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LAB MANUAL to Accompany Diane Christie University of Wisconsin – Stout
  • LAB MANUALto Accompany

    Diane ChristieUniversity of Wisconsin Stout

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  • Publisher Greg TobinSenior Acquisitions Editor Michael HirschEditorial Assistant Lindsey TriebelCover Designer Nicole ClaytonMarketing Manager Michelle BrownMarketing Assistant Dana LopreatoPrepress and Manufacturing Caroline FellSupplement Coordination Marianne GrothProofreader Melanie Aswell

    Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their prod-ucts are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, andAddison-Wesley was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed ininitial caps or all caps.

    Copyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of America. For information on obtaining permission foruse of material in this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc.,Rights and Contracts Department, 75 Arlington Street, Suite 300, Boston, MA 02116,fax your request to 617-848-7047, or e-mail at http://www.pearsoned.com/legal/per-missions.htm.

    ISBN 0-321-43596-61 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10BB09 08 07 06

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  • Preface

    About this Lab Manual

    This lab manual accompanies Starting Out with Java 5: Early Objects, by TonyGaddis. Each lab gives students hands on experience with the major topics in eachchapter. It is designed for closed laboratoriesregularly scheduled classes supervisedby an instructor, with a length of approximately two hours. Lab manual chapters corre-spond to textbook chapters. Each chapter in the lab manual contains learning objec-tives, an introduction, one or two projects with various tasks for the students to com-plete, and a listing of the code provided as the starting basis for each lab. Labs areintended to be completed after studying the corresponding textbook chapter, but priorto programming challenges for each chapter in the textbook.

    Students should copy the partially written code (available at www.aw.com/cssupport)and use the instructions provided in each task to complete the code so that it is opera-tional. Instructions will guide them through each lab having them add code at specifiedlocations in the partially written program. Students will gain experience in writing code,compiling and debugging, writing testing plans, and finally executing and testing theirprograms.

    Note: Labs 10 and 11 are written entirely by the student using the instructions inthe various tasks, so there is no code provided as a starting basis.

    What Youll Find in this Lab Manual

    The Lab Manual contains 14 labs that help students learn how to apply introductoryprogramming concepts:

    Chapter 1 Lab Algorithms, Errors, and Testing Chapter 2 Lab Java Fundamentals Chapter 3 Lab Classes and Methods Chapter 4 Lab Selection Control Structures Chapter 5 Lab Loops and Files Chapter 6 Lab More Classes and Objects Chapter 7 Lab Arrays Chapter 8 Lab Text Processing and Wrapper Classes Chapter 9 Lab Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Scope Chapter 10 Lab Exceptions and I/O Streams Chapter 11 Lab GUI Applications Chapter 12 Lab GUI Applications-Part 2 Chapter 13 Lab Applets and More Chapter 14 Lab Recursion

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  • Supplementary Materials Students can find source code files for the labs at www.aw.com/cssupport, under

    author Christie and title Lab Manual to Accompany Starting Out with Java5: Early Objects or Gaddis, Starting Out with Java 5: Early Objects.

    Solution files and source code are available to qualified instructors at Addison-Wesleys Instructor Resource Center. Register at www.aw.com/irc and search forauthor Gaddis.

    AcknowledgementsI would like to thank everyone at Addison-Wesley for making this lab manual a reality,Tony Gaddis for having the confidence in me to write labs to accompany his books andmy colleagues who have contributed ideas to help develop these labs.

    I also thank my students at the University of Wisconsin-Stout for giving me feed-back on these labs to continue to improve them.

    Most of all, I want to thank my family: Michael, Andrew, and Pamela for all oftheir encouragement, patience, love, and support.

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  • Contents

    Chapter 1 Lab Algorithms, Errors, and Testing 1Chapter 2 Lab Java Fundamentals 9Chapter 3 Lab Classes and Methods 21Chapter 4 Lab Selection Control Structures 31Chapter 5 Lab Loops and Files 45Chapter 6 Lab More Classes and Objects 57Chapter 7 Lab Arrays 69Chapter 8 Lab Text Processing and Wrapper Classes 77Chapter 9 Lab Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Scope 87Chapter 10 Lab Exceptions and I/O Streams 99Chapter 11 Lab GUI Applications 103Chapter 12 Lab GUI Applications-Part 2 109Chapter 13 Lab Applets and More 117Chapter 14 Lab Recursion 123

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  • Chapter 1 LabAlgorithms, Errors, and Testing

    Objectives Be able to write an algorithm Be able to compile a Java program Be able to execute a Java program using the Sun JDK or a Java IDE Be able to test a program Be able to debug a program with syntax and logic errors


    Your teacher will introduce your computer lab and the environment you will be usingfor programming in Java.

    In chapter 1 of the textbook, we discuss writing your first program. The examplecalculates the users gross pay. It calculates the gross pay by multiplying the number ofhours worked by hourly pay rate. However, it is not always calculated this way. Whatif you work 45 hours in a week? The hours that you worked over 40 hours are consid-ered overtime. You will need to be paid time and a half for the overtime hours youworked.

    In this lab, you are given a program which calculates users gross pay with or with-out overtime. You are to work backwards this time, and use pseudocode to write analgorithm from the Java code. This will give you practice with algorithms while allow-ing you to explore and understand a little Java code before we begin learning the Javaprogramming language.

    You will also need to test out this program to ensure the correctness of the algo-rithm and code. You will need to develop test data that will represent all possible kindsof data that the user may enter.

    You will also be debugging a program. There are several types of errors. In this lab,you will encounter syntax and logic errors. We will explore runtime errors in lab 2.

    1. Syntax Errorserrors in the grammar of the programming language. Theseare caught by the compiler and listed out with line number and error found. Youwill learn how to understand what they tell you with experience. All syntaxerrors must be corrected before the program will run. If the program runs, this

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  • does not mean that it is correct, only that there are no syntax errors. Examplesof syntax errors are spelling mistakes in variable names, missing semicolon,unpaired curly braces, etc.

    2. Logic Errorserrors in the logic of the algorithm. These errors emphasize theneed for a correct algorithm. If the statements are out of order, if there areerrors in a formula, or if there are missing steps, the program can still run andgive you output, but it may be the wrong output. Since there is no list of errorsfor logic errors, you may not realize you have errors unless you check your out-put. It is very important to know what output you expect. You should test yourprograms with different inputs, and know what output to expect in each case.For example, if your program calculates your pay, you should check three dif-ferent cases: less than 40 hours, 40 hours, and more than 40 hours. Calculateeach case by hand before running your program so that you know what toexpect. You may get a correct answer for one case, but not for another case.This will help you figure out where your logic errors are.

    3. Run time errorserrors that do not occur until the program is run, and thenmay only occur with some data. These errors emphasize the need for complete-ly testing your program.

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  • Task #1 Writing an Algorithm

    1. Copy the file Pay.java (see code listing 1.1) from www.aw.com/cssupport or asdirected by your instructor.

    2. Open the file in your Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or a texteditor as directed by your instructor. Examine the file, and compare it with thedetailed version of the pseudocode in step number 3, section 1.6 of the text-book. Notice that the pseudocode does not include every line of code. The pro-gram code includes identifier declarations and a statement that is needed toenable Java to read from the keyboard. These are not part of actually complet-ing the task of calculating pay, so they are not included in the pseudocode. Theonly important difference between the example pseudocode and the Java codeis in the calculation. Below is the detailed pseudocode from the example, butwithout the calculation part. You need to fill in lines that tell in English whatthe calculation part of Pay.java is doing.

    Display "How many hours did you work?"Input hoursDisplay "How much do you get paid per hour?"Input rate

    Display the value in the pay variable.

    Chapter 1 Lab Algorithms, Errors, and Testing 3

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  • Task #2 Compile and Execute a Program

    1. Compile the Pay.java using the Sun JDK or a Java IDE as directed by yourinstructor.

    2. You should not receive any error messages.3. When this program is executed, it will ask the user for input. You should calcu-

    late several different cases by hand. Since there is a critical point at which thecalculation changes, you should test three different cases: the critical point, anumber above the critical point, and a number below the critical point. Youwant to calculate by hand so that you can check the logic of the program. Fillin the chart below with your test cases and the result you get when calculatingby hand.

