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LA DEMANDA Y LA OFERTA AGREGADA Principios de Economía Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas Prof. José Antonio Belso-Martínez Departamento de Estudios Económicos y Financieros Universidad Miguel Hernández. E-mail: [email protected]
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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering



Prof. José Antonio Belso-Martínez Departamento de Estudios Económicos y Financieros

Universidad Miguel Hernández. E-mail: [email protected]

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

Mapa Conceptual

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

¿Qué vamos a estudiar en este tema?

•  Iden&ficarlosprincipalesobje&vosmacroeconómicosdecualquiergobiernoylosinstrumentosasualcance

•  Comprenderyvalorarlarelaciónexistenteentreconsumo,ahorroeinversiónenunaeconomía.

•  Entenderquéeslaproducciónpotencialfrentealaefec&va.•  Estudiarlosfactoresdelosquedependelademanda

agregadaylaofertaagregadadeunpaís.•  Comprenderlarelaciónexistenteentreproducciónnacional


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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

Macroeconomía: objetivos e instrumentos

•  Estudiamosenlamacroeconomía,elestadoglobalylaevolucióndelaeconomíadeunpaísounaregión.

•  Nosfijarnosenlosgrandesagregadoseconómicosomacromagnitudes,variableseconómicasreferidasatodoslosmercadosensuconjuntoyatodoslosagenteseconómicos.

•  Lasprincipalesmacromagnitudessonlaproducciónnacional,lospreciosyelempleo.

•  Nuestraaproximaciónalniveldeproduccióndeunaeconomía,suniveldeprecios,yelniveldeempleo,serealizavíaelmodelodedemandaagregada(DA)yofertaagregada(OA),

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

Macroeconomía: objetivos e instrumentos

•  Macroeconomíaesfundamentalparapoderformularpolí&caseconómicasporpartedeungobiernoeinfluirasienlamarchayevolucióndeesaeconomía

•  Losobje&vosmacroeconómicos:1.  Procurarelcrecimientoeconómicodelpaísatravésdelcrecimiento

delaproducciónnacional.2.  Lucharcontralainflaciónosubidageneralizadaycon&nuadelos

preciosdelosbienesyservicios.3.  Lucharcontraelparoeintentaralcanzarelplenoempleoenuna

economía.4.  Reducirlomáximoposibleeldéficitpúblicoyalcanzarunasituación

deestabilidadpresupuestaria.5.  Reducirlomáximoposibleeldéficitexterioroladeudadelpaíscon


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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

Macroeconomía: objetivos e instrumentos




1.  Lapolí&cafiscal(conlosimpuestosyelgastopúblico).2.  Lapolí&camonetaria(conlacan&daddedineroenlaeconomía

ylos&posdeinterés).3.  Lapolí&cacambiaria(conlos&posdecambiodelamoneda,los


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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

Macroeconomía: objetivos e instrumentos


•  Elestadodeunaeconomíasemideporlacan&dadderentaquegenera.Lavariablemacroeconómicamásimportanteparaobservarlasituaciónylaevolucióndeunaeconomíaeslarentanacionaloproducciónnacional(Y).

•  Demanerageneral,unaeconomíacreceygeneraempleocuandocrecelaproducciónnacional.

•  Tambiénsueleargumentarsequeelnivelylacalidaddevidadelosciudadanosmejoracuandoseincrementalarentanacional.

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

Macroeconomía: objetivos e instrumentos



•  ElproductonacionalnocontabilizalasacEvidadesdeproduccióndebienesyserviciosrealizadasalmargendelmercado.

•  Solocontabilizasonlosbienesyserviciosfinales,nolosbienesintermediosu&lizadosyaplicadosalaproducción.Lafinalidadesevitarladoblecontabilización,yaqueeloutputdealgunasindustriascons&tuyeelinputdeotras.

•  laúnicamaneradecontabilizarlosesasignándolesunvalormonetario:unprecio.Elcambioenlospreciosinfluyenenlacontabilización.

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

Macroeconomía: objetivos e instrumentos



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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

Repasamos ideas y conceptos

•  Definequéesladoblecontabilizaciónenelcálculodelaproducciónnacional.

