25 invaui of coal Well watered most of it adapted to cultivation STACX 2 50 acres adjoining ttie lands of Jim McGuire Lee Arnold and Henry Owens Some timber coal good land TRVCK 3 300 acres in town of Livingston Some timber coal good mineral spring land well watered can be cultivated TRACK r4 250 acres located on west side of Rockcastle River Fairly timbered well watered coal a good portion can be cultivated TRACKS 200 acres located on Rock astle River Well watered some timber coal adapted to culti I vation TRACK 6 200 acres located in Laurel county ou county line betY 9n Laurel nd Rockcastle and neat Livingston Coal some timber well watered adopted to cultivation For further information call on or address L W Bethurum Mt Vernon IentuckYJ Kennedys Laxative Cough Syrup is used nearly every where because it not only heats irritation ot the throat and stops the cough but it drives the cold o tof the system through its laxative prhci pe by assuring a free and gentle action of thebOwesand that is the only way to cure a cold You cap t lure it as long as you are constipated Insist upon Kenne ¬ SyrupSold The tuberculosis congress seriously condemned kit sin and declared that disease is often cpnveyed by that means Married people will doubtless listen and take heed but young lovers can still be depended upon to defy the deadly germ and > resrvet e poetry of literature and of life Ko otisa combinstion of the natural digestive Juices aridit digests all classes of food and ever kind of food so voitsefe it will do itsejjdoes it and ibejHpmach is the stomach j can get ont of order and Kodol can not but Kodol can put the stomach into goodorder Buy K dot today It is guaranteed Sold byChasC Davi51 T 5 i c c ffiL5 111 O GOVERNORS PRO3LAMA TION I SPECIAL ELECTION F > R COMMO- NWEALTHS ¬ ATI ORNKY FORxTHE TWENTY eiGHT C RCUIT COURT DISTRICT Frankfort Ky Oct 10 908 By authority vested in me by Section 1523 of the Statutes of Kentucky I hereby proclaim that I a special election will be held in I the 28th Circuit Court District of Kentucky composed of the coun ies of Clinton Pulaski Rockcastle and Wayne on Tuesday Novem- ber 3 1908 for the purpose cfj electing a Commonwealths At ¬ torney for said district tofiU the vacancy caused by the resignation of JN Sharp AUGUSTUS E WILSON Governor BEN L BRUNER Secv of Stat By JACKSON MORRIS Assistant Secretary of State A JEWELERS EXPERIENCE C R Kluger The Jeweler 1060 Virginia Aye Indianapolis Ind writes I was so weak from kid ¬ ney trouble that I could hardly walk a hundred feet Four bottles of Foleys Kidney Remedy cleared my complexion cured my back- ache ¬ and the irregularities disap ¬ peared and can now attend to business every day and recommend Foleys Kidney Remedy to all suff erers as it cured me after the doctors and all other remedies had failed I As the cooler weather hastens there is a growing hope of the cholera situation in St Petersburg improving In Manila also a dis couiagiug state of affairs exists because of a similar epidemic though there it has been on a much smaller scale In the capital of the Philippines the utmost is being done to eradicate the disease before the return from Japan ot tl e battleship fleet The fleet of six t teen big sea fighters should arrive in Yokohama n Saturday 1j tThe itimejsone more or less interested foJ the quicker a cold is gotten rid of the less the danger of pneumonia and J other serious diseases Mr BWL Hall of Waverly Va has used Chamberlains Cough Remedy for f years and says I firmly believe Chamberlains Cough Remedy to I < be the best preperation on the 1 market for colds I have recom ¬ mended it to my friends aud they all agree with me For sale by Chas C Davis oasrOElEA Beai the Ihe Kind You Hate Always Bought j 1of R W DYOHEI D B rir I MT VERNON KY Office in the J T Adams brick All WorkGuaranteed Satisfac tory Crown atid Bridge Work a i Specialty > rodhead Marble- Work BODHEAD KY v Granite and Marble Monuments 1 and 1ALBRIGHT Also Agents for Iron Fence- D B ALBRIGHT Manager- j M LJ MYERS = Dentist At Re on sidenceI MT VERNON KY Work guaranteed e Williams ATTORNEYATI MT VERNON KY fSOFFICE On 2cd floor The Bank of Mt Vernon on 0I jal attention to 1PhopeNoSo 3 C McCLRYU- ndertclcei Embalm Cajnpht LINE of Caskets f1 Robes c Orders by Telephone eattendI ed promptly tariifbrdr Ky 1 icz S A K 1 sSx S T4 3 liliiR t The Kind You Have Always Bought and which has btm in use for over SO years has borne the sign- athrocfMrv of f fsonal Allow no one to deceive in thisA r bu4Experimenti Infants and ChildrenExperience against Experiment What is CASTORIA 1 Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare ¬ goric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic 5 substance ItSrage is its guarantee It destroys Worms Santi allays Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation j and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleepS The Childrens PanaceaThe Mothers Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears th Signature Ofi 9 I f The Kind You Have Always Bought t In Use For Over 30 Years 1C- CINTAUCOMPNY77 MURRAY BTRCCTV Hall YORK CITY i h pc3 J Xc c SHOES Aur Spring line of Shoes are in and we want i to say that there is no place in the county where you can find a better assortment more stylish uptodate line than ours LADIES GENTLEMENS BOYS AND MISSES LOW CUTS I i Call andexamine We are glad to show you whether you buy or not McKENZIE SON c3 xsfre I 333 The New Store Go to Carmicals for Fresh OystorsCoconnts Grapenuts PineApples Cocoa Table Jelly Prunes Figs Raisons Shreaded Wheat Evap- orated Pairs Ice Cream > Jell0 flaked Beans Beefsteak and Meats of all kinds SS All goods delivered in town When yu want groceries call Phone 56 Ii WH GARMCAL CO Sextdoor to Bank of Mt Vernon Mt Vernon Kentucky 5 5- JJ3J Dont Worry If you are sick dont worry but begin at once butrepeatthe womanly ills when we say tAKE LARDUI 5 It Will Help You 0 sheenbenefitingsickrvoIh of bidg ity Ind says I Suffered greatly goodThey usingtjwondeftJ A3 ALL DRUG S OBOES > 4
Page 1: L I Sore Cut Burn O I Old that r 5 5 PainI I StoreI t A ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vmc8rd17k/data/0179.pdf · L tt Z o r >J < If 7 fj = r  tC J r Y 5 0 7 L i r If l fl I

