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Title: Tsotsi Location and Social Representation Analysis Monday 1 st December 2014 FM4: Varieties of Film Experience – Issues and Debates Section A Specialist Study 1: Urban Stories – Power, Poverty and Conflict


Tsotsi – Location and Social Representation Analysis

Monday 1st December 2014

FM4: Varieties of Film Experience – Issues and Debates

Section A Specialist Study 1: Urban Stories – Power, Poverty and



Aims & Objectives

• YOU WILL re-cap prior learning.

• YOU WILL analyse the representation of the location and social issues from the principle text Tsotsi.

• Review the learning.


Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of film as an audio-visual form of creative expression together and

AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding, including some of the common critical approaches that characterise the subject, when exploring and analysing films.

Starter 1) – Re-cap Prior Learning

You need to complete the Quiz on FM4 – Section A by going to:

ncrafts.wordpress.com – Hover over ‘WJEC A2 Film Studies’ and then ‘Section A’ – Click on the ‘FM4: Section A’ Page – Click on the hyperlink to the quiz


How did you get on?

Using your mini-whiteboards, YOU MUST summarise these themes & issues based on what you learnt over the last few lessons. YOU SHOULD give examples (Verbal, non-verbal and/or technical) of where this transition is represented in the text.

Decency & Redemption“A Brutal, Hardened Gang Leader”

(Karen Lee-Street – 2013)

Starter 2) –2 minutes


How did you get on?

(Karen Lee-Street – 2013)

The extract where the policeman says “f*ck” after looing out into Soweto –

YOU MUST answer the questions BELOW after watching the scene: 1) WHY does he say this?2) Does he fear something/someone?3) Does this ‘signify’ (De Saussure) the divide between different communities in the city?4) The technical code of the wide shot of the Soweto landscape – Connotations?

YOU SHOULD be prepared to identify example from the film and feedback your ideas to the rest of the class.

Task 1) – 8 minutes


How did you get on?

Task 2) – 8 minutes

Task 2) – 10 minutes

“Think – Pair – Share”Based on the handout provided (previous slide), YOU MUST consider the following:

• WHAT messages and values are ‘injected’ (Hperdermic needle theory) into the spectators minds about the people and/or places represented in EACH image?

• HOW do the spectators respond to this representation? Extension - YOU COULD refer to theory such as Stuart Hall (1980) ‘Audience reception’

Task 2) – 8 minutes


What have you learnt?

YOU MUST summarise the 2 themes into 1 sentence for EACH theme.

Extension – YOU COULD give examples from the text to support your understanding.

Tsotsi – Locations & Social Issues

HomeworkProduce a “Mind-Map” of the Location and Social Issues represented in the text. (1 Page) Due: Next Lesson – L9 – Tuesday 3rd December

Study this – Complete some of the tasks!
