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DBJ Discussion Paper Series, No. 1701 Labor Productivity Stagnation, the Radical Quantitative Easing Monetary Policy, and Disinflation Masayuki Otaki (Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo) September 2017 The aim of this discussion paper series is to stimulate discussion and comment from academics and policymakers through a preliminary draft form. This paper is included by permission of the author(s) as a tentative material before publication in peer-reviewed journals or books. Copyright and all related rights are maintained by the author(s). Views expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and do not reflect the views of the Research Institute of Capital Formation or Development Bank of Japan.
Page 1: Labor Productivity Stagnation, the Radical Quantitative ... · Labor Productivity Stagnation, the Radical Quantitative Easing Monetary Policy, and Disinflation Abstract There is an

DBJ Discussion Paper Series, No. 1701

Labor Productivity Stagnation,

the Radical Quantitative Easing Monetary Policy,

and Disinflation

Masayuki Otaki

(Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo)

September 2017

The aim of this discussion paper series is to stimulate discussion and comment from academics

and policymakers through a preliminary draft form. This paper is included by permission of the

author(s) as a tentative material before publication in peer-reviewed journals or books. Copyright

and all related rights are maintained by the author(s). Views expressed in this paper are those of

the author(s) and do not reflect the views of the Research Institute of Capital Formation or

Development Bank of Japan.

Page 2: Labor Productivity Stagnation, the Radical Quantitative ... · Labor Productivity Stagnation, the Radical Quantitative Easing Monetary Policy, and Disinflation Abstract There is an


Labor Productivity Stagnation, the Radical Quantitative Easing Monetary Policy,

and Disinflation


There is an anomaly observed in many advanced economies- disinflation accompanied

by stagnation of labor productivity. In a static barter economy, this phenomenon is

incomprehensive because labor productivity stagnation relative to aggregate demand

raises price levels. That is, theoretically, disinflation can coexist only with the rapid

progress of labor productivity. I construct an overlapping-generations model (OLG

model), which predicts disinflation caused by slowdown in labor productivity. The crucial

factor is that demand for current goods can decrease when labor productivity slows down.

This implies that disinflation and recession coexist to keep the equilibrium in the goods

market. In addition, I clarify the reason why quantitative easing (QE) policy such as

those seen in Japan and other advanced economies causes mild disinflation.

Keywords: Labor Productivity Stagnation, Radical QE Policy, Disinflation, Stagflation

as Bust of Money Bubble

1 Introduction

As suggested in Table 4.1, disinflation and the slowdown of labor productivity growth is

prominent in advanced countries. Beyond the issue of measurement errors, 1 these

phenomena are related to different factors. For example, according to ECB (2016), labor

productivity slowdown in the U.S. is mainly attributed to

(i) Decrease in capital deepening, and

(ii) the slowdown of total factor productivity (TFP) growth.

On the other hand, as a key variable of disinflation, inflation expectations are

frequently examined although there findings span a wide range. Christensen (2009)

revealed that minor investors held deflationary expectations even during the deflation

era in the U.S. Piazza (2015) found that Japanese deflationary expectations are

prominent compared with the world economy. Hori and Shimizutani (2005) showed that

1 For example, Byrne, Fernald, and Reinsdorf (2016) argue it is difficult to find productivity slowdown in the U.S. despite the substantial measurement errors.

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Japanese inflation expectations are strongly affected by their own lagged variables.

However, the slowdown of capital deepening or TFP is not consistent with disinflation

in the classical static model, regardless of what price expectations may be. For example,

let us consider a classical two production factors linear homogenous production function

model, which the TFP analysis implicitly assumes. If capital deepening decelerates, labor

becomes the abundant resource. Accordingly, the real wage becomes lower relative to the

real rent. Thus, the real wage strictly decreases. Nevertheless, this model does not

possess the power to determine the price level because it is a classical real model, which

cannot introduce money endogenously. Hence, by definition, it is impossible to know

whether disinflation occurs or not.

Instead, consider the case in which capital accumulation takes time to be effective, and

capital is a quasi-fixed factor in the short run. Hence, labor is the only variable

production resource. In such a case, if nominal wage is fixed, the price level potentially

increases. This is because the real wage must be lowered to maintain full employment

equilibrium. It is not deflation but static inflation. It must be noted that this scenario,

which is based on the standard Keynesian theory, is a variant of the stagflation model of

Bruno and Sachs (1985), and thus, neither the neoclassical nor Keynesian type models

can explain the coexistence of disinflation and labor productivity slowdown since a model

is basically static.

