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Lab 4: Exploring Real Gigabit Ethernet Switches

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CS498 Networking Lab Spring 2012 Lab 4: Exploring Real Gigabit Ethernet Switches Instructor: Matthew Caesar Due Ethernet is probably the most widely used networking technologies. Gigabit Ethernet switches are common layer 2 networking devices for building wired local area network (LAN). Most switches consist of three components: buffers to handle congestion; algorithms to make scheduling and switching decisions; and switching fabric to forward data from one port to another. Different switches have different architecture designs and usually that information is not public-available. In this lab, we will explore the difference in the seemingly similar commodity switches, including scheduling policy, delay, and queueing buffer mechanism. Notes and FAQ 1. Login username and password user: cs498student password: cs498student (also the root password) 1 Testbed Component Description The testbed uses the following hardware and software to instrument, transmit, and capture Ethernet frames at line rates. 1.1 NetFPGA card, packet generator [1][2] To generate traffic up to line rate with user configured parameters such as frame size, sending rate and inter-frame gap. The data flows generated in this MP are Constant Bit Rate (CBR) Ethernet raw frames in pcap format. It can also capture frames at line rate. 1.2 Switches 3COM 3CGSU08 NetGear GS108v2 1.3 PackEth A Linux GUI packet generator tool for Ethernet. It is used to create customized input traffic files for this lab. 1.4 Wireshark A free and open-source packet analyzer. It is used for input traffic creation as well as output traffic analysis.

CS498 Networking Lab Spring 2012

Lab 4: Exploring Real Gigabit Ethernet Switches

Instructor: Matthew Caesar Due

Ethernet is probably the most widely used networking technologies. Gigabit Ethernet switches

are common layer 2 networking devices for building wired local area network (LAN). Most

switches consist of three components: buffers to handle congestion; algorithms to make

scheduling and switching decisions; and switching fabric to forward data from one port to

another. Different switches have different architecture designs and usually that information is not

public-available. In this lab, we will explore the difference in the seemingly similar commodity

switches, including scheduling policy, delay, and queueing buffer mechanism.

Notes and FAQ

1. Login username and password

user: cs498student

password: cs498student (also the root password)

1 Testbed Component Description

The testbed uses the following hardware and software to instrument, transmit, and capture

Ethernet frames at line rates.

1.1 NetFPGA card, packet generator [1][2]

To generate traffic up to line rate with user configured parameters such as frame size,

sending rate and inter-frame gap. The data flows generated in this MP are Constant

Bit Rate (CBR) Ethernet raw frames in pcap format. It can also capture frames at line


1.2 Switches


NetGear GS108v2

1.3 PackEth

A Linux GUI packet generator tool for Ethernet. It is used to create customized input

traffic files for this lab.

1.4 Wireshark

A free and open-source packet analyzer. It is used for input traffic creation as well as

output traffic analysis.

2 Initial Setup

2.1 Open a terminal and get the root privilege by typing


2.2 Check the availability of all four NetFPGA interfaces by typing


And you should see all four interfaces: nf2c0 to nf2c3

2.3 Check environment variable NF_DESIGN_DIR


you should see /root/netfpga/projects/packet_generator, if not, set it to the above


2.4 Reprogramming the CPCI on netFPGA card by

/usr/local/sbin/cpci_reprogram.pl –all

You should see “CPCI on NetFPGA 0 has been successfully reprogrammed”

2.5 Load packet generator module into the NetFPGA card by

nf_download /usr/local/netfpga/bitfiles/packet_generator.bit

you should see something like

Download completed - 2377668 bytes. (expected -1).

DONE went high - chip has been successfully programmed.

CPCI Information


Version: 4 (rev 1)

Device (Virtex) Information


Project directory: packet_generator

Project name: Packet Generator

Project description: Packet Generator that replays PCAP files

3 Experiments

3.1 Experiment 1 – Scheduling in Switch

This set of experiments explores the scheduling policy of two real switches by

monitoring the output rate and drop rate of three data flows. The three data flows

are injected into the switch from three input ports and output to the same output

port as shown in Figure 1.

Flow 1NetFPGA N0




Packet Generator










Flow 1Flow 2Flow 3Flow 2

Flow 3

Figure 1 Testbed Setup of Experiment 1

[Step 1] Setup Physical Connection

Connect the NetGear switch with the NetFGPA card according to Figure 1. Note that

the port 0 of the NetFPGA card is close to the mother board as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 4 ports of the NetFPGA card

[Step 2] Prepare Input Traffic

1) run wireshark by typing wireshark &

and start sniffing interface lo (

2) run packETH by typing packETH &

3) built the packet content as shown in Figure 3

source/destination MAC address, IP as Ethertype, packet length 1500 bytes

0 1 2 3



r bo


Figure 3

4) send out packets with the following setting, refer to Figure 4 for details.