    4. Execute the program using your first set of data. Record your result. You willneed to execute the program three times to test all your data. Note: you do notneed to compile again. Once the program compiles correctly once, it can beexecuted many times. You only need to compile again if you make changes tothe code.

    4 Lab Manual to Accompany Starting Out with Java 5: Early Objects

    Hours Rate Pay (hand calculated) Pay (program result)

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  • Task #3 Debugging a Java Program

    1. Copy the file SalesTax.java (see code listing 1.2) from www.aw.com/cssupportor as directed by your instructor.

    2. Open the file in your IDE or text editor as directed by your instructor. This filecontains a simple Java program that contains errors. Compile the program. Youshould get a listing of syntax errors. Correct all the syntax errors, you maywant to recompile after you fix some of the errors.

    3. When all syntax errors are corrected, the program should compile. As in theprevious exercise, you need to develop some test data. Use the chart below torecord your test data and results when calculated by hand.

    4. Execute the program using your test data and recording the results. If the outputof the program is different from what you calculated, this usually indicates alogic error. Examine the program and correct logic error. Compile the programand execute using the test data again. Repeat until all output matches what isexpected.

    Chapter 1 Lab Algorithms, Errors, and Testing 5

    Item Price Tax Total (calculated) Total (output)

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  • 6 Lab Manual to Accompany Starting Out with Java 5: Early Objects

    Code Listing 1.1 (Pay.java)//This program calculates the users gross pay

    import java.util.Scanner; //to be able to read from the keyboard

    public class Pay


    public static void main(String [] args)


    //create a Scanner object to read from the keyboard

    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);

    //identifier declarations

    double hours; //number of hours worked

    double rate; //hourly pay rate

    double pay; //gross pay

    //display prompts and get input

    System.out.print("How many hours did you work? ");

    hours = keyboard.nextDouble();


    "How much do you get paid per hour? ");

    rate = keyboard.nextDouble();



  • Chapter 1 Lab Algorithms, Errors, and Testing 7

    Code Listing 1.2 (SalesTax.java)//This program calculates the total price which includes sales tax

    import java.util.Scanner;

    public class SalesTax


    public static void main(String[] args)


    //identifier declarations

    final double TAX_RATE = 0.055;

    double price;

    double tax

    double total;

    String item;

    //create a Scanner object to read from the keyboard

    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);

    //display prompts and get input

    System.out.print("Item description: ");

    item = keyboard.nextLine();

    System.out.print("Item price: $");

    price = keyboard.nextDouble();


    tax = price + TAX_RATE;

    total = price * tax;

    //display results

    System.out.print(item + " $");


    System.out.print("Tax $");


    System.out.print("Total $");




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  • Chapter 2 LabJava Fundamentals

    Objectives Write arithmetic expressions to accomplish a task Use casting to convert between primitive types Use a value-returning library method and a library constant Use string methods to manipulate string data Communicate with the user by using the Scanner class or dialog boxes Create a program from scratch by translating a pseudocode algorithm Be able to document a program


    This lab is designed to give you practice with some of the basics in Java. We will con-tinue ideas from lab 1 by correcting logic errors while looking at mathematical formu-las in Java. We will explore the difference between integer division and division onyour calculator as well as reviewing the order of operations.

    We will also learn how to use mathematical formulas that are preprogrammed inJava. On your calculator there are buttons to be able to do certain operations, such asraise a number to a power or use the number pi. Similarly, in Java, we will have pro-grams that are available for our use that will also do these operations. Mathematicaloperations that can be performed with the touch of a button on a calculator are alsoavailable in the Math class. We will learn how to use a Math class method to cube theradius in the formula for finding the volume of a sphere.

    This lab also introduces communicating with the user. We have already seen howconsole input and output work in lab 1. We will now need to learn how to programuser input, by investigating the lines of code that we need to add in order to use theScanner class. We will also learn the method call needed for output.

    Alternately, you may use dialog boxes for communicating with the user. An intro-duction to graphical user interface (GUI) programming is explored using theJOptionPane class.

    The String class is introduced and we will use some of the available methods toprepare you for string processing.

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  • We will bring everything we have learned together by creating a program from analgorithm. Finally, you will document the program by adding comments. Commentsare not read by the computer, they are for use by the programmer. They are to help aprogrammer document what the program does and how it accomplishes it. This is veryimportant when a programmer needs to modify code that is written by another person.

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  • Task #1 Correcting Logic Errors in Formulas

    1. Download the file NumericTypes.java (see code listing 2.1) fromwww.aw.com/cssupport or as directed by your instructor.

    2. Compile the source file, run the program, and observe the output. Some of theoutput is incorrect. You need to correct logic errors in the average formulaand the temperature conversion formula. The logic errors could be due to con-version between data types, order of operations, or formula problems. The nec-essary formulas are

    3. Each time you make changes to the program code, you must compile again forthe changes to take effect before running the program again.

    4. Make sure that the output makes sense before you continue. The average of 95and 100 should be 97.5 and the temperature that water boils is 100 degreesCelsius

    C = 59(F - 32)average =score1 + score2numberOfScores

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  • Task #2 Using the Scanner Class for User Input

    1. Add an import statement above the class declaration to make the Scanner classavailable to your program.

    2. In the main method, create a Scanner object and connect it to the System.inobject.

    3. Prompt the user to enter his/her first name.4. Read the name from the keyboard using the nextLine method, and store it into

    a variable called firstName (you will need to declare any variables you use).5. Prompt the user to enter his/her last name.6. Read the name from the keyboard and store it in a variable called lastName.7. Concatenate the firstName and lastName with a space between them and

    store the result in a variable called fullName.8. Print out the fullName.9. Compile, debug, and run, using your name as test data.

    10. Since we are adding on to the same program, each time we run the program wewill get the output from the previous tasks before the output of the current task.

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  • Task #2 (Alternate) Using Dialog Boxes for User Input

    1. Add an import statement above the class declaration to make the JOptionPaneclass available to your program.

    2. In the main method, prompt the user to enter his/her first name by displayingan input dialog box and storing the user input in a variable called firstName(you will need to declare any variables you use).

    3. Prompt the user to enter his/her last name by displaying an input dialog boxand storing the user input in a variable called lastName.

    4. Concatenate the firstName and lastName with a space between them andstore the result in a variable called fullName.

    5. Display the fullName using a message dialog box.6. Compile, debug, and run, using your name as test data.7. Since we are adding on to the same program, each time we run the program we

    will get the output from the previous tasks before the output of the current task.

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  • Task #3 Working with Strings

    1. Use the charAt method to get the first character in firstName and store it ina variable called firstInitial (you will need to declare any variables thatyou use).

    2. Print out the users first initial.3. Use the toUpperCase method to change the fullName to all capitals and store

    it back into the fullName variable4. Add a line that prints out the value of fullName and how many characters

    (including the space) are in the string stored in fullName (use the methodlength to obtain that information).

    5. Compile, debug, and run. The new output added on after the output from theprevious tasks should have your initials and your full name in all capital letters.

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  • Task #4 Using Predefined Math Functions

    1. Add a line that prompts the user to enter the diameter of a sphere.2. Read in and store the number into a variable called diameter (you will need to

    declare any variables that you use).3. The diameter is twice as long as the radius, so calculate and store the radius in

    an appropriately named variable. 4. The formula for the volume of a sphere is

    Convert the formula to Java and add a line which calculates and stores thevalue of volume in an appropriately named variable. Use Math.PI for andMath.pow to cube the radius.

    5. Print your results to the screen with an appropriate message. 6. Compile, debug, and run using the following test data and record the results.


