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Page 1: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1


Page 2: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1


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Table of Contents

I'roideru\ Reporr

I'rogr.unmn and Anivjties 3

Fin.lJKial11ighliglm 9

Insli(Ulc Oflict'rs \ 1

CO!l1J11i\iee~ 12

Canada Office India Office 1402 EdlJ(~[io!l Tower

2500 Univer~i(y Urive 1\'\'1:1

C~!g,lry, Albo:n:l r2N \ 1\'4

['hone 403-220-7467 Fax 403-289-0 I 00

E-mail [email protected]

'; Hha; Vir Singh Marg New Delhi, Indi" 1 10 001

rholl/: 11 -2374-6<117 11 -2374-3 114

11 2:'74-2677 11-2374-(,/11 ()

E-mail [email protected]


Member Institutions

Uni,'crsily of Alhena UniH'rsity of British Columbia

Univcrsiry of Gil!?ry

Canadian MUSf"um ofCiviJiz,nion

Con<;ordia Un;"crs;t)'

Dalholl.lic University

Univcrsiry of Lc(hbridgl."

Univer~iry of Manitoba

McGill University

McMa~lcr UniYCr5;!Y

Que ... n's University

Univcr,ilY of Regina

Sail\( Mary's University

Uni,'er,iry ofSaskalchcwafl

Simon rrascr Universiry

Universiry onorontO

t.,;njver~ity of Victoria

L'"i~cr:o;iry of '.X'es Ie III Ontario

York Unh'crsiry

Individual Donors

We a~ graleru l lo Ihe ro llowing

fo r their generous suppon:

KanrilJI D~"c, C:alg;rry. Albena

Michilynn E. Dubeau. C1lgary. Albena

Jennifer risher. MOll1ll'al, Quebc.:

I\l:li lliarn Fyfe, London, Onlario

John G. I !adwen, 011 "",a. Ontario

PeLer I l:Irnelly. Van CO LlVt'r. Be It Al.m IledlC}·. Vicroria, Be W. D.lvid I lupper. Washington, DC

Ta/jlll It KiU-lam. SYI'JcuS(', NY

Hor.. M.u..l:>.mald . 01t,1w:>., Omario

KJnl~ Marwah, On:tw.l. Ontario

JOhl1 McLeoo, Lolli5ville, Kentucky

M. V. Naidll, BrJndon, Manitob:a

N. I~ V. NJir, I\ ro~~anl. Qucbc.:

I~ G. I)~td , Olta"'~, Ontanl)

Geoffrey l'ear\Ol1, Oll~w.l

G. N. Ramll , WinnipoCJ?" Manitoba

Surco.h Thadh~ni , Mont~aJ. Quebec

A cotnplcte lisl of tIll: Institutc's awanb given and pwjC(.b (l!tlded is ~''ailable ,cparatc1y,

on re(tlleSt , as a supplement 10 the AIltHl:l1 Report.

Cuver pl1olO: SUlI Temple at Konark

Page 3: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1

As my two-rear term as President comes to a dose, the Institute is on the brink of

opening a new chapter in it.s history. Over the course of this paSt )'<'ar. much of my

energy and of the &ccuti\"e has b«n diTt.""Ctcd towards working widl til<: Instillltes

Indian partners to stabili7.e rhe InstiluteS rupee-funded progr.unm<:$, working

with the Instiltne'~ Canadian p:mners at DFAIT. fill .. - tuning the dolbr-fundet!

programtn<:$ alld incrca~ing their .sc0l~' and working with C[DA on rhe bundl of

the SI IARP project.

Cogni"l:llll of the [nstitute's financ ial vulnnability, Ihe EXCCUlivc Commilltt had

only one [Ice-Io-face meeling in the fall and Jgain recently in Oll:lwa. Sen'ral

teleconferences kId lx"Cn held and members were in constJnl C'.lIIl:1CI by email and

by phOTIC.

Memorandum of Understanding

I 2m ddightet! to ~pOrt that the rtlp«-fundet! programmes are in muc.h better

shape than they were in June 2002. The Governmenl of India release ofR.!. 2 \.tares

ill \1an;h 200.3 marked a signifiCOInt increase compared to previom )·ean. alld Ihis

in~rea .... -d funding has hJd a positive impact on the library prog,..~mme ~nd India

C,tudin fdlow,hip~. The Executive Commillcc believe> Ihal ;1 is now lime 10 focus

on strengthening these progr .. mme~.

Mr. Ib.vi M;l.1hur, Joilll &erelJ.ry (Higher Education), Dqnnmelll of EduGltion,

Ministry of I hlln2n R .. .sourc .. I.kvdopment h:!.'i reponed that rhe 8' Addemlum

to the Memor,lIulutn of Und .. rst2nding with the Governmenr of India has been

ddiverttl to Cabinet and, though it has not ret been placet! on the agell{b, there is

optimisilithat it willlx soon. [Postscripr: Addendum VllIto the Memorandum of

Und .. rstanding with the Government of India was signed 011 Scpl .. mbcr I, 2003.1

I encoumge YOII, the board of directors, /0 look IIp011 this report, not only in the spirit of co­

operation and optimism ;11 which it was prepared, but also as a living document subject to negotiation

and fine-hming in the current con/ext,


Task Force

AI Ih .. June 2002 meeting of the Board of Dir .. ctors, the occlll,"e Comminee

w.l.S charged wilh the appoinunem of a Joim " attn .. rshil> ' Iask Force 10 make

recomm .. ndarions 011 the impl .. mellIation or Ihrcc l)tinciples: parily 011 the board

of directors and the .-xecutiv .. committee. op.-ning membership or Shastri to Indian

llni~ersit ies 2nd th .. possibility of a rotating Vic .. -Presiderll (India Office) posi tion.

The [\\,ar<1 of Din;"CIOTS now has this report togelher with a set of recommendations.

BO:lrd members have also heard .some remarks from ,he Insti1Uu:'S Illdi:1 panner. Ihe

GO"ernment of India, and an implementation plan will be dr:lwn up. This woul(1 be J major item in the board's deliberations at this meeting. I nOle my :lpprccialion (or

all of lhe efforts of each and every mcmlx'r of thaI task force: the Chair of Ihe Joim

PartnCTship T.'lSk Force, Kire .. [ Joshi, Vice-Chair, Slephen Ingli, and Ihe members or

the ta~k force Arlin Nigavdur, Balbir Sahni, Peter Suthcrbnd, Shashi U. Trip:nhi.

Ibj.1Ilikant Verma and Peter Walker. The !nStitlll" h:ld ch.lrge(i Them with 3 \'Cry

difficult [ask :md they had mel this m~rk. I encollr:lge you, The I)()Jrd lIf din..'ClOrs. \0

look upon Ihis reporl, noronl), in the spirit of CQ-OperJtion :urd optimi)m in which

it w;as prepared, but al>o as;[ living document subject 10 negotiation ~n(1 fine-liming

in the current COnteXI.

Dollar-funded Programmes/Canadian Studies

On Ihe doltar-funQet! programmo, I nOte Ihal .he InstiIllIC'~ Gnadian Studio

programmC$ ~re continuing as normal. A group of IndiJIl r .. se..rchers have just

arri\'ed and a[(cnded an orientat ion in Halifax allli severnl more are .schedllittl 10

arrive in the nexr few months. It is anlicipall"ti Ihat funding for the C:lI1adi.ur

Studies I'rogr,unmc for next year wilt remain al ahoul Ihe same level as this year.

Nothing in SIC[ is ever e:!.'iy and this year i, was challenged by Ihe worldwide SARS

cpidc'mic and the \XiHO tTavei advisory r .. garding Toronto. This c:luscd a small

dl'gr<~ of con~lern.ltion among .some of the India Swdies .schol:trs, I hough ~" far it

had Ix-en possible \0 brill!; all of rhe scholars .>:Ifdy TO their research de~tinaTion in


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Page 4: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1


Dollar-funded Programmes/Youth Internships

hUloing proposals for Ihe lm("rnalional YOluh Internship l'rogrJnHIlC "",h CIOA and OrAIT were suaosful. This)'Qr the Shastri InstirulC was rortun~(e enough 10

have becl> aJJQC;luxl 13 imcrns. This Ilr0gra"H"C nOl only allows I"C<.cm univcl)City Sr-Jdu;u~'S to obl~in Their fil'Sl illlcrnational work oopcricncc in India, bU1 al!liO is an irnponarn source: of revenue for Ihe Shaslri Institute's ungoing Ol>c:r:ltion~. MO.lof

Ihe placement' i" the youth internship progrJnlnlC ~rc with projl"Ct5 linked Olle way

or MIOlhcr to ~UliH·rsilics.

I am optimistic tbat the Institute is ill better shape ,bllll it bas been ill some time and I am confident Ibat it will be in even better shape ill the years to come under (be leadership 0/ Dr. Mukherjee aud

ber executive.

Dollar-funded Programmes/CIDA

I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting

~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1 million dollar proJIX! over four years. lJo.ml

tlle!I11~1l will rcall that !here was 5OI11e urgency in final iring this Ilwjeet in the

mnte!xt of the! finanei;tl stability of the Institute. Shortly ,tfter th.1t meeting the!

In5tirute n:eeived apl'fOval from the Co\'ertltne!nt "f India and a timclinl' was

<:halkcd our whkh would allow for the sde<:tion of projecb to be completed by June

2,2003. Though dtis timel inc W<lS tight, J am lup!')' to rqXlT{ that this il roughly

on !.dtedllk. The process ha, been rigorous involving sever:iI Icvels of adjudication.

I'he previous day. the EX'C:tu ive Committee approved the recommcndations of the

5.:lcction Com1l1iuCe! and the l'roje({ Managcmcnt Corllluince of 19 projects (ten

in '·ttl'ironmcllI. fil'e in t-..:onomk reform and four in soxbl deve!opmcnt/he;tlth ).

'1lwse projecl prol}Osals will be forwardl-Q immediately to the Government of

India for thei r final approval. I am confidem that evcry one of these projects is

of the hrght;l;t CJu:l.lity and that the Shastri IIl5tilUle is wcl l pIJCL-Q to manage them

efficie!nt ly and optimize the r<!Sults of the rt:Se:l.rch cadI one envisions. The mullS of

the research are keenly :I."'"3.; led.

As my final )'(""dr as I'residem of IItc lrmiuttc comes to a dose, thc lustitlllC i~ bc:ner·

positione!d than it h35 lx"Cn for some time 10 muve forward in 3 ~tr:lIegie f35hion.

The Sha.ltri lrt.ltinttc believes il i~ timc to aci{lress rhe ismc of membe ... hip re!new:l.l

~nd dnclopme!nt and a morion will be brought to the June meeting of Ihe board

of dirIXlOrs.

The Institure has made some he~dway in plltting its fin~nci31 home in order and

I :lIn plc3scd to report drat, due 10 the drom of Ms I ~ll'inia Mohr in the Canada

O ffice and M r. P: 0J. Mali k in the lnd i~ Onice, the cOlltingent liab il ities of (he

Cau;tda Office and India Office have ~cn provided for. I am confident thar the new

eXl"Cmil'e will continue in th is fashion.

The Executive Commince! has received. with distrcss, the re!trgnalion of Lavinia

Mohr JS Executive Diret:tor. The Shastri Institute! is pk;I.K{1 to wdcome Janel

Knowles 10 this position. She h35 bttn working dosely with l.:tvini:l. in F.uniliuizing

hel"S<!lf wi th the! comple>; workings of the Instinrre. I ant plCOlSt:<1 to notc Ih:l.t this is

the fim time in the history oflhe ll15titUle th~t ~ smooth trnnsition in the! posit ion

of the! Executive Diltttor h~d bc.:-n fJcilitatOO.

1 am pl<':l.Kd (h:l.t Mr. M:olik from ,he IndiJ. Offile! w;u :l.ble! to attend the mcctings

of the bo.~rd of directors. :v1m;h of ,he success of Ihe Shastri Innitute i~ due 10 the!

hard work of all of our emplo)"ees 3' the! Canada Office and India Office and I Ih:l.nk

tltcm for all thei r dforts o\"er rhe past year.

In conclusiun, I 3111 optimistic th:1I the! Instilllle is in beller ~hape titJn il has been

in wille time and I am confident that it will be in evcn bt'!ltr shape in the years

to cornc under the leadership of Dr. Mukherjee ~rld her CKCLutiYe. The Shastri

In.ltill!te ha.~ many ad"GCatcs and I cxl<:n<1 my apprIXiatiort 10 tho..e members of the

board of di rector;, Of hell who had spoken Out in support of the III\tiuttc this p;~~t

yeJf and those who h~d worked so hard 011 bchalr of the Irmitll t{·. Thcse comnW!1 \.'

had been heard in nl3tlY quartcrs, ]}Oth in C:ltI;.da an{1 in Ittdi:t, a~ evidenced b), the

improving situation at prescm.

Leona An de! rson, Ph.D.

Preo; idcnt 2001-2003

June 7, 2003

Page 5: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1

April 2002 to March 2003

The Shastri Indo-Canadian ln~!iIUie (SICI) i~ a unique C(lllc;uion~! enterprise ,hal

prolliotes undemanding bclwttn India and C1nada. mainly throu!;h faciliuling 3Cldcmic 3C1ivitin. 11 i~ narnoo afu::r Lal l3ahadur ShaMr;, who was 3 distinguishl-d mooi;uor and 51.unman and .lil" Prime Minister of India from 1964 to I 'J66.

Founded in 1%8 wilh a sr~" t fTOrll ,he Iru lian gnvernrnelll. !Ill: Shastri Institute

began by encourJgmg Canadian Icaching anti rCSt.-:lrch on lndiJ. FucL1sing un the

humanities and Ihe 1.OC;;ll .sc iences. it fundlxl fcllow.,hi]l.1 and distributed book;; Jnd journal. In the lilmlrks of irs Canadian memher insliwIiOIl.\, The [("liollC'S

success in sparking inu:rC~1 in Indi:. ~!Udics among Canadb n aC3 tkTlli cs led 10 a

grealer interest in C..anada among Indian scholars. In the early 1980~. SICllx'gall to

promote Canadian studies in I!\di~ and, in the late 1980s. it expandt"<l iu aCl;v;ties

into dn~lopmem slUdies. The In~tilUte now funds r~Jrch, link) institutioll5 in

,he rwo oounuies. and org;ani1.1:l1 '>('llI inal'\ and oonfnences. Shastri memhership has expanded from four to twenty Canadi,1I\ irmirUlions: i~ score h~ expandt..J. as well

I<) indude law, lllJ.nagemcll[, education JJ"'- the J.ru.

The Sha.slri I"do-Cmwdion ['l$tihlte (SICI) is a unique educational enterprise that promotes

understandi"g between India and Cmultw., 11111inly through Jttci/itating academic actiuities.

India Studies

The Indi,l Studies I'rog".mme I'r",,,OlCS the understanding of In,lia in Gnada and

is cOIll],riscd of ~ fellowship progr.unme and a library progr.Ilnme. The Departlllent

of 5«ondary Jnd 1 ligher F..ilucuion, Ministry of Iluman Resource Development .

Govcrllnlent orlndia, funds this l' rogrJ.mrne.

India Studies Fellowships

.. . I Ijudl'll/I) X'lh, elmrr llCqUllill/{/l/u lI'irh st'l'fnll focton. rim I)fll/l m) pmi'll'" ill II/dill 1<''''' mOi/hlI, siner I dill not lIi,it I"r WIIIII'] bt'folT Ilnd I Wll,;n Il ""] dall.grn)"s proXimity ofbrr.wllillg all armcblll', scbola r. .. IIUlI't' fiumd uiMt , lI'llS lookingfor ill HtlrllU<l$ (l'<mlnsi). !I(rt', Ilrdl't' bUll Ilb{, /0 I/'imru lIumrro'lS rriigi()"J a,.",/()nin Imd Oml'lliltn, 10 oisil umpln _lid odxr sallrtrllmrs, and I() gaill Il lIIurh dupr ulldl'nflilldillg oftl", 1i";lIg Imdition tffll1J 11'1't'r /'IJS1tiSl'tI/xfof'l'.

Gordan Ojurdjevic

Uni\ersity of British Columbia India Studies Scholar

Affiliation: B~nat~ Hind u University

'1 he I ndi~ Swdic, Fe llowship Programme provides fdlowships 10 scholars,

librarians. srud~nt~ and artists. In January 2002. twcmy-onc candidJlCs were

3warool fdluw)hip! for lhe 2002-2(0) academic r"n Six It''Cipielll'i dedine<1 thdr

awards ~nd ~'\!en alternates were offered award). To ,b(e, sixtccn of these fdlow~hip

rn':il'tent~ h~\'c trJ.,~td 10 India 10 take up Thcir 3"''JRis and six plan to Tr.Wel to

India in the:: '!,ring ,)1' 2004. Arrs-ft'llowJJip" wert' awarded for lraining in:

Tarana-A S,udy of :-Jonh In<!i;r.n Music lor Dance

The Methodology of Teaching Tagore'5 Musi.:;

A Study of Hindustani Violin with ~pedaJ cml1hJsis on I nstrumenul Style

[)~'ldng Siva.

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E E CO L..