80 packets, delay 100 us, send to interface “lo”

Figure 4

nf2c3 MAC address

nf2c0 MAC address

User-defined packet

length and pattern

5) You should capture 80 packets in wireshark, double check the packets to make

sure packet size, source/destination MAC are correct. Then save the packets in

pcap format, which will be used as the input traffic file later.

6) Repeat the traffic generation process with the following source-destination MAC

pair, the rest setting remains same (e.g. 80 packets, 1500 Byte packet size).

Source MAC Destination MAC

nf2c0 nf2c3

nf2c1 nf2c3

nf2c2 nf2c3

[Step 3] Disable broadcast

Send the packets specified in the p3_to_p0_80pkt.pcap from port 3, so that the

switch knows a packet with destination MAC address of nf2c3 should be sent via port


packet_generator.pl -q3 p3_to_p0_80pkt.pcap

Here is the explanation on packet generator command, and it will be used in all the

following experiments in the labs, more details can be found by typing

packet_generator.pl --help

-q<queue number> <pcap file>

Specify the pcap file to load in and send from a queue

-r<queue number> <rate>

Specify the rate for each queue in Kbps

-i<queue number> <number of iterations>

Specify the number of iterations per queue

-d<queue number> <delay between packets>

Specify the delay between packets in ns. If not specified then the delay recorded in

the pcap file is used. A value of 0 will disable the delay.

-c<queue number> <capture file>

Specify the capture file.

[Step 4] Perform Experiments

Flow 1 moves at 100 Mb/s, flow 2 moves at 500 Mb/s, and flow 3 varies from 100

Mb/s to 1 Gb/s with a 100 Mb/s increment

Sample packet generator command

packet_generator.pl -q0 p0_to_p3_80pkt.pcap -r0 100000 -d0 0 -q1

p1_to_p3_80pkt.pcap -r1 500000 -d1 0 -q2 p2_to_p3_80pkt.pcap -r2 300000 -d2 0

-c3 300Mbps_result.pcap

You should see from the output that the packet generator sends 100 Mb/s, 500 Mb/s,

300 Mb/s traffic from port 0, 1, 2 respectively. Port 3 captures the receiving packets

into the file 300Mbps_result.pcap after press ctrl+C after a few seconds

Repeat the experiment by varying the sending rate of flow 3

300 Mb/s, 500 Mb/s, 800 Mb/s, 1000Mb/s

[Step 5]

Open the pcap file in wireshark, make sure the captured files contain reasonable

information (e.g. > 200 packets, seeing traffic with all three source MAC address).

Then copy all the output traffic trace files into your USB key for further analysis. You

are expected to calculate the throughput and drop rate for each flow and fill the

following table later.

Hint: only the first 100 packets is needed for calculation

Then repeat the experiment with the 3COM switch (you can skip step 2 on input

traffic preparation)

Input Rate (Mb/s) Output Rate (Mb/s) Drop Rate

Flow 1 Flow 2 Flow 3 Flow 1 Flow 2 Flow 3 Flow 1 Flow 2 Flow 3

100 500 300

100 500 500

100 500 800

100 500 1000*

Table 1: Results of the Three Input Flows to One Output Port Experiment

* 1000 Mb/s in theory and 987 Mb/s in real

3.2 Experiment 2 - Delay Measurement

Delay through a switch can be measured using the packet generator. Delay is

measured using all four ports simultaneously: two ports are connected directly to one

another and used to provide a "baseline" measurement; the other two are connected

to the device under test and are used to measure the difference from the baseline.

[Step 1] Setup Physical Connection

Connect the NetGear switch with the NetFGPA card according to Figure 5. Ports nf2c2

and nf2c3 are directly connected and ports nf2c0 and nf2c1 are connected to the

device under test. The same packet stream is sent out nf2c0 and nf2c2 and the

packets are captured on nf2c1 and nf2c3; the difference in receive times between

nf2c1 and nf2c3 is the delay through the device under test.

Figure 5 Testbed Setup of Delay Measurement

[Step 2] Prepare Input Traffic

Similar to how we generate the input traffic pcap files in experiment 1, we need to

generate the following files

Purpose Src MAC Dst MAC #Packet Packet Size (Byte)

Delay Measurement nf2c0 nf2c1 50 1500

Disable Broadcast nf2c1 nf2c0 10 1500

[Step 3] Disable broadcast

Send the packets specified in the pcap (nf2c1 to nf2c0) from port 1, so that the switch

knows a packet with destination MAC address of nf2c1 should be sent via port 1.

packet_generator.pl –q1 p1_to_p0_10pkt.pcap

[Step 4] Performance delay measurement

Send the pcap file (nf2c0 to nf2c1) simultaneously from NetFPGA port 0 and 2 to port

1 and 3 respectively. Do the experiments twice with sending rate 100 Mb/s and 1Gb/s


Sample Command

packet_generator.pl -q0 p0_to_p1_50pkt.pcap -d0 0 -r0 100000 -c1

100Mbps_test.pcap -q2 p0_to_p1_50pkt.pcap -d2 0 -r2 100000 -c3


[Step 5]

Open the pcap file in wireshark, make sure the captured files contain reasonable

information (e.g. 50 packets, correct source and destination MAC address). Then copy

all the output traffic trace files into your USB key for further analysis. You are

expected to calculate the delay and fill the following table later.