Therefore, we must note that disinflation is a dynamic phenomenon in a monetary

economy. The current and future economy is linked through money. In addition, output

price is measured in terms of money. Accordingly, we need a dynamic model with money

to analyze the coexistence of disinflation and productivity slowdown.

The two period overlapping-generations (OLG) model with money is the simplest and

most suitable analytical tool. As developed in Otaki (2007, 2009, 2015), this type of OLG

model has the property that the value of money (the inverse of the price index) is

determined by the rational expectation of its own future value, and thus, unemployment

emerges whenever the real cash balance is sufficiently small with no rigidity assumption

on prices. I assume a linear production function of labor with exogenously given labor

productivity to facilitate the comparative statics.

An exogenous labor productivity slowdown implies that the current potential

aggregated supply is curtailed. Since young individuals’ consumption is an increasing

function of the ex-ante inflation rate, which is equal to the ex-post inflation of the next

period under rational expectation equilibrium (REE), disinflation is provoked to

equilibrate the current goods market. Thus, in a monetary economy, disinflation can

coexist with a productivity slowdown.

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It is important to distinguish between ex-post and ex-ante inflation. Let t be the current

period. Then, the ex-post inflation, EP , is defined as


EP t



. (1)

The ex-ante rational expectation, EX , which affects young individuals’ decision, is

1EX t



. (2)

As discussed above, the ex-post inflation rate can be derived from the comparative statics

of a neoclassical model. However, the ex-ante inflation rate, which is equal to the future

actual inflation rate (ex-post inflation rate during period 1t under REE), can only be

derived in dynamic model. It must be noted that what is important for determining the

equilibrium is the ex-ante inflation rate, and not the ex-post inflation rate, because those

who substantially determine the resource allocation of the overall economy are the

current young generation. The classical static model cannot derive the ex-ante inflation

rate by definition. The strict distinction between the price level and inflation rate is

crucial for macroeconomic theory.

Regarding the origins of deflation, my model is also useful in analyzing the

consequences of the radical quantitative easing (QE) monetary policy. Disinflation

continues in advanced economies despite the intention of the radical QE policy. This is

paradoxical for those who follow quantity theory including New Keynesians.2 In contrast

to this, my model can explain this phenomenon.

The OLG model assumes that individuals are confident of the intrinsic value of money

in the sense that they rationally believe the current price level is independent of the

nominal money supply. An increase in the nominal money supply requires deflation. This

is because the aggregate saving of the young generation should increase to equilibrate

the money market.

The most prominent future of the OLG model is that a change in some stock

macroeconomic variable such as the nominal money supply can directly affect flow

variables. Traditional IS/LM analysis (including sophisticated versions of new

Keynesian) cannot analyze how the new monetary inflow affects the equilibrium

condition of the goods market. If a change in the stock variable is negligibly small, the

IS/LM method can be considered a reasonable first-order approximation. However, the

2 Gali (2008) is a standard text of New Keynesian economics. The real cash balance is introduced in the utility function. This implies that the real cash balance become an endogenous variable, and hence, the price level varies proportionately to the nominal money stock, at least, in the long run. This property clarifies that neutrality of money (i.e., quantity theory of money) holds in New Keynesian model.

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volume of the radical QE policy per annum is huge, and thus, the OLG model is far more

suitable than the IS/LM analysis to investigate its effects on the overall economy.

This paper is organized as follows. Section 3.2 constructs a classical static model and a

dynamic OLG model to exhibit different insights into the coexistence of disinflation and

labor productivity slowdown. In Section 3.3, I critically analyze effects of the radical QE

monetary policy by using the OLG model constructed in Section 3.2. Section 3.4 contains

concluding remarks.

2 The Model

2.1 The Classical Real Model

I consider an economy in which one good is produced by one production resource: labor.

The utility function,U , of the representative individual is assumed to be

U x G h , ' 0, '' 0G G , 0

lim ' 0, lim 'h h

G h G h

, (3)

where x denotes the volume of consumption and h is the hours worked. G function

represents the disutility from labor. The budget constraint is

,WWh px h xp


whereW denotes the nominal wage. p is the price of goods.

