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L01 Computer Applications in Management

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  • 8/8/2019 L01 Computer Applications in Management



    Computer Applications inManagement


  • 8/8/2019 L01 Computer Applications in Management



    Role of Computers Computers are now affecting every sphere

    of human activity and are bringing aboutmany changes in

    Industry, Government,



    Scientific / Business Research, Law,

    Social Sciences and even in arts like musicand painting, etc.

  • 8/8/2019 L01 Computer Applications in Management



    Role of Computers

    The areas of applications of computers are

    confined only by limitations on human

    creativity and imagination. It is essential, therefore, for every

    educated person to know about

    computers, their strengths, weaknesses,

    and their internal structure.

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    Personal Benefits of Learning aboutComputers

    Improved EmploymentProspects:computer related skills have becomeessential in many careers. Knowledge of

    computers will make you marketable toprospective employers.

    Skills that span different aspects of life:

    You will find your computer skills valuableregardless of the setting at home, work,college, or play.

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    Personal Benefits of Learning aboutComputers

    Greater Self Sufficiency: Computers aretools, and you can use them in severalsituations to become actually more self

    sufficient. A Foundation Knowledge for a Life Time

    Learning: By mastering the fundamental

    concepts, you will develop a strong basethat will support your learning for years tocome.

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    Information Technology

    Normally, we do not study computers in isolation.

    In the age ofconvergence of technologies, it is more

    appropriate to consider a wider perspective of computers,

    viz., the Information Technology.

    IT is a term that encompasses all forms of technology

    used to create, store, exchange, and use information in its

    various forms Business data, Voice conversations, Still

    images, Motion Pictures, Multimedia presentations, and

    other forms, including those not yet conceived.

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    Information Technology

    It is Information Technology that

    is driving what has often beencalled The InformationRevolution.

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    Business Pressures being faced byModern Organizations

    Modern business organizations today are facingextreme competitive pulls and need to developsystems to cope with such pressures:

    Globalization of Industry

    Enlarged scope of Business

    Enlarged geographical spread.

    Increasing competition

    Increase in expectation of customers in terms of

    Better quality, Lower costs, Newer products, Morevariety, Quicker deliveries.

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    Business Pressures being faced byModern Organizations

    Growing environmental demands:

    Faster response to customer inquiries

    Reduction in turnaround time

    Faster design

    Faster communication

    Total Quality Management

    Up-to-date information with all concerned.

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    IT Support for Organizational

    Responses to Business Pressures

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    Why Should You Learn about

    Information Technology (IT)? IT is essential for work in organizations.

    IT will reduce the number of middlemanagers.

    IT will change the managers job frommonotonous to more creative.

    IT impacts employees at work.

    IT impacts employees health and safety. IT is used by all departments.

  • 8/8/2019 L01 Computer Applications in Management



    Why Should You Learn about

    Information Technology (IT)? As an IT literate manager, you mayprovide your organization with

    Strategic advantage by facilitating problem

    solving. Increasing productivity and quality.

    Increasing speed.

    Improving customer service.

    Enhancing communication and collaboration.

    Enabling business process restructuring.

    Acting as a Change Agent for continuousimprovement.

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    What is in IT for Me?As students of Management, it is

    important for you to know howcomputers or Information Technology

    is being applied in various

    management areas.

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    Data and Information are integral to theaccounting function.

    Information Systems (IS) capture, organize,analyze and disseminate data and informationthroughout modern organizations.

    Virtually no companies in the modern businessworld handle their accounting without supportfrom computers.

    Accounting IS commonly integrates with other ISso that transactional information from a Sales orMarketing IS becomes input for the Accounting IS.

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    The modern financial world turns on speed,volume, and accuracy ofinformation flow, all

    facilitated by advanced information systems and


    IS can monitorworld financial markets, supportfinancial decision making, e.g., for portfolio

    Management, provide quantitative analyses, e.g.

    for cash flow projections, and support a host of

    other financial functions.

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    The Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) haveopened an entirely new channel for marketing from

    business to business and business to consumer.

    They have also dramatically increased the amount of

    information available to customers, allowing rapid and

    thorough product and price comparisons.

    The Internet also provides for much closer contact

    between the consumer and the supplier.

    The e-commerce venue continues to grow in size and

    sophistication so that every one contemplating a careerin marketing must be thoroughly trained in its unique

    technologies and techniques.

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    Every process in a product or services value chain can

    be enhanced by the use of computer-based IS.

    In Manufacturing, these processes occur everywhere

    from supplier, production and logistics, through themanufacturing process, through outbound logistics, and

    after the sale of the product.

    The value chains in service industries are also a series

    of processes that benefit from IS support.

    IS have transformed the competitive landscape by the

    use of IT from CAD and CIM, through Internet-based

    Order systems.

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    Human Resources Management

    HRM is changing radically with the use of IS. Record Keeping has greatly improved in terms of speed,

    convenience and accuracy.

    Dissemination ofHR information throughout thecompany via private company intranets helps employeesto handle much of their personal business (e.g.configuring their benefits) themselves, without directintervention of the HR personnel.

    The Internet makes a tremendous amount of informationavailable to the job seeker, increasing the fluidity of thelabor market.

    IS skills are becoming imperative in many careers HRprofessionals must have an understanding of thesesystems and skills to best support hiring, training, and


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    Trends & Importance of IT

    IT has become a major facilitator of business activities inthe world today.

    It is also a catalyst of fundamental changes in the

    structure, operations, and management of organizations. The capabilities of IT support the following business

    objectives: Improving Productivity

    Reducing Costs

    Improving Decision Making

    Enhancing Customer Relationships and improved communicationwithin the organization, and

    Developing new strategic applications

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    Impact of Convergence

    Telecommunications networks are carrying signals fordata, text, video, graphics, and voice

    Many services are becoming accessible from homeBanking, Ordering, work at home, News, mail, On-line

    Education, Medical consultation, Voting. Cultural impactwill be visible Telecommuting, Cashless

    Society, Very little town/city differences

    E-commerce is emerging a very significant global

    economic element in the 21st

    Century Networked computing is emerging as the standard

    computing environment in business, home, and Govt.

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    Components of ComputerSystem

    A computer system includes thefollowing:

    1. Hardware any physical component whichwe can touch/see.

    2. Software data contained in the hardware,

    similar to songs in audio cassette .3. Live ware (user) the computer operator