•  Explicaquédiferenciaexisteentreproducciónnominalyproducciónreal.•  Explicaporquédecimosquelostresmétodosparacalcularlaproducción

nacionalsonequivalentes.•  Enlaproducciónnacionalsecontabilizaelvalordelasmateriasprimas


•  Sientredosañosconsecu&voslatasadecrecimientodelPIBnominalcoincideconlatasadevariacióndelPIBreal,¿cuálserálatasadeinflaciónentreesosdosaños?Jus&ficaturespuesta.

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

Macroeconomía: objetivos e instrumentos





nominal×= ; 100



real ×=

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

Macroeconomía: objetivos e instrumentos


Año Automóviles Ordenadores P Q P Q

2007 12.000 €/un. 3.000 unid. 600 €/un. 20.000 unid. 2008 14.000 €/un. 4.500 unid. 750 €/un. 22.000 unid.

1.  CalcularelPIBnominaldel2007ydel2008.2.  CalcularelPIBrealdel2007ydel2008.3.  CalculareldeflactordelPIBdel2007ydel2008.4.  CalcularlatasadecrecimientodelPIBnominal,latasadecrecimientodelPIBreal,


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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

Modelo del flujo circular de la renta


Mercados de bienes y servicios

R, w, i, Bº

T, L, K, E

Precio de los bienes y servicios

Bienes y servicios


Economías domésticas o familias

Mercados de factores productivos

Bienes y servicios

T, L, K, E

R, w, i, Bº

Precio de los bienes y servicios

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

Calculando vía método de producción










VABi = valor añadido bruto de la empresa “i” perteneciente al sector agrario o primario. VABj = valor añadido bruto de la empresa “j” perteneciente al sector industrial o secundario. VABh = valor añadido bruto de la empresa “h” perteneciente al sector terciario o servicios.

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

•  Métododelgastoodelademanda:eselmásu&lizadoyconsisteensumarlademandaogastototalrealizadoenlaeconomíaporlosdis&ntosagentesquepar&cipanenella.

•  Asíelgastorealizadoporlasfamiliasoeconomíasdomés&casenlacompradebienesyserviciossedenominaconsumooconsumoprivado(c)

•  elgastorealizadoporlasempresascomprandobienesdecapitalsedenominainversión(I)

•  elgastorealizadoporelcon-juntodelasadministraciones,empresasyentespúblicossedenominagastopúblico(G)

•  elgastonetoqueelsectorexteriorrealizaennuestropaíssedenominasaldoexteriorneto(X–M)


Calculando vía método de gasto

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering


Calculando vía método de renta


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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

La economía a nivel macro

•  Analizarelfuncionamientodeunaeconomíadesdeelpuntodevistamacroeconómicoesanalizarelmercadonacional.

•  Setratadeungranmercadoqueagregaeintegralosmercadosdetodoslosbienesyserviciosproducidosyconsumidosenunaeconomía.

•  Sufuncionamientoesmuysimilaralfuncionamientodeunmercadonormal,peroconalgunasdiferencias.

•  Elgranmercadonacionalestáformadoporunademanda,lademandaagregada(DA),yunaoferta,laofertaagregada(OA)

•  Ponenenrelaciónelnivelgeneraldelospreciosdeunaeconomía(P)yelvalortotaldelascan&dadesdebienesyserviciosproducidosyconsumidosenesaeconomía(Y)

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

La economía a nivel macro



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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

La economía a nivel macro





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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

La economía a nivel macro

LaDAestácompuestapor:•  elconsumo(C)ogastorealizadoporlaseconomíasdomés&casenlacomprade

bienesyservicios•  lainversión(I)ogastorealizadoporlasempresasdelpaísenlaadquisiciónde

bienesdeequipoybienesinter-medios•  elgastopúblico(G)ogastorealizadoporelsectorpúblicodelpaísenlacompra


•  elsaldoexteriorneto(X-M)ogastonetoqueelsectorexteriorestádispuestoarealizarcomprandobienesyserviciosproducidosennuestropaís.

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

El consumo

•  Depende,ademásdelosprecios,delarentadisponible(Yd),delos&posdeinterés(i),delapropensiónmarginalalconsumo(c)ydelasexpecta&vasdelosconsumidoressobrelainflación.

