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Department of Petroleum Engineering Laboratory Safety Induction and Departmental Handbook 2013

Department of Petroleum Engineering

Laboratory Safety Induction


Departmental Handbook



Introduction Safety within the Department of Petroleum Engineering is vital to ensure the health and well-being of all our staff and students. Both State and Federal legislation dictate laboratory safety. The notes in this handbook are not intended to be a comprehensive compilation of safety practices and techniques, but rather as a guide to assist you in establishing your laboratory practices and protocols for working in isolation including field activities. This handbook also details specific requirements for using laboratories in Building 613 (ARRC), 619 (Tech Park) and 127 at Curtin University. There are additional notes associated with activities and facilities associated with the National Geosequestration Laboratory (NGL); contact Peter Sheppard 92662500; 0401103143 or Kat Southall 64368953 for more details.

All staff, students and visitors of Curtin University are to:

Adhere to the safety regulations and University policies outlined in this

booklet. Anyone performing experiments or undertaking activities that may cause concern to you or Curtin University must read this handbook and sign the attached declaration prior to starting work. Activities may include chemical handling/processing; biological material; high voltages; Ergonomics (lifting, repetitive tasks); radiation; extreme temperatures and pressures.

Familiarise themselves with the location and operation of safety devices

(fire extinguishers, fire blankets, safety showers, first aid equipment and emergency exits) within the area in which they work.

These regulations are in place to protect all staff, students and visitors in the Departments.

Please contact the Department’s Laboratory Technician for all laboratory enquiries and concerns. Document control Revision : Date  Reason for issue  Prepared by Checked by Authorised

Ver:1.0: 5th April 2013  Building induction HSE. Ali Saeedi Peter Sheppard Vamegh Rasouli

Ver:1.1: 10th April 2013  Building induction HSE. Ali Saeedi  




Important Safety Contacts

In Life Threatening Situations dial ‘0000’ on any campus phone or mobile phones or off campus dial ‘000’ .

For Other Assistance (internal phones on campus) ext. 4444 or mobile phones or off campus dial 9266 4444 or 1300 004 444

Elected Worksafe Occupational Safety and Health Representatives

Tanya Jones (PE)Location 613.6H06

9266 4672

First Aid

First Aid Attendant David Parks


9266 3497

Ali Saeedi 613.6H07 9266 4988 Fire Wardens

Building Warden Jeff Arbon (CSIRO) 0407440337 Deputy Building Warden Ken Fogarty (CSIRO) 64368608 Building Manager Ken Fogarty(CSIRO) 64368608 0407440337

Floor Wardens (Building 613)

Level 2 and 4 Level 6

Dominic Howman Tanya Jones Rachel Liu

9266 2329 9266 4672 9266 7857

Curtin Health and Safety 9266 4900 Health Service 9266 7345 9.00 am to 4.30pm

For emergencies, a Nurse is in attendance at Bentley Campus 8.00 am to 7.30pm Monday to Friday during semester times.


Evacuation and Emergency Procedures It is the duty of the person 'on the spot' in an emergency situation to make the decision to:

(a) Call for HELP and assistance if the situation is less than critical.

(b) Call for 'EVACUATION' if it is critical. This person makes the decision if

delay is likely to endanger life. Dial 0000 (or 9266 4444 or 1300 004 444). The Laboratory Manager, Fire Warden or Safety and Health Representative or in their absence, a senior officer must be informed ASAP.


The sounding of the EWIS Alert and Evacuation alarm will constitute the evacuation signal. The alternate evacuation signal will be a fire alarm bell or a verbal directive issued by the appropriate warden or member of staff.

In some instances, such as a chemical incident, bomb threat, medical emergency, etc. instructions will be given over the building’s PA system prior to the evacuation alarm being sounded.

1 Discovering an Emergency

1.1 Remain calm 1.2 Dial 0000 (or 9266 4444 or 1300 004 444) to report the emergency 1.3 Press Fire Alarm, break glass if available/appropriate 1.4 Alert Wardens and other occupants 1.5 Only attempt to deal with the actual emergency if you have received

training such as fire extinguisher, use of first aid and it is safe to do so 2 Emergency Evacuation

2.1 The Alert and/or Evacuation alarm or a Floor Warden or other member of

staff may give a verbal warning. Once the Alert alarm has commenced it will automatically go in to the Evacuation tone. Always react immediately, follow your warden’s instruction and commence evacuation of the building You must leave the building even if you believe it to be a false alarm or a drill