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Page 6: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1


In the rt$C<Irch cuegory. ;' ppliClms werc 3"arJOO for conduCling Il:scarch in:t wide

range of fidds. Some of ,hc research topics were:

The Ikgum of Bhop.~1 ami thc Enlcrgcnce of [hc Mu)iim \'(.'omen's

MO"('nlcnI in India

TrullC;tw:l Globaliz..llion and [he Scale in India

An~garika Dharampala in CaicUlU; The ~bhabodhi Sodcly and ,he

lI.enga! Renaissance

Indi:LI1 Dia,por:l-A Bibliographical Jnd Lircr:tlllrc Survey

Transn~(iollallcnurc ;lIn\ TesTimonie~: Nepali and llangl:ldcshi llnmigrant)

in New Delhi

The Circus in India: A POSt Colonial Approach

'1 he Role of Religious Ethics in ComemporHY Indian Pulitics.

1"0 datc, (Cll of Ihc 16 Fellows have cnmplc!l~d their rc~ar< .. h ,md n:lurn((1 [0


The India SllIdic) Committe.: mel in [)t'Ccmber 2002. under thc leadership

01 Dr. Kalherine Hacker, lkpanmem of Art HIStory, Vi\ual Art and Theory,

l!ni\-en.it)" Qf British Columbia, to sc:lcrt undldat.:'S for Intlia Smtlil:S Fellow)hip'

for the 2003-2004 ;.r.,atlemi{ year, In total, therr ",crt thirty-li,e applic;.r.nts with

the lields most strongly rrpresemcd being fine uts anti history. rhe commiuce

$elected liflt: .. n l;.r.ntlidau:l> to forward to the Governmelll of Intlia for approval

and one of th.:: redric-ms «edined the offer. Th.:: ;,r,wJrds made for ,he 200}.--2(){)1\ year inc\mlcd thr('C am felloWlihips, one fatuity training. four faculty rrse;.r.rLh, tWO

graduat.:: degrn:s in India, on.:: ~lUdcm languagc training :lnd four smdcm research

fcllowshilt>. An .• fdlowships w.::re awar<led for training in Classical Dan<:e and in

'i';lbb Smdies. Scven of lhe ~ward recipients helong to the bcuhy and Smdelll

Rt$earch category ~ntl5011le of their resc3rch topics are:

Urban ['oliti,al Cult ures in Mughal and Early Hritbh Imli:1

Idtology and Hegt1llony: social implication, ofltgal dt-cisions in nineleenth

cenmry Dayabhaga (lkngal cases)

T he inltrprtu[ion and [he application of d", prc~ll1ble 10 the Indian

Con~li\lllion b)' lhe Supreme Court of illtl ia

The 1:\I1d (hat gave you hirth: popuialion control in eolonial India,


Coll~borations befY,'cen Jazz and K:nnmic Mu~idans In South India

Globalization. subjcc,i"ity, and reception of PoslColoniallitCf3l11re of V. S.

Naipaul and Salman Rushdie.

Library Programme

Tht: £Xe<:U\ivc Colllmittee of the Library I'rogramnlc Advisory C'..ommillec (LI'AC)

ovcr'iCa the provi,ion of Indian boob. journals and gO"CT1lIl1em docurncilts to

Conadi:II1 libraries. Ms Saundr.. Lipton of ,he Unive~ity of Calgary Library is

leading the Cornlll irtee, Ovtr 12,850 books and periodicab werc distrihu{('d to

[w(my_two Canadian university lihr.uies during 2002- 2003.

Over 12.850 books alld periodicals were distributed to twellty-two Calladiall ulliversity libraries during


Canadian Studies

The Canadian Studies Programme is,j major component or ,he InSlitute's efforts to

cnhan,e bibteralundt:tstanding ;lnd ~Cldc1llic co-operation befY,'cen Canada and

lndia.l'undcd by the Internalional Academic RcLl1ioJl5 Division of the Dcpartmelll

of Foreign Affai~ and International 'Irade (DI'A[T), the airn of Ihe Canadian

Sludies Progf:.l.mme is \0 promote undcrst:mding of Callada in India. There arc

four ,mnponenls \0 the progralllme:

Fellowshi p, tenable in Canada for Indbn F:lculty and Doctoral level


Visit ing Leoureship for a Canadian ,pccialist

Provision of Canadi.1I1 boob ,md journals \0 Calladian Studies Centres in

India Rcwurces for the Canadian Studies Library:u the I n~li\utc's India Office.

Page 7: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1

Canadian Studies Fellowships

In 2002-2003, eighu:en scholars from Indian instilUtiolU p~<licipa l c(1 in Il.e 2002 Canadian Siudics fdlowships. of whom cighl held nculty Rescuch fellowships,

six !'acuity Enrkhmelll fellowships. and fOli r IJoclOul Research fcllowships.

Nine di....::iplincs were repres<'nled among Ihe Kholar5: Economics (3), Gnadi~n

Liler.l.lu!"e (5). l)iSI;onC(' b:IUClIion (I). Educnion (I). French Tr:l.llsl:l.I io[\ (I).

Journalism/ColTlIl1uniC:llions (2). Museum (I). Polilic~1 ~cience (3). and Urban

Swdies (I).

Thirteell of the Canadiall Studies Fdlows altcnd~.J the ~v~lIIh Shasrri Summer

InstirUle in Canadiall 5lUdieli al Ihe UniversilY of Oual'o"J'S In~tillll c of Canadian

Studies from M:l.y !I - 24. 2002. Dr. Caroline Andrew, De.1n of Ihe Faculty of

'Io!:ial Sciences, organil.cd Ihe 30demic programme for 3 StCond wnStCmi" e

yc;lr. The progr.l.mme wnsisted of praelllalions on v.1rious aspecrs of Canadian

Studies including: Conducting re<Oearch in Can.1da; Immigralion [XIuerns of Indo­Can~di.1ns: South A5iJn \X'riter\ in Canad:l.; \'(omen and (~nadiJn Polilics; and,

(.Jnada-India rclauonl. The fdl.)-..'s had the opportunity to meet with Member

of Parliament. Da~id Kilgour, S{'r,;relary of Su(e tOr Asia I',,,ifi,; attend .1 o;ession

of Parliament as spet!.lIor~; (.Ike n formal guided tour of' the Na(ion~1 I .ibrary of

Canada and a lOur of the Cauadian M(I,'eUm of Civili·ta(ion,

The Indian Selection Comminee for C:lIladi~n SllIdies r'dlowships mCI in

De<:ember 2002 and used II rwo-slage procl"SS III reI' leW allplk:lll(l for Gnadian

SllIdies Fellowships len:lble in 2003 ·2004, pre-sdtXIion l)C('r rel·iew, and a final

.sdenion commiucc meeting. Approximatdy 178 applicl.lions were receil'ed for

Ihe 2003-2004 felloWlohips. The disciplines most commonly rep~lIIed were literature, poli(i{""J.1 ....::iencc. economics, commerce and media Sl udies.

The Gnadian S(udies Coml11ilTct" under rh{' lead~rship of Dr. Denis S(airs,

Dalhousie Universi(y. provided "'Iluable a>.>;stancc in recommendi ng suitable ac:alernic COn(aCtS for each Indian schohr coming 10 Canad~ during 200.3-2004. I'Ni(Ufions which agreed to hos( the Indian scholars indu(ic,\; Alhah.~sca

University: Canadian MII.~II'" of Civili"-'ltion; urfcton Uniycrsily; Concordia

Unil'(rsity. D~ lh"u) ie Lnin-hi(y. MtGill Vni"ersi(y, QueCll's Univehily, Unl\'ersity

<If ;\11)("<1:1.. l'nil'crli(y of Brimh ColumhiJ. Vni"chil)' of (al~ry, Uni"(rsi(y of

(,II"[l'h. \ '1I(I·cr_lIl· "f' I"mnlll. Jm! dIe lJnil''''I\I1}· of\\..u{"II.It,.

Visiting lecturer in Canadian Studies

Applic.lIions arc inviled on J rearly ba~i~ for a Visiring Lectureship in Canadian

SllIdles leu:lblc iu India during a gilen aodcmiL ye;!.r. The award includes the COSI

of imernalioual air (ral'd and of !rJvel ~lId living expenses wilhin India. For Ihe

2002-2003 visi(ing b:lureship. applic_nion' wert' inviled in Ihe afCas of Sociology and Publi l Policy in Canada and Women's SUJ(lio in CanadJ. rollowing 311

CX~1llin~tion of til<' applicafions during it$ .pring 2003 meeling. Ih", C~n:Tdbn Swdics Cornmi((l'C recommended (hat Dr. 1):liva Stasild is. l)"'parTlI1tlll of

Sociology. from Carle(on Universi(y be Ihe 2004 Vi5iling Lcctuf{·r ill C:IIl:Tdi.ln


For the 2002-2003 visiting lectu,.esbip, applicatiotlS were ;,wited ill the areas of Sociology and Public

Policy i" Canada aud Women's Studies in Cmada.

During his IC(:lUrc lOur in January 2003. Dr, grUle Muirhead of Lakdlcad

UniversilY g~ve a tot~1 of nine IcclUrc~ and p~I(icipall·J al (he Indi:rn N;socia(ioll of

CallaJi.UI $wdies annual confcrcnte al thc Universi(y of MYS(lrc.

71JI'1'r a" ma/I] pointJ of tim;/ofll] ,"fW«l/ India a"d Gmada u'bieb slutinlll eould

"IIIII' 10. Mu/l;culrumlism lind ClIlIldai Abon'gi"al proplt' ~, il Jl't'ms. jOl'Ou"d loplcs. I U!tll IInp"sud by II~ IIU"'lxy of fix GlIIudiilll JtudiN progmmmN III bulia, nlt/t'ng fro", thoJI' housrd in small ulltl'l'T'Sllit's, IIkt' l'O/,diclNTTJo 10 tiN ''"1 1a'1/1t, ill al jNU. F~'I'ry foeull] mt'm,"y u·itl, ,,·1/0111 I spokl' 1I't'ml'll to IN IV'ry rom",ilud to Gllwdi,m Slud/N. and I haw u"drr/akm ttl "rip a "u",,"y of thml fimlJn' df'l'l'lop tim', progmml>ll'1. This COntmilmt'll1 10 dl'rpt'll fllld bro(ldl'll tiN${ programmcs Wilt ofti'll ill Ipill' of II Llrk of mOUTel'>, Pao,l" from rt'fry p"'K'"lImml' I I'istud mnlliYlIl'd rlIt c(lIImlily of rhr Shastri Imtiwlr. bOlh ill IlId;,/ IIIIfI ill Gllllidil, II) thrir mdl'lll'Q/u'i. {"drrd, if Sf(lIIf Ib'/I whim,,! Ihe Imtiltllf 11111/ i/s librilry, drVl'lopillg Calladiall mulirs progmmmrs 1I.¥mltl b, milch 1110" diff/mlt.

Bruce Muirt.e:l(1

200J CallJdiJII SlUdies Visiling I.c<:ulfer

Page 8: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1

l [


Canadian Studies Development Programme

The: obiC-CltY(' of (h~ Canadi.tn Smdies [)eo.'(Clopmc:m Progr.mllllc (CSD!') is to

encourage scholarly enquiry and professional academic :lefi,ilia wilh a view fO cOlluibmin!; fO (he dClldopmenf and/or exp.lmion of Canadian SWliies ;1\ Indian

uni\l(,fliili~. Among (he: aClivities includ«l for gr.ml consideration arc Canadi.tn

Swdics confcrrnces, symposia. lecturc S("ries ~nd the public:uioll of aSSOCiaf(.J pl"QCtt<lin~. along with imcrI1Jriollai [ravd rdated \0 visiting kCllIreships of a

minimum duration of one lerm.

In 2002-200), the DCp;Jn Jllcnt of Fon:ign Aff:.irs ;lOJ Intcrnatiollal'lradc provided gral11.s IOf:.!ling $41,500 thmugh the Sha~lri Insrinltc 10 21 irwirUliQIlS 10 orSJniz~

Can:ldian Swdics M'lllinars, symposia and lenure sc ri es during I he 2002-2003 yeJr.

Addilional gIant recipients b<:yond the design3teJ fiflcen Canadian Swciies cellllC,

includc; The Institute for Resc3rch in liller-disciplinary .sllldie~, AS"am University,

and Gurukul Kangri Univw;iry.

The Indian Selenion Commiutt for CSDr J"'Jrds to CanJtiiJIl Studies CentTeS

met in .\1:Irch 200) 10 assen Ihe application~ for Ihe coming year. During Ihe

((lmpctilion for 2003-200"1, ninelttn institutions JPplied for :lWllrdS totaliilg

approximately $44.000,

Canadian Studies Library and Books and Journals Programme

The Canadian SfUdies Library located in the IndiJ Office, houses a collection of

boo~, learned journals, video cassettes, CD ROMs and microfiche with specific

CanadiJn content. It is illiended as a IiOlirce of reference in C.,nadiana for stuJcnr~,

lInivcl'$ity prof~r,;, businesspersons, and any individual interested in Canada. The

India Office I~ cUTTently in the final St<1ges of collecung bibliographic inform~tion

from die C;lI1adian SlUdil'S Cenlrcs for ~ Union G,talogllc 10 be acce.o;siblc from the

wcb. The Canalliall Studies Lihr;\ri:ul. Ms. Poonam K~b. is leadi ng this project.

The Call:I(]i"" Sliulic,' l. ihr",y received boob v" l lI~d :11 "pprll~im:l\ely $7.500 and

journal~ v")lIed al apl'roxi m:ucly $11.000.

Funding fro m Ihe Illiernalional Academic RdJtions di~ ision o( Ihe 11cpMtlllelll

of Foreign AfTain :lnd Illlernational Trade provides J budget of $1.500 and a

journ:lls btj(lget of about 5450 in a gil'en fiSCI] year to the fi fteen Can~&111 Studies

- -

Cemres. The Cel1lres h.we a mid ·point date in the fiSClI ynr to 5ubnlll orders to

expend Ihese funds, after which time any remaining fund~ in thc annual budget are

provided to other Indian institutions with an imerrst in C'1nadi3n Sludies. During

2002-2003, 28 Indian universilies received 7.H h(l()~ totalling approximately

$20,600. Twenty-three universilies received 65 journal~ IIlt'JlIing approximately

$8.000 in Ihe area ofCall.ldian SllIdies.

Shastri Applied Research Project (SHARP)

The first nlOl1Ihs following the signature of the cont rilJll tion :lgrt't:lllcIlt with C I DA

were dC"oted 10 initial steps in preparing the I'.ojee! Iml'iclllem:llion Pian and other

projC(;t planning work. On receipt of fo rmal Governmem of India appro",1 of rhe

project in August 2002, {he project was bunched with consilltalions will. \'",uious

experts, non·govcrnmcmal organizations. government oflicia ls an.! others who could

help to dcfine Ihe resea rch areas to be included in the call (or re5e;l rch proposals.

The Project Management Comn.ittee (l'Me) is composed of fout experienced

rocan.:hers, two from Gmada an(1 twO from II.dia, as well a.~ a representalivc of

CIDA ~nd of Ihe Dep~rtmem of Educatioll. II is chaired by (hc I'rcsident of Ihe

Shasui Institutc's Board of Directors. The first mttt ing of ,hc I'Me took place In

Nmcmber 2002 by teleconference. A formal tn:\UCSI for nominalions to Ihc Ihree

I'rogrammc AdviliOry Committee) was madc to thc Gm'crnmcnt of India in Augusl

2002 and nominal ions w.::re fin~lizcd in M~rch 200J.

Thcall for miCarch propo~ls WJ~ IlUbticizcd in India 3nd Canada from December

2002 through January 2003. The lIIajor focu~ during Ihe perim] ending March 31,

200J has been on thc selection of rae~ldl subprujc(;I.'. The re,carch proposals wcrc

sllbmirtc<] in two parts; Part I presclHcd an overview o( Ihe rese,Hch qucsTion and

J statement of the policy relevance of the rescarch; I':tr! 2 included d~l,lils about

the research lealn leaders' backgrOlmd, the Ic!.Carch .Ippro;lch :tnd Ihe budget. 147

proposals werc rcuived. Of these 46 were incomplelc or withdrawn, Je.wing 101

for Stage 1 cv"luation a55eSSi ng the strength of th<· policy relcV:lIIcc and likely policy


Page 9: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1

Tho).C slIc,,,,.;sful at stage I were subject to :I so::ond sugc of ey,[luation of the

stl"C'ngth of the r=rch methodology ~nd the reS<'arch r«ord of the te~rn leaders.

The Project Selection Cotllmiw:c inc!mks six experienced rl'SCardll'rs and is chaired

by the President of the Shastri Instillt!e. Selcction was oompleted by the en(1 of

May 200J.

T"e illterlls"ip programme contribmes to tbe Institute's mandate of promoting bilateral co­

operation between Canada and I"dia.

Youth International Internship Programme

b,h year. the Sha~tri ln~titute ~dtllini~tcrs the Youth Internship Programme with

funding from the Youth Auion Division of the Cmadian International [)e· .. dopmcnt

Agency (ODA) and the Department of Forcign Affajrs & International Trade

(DFArn. The Imernship ptm~men" .ue dL ... igned 10 be the first paid, C1rcer­

rdated. intcTtldtion.uly.focill<;ed expericnce~ f()f yuung ClIlJdian\ up \(l JO years

of Jge. The I'b(emcnts tYl'iGlIl)' take pIJ(e in India for about six months (or more)

and the briefing Jnd dchriding take. place in Can"da. The imermhip progr;ullmc comribmC$ 10 Ihe InstitUle's mandate of promoting bilaterJI co-operation OCt .... 'C("n

Canada Jnd Indi:l. Designco.l to octter prep,Hc thc young profc~ion~!s for today's

\\orkpbce, the goals of the I,rogramme are to enhance (ertain basic ski lls such

as organi,,~[tion;i l Jnd logistical pbllning, project management and to develop


[II 2002, the inSlitute recei~·ed funding fur five ~nd six imernships from DI'AIT and

ClDA respeCtively. A Ilrc-departtm briefing was hdd at rhe University of Calgary

(;;lmpUS in September 2002. focming on cross-cultural .'iCnsiliviry lraining, Indian

culture. history. IH.llitics. health and immuni1_1tion i5Sun, and over.'iCJS professional

cffectiveness for the )'Ollllg Canadians.