From the Inada condition in Equation (3), the budget constraint, Equation (4), is always

biding. Therefore, the maximization problem, which the representative individual solves,



W h G hp


W G hp

. (5)

Production is assumed to be linear on hours worked:

x h . (6)

Goods and labor markets are under perfect competition. Substituting Equation (4), the

zero-profit condition implies

0px Wh Wp

. (7)

Accordingly, the labor productivity is equalized to the real wage. The equilibrium of the

goods market is illustrated by Point E in Figure 1. It is evident from Figure 1 that the

optimal hours worked, *h , is an increasing function of the labor productivity . That is,

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* , ' 0h . (8)

Here we assume that nominal wage,W , is the numeraire. Then, we can determine the

price of goods in terms of the nominal wage. Let this variable be denoted wp Since the

labor productivity is equal to the real wage (see Equation (7)), the price, wp , always

increases when labor productivity slows down. Thus, ex-post inflation as represented

in Equation (1) is triggered by such a slowdown.

Furthermore, the curtailed real wage decreases the equilibrium hours worked, *h . This

implies that stagflation occurs in this economy. It should be noted that this property of

the static neoclassical model is quite robust as shown in Bruno and Sachs shows.

Figure 2 illustrates the equilibrium of the goods market from the another point of view.

Horizontal line SS is the supply curve is defined in Equation (7).3 The downward-sloping

curve DD is the demand curve of the goods. This curve can be derived in the following

way. First, the optimal hours worked *h is a decreasing function of the goods price wp .

Second, from the budget constraint Equation (4), it is evident that the optimal

consumption, *x , increases in conjunction with *h . Consequently, *x is a decreasing

function of wp , and hence, the demand curve DD becomes downward sloping. The

equilibrium is achieved at Point E .

It is also straightforward from Figure 2 that the equilibrium moves towards the

northwest point of DD such as Point 1E whenever labor productivity slowdown is

provoked as a consequence of the upward shift of supply curve SS . This is the essence of

the supply-shock model developed by Bruno and Sachs (1985).

To summarize, the real static model cannot explain the coexistence of disinflation and

the labor productivity slowdown. This fact suggests that a dynamic model with money is

needed to solve this paradox.

2.2 The Two Period Overlapping-Generations Model

I construct a two period OLG model with money and infinite time horizon in a production

economy, which is developed by Lucas (1972) and Otaki (2007, 2009, 2015). The utility

function,V , of representative individual who is born at the beginning period t is

1 2 1,t t tV v x x G h , (9)

3 If the aggregate production is concave, it is easy to show that the aggregate supply curve SS becomes upward sloping. However, parameter becomes the TFP at this time.

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where v represents the utility from lifetime consumption. it jx denotes the

consumption of an individual during period t j at the i th stage of his life. This function

is strictly concave and a linear homogenous function. v also satisfies the Inada

condition. The corresponding budget constraint is

1 2 1t t t t tW h p c c , 1t



. (10)

It is well known that the corresponding indirect utility function, ID , of v can be

represented as

1,t t

t t


p p

, (11)

where is a monotonously increasing linear homogenous function. The optimal

decision requires the following condition:

'( )t tt

d ID G hdh



tt t

W G hp p

1, 't t t tW p p G h . (12)

Accordingly, the firm’s zero-profit condition requires

0Rt tp W 1, ' 0t t t t t tp W p p p G h 1, ' tG h . (13)

where is the ex-ante inflation rate as previously defined in Equation (1).

Equation (13) is the implicit aggregate supply function of this model. The right-hand

side of the equation is an increasing function of th and . Hence, the aggregate supply

function is a downward sloping like Curve AS in Figure 3. It should be noted that the

vertical axis is the inflation rate , and not the price level tp . When inflation advances,

the nominal wage, tW , increases because future goods become expensive relative to

current goods. This dampens labor demand because profits become negative if a firm

does not reduce hours worked. Accordingly, the aggregate supply, Sty , decreases as

inflation advances. This is how Curve AS is derived.

The labor productivity is a vital parameter of the aggregate supply function as shown

in Equation (13). Suppose that the hours worked, th , is kept constant and that the labor

productivity slows downs ( becomes a smaller value than before ). Then, the (ex-ante)

inflation rate, , decreases and disinflation occurs. The decreased labor productivity

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curtails the aggregate supply, and hence, aggregate consumption must also decrease.

