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NIET JOURNAL oFENGINEERING &TECHNOLOGY Winter 2011 co N co L.{) I (j) N N N Z (J) (J) PLANNING AND OPTIMIZATION OF UMTS NETWORK RADIO LINK WITH LIMITED INTERFERENCE Satyendra Sharma' Abstract Coverage and Capacity are significant issues in RF planning process for Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS). Radio link is interference limited and interference limited network is capacity limited. On the other hand, noise limited network are considered to be coverage limited. An important step towards mitigating this problem is to reduce interference by controlling channel power and re-configuring existing Base station(BS),so as to enhance Capacity and Coverage of a network. In this paper we propose an effective method for optimizing channel power along with maximizing the number of served users and minimizing the number of cell sites. 'Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology Greater Noida. Satyendra Jupa@ indiatimes. com 'Brahm)it Singh. Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida. brahmj [email protected]. Dr Brahmjit Singh' Introduction I n cellular networks planning and optimization, parameters such as communication channel transmit power, level of interference, traffic type and distribution, soft capacity should be considered on priority. Optimizing the channel transmit power along with maximizing the number of several users and minimizing the numberofcell sites [2]. The coverage problems in a network are defined by considering the signal level in each test point from all Base stations (BS) and our requirement is at least one level above a fixed threshold level. Network may be planned for signal quality rather than signal strength [1]. Selection of good Base station sites and channels will result in acceptable coverage performance at Base stations both in coverage area and in signal quality. Heuristic search method is to solve the maximal coverage location problem of transmitters. Maximizing coverage and minimizing transmitters may be archived by a Genetic Algorithm [10]. Capacity estimation is an important issue in performance analysis and call admission control and it is closely related to power control, strength based power control systems and signal to interference ratio (SIR) based power control system. The relationship between received power at a Base station (BS) and total


Winter 2011coNcoL.{)I






Coverage and Capacity are significant issues in RFplanning process for Universal MobileTelecommunication System (UMTS). Radio link isinterference limited and interference limited network iscapacity limited. On the other hand, noise limitednetwork are considered to be coverage limited. Animportant step towards mitigating this problem is toreduce interference by controlling channel power andre-configuring existing Base station(BS),so as toenhance Capacity and Coverage of a network. In thispaper we propose an effective method for optimizingchannel power along with maximizing the number ofserved users and minimizing the number of cell sites.

'Noida Institute of Engineering& Technology Greater Noida.Satyendra Jupa@ indiatimes. com

'Brahm)it Singh. Gautam BuddhaUniversity, Greater Noida.brahmj [email protected].

Dr Brahmjit Singh'


In cellular networks planning and optimization,parameters such as communication channeltransmit power, level of interference, traffic typeand distribution, soft capacity should beconsidered on priority. Optimizing the channeltransmit power along with maximizing thenumber of several users and minimizing thenumberofcell sites [2].

The coverage problems in a network are definedby considering the signal level in each test pointfrom all Base stations (BS) and our requirementis at least one level above a fixed threshold level.Network may be planned for signal quality ratherthan signal strength [1]. Selection of good Basestation sites and channels will result inacceptable coverage performance at Basestations both in coverage area and in signalquality. Heuristic search method is to solve themaximal coverage location problem oftransmitters. Maximizing coverage andminimizing transmitters may be archived by aGenetic Algorithm [10].

Capacity estimation is an important issue inperformance analysis and call admissioncontrol and it is closely related to power control,strength based power control systems andsignal to interference ratio (SIR) based powercontrol system. The relationship betweenreceived power at a Base station (BS) and total

other cell interference from users who are powercontrolled by other Base stations is derived formaximum capacity [11].

An economic design of network, a trade offbetween the cost of coverage and the benefitresulting from covering area is desired. This typeof coverage model assumes a limited budgetand includes this as a constant on the number .offacilities to be located. Thus, the optimizationtries to place a fixed number of Base stations, sothat the proportion of demand nodes covered bythe cell within the permitted range is maximized.This may be explored using heuristicalgorithm [12].

3G and 4G systems in addition to frequencyplanning involve various other parameters formaking trade-off between coverage/capacityand service quality. These includecommunication power, interference level, trafficand soft capacity. An interference limited networkis usually considered to be capacity limited. Onthe other hand, noise limited networksconsidered to be coverage limited [1, 13, 14].