DFAIT provided funding for the following imerns:

Justin Cliof worked on the "Su5tainability of Agroccosystems" with Que.:n'~ University al1d the Madras Christian College

"iona Harbour as.sistL-<i with the Canadi~t1 Swdies librJ.ry at the Sbsni Indo-Canadian Instiwte's India Office

Rasbi Khilnani ~arched "Women'~ and Reproductive Health" with the McCiI! Centre for R~"SCarch and Training on Women and the National Coundl of Al'plied Economic R,e'carch

Son ib [ .~I worh<1 on G\Vomen Jnd I)c\'elopment" w;th the University of British C"luntbia and BanJr;tS Hindu University

Aleisha Stcvcns worked 011 ·Community Action and Environmental RC5toralion" with Acadia University and the College "f I)hy$ical Education.

ClDA provided funding for thc following itlterns:

Barb C rawford worked on "Natural Resource Managemcnt M with thc Universiry C.oliege ofCapc Iheton and the Peripr Mani~rnmai College of ' Iechnology for Wornen

Nadine Lefort a.\.Si~ ted on the projecl "Women and I:nvirofHllcntal Health· with the A(;adia UrliversilY and the ['eri""r Manianllnai Collese of Technology fOf \'(Iomen

·I~r.lh Sporld worked on ~C()mmuJl it y Action and Enviromncnral IkstorJtion~ with the University of Waterloo and the Universiry of Madras

Dayna DcCno<lder worke<1 on "Theoreticl and PraCfiC:11 Aspet;ts ofClring for rhe Elderl( with Carleton Uni"crsiry and the Centre for Geromological StuJie" KerJb.

Ihidget Hau~rman :tisisted on thc projCCt titled "Making De.scrts Bloom" with the University ofWatcrloo and the University of ,\hdras

Alcxallder Kenny worked with Glrlelon University. Ottawa and Thralli Centre fur Crisis Control, Trivandrum and Thiruvelb on ~ Reducing the levd of suici{l~ in Kcrala using Wc~tcrn models".

Page 10: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1

Concluding Remarks

As noted in the I'roident 's repon, two mcctings or the JoiU! !'J.nnership Ta.lk

Ivrce lOok pla(:e during the }'rar. Comidnable staIr time and dfon in both offices

was ne«!oo 10 provide b~ckground inrormation. Th~ lask force report high!ights

asp'_"Cu of the ~ignificam contribution made by Ihe Sh.!SIri In.ltitllle OI'Cr th~ years

to Rhobr.;hip in India and Canada. The ,\upl"0n providcd 10 Can:ldian Swdies in

lndiJ and devdopmt'"!11 rcseaf(;h wilh an India focus in bOlh coullIries continued I(l

be qrong throughout Ihe YC'H. SuppOrt to India Studies W.1S SQmcwhal ad~~r.;dy

affcCTcd by funding unccn.liIHies, resulling in ;1 tcmporary drop in thc supply or

Indian publications 10 ClIladian university libr;.ril·S and some d,·bys for India

Silalics fellows in [.Iking up rhcir fel low,hips. A~ highlightcd in the I're,id~nl·S

rq>ort, both prograrnme~ have recently r<'"[urn.·d [0 norrnal opcmtion.

The support provided to Colladian Studies in ludia alld development research with all 11Idia focus ill both cOlll1tries cOlltbwed to be strol1g throughout

the year.

"!i..·o distinguiJ.hed v;,itors IOUrro C.;mada during Ihe )·car. Profl"UOr Rit~ Verma,

MiniSler of State, I-!uman Resource I:>e.·dopmenl, undenook J. tour of Vancouver,

Regin"' . Calgary and Ottawa in ~plcnlber. Professor Arun Nigaveklr. Chairm",n,

Ul1i~cojry Grams Commission undcrtook <II lOur. sllOnsure<1 hy OI'A1T, or

MOIllI"C31. 0113"'3 and Toromo during September 2002.

rhe InstitUfe in colJaOOfd(ion with [he C::madi:Ln I !igh Commission :trranged the Lal

BaJmdur Shastri Public Lecture by Professor Amn Nig.lVckar, Chairman. Univcllity

Grant" Commission in January 2003. The topic of the i<'Clure was MA Critical

Amtlysi.1 oflnJiall H igher F..:lu(Jtion and thc Explorat ion of New Vist;I' for Indo­Cln;tJi;1Il Coliaboratiott. The Icauro:: was Chaired by Dr. K. Venbl.l,ubramanian.

mcmhcr, Union Planning Commission. and the conciu,li ng renl.uh were given by

I lis b(edleney Mr. Peter Suthcrbnd, High Cornrni,sioncr lor C3!md~ in India.

Io.hny !>Chobrs :md olhers. in ooth !ndia ~nd Can.lda. generously ass istc<1 the Shastri

InstillUe rhmughoLlt {he }'CJr in J. V;lriCIY of 'cry imllOrtam \Y.I)'ll . Some of them arc

namoo dst"Wherc in (his report. ' 111~')' we rt SUPllOrtt'(1 .1.$ alw.tys by a d«Jie<ltoo st3ff

in the !ndia Offia and the Canada Office who ClrrI~"(1 Ollt [heir duties with good

humour and d~-dicati"n under sometimes un(:ertain circUlmt<lnc~.

The Shastri Institute is gF-ueful for Ihe ctJIuinued loyalty or the member institutions and donors lis[cd elsewhere in this report aud for the ~ul'port ofi" funders:

The Canadi:m Inlern:uion.li Dcvelopment Agmcy

I'he D"part illelll of Sc(:<)ndary :mJ Higher I'-'Iucalio!!, M iPli,try of Human Resource Developmcnt in India

The Imentalion.1I Aca<lemie Rd.lli()l1~ Dil'i.liol1. CanadJ\ D'·p.mlllent "f Foreign Affairs and lmcrIlJtiollal ' Ii-ade.

Janet Know!es

Eu:(;ullve OiR"CtoT

Page 11: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1

April 2002-March 2003

Th<, )haslri I ndo -C~nadian InsrinllC C.1n~d~ Ollice, C \lgary

Statement of Revenue, Balance Sheet March 31 March 31 Expenditures and Fund Balances Year Ended March 31

2003 2002 2003 2002

Assets • $ Revenue $ $

Current Assets Operating 115,469 101,907

Cash 27,763 59,328 Programmes

Term DePOSits 754 ,317 670,134 CIDA-SICI PrOject

Receivables Phase 1 and 2 156,342 849,125

Programme 10,748 11,472 Canadian Studies Programme 235,353 227,319

Interest 3,778 5,806 Youth Internship Programmes

Goods and Sel\lices Tax 5,029 6,222 CIDA and DFAIT 142,976 107,257

Due from India Office 26,656 CIDA • SHARP Project 197,466

Inventory 1,420 1,420 Total Revenue 847,606 1,265,608 Prepaid E~penses 11,165 20,753

Total Current Assets 840,876 775,137 Expenses

Note receivable 41,125 Operating 313,373 265,766

Capital Assets, net 10,536 13,579 Programmes ----Total Assets 851 ,412 829,841 CIDA-SICI Project

Phase 1 and 2 137,778 727,606

liabilities and Equity Canadian Studies Programme 188,853 180,819

liabilities Youth Internship Programmes

Current Liabilities CIDA and DFAIT 112,976 83,257

Accounts Payable 20,529 21,150 Total Expenses 752,980 1,257,448

Due to India OHice 40,724 Excess of Revenue Over

Total Current liabilities 20,529 61 ,874 Expenditures (loss) 94,626 26,160

Deferred Revenue 562,660 594,370 Fund Balances, beginning of year 173,597 145,437

TolalUabilities 583,189 656,244 Fund balances, end o f year 268,223 173,597

Fund Balances 268,223 173,597

Tolal liabilities and Equity 851 ,412 829,841

N,B. These fina'lcial statements afe based upon the Insbtute's audi ted financial slalements 101 2002-2003 bul are not themselves audited, The financial statements. aud,ted by Grant Thornton LLP lor the Canada Office and by Khanna Gulah & AsSOCIates tor the tnc:1ia Of lice, ale available Irom the Inslllute's offices,

.­-..c 0) .-I -cO .-(J C cO C .-


Page 12: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1

I r April 2002- March 2003

Tht Shlllstri Indo-wnadian Insti tu te Ind ia Office, New Delhi

Balance Sheet March 31 March 31 Income and Expenditure Account Year Ended March 31

2003 2002 2003 2002

Assets R, R,. Revenue R,. R,.

Fixed Assets Operating 7,153,653 4,319,347

Gross B lock 4,435,223 4,103,517 Programmes

Less: Depreciation (3,526.71 4) (3,197,764) CIDA- SICI Project 3,0 15.532 6,785,807

Total Fixed Assets 908,509 905,753 Canadian Studies/Special Acti~llIes 1,682.553 1,468,465

Current Assets, Loans, and Advances library Programme 6,158 ,909 1,839,946

Cash and Bank 18,482 ,245 11,219,036 Fellowship Programme 3.240,866 1,375,11 2

Other Current Assets 45,529 56,690 Total Revenue 21 ,251 ,51 3 15,788,677

Loans and Advances 384.921 2,808,1 42

Total Curre nt Assets 18,912,695 14,083,868 Expenses

Total Assets 19,821,204 14,989,621 Operating 5,656,723 4,698,305


liabilities and Equity CIDA-SICI Project 3,015,532 6,785,807

Liabilities Canadian Studies/Special Activities 1,682,553 1,468,465

Current Uablhtles 17,657,324 13,456,3 10 Library Programme 6,158,909 1,839,946

Long Term Liabilities Fellowship Programme 3,240,866 1,375.112

Capital Grants 1,867,246 1.818,819 Depreciation 328,950 277,946

Loan Funds 8 16,611 Less: Transfer From Capital Grant (230,773) (168,808)

1,867,246 2,635,430 Total Expenses 19,852,760 16,276,773

EqUity Net Excess (Deficit ) of Revenue Over

Accumulated Surplus 296,634 (1 ,102,119) Expenses 1,398,753 (488,096)

Total Liabilities and Equity 19,821 ,204 14,989,621 Reserve Funds Brought Forward (1,102.119) (614.023)

Reserve Funds Carried Forward 296,634 (1,102,119)

N.B. These financial statements are based upon the Institute's audited hnancial statements for 2002-2003 but are not themseNes aud,ted, The financIal sta tements, audited by Grant Thornton LLP for the Canada OffICe and by Khanna Gulab & Associates for the India Olloce, are avaIlable from the Institute's of!;ces,


Page 13: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1


Presiden t

Leona Ande • ...,n

t;nivNluy of Rcw"~


D<> ugl:u I'l:e ..

U";,·e.,,,)' "f Cdlg;try


SlI", San karan

L'ni'-cf'i! ), "r Regina

Member at l~rgi:

Bridglal ' .... eba; D;tlhutl,ic l·ni,·c .... uy

Vkc-Prc,i<kn( <lndiJ OI11"c)

Om r. Kam,..

Dalhou~ic Uni~cl'lli,y

GO\'crnmcnt of Ind iJ Ikprncnt,I1;"e

S. K. T.""",hi 'ico: .c'V)' (Sc..<md~ry ~nd I lish ... EduC:llion)

[)'-1,~n"'c'" I>f l:.du,~!i<)Il

Milliotr)' of Ilun,.,. Rcsour<;c [)co,'dopmcnl

LxeCUiivi: Di~ctor

!.u ;n;a Mohr

Board of Directors

I10na " ndcnon


Sha.<hi U. Tri pathi

Il igh ('»",,,,i>$ionc. of I"d ..

S. K. Tripat h i Chairman, Indian Advisory Council

Saund ra Lipton

Chair, Lihw'lI"~'''''lmc A,ki,,,'Y eot1l", iUce

Flora MacDonald

Clui., Canadian Ad"i .. ,,)· Cou'K,1

SlIp",,,1 " ageh.., Uni"cfsi,y of Albcm

Kalh~rine ' -lack ....

Uni,'cl'\;'Y of'lImi,h C ... 1"",h,1

Dougln ''''''1'5 L'n" ... n.i,yoi (:Aipo'

Slephcll 'ngliJ C .... JUdian \iUlC"\lm "rCi,iliulI.;m

Sherry Simon

C.(llltordi~ Cnivcf$ity

Bridgbl P...cha;

DJ lholl!;C Vl1i"c~i,y

Ilhagwan Dlta

Univtt~ily oE LClhh,idg~

G. N. R:unu

UIl;,,",.;,y of ,\1J,,;!ob~

G lenn CUlwright /l,k-Gill Unl\'cr.;;.y

" hyUi. G",.,off

McM""c. Un< vcrs;ty

Gary ""nl .oo" Qu«ns Uni,'crsu),

S"", s... nUran

Universi<y of Rq;""

James Morrooll Saint M,,,y', Un;"e,si,y

Braj Sinh" Un;w,!.ily ofs..sblChcv.";\1l

s...ndra OJ ... ,,

Simon ".;utr Ullj.-cr.;i.y

A..,., .. Kanag:ouayaka n.

Un;"",r.;;<y Ofl,-n'JllIO

Anlhony Welch

Uni'-~~;IY orViclUri~

lalLi Mansinha

Uni,'c<su'I ofW.:s. .... Onhno

Arun Mukl.crjec


(f) ~

Q) () .-tt: o


(f) C -

Page 14: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1


l/) Q) Q) ~ .-E E o o

Administrative Committee

S. 1'. Gaur (Ch ~i r) Jo;," Sccn~;try (Uni~ersiry and Higher


Ixp~",,,cm of Educ""on /vIin;"!,)' of t hunan Resource D~",<eloJ''''c''' Cove,","' ''''' of India

V. K. NaHai /.h<l .. ,,, lns. ;unc of Dc"doptncm S,udies

V. K. l'ip"~cnia Joim SttrClary and Fi nancial Alhisor

r>CI"'"",elll of Ed",,".;on ",in;M')' of II"rn." RtsOun:e rxvdopmcr\l

G()~efllmcru oflndi:a

Dinesh Singh l"kf>;Inrncnl of \{~lhnn;t. io

l'n;vcf\ily 01 Ddhi

Reid Cooper I Ind. Publi<: Rrt..ions (;;I,ud;a" High Con.mlSSion

Om Kanl .... V·"e.['rt<iden, (India Office)

Sh<b,fi indo_ell!:>.!;an In><;,Ule

Canadian Advisory Council

I " ""~ MacDonald (Chair)

Ollaw~. 0",,,;0

Sonja Bat,. Don Mil\,;, Onoao io

Kant K. Uharg;>va

l orn"'o. Onr: .. io

Q,anckr Dalla

Kin!:""'" On.ano

John Ibdw<:.n

O,,~"'-~. Omario

David 1-101""'" W"ihinglOtI, D.C.

J"-mcs Junkc O; r~'{;l"r. Sm,,11 A<ia D"'i~, o"

Ikp~rIIll~1H of h .. dl>n Alfai" &

In.e",.,.;oIMI Tr~de (DFAIT)

OI!~"'J . Omar;o

Anne l'carso n 1 bmiholl. Onl~rio

Sagar 8 . Sacl,,\e"

'j'"omo.OIl '.'K'

Ru; S«lhap;llhy


N~ju Shroff


Soruh ·J1. ad hani

"'\mlll'Nt Quell«

Sha~h; Tr;p"hi Ili);h C:omm;~i (mc. "flndi.

OUdwa. O",~ri"

I'ele. W~Lk~r Wolfville. Nov. Sec,,;.

Lcu,,~ A"dcn o n

I,,,,,idem "Ii.lw; \ ntLo_C."aJi~" 1115.;,.11"

Lav;ni" MOlhr r~CI.IHiH I )i,r;<. . <>r

\h.",; ",,~ , (' .. " ... to." In"""'"

Canadian Studies Committee

[kn;s SIa;". (Chdir)

Dalh"",;c U,,,,wslly

Shury Simon Concordia Un,w,S;'Y

John Ch~nl Simon F .. ",. Uniwr';ly

Barba .... Godard

York U,,;versiry

La~;nja Mohr (:1: oDirio - I/Q" <'OlIltp

En-cmivc Dir«IO'

Canadian Studies Fellowship Selection Committee

On> Kamr:o (Ch .. ) Sh:"lTi Indo-Cm .. dian In"IIu,e

Reid Coo~r Ile>d. Public Affairs

Canadian Ili!;h ("",,",m,s,,""

N~m Bhalia

joint S«"'lary Univcr,ily G"JIlI< (;o,1II1Ii" ioll

S. P. Gaur

Gow,,"""'" "f Indi.

j~ Sukumar DcI'm)' St-creMry (x.:o,l<b,y anJ 11,);hc,


Dq»n",.m or FtLu~J . i""

l\!i",,"y un l""un !k\o<KlfC" n",'d opmc,,'

( ;"",,,,11\<111 "I I"d,~

Karu"a Chanana prof"""" •. Sociology of Educl.ll0n Z .. kir Hu,ain Cen"., for EducnionaL SlUdi",

ja ..... h .bl t-:chru lInivc",i,v

Om Juncl" Dcp".mcIlI o(£n);1;,h, M. S, Uni,,,,,,,i,y or

flal"Q<b. V~dod:o. [";)

R. n. J~;"

profti\(l' [mentuS

D<l'amnen' "(l',,Ii ,ic:ol Sc ien~e

U"i" crsi,y of Ddl,;

K.. R. G. Nai.