The aggregate consumption of young individuals is an increasing function of . 4

Therefore, decreases to equilibrate the goods market. Thus, whenever the labor

productivity stagnates, Curve AS shifts downward.

Let us now consider the aggregate demand, Dty . The aggregate demand comprises three

items: young generation’s consumption; old generation’s consumption; and the

government consumption. Young generation’s consumption, 1tc , becomes

1 ,1 ' 0t tc c y c , (14)

because the lifetime utility function on consumption is homothetic. Since the old

generation is assumed to have no incentive to pass on inheritance, they exchange the all

their money, which they carried over from the previous period, and thus,

12 1






holds. The budget constraint of the government is as follows:

1t tt

t t

M Mg

p p . (16)

This identity implies that the government finances its consumption by seigniorage.

From Equations (14), (15), and (16), the aggregate demand, Dty , can be defined as

1D tt t t t


My c y g c y m

p , where , 0t jt

t t j

MMm j

p p

. (17)

To find the equilibrium with the zero-profit condition of the firm, we can set

D St t ty y y . (18)

Using Equation (18), Equation (17) can be transformed into

t ty c y m 1t


. (19)

Equation (19) is the equation of the aggregate demand. When the inflation rate increases,

the equilibrium GDP, ty , increases. Thus, the aggregate demand function AD becomes

upward sloping. In addition, when real cash balance, m , increases, ceteris paribus, Curve

4 Here I analyze properties of the aggregate supply curve. However, information on the demand side of the goods is inseparable from the analysis. This is because the indirect lifetime utility function, ID , contains information on the demand function.

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AD in Figure 3 shifts right because of the multiplier effect. Equilibrium of the economy

is achieved at Point KE , which is the intersection of Curves AS and AD .

3 Comparative Statics

This section considers how exogenous economic shocks affect the macroeconomic

equilibrium. Three shocks are analyzed: labor productivity slowdown; radical QE

monetary policy; and stagflation provoked by the lack of belief in the intrinsic value of


3.1 Labor Productivity Slowdown

An autonomous labor productivity slowdown is represented by the reduction of

parameter, . As described in Section 2, this causes a downward shift of the AS curve.

Figure 4 illustrates the consequence. The equilibrium moves from Point A to 1A .

Accordingly, the slowdown of labor productivity and disinflation coexist in our theory.

The causality is as follows. An autonomous labor productivity slowdown decreases the

aggregate supply, and excess demand emerges in the goods market. Assume that

individuals are confident of the current intrinsic value of money,1

tp, then by definition,

the current price level, tp , is unchanged5. It is plausible to assume that individuals

anticipate the future price, 1tp , to be lower because the economy will sufficiently adapt

to the labor productivity slowdown. Thus, rational ex-ante deflationary expectations are

generated and disinflation is realized. Such disinflation reduces the aggregate

consumption of the young generation, and hence equilibrates the goods market. It also

should be noted that the economy falls into recession because of the decrease in

aggregate consumption.

3.2 Effect of Radical QE Monetary Policy

The radical QE monetary policy shifts the aggregate demand curve AD towards the right

as in Figure 5. The economy moves from Point B to 'B . Business upturns in conjunction

with disinflation.

5 My model can determine only the relative value of money (the inverse of the inflation rate). It is necessary to determine the value of the sequence of price levels to establish the initial condition of the price level. This value is arbitrarily given. The condition for ‘confidence’is developed by Otaki (2015), which implies that the current absolute

value of money,1

tp, is independent of the nominal money supply.

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This property of the model is quite similar to the current situation faced by the Japanese

economy. The QE policy, which injects a huge amount of money into the economy,

requires the same amount of new demand for money. As Equation (19) shows, aggregate

saving is an increasing function of GDP and a decreasing function of the inflation rate.

Accordingly, GDP increases (the multiplier effect) and the inflation rate is reduced. Since

the aggregate supply function, Equation (13), is a decreasing function of the inflation

rate, an increase in GDP and a deceleration of inflation is consistent with the change on

the demand side.

In other words, the inflation rate must fall to create new demand for money to

equilibrate the money market. Disinflation also helps to increase aggregate income

because disinflation lowers real wage per capita in terms of current goods. It should be

noted that disinflation is a phenomenon which increases the rate of return for money.