    V = 43pr3

    Chapter 2 Lab Java Fundamentals 15

    Diameter Volume (hand calculated) Volume (resulting output)225.4875,000

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  • Task #5 Create a Program from ScratchIn this task the student will create a new program that calculates gas mileage in milesper gallon. The student will use string expressions, assignment statements, input andoutput statements to communicate with the user.

    1. Create a new file in your IDE or text editor.2. Create the shell for your first program by entering:

    public class Mileage{

    public static void main(String[] args){

    // add your declaration and code here}


    3. Save the file as Mileage.java.4. Translate the algorithm below into Java. Dont forget to declare variables

    before they are used. Each variable must be one word only (no spaces).Print a line indicating this program will calculate mileagePrint prompt to user asking for miles drivenRead in miles drivenPrint prompt to user asking for gallons usedRead in gallons usedCalculate miles per gallon by dividing miles driven by gallons usedPrint miles per gallon along with appropriate labels

    5. Compile the program and debug, repeating until it compiles successfully.6. Run the program and test it using the following sets of data and record the


    16 Lab Manual to Accompany Starting Out with Java 5: Early Objects

    Miles driven Gallons used Miles per gallon Miles per gallon(hand calculated) (resulting output)

    2000 100500 25.5241.5 10100 0

    7. The last set of data caused the computer to divide 100 by 0, which resulted inwhat is called a runtime error. Notice that runtime can occur on programswhich compile and run on many other sets of data. This emphasizes the need tothoroughly test you program with all possible kinds of data.

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  • Task #6 Documenting a Java Program

    1. Compare the code listings of NumericTypes.java with Mileage.java. You willsee that NumericTypes.java has lines which have information about what theprogram is doing. These lines are called comments and are designated by the //at the beginning of the line. Any comment that starts with /** and ends with */is considered a documentation comment. These are typically written just beforea class header, giving a brief description of the class. They are also used fordocumenting methods in the same way.

    2. Write a comment line at the top of the program which indicates the purpose ofthe program.

    3. Write a second comment line at the top of the program with your name andtodays date.

    4. Add comment lines after each variable declaration, indicating what each vari-able represents.

    5. Add comment lines for each section of the program, indicating what is done inthat section.

    6. Finally add a comment line indicating the purpose of the calculation.

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  • Code Listing 2.1 (NumericTypes.java)//This program demonstrates how numeric types and operators


    //TASK #2 Add import statement here to use the Scanner class

    //TASK #2 (Alternate) Add import statment to use JOptionPane//class

    public class NumericTypes


    public static void main (String [] args)


    //TASK #2 Create a Scanner object here

    //(not used for alternate)

    //identifier declarations

    final int NUMBER = 2 ; // number of scores

    final int SCORE1 = 100; // first test score

    final int SCORE2 = 95; // second test score

    final int BOILING_IN_F = 212; // freezing temperature

    int fToC; // temperature in Celsius

    double average; // arithmetic average

    String output; // line of output to print out

    //TASK #2 declare variables used here

    //TASK #3 declare variables used here

    //TASK #4 declare variables used here

    // Find an arithmetic average

    average = SCORE1 + SCORE2 / NUMBER;

    output = SCORE1 + " and " + SCORE2 +

    " have an average of " + average;


    // Convert Fahrenheit temperatures to Celsius

    fToC = 5/9 * (BOILING_IN_F - 32);

    output = BOILING_IN_F + " in Fahrenheit is " + fToC

    + " in Celsius.";

    Code Listing 2.1 continued on next page

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  • System.out.println(output);

    System.out.println(); // to leave a blank line


    // prompt the user for first name

    // read the users first name

    // prompt the user for last name

    // read the users last name

    // concatenate the users first and last names

    // print out the users full name

    System.out.println(); // to leave a blank line


    // get the first character from the users first name

    // print out the users first initial

    // convert the users full name to all capital letters

    // print out the users full name in all capital

    // letters and the number of characters in it

    System.out.println(); // to leave a blank line


    // prompt the user for a diameter of a sphere

    // read the diameter

    // calculate the radius

    // calculate the volume

    // print out the volume



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  • Chapter 3 LabClasses and Methods

    Objectives Be able to declare a new class Be able to write a constructor Be able to write methods that return a value Be able to write methods that take arguments Be able to instantiate an object Be able to use calls to instance methods to access and change the state of an



    Everyone is familiar with a television. It is the object we are going to create in this lab.First we need a blueprint. All manufacturers have the same basic elements in the televi-sions they produce as well as many options. We are going to work with a few basicelements that are common to all televisions. Think about a television in general. It hasa brand name (i.e. it is made by a specific manufacturer). The television screen has aspecific size. It has some basic controls. There is a control to turn the power on andoff. There is a control to change the channel. There is also a control for the volume. Atany point in time, the televisions state can be described by how these controls are set.

    We will write the television class. Each object that is created from the televisionclass must be able to hold information about that instance of a television in fields. So atelevision object will have the following attributes:

    manufacturer. The manufacturer attribute will hold the brand name. Thiscannot change once the television is created, so will be a named constant.

    screenSize. The screenSize attribute will hold the size of the televisionscreen. This cannot change once the television has been created so will be anamed constant.

    powerOn. The powerOn attribute will hold the value true if the power is on,and false if the power is off.

    channel. The channel attribute will hold the value of the station that the tele-vision is showing.

    volume. The volume attribute will hold a number value representing the loud-ness (0 being no sound).

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  • These attributes become fields in our class.The television object will also be able to control the state of its attributes. These

    controls become methods in our class. setChannel. The setChannel method will store the desired station in the

    channel field. power. The power method will toggle the power between on and off, changing

    the value stored in the powerOn field from true to false or from false to true. increaseVolume. The increaseVolume method will increase the value

    stored in the volume field by 1. decreaseVolume. The decreaseVolume method will decrease the value

    stored in the volume field by 1. getChannel. The getChannel method will return the value stored in the

    channel field. getVolume. The getVolume method will return the value stored in the volume

    field. getManufacturer. The getManufacturer method will return the constant

    value stored in the MANUFACTURER field. getScreenSize. The getScreenSize method will return the constant value

    stored in the SCREEN_SIZE field.

    We will also need a constructor method that will be used to create an instance of aTelevision.

    These ideas can be brought together to form a UML (Unified Modeling Language)diagram for this class as shown below.

    22 Lab Manual to Accompany Starting Out with Java 5: Early Objects








    -MANUFACTURER: String -SCREEN_SIZE: int -powerOn: boolean -channel: int -volume: int

    +Television(brand: String, size: int): +setChannel (station: int): void +power( ): void +increaseVolume( ): void +decreaseVolume( ): void +getChannel( ): int +getVolume( ): int +getManufacturer( ): String +getScreenSize( ): int

    + public private

    Data type returned


    Attributes or fields

    Class Name


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  • Task #1 Creating a New Class

    1. In a new file, create a class definition called Television.2. Put a program header (comments/documentation) at the top of the file

    // The purpose of this class is to model a television // Your name and todays date

    3. Declare the 2 constant fields listed in the UML diagram.4. Declare the 3 remaining fields listed in the UML diagram.5. Write a comment for each field indicating what it represents.6. Save this file as Television.java.7. Compile and debug. Do not run.

    Chapter 3 Lab Classes and Methods 23

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  • Task #2 Writing a Constructor

    1. Create a constructor definition that has two parameters, a manufacturers brandand a screen size. These parameters will bring in information

    2. Inside the constructor, assign the values taken in from the parameters to thecorresponding fields.

    3. Initialize the powerOn field to false (power is off), the volume to 20, and thechannel to 2.

    4. Write comments describing the purpose of the constructor above the methodheader.

    5. Compile and debug. Do not run.

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  • Task #3 Methods

    1. Define accessor methods called getVolume, getChannel,getManufacturer, and getScreenSize that return the value of the cor-responding field.