Capacity and coverage calculation:If there are N users in a cell and the signal isdenoted by 8 then the interference can becalculated as I = (N - 1) 8 + 1"], where I"] is the background thermal noise. Hence the 8NR is given by

SNR = S 1 (1)(N -1)S +Y\ (N -1) +Y\ / S

8uppose the detector for each user can operateagainst the noise at an energy per bit-to noisepower density level is given by EJNo, whosenumerator is obtained by dividing the desiredsignal power by the information bit rate, R, anddividing the noise (or interference) by the totalbandwidth, W. This results in

Eb/N = W/Ro (N-l)+y\/S (2)

Where W/R is generally referred to as the"Processing gain" and the background noisedetermines the cell radius for a given transmitterpower. The above equation can be written as thecapacity in terms of number of users,

N=I+ W/R _~s, /No S


Winter 2011

That means, the number of users is reduced bythe inverse of the per user signal-to-noise ratio(8NR) in the total system spread bandwidth, W.However, ifthe user is not speaking during part ofthe conversation, the output of the coder islowered to prevent the power from beingtransmitted unnecessarily. This reduces theaverage signal power of all users andconsequently the interference received by eachuser. The capacity is then increased proportionalto this overall rate reduction. In order to attain anincrease in capacity, the interference due toother users should be reduced. This can be doneusing antenna sectorization and monitoring ofvoice activity [13 , 14]. Thus with sectorizationand voice activity monitoring factor a, theaverage EJNo


Where Ns, the number of users per sector andthe interference to be that received by onesector's antenna. Now, consider interferencefrom the jth user in neighboring cell k, then theratio of other cell interference to the receivedsignal strength at home base station is 1/8 [10].Then equation (4) becomes

E bl W / R (5)/No (Ns-l)a+(J/S)a+ll/S

Where (I/S)=(rm/rJm'(~o-~m) ,rm is the randomdistance to the corresponding home cell basestation, ro is the distance to the neighboring cell,represent the shadowing parameter and m is thepath loss exponent [14]. We can also write theabove equation as

S = ---'ll _



-(Ns -l)a -(J/S)a

Finally, the received power at the base stationfrom the user1 , is given by

8 = 8,-Lp-U (7)

Where 81 is the transmission power of the user,


Lp is propagation path loss at distance d fromthe mobile station to base station and U is theshadow fading losses. From equations (6) and(7) we can build a relation among the receivedpower, number of users and the coverage area.

Results and discussions:A state-of-the-art planning is formulated byproposed solution method. 8ystem modelincorporated here is considering a networkwith an area of m x n (km) which needs to beprovided with coverage. Let us consider anArea, where the number of required sites (St) ismade and the operators have a set of candidatesites; 8= {81, 82, ... , 8t}. The cells need toprovide coverage for a total number of Ut usersin the area, according to the traffic modelsuggested in the dimensioning phase. Each celloperates at a power of P = {P1, P2, ... , Pmax} ..We aim to minimize the cost associated with cellsites, by using the minimum number of cell-sitesand maximize the revenue by increasing thenumber of served users. Hence, the objectivefunction can be defined as:

max F(fl'f2,j3) = WJI + W2f2 + r.r. (1)


WI +W2 +W3 =1Where


(" = Us f = p, - P,t f = St - So (3)JI U' 2 p' 3 S

t t t

Here, Ut is the total number of users, Us is thenumber of served users, Pt represents totalavailable power from all sites, Pu is total usedpower by all sites, 8t and 80 show the totalnumber of sites and total number of "on" sites- incontrast to an "off" site, or a site that does notneed to be deployed. W, to W3 represent theweight associated with the parameter we wouldlike to optimize. While Ut, Pt and 8t are fixednumbers in the system, we intend to find thesub-optimal values for Us>P, and 80 in a way thatthe objective function F(!; ,12' h) is maximized.

Let us consider, for a rural area where each cellsite is divided into three sectors, total areacovered is 10X 10 km. Antenna height is 35 mand user height is 1.5 m and others data are:

Winter 2011

U, = 1000, Us= 764, P, = 3 db, Pu= 2.8 db, 8,=780=4

The simulated results are shown as:

LetW,= Oto 1;

W2= Oto (1-W1);

W3= 1-(W1 +W2);

Then Z = WJl + W2f2 + W3f3Z = WI (1.308)+ ff2 (0.066) + W3 (1- W I - W2)

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