2.2 Remain calm 2.3 Ensure that persons in your immediate vicinity are aware that they may

have to evacuate 2.4 Collect small personal belongings (such as keys, purse, etc. do not take

computers and other large items) providing they are IMMEDIATELY and SAFELY accessible

2.5 Assist disabled persons in your immediate area as required 2.6 Unless directly involved in controlling the emergency or assisting wardens,

immediately leave the building by the first available Emergency Exit 2.7 Lifts are not to be used in an emergency evacuation


2.8 Proceed to the designated Assembly Area – do not congregate around the exit doors, and remain at the Assembly Area until directed otherwise by a Warden

2.9 Do not re-enter the building until the Fire Chief or Emergency Response Officer has given the all clear

All buildings situated on campus and in Technology Park have emergency lighting and all emergency exits are signed in green with white writing or a running man symbol.

In an emergency the demonstrator in teaching laboratories will direct the students to:

(i) place bags and personal belongings under benches and await instructions (ii) if time permits, turn off electrical devices and/or equipment and

discontinue laboratory operations; and, (iii) in a controlled sequence, move along the main aisles and exit in an

orderly manner through the nearest appropriate exit to the assembly area.


Curtin Health and Safety 9266 4900

Curtin University’s Health and Safety office deal with worker’s compensation, injury management and risk management. It is important that you view the website, http://healthandsafety.curtin.edu.au/, as it contains detailed guidance notes and policies on safety and health issues at Curtin. A list of the University’s Safety and Health Representatives is also available.

SDS – ChemAlert

Curtin H&S manages the ChemAlert database which is used to manage all hazardous substances on the University campus (accessible at http://healthandsafety.curtin.edu.au/hazardous_substances/chemicals.cfm).

Incident Reporting

Curtin H&S also manages hazard and incident reporting via an online system accessed at http://healthandsafety.curtin.edu.au/event_and_hazard/index.cfm. In the event of any accident, property damage or exposed hazard it is your ‘Duty of Care’ to report it via the prescribed Curtin H&S system. ‘Near misses’ should also be reported via this system. The intention is not be judgemental but to use the information constructively to improve the Department’s safety and provide best practice to staff and students.


Laboratory Protocol The following are taken from the Australian/New Zealand standard AZ/NS 2243. 1:2005 Safety in Laboratories.

Safe Laboratory Conduct

1. Always act responsibly. Horseplay, running, unauthorised

experiments etc. are strictly forbidden. 2. Appropriate clothing must always be worn. This includes as a

minimum: • Safety glasses, personnel wearing contact lenses must inform the laboratory supervisor as special precautions may be required. Neither sunglasses nor common prescription glasses are acceptable • A laboratory coat as required. • Closed-in shoes or protective footwear ‘steel’ capped shoes as required • Disposable gloves are available and must be worn as required.

Consult the Material Safety Data Sheet to ensure the appropriate gloves are being used.

3. No food or drink is to be handled or consumed in a laboratory. 4. Do not smoke within the laboratory area. Curtin has a no

smoking policy. 5. Never undertake any work unless the hazards of the operation are known and the safety precautions adopted (refer to the following section on Risk Assessments). 6. Always use protective devices appropriate to the type of operation being carried out, giving consideration to personnel operating in your vicinity. 7. Regard all substances as hazardous unless there is definite information to the contrary. 8. Report all accidents, no matter how trivial, to your supervisor. 9. Do not work in isolation unless the requirements of the University’s

“Working Alone or in Isolation” minimum standards are adhered to. 10. Always use safety carriers for transporting chemicals in glass or plastic

containers with a capacity of 2L or greater. Never carry incompatible substances together.

11. Immediately wash skin areas which come into contact with chemicals, irrespective of concentration, and report this to your supervisor.

12. Immediately report all spills to your supervisor and ensure they are cleaned up immediately. 13. Never store incompatible substances in the same area. 14. Maintain the minimum required quantities of hazardous substances in the

laboratory work area. “Working quantities” 15. Always use a fume hood or glove box when working with highly toxic,

volatile or odoriferous substances. 16. Label all safety equipment and maintain it in good operating condition.

Check and inspect safety equipment for correct operation in accordance


with the manufacturer's instructions and report in writing any requirement for maintenance.

17. Ensure that all safety equipment remains accessible to the laboratory personnel at all times.

18. Keep safety information and emergency procedures prominently displayed at all times in each laboratory.

19. Dispose o f specialised wastes (e.g. broken glassware, biological and radioactive substances) in containers reserved for the particular type of waste.


Department and Laboratory Procedures All of the information contained in this document and more, is available at http://petroleum.curtin.edu.au/ - click on Health and Safety tab and enter your Curtin intranet credentials.