Money has two aspects: a measure for exchange and its intrinsic value that it holds

within. These social roles of money are inseparable.6 When the rate of return increases,

much money is carried over for future consumption.

Followers of the quantity theory of money forget this fact. Monetarism, including the

new Keynesian’s real cash balance in the utility function, has no microeconomic

foundation for money demand. Many central banks follow the quantity theory. They

believe their economy can escape from disinflation if sufficient money is injected despite

the fact that radical QE monetary policy actually provokes disinflation and/or deflation.

As long as the intrinsic value of money is in a state of confidence, disinflation prevails

despite the intent of the central bank. However, there is no denying that there is indeed

a limit of the nominal money supply where individuals can maintain confidence in money.

Once the volume of the nominal money supply exceeds this critical point, hyperinflation

(bust of the money bubble) is inevitably provoked. Details will be discussed in the next


3.3 Stagflation: Bust of the Money Bubble

Bruno and Sachs (1985) regard stagflation as the upward shift of the aggregate supply

curve like 'AS in Figure 2 caused by circumstances as a crude oil price hike.

My model predicts such supply shocks, which aggravates labor productivity, causes

disinflation. Which of the two phenomena is actually realized can only be determined by

a precise and careful empirical analysis. While stagflation, which Bruno-Sachs originally

6 For a proof on the inseparability of money’s two roles, see Otaki (2015, Ch.15).

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illustrated, was a temporary phenomenon, most stagflations observed in Greece, South

American countries, and African countries are actually persistent. Such phenomenon

comes from the lack of belief in the intrinsic value of money.

It should be noted that money belongs to a class of ‘bubbly assets’in the sense that

fiat money is an asset which possesses no economic value in itself. However, individuals

believe its intrinsic value to the extent that the circulated money is scarce relative to

(i) the potential production capacity of an economy, and;

(ii) the levying ability of the government.

Whenever the production level approaches full capacity, the economy has no room for

providing goods for additionally issued money. If either of these two conditions is not

satisfied, individuals tilt lose faith in the intrinsic value of money, which is based on the

social benefits derived from overcoming the difficulty of the double coincident of wants.

Even money loses its confidence, if conditions (i) or (ii) is not satisfied. That is,

individuals become skeptic whether money can be used to exchange for goods at any

given time.

In such a case, stagflation is provoked in the following way. Individuals rush to the

goods market, and the price hikes rapidly. The real cash balance t



decreases. This

shifts Curve AD upwards, and hence, equilibrium moves from Point C to 1C as in

Figure 6.

This implies that the increase in the current price level tp deprives the purchasing

power of the old generation and government, and thus, results in the fall of GDP, ty . Ex-

post stagflation is provoked in the sense of Equation (1). Distinct from the Bruno-Sachs

model, such stagflation, which is triggered by a lack of the intrinsic value of money is

persistent. To offset the reduction of the aggregate demand, the equilibrium inflation

rate stays at a high level because a higher inflation rate stimulates the consumption of

the young generation. In other words, the young generation also loses faith in the value

of money. I have implicitly assumed the policy variable to be real cash balance.

Accordingly, even though the government increases the nominal money supply

proportional to the inflation rate, the economy continues to be stuck in a devastating

economic situation.

As discussed in Subsection 3.2, the radical QE monetary policy is effective to the extent

that individuals are confident of the intrinsic value of money (although the effect on

inflation rate does not satisfy central banks). However, there is a limit in this kind of

monetary policy. When the real cash balance exceeds the upper bound that might be

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prescribed in conditions (i) and (ii), belief in the intrinsic value of money is impaired, and

hence hyperinflation and persistent stagflation will ensue. It is an ironical historical fact

that the socialist leader Lenin advocated this is the fastest way to annihilate the

monetary system and collapse capitalism.

4 Concluding Remarks

This chapter examined how labor productivity slowdown affects the inflation rate. In

addition, I analyzed the relationship between the radical QE monetary policy and the

inflation rate. Findings are as follows.

First, the standard neoclassical model fails to explain the coexistence of the labor

productivity slowdown and disinflation. Intuitively, as the Bruno-Sachs (1985) model

suggests, such a slowdown triggers an upward shift of the aggregate supply curve. Hence,

to the extent that the aggregate demand curve stays intact, the economy falls into

stagnation with an increased equilibrium price. (i.e., static stagflation, which implies the

occurrence of a one time jump of current prices).