•  ElconsumodependeposiEvamentedelarentadisponible.Todoaquelloque

hagaaumentarYd,aumentarátambiénelconsumoyexpandiralaDA.•  Larentadisponibledepende,asuvez,delosimpuestosdirectosquedebenpagar



•  ElconsumodependenegaEvamentedelEpodeinterésdelaeconomía.Cuantomáscaroseaelcrédito,menoscan&daddedineroestarándispuestosagastarselosconsumidoresenlaadquisicióndedeterminadosbienesyservicios(especialmentede&poduradero).

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

El consumo

•  ElconsumodependeposiEvamentedeunapropensiónmarginal,proporcióndeunaunidadadicionalderentades&nadaalconsumo.

•  TambiéninfluyenenlasdecisionesdeconsumopresentelasexpectaEvas


•  Elconsumo&eneuncomponenteautónomoquenodependedelarentadisponibledelosindividuos.

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

La inversión

•  Lainversióneselgastoquerealizanlasempresasenreponerelcapitaldepreciado(máquinas,herramientasyutensiliosdesgastadosuobsoletos)yenlacompradenuevosbienesdeequipo

•  Tambiénesinversiónlacompradeexistenciasomercaderíasquesuponenlainmovilizacióndeunasdeterminadascan&dadesdedineroqueseesperarentabilizar.

•  Lainversióneselcomponentemásvolá&ldelaDAydependedel&podeinterésdelaeconomía(i),delasexpecta&vasempresarialessobrelosbeneficiosfuturosydelacapacidadinstaladau&lizada

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

La inversión

•  LainversióndependenegaEvamentedelEpodeinterésgeneraldelaeconomía.Lamayoríadelasinversionesrequierenimportantesdesembolsosdedineroquelasempresasno&enenenesosmomentos.Portanto,larealizacióndedichasinversionesnecesitaserfinanciada.

•  LainversióndependeposiEvamentedelasexpectaEvasempresarialessobrelosbeneficiosfuturos.Silasempresasesperanincrementarsusventasybeneficiosenunfuturomásomenospróximo,decidiránacometerinversionesparaincrementarsucapacidadproduc&va.

•  LainversióntambiéndependedelgradodeuElizacióndelasinstalacionesproducEvasdelasempresasdeunpaís.Simaquinariaeinstalacionesestánsiendou&lizadaspordebajodesupotencial,lasempresasincrementanlaproducciónsinnecesidadderealizarnuevasinversiones.

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

El gasto público



•  Elgastopúblicosueleconsiderarsecomounavariableexógena.Setratadeunavariableautónoma,quevienedadacomoundato.

•  DependedelciclopolíEco,yaqueelgastopúblicosueledispararseenépocaspreelectoralesysueleenfriarsedespuésdelaselecciones.

•  Dependedelacoyunturaeconómicaenlaqueseencuentreelpaís,deforma(p.ecrisiseconómicassueleaumentarelgastopúblico).

•  Transferencias,subvenciones…&enenunefectoindirectosobrelaDA.Soloactúanvíarentadisponible.

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

El saldo exterior

•  Elsaldoexterior(diferenciaentrelasexportacionesylasimportaciones)dependedelacapacidadcompe&&vadeunpaís.

•  Lacan&dadvendidaocompradaenelexteriordependeprincipalmentede:lospreciosrela&vosentrenuestropaísylosdeunpaísextranjero,del&podecambio,ydelosaranceles

•  LospreciosrelaEvosylainflaciónrelaEvaindicanlobaratosocarosquesonnuestrosproductosconrespectoalosproductosextranjeros.Silospreciosinternacionalessonmayoresquelospreciosnacionales,losproductosnacionalessonrela&vamentemásbaratosycompe&&vos.Aumentannuestrasexportacionesydisminuyennuestrasimportaciones.

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

El saldo exterior

•  ElEpodecambioeselpreciodeunamonedaextranjeraentérminosdelamonedanacionalysuvariaciónsuponeunabaratamientooencarecimientorela&vodelosproductosnacionalesconrespectoalosextranjeros.

•  El&podecambiobilateraldelasmonedassedeterminadiariamenteenlosmercadosdedivisassegúnlademandaylaofertadecadaunadelasmonedas.

Tco=n.o€/$•  Losarancelessonimpuestosqueencarecenelproductoextranjeroal


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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

Movimientos de la DA

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

La oferta agregada



•  LaOAdependeposiEvamentedelosprecios(P)y&ene,portanto,pendienteposi&va.