Purchasing All chemical and equipment purchases are to be done via the Laboratory Technician. They can assist you in catalogue searches and with pricing enquiries. To make an order a Request to Order form (available from the Administrative Officer) must be completed and submitted. Note: NGL equipment orders require HSE pre-purchase forms to be completed prior to a purchase order being created.

Moving Chemicals through B613

All goods must be carried appropriately, using a Winchester carrier or trolley. For all gas cylinders and volumes greater than 2L or 2kg a trolley equipped with a spill kit and appropriate restraining features must be used.

Borrowing Equipment

If you require equipment you must contact the Laboratory Technician to gain approval and ensure that it will not interfere with their research activities. Gas, Gas Cylinders and Regulators

It is recommended that you seek advice from technical support staff prior to handling gas cylinders. A small supply of gas cylinders is kept in the ‘gas shed’, which is located outside the building adjacent to level 2, and is accessible via the Laboratory Technician. All gas cylinders must be transported with a gas trolley and be appropriately strapped in. You should not travel in the lift with an asphyxiating gas. All cylinders must be clamped into position away from heat sources.

The appropriate regulator must be fitted to the cylinder for operation. Advice can be sort from our gas suppliers or technical support staff.

Electrical Safety

All electrical appliances and residual current devices are inspected and tested and tagged as required by CSIRO. The CSIRO Building Manager will request that you present all equipment used in laboratories for testing and tagging on six or twelve monthly cycles. The supplier of new equipment shall be deemed responsible for the electrical safety and it should be tagged on installation. Equipment in an office environment must be tested and tagged on a five yearly


cycle. When power boards and extension cords are required they should not be used to power other power boards or extension cords. Double adapters are not permitted. In all laboratories or in a situation where equipment is frequently plugged in and out, the power board must be individually switched.

Hazardous Substances Registry and Dangerous Goods Manifest

Occupational Safety and Health Legislation states that we must maintain a current hazardous substances registry. The Australian Dangerous Goods Code dictates that we must maintain a current dangerous goods manifest. This is done via the ChemAlert database. The substance must be identified by name and supplier, quantity and storage location. Regular audits will be conducted to ensure up to date manifests and registries via ChemAlert. SDS (Safety Data Sheet) – ChemAlert

For each hazardous substance supplied to the University: - An SDS must be obtained before or on the first occasion that it is supplied - The SDS must be readily available to any employee or student who could be

exposed to the substance How do I obtain an SDS? For most substances the simplest way to obtain an SDS and to ensure it is readily available, is to use ChemAlert. Unfortunately, there are some substances that do not exist in ChemAlert, in which case they can be obtained from the manufacturer. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to provide Safety Data Sheets for the hazardous substances they supply. You should contact them directly to obtain an SDS. It is your responsibility to ensure that the SDS is forwarded to Curtin H&S for loading onto ChemAlert.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The minimum personal protective equipment while handing wet chemical in the laboratories is a laboratory coat, fully enclosed shoes and safety glasses. Spectacles are not sufficient and must be covered with over-goggles. The minimum PPE in instrument only laboratories is safety glasses and fully enclosed shoes. Laboratory coats must not be worn in office areas, staff room or student common room.

Dangerous Goods Storage and Handling

All chemicals must be stored in the appropriate location. Quantities of chemicals must be minimised in open laboratory space. After each use


the product must be returned to the appropriate storage cabinet.

Chemical Labels

Occupational Safety and Health Regulations and Hazardous Substances Regulations prescribe labelling of hazardous substances and dangerous goods. The table below outlines the requirements for chemical labelling. Labels can be generated with the ChemAlert database. Labels should be sealed from potential spillage and dripping. Printing and laminating facilities are available in the Photocopying Room in the front office.

Label Requirements Capacity of Container

A: Greater than 500mL or g

B: 500mL or g less C: Container is too small to attach label

as per B Single word(s) and/or dangerous goods class and subsidiary risk label (where applicable)


Identification information: (i) product name

(ii) chemical name

(iii) UN number (where required by ADG code)

(iv) ingredients and formulation




Where relevant









Risk Phrase

YES YES (most significant) NO

Directions for use

Where appropriate NO NO

Safety Phrases

YES YES (most significant) NO

First Aid procedure


Emergency procedure


Details of manufacturer or importer


Expiry date

Where relevant NO NO

Reference to SDS


Fume cupboards

All fume cupboards have monitored air-flow which is integrated into the air- handling of the laboratories. When in use the sash must be pulled down


completely to ensure appropriate extraction for lab occupant’s protection. Each fume cupboard is fitted with an emergency stop button. If an incident were to occur which required enhanced fume extraction, power and gas shut-off, this button should be pressed. To reset the services, follow the instructions on the panel. No more than 2.5L of Class 3 Flammable can be used in a fume cupboard at any time.