Second, in contrast to the neoclassical model, the Keynesian OLG model predicts that

a labor productivity slowdown triggers disinflation. The causality is as follows. A labor

productivity slowdown curtails aggregate supply. Whenever individuals are confident of

the intrinsic value of money, by definition, the current price remains at the same level,

and thus, excess demand emerges. Individuals rationally anticipate that the economy

will adapt to the productivity slowdown, and reduce the potential excess demand, and

hence, expect the equilibrium future price level to be lowered relative to the current level.

As such, disinflation occurs. Since the consumption demand of the young generation is

an increasing function of the inflation rate, disinflation curtails the current aggregate

demand. Through this process, the equilibrium of the overall economy is achieved.

Namely, I ascertain the causality by which the slowdown in labor productivity is

connected with disinflation.

Third, I have ascertained that the radical QE monetary policy advances disinflation.

The radical QE monetary policy has two aspects. One aspect is that real cash balance is

drastically increased as long as confidence in money is retained. The rate of return for

money (the inverse of the inflation rate) increases to equilibrate the money market (the

reverse side of the goods market), and thus, disinflation advances. The other aspect is

that the increased real cash balance expands the aggregate demand, and recovers the

business through the multiplier process. Accordingly, business booms and disinflation

coexist under the radical QE monetary policy, as long as individuals retain confidence .

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Finally, I clarified how persistent stagflation is provoked by a lack of belief in the

intrinsic value of money. As discussed above, the Bruno-Sachs (1985) model describes

stagflation as a transition process caused by a supply shock such as crude oil price hike.

A negative supply shock shifts the aggregate supply curve leftward. As a result, price of

goods price also hikes and the equilibrium GDP decreases. Nevertheless, their model is

basically static, and the hike of the output price is temporary. Actual stagflation provokes

more persistent inflation along with mass unemployment. In fact, most developing

economies are burdened by this kind of structural stagflation. Lack of belief in the

intrinsic value of money is considered to be provoked by the following two conditions:

(1) a huge amount of money stock relative to an economy’s potential production capacity,


(2) an inadequate levying ability of the government.

If either condition (1) and/or (2) is satisfied, individuals become skeptical about the

exchangeability of money for goods. Consumers are confident of the intrinsic value of

money, which stems from the convenience factor as a means for exchange, and/or its

value hoarding nature. When either condition (1) and/or (2) threatens the repayment

ability of the government, individuals regard such a situation as the bankruptcy of the

government. Individuals rush to the goods market and the price level hikes. This reduces

the purchasing power of the old generation and the government whose income is fixed in

the nominal term, and hence, aggregate demand decreases. Potential excess supply

emerges. Thus, the economy falls into a serious stagnation. In addition, the young

generation rationally expects that the economy would adapt to such a devastating

situation, and that the equilibrium future price level would continue to be high clearing

the potential excess supply. Thus, lack of belief in the intrinsic value of money provokes


To summarize, there is a critical limit in the radical QE monetary policy. The critical

point is determined by whether conditions (1) and/or (2) are satisfied or not. It should be

noted that hyperinflation is a kind of stagflation in the sense that economic stagnation

and rapid price increase coexist. As discussed above, lack of belief in the intrinsic value

of money is persistent once it is generated. This is the reason why prudent management

is the most important virtue for traditional and conservative financial institutions. This

still seems to be a conventional wisdom today’s the current financial institutions.

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Year Labor Productivity Progress (%) Inflation Rate (%)

2001 1,7 3.6

2002 1.7 2.7

2003 2.3 2.4

2004 2.2 2.6

2005 1.6 2.6

2006 1.5 2.5

2007 1.4 3.6

2008 -0.1 0.51

2009 0.3 1.8

2010 1.8 2.9

2011 1.3 2.2

2012 0.3 1.6

2013 1.1 1.7

2014 0.6 0.6

2015 0.9 1.1

Table 1: Labor Productivity Progress and Inflation Rate

Data Source: OECD Employment and Market Statistics


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Figure 1 The Static Case


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O Figure 2 Neoclassical Equilibrium


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O y





Figure 3 Dynamic Equilibrium


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yFigure 4 Productivity Slowdown and Disinflation




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yFigure 5 Radical QE Policy and Macroeconomy




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yyFigure 6 Stagflation by Disbelief in the Value of Money