II"norary Pwf<:.<Wr UTIlI'< for Policy R(§<,:",h. New Delhi

V. D. K,,",hik \)cp3"mCnI "f Poli, iuJ Sdcna

t limuh .. II'.,od",h Unovcrsi,,·

(INS Rq>,<,«:m:tUve)

Canadian Studies Development Programme Committee

Om "'::am"'- (Ch.it) Sh~s"i Indo-C::,,,adilfllnsti.,,{c

Reid Cooper I k,d. P"blic Aff~i", C lIudian lli);1I Co",,,,,,,;""

S. L~ Ga"r e;""«nn",m <if I"dia

l~ Sukumar

Govc,nmcn ' of lodil

Page 15: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1

Renu it..lr;;o

Joint Se<;retary l l"ivcrsily Grant, ( :0",,,,;,,,,11\

Gopinath I'ilbi Rq • .......,ntAli,·c

Indi~" t\s!.oli~til1" It,. (-~nJdi~" 'l:mdin

New Delhi

Ih.i.h N,.r;;o"S

D"p,.I"'''nI " I l~llil,,~1 -X,,;nlC

Uni'Crlll)' ,,1 Ddl"

Conflict of Interest Committee

Jam .... Mo,,;.on .... 11 ... tm In,

India Adv ory Council

S. K. lri,'A,"i II h l,mW!1"" nt ,.11",1"

)'c,t' 'iull.rrbnd

Hi hI ., • I I "lIud~

"" rAI" I n,," n

~. '~(;au.

(;,,,,,,rnn,,·nt.,II,,d , .•

Jap "l I· ... ,~d

)llinl ""-1CI.uv (,,1\,\)

Mmi,try- "I hl(" ... 1 AUA"~

V. K. Nunj

M..J, ... ln,wU'r "llk ... ·I,'I'''''·o' "'fUJ,,,.

Di nesh Singh

Univcr,ity "f Delhi

Om Kan,.. .. (~r<'t~I)' '0 the eou"d) Shan,; Indn·U,,:&diAn It.";.,,, ..

India Studies Committee

K .. dlerinc " .. cke. (Ch~j,)

Un;vc"iIY of fl,i,i~h C,,\t'l11biA

Phyllis G.annff

,\leM.;;!tt Univ .. "ity

o...ryl Macuan "'imnn I .;ber Uni\'C~ny

o..";K Nutlall

Dalh"n.,ie lln"'~Ally

Nandi Bhatia

Uni,'('''ry "I-W"" .. rn Onta,io

LoYinia Muh. (rxoffi";o 11011 ,.,Iillg)

bC~l1Ii,'~ Oir'-"<.I'"

Joint Partnership Task Force

Ki.«! J ""hi (('IUlt )

In<li~'' Council of I'h,losophical R=r<:h

Stephen Ingl i., (Vic .. ·Chair)

Wn.J ian Mu",,"ul1l nfCil'il;,,,,,i,,n

A.un Nign~k •• Uni"crsi,y (;ranu c.,,,,,,,,>,ion

it..lbi. s",hni '-<,ncon.liA Uni,·cr<.i,y

l'cler Stl1h ~rland

IIi);" Conn" i,si""rr for CanaJa

Sha.hi Tripa ' hi

lligh C<J,,,,ni.~ioll'" fur 1",Ii.

H.ajanikant Venna

I'm Ole' Il igh Commi",iun<:r of lndi~

New Ddhi

['eler Walk ...

hm"r' llish G""mi.sion .. of Ca".d~ Wolfville

Library Programme Advisory Committee

Saund ra I,il)(on (Chair)

U""-.:,,ity ofCugar)'

"red Zi<'gfcr

tJni>-.:"i,y ofAllxrta

Janice K...,idcr 'Ihc U,ltv""it}' of British lnlumhi.

Manon G uilbert

c.mOldian Museum ofCi,'ili,"lion

(' ... br iel l. Hochmann

Conmn.li. Un;,'c.-.iry

11,. 111 Md. "oon D.lhulIsi .. Un;vefSity

1-be 11a~,clwood

l!r);VCr:.II)' of IAd'hrldge

Carol BlIdnick

I'h .. U"iVf";'y ofll.hnitub.:o

S)U Nue.-. .\kGili Un.yersiry

An nc !'ollicr

Mc\h.,e, Un;versi,)"

Carrol Lunau (obsnwr ""~ IYlti"~)

N .. ion.ll.ihrary ofC. .. ..J.

Dianne: Cook

Q,,~n:S Un;''''1'$i'1

Lorry Mellon.!d

T he Un.ve1'$ily of Rq;in~

Douglas Vaiscy

Saim "hry'sl:"ivc .. ilY

Cheryl Whitlock

l' ""'ersily of \a,btd'C-W;ln

Monincl .. , Rubber

Sinton I-ra= Univers;cy

(;","am 8ndshaw

Lniversiry "fTn",n",

1"n" G. Thomson

Un i"crsilY of Vi{lotia

Linda Lutz.

Th .. UnivefSi,y 01 W,"" .. rn Oma,iu

liit Ku<bc

"ork Univc1'$i.v

Layinia Mul .. (t:>' 01l;rio nOn ''OIi''l) Sf,.",i lndo·C ... nadian 1". ,i'lIIe

library Programme Advisory Committee Executive

Sa"ndn Liplon (Chair)

Uni..-.::.-.i,y ofCalg;ory

Page 16: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1


Sbaron Ihown

Uni~(l'<it)· "flu,.;""o

MOl,;ndu I)ub~r

Si"",,, "'-.ascI Un;,-.. nity

G~br;dJ a Ilochn,.nn

('.Queordi. UIl Lve",i'Y

Janice Kreider Uni,'c,jiIY of B,uish Colum!>i.

Sled Na,ecr

M .. CHI Ur\l~crsilY

Carrol Lunau (OW,,"")

Nal;,,,,.l Lihrary ofC:lJ1~da

Nominating Committee

Gary .... "Loon «hair>

Q,,,,,,"', ll""'cni,,'

1'b)·IIi. GI'lInoff

\kMutet Uni'c'li<y

lalu ]o.hMinh. Unjwoity ofWa.!e", Onurio

SHARP Project Management Committee

u;ony Andc:non (Chair)

UniV(:l')ity of R<"\'.itu

KUIIl .. d Ibn .... l I\d<lilion.1 S,:<_",wy txput!11cnlofb.luC"Jlion Mini ... y of \ IlIm,n H,c,;our,c lkve\op",<,m

G"v,-,n"'CI11 ,,( l"di~

Madhv G~,lgjl \n,I;.11\ ,,,,,iUlle of 'icien~c, B,tllpJore

James G:udnc. Univcnil)' of /..tannolu

Ian McAlIi",~r

Dalhousie L,nV"..,;!)"

Yi"od C handr.a Sri ..... la., Indi.n lrulUu,e of Ad,-.ncro Siudy. :;hirnla

Michad Kyonek Can.J"'n lr>l~rn~.ionlll)o.o.d0l'rnC:Il( Agency

Chandran Thiruchi ... aml'~bn'

fx,d"pmern CouIlloC'llor Can",li." 11'l;h Comn,i),i""

I ...... i"ia Mohr

l'roi<:(.' Di=lOr Shami Instill"c Ca,,~d. Office

A""" .. lha Ch.ucrji

l'rogr.,,,mc Co· or.!""""

Sha"ri hmi,," t I"di. Office

SHARP Programme Advisory Committee

Om K.mra (Ch~;r)

V~.PresiJc'" (lrnl;~ Office)

s. r. Gaur

)o'm So::re,ary (U"ivcrsi,y ,rid Ilighe,

Educa"on) l.).:paftmen! of F"I""",ion M;"'>l'rofHllm,," Rc."ura Ik\"eiopmem

Gm-erumcn' of Indi.,

C hand"'-n Thiruc:hiuampalam

C:",~dian High C.oml1,i,,;o11

Economic Reform

R.. Radhakri~hoa


I"di .. Gandh, Insmole oflkvdOI,,"ell(


B. 8 . Bru.lt.:1c:harp.

Dir«IO' Ins,i<u'c of Eoonomic (;,ow,h

s. 1'. Kashr"l' Oi=lor Sanbr l'.old h",iutlc nr uOllo".iL a"d

Soci.1 Research

J. K. Baja;


Centre for Policy ~!tld t ""

Social Development: Health

V. K. NII,raj )l.bJra, Ins,i"", of [)c;.dopn\C:nI SIl,di""

RUf'a Shllh

Vi<;( Ch."ccUor SNDT Worne,,'s U"ivcr>'t}·. Muntbai

S. S. Acharya

[)in«lO! )n."i,u,c of De.dop"""'''' Studies. J:,ipur

II. K. J()I; hi hmnt. Vice Challcdlo.

Ku",wn Unive"i,y

Environmental Management

Vinnd Kumar Sharma I"in~ipal Snen,;"'1 ~nd Div;sion~) Had Indira Gandhi In~liuH~ of \)c\.~lopm~nt

R~~,~h. Mumb:.i

R.. n. Lal

D'rKtur 1", .. ",,<: of U!"it)· and o......,I"l'mw'. (;"w:n Vidyap«,h. Ahmcdahad

G. H. l'a,,'

D"(:1(>1 'lard" Pa,ell"";""e ofSocia!."d l:c""om;c Ilr).ta,~h. Alttl\cdab~d

II. I~ Singh l·o"ner Di,,,,,or Ce"""l R=~rch In"i,u"'ofDryland Agrituhurc. Ilydtrabad

Page 17: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1

! a_


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(.t) o o (\J I

(\J o o (\J

-Q) :J C C ro t o 0. 0. ro a:

Table des Matieres

I'rograllllllcs Ct aui"in's 3

Points saillanls financi ers

Mcmbrc~ dc b dirl'<rion II

ComitCs 12

Bureau du Canada Bureau de I'(nde 1402 Education Tower

2500 U'li"crsify Drive NW

Cal~;\ry. Alberta T2N 1 N4

Tt'l 403-220-7467

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Tel 11 -2374-6417

11 ·2374-3 11 4

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Courriel .ici@Jvsn l.com


Institutions Membres Donateurs Individuels

Musec canadien des civi lisafions NOli} ren.crfions let pt' rsonnes Ul ivanl"

Un;\'crs;u' de rAikna pour leur genefosi li:

Un;versi{t de Calgary

Univcrsitc de 1a Colombie-Brj[annique Kamilal Dav~. Calg;.ry. Albert;1

U"iversire Concordia Mi~hilynn L lJubeau, C.'l.lr;ary. Alberta

U,,;lcrsitc Dalhousie Jennifer Filher. Momr61. Quell<" U!1iver~i(e de Lethbridge Willi.lIn I'yfe. London, Ontario

Ullivcrsitt' du Manitoba John C, Il.nJII'l'Il. On.lw.l, Oillario

Univer,j,c McGill I'cler Ilarneuy. V,uKouwr. Be U'livt"fSi{t McMaster R. Ai.Jn I kdley. ViunriJ, Be Univcrs;t" Qutt,)'S W. I),l,·id I-Iop~r. W~,hln!;I"n, DC

Universi,c de Regina 'lalilll R. ,,~ \alll. ~yrJ.~usc. NY

Ulliversiu' Saim Mar)"s Hora \l~cOonald. On~w;1. Om;1rio

Universi{~ de Ia SaskalChcw:in

Uni"ersiu!' Simon Fraser

Universitt' dc TorOlllo

Universitt' de Victori<l

Univl.'rsirt' WCSI(,rn Ontario

Universirt' York

K.:mu Marw~h. OUJWOI. OIllJ.r;o

John MeI.rod. Louisvi lle. Kt'nmd:y

M. V. N~idu. Brandon, ,\hnitoN

N. I~ V. Nair, BrOss;lrd. QUl'bcr

I~ G, l .... tcl, OIl<tW<l. Q ntJ r;o

GeolTrey Pear,wn, OU<lW<I, Omario

G. N. !tamu. Winnireg. Manitoba

Suresh T hadhani, Montri:lli. Qut'bec

Une lisll' complhe de.s bourse. atlribuec\ par 1'lrl'lilut ~insi qllC de. projcIs qu'il ~ub\'cnlion"c

CSI publiee M':pJremcnr et dispollible ~ur dcmalldc,

Photo de Ia cou,"Clmfl:: Ie 'J<cmplc du soleil 11 Kon;lrk

I.:uS3ge du masculin dans Ie pr6:oem rapport disign.: :lIu-si bien le~ remmt'>. que leo; hommes.

Page 19: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1


Q.. CD -

-u """ CD-(/) _. Q.. CD :J ....t-


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s..pnl? II) s.m:IIPJJ4' sJuh,:.nO '?~UUI1: UJ!-J IUU,1I ·O\uruo.L JP Jl1!" ci IU t'S!"

'SJnJ~t.(o.\ XIII: S","O.I JP SI,JO!I1"PUEWWo=I Ql :mb ;)W ?IU JP ;)IC!I'"O\II ;) IIJ'I~.1

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'X1:J! IQ I ~ UO!ICIUJOJU\.P .l:>ln:;>s Jun ~ ;x:'!)!ucd c I;) Cp'Cllc:) m :i',,!U C J U JIU lLl J~J

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~UlJoJ\l! c snou · .... U!"\UTI'l .... )jnO'i~;)J s;,p IUJUI;)(ldoIJA~a np ;)J~ l ~!U!\U 1\1:: u O!Il::)nl'~.1

JP lIlJUJJllt:d~p tip (JJtI;)!j;>Jns uourJllp;! ) ~!:>o>s r JJ! r.)~J ),)S 'J11ljl1:~ !Aq! ' ~"J

'SJ WlIlVJ'ilwd ,;>J "I' HI .~UJJJJoJUJj nv ;)J!do;d IU ;)lllO lU ;) \ Jlll!I S;) 1I0!,:).}j lP

;)P jll !UIOJ ;T I 'S:l IlU;)!PU! s;,pllI? u.1 S;)SJnoq J P JUJlllr.J'iloJd J I I;) ullb~IPO! I'I!q s.'Ip

.11llU ll~l]oJd 'II Jns JII! sod IJvduJ! tI.) c !"b SJ JIIJP~J~Jd 5J~U1ll1 xne )Joddc; Jcd

Jltjr..r?P!5110J UO!IClIlJlu'ilnc .llln '£00;: !iJtlU U;) SJ!dIl OJ JP WO!Il!ul OZ ~jjdljll) c

IIJlpUI JII.llUJUJJAnojj;)'1 'ZOOl u!n! u;).nb J J"pUC"!} i'llles ')JtI.)Il!;)IU II'> IIiOS u;)!PII!

IUJ\UJUJ;)Anol1 J I Jcd SYUUO!IllJ,\q n s S;)\uIIJ CJ'.iwd ~~I ;)u b J)JlI01JUC,P ~tI;)Jn;)ll S!Il§ Jr

'JIIOII<9I?1 Jcd no 1;)1-.IJnOJ Jcd IllJUJ;)J~!ltl1]~) XI1 _1 ;>Jill;) i'"b!uJl IUUJOJ

1110 SJJqlUJW s;;Il 1J SJ;)U<IJ~Ju<»;lI~1 Jp ;)IIU;)I C[ i'J i'HJ(1 suo.\" ~noN "~""r.J10 "I:

lu.lIUUJ»;'J SlIld ;)JJnE J un P ;)UUJOln c I;);) ;)uucm.Jd U.l 1I0!lIn~J .llIn,nb jlnbo~uoJ

~.u UO!IJ.JJ!P J I' ~ I!WO) ;)1 'JTlI!15UU ;)1' JJ~!JU&U~ ~1!I !q\!.qUj11A Cl JI' 1lI;)!:>su<YJ

,HlVII S 1.)!0J{1 np IUJLUJ;) U"1

IlC 1CJ:)V.l )J.\t: J;llI!CAt:J 1 'U!}UJ :~lJod Jll~1 JJPUJ1~,p P sJcl101' UJ '~UUO!llIJ"(l'lS

s~mlUl"JjjoJ{1 s~1 l;)UlIO!IJ.~Jl;r.d JI' uy!: I:YIVW np S U~!p&lIn S:lJ!l'u.llJcd SOli ,~.'C JJI1!r.AC11 !UJ!I'U! IUJIU.)IJJJ,\1101];)\ JI:d S~1I110 !lUJAq" S 5.)llllUrJ110J<I qp 11I;)tllJJ lICU~

J I J'>S!llqrls Jp lI~r SUJ!PU! SJJ!cu;)urd SOIl ;>;1,\\1 J"I\!CAr.JI ;SllJOJJ ~ !OJI .Ins SlJ01P

SOl i ~JIlIJJlIO:< SUQ.\I: JU91U-!OUl P UO!I .).:)J!P J P ?1 !lIrUJ .)1 "',l'-,cd J?U lII:.1 ~p unOJ nv ';)J!OIS!11 lIOS .)P JJ l!deljJ 11t:l.'llOU UII J !J,\Il<).P llI!od J l JII ~ lP 1111!ISU\'\

'n;)(1 snos JlI!UJJJl ;)5 J1UJP!S~ld J lUlUO) ~U~ x u"p J P ICPliCUI lIOlll J nh .... OIV

I. ·

Page 20: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1


Programmes finances en dollars/ Stages pour les jeunes

Nos proposilions. aupres de I'ACDI cr <III MAECI. :. 1'~R.1 {Iu programme de

Stages imCTIlal;onaux pour 10 jcuncs om ~ a<:'S rtponses positivcs. vue ann&

1'1nSlinll Shastri a pu b<!nc!ficier de 13 pr6encc de 13 slagiaires. I.e" programme permCI non S(Culem.:nl" de !"&:CnlS diplomes un;vcrsir.l.irn d'~C(l lU~rir une prcmitrc

e"Xpo(ri""ce de [[;Ivail inlcrn~lion~1 en lndc rnais il comlituc aussi unc iml)()n3Juc

WIlTCc de rcvcnus pour leli opl!r.uions (OUT:lntCS de I'lnSlitul Sha.~lri. La 1)lupari des SIJges de ~ progr.:unme se fonl dan~ Ie cadre de projcls rdiCs d'unc fJ.~Qll ou d'une: 3um: a des t!Jbliss ... nwnl~ univcrsil;\irc~.

je me rejollis que l'blStitllt soit plus vigo",.eux qu'iln#! felait depllis lItr certai" temps el je mis confinnte qu'i/ SI! portera encore ",ieux dans Ies

flll1JeeS a ve"ir, SOIlS III direction de Mille Mukherjee et de SO" execlltif.