    2. Define a mutator method called setChannel accepts a value to be storedin the channel field.

    3. Define a mutator method called power that changes the state from true tofalse or from false to true. This can be accomplished by using the NOT opera-tor (!). If the boolean variable powerOn is true, then !powerOn is falseand vice versa. Use the assignment statement

    powerOn = !powerOn;

    to change the state of powerOn and then store it back into powerOn (rememberassignment statements evaluate the right hand side first, then assign the result tothe left hand side variable.

    4. Define two mutator methods to change the volume. One method should becalled increaseVolume and will increase the volume by 1. The other methodshould be called decreaseVolume and will decrease the volume by 1.

    5. Write comments above each method header describing the purpose of themethod.

    6. Compile and debug. Do not run.

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  • Task #4 Running the Application

    1. You can only execute (run) a program that has a main method, so there is a dri-ver program that is already written to test out your Television class. Copythe file TelevisionDemo.java (see code listing 3.1) from www.aw.com/cssupportor as directed by your instructor. Make sure it is in the same directory asTelevision.java.

    2. Compile and run TelevisionDemo and follow the prompts. 3. If your output matches the output below, Television.java is complete and cor-

    rect. You will not need to modify it further for this lab.

    OUTPUT (boldface is user input)A 55 inch Toshiba has been turned on.What channel do you want? 56Channel: 56 Volume: 21Too loud!! I am lowering the volume.Channel: 56 Volume: 15

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  • Task #5 Creating another Instance of a Television

    1. Edit the TelevisionDemo.java file.2. Add to the comment header as indicated at the top of the program.3. Declare another Television object called portable.4. Instantiate portable to be a Sharp 19 inch television.5. Use a call to the power method to turn the power on.6. Use calls to the accessor methods to print what television was turned on.7. Use calls to the mutator methods to change the channel to the users prefer-

    ence and decrease the volume by two. 8. Use calls to the accessor methods to print the changed state of the portable.9. Compile and debug this class.

    10. Run TelevisionDemo again.11. The output for task #5 will appear after the output from above, since we added

    onto the bottom of the program. The output for task #5 is shown below.

    OUTPUT (boldface is user input)A 19 inch Sharp has been turned on.What channel do you want? 7Channel: 7 Volume: 18

    Chapter 3 Lab Classes and Methods 27

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  • Code Listing 3.1 (TelevisionDemo.java)// This class demonstrates the Television class

    import java.util.Scanner;

    public class TelevisionDemo


    public static void main(String[] args)


    //create a Scanner object to read from the keyboard

    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner (System.in);

    //declare variables

    int station; //the users channel choice

    //declare and instantiate a television object

    Television bigScreen = new Television("Toshiba", 55);

    //turn the power on


    //display the state of the television

    System.out.println("A " + bigScreen.getScreenSize() +

    bigScreen.getManufacturer() +

    " has been turned on.");

    //prompt the user for input and store into station

    System.out.print("What channel do you want? ");

    station = keyboard.nextInt();

    //change the channel on the television


    //increase the volume of the television


    //display the the current channel and volume of the


    System.out.println("Channel: " +

    bigScreen.getChannel() +

    " Volume: " + bigScreen.getVolume());

    Code Listing 3.1 continued on next page.

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  • System.out.println(

    "Too loud!! I am lowering the volume.");

    //decrease the volume of the television







    //display the current channel and volume of the


    System.out.println("Channel: " +

    bigScreen.getChannel() +

    " Volume: " + bigScreen.getVolume());

    System.out.println(); //for a blank line




    Chapter 3 Lab Classes and Methods 29

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  • Chapter 4 LabSelection Control Structures

    Objectives Be able to construct boolean expressions to evaluate a given condition Be able to compare Strings Be able to use a flag Be able to construct if and if-else-if statements to perform a specific task Be able to construct a switch statement Be able to format numbers


    Up to this point, all the programs you have had a sequential control structure. Thismeans that all statements are executed in order, one after another. Sometimes we needto let the computer make decisions, based on the data. A selection control structureallows the computer to select which statement to execute.

    In order to have the computer make a decision, it needs to do a comparison. So wewill work with writing boolean expressions. Boolean expressions use relational opera-tors and logical operators to create a condition that can be evaluated as true or false.

    Once we have a condition, we can conditionally execute statements. This meansthat there are statements in the program that may or may not be executed, dependingon the condition.

    We can also chain conditional statements together to allow the computer to choosefrom several courses of action. We will explore this using nested if-else statements aswell as a switch statement.

    In this lab, we will be editing a pizza ordering program. It creates a Pizza object tothe specifications that the user desires. It walks the user through ordering, giving theuser choices, which the program then uses to decide how to make the pizza and howmuch the cost of the pizza will be. The user will also receive a $2.00 discount ifhis/her name is Mike or Diane.

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  • Task #1 The if Statement, Comparing Strings, and Flags

    1. Copy the files Pizza.java (see code listing 4.1) and PizzaOrder.java (see codelisting 4.2) from www.aw.com/cssupport or as directed by your instructor.Make sure to place them both in the same directory.

    2. Pizza.java is correct, so you will not be editing this file. You only need to com-pile it. Compile and run PizzaOrder.java. You will be able to make selections,but at this point, you will always get a 12 inch Hand-tossed pizza no matterwhat you select, but you will be able to choose toppings. You will also noticethat the output does not look like money. So we need to edit PizzaOrder.java tocomplete the program so that it works correctly.

    3. Construct a simple if statement. The condition will compare the String input bythe user as his/her first name with the first names of the owners, Mike andDiane. Be sure that the comparison is not case sensitive.

    4. If the user has either first name, set the discount flag to true.

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  • Task #2 The if-else-if Statement

    1. Write an if-else-if statement that lets the computer choose which statements toexecute by the user input size (10, 12, 14, or 16). For each option, two state-ments need to be executed:a) A call to the setSize method passing in the size indicated.b) A call to the setCost method passing in the appropriate adjustment. Notice

    that in the Pizza.java program, the constructor creates a 12 inch Hand-tossed pizza for $12.99. The setCost method adjusts the cost, so a 10 inchpizza will need its cost decreased by 2, while the 16 inch pizza cost willneed to increase by 4.

    2. The default else of the above if-else-if statement should print a statement thatthe user input was not one of the choices, so a 12 inch pizza will be made.

    3. Compile, debug, and run. You should now be able to get correct output for sizeand price (it will still have Hand-tossed crust, the output wont look like money,and no discount will be applied yet). Run your program multiple times orderinga 10, 12, 14, 16, and 17 inch pizza.

    Chapter 4 Lab Selection Control Structures 33

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  • Task #3 Switch Statement

    1. Write a switch statement that compares the users choice with the appropriatecharacters (make sure that both capital letters and small letters will work).

    2. Each case will call the setCrust method passing in the appropriate String indi-cating crust type.

    3. The default case will print a statement that the user input was not one of thechoices, so a Hand-tossed crust will be made.

    4. Compile, debug, and run. You should now be able to get crust types other thanHand-tossed. Run your program multiple times to make sure all cases of theswitch statement operate correctly.

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  • Task #4 Using a Flag as a Condition

    1. Write an if statement that uses the flag as the condition. Remember that theflag is a Boolean variable, therefore is true or false. It does not have to be com-pared to anything.

    2. The body of the if statement should contain two statements:a) A statement that prints a message indicating that the user is eligible for a

    $2.00 discount.b) A statement that reduces the variable cost by 2.

    3. Compile, debug, and run. Test your program using the owners names (bothcapitalized and not) as well as a different name. The discount should be cor-rectly at this time.

    Chapter 4 Lab Selection Control Structures 35

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  • Task #5 Formatting Numbers

    1. Add an import statement to use the DecimalFormat class as indicated above theclass declaration.

    2. Create a DecimalFormat object that always shows 2 decimal places.3. Edit the appropriate lines in the main method so that any monetary output has 2

    decimal places.4. Compile, debug, and run. Your output should be completely correct at this time,

    and numeric output should look like money.