In the event of a power failure, turn off all appliances, close the sash and exit the lab.

Hazard Zones

Hazard zones are areas identified as having environments that could lead to ignition from flammable vapours and flammable gases. Laboratory risk management practices are in place to ensure that ignition sources of either fixed or portable nature are not introduced into hazard zones. All laboratories have a hazard zone 300mm from the floor and 300mm in the front of all Class 3 Flammable cabinets. Ignition sources cannot be used within these areas. Ignitions sources cannot be used in any Dangerous Goods store room.

Emergency Shutdown Button

Emergency Shutdown buttons are located throughout the laboratories. These are to be pressed only in an emergency, for example; significant chemical spill, gas leak or an electrical incident. This will terminate all electrical and gas services to that level lab zone. Advise others, exit the laboratory and take appropriate action. Once the button has been pressed notify the Laboratory Technician immediately. An override assessment will then be conducted and pending approval services reinstated within thirty minutes. This button must not be obstructed. Avoid activities next the button to avoid accidental pressing. Storage of Chemicals

Storage of chemicals in laboratories should be kept to a minimum. It is essential that chemicals are stored appropriately in laboratories. The Australian Dangerous Goods Code - Storage and Handling Regulations require that dangerous goods are stored in accordance with the law. These regulations are designed to prevent accidents involving the range of chemicals that are identified as Dangerous Goods. Australia has adopted a classification system based on the United Nations system. Dangerous Goods are divided into nine classes based on their hazardous properties. The regulations specify how storage areas are designed, constructed and located to minimize risks. Classification System


1 Explosives 2.1 Flammable gas 2.2 Non-flammable gas 2.3 Oxidising gas 3 Flammable liquid 4.1 Flammable solid 4.2 Spontaneously combustible 4.3 Dangerous when wet 5.1 Oxidising agent 5.2 Organic peroxide 6.1 Toxic 6.2 Infectious7 Radioactive 8 Corrosive 9 Miscellaneous

Chemicals must be segregated when stored to ensure they do not mix in the event of a spillage. The table below will enable you to determine how chemicals should be stored in the laboratory. By selecting the classes of chemicals in question, the point of intersection identifies how the chosen classes should be stored relative to each another (Reproduced from the Western Australian Explosives and Dangerous Goods (Dangerous Goods Handling and Storage) Regulations 1992).

L - substances which are liquids S - substances which are solids 0 - no general segregation required 1 - segregate by a distance of at least 1m 3 - segregate by a distance of at least 3m X - segregate in separate depots at least 5m apart or segregate by a distance

of at least 5m with the use of a screen wall.


Chemical Waste

The individual who generates chemical waste is responsible for that chemical waste until it has been completely disposed of by the appointed waste management company. Although small amounts of a variety of chemical residues produced in the laboratory may be safely disposed of to the sewer system. Water corporation guidelines must be strictly adhered to. Go to www.watercorporation.com.au/indwaste or call 131395 for more details. Many laboratories have established waste containment for common waste. All generated waste (including washing residue) must be stored in suitable and accurately labelled containers. If you are uncertain about the residue you must inquire with the Laboratory Technician on how to proceed. It is preferred that large volumes of waste are removed from the working environment. Waste containers can be stored in the appropriate storage cabinet until professionally removed. All containers must be clearly labelled with the name of the person responsible for the waste, where it has come from and what it is. A waste manifest document (attached) must also be completed and submitted to the Laboratory Technician for approval prior to storing. The Laboratory Technician will coordinate with the appointed waste disposal company on a quarterly rotation for the disposal of chemical waste. Advanced notice is given to all requesting waste disposal requirements and waste manifests. The waste disposal company will then advise of segregation of waste requirements and collection dates. Nominated representatives from groups may be requested to participate in the process.

Glass and Sharps Waste Laboratories will have a number of sharps disposal bins. All sharp objects and broken glass must be disposed of in the sharps bins and not go into the general rubbish bins. Small quantities of contaminated materials can also be disposed of into these bins. Bins should be completely sealed and using a suitable trolley taken down to the Hardstand area outside of the building and disposed of in one of the large dumpsters located in the Hardstand area.