L tt Z o>J <r fj = r < > J r

YIf 7 tC5 0 7


i rIf


r > ii

I Old Sore 7Cut Burn itisepfic

I Cures the Old Sores thatbother remedies wont cure

IrILelieves the PainIL Burn instantly J

I A New Discoveryt by Dr Porter an Old Railroad SurgeonI







Ve have made arrangements the of the local bywhich they will give away free a limited number of regular 25 cent packagesof Dr Porters Antiseptic Muling Oil as a of Introducing the remedyto those who have never used it sure of a free sample call ohyour Druggist today



PARIS MEDICINE COMPANY 262230 Pine St St Louis Mo manufacturers of LAXATIVE BROMOI

QUININE and other standard preparations have a new discovery that far surpasses anything ever placed on the marketforI

oldsores cuts burns and all wounds1 When Marconistated that he could send messages across the ocean without a wire or cable the world did not beli

it if we were to tell you that

QDr Porters Antiseptic Healing Oil

i 1will cure old chronic sores which other remedies have failed to cure and will relieve pain of a burn instantly you would not believe it therefore we wish to place remedy FREE OF COST in your hands to convince you

that it is the most wonderful remedy ever discovered I

We Mean ItIt is in every home When any of the family are severely burned or cut you havent time to send for a

remedy but you need it at once therefore do not delay tosend to your Druggist for a regular 25c naftape FREE OFCOST We give it free in this way because we know that when one family tries it will recommend it to other fam

ilies and thus introduce it Send for a free package and convince yourself a wonderful progress along the line ofnew discoveries has been made in the manufacture of preparation

It will cure

Sores Burns Granulated Eyelids Chronic Eczema Ear AcheRunning Sores Boils Scald Head Sore Throat Skin Diseases Ulcers

Fever Sores Carbuncles Scalp Diseases Throat Trouble Bites Stings WoundS

4T The following dealers have these goods in stock for free distributionHolt T C Berea Ky J L Berea Ky Azbell C M Bighill

Richardson J B Bighill Robins John Brodhead Abrams John W Clover Bottom

Abney Payne Disputanta Bullock W M Parks J A HughSmith M J Kirby Knob Livingston Drug Co Livingston Gabbord Son AP Sand Gap

LAST NO1ICETo the taxpayers of Rockcastle

5S Countyi The taxes for the year J 908 have been due since March 1Stfr and you are

notified to meet me or one of my Deputies at the following places anddates named

iConway Saturday October 10th

itL f f0 fOtdc > ill feOEuesdayLjw

a5 j 1thO M Paynes Stoic = A Wednesday 14th

7 MK Pongo V v ThursdaytZ4feIlansford

I jti 1Fiiday f-

vtJ5 i


S S Level Green SaturdtyPr iV Green Proctors Mill Tuesdayc 2bt1i r Ni4J Ji 5 LiingstonS J Wednesday c 21s-

tt St Solly Griffins > v WednesdayvVw

> 21stv r vVi

v Wildie1iiiday U 4 > 23rd-

a ii > M ullins Station > i V Saturday 24thAi

tJu r > Brodhead > Saturday rJrir 24th-

S i tr 3 ilaiiboTuesday 2thi 4

Uv VJ R L McFERRONSheriff R ckcastle Count

P SPlease remember that the penalty will be added Nov iStfr

Sandwe gihe all fair warning as I must settle with the County and Stateand am therefore compelled to collect the tax before I cand do so