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  • Code Listing 4.1 (Pizza.java)//This program will represent a pizza

    public class Pizza


    private double cost; //the cost of the pizza

    private String crust; //the type of crust

    private int size; //the diameter in inches

    private int numToppings; //the number of toppings

    private String toppingList; //a list of the toppings

    //Constructor creates a 12" Hand-tossed pizza

    public Pizza()


    cost = 12.99;

    crust = "Hand-tossed";

    size = 12;

    numToppings = 0;

    toppingList = null;


    //adds the parameter amount to the cost

    public void setCost (double amount)


    cost += amount;


    //sets the crust type

    public void setCrust (String type)


    crust = type;


    //changes the size of the pizza to the parameter diameter

    public void setSize (int diameter)


    Code Listing 4.1 continued on next page.

    Chapter 4 Lab Selection Control Structures 37

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  • size = diameter;


    //sets the number of toppings to the parameter number

    public void setNumToppings(int number)


    numToppings = number;


    //sets the list of toppings

    public void setToppingList (String newTopping)


    toppingList = newTopping;


    //returns the cost of the pizza

    public double getCost()


    return cost;


    //returns the crust type

    public String getCrust()


    return crust;


    //returns the size of the pizza

    public int getSize()


    return size;


    //returns the number of toppings

    public int getNumToppings()


    Code Listing 4.1 continued on next page.

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  • return numToppings;


    //returns the list of toppings

    public String getToppingList()


    return toppingList;



    Chapter 4 Lab Selection Control Structures 39

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  • Code Listing 4.2 (PizzaOrder.java)//This program allows the user to order a pizza

    import java.util.Scanner;

    //TASK #5 add an import statement to use the DecimalFormat class

    public class PizzaOrder


    public static void main (String [] args)


    //TASK #5 Create a DecimalFormat object with

    //2 decimal places

    //Create a Scanner object to read input

    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner (System.in);

    //Create an instance of a Pizza

    Pizza order = new Pizza ();

    String firstName; //users first name

    boolean discount = false; //flag, true if user

    //is eligible for discount

    int inches; //size of the pizza

    char crustType; //type of crust

    double cost; //cost of the pizza

    final double TAX_RATE = .08;//sales tax rate

    double tax; //amount of tax

    char choice; //users choice

    String input; //user input

    String toppings = "Cheese ";//list of toppings

    int numberOfToppings = 0; //number of toppings

    //prompt user and get first name

    System.out.println("Welcome to Mike and " +

    "Dianes Pizza");

    System.out.print("Enter your first name: ");

    firstName = keyboard.nextLine();

    Code Listing 4.2 continued on next page.

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  • //determine if user is eligible for discount by

    //having the same first name as one of the owners


    //prompt user and get pizza size choice

    System.out.println("Pizza Size (inches) Cost");

    System.out.println(" 10 $10.99");

    System.out.println(" 12 $12.99");

    System.out.println(" 14 $14.99");

    System.out.println(" 16 $16.99");

    System.out.println("What size pizza would you like?");

    System.out.print("10, 12, 14, or 16 " +

    (enter the number only): ");

    inches = keyboard.nextInt();

    //set price and size of pizza ordered


    //consume the remaining newline character


    //prompt user and get crust choice


    "What type of crust do you want? ");


    "(H)Hand-tossed, (T) Thin-crust, or " +

    "(D) Deep-dish (enter H, T, or D): ");

    input = keyboard.nextLine();

    crustType = input.charAt(0);

    //set users crust choice on pizza ordered


    //prompt user and get topping choices one at a time

    System.out.println("All pizzas come with cheese.");


    "Additional toppings are $1.25 each,"

    + " choose from");

    Code Listing 4.2 continued on next page.

    Chapter 4 Lab Selection Control Structures 41

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  • System.out.println(

    "Pepperoni, Sausage, Onion, Mushroom");

    //if topping is desired,

    //add to topping list and number of toppings

    System.out.print("Do you want Pepperoni? (Y/N): ");

    input = keyboard.nextLine();

    choice = input.charAt(0);

    if (choice == Y || choice == y)


    numberOfToppings += 1;

    toppings = toppings + "Pepperoni ";


    System.out.print("Do you want Sausage? (Y/N): ");

    input = keyboard.nextLine();

    choice = input.charAt(0);

    if (choice == Y || choice == y)


    numberOfToppings += 1;

    toppings = toppings + "Sausage ";


    System.out.print("Do you want Onion? (Y/N): ");

    input = keyboard.nextLine();

    choice = input.charAt(0);

    if (choice == Y || choice == y)


    numberOfToppings += 1;

    toppings = toppings + "Onion ";


    System.out.print("Do you want Mushroom? (Y/N): ");

    input = keyboard.nextLine();

    choice = input.charAt(0);

    if (choice == Y || choice == y)


    numberOfToppings += 1;

    toppings = toppings + "Mushroom ";


    Code Listing 4.2 continued on next page.

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  • //set number of toppings and topping list on pizza


    order.setNumToppings (numberOfToppings);


    //add additional toppings cost to cost of pizza


    //display order confirmation


    System.out.println("Your order is as follows: ");

    System.out.println(order.getSize() + " inch pizza");

    System.out.println(order.getCrust() + " crust");


    //display cost of pizza

    cost = order.getCost();

    //apply discount if user is eligible




    System.out.println("The cost of your order is: $" +


    //calculate and display tax and total cost

    tax = cost * TAX_RATE;

    System.out.println("The tax is: $" + tax);

    System.out.println("The total due is: $" +


    System.out.println("Your order will be ready" +

    " for pickup in 30 minutes.");



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  • Chapter 5 LabLoops and Files

    Objectives Be able to convert an algorithm using control structures into Java Be able to write a while loop Be able to write an do-while loop Be able to write a for loop Be able to use the Random class to generate random numbers Be able to use file streams for I/O Be able to write a loop that reads until end of file Be able to implement an accumulator and a counter


    This is a simulation of rolling dice. Actual results approach theory only when the sam-ple size is large. So we will need to repeat rolling the dice a large number of times (wewill use 10,000). The theoretical probability of rolling doubles of a specific number is1 out of 36 or approximately 278 out of 10,000 times that you roll the pair of dice.Since this is a simulation, the numbers will vary a little each time you run it.

    Check out the Dice class to see how the random number generator (introduced insection 4.13 of the text) works to create the simulation.

    We will continue to use control structures that we have already learned, whileexploring control structures used for repetition. We shall also continue our work withalgorithms, translating a given algorithm to java in order to complete our program. Wewill start with a while loop, then use the same program, changing the while loop to ado-while loop, and then a for loop.

    We will be introduced to file input and output. We will read a file, line by line, con-verting each line into a number. We will then use the numbers to calculate the meanand standard deviation.

    First we will learn how to use file output to get results printed to a file. Next wewill use file input to read the numbers from a file and calculate the mean. Finally, wewill see that when the file is closed, and then reopened, we will start reading from thetop of the file again so that we can calculate the standard deviation.

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  • Task #1 While loop

    1. Copy the files Dice.java (see code listing 5.1) and DiceSimulation.java (seecode listing 5.2) from www.aw.com/cssupport or as directed by your instructor.Make sure to place them both in the same directory. You can compile both pro-grams. Dice.java is complete and will not be modified in this lab, butDiceSimulation.java is incomplete. Since there is a large part of the programmissing, the output will be incorrect if you run DiceSimulation.java.

    2. You will be modifying the DiceSimulation class only. I have declared all thevariables. You need to add what the method does. Convert the algorithm belowto Java and place it in the main method after the variable declarations, butbefore the output statements. You will be using several control structures: awhile loop and an if-else-if statement nested inside another if statement. Usethe indenting of the algorithm to help you decide what is included in the loop,what is included in the if statement, and what is included in the nested if-else-ifstatement.

    Repeat while the number of dice rolls are less than the number of times the dice shouldbe rolled.