Programmes finances en doliars/l'ACDI

{;Ii nlernionm' dans Ie rJPlIOrl de ran dcrnier qut" rltmiHII Shastri en ~t3it au

stadt" final des ne.gociat ion5 avec I'ACDl rdat i,'enlt"tl(:' un pro;el de 4, 1S millions

de doll:l.I'li d'tmt" dur&- de (luatre atlS, l..es nlembre-s du conseil Sf' r.lppdlerolU une

ceruine h.itt" :. vouloir conclure l'ententc dans It" COtl!t"Xle d'inslahilir~ financierc

dt l'InslilUt. Pen aprl:s 1.1 r~unioll dll wnseil nous 3"011$ obletlU l'approl.ation du

gouvernrmem indien CI trace les grandes !ignes d'un cJlendrier "is;lrtt 11. complt'ter

b selcction dcs projet~ ml 2 juitt 2003, 1.($ ddai, etaictll CUUrtS mais je sui~ heureust"

d':tlltlOncer aujourd'hlli q~tC dan~ I' cmemhlc nous renconlrons Irs &:hbnces, Le processus a ~tc riguurcux et cOlllpotla it pllt.lit"urs niveaux de sc:'lectioll, Le jour

precedent Ie comit~ (lc d irection a donnc son aval aux rl'Com mandations d u oomitc

de sc:'lcniotl et du comite de gestion du I'rojt"1 :'l'tgard de 19 proposi tion) (dix t"n

envirotlnf'mer1l, cinC] f'11 reforme ecollomiquf' el quatre en d~vdoppcmetl( sociall

s:.tntt), Les propositions seroll t transmises sans delai au gou,'ememern imJit"n pour

:lllprobation fi nale, rai la convkdon q"e chacun dt" ces pro;cts eSI de gl'2ndf' qualitt


et que I' lrl5liWt Sha)trl CH t'!J mesnrc de Its gcrer dTi<:acemem et d'optimiM:r Ics

rcsult:us des r<:<:htrche~ <lu' on attend av('C illlp:uicncc,

Mon nund:u df' Ilr6iidente tire iI sa fin el I'InslItut Sf' tCOUVf' en meilleuTC

1'0Silioll qu'il nf' I'elal l del'uis 1111 cerr~in temps pour aller de ravalli de mJnii:re

strattgique, Clnstillit Shaslri consid(-re qu'il eSI temps d'al)(m.ier Ie problemc

dll renouvdlemetJI df's adhesions CI dll recrU!f'tIletJI df' nouveaux membrn, Un ...

motion en C(' ).(ns Sf'r.t d~posee::rla rtunion ..III Wlllite de direction en iuin.

Clnstitut a pri! Unf' longueur d'J.vJ.nc:e ell mcnallt de rordre dans lOllS leI ;t>petU

hnam:ier,> de ses operariom C( il tilt" fait plai,ir d'~tltl()!Kcr qUf' gr,ke ;lUlI e!lom

de l...3vi!li~ Mohr du bure~u canadif'n el Leux Uf' I~N, Malik du burea~l ,ndien le problcmc dll palsif cvcmuel de (ha~un dc\ dt'lIX bureJux J t't~ pril en lignc dc compte, Je sui_I a~\urCc que Ia nouvdk dirC<:tion Lot1tinucta dam H-Ite vuic

I.e (Omit(: df' dircuion Jete tres pcin~ I)ar 11 {kmil\iun de bvini~ Moh, tommf'

dircctrite g"'n~I'2It". C'OiI Janet "'no ..... if'S qui a pril fa rdhc et I'Inltillll \h:l.\u;

est hellreu)t. df' rauueillir, Celle--ci J Ir,j,v~illt' erroitcmenr ~\'Ct La\'iniJ ;!fin de '>C

f;lIniliariser a,'cc If' fonctionof'ment complcxf' df' I'or~anisme. II nt Jgrcahlc de

conSI';lrer que IlOur la prf'mie.e fois dans rhi~loirc df' I'hl'ltlUt. Ia IrJnsition ,'Ot

failc en doucf'ur,

Je s ~li s l1l'~lreUSC (lue M Malik du bureau de \'Indc ait pu assister all l( rcunions dlt conseil d':ldtninistf'~tion, Lc succes de I'Inqiwt Shastri rdh~ en grande partic d~l

travail ardu de ses cmploy6 aux bureJux indien et ean~dien 1:1 je les remertie pour

tOUS Irs efforb tonsen tis ~u eours df' I'ann&,

En conclusion, je me rejouis qUf' 1'lnstilU1 soil 1)lus vigouTl"ux qu'il ne retail df'plli~

lin cert~il1 temps CI je suis oonfianre tlU'j] se portel'2 encore mieux d~n5 Ics ann~

::r veni r, sous h dire(:(ion de Mme Mukherjee el de ~n t"x&uti( Llnstitul '>hasui

a de tlOlIll)f\:u~ adherents el jt" rf'mere;e Its memhres till conseil d'adminiSlr.llion,

le~ pcr~nncs qui om pris la d~fen5C de Shastri au cours de l'annee Cl (CUX el celie>

qui ont tr:waillc si fon au nom de I'urganisme, Lct voil( de ces pcrsonnes om

b~ ~tllcnd ~les d~ plu"curs paru, rant au Can,lda 'III'en Indf', (om mc en fait foi

l'anll!lioration de b situation de Shastri.

Leona Anderson, PhD,

Pr6;idente 200 I -- 200}

7 juin 200}

Page 21: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1

Avril 2002 a mars 2003

I'In~tilUl rndo-Canadil:1l Sh:lStri (IICS) nl un organism/: j "oc;uion edIlC~ti,~

unique en lIOn genre 'lui (ruvrc lo une meilleurc comprc!11Cn5ion encr/: I'Indc 1:1 Ie Canada, ell favoris;!.n1 not:l.lllmcm dn activi tk "ni"erS;tJi,,·~. II :I. t.'t~ nommc en

I'hollncur de M. La1 Banadur Shastri, homill/: (1'~lal ct 1l1Miatcur de premier pl"n qui J elc premier ministre de rlndc de 1%4:1 1')6(..

!'ond~ en 1')68 gr.lce ~ I'octroi J'une subvcmion {Ill gouvcrnclllcnt i!l<licn. I'lnsliull

Sh~~tri s'es! J'aoord donne commt" mission d'cllcourJgcr au C~nadJ I'cnseigncillcill

1:1 b rlochcrchc sur l'Iode. Son oriell!ariol1 d'alor~ privilegiail I l'~ ,~kncc~

h~lImillcs. Lorg~n;.m1C offr,!;r des boursc~ (1 di.\lrihU:lit dCi li lrt"5 CI des revues :llilli

hibl;O(h~qllc.s des instiru rions colnaclienllcs mcmlm's. L il1rh~r qu'it a suscire chez II's

univt'rsitair~s canadicns pour les etudes indiennc. a (-u I'"ur cITer d'accroitrc l'illlCrCt

des chcrchcutli indicns pour Ie Canada. Au dio/JUI dt" ,mnl'cs 1')80, l'InstiuJ! Sha,mi

a commem:e ~ promouvoir les etudes cauad ienr1t .. ~ I'n Indl'. II a .. nsuirc elargi son

<-h:lmp d'activites JUX elUdes sur Ie devei0PP<'mcm, I~ nomhre d'in.>liturions

canadicnnes memb= de Shastri est pa>sC de 4 11 20 CI

cU.'I1dus au droit, a la gestion, a l'educ.uion el aux art~,

L'!lIstitut 11ldo·Canndiell Sbastri (lieS) ~sl 1111 orgallisme Ii vocation id'lcntive unique. e.ll SOli

genre qui (Ellvre ii IIlle lIleiJ[em'e comprebension entre l'blde et Ie Callatin, ell filVOrisQlIt lIotammellt

des (lclivilis 11llivenit(lires,

Etudes Indiennes

u, programme des n udes indiennes fa"orise unc meilleur .. comprehcn5ion de I'Inde

ao Canada cr comprend un programme de bourses el un programme de bibl iothequf'.

II est finand par Ie d~~rlemf'm df' I'&luca!ion supbieure f' t !iCCond;,ire dn mini5thf'

du oe"doppem .. nt des rcssourc .. s hLlmaines du goul<:rnemcllt de l'lndc,

Bourses en etudes indiennes

.j'av4is brIO/lI d'ap!o", de plus pm plllSitlm 41YIIUn, 7iml d'abo,d 'lid p,he"rt sur p/(IU Ifllit 'ndispt>JJJbfr: nil]illIf 1'I/Iwis I'isif/ I'/"dl',]1' nsqU{//J sirirUil'mml dr deven;r un chm:hror dl' Mloll .) iti troll"/ CI' 'IIII' jr f"(lThdis 4 IJlllllriJ (V,tmlllwj. jal pll lit-bas it" IImoill dl' plUJirun rill'.< ff ddmO/llrs "Iipru,,,, I';,/fa tUS If'llp!/'!" dilyn snncruairrs, et a;"si dcqutrir Ulll ' l'.mlp"Iol'lI;ioll M 1.1 rmtiiflOl1 l'i",1It1f br'II/Hmp plus {/pprofimdil' que (r quI' jr romllli;Jllil dUPill'ill·,ml.

Gonlan Djunljevic

Uni"cr<>irc de la Colombif'-Br i lJnojqu~

Cliercheur f'n ctudf'S indicnnts

Affiliation: Uni"ersite Ilin(lu Benam:

Le programme de b.,ufl'CS dtli etud"$ indiell ne. ... pennet I'octroi <I .. bourses ~ des

chercheurs, d f'S bibliml,6.;,.jr<'lo, d~ c:'lIIdian!$ ct d.'S artistes. En janvier 2002, 21 ca.ndid:m ont rC\u des OOUI"5es pour 1'31'Ott .k:<I.dcmiqllf' 2002-2003. Six r&:-ipif'ndaires Oil! declinc l'oITre er Oil! etf rcrnpl..:6 par sept C'JndidatS supplants.

A cc jour 16 rkipie lu.l;aircs ont f'n tn:pris un ~jolJr en Indf' f't six dutrcS projenent

leur sejour au primemps 1004, Lell ll()ur~!I" Udlinees aux artistes Ollt Cit' Octroyfu

pour di"ers apprell(i ~sages <.O il :

'Iarana - unc t Uldc de b mU5i(llle de dan5(' dLl no"l de l'lnde

I <! Illcthodologif' d'enscign('Ill<!m de I~ mu,iquc de 'f.1gore

Une crude du "iolon h indQusl :U1ai~ rllell.1nt 1'f'mphJsf' sur It ~f)'lc


La dans<-' <Ie Siva.

.-> .-.... u « .... (J)

(f) (J)

E E CO I...

Ol o I... n.

Page 22: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1



l.es bollr,ses allribu«s :lUX Ch~Kh~urs tollchai~nI ~ un brge eventJil d~ donlaincs.

Void ~ liu~ d'nempl~ quelquo uns dc:s 511;e15 de recherche:

La begum de Bhopal el I'('mergence du mou,'emcnl d<"l remmes nmsulmlnes

en Inde

b mO!ldiali~lion tronqut'c: CI rElll en Inde

An~garika Dharampah a Cakuua: b Mahabodhi Sociely el b renaissance

Ikngali 1.1 diasp ... ra indienne _ un 1011r d'horizon bibliographiqlle el IIIICtaire

Stalul Iran'\n,,,ion~1 el ifnlOignages: les iTllll1igr:lIlt~ .Ill Nepal el dll

I~al\gbdesh ~ New Delhi

Ie eirq"e en I nde: llne approche p",sl·colonialc

Ie r61e dc rerhiquc religieuse dans la politique aCtuelle de rlmk

A cc Jour 10 des 16 boursiers om COnll,lctc leurs re<:herches el som de retour all


Lc wmilc d'ctudes indiennes s'esr riuni en de..:embrc 2002 'lOUS I .. direClion de

\1mc K.llherinc H.lcker du depanemenl .rhblOirc de LUI, arts vi~uels el Ihkric

de 1'Univcr"iu: de la Colombie Brirannique, afin de .wleuionner 10 bou!)ie!) pour

I'ann& ::.Lol.iir~ !OO}-!001, Sur les quelquc:s j'i proposilions re{ue, Ics disciplin(S

les micux rcpr6e0lC<:5 Cla;en! Ics lkaux-aru CI I'hislOirc. Le comltc a retenll 1 S

propositions qui 'K'rom soumi;cs ~ 1'approbalion dll gouvernemem indicn, Un des

candidals choisi a {iklinc 1' ... ffrc, La sele<:tion finale pour 2003 ,!OM t:Ollll'rend

lrois bourses pour artistes; une bouf'>C de rornlJlion el quatrc bourses de re<:hcrche

pour Ie (Qrps enscignant; deux bourses pour I'oblention d'un <lipl6rne d'elUde<

~ul,erieur~ en Indc; une bourse de formation linguisliqu(, et quatre bourses de

rt:.::herchc pour budiam~, Lcs bOUT$CS dcstin6es :111" Jrti.>tc~ om CIC octroyc!s pour les

al'prelltissagc~ de b daT1'>C das~ique er du tabla, Sept bour,cs On! etC :Ulrihuees dall'

la categoric rCdlCr(he a I'imention des o!rucliallts ('I du corps enseignanr, ,'oiei 1\ lilre

d'cxcmplc quelques uns de leurs sujCls de r«:hcrdK!

I.e. cultures IXllitiques mh:Iines dalls I'lnde 1110ghole CI :IU debut de b

culonisalioll hriUllniquc

Ideologic el hegemonic: ks impliealions socialcs de Mcisions legales dan~ Ie

Dayabhaga (des cas Bengali) du XIXi1:mc siede

L.:imcrpretalion el rapplicalion du preambulc de I .. cOIlSlil\uion indicnnc

par la COllr Supreme de I'Inde


Collaborations emrc musicicns de jJ1.t et nlU~iciens karnatiques ell lnd~ ou


Mondialis;lIion, subje<:li"iu~ el receplion dc b liltcrJwrc Iwsl<oloni:Ile de

V. S, f'.:aipaul ct {Ie Salman Rushdie.

le programme des bibliotheques

La dire<:rion du c...11lile consult,nif du IHogrAmme des bib1inlhhlues (CCI'B) "eiUe

a 1a distribution de li,'res, de revues S~'·JllICS et de documCIHS gouvcrncmentJux

indicns ,mx bibliorhcques ('ll1adienne~, Mme Saundra Lipton, de la bihliothequc

de I' Uni"crsitc de Calgary, en ~~~ure b !,n!sidcncc, En 2002-2003, k bllrcall indien

de i'!nslitul Sh:lSlri " expedi.! ~ 22 bibliodt~qllO' d'lIni"cr~ilts canadienncs plus de

12,850 livTCS et rCVll<:S,

Ell 2002-2003, Ie bureau iudie" de ['/"stiwt Shastri a expedie;' 22 bibliotheqlles d',miversites

callnditnmes pLus de J 2,850 livres et reViles,

Etudes Canadiennes

I.e programme des Cludes cmadiennes est lin CICnlCllI n,ajeur parllli les effOfl$ que

dCploic \'1n5linll en vue de renforcer la comprchcn~ion bibtcnlc Ct 1a cooperati ... n

univcrsitairc entr~ nnde et Ie Canada. Finane" par 1a Direclion des relations

acad6ni(IUcs intemalionalrs dll milli,!hc des Affairt."S br.mghes el dll c...mnlercc

imernational (MAEC\), Ie ptoSrallll11e cmend promouvoir une meillellfc

comprehension dll Canad~ en lnde. 11 cst compose de (1IlaHC vok,!s, soit:

De~ bour~cs 1ll'intcmiol1 de profcsSt:lIrs CI d'cllldiants au doctoral inditns

pour dfcClller des lfJ\'JUX ~ll C:l.Ilad"

Une \XlllfSC pour chercheurs (spccialistcs) canadiens invilcs

L.:al'provisionnelHcnt en livres el reViles canadicns aux cenTres d' etudes

c.madicnnes en Inde

Des re5sources IXlur la bihliolh~uc d'clu{les Cl1ladienncs au bureau indien

de I'lnstilut

\..c pays qui ,'ous a donnc naiss;lnc~: regul.nion dc,,\{~r;Iphi{l\le dans l' lllde

lOloniale, 1880-1942 .4

Page 23: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1

Bourses d'etudes canadiennes

Dix-h ui l chnchcur.; dc di\'crsc:s inslinuions indiennes Oil! bbl(!ficii de bourses en

etudes ('Jnadicnnes en 2002-200J SOif: huil bour,les de r~-<herch~ pour cnseigll;ln1S,

~ix bourses Complcment de specialisalion 1'1 quatre bou~ de recherche dOClor.lle.