(Hint: use the absolution time for delay calculation)

Input Rate (Mb/s) NetGear Delay (µs) 3COM Delay (µs)



Table 2: Delay across the Gigabit Ethernet Switches

Then repeat the experiment with the 3COM switch (you can skip step 2 on input

traffic preparation)

3.3 Experiment 3 – Buffering Mechanism

In this set of experiments, three flows are injected into the switch, where flow 1 and

flow 2 shared the same input port, and flow 2 and flow 3 shared the same output

port. The input rate of flow 3 is fixed to the line rate. This ensures the sum of flow 2

and flow 3 would always be greater than the maximum service rate and thus would

result frame losses at output port. We want to observe flow 2’s impact on flow 1

when flow 2 itself is congested.

[Step 1] Setup Physical Connection

Connect the NetGear switch with the NetFGPA card according to Figure 6.

Figure 6 Testbed Setup of Experiment 3

[Step 2] Prepare Input Traffic

Similar to how we generate the input traffic pcap files in experiment 1, we need to

generate the following files

Purpose Src MAC Dst MAC #Packet Packet Size (Byte)

Disable Broadcast nf2c2 nf2c0 10 1500

Disable Broadcast nf2c3 nf2c0 10 1500

Preparation for flow1+2 traffic[1]

nf2c0 nf2c2 10 1500

Preparation for flow1+2 traffic[2]

nf2c0 nf2c3 10 1500

Input Traffic nf2c1 nf2c3 10 1500

Then we need to generate the flow 1+2 input traffic. One way is to selectively

combine the two trace files generated above ([1] and [2]). Details settings are described

in Figure 7. You will need to generate 3 traffic files with the following setting

#Packet in [1] : #Packet in [2] #Total Packet

1:9 50

5:5 50

9:1 50

Figure 7

[Step 3] Disable broadcast

packet_generator.pl –q2 p2_to_p0_10pkt.pcap

packet_generator.pl –q3 p3_to_p0_10pkt.pcap

[Step 4] Performance experiment

Send the both pcap files (flow1+flow2 mixture, and flow3) simultaneously, both at

1Gb/s rate. Do the experiments with all the three flow1+flow2 mixture traffic

generated in step 2.

Sample Command

packet_generator.pl -q0 flow1_flow2_50pkt.pcap -d0 0 -r0 1000000

-q1 flow3 _50pkt.pcap -d1 0 -r1 1000000

-c2 trace1.pcap -c3 trace2.pcap

[Step 5]

Open the pcap file in wireshark, make sure the captured files contain reasonable

information (e.g. number of packets, correct source and destination MAC address).

Then copy all the output traffic trace files into your USB key for further analysis. You

are expected to calculate the throughput and fill the following table later.

Then repeat the experiment with the 3COM switch (you can skip step 2 on input

traffic preparation)

Input Rate (Mb/s) NetGear Output Rate (Mb/s) 3COM Output Rate (Mb/s)

Flow 1 Flow 2 Flow 3 Flow 1 Flow 2 Flow 3 Flow 1 Flow 2 Flow 3

99 889 988

494 494 988

889 99 988

Table 3: Experimental Results: Three Flows with Two Sharing One Input Port and Two

Sharing One Output Port

4 Analysis

4.1 Experiment 1

(1) What is the Netgear switch’s service capacity? When the sum of input flow rates is

smaller than the line rate, do you observe packet loss? How about the 3COM


(2) When the sum of the three input flows is greater than the line rate, how does the

bandwidth distributed among the three flows for the NetGear switch?

(3) How about the 3COM switch?

(4) Does the NetGear switch use work-conserving or non-work-conserving scheduling?

How about the 3COM?

(5) What scheduling policy might be deployed in both switches based on the collected


(6) Can you think of some applications in which one switch may be better than the

other? Give one example for each.

4.2 Experiment 2

(1) Plot the delay of the 50 packets for the 1Gb/s sending rate case for both netgear

and 3COM switches.

(2) Is this delay mainly due to the processing delay or the queueing delay?

4.3 Experiment 3

(1) What is the impact of flow 2 on flow 1 for the NetGear switch?

(2) How about the 3COM switch?

(3) Explain your observation for both switches and what buffering mechanism might

be used in both switches?

5 Report

You report will include all the tables in the three experiments as well the questions in the

analysis section.

Please submit through the compass website and clearly state all the group members’

names and NetIDs. PDF or MS Word documents are accepted.

6 Reference

[1] G. Watson, N. McKeown, and M. Casado. NetFPGA: A tool for network research and

education. In Workshop on Architecture Research using FPGA Platforms, 2006.

[2] G. Covington, G. Gibb, J. Lockwood, and N. McKeown. A packet generator on the netfpga

platform. In IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines

(FCCM), 2009