    Roll the first dieGet the value of the first dieRoll the second dieGet the value of the second dieIf the value of the first die is the same as the value of the second die

    If value of first die is 1Increment the number of times snake eyes were rolled

    Else if value of the first die is 2Increment the number of times twos were rolled

    Else if value of the first die is 3Increment the number of times threes were rolled

    Else if value of the first die is 4Increment the number of times fours were rolled

    Else if value of the first die is 5Increment the number of times fives were rolled

    Else if value of the first die is 6Increment the number of times sixes were rolled

    Increment the number of times the dice were rolled3. Compile and run. You should get numbers that are somewhat close to 278 for

    each of the different pairs of doubles. Run it several times. You should get dif-ferent results than the first time, but again it should be somewhat close to 278.

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  • Task #2 Using Other Types of Loops

    1. Change the while loop to a do-while loop. Compile and run. You should get thesame results.

    2. Change the do loop to a for loop. Compile and run. You should get the sameresults.

    Chapter 5 Lab Loops and Files 47

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  • Task #3 Reading and Writing Using Files

    1. Copy the files FileStats.java (see code listing 5.3) and Numbers.txt fromwww.aw.com/cssupport or as directed by your instructor. You can compileFileStats.java. It will compile without errors so that you can use it to test outthe StatsDemo class you will be creating.

    2. Create a class called StatsDemo which consists of a main method to do the fol-lowing:a) Create a DecimalFormat object so that we can format our numbers for out-

    put with 3 decimal places (Dont forget the needed import statement).b) Create a Scanner object to get the file name input from the user (Dont for-

    get the needed import statement).c) Prompt the user and read in the file name (Remember to declare any needed

    variables).d) Create a FileStats object passing it the file name.e) Create a FileWriter object passing it the filename Results.txt (Dont for-

    get the needed import statement).f) Create a PrintWriter object passing it the FileWriter object.g) Since you are using a FileWriter object, add a throws clause to the main

    method header.h) Print the mean and standard deviation to the output file using a three deci-

    mal format, labeling each.i) Close the output file.

    3. Compile, debug, and run. You should get no output to the console, but runningthe program will create a file called Results.txt with your output. The outputyou should get at this point is: mean = 0.000, standard deviation = 0.000. Thisis not the correct mean or standard deviation for the data, but we will fix this inthe next tasks.

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  • Task #4 The calculateMean Method

    1. Open FileStats.java for editing. You will notice that the calculateMean andcalculateStdDev methods do not do any calculations yet. They simply return a 0to the constructor to initialize the instance variables. We need to add lines toeach of these methods to have them return the correct value. Lets work withthe calculateMean method first.

    2. Create a FileReader object passing it the filename (Dont forget the neededimport statement).

    3. Create a BufferedReader object passing it the FileReader object.4. Since you are using a FileReader object, add a throws clause to the

    calculateMean method header as well as the constructor method header (since itcalls the calculateMean method).

    5. Declare local variables for an accumulator of type double, a counter of typeinteger, and line of type String. Initialize all number variables to 0.

    6. Write a priming read to read the first line of the file.7. Write a loop that continues until you are at the end of the file.8. The body of the loop will

    a) convert the line into a double value and add the value to the accumulatorb) increment the counterc) read a new line from the file

    9. When the program exits the loop close the input file.10. Calculate and return the mean instead of 0. The mean is calculated by dividing

    the accumulator by the counter.11. Compile, debug, and run. You should now get a mean of 77.444, but the stan-

    dard deviation will still be 0.000.

    Chapter 5 Lab Loops and Files 49

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  • Task #5 The calculateStdDev Method

    1. Do steps 2-7 as above in the calculateMean method but add another local vari-able called difference of type double.

    2. The body of the loop will a) convert the line into a double value and subtract the mean, store the result

    in differenceb) add the square of the difference to the accumulatorc) increment the counterd) read a new line from the file

    3. When the program exits the loop close the input file.4. The variance is calculated by dividing the accumulator (sum of the squares of

    the difference) by the counter. Calculate the standard deviation by taking thesquare root of the variance (Use Math.sqrt ( ) to take the square root).

    5. Compile, debug, and run. You should get a mean of 77.444 and standard devia-tion of 10.021.

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  • Code Listing 5.1 (Dice.java)// This class simulates a fair, standard die that is used in manygames.

    import java.util.Random; // to use random number generator

    public class Dice


    private int spots; // the number of spots up on the die

    private static Random generator;// a random number

    //generator used in

    //simulating rolling a dice, shared

    //by all dice so that it will be as

    //random as possible.

    //Constructor creates a single die, initially with no spots

    public Dice()


    generator = new Random(); //creates an instance of

    //the random generator

    spots = 0;


    //simulates rolling the die and stores the number rolled

    public void roll()


    //returns 1,2,3,4,5,or 6

    spots = generator.nextInt(6) + 1;


    //returns the value of the die

    public int getSpots()


    return spots;



    Chapter 5 Lab Loops and Files 51

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  • Code Listing 5.2 (DiceSimulation.java)// This class simulates rolling a pair of dice 10,000 times and

    // counts the number of times doubles of are rolled for each

    // different pair of doubles.

    public class DiceSimulation


    public static void main(String[] args)


    final int NUMBER = 10000; //the number of times to

    //roll the dice

    Dice die1 = new Dice(); // the first die

    Dice die2 = new Dice(); // the second die

    int die1Value; // number of spots on the first

    // die

    int die2Value; // number of spots on the second

    // die

    int count = 0; // number of times the dice were

    // rolled

    int snakeEyes = 0; // number of times snake eyes

    // rolled

    int twos = 0; // number of times double two is

    // rolled

    int threes = 0; // number of times double three

    // is rolled

    int fours = 0; // number of times double four

    // is rolled

    int fives = 0; // number of times double

    // five is rolled

    int sixes = 0; // number of times double six is

    // rolled


    Code Listing 5.2 continued on next page.

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  • System.out.println ("You rolled snake eyes " +

    snakeEyes + " out of " + count + " rolls.");

    System.out.println ("You rolled double twos " + twos +

    " out of " + count + " rolls.");

    System.out.println ("You rolled double threes " +

    threes + " out of " + count + " rolls.");

    System.out.println ("You rolled double fours " + fours

    + " out of " + count + " rolls.");

    System.out.println ("You rolled double fives " + fives

    + " out of " + count + " rolls.");

    System.out.println ("You rolled double sixes " + sixes

    + " out of " + count + " rolls.");



    Chapter 5 Lab Loops and Files 53

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  • Code Listing 5.3 (FileStats.java)// To calculate the statistics on a file of numbers

    public class FileStats


    private double mean; //the arithmetic average

    private double stdDev; //the standard deviation

    //Constructor calls calculateMean and calculateStdDev


    //and store the results in the respective instance


    public FileStats(String filename)


    mean = calculateMean(filename);

    stdDev = calculateStdDev(filename);


    //returns the mean

    public double getMean()


    return mean;


    //returns the standard deviation

    public double getStdDev()


    return stdDev;


    //returns the calculated arithmetic average

    public double calculateMean(String filename)



    return 0;


    Code Listing 5.3 continued on next page.

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  • //returns the calculated standard deviation

    public double calculateStdDev(String filename)



    return 0;



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  • Chapter 6 LabMore Classes and Objects

    Objectives Be able to write overloaded methods Be able to write equals and toString methods Be able to use objects made up of other objects (Aggregation) Be able to write methods that pass and return objects


    We discussed objects in Chapter 3 and we modeled a television in the Chapter 3 lab.We want build on that lab, and work more with objects. This time, the object that weare choosing is more complicated. It is made up of other objects. This is called aggre-gation. A credit card is an object that is very common, but not as simple as a television.Attributes of the credit card include information about the owner, as well as a balanceand credit limit. These things would be our instance fields. A credit card allows you tomake payments and charges. These would be methods. As we have seen before, therewould also be other methods associated with this object in order to construct the objectand access its fields.

    Examine the UML diagram that follows. Notice that the instance fields in theCreditCard class are other types of objects, a Person object or a Money object. We cansay that the CreditCard has a Person, which means aggregation, and the Personobject has a Address object as one of its instance fields. This aggregation structurecan create a very complicated object. We will try to keep this lab reasonably simple.