Hazardous substances for which health surveillance is required

Although this department is infrequent user of chemicals it is still important to understand their use and health issues. If in doubt contact Health and safety 9266 4900.Below is a list of substances for which health surveillance is required. If you intend using any of the listed substances you must contact the Laboratory Manager prior to use to discuss potential exposure and health monitoring.

• Acrylonitrile • Inorganic arsenic • Asbestos


• Benzene • Cadmium • Inorganic chromium • Creosote • Isocyanates • Inorganic mercury • 4, 4’-methylene bis 2-chloroaniline (MOCA) • Organophosphate pesticides • Pentachlorophenol (PCP) • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) • Crystalline silica • Thallium • Vinyl chloride • Lead

Carcinogenic substances to be used only for bona fide research

The label and the associated MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) will show if the substance is carcinogenic. If in doubt, contact Health and Safety 9266 4900 for further information. Records must be established and kept current for each person who is likely to be exposed to a carcinogenic substance whilst in the workplace.


General maintenance; faulty electrical, plumbing, mechanical and building related items, can be requested through CSIRO, email Jeff [email protected] or lodge a maintenance form at: http://www.csiro.au/forms/ExternalpropertyServiceRequest.htm.


Procedure for Risk Assessment and Safe Work Procedure Documentation

⊗ The relevant supervisor must approve all activities undertaken in the workplace.

⊗ In the Department of Petroleum Engineering all activities must be risk

assessed prior to being undertaken and have signed approval from by the

relevant supervisor. Risk Assessment Preparation

For all new activities a full risk assessment must be undertaken using the Health and Safety Risk Assessment pro-forma and risk matrix, Attachment 1. The staff member or student wishing to undertake the procedure normally prepares this.

In this process, each step in an activity must be identified and any potential hazards highlighted. Using the risk matrix a consequence or impact of that hazard is identified and then correlated with the likelihood of that hazard being realized. The intersection of consequence and likelihood is the risk rating. If the rating is above low, further risk management action is required.

Risk management is the application of the hierarchy of controls;

• Elimination – eg. eliminate materials or elements of the process that carry significant risk

• Substitution – eg. substitute a safer chemical or safer process • Isolation – eg. barriers, enclosures, remote operation • Engineering – eg. local exhaust ventilation, dilution ventilation • Administrative – eg. supervision, use of safe work procedures,

housekeeping, organization of work to limit contact, standards, training, signage

• PPE – eg. face shields, safety glasses, goggles, gloves, aprons Determine the residual risk by undertaking a risk assessment of the procedure with the controls in place. The intention is that the residual risk be lower than the initial risk assessment.

Each activity or task is then assigned to someone, so as to ensure that it is completed or complied with. This may be, the operator, the supervisor, Lab Manager etc.

Once the risk assessment has been completed, the editing process is done between the staff/student and the relevant supervisor. Once the risk assessment is agreed to, the supervisor must then approve the activity and sign the


document. The activity must then be undertaken according to the risk assessment. If the procedure changes, the activity must be re-assessed going through the process described above.

Safe Work Procedure Preparation

If the activity becomes routine and is used by multiple people, a Safe Work Procedure can be developed. Using the Department’s pro-forma, Attachment 2, a similar process is followed. Most likely a risk assessment has been done on the activity. If not, then this needs to be undertaken first. This transcribes quite simply into the SWP template, the only difference being is that we are recording the residual risk only. A record of training and approval to conduct the activity is detailed at the back of the document. This allows multiple people to conduct the same activity without having to prepare individual risk assessments. If at any point, the user wishes to change a parameter of the approved risk assessment or SWP, a new RA and SWP must be prepared and approved by the relevant supervisor.

All chemicals at Curtin University are required to be risk assessed, using the Curtin Health and Safety Chemical Risk Assessment worksheet, Attachment 3, and the manufacturer provided SDS. Once completed this is to be appended to the SWP or RA. An e-copy of the Chemical RA and SDS is to be sent to [email protected] to be uploaded onto ChemAlert. This is only for new chemicals in the workplace and does not need to be repeated if stocks are replenished.

⊗ It is important when preparing to undertake any activity, that you take

into account the environment that you are working in and the activities that are being performed by colleagues in the vicinity. In the Department of Petroleum Engineering, several people can be using neighbouring lab spaces at any one time. It is important to ensure that what you are doing is compatible with your neighbour and vice-versa. The RA or SWP for each activity should be displayed or accessible nearby so that everyone has access to this information.

Document Retention and Storage

Legislation dictates that all documentation and records of training be retained and stored securely. The Department of Petroleum Engineering does this via J: drive. Once the SWP or RA has been approved and signed, it then needs to be scanned and