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L1 Intro Anatomy

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Intro Anatomy

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  • DR.KHIN MYO THUFaculty PerubatanUiTM

  • Introduction to AnatomyAnatomy is a branch of Biological Science that deals with the study of structure The term Anatomy is derived from Greek and means to cut up (that is, to dissect). Now the study of Anatomy is not entirely based on dissections Modern methods include Radiological Anatomy, study of structure by CT-SCAN, MRI, and ULTRASONOGRAPHY

  • Introduction to AnatomyHuman Anatomy can be studied in two different ways: A. Systemic Anatomy B. Regional Anatomy


    Study of structure of a system is Systemic Anatomy.Various tissues combine in varying proportions to form different organs and other structures of the human body. Organs and other structures of the body can be classified according to their functions into a number of groups or systems as enumerated below.

  • A: SYSTEMIC ANATOMY1. Skeletal System (or Osteology) : includes the study of bones and cartilages which form the Human Skeleton2. Syndesmology, Arthrology or Articular System: includes the study of joints.3. Myology or Muscular System: is the study of muscles.4. Angiology or Cardiovascular system: includes the study of: (a) Blood vascular system consisting of Heart and Blood vessels through which the blood circulates (b) Lymphatic System consisting of lymph nodes and lymph vessels through which the lymph circulates


    5. Respiratory System: includes the organs of respiration such as nasal cavities, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs6. Digestive System: includes the organs involved in the ingestion, digestion, and excretion of undigested food 7. Urogenital, System: includes: (a) Urinary system (kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra) (b) Genital system: includes male and female reproductive organs

  • A: SYSTEMIC ANATOMY8. Neurology or Nervous System: includes the study of : (a) Central Nervous System (Brain and Spinal cord) (b) Peripheral Nervous System ( 12 pairs of cranial nerves, 31 pairs of spinal nerves, and Autonomic nerves)9. Endocrinology: is the study of structures called ductless glands which secrete hormones (Thyroid gland, Parathyroid glands, Pituitary glands, Islets of Langerhans, Supra-renal glands, Endocrine parts of Gonads etc.)


    This is the type of study in which the structures of the body are studied as they lie in relation with one another in different regions of the body. In this type of study, the human body is divided into the following regions: 1. Head 2. Neck 3.Thorax 4. Abdomen & Pelvis 5. Upper Limbs 6. Lower Limbs

  • BRANCHES OF HUMAN ANATOMY:1. Gross Anatomy: is the study of structures that are visible to the naked eyes. In this type of study, observations are made by dissecting the dead human bodies or cadavers2. Microscopic Anatomy or Histology: is the study of minute structure of the body with the help of microscope. *Microscopes are of two basic types: Light & Electron. Light microscopes use a beam of light Electron microscope use a beam of electron

  • Light Microscopes

  • Transmission electron microscopeScanning electron microscope

  • MicroscopyHuman red blood cells seen under (a) light microscope (b) & ( c) under electron microscope

  • BRANCHES OF HUMAN ANATOMY:3. Embryology:is the study of human organism from the fertilization of the ovum to the birth of the individual. Thus Embryology deals with the pre-natal development The term Developmental Anatomy is used to include both pre-natal and post-natal developments

    4. Surface Anatomy: is the identification and study of those structures which are susceptible of examination through the skin

  • BRANCHES OF HUMAN ANATOMY:5. Radiological Anatomy: is the study of structures of the body by using X rays *Computed Tomography (CT; also called Computerized Axial Tomography-CAT SCAN) *Ultrasonography (or Sonography) makes use of high frequency sound waves instead of X rays. *Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) uses a powerful magnetic field instead of X rays

  • Computed AxialTomography (CAT SCAN)

    Computer assisted radiography

    In this method xray beam traces an arc at multiple angles around a section of the body, and transverse section of this is reproduced on video monitorIt visualizes the soft tissues and organs with much more details

  • Ultrasonography

  • BRANCHES OF HUMAN ANATOMY:6. Comparative Anatomy: is the study of Anatomy of other animals.

    7. Applied Anatomy (Clinical Anatomy): is the direct application of facts of Human Anatomy in the understanding of Medicine and Surgery