    To start with, we will be editing a partially written class, Money. We will investi-gate overloading methods by writing another constructor method. The constructor thatyou will be writing is a copy constructor. This means it should create a new object, butwith the same values in the instance variables as the object that is being copied.

    Next, we will write equals and toString methods. These are very commonmethods that are needed when you write a class to model an object. You will also see acompareTo method that is also a common method for objects.

    After we have finished the Money class, we will write a CreditCard class. Thisclass contains Money objects, so you will use the methods that you have written tocomplete the Money class. The CreditCard class will explore passing objects and thepossible security problems associated with it. We will use the copy constructor wewrote for the Money class to create new objects with the same information to return tothe user through the accessor methods.

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  • 58 Lab Manual to Accompany Starting Out with Java 5: Early Objects

    Credit Card

    Money Person



    +CreditCard(newCardHolder:Person, limit:Money):+getBalance():Money+getCreditLimit():Money+getPersonals():String+charge(amount:Money):void+payment(amount:Money):void







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  • Task #1 Overloading by Writing a Copy Constructor

    1. Copy the files Address.java (code listing 6.1), Person.java (code listing 6.2),Money.java (code listing 6.3), MoneyDriver.java (code listing 6.4), andCreditCardDemo.java (code listing 6.5) from www.aw.com/cssupport or asdirected by your instructor. Address.java, Person.java, MoneyDemo.java, andCreditCardDemo.java are complete and will not need to be modified. We willstart by modifying Money.java.

    2. Overload the constructor. The constructor that you will write will be a copyconstructor. It should use the parameter money object to make a duplicatemoney object, by copying the value of each instance variable from the parame-ter object to the instance variable of the new object.

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  • Task #2 Writing equals and toString methods

    1. Write and document an equals method. The method compares the instancevariables of the calling object with instance variables of the parameter objectfor equality and returns true if the dollars and the cents of the calling object arethe same as the dollars and the cents of the parameter object. Otherwise, itreturns false.

    2. Write and document a toString method. This method will return a Stringthat looks like money, including the dollar sign. Remember that if you have lessthan 10 cents, you will need to put a 0 before printing the cents so that itappears correctly with 2 decimal places.

    3. Compile, debug, and test by running the MoneyDriver.java driver program. Youshould get the output:The current amount is $500.00Adding $10.02 gives $510.02Subtracting $10.88 gives $499.14$10.02 equals $10.02$10.88 does not equal $10.02

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  • Task #3 Passing and Returning Objects 1. Create a CreditCard class according to the UML Diagram on the back. It

    should have data fields that include an owner of type Person, a balance of typeMoney, and a creditLimit of type Money.

    2. It should have a constructor that has two parameters, a Person to initialize theowner and a Money value to initialize the creditLimit. The balance can be ini-tialized to a Money value of zero. Remember you are passing in objects (passby reference), so you have passed in the address to an object. If you want yourCreditCard to have its own creditLimit and balance, you should create a newobject of each using the copy constructor in the Money class.

    3. It should have accessor methods to get the balance and the available credit.Since these are objects (pass by reference), we dont want to create an insecurecredit card by passing out addresses to components in our credit card, so wemust return a new object with the same values. Again, use the copy constructorto create a new object of type money that can be returned.

    4. It should have an accessor method to get the information about the owner, butin the form of a String that can be printed out. This can be done by calling thetoString method for the owner (who is a Person).

    5. It should have a method that will charge to the credit card by adding theamount of Money in the parameter to the balance if it will not exceed the creditlimit. If the credit limit will be exceeded, the amount should not be added, andan error message can be printed to the console.

    6. It should have a method that will make a payment on the credit card by sub-tracting the amount of Money in the parameter from the balance.

    7. Compile, debug, and test it out completely by running CreditCardDemo.java.You should get the output:Diane Christie, 237J Harvey Hall, Menomonie, WI54751Balance: $0.00Credit Limit: $1000.00Attempt to charge $200.00Charge: $200.00Balance: $200.00Attempt to charge $10.02Charge: $10.02Balance: $210.02Attempt to pay $25.00Payment: $25.00Balance: $185.02Attempt to charge $990.00Exceeds credit limitBalance: $185.02

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  • Code Listing 6.1 (Address.java)//Defines an address using a street, city, state, and zipcode

    public class Address


    //The street number and street name

    private String street;

    //The city in which the address is located

    private String city;

    //The state in which the address is located

    private String state;

    //The zip code associated with that city and street

    private String zip;

    //Constructor creates an address using four parameters

    //road describes the street number and name

    //town describes the city

    //st describes the state

    //zipCode describes the zip code

    public Address(String road, String town, String st,

    String zipCode)


    street = road;

    city = town;

    state = st;

    zip = zipCode;


    //toString method returns information about the address

    public String toString()


    return (street + ", " + city + ", " + state + " " +




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  • Code Listing 6.2 (Person.java)//Defines a person by name and address

    public class Person


    //The persons last name

    private String lastName;

    //The persons first name

    private String firstName;

    //The persons address

    private Address home;

    //Constructor creates a person from a last name,

    //first name, and address

    public Person(String last, String first, Address residence)


    lastName = last;

    firstName = first;

    home = residence;


    //toString method returns information about the person

    public String toString()


    return(firstName + " " + lastName + ", " +




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  • Code Listing 6.3 (Money.java)//Objects represent nonnegative amounts of money

    public class Money


    private long dollars; //A number of dollars

    private long cents; //A number of cents

    //Constructor creates a Money object using the amount

    //of money in

    //dollars and cents represented with a decimal number

    public Money(double amount)


    if (amount < 0)


    System.out.println("Error: Negative amounts of" +

    "money are not allowed.");





    long allCents = Math.round(amount*100);

    dollars = allCents/100;

    cents = allCents%100;



    //Adds the calling Money object to the parameter Money


    public Money add(Money otherAmount)


    Money sum = new Money(0);

    sum.cents = this.cents + otherAmount.cents;

    long carryDollars = sum.cents/100;

    sum.cents = sum.cents%100;

    sum.dollars = this.dollars

    + otherAmount.dollars + carryDollars;

    Code Listing 6.3 continued on next page.

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  • return sum;


    //Subtracts the parameter Money object from the calling


    //object and returns the difference.

    public Money subtract (Money amount)


    Money difference = new Money(0);

    if (this.cents < amount.cents)


    this.dollars = this.dollars - 1;

    this.cents = this.cents + 100;


    difference.dollars = this.dollars - amount.dollars;

    difference.cents = this.cents - amount.cents;

    return difference;


    //Compares instance variable of the calling object

    //with the parameter object. It returns -1 if the

    //dollars and the cents of the calling object are

    //less than the dollars and the cents of the parameter

    //object, 0 if the dollars and the cents of the calling

    //object are equal to the dollars and cents of the

    //parameter object, and 1 if the dollars and the cents

    //of the calling object are more than the dollars and

    //the cents of the parameter object.

    public int compareTo(Money amount)


    int value;

    if(this.dollars < amount.dollars)


    value = -1;


    else if (this.dollars > amount.dollars)


    value = 1;


    Code Listing 6.3 continued on next page.