•  Dependedenega&vamentedeloscostesdeproducción.Cualquierincrementodeloscostesdeproducciónharaquelasempresasofrezcanmenoscan&daddebienesyserviciosparaelmismonivelgeneraldepreciosqueantes:seproduciraunacontraccióndelaoferta.

•  LaOAdependeposiEvamentedelaevolucióndelatecnología.Recordemosquelatecnologíaeselconjuntodeconocimientos,procesos,procedimientos,equiposyherramientasu&lizadosenlaproducción.

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

La oferta agregada

•  LaOAdependeposiEvamentedelnivelderentaoproducciónpotencial(Yp),queasuvezdependedelacan&daddefactoresproduc&vosdisponiblesenlaeconomía.



•  Lomáximoquepuedeproducirmanteniendolospreciosestables.Alaproducciónpotencialtambiénseledenominaniveldeproduccióndeplenoempleo.

•  LaOAesunacurvaconpendienteposi&vayrela&vamenteelás&cahastaalcanzarelniveldeproducciónpotencial.Cercadelniveldeplenoempleo,laOAsevahaciendover&cal(inelás&ca).AlsobrepasarYp,lapendientedelaOAesmuypronunciada.

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

La oferta agregada

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

Ideas, Conceptos y Actividades

RepasamosIdeasyConceptos•  Iden&ficalosfactoresquepuedenhacerdesplazarlaDAeindicacómoinfluyenenella.

Realizalamismaac&vidadconlosfactoresdelosquedependelaOA.•  Definequéeslaproducciónpotencialyenquésediferenciadelaproducciónefec&va.


AcEvidades•  LaaperturacomercialdelaeconomíadeChinahacequelosempresariosdenuestropaís


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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

El equilibrio macroeconómico

•  Elequilibriomacroeconómicoseob&eneenaquelpuntoenelquecoincidenlaOAylaDA.Estepuntonosdiráelnivelgeneraldelospreciosylaproducciónreal

•  Cualquierotronivelgeneraldelospreciosycualquierotroniveldeproducciónrealsituaránlaeconomíaenundesequilibrio,queimplicaráunreajustedelospreciosydelaproducciónyelempleo.

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

El equilibrio macroeconómico

•  Unescenarioidealpareceríaseraproximarlaproducciónrealhacialaproducciónpotencial.Deestemodoseconsiguereducireldesempleodelosrecursos.Imaginamosqueseproduceunmayorconsumoenlaeconomía.

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

Cambios en el equilibrio

•  Losefectospuedensermásomenosintensosdependiendodelocercaolejosqueseencuentrelaeconomíadesuniveldeplenoempleo.Porejemplo,fuertecrecimientodeproducciónybajodepreciossiestaalejada.

•  LosefectosdeunaexpansióndelaDA:porunladoseproduceunincrementodelospreciosenesaeconomíay,porotro,seproduceuncrecimientodelaproducciónnacionalydelempleo.Unacontraccióngeneraefectoscontrarios.

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

Cambios en el equilibrio

•  Lapendientedelademandaagregadadeterminaelefectosobrelaeconomíaenvariacióndepreciosyproducción(empleo)

•  LosefectosdeunaexpansióndelaOAsobrelaeconomíaconsistenenunadisminucióndelnivelgeneraldelospreciosy,almismo&empo,uncrecimientodelaproducciónyelempleo.

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x Bachelor´s Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering.

x Bachelor´s Degree in Biotechnology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Elche)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Management (Orihuela)

x Bachelor´s Degree in Business Statistics

x Bachelor´s Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Technologies

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation

x Bachelor´s Degree in Environmental Science

x Bachelor´s Degree in Food Science and Technology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism

x Bachelor´s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

x Bachelor´s Degree in Law

x Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

x Bachelor´s Degree in Medicine

x Bachelor´s Degree in Occupational Therapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Pharmacy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

x Bachelor´s Degree in Physiotherapy

x Bachelor´s Degree in Podiatry

x Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

x Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology

x Bachelor´s Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

Caso Práctico


•  ElBancoCentralEuropeo(BCE)subelos&posdeinterésenlaeurozona.

•  Elgobiernodeesepaísdisminuyelosimpuestos.•  Seproducenimportantesavancestecnológicos,frutodelas