Les recipiel1(i:tircs plO'<'l1aienl de neur disciplines: I'iconomie (3): b liucr:llure

canadicnne (5); h Iele-cdu",.;on (I): 1'«Iucaliol1 (I): Ia IraduCTion vers Ie (ran<;ais

( I ); Ie journalisme el Ies eommunic;lI ions (2); Ia musb:Jlogie (I): 11:5 sciences

politiqu('s (3); 1'1 b eludes urba ines (I).

Trei1./: de ccs bou!)iers 011\ partici[,c au scplil'me hmilUl d'et~ de Shastri en etudes

canadienl1es qui sc lenail :. l"Imt1lt11 d'erud(\1 canadie!11w~ dc I' Univcr,ile d'Qu,lwJ

du 21 au 24 mai 2002. Mme Caroline Andrew, dO)'enne de la (acultc des sciences

socialcs, avail [)Our Ia deuxil'me alliin: comccmive Illis au r,oi"l Ie progralllme

JCldetnitl"C" Cdui-ci consisla;1 en pr6enIJlions sur divers aspeclS des Ctud(!l;

Cl.I1adiennes Ids (lUI': mener l bien une rccllerche all Canada; Ie modc d'immigralion

d("'S indo-(anadien~, les ~rivains ~ud .. lsiati(lues ~ll C:lll.lda; k~ femmes ella polilique

canadienne; clio relation) Inde-( ·,mada. In boul"ieni onl pu en oUlre rencnotrer

un membre du parlemenl. I"honorable David Kilgour. Secrilain: d'etat (Asie­

J>a<--ih(lue): JS.li"cr.it unt Il·,,;on pulemnuaire: ]laniciper ~ Wle visitc glJid~ de b

Bibliolheque n.,lionJ.lc du (anad~ CI faire une ,·i~ile informelle du Mus&: canadien

des civilisation,.

le comil~ de selCClion inJicn _\'e>ol rcuo; en decembre 2002 el ... ~ssC en revue I('S

proposiliom pour Ie concours de bourses des bud" canadicnnes en vigueur en

2003-2004. II a f~it une ivaluJlioll a deux nkeaux: une pr6t!k-<tion llar de<; pJirs,

sui,;c d 'une !oCleCliun finale en comil~. I.e mmil~ '" r~u environ 178 demande<i

de hourses. Lcs liiscipllno In micux rq}f6el1lces claiem b liucralurc, II'S sciences

poliliques, r&:ol1omic, Ie commerce 1'1 le<i t'mdes de m«lias.

I.e comilc des cludes c;:anadienne$ '<Jus b dircclion de M. Denis Stairs, I'mf("'Sscur

J rUni~ersi«' de Dalhousie\ a appone une ",ide pr&:ieuse en offrant au~ chercheurs

indienl venus au CJ.natLt en 2003-2004 des COllt.1etS avec;: des cherchcurs C"JI1 .,dien5

aux inlt'r':-IS similairn. Les instillllions suivant<-~ 0111 acceple de r«c"oir k'$

chcrcheurs indiens: ,'Universilc d'AthabascJ; Ie milS« canadIen (11'5 civilisations;

I'Universit~ Carleton: J'Universitc Concordia; I'Universilc Dllho\l!.ic; l'Universitc

McGill: "Universi te Queen's; "Uni'"rsilt' <Ie I'AJbcrtJ; rUni,'ersiu~ de IJ Colombie­

Britanni(lue, I'Universitc de Calgary; rUniversil(! de Guelph; I'Uni\'Crsiu~ de

loromo; CI l'Universirc lie Walerloo.

Conferencier invite en etudes canadiennes

C],aqu~ annh, Ics imcr~!0S6 peuvem I'rt'SCl1ler tine dc:nunde d~ hourS(' de

Cherch~ur invirt' en elude~ can;ulknnc:s l'o()Uf une a!!ntt acallt'tnique. La bourse

cotnl'rend les (rJ;~ de rransl)()rt illlern a tion~1 et une allocJI;on pour les (raj, de

5ubsislall(e C1 de dCplac;:cmem en Inde. I' lnstillll ~vail solliciu' pour Ie concours

2002-2003 d('~ pmpo~itiom rela lives aux dom:li nes tic la sociologi(· el de IJ politiquc

gomernemenlale au Cl.11ada, el au domaine lIes c'Hld~'$ r~minine<i au Clllada.

L'lmtitw avail sollicite pour Ie COIlCOllrs 2002-2003 des propositions relatives aux domaines de la sociologie et de la politiqlll! gOllvernememaie all Canada, et all domaine des etudes feminines all


Suile ~ re~amcn des Ilelllandes lou de sa rc'union au princemps 2003, Ie comi tc

des etudes onadccnncs a retenu la cmt!idalure de Daiva Slasiuli~, professcur au

dc'panemcm de sociologic de l'Unjvcrsilc' Carlelon, COlllllle prochain chercheur


Au cour:; de SOl lOurnn: en janvier 1003, M. Bruce Muirhe:.d de I'Universit<' de

I...:l.keheJd a donnc ncu( con(c'ren<:n C1 ~Tlicil,c au congres annuel de ["Associalion

iudienne d'etude) c:Lnadicnncs a I'Universile de Mysorc.

all tfONI'" l"IItrr' 1111t1~ n b Calli/till Imll/roup d~ msnllblanm su~~ptibbs J'illflmstT /n (wdililm. l.r IIIlIltiru/lllm!iimr (/ !~S du/nell/mll'S till GII/dd'i umb41irm flft' Irs mjru prIPm. ja, hi impmsiollli/- par k f!l1"tI 110mb" tb progntlllllUf J"ltutli'1 call.ulir""~s rII IlldT (1141111 tiT lYUX ufJ~w ,L",s tlr pnili'1 ullivmlfls, (t}1II1II~ fYlb d~ !'rmtlirlltTT)'. jlluluilll plUi illlpl)rt'lIIt Sillll,i /"UlliI'l'Nili jllll'lIbarltd Nrhm , Clt,mlll dr, ullirw"fiwirn lluxqU~iJ Jai parll in( mOlllrl trh mK,'gl ill'It;ard d~ III/dn caJ",JiTllII~" jili TIltl"l'priJ daiJ" {(rtnim d'ml" mx ,i mi~u..'( dlwlopp" Iron rubl'1"rlJi'1. /lfats b mlll/{JI'~ J~

rNiQur("(1 f~ur impoST iOUI't'IJI dts limiuf. '10m In prutrum" qur jt,,' I"I'/lrmllrl om lOuligtl/- I~ ,ok mpitnl qll~ jl)l/~ I1m/irul Shdi/n', tnlll ttl IIII/~ quail Cllllf{ia. Slim I'hlilJlIII rt StI blbliotbhlU~' illrmit m r/frt br,IIICQlIP plm IllfJieilT d~ db,.,wpp" di'1 progmmmt"J d"itlltl~ cdntltlinllrt"J.

Bruce Muirhead

Conrerencier invilC en clUdes canadicnne<i. 2003

Page 24: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1

Programme de developpemenl des eludes canadiennes

Le programme de devcloppemeru des eludes c lJ1adienncs (I'DEC) a pour objcClif

d 'encourager ks recherches et Ics a(li"iI6 univer:siIJires susceptibles de conlribuer

:IU dc!vdoPI"ement el/ou 11 I'avanctmenl des c(lJ(ks canadienn('!; (bns les unlver:sitk

indienncs. Parmi les aClivitk admis.o;ibk-s aux subventions, memionnons les

oonf~renccs, I~s symposiums et Irs toumccs d~ conf<'renccs indmml b publicalion

dc leurs compte§-rendus. de mi'me que Ie voyage international pour Ie. programmcs

d' unc durte minimalc ,!'un scmestre.

1\lr l"inttrm~(birc de I"Inslitul Sha~tri. 1c MAECI :1 verst' en 2002-2003 (b lubvemions rotalis;tnt 41 500$ 11 vingt-el-une inltinuions. Ccs fonds scrvem

~ organiser des sfminaircs, symposium el tourntes de COllftretKe en Ctudes

canadienncs au cours de I'annee fisca1e. Hormis les IS cenm's d'e tudes clIladienncs

dkign6, de~ subventions additionndles om etC ~ccordfc5 11 I'lnstinn de recherche

en etudes interdisciplinaires: j rUniver:silc d'A~III: el ~ l'UnivcT$iu~ Gurukul


I.e U)milt de ~Ieuion indit;n ehargt' de r~uribution des oourSO' du I'DEC aux

centm .j'elltdn unadiennn S'C"5t fiuni en man. 2003 afin d 'n-aluer les candidatures

pour I';lnnk> prochaine. Dam Ie cadre du ooncours 2003-2004 dlx-neufiostirutions

Olll fait des demandcs de oourses d'une valeur !Olale approximall"e de 4<1000$.

Programme des bibliotheques, livres et revues d'eludes canadiennes

La bihliOlheque d'etu(l~ canadiel1ncs situCe JU bureau de Shaslri en Illde rcnferme

une collection de livres. de revues sp&i:,IiSl'~""S, de cedcroms e1 d(' l\licrofiche~ donI

Ie contcllll (OIIVre Ie vaSI'" panorama de 1:1 c.u lture c~naditnne. C.ettC coll~ction

nni'luc d'ouvr.'ges de refer<:nc.e est ~ Ia disp",ition d'clUdiants, prof<·~~urs. homme.1

(!'~rraires CI de toute perwnne inlcres-,,'e par Ie Canad,l. I.e bureau indien eSI

tlCwellelllent all dcrnier st.lge de §J col lectc d'infonnations bibliogr.lphi(IUes :1llprh

dcs centrcs d'budes canadiennes afin de conslituer un reperloire collect if (lui SCt:l

IIhbieurcmenl accessible en ligue. Mme. I'oona!>l KIILt, bibliolheoire en t'1I[(1~ lan.l<liennc~, e\1 en dl,lrse de ce Ilmjel. L, blhlimhl-que tl't1\lde~ <JII.nlicnnc, J

rf,u ,I,,, II~rc\ .1\lIlf •. Ikur .IPI,m~lIn.tt"·c de 7 'i()()'10 <.'1 lIe' rnun !I'lIne V,lkllT

.11'1""'UIl.III\" .1, II UIH\'i.

Des fonds I'ro~enJnl de I~ Direction des relations aC".ldcmiqucs imernation~les

du ministerc des AlTaires brangeru et du Commcrce intern;uional (MAECI)

pcrmfTlem d'accorder, pour line annk> I1Kaic donn&::, un budget de 1,500$ ef

un budget d'acquisition ,Ie revues de 450$ ~ chaCI11l dn '1uinuo ccmres d'eludes

Clnad iennes. l.es ctntTCS pcuvern flirc une den13nde ,Ie roml, additionncls avam b date-limite fix&:: a mi-parcou.,; de I'anntt fiscale. Aprh cetlc date. les fonds r\!STantS

,Iu budget annuel Will rcdi~lribucs !t dcs institulions indiennes intc'ressees par \co;

etudes cJnadiennes. En 2002-200,3, vinllt-huit univer.il<\~ illdienne§ 0111 rq:u 7.3.1

livre~ d'une valeur approximative de 20 GOO$. Vingl-lwi.1 universites ont r~ll 65 revues du domaine des clllde~ can:,d i<'Il11cs, d'une valeur approximllrive de 8 000$.

Le Projet de recherche appliquee Shastri (SHARP)

Les premiers mois $lIi,'am Ia signalure de I'entente de financellleni avec I'ACDI

onl bc consacres aux prt'paralifs du plan de mise en OCIlvrc du projet el ~ d'auun

It:lvallX de planification. Aprk I'JPprob3tion f"rmelle du gouvernelllent tndien

en aout 2002 Ie prujN a CIt bnce! avec une consultation d'expens, org:Uli~liolls

non-gou,'ernemcmales, repr6cntJnts dll gom'crnelllelit et aUfrcs inler ... cnantS IKlUf

definir les domaines de recherche ~ inciure dans l'aPllel de proposilions. Lc eOlnitc de

gcstion du proje! (CGP) comprend q\l~tre dlercheurs Cht:\'roflllk, deux dn Canada

et deux de !'Inde, un reprkcmanl de I'ACDJ et un repr6cm:lnt dll Illinistere de

r&iuC:lrion. Le presidenl dll conseil d'adminj~trat;on de I'JnSliwl Shastri en

assure Ia direCtion. La premiere rb1l1ion dll ccr ~'esr tentlc par tc'leconferena

en novcmbre 2002. Unc demand" f"rtnelk' de c~ndidaHlrt"$ IKlur k'S trois comites

consultatif5 tlu progr:ltnmc a ClC tran~misc:III gO\llernement indicn ell aout 2002

el la selcxolion des candid;m s'est ",rminCe en rn:lrs 200].

L'appd de proposition§ de rcdlcrche" CIC publicise en Indc el:tll Canada de decembre

2002 il janvier 2003. DurJnt b p~riode se termin:lm !,' 31 mars 200J, l"eml'ha5e a

port~ ~ur IJ Sl'lel:lion de projciS s«ondaires. I.es proIKl~ition> de recherche ctaient

\.Oumiscs en dem panic;: b premiere I'rcSl:llt;tit une Vile d'ensemble du propos de

I~ f""herche et unt: dkb.r:II;OIl sur b IlCrtinerJ,e jllllitillUC ,Iu projel; 1a .ICllxi/!lne

t.lllllprcnail d~ dct~il\ \ur le\ ~ntlt,,~.lcnl\ I'mk'~;()llncl, de- ... hef, tI'''"luire.le IVpC

ILII'I'wdw ~h""'l' I'tHlf 1.1 " ... hn<lll" Cl I.' 1'lltlj-:("1 \11 ' In I I'" IIWI""llllll" "',,11 1/,

Page 25: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1

t'tai ... m incomplho ou om ~Ie relirees. U~ proposit ions reSlanu:s On! ~u! solUH iscs

au prcmi ... r ni,· ... au de selection qui appr~cic Ie degr~ de p.enincnce poliri<II I" el

!"impaci probable sur Ies poliliquo.

Les propositions :ly;ulL salisf., il 1.1 ..election de premier niveau Ctaiclll wurniscs il un second exarnen qui apl'r&ie Ia wlu'rencc de ]a rncthodologic de r(-chrrche ('I

l'exrericnc(' profcssionnel1e des ch('fs d'e-quipc-. I.e cornite (Ie selC'Clion du projel (,Sl

sous la dirc:t:lion d(' Ia pr6idcru(' de I"l nSlillU Shastri Ct compr ... nd six chclcheurs

d'expt'ri,'ncc. La selection s'csllcrmincc cn rn:l; 2003.

Le programme s';uscr;l dam Ie cadre du l1umdat de Shastri de promouvo;r fa cooperation bilatbale


le Programme de stages internationaux pour res jeunes

11",lilul Shastri admini~lre dlJquc ~nn6e Ie prograrllm(' de Slagcs imnnationaux

pour Ic~ jeuno que finJ.ncCIlI 1a Direuion J."ion-j('uncue de I'Agenc(' can:K!ienne d('

devdoppcment intnllat;onal CACOI) (I I( MAIL!. Lcs St .. ges emcnde1ll offrir l. de

jeunes c:ttladiens de]O an. ou rnoin~ \lne premiere CKpCrien<,:c de Iral';{il r«nlllt1~rCc

er rdiee a la ClrTie-re, dans un COluexte intern~lional. 115 ont lieu en Indc CI dure'nI

em·iron six mois (011 plus). u-s instruoions e( Ie comple·rcndu des ~1;Jges om lieu ~u

Canad~. I.e progr:unme' s'inscrit d,lns Ie cadre d" mandaI de Sha~[fi de prornollvoir

I~ cooperation bibl~rJIe Can;ula-Inde. Con .. u pour mieux prcp~rer les jeun(")

profcssionnds ~ux milieux de IrJvail, Ie progr:omrne a pour objC(:df dc renforcer

ccnaines opacil6 de base (Ornrnc la planinotion organis:llionnel1e el logisliquc,la

geslion de [,rojcl C( Ie {Icveloppernern des Cotl1pt'tcnces inrtrcuhurel1 e~.

En 2002 I' lrm itul a ~u des fon(ls du MAI,.C1 el de I'ACDI pour suhventiormcr

rcsp«rivemenr (inq el six stages. Unc seance' pre-Mpan ,'est tenue SlIT Ie campus

de rUnivcrsite de Calgary en scI"cmhre 2002 CI meltail l'aa:cnt sur b fOTlll:uion


Ii'une scnsibilj l ~ in ler(uhurel1e, Ia cuhure indicnne, I'hiswire, b ]>oliliqll(. b sallie

et les problCme~ d'imlll lln isat ion, CI l'n/in sur l'efficicllCc profe.o.,ionnel1 t des jeulles

Clnadiens a I'erf"anger.