ARE YOU ONLY HALF ALIVEPeople with kidney trpuble are

so weak and exhausted that they7 are only half alive FOIeys

ney Kemedy makes healthy kid ¬

55 neys restores lost vitality and

5 weak delicate people are restoredto health Kefuse any but Fol-


Laxative Fruit SyrupPleasant to take

The new laxative Doesnot gripe or nauseateCures stomach and liver5

troubles and chronic con-


I by restoring thenatural action of the stom ¬

ach liver and bowelslIefU8 ubstitute Price GOo



WITH Dr KingsNew Discovery






of a

with maJority DrucjrisU

meansrobe getting


absolutely thethe




Old Catarrh




For Wea-kKidneys


Inflammation of the blad¬

der urinary troubles andbackache jis-

eDeWitts Kidney I

I and Bladder Pills

A WeeksI Trial For 25cE C DeWITT CO Chicago IlL-





MOULDINGS ETCLet us make an estimate

on work before placingyotif 6rder

All Work Guaranteed

S55 CJ


There are certain nervesthat control the action

theybecomeaction is impaired Shortbreath pain around heart


or rapid pulse and otherdistressing symptoms fQl¬

Cureis f

adapted to the needs ofthese nerves and themS¬

theheartthatbringsTry itIthought i

hearttrouble I

cameintohavetakenandthisattenUonMRS D BARRON804 Main St Coylngton j3P

HeartCurefaltoMiles Medical Co ElkhartInd


= lo= =The American balloofl Cdtiquerttr

which started in the third inteVnational balloon race idr the fdffleS

Garden Bennett at BtliaMond yexplodeda few minutesafter the start When the silkbag split and released the gas theballoon was 4000 feet above theearth For half the distance theoar and its occupants A HollandForbes and August Post fell withterrific speed and a horrible deathseem to await them in sight oi


80 oob persons who had gatheredBut the silk bag suddenly filledwith air and acted as a parachuteavingtheirlies aod letting them

oft with slight injuries

By winning Tuesdays gamefrom Detroit 3 to 0 Chicago haswonthree of the four games of thechampionship series ShouldvictoJy again come to CaptChances men today the worldschampionship for i9o8 will comewith it Tuesdays game was anerrorless one and the Detroit en ¬

thusiasts ascribed their defeat verylargelr to the luck of the game

A foreign nobleman touringthis ountry says there is noromance In the United StatesPephaTps he has not read theestimates of the Secretary of theDemocratic Campaign Committeeas to the plurality Mr Bryan willpoll In November

Many delegates including repre¬

sentatives from Mexico India andPorn grl have arrived at Atlantato attend the annual convention ofmilitary surgeons of the UnitedStapes which began on Tuesday


MARRIED MAN IN TROUBLEA married man who permits any

member of the family to take anything except Foleys HoneyandTar for coughs colds and lungtrouble is gnilty of neglect Noth-ing


is as good for all pulmonarytroube The genuine FoleysHoney and Tar containsno opiatesand is in a yellow package

LAND FOR SALE1000 acres of wild Ian3 coal and

I timber six tracts one track of 300acres located east ot depot in thetown of Livingston Kentucky andthe other tracks iu the vicinity ofLivingston in Rockcastle andLaurel counties andaJlon theLouisville JNashville R5 R ex ¬

cept tracks 2 and 6 and these tvoarewithin a half mile of the rail¬

roadTRACK r i5o acres located on

Piney Branch Land fairly welltimbered and contains about a 25invaui of coal Well wateredmost of it adapted to cultivation

STACX 2 50 acres adjoiningttie lands of Jim McGuire LeeArnold and Henry Owens Sometimber coal good land

TRVCK 3 300 acres in town ofLivingston Some timber coalgood mineral spring land wellwatered can be cultivated

TRACK r4 250 acres located onwest side of Rockcastle RiverFairly timbered well watered coala good portion can be cultivated

TRACKS 200 acres located onRock astle River Well wateredsome timber coal adapted to culti


vationTRACK 6 200 acres located in

Laurel county ou county linebetY 9n Laurel nd Rockcastle andneat Livingston Coal sometimber well watered adopted tocultivation

For further information call onor address L W Bethurum MtVernon IentuckYJ

Kennedys Laxative CoughSyrup is used nearly every wherebecause it not only heats irritationot the throat and stops the coughbut it drives the cold o tof thesystem through its laxative prhcipe by assuring a free and gentleaction of thebOwesand that isthe only way to cure a cold Youcap t lure it as long as you areconstipated Insist upon Kenne¬