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  • else if (this.cents < amount.cents)


    value = -1;


    else if (this.cents > amount.cents)


    value = 1;




    value = 0;


    return value;



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  • Code Listing 6.4 (MoneyDriver.java)//This program tests the money class.

    public class MoneyDriver


    //This is a driver for testing the class

    public static void main(String[] args)


    final int BEGINNING = 500;

    final Money FIRST_AMOUNT = new Money(10.02);

    final Money SECOND_AMOUNT = new Money(10.02);

    final Money THIRD_AMOUNT = new Money(10.88);

    Money balance = new Money(BEGINNING);

    System.out.println("The current amount is " +


    balance = balance.add(SECOND_AMOUNT);

    System.out.println("Adding " + SECOND_AMOUNT +

    " gives " + balance.toString());

    balance = balance.subtract(THIRD_AMOUNT);

    System.out.println("Subtracting " + THIRD_AMOUNT +

    " gives " + balance.toString());

    boolean equal = SECOND_AMOUNT.equals(FIRST_AMOUNT);


    System.out.println(SECOND_AMOUNT + " equals "



    System.out.println(SECOND_AMOUNT +

    " does not equal " + FIRST_AMOUNT);

    equal = THIRD_AMOUNT.equals(FIRST_AMOUNT);


    System.out.println(THIRD_AMOUNT + " equals " +



    System.out.println(THIRD_AMOUNT +

    " does not equal " + FIRST_AMOUNT);



    Code Listing 6.4 continued on next page.

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  • Code Listing 6.5 (CreditCardDemo.java)//Demonstrates the CreditCard class

    public class CreditCardDemo


    public static void main(String[] args)


    final Money LIMIT = new Money(1000);

    final Money FIRST_AMOUNT = new Money(200);

    final Money SECOND_AMOUNT = new Money(10.02);

    final Money THIRD_AMOUNT = new Money(25);

    final Money FOURTH_AMOUNT = new Money(990);

    Person owner = new Person("Christie", "Diane",

    new Address("237J Harvey Hall", "Menomonie",

    "WI", "54751"));

    CreditCard visa = new CreditCard(owner, LIMIT);


    System.out.println("Balance: " + visa.getBalance());

    System.out.println("Credit Limit: "

    + visa.getCreditLimit());


    System.out.println("Attempt to charge " +



    System.out.println("Balance: " + visa.getBalance());

    System.out.println("Attempt to charge " +



    System.out.println("Balance: " + visa.getBalance());

    System.out.println("Attempt to pay " + THIRD_AMOUNT);


    System.out.println("Balance: " + visa.getBalance());

    System.out.println("Attempt to charge " +



    System.out.println("Balance: " + visa.getBalance());



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  • Chapter 7 LabArrays

    Objectives Be able to declare and instantiate arrays Be able to fill an array using a for loop Be able to access and process data in an array Be able to write a sorting method Be able to use an array of objects


    Everyone is familiar with a list. We make shopping lists, to-do lists, assignment lists,birthday lists, etc. Notice that though there may be many items on the list, we call thelist by one name. That is the idea of the array, one name for a list of related items. Inthis lab, we will work with lists in the form of an array.

    It will start out simple with a list of numbers. We will learn how to process thecontents of an array. We will also explore sorting algorithms, using the selection sort.We will then move onto more complicated arrays, arrays that contain objects.

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  • Task #1 Average ClassCreate a class called Average according to the UML diagram.

    This class will allow a user to enter 5 scores into an array. It will then rearrange thedata in descending order and calculate the mean for the data set.

    Attributes: data[]the array which will contain the scores meanthe arithmetic average of the scores

    Methods: Averagethe constructor. It will allocate memory for the array. Use a for

    loop to repeatedly display a prompt for the user which should indicate that usershould enter score number 1, score number 2, etc. Note: The computer startscounting with 0, but people start counting with 1, and your prompt shouldaccount for this. For example, when the user enters score number 1, it will bestored in indexed variable 0. The constructor will then call theselectionSort and the calculateMean methods.

    calculateMeanthis is a method that uses a for loop to access each scorein the array and add it to a running total. The total divided by the number ofscores (use the length of the array), and the result is stored into mean.

    toStringreturns a String containing data in descending order and themean.

    selectionSorthis method uses the selection sort algorithm to rearrangethe data set from highest to lowest.

    -data [ ] :int-mean: double+Average( ):+calculateMean( ): void+toString( ): String+selectionSort( ): void


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  • Task #2 Average Driver

    1. Create an AverageDriver class. This class only contains the main method.The main method should declare and instantiate an Average object. TheAverage object information should then be printed to the console.

    2. Compile, debug, and run the program. It should output the data set from highestto lowest and the mean. Compare the computers output to your hand calcula-tion using a calculator. If they are not the same, do not continue until you cor-rect your code.

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  • Task #3 Arrays of Objects1. Copy the files Song.java (code listing 7.1), CompactDisc.java (code listing 7.2)

    and Classics.txt (code listing 7.3) from www.aw.com/cssupport or as directedby your instructor. Song.java is complete and will not be edited. Classics.txt isthe data file that will be used by CompactDisc.java, the file you will be editing.

    2. In CompactDisc.java, there are comments indicating where the missing code isto be placed. Declare an array of Songs, called cd, to be of size 6.

    3. Fill the array by creating a new song with the title and artist and storing it inthe appropriate position in the array.

    4. Print the contents of the array to the console.5. Compile, debug, and run. Your output should be as follows:

    Contents of ClassicsOde to Joy by BachThe Sleeping Beauty by TchaikovskyLullaby by BrahmsCanon by BachSymphony No. 5 by BeethovenThe Blue Danube Waltz by Strauss

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  • Code Listing 7.1 (Song.java)public class Song


    private String title;

    private String artist;

    public Song(String title, String artist)


    this.title = title;

    this.artist = artist;


    public String toString()


    return title + " by " + artist + "\n";



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  • Code Listing 7.2 (CompactDisc.java)//This program creates a list of songs for a CD by reading from a//file

    import java.io.*;

    public class CompactDisc


    public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException


    FileReader file = new FileReader("Classics.txt");

    BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(file);

    String title;

    String artist;

    //Declare an array of songs, called cd, of size 6

    for (int i = 0; i < cd.length; i++)


    title = input.readLine();

    artist = input.readLine();

    // fill the array by creating a new song with

    // the title and artist and storing it in the

    // appropriate position in the array


    System.out.println("Contents of Classics:");

    for (int i = 0; i < cd.length; i++)


    //print the contents of the array to the console




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  • Code Listing 7.3 (Classics.txt)Ode to Joy


    The Sleeping Beauty






    Symphony No. 5


    The Blue Danube Waltz


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  • Chapter 8 LabText Processing and Wrapper Classes

    Objectives Use methods of the Character class and String class to process text Be able to use the StringTokenizer and StringBuffer classes


    In this lab we ask the user to enter a time in military time (24 hours). The program willconvert and display the equivalent conventional time (12 hour with AM or PM) for eachentry if it is a valid military time. An error message will be printed to the console if theentry is not a valid military time.

    Think about how you would convert any military time 00:00 to 23:59 into conven-tional time. Also think about what would be valid military times. To be a valid time,the data must have a specific form. First, it should have exactly 5 characters. Next,only digits are allowed in the first two and last two positions, and that a colon isalways used in the middle position. Next, we need to ensure that we never have over23 hours or 59 minutes. This will require us to separate the substrings containing thehours and minutes. When converting from military time to conventional time, we onlyhave to worry about times that have hours greater than 12, and we do not need to doanything with the minutes at all. To convert, we will need to subtract 12, and put itback together with the colon and the minutes, and indicate that it is PM. Keep in mindthat 00:00 in military time is 12:00 AM (midnight) and 12:00 in military time is 12:00PM (noon).

    We will need to use a variety of Character class and String class methods to vali-date the data and separate it in order to process it. We will also use a Character classmethod to allow the user to continue the program if desired.

    The String Tokenizer class will allow us to process a text file in order to decode asecret message. We will use the first letter of every 5th token read in from a file toreveal the secret message.

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  • Task #1 Character and String Class Methods

    1. Copy the files Time.java (code listing 8.1) and TimeDemo.java (code listing8.2) from www.aw.com/cssupport or as directed by your instructor.

    2. In the Time.java file, add conditions to the decision structure which validatesthe data. Conditions are needed that will a) Check the length of the stringb) Check the position of the colonc) Check that all other characters are digits

    3. Add lines that will separate the string into two substrings containing hours andminutes. Convert these substrings to integers and save them into the instancevariables.

    4. In the TimeDemo class