Le MA ECI a subven!i"nn~ les sragiaircs suivants:

Juslin Calof pour . La dur.tbilile des ~grot(Osy5t"mcs " a,'<.""( I'Uni"ers,!e Queen's et Ie Madr,lS Christian College

Fiona 11.Irbour </lli a prert! son a.s.siSlallCC a 1a bibl iOlheque d'ttudes c3.nad iennes dll bureau indien de Shastri

Rashi Khiln~"i pollr sa redl(rche. Fcmmes el sante genesiquc • :I.,'C'C Ie McGill Cenlre for RC$C'arch and Tr~iningon Women C( Ie Nalional Council "Of Apl,l icd Econornk Research

$onika Lal pour. Femmc et db'doPIJ'CmC Il I • avec I'Univcrsite de' Ia Colombie BrilJllnique el Ie Benares Hindu Uni"ersily

Alei'!',1 SIC,"C115 pour AClion cornmlltlautaire el prmcclion de rcnvironnemenl • ~vC<: rUIl;\"crsile Acadia CI Ie ('.(Jllege of I'h),5iol 1::"lucuioll.

L'ACDI a subvclllionne it'S 5t;lgiaire~ suivanu:

B;u\) CrawforJ pour « Gcslio" des re~urcC.!i natureUcs " avec Ie college un"'er~i l ~irc de Cap Brcloll el Ie I'crirar r..·\ani~,,' m:ti Collegc of"lechnology for WOrlle'n

Nadine Lc:forl pour « Fcmm" et sante environnemtlHale " avec I'Uni"ersire ACldia elle l'eriyar Maniammai College of'l~hnology for \'('on1en

Terah Spone! pour . Action COl11111l1nautaire el prmeClion de l'environncmcnt "3\"CC I'Ulli'WiilC dl' W;lterloo CI I'Ulliversit~ de MadT'J\

Darna DeCnodder I)OUf • Aspecu lhrori{I"CS el pc-rsonne~ ;'lgees • avec I'Uni "elli l ~ Carleton el Ie S!Udie~, Knah

l)rati{IUCS des soins aux ntre for Gerontological

Bridgel 11;t Il5(Cfrnall pour son ~ide au projel • Fain." fleurir Ie dc!scrt • a~"\.-c rUn ivusi l ~ de Walerloo CI rUni\"crsil~ de ,\b{If:)S

Alexander Kenny qlli a rravaillc avec ["Un iver~i l c Carlcton, Ottawa (""{ Ie Thran; Centre for Crisi~ ConlroL Trivan(\rum el Thirtwdla sur. Reduire Ie laux de suicides au Keral:. ... n Ull li$;l.nl des modCles occidenraux _,

Page 26: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1







En conclusion

Conlmc 11." nlcnt,nnnc la pr6idcnte dans son r:lppoort. Ie groupe de Ira\'li! conjoint

~'e,,1 Ttuni deux fois au COllr~ de I'ann~. Nos JCUll bureaux 011\ fourn' hNUCOUP de

tel11pS 1."1 d'dron.~ a rassemhler h documcntadon rrtjui)C. I.e r:'PllOn dll groupe de

navail InCl en ll1mier.: ph"'eurs 3SpcrtS de l'irnpon~ll\c contrilmdon de I'lnsl;tll!

Shas!r; a Ia r(~hcrche ~avanle en Inde ('1 au Colnada. :nl cours til" .II". NOIl~ avaIlS

pli apponer ull somien impQrtJm durant t'annec ,UlX etudes can"dicnnes ell lude

('11\ b rcrhcrche .luT Ie dcvdoppclnem »ce sur l'\n(k &ms Ie> deux pays. Lc. etudCll imlict1lu:_ 0111 par comre wuffcn des incertitude:. fln:lIlcil:rcs JVCC pour rcsuilal IIIl

nombrc moins cleve de publications indicnncs ,utriblll:es aux univcrsilcs canadil·nnes

<:\ des debi, pour les candidats t.enclicialll de bourses en Ctude~ iudienne~. ComlllC

Ie rouligne Ie rapport dc la pr6idente les or.erations dcs deux programmes sont

r~cmment revcnues:\ la normale.

Nom avous pll apport« un soutien important durant I'",,,,ee aux etudes canadietmes en J"de et It In reciJ"ciJe mr Ie JeveloppemelJt axee sur l'lnJe

Jam les deux pays.

Dcux vi~iteur:§ de marque om ~x>yage au Canada au ~our:§ de I'ann&:. I.e professeur

Rila VcrmJ, miuislrc d'tlat, Dc\el0l'pemcnt des rCS50urce~ hurnaincs. a fail une

(ourn&: des villes de Van~ouver, Regina, Calgar), e( Onaw:! au mois de septcmbre,

EI Ie profCS!ieur Arun Niga\'ekar, pr6idem de b Commission dc~ subventions

au~ un;\'ersiu's, a enlrcpris unc (Ournce. parrain,,&: par Ic MAECI. des ville.; de

Momreal. Onawa et Toronto en seplemhre 2002.

lri'l conference publiqllC Lal Hahadllr Sha~lri s'CSI ICfllle en janvin 2003 el elait

urS;lIl;sec en collaboration avec Ic Halll _COI1l11li~~ariat can:ldien. I.e professe ll r

Amn NiSavekar. pr6idclll dc b Commission (ics subvent ions aux llnivcrsilCol. )' a

donne line Cf",(t'rencc imirulee .Une an"lyse criliquc de 1'&ll1Calion superieurt: en

1mle CI l'cxplorarion de 1101l\'c1\es avenues pour b colbboradon indo-cdnadicnne~ . Lt\'enernem bail IlTesidC par M. K. Venkal:lsubf'Jn1,mian. IIlcmhrc de [,Union

l'bnning C.ommissioll CI Ie dio;courf de d"lure bail I'TO .... llle PJf "on I Rel1cnll'

1\,ler \u[herbml, h;uJl·commi~<o.lin: du ( :.111 ... 1.1 cn Illdf

' lout aU long de I'ann«, plusicurs cherchcufs el aUlrc~ Imcrvenallls. dc \'IlLde CI

du Guuda. onl gc:nercusemenl .sOlllcnu, de di.'er;cs f"'iOns, 1' lnslinu Shaslri. Lei

nOmS de cerrains om etc: rnemionn6 plus haut. Us pcr,sonnes Oil! n...;u. COIlUllC

dc coulUmc. rappui d' un personnel d.:...·oue {Illi. ell de"il parrois de cirConSl:1llCtl

dilliciks, a mene;. bicn son tfdVaii :lVc.'C bonr\{' humeur et professiollnllisme.

l:InS!itul Shastri exprimc ,:I rcconnJi~dnCC p·our b durable lor au!t des in,liuniuns

IIlcmbres rt'penoriees aU debut de ce rapl)t)r1 el pour 1c ..ou!ien de ~s baillcurs de

(ond.1 soie

LASclle" canadiennc de devdoppelllC!ll intcrnational.

Lc dcpar!cmem de l'f..ducarion SUI~ri(,(lre Ct *condaire d~l ministCrc du

Devcloppemeru des reSSClurces humainc_1 de l'!mlc.

La Direoion des rcl.ltions a(:'Jdcmiqu~5 imcrna!ionalcs d~1 miniSthe des

Affaires branghcs CI du Commerce internalional du Canada.

Janel Knowles

Direclr;cc g~nerale

Page 27: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1

avril 2002-mars 2003

ClnSltmr tndo-(:an adi~n ShJ5fri Bureau <lu Canad~. Calgary

Pour I'annee se Bilan 31 mars 31 mars Compte de recettes et depenses terminant Ie 31 mars

2003 2002 2003 2002 (f) Acti' $ $ ReceHes $ $ L-Actj' a court terme Q)

Encaisse 27.763 59,328 E~ploitalion 115,469 101,907

Programmes .-Depots a terme 754,317 670,134 U Oeblteurs

ProJet ACDI-Shastr i

Programme 10,748 11,472 Phase 1 et2 156.342 649,125 C

Interet 3,778 5,808 Programmes d'~tudes canadiennes 235,353 227,319 cO

Ta~e sur produits et services 5,029 6,222 Programmes International pour les Jeunes

Semmes dues du bureau Indien 26,656 ACOI et MAECI 142,976 107,257 C

ProJet de recherche appliquee Shastri 197,466 .-Inventaire 1,420 1,420 '+-Charges payees a I'avance 11,165 20,753

Tolal des recettes 847,606 1,285,608

Total de "actif Ii court terme 840,876 775,137 (/) Elfet a receVOlf 41 ,125 Depenses +J Imrnobih ,alions neltes 10,536 13,579 C

E~ploitalion 313,373 265,766 cO Total de J'actlf 851 ,412 829,841 Programmes -ProJet ACOI-Shastri -Passl' et capitauJ( propres .-Phase 1 et 2 137,778 727.606

CO Passi! Programmes d'~tudes canadiennes 188,853 180,819

Passi! a courlterme (/) Credlteurs 20,529 21,150

Programme international pour les jeunes

ACOI et MAECI 112,976 83.257 Sommes dues au bureau mdien 40,724

(/) Total du passif a court terme 20,529 61,874 Total des depenses 752,980 1,257,448

+J Capitau~ propres 562,660 594,370 C Recettes (pertes) nettes 94,626 28,160

Excedenl non-affecte, Total du passlf 583,189 656,244 .-Solde 268,223 173,597

debut de I'exerclce 173,597 145,437

0 Total Passl' et capitaux propres 851 ,412 829,841 Excedent non-affecte, fin de I'exercice 268,223 173,597 0...

N,R Ces po,nts sa,lIants financiers sont bas~s sur les etats I lnMClers venfies de l'insj,jut pour '2002-'2003 mars ne sont pas ver,f'es, Les etats hoanc,ers. veflt.eS par Grant ThorntOIl pour Ie bureau du Canada et par Khanna GUlatl & Assocles pour Ie bureau de l' lnde, peuvent eire con suites au bureaux de I'Instrtul.


Page 28: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1

avril 2002-mars 2003

Chlsri lUl indo-canadien Sha.'ilri Bureau dc !'lnac. N.:w Ddhi

Pour I'annee se

Bilan 31 mars 31 mars Compte de recettes et depenses terminant Ie 31 mars

2003 2002 2003 2002

Aetifs R,_ R, Recettes

R,_ R,_

Immobllisalions E)lplOitation 7,153,653 4,319,347

Mantant brut 4,435 ,223 4,103,517 Programmes

MOlns amortissement (3,526,714) (3,197,764) ProJet ACDI-Shastri 3,015,532 6,785,807

Montan! net 908,509 905,753 Etudes canadiermes/Activitles speclaJes 1,682,553 1,468,465

Programme des bibilotheques 6,158 ,909 1,839,946

II Actifs a court terme

Encaisse et soldes 18,482,245 11,219,036 Programme de bourses 3,240,866 1,375,112

I Autres elements d'actlf a court lelme 45,529 56,690 Total des recettes 21 ,251,513 15,788,677

II Pr6ts et avances 384,921 2,808,142

Total Actif a court terme 18,912,695 14,083.868 Depenses

Total de l'act;1 19,821,204 14,989,621 Exploitation 5,656,723 4,698,305


Passif et capitaulI: propres Proje! ACDI-Shastn 3,015,532 6,785,807

Etudes canadlenneslActMties speclales 1,682.553 1,468,465


PaSSI! a court terme 17,657,324 13,456,310 Programme des blbllotheques 6,158,909 1,839,946

PaSSI! a long terme Programme de bourses 3,240,866 1,375,112

Subventions d'eqUipemenl 1,867,246 1,818,819 Amorllssement 328,950 277,946

Fonds d'emprunt 816,611 Mains reprise sur subvention

d'equipement (230,773) (166,808)

1,667,246 2,635,430

Excedent accumule 296,634 (1,102,119) Oepenses totales 19,852,760 16,276,773

Total du passil et des capitaux Montan! net (deficit) 1,398,753 (488,096)

propres 19,821,204 14,989,621 Excedent accumule reporte de I'ellercice

precedent (1,102,119) (614,023)

I Ellcedent accumule 296,634 (1,102,119)


N 8. Ce, points Sil,ll;)nbl,nilrlClers sonl bases Mit ~ et,ll~ t,nannl't' vl!"I,~ dt'! I'lnshiut pollr :2007-2003 rna'S roe sont pas venloe" l~ (>\. ,t ton ,n, ,C/ .... ,,,1 P If Gr,,!)\ fhtHIII' pooH Ie hUll ~ du ( ..,.,<1 I nt 1'''1 Kh,lrIn I (;,,1 ,I, A. A soc'" pow Ie bUll' I, de rind", pouW!)\ "\,,, con ul\f>' "burl! h" d" 1101 \,1,,1

________ 3

Page 29: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1

Membres de la Direction


Leon~ A ... d.,non

t:ni"cl'int dc RCf,In,

Secrbai rc

Dougl;u; I'",," U"i"cf$i,t de C~ll;"ry


Sa n' Sank~ran Uni,·cr!i.~ de R~sina

Membre associe

liridgbl fluha; Uni,., .. iH: D:oJhOll>ie

Vict. pr~siaen t (burcJu ae rl uae)

Oon r. Kamn

l'n..-" .. i.,' n~lh(l"

RepreSCIlIJ1l1 tlu gou,erntmem at: I'Ina.,

S. K. Tripuhi &<;rtuin: (<!duc:mon ~, .. bin: rl wpbi""n:)

~r,emen' de I'&\",,,,,ioll \1in;,,~re du 1)b'eloPf'Cmcnt <1'"5 n:wmrcCll hun,.in""

Dircctricc genen1., Lavinia Mohr

Conseil d'administration

Leona A"denon


Sh:uhi U. Tr;I,uhi

Ill"'e<o"''''iwi .... dc I'lmk

S. K. Tripa'h; (pres;<I ~n')

CoII..:ii con\lIl.lI if ind ic"

S~lI",l ", UI',on (Il n!~ idcnle)

('",mi.e w n.uha.if tlu progr,' m",c .I", bi bli",hc.I'lC~

Flora MacDonald (pmitlcn,c)

Co"seil COil!"lldlif ca"",jicil

Shyamal IbgehK l;"ivers;u! de rAlhen~

"",huin" IIa"k"r lJn,~~, ,i.e de La Colombie·II111.nn;q""

OousJu l'ffn

l:"iV(rsll~ ,k (. ,I~r)

Sc(pb.,n Ingtis MtHk unJd;~" do ~;'ili~lIons

Sherry Sionon

U"i'·~"'I1~ Conwrdia

Hridgbl Pach~i L;n;v",si!( O.lho,",ic

Uhagw.n Du~

Uni"cr,;,t de ulhl"id".'

G. N. lb n'u

L;n ;vc.~h~ dl' Man;mlM

Glenn CaI1WTigh' Uniw l'>i,~ I\k(,ill

l'hyllO, Cnnoff

Univ" .. i.t McM;u,er

C .... yVanloon

Un;vcrs;,t QlIttn'.