SyrupSoldThe tuberculosis congress

seriously condemned kit sin anddeclared that disease is oftencpnveyed by that means Marriedpeople will doubtless listen andtake heed but young lovers canstill be depended upon to defy thedeadly germ and >resrvet epoetry of literature and of life

Kootisa combinstion of thenatural digestive Juices ariditdigests all classes offood and everkind of food so voitsefe it will doitsejjdoesit and ibejHpmach is the stomach j

can get ont of order and Kodol cannot but Kodol can put the stomachinto goodorder Buy K dot todayIt is guaranteed Sold byChasCDavi51 T 5

ic c

ffiL5 111O






Frankfort Ky Oct 10 908By authority vested in me by

Section 1523 of the Statutes ofKentucky I hereby proclaim that I

a special election will be held inI

the 28th Circuit Court District ofKentucky composed of the counies of Clinton Pulaski Rockcastleand Wayne on Tuesday Novem-

ber 3 1908 for the purpose cfjelecting a Commonwealths At¬

torney for said district tofiU thevacancy caused by the resignationof JN Sharp



Assistant Secretary of State

A JEWELERS EXPERIENCEC R Kluger The Jeweler 1060

Virginia Aye Indianapolis Indwrites I was so weak from kid ¬

ney trouble that I could hardlywalk a hundred feet Four bottlesof Foleys Kidney Remedy clearedmy complexion cured my back-ache


and the irregularities disap ¬

peared and can now attend tobusiness every day and recommendFoleys Kidney Remedy to all sufferers as it cured me after thedoctors and all other remedieshad failed I

As the cooler weather hastensthere is a growing hope of thecholera situation in St Petersburgimproving In Manila also a discouiagiug state of affairs existsbecause of a similar epidemicthough there it has been on a

much smaller scale In the capitalof the Philippines the utmost isbeing done to eradicate the diseasebefore the return from Japan ot tl ebattleship fleet The fleet of six t

teen big sea fighters should arrivein Yokohama n Saturday


tTheitimejsonemore or less interested foJ thequicker a cold is gotten rid of theless the danger of pneumonia and J

other serious diseases Mr BWLHall of Waverly Va has usedChamberlains Cough Remedy for fyears and says I firmly believeChamberlains Cough Remedy to


be the best preperation on the 1

market for colds I have recom ¬

mended it to my friends aud theyall agree with me For sale byChas C Davis

oasrOElEABeai the Ihe Kind You Hate Always Bought j1ofR W DYOHEI


Office in the J T Adams brick

All WorkGuaranteed Satisfactory

Crown atid Bridge Work a iSpecialty >

rodhead Marble-Work

BODHEAD KYv Granite and Marble Monuments 1

and 1ALBRIGHTAlso Agents for Iron Fence-

D B ALBRIGHT Manager- j


DentistAt Reon sidenceI


Work guaranteed


fSOFFICE On 2cd floorThe Bank ofMt Vernon on 0I

jal attentionto1PhopeNoSo3 C McCLRYU-


Cajnpht LINE of Casketsf1Robes c

Orders by TelephoneeattendIed promptly

tariifbrdr Ky1 iczS

A K1

sSx S T4

3 liliiR t

The Kind You Have Always Bought and which has btmin use for over SO years has borne the sign-athrocfMrv

of ffsonalAllow no one to deceive in thisAr

bu4ExperimentiInfants and ChildrenExperience against Experiment

What is CASTORIA 1

Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare ¬

goric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant Itcontains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic 5

substance ItSrage is its guarantee It destroys WormsSanti allays Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea and Wind

Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation jand Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates theStomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleepSThe Childrens PanaceaThe Mothers Friend


The Kind You Have Always Bought tIn Use For Over 30 Years 1C-



pc3 J Xc c

SHOESAur Spring line of Shoes are in and we wanti to say that there is no place in the countywhere you can find a better assortment morestylish uptodate line than ours


i Call andexamine We are glad to show youwhether you buy or not


xsfre I 333The New Store

Go to Carmicals forFresh OystorsCoconnts Grapenuts

PineApples Cocoa Table Jelly PrunesFigs Raisons Shreaded Wheat Evap-orated Pairs Ice Cream > Jell0 flakedBeans Beefsteak and Meats of allkinds SSAll goods delivered in town When y u

want groceries call Phone 56IiWH GARMCAL COSextdoor to Bank of Mt Vernon

Mt Vernon Kentucky5


Dont WorryIf you are sick dont worry but begin at oncebutrepeatthe

womanly ills when we say


It Will Help You0

sheenbenefitingsickrvoIhof bidg ity Ind says I Suffered greatlygoodTheyusingtjwondeftJ


> 4