~m Sanka",,,

Univc~ne de R~sin~

Jam", Moni~oll

Cniver>i",S,inl ,\1.tr~',

Braj Sinha U"ivcrs.i., e de b S.t,h,d,cw>n

Sandn I)jwa

t:n;vtni,t !,..,.on l'r.lSCr

Chdva I\anasanaymm

Unn'cfSllt de Torotu"

Anlhony'J;'"kh Uni'-enit~ de VIC.oria

LaJ" Man~inba

Uni,,,rsi' ~ de Wr<;,ern Onurio

Arun Mukh"rj« Univ .. ·(..i.~ York

c o

.-o -Q) -0 (J)

~ 1)

E Q)


Page 30: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1

.-E o o

I \1\\

Comite administratif

S. \', G~u ' (prbidenll .x.:rcuifl' ~ioin{ (b:luc~,;on superieu.e c{

lI"i""r>""~) !)"I'~n(me," de 1'6;("ca.ion

M,"i>,h~ Ju D(w!orpcmell' d~." rcssollrcc<


GOll,'crncm~'" .I" 1'1".1"

V. K. N~lrai Madr.l!o I",,;{ ,"" of Uevdnpl1\cm S",d;",

V. K. l'i!>C.""nia S«..c':1'''' ~SSV\.~ c' oonscilkr fill~"ci"r r"><,\,;lncmClt{ de l'<!t!lI(~l;Orl

\\ini ... cn: .I" Dh·doppcf1\<'rlI des ...ssQurces

huma;"'" (~o,,'crncnKn' de n"de

Dinuh Singh Ik~ncmcn' do nmhc'lTUuques

Un;w","c de Delhi

Rcid Coo!,<,' D,r«.ion do AIf:1ircs p"hli'lUCS I buH.:",nmio.s;oria. c.; ... :idien

0". KanH'~

Vkc-I',6,<!em (bureau de l'in<k)

In>';IU! indn_onadicn Sha, .. i

Conseil consultatif canadien

!'lora ~hd)o"ald (prbidcme)


""n;ii n~ I" 1)"" ~IIII" nUl"""

,, ~ '" to _ 1U, ... It~.~

I. II, ,""

C handt:r Dalla


John Hadwen

O" • .,.".On,uio

David 1101'1"'"


J~Itl($ J""ke D;R"<:'"'''' l);>"<'C,iol1 de \'A<;c <I" Sud,

:-',1 ,n>Stele d,,~ Affa,'"'' b ,.'''~~'''. c •• 1" Cunn"""C ;mem"""n.1 (MArCl)

Oll"W~. On'.';"

Mne I'c~ .. on


Sap, II. s..chd""

-lulon'''' Ont~,;1)

~vi SKlhapalhy -!oront.),Onta,io

Na ju Sh ..... ff l"ramo, o"'~"o

Sun:sh T hadhan;

M .. nt"'~1. Quel..,,;

Sila)hi Trip""h; II'Ulc_wm,lIi !;S;lin: de I"InJ~ Ott,,,,.,Otlulio

I'eler Walker Wolf"iIle, Nf)"~ Sco,i.,

uona A"dcr~on

1',6id<ntC IM,i,,,, ,I1do-l 'lI"licn Sh.,,"

l av i,,;a Mohr

Ilim.l".c ):"'''c,.}, hI'"'''' 11\.1" ,.", • .1"." ,h",,,

Comite des etudes canadiennes

lHni~ Sca.i" (p..aiden,)

Uni"cr<i'~ OalhoU>K:

Sherry Sin.on

U"iversitc Conco«ha

John eha,,' Uni ,'cr<i.c Simon frA.\C'

Barbara Goda.rd Uni,'ersi,e )'o,k

Lavinia Ml)h. (rxojJicio "~It-""M"') Dtrwricc )!;f,,~ralc

Comite de selection des bourses en etudes canadiennes (lode)

Om Karnra (rrbidcm)

1""i,UI LDd,,-con:u:li~n ~h .... ,ri

Reid Coopu Di=,;on des ~ff~imi l'ub1iq"'"

!-l.U! conllni",""r;.' nn.<.iicn

Naseem Hhalia

SCC .... ta're adjoint Cor"Itli<>ion de! .ub"~",i,,,\, .,,~ lIni,'cronk

S. P. Gaur

GouverncmcI1' .Ie I'lnde

P. S"kun':U Sec,e,.;", ;<dj .. m, ("':\tI('I;un "'I"c"""", cl

""i,·er<i, .. ",) Dcpan~ment d~ r&.lw:-~til)"

Mi"i,,~re .Ill Dcwl"l'l"'mfn, dn t"Q"'tln:'cs

h"Itld"'O ("~,,-c,,,,-,n"nI d.: 1'lnd,

Kar una C hanana l 'rof~ .. Sociolor,ic de rbilKOl,ion

I .... ki' IIU)3in Centre for l-..duca,ional Studies

Un.~eo:"c J ...... h.,bl Nehru

On. June ja

I"><pme,,,em d'~"gl.i. M, ,>, Uniyer;ilY of Baroda, Vadodar>

R. II . Jain

I'fllfc'~\l' "m~,i,e l)cIMflcntcn, .!e sdcnc<:' poli,iqucs


K. R. G . Nair

I',,'!",~" honurairc CCnlfl' !OJ' 1',,!icy Re..earch. N ....... [klh.

V. D. Ka .. , hik Ikp,mcmcnt de <;eiencC' 1'0liliqucs

H,nu~h~II'udoh L'niversj,y

f(:1',c"'nl~'" <Ill lACS}

Comite du programme de developpement en etudes canadiennes

Om K. n.ra (r ,6.d, ,,,) In.,;,, .. i"dl)·u,,,,licn Sha"ri

Reid Coupe' Di.ection d", "ff.i,,,, l'"bli 'lu<,

Ilam <"mm,,, •• i., Cln.<ii<n

S. I'. Gaur

G()lIvc"'CnlC '" de l'ln,k

I'. S"kun.u (" .. ,,,vCfIlt"'<·'" de I'hllie

Kenu Balra

!>cc;,<,w",:u:li""" 0;>,,,Itli>&'on Jcs $obn""oM.Ill< IIni • ..,ni.~,

Page 31: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1

GOI' j ..... th Pilbi InJi~n AM<"';~,iun fOl' C,"J(li~n Stud;~ New Delhi

Ha. i, h NU3 11g I>';p;>rl~nlen, ,Ie '\I,.'~nen l>oli1i'lU<",

Uni"'lsIiC d~ Ddhi

Comite des conflits d'interets

j amc.i Murriwn

UIl ,vC" il <' SJ ini ~hry·.

Conseil consultatif indien

S. K. Tnl'l,hi (I'rGi<kl1ll

(;uo,,, erncn>tnl de rind,'

('.;tel ""Ihcrl~nd

II .. u «'

w.. 1':1~'''' ('.o,)",,,,i,,,,n J~ suhwm;on, Ju~ uni,..:rsil';';

S. I~ Gaur Cm,,'ctnCIIl(1H ,k n",k

jayan! I'rasad X ... r~L;lL'" ... """,;~ (A\I~)

M01;"~'" dc~ Atl."c. r~L".icun:.'

V. K.N ... t1Ij \I.,,\r." j" ,,, ill'I,· or D"",d<>l'lllcm Stu'!;, ..

Oinellh Singh

Ulli"er~i"~ de Ddh,

Jokhan S'ngh l'r"rl~«'Olr d~ SIJ"~1 iqu,>, \<hool "('>Itld,e. in ,>",i!>lie.

Vi~u,n Un;,~"ny. \'~ .. n;tSi

0", Kamra (!oC'C'iui~ du Co,""ilj

In";lllI ind<>--Gt,,;>dien ShaSlri

Comite des etudes indiennes

Katherine Hl>Ckcr (pr6;idcnle)

l:ni"e",,~ de la Colm"bie-lIr;I·""'''I'LC

I'bylli. GNnoll

U";"t,,ilc McM"'lcr

Derryl Mad~an

Unive<>;,,5 Simun Fralocr

Deni ... Nuttall

Univers;u' [)llh"u.';c

Nand i Bhad.

l'n;w"i\~ ","'",[ern Oll",i"

tnin;a Mohr In; uf]wo wn-,"lillll)

In";IUI ,,,d,, ....... n;wi<on ~h..,,,,

Groupe de Travail Conjoint

Kilttl Jmh' (pm.id~llI) Indi"" Coun,iI of l'hilos<)pl,,<~J H...sn.,h

SI~l'h~n Inglis (vi<e-pr6;;d~nt)

r>.lu.ec c~nadicn des civilis-llio"<

Aru ll N'g~yckar

eornrnis;on d~< ."bvcnti",,' aux ,,,,iv"I'Ii,6

Balbir Sahni

Universilc C,cnwrdi .

P~tn Suther!'nd HaU!-cornmi~irt' du CuudJ

Sh ... hi Tril'a.hi

I b,,[ .. -commiSS<l"~ de I'lrnk

Ibi~nikanl Venna

Ancie" I !.,,'-cornm""'i~ dc ]"Ind"


l"'ler W .. !ker An"icn J 1 .. 1LI cnmrniy;airc <III Can.da


Comite consultatif du programme des bibliotheques

S .. ulltl ,..~ Upton (l'r6ide"'~)

Uni'·er..iu' de CLlg.ry

l'",d Zitgler

Uni,'e"it~ de l'Albe",

janice K",idcr t.:ni, .. ",il~ de b C,.olomh;"-Bri,annniqu ..

M3non G"iI\xr1 MuS« can~die .. de. ci"ilisuion.

Gabri~lla Hoch",a""

l!ni'·ers"~ O)l\wrd;~

Holly Melan .....

Umv .. "il~ D.lhol1Sie

It~c Il ol.elwood Uni,· ... ite d~ Lelhbridge

uro! Uudni .. k

Uni,·cr;;lc till lI.t. ,ul0ba

S~"d Nu«r U,,;versiu' McGill

Anne: l'ou ier

l'n,,~r~i,,~ \kMas','1

Ca.rol I.una" 1"", ..... wl";"")

Bibh,>th~I"C' "~tlona'" du C ... n..d:t

Dianne Cook Uni"cr<i[~ Qu,..,n',

Larry MeDon.ld

U,,;vc",uc dc H.cgina

Douglas Vai ~cy Un;V,·r)ile s..itH MJ.i'

C heryl Whitlock

U",ve .. n~ de la S~.katchcwJn

Monin"c. Bubbc.

Uni,·crsilc Si",nn I-r .. ""r

Grah.", nrad~h a ... li\"""I\"~ ,Ie '1,,,,,,,,<1

j"ne G. Thonl.l'On

l·n;\T";I~ de \',uo".

Linda t"l~

l.'o""'''''c de 'IX".,[",,, O"'~rio

Tii l ",.da. UIlI\"Co;;\C Yo'~

l..;Ivini. Mohr (IX uffiClo' "0" I"t.tm)

I"s,il'll ",do·{.n.odicn Shas'"

Direction du Comite consultatif du programme des bibliolheques

Saund ... Liplon (I'lbidemc)

U" iver<"e de Ctlgar)

Page 32: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1

Sharon Brown

l'nl'cDi!<' de loromo

Mn"inder Rubber

Uni\'c .. i.~ Simon Fr.uer

Gabriella Ilochma""

lIni\'c .. i.~ C-"nco,di~

J~"i ce Krtidcr

Ulli,-crsi,~ de I .. Cotomhi.--B,i.a,,,,iquc

Sycd N~~r

l,;n ivcrsi,<' McGi ll

Go rrol Luna" (o/m"rllimiu)

Biblio,h~oe ,u,ion,k d" Canad~

Comite des candidatures

Gary ..,.nLoon (I"",idem)

l'"i''''r<i,~ Qun'n'<

I'hylli. Granoff

Cni .. e .. i," ,\lcM .. "er

Lalu Man~inh ..

lJnivc .. i.~ Wcs.""" Ontario

Comite de gestion du projet SHARP

Leona Andu)(>n (1"6;iJ~,,,~)

Un;"ers;,~ de Regin,

Kumu" B~nnl

s....:tc"ire 3~>oci~

De,)~"cmc", de l'<'<JuQ,;on

.\litti><cn: du DewloPI"'""C'I' dl"S n:>w".cn hLlmamC!j

C,-,,,vcrnemcnt de I'lrule

M~dhn Gulgil

Indi.n Jusli,u,c of Sdcnn·. Bangalorl'

J ~n,u Gartlnu

Uni'-Nsi," du ~htti")N

Ian McAlJiSler

Uni,e .. i.,", D.,lho05;"

Vinod Chand .... Srins'""" Indun In5.;.u.e or Ack1UCro \,...Jr. ShimL:..

Michad R)'mck

Agence an""',,,n n~ de d<'vdoppcment

""ern~.;on .. 1

Chand .... n Thiruchiuan,pabm

Co"scillc. au d<',-cl"l'pcmeni

I /lUi ron"ni~5:tri., un,J"n

La\';n;a Mohr

Imlin" ~h.l''';. burau J" Canada

A"u .... Jh~ Ch.llcrji

Coordon." c,", .I" I''''grarnmc

Ins,i"" Shami.lmr" u d" 1'1",1"

Comite consultatif du programme SHARP

On, Kaon .... (p<bidcm)

\rt«·pr6idc," (bure:r.u d" lind,,)

S. p_ G~"r

Sentt~in: .djoi", (""t"c~ ';un "'I"'ricurt' <'I

unive .. il~in:)

Departcment de r<'ducat;on

Mini."i"~ d,, D<'n-I"PI",menl d"s ''' .~S<H'rt:C' hurnaine,

GOll"e,n .. ,,,c,,, de I'lnde

Ch~ndr:l" T hituchinampalam

Hau, (ommiS5.1fia! CI!IJd,en

Reforme Economique

R Ra. ...... kti.hna


Indi f:l. Gandhi Ins,i,,,,,, of lkvdol'mcnl "=oKh

8 . 6 . ilhallacharya

Dir<'Cf<'''' Ins!"", .. of Economic G ....... ,h

S. P. K.a<h,.,.p

Dirtt ... ur

Sa.d., Pard In";''''e .. f Leonom,c and

s.x.i.1 Ik"-drch

J. K. liajaj Oi.cr,eur

Cern,e for I'olicy Sludics

Developpement Social ~ Sante

V. K.N~If:l.j

Nbdr;u In .. im.e ofDc-~dUp""'nt s.r:udie

Rupa Shah


S,NDTWorn",,', Univn-sity. Mumbai

s. S. A(" ~r,.,.


Ins,i,,,,,, ofDevduprrw ," St"Ji<"S. Jail'ur

11. K.Joshi

Allc;,,11 Vict-ClIlIICclier KunWJII Uni,";:rsicy

Gestion Environnementale

Vi"od Kuma. Sharma

xicn,ilique priocipal CI .:hd dc divi.ion

Indi.~ Gandhi 1M",,,!,, ofDcv.,loplTKm R=rch. r\{umn.i

R. 1I. l.a l


In.';[[l1e of F..lJuily .nd Develop""n. , Cuia,," Vidrap«.h, Ahmooabad

G. II. I'anl


Sant., P",d In" itute "fSoci.1 ~nd E",,,,,,,,ic Resc •• ch. Ahm"d~had

I-I. I~ Singh

A",ierr dir<'elcur

c;.,n'r.,l Re",art:h '""ilu • .-dDryl.nd Agricultu.e. Ilrd"I':Ibad

Page 33: L' INSTITUT HASTRI 'NDO CANADIAN INDO-CANADIEN INSTIT UTE · I~I ye.lr, I reported Ihal the Sh35tri InnilUtc W35 in the final StJgcs of negOtiJting ~ WIlIr.JCI with ClDA for a $4.1

Sharon Brown

UniVC:f!.i,y of Toronto

Moni,,<kr U .. blKr

Simon I'r_r t..: "iVCf~il y

Gabrklla Ilochman"

CvncorJ ia Univc'$LI)'

Janice Kn:ider

Uni,e ' $ilY dBriti,h Coluo"bi.

Sl"'d Nucer Mc(; ,l1 Uni,,".~ i ty

C.rrol L .. "ou (obs",vr) N.nion.1 Libu.y of O",.d.

Nominating Committee

Gary ..,.nLoon (Ch.i t)

Qu,,",n', Uni,· .. ",ity

I'hyllis G"~'LOff McM.$te. University

Lal .. Mansinha

linr.'cf>;'y ofWl'$tcrn Onurio

SHARP Project Management Committee

Lt"na Antitr)On (Ch~i.)

L'ni'~fl;i,y of !Y:sin.

Kumud Ibn,...1

Additiooal S«~my

Dc-pa.m'cn, "fEdu<.niot)

Mi"l<'ry of Ilu""" R<-'S<>Uf(;C Dc ... dop"'~nt Gov"lIImcnt "fl,,,li.1

MadhH G~dgil ind i"n InMilll,cufScicn<;t'. nangal",,'

J~m"" Gardue. Univn~i,)· or M.,,"ui'A

Ian McAlliSTer

D.lhou$ic Univc:rsily

Vinoo Chandn Sriv<Uta ....

Indian InS"tu'c "f Ad,-."cw S"od)". Sh,ml.

Mkhael Rymc!. C.nadi.n Intcrna,iollal i~dopn ... nt Agency

Chand .... n Thin,chiuampoolan'

Dn'elo'l''''CnL Cuun..cllo.

e:.n~id" I lig.h Comoni""i"n

Lavinia Mohr

1'.njeCt l)im;,,,. Sha;"i In,mUlc c.LI,ad~ Office

Ann.adha Chatte.ji P">g,,,,,,mc Co·{>.dinalnr

~h.>L r i InMiwl< it"ll" Office

SHARP Programme Advisory Committee

Om Kamn (Ch.ir)

Vicc.I'rai.kn' (India Oilier)

s. r. Gaur Joi", &.;re'~ry (U,,;vcfSi~ y ~nd lligher


IXI'<>rtmcIlI of &lUGl;",,,

MiniMry ",f Hllm." R"",u"t Oc>'dopl11c'"

GO" .. rr"n~nt ufl"di.

Ch"ndran Th;.uchill.n'p~l"m

e:.nadi~" High Commi",ion

Economic Reform

R. Itadhakri.hna

Dir«tor Indir:l. Gandhi InSlitUlc ofDc"dopmcn, ,=,h

B. D. Uhauad>arya

Directo. I Mli,,,"c of Econumic Gro,,~h

S. I~ Ka.hyap

Direaor S:o.ddr P~,d Ins,iUltc "f [eo,,,,,,,i~ "nd

Social Research

J. K. Bajaj Di.eclUr

Celll.e for Po!i~-y S,udiM

Social Development: Health

V. K. Nunj M;,dr.os I""itute of Ocvclopmcnt 'stOO''''

Rupa Shah

Vi.;e Ch~n~ellor 'iND r Women's Unive.sity. Mumha;

S. S. Acharya

[); '«.I(>r t ",I" nt(" uf [)",'d"pmcIlI ,S,ud ie!. Jail'"r

I). K. jo)hi

I"orrm" Vi.e Ch.(Kdlnt

Kum."n l"""c,,;ty

Environmental Management

Vinoo K .. ",ar Sharma

l'nn~il'.l.xicnti" and Diviiional Head

Indira (.~rnlhi I".titu~e ofOc>'elopmcm

RocaRh, \I"",,,",i

R. II. Lal

I)""cwr In),itLue ,lEqullY .nd Development.

(,"j~rJ' ViJpl'''''th, Ahmed.bad

G. D. I"""t I)i.c<tor S".J.;.r I'Jlci \nsl i,uleofS.",ial:lJld

\..:"""ntk Resarch. AI"n<-<lab.d

11.1'. Singh

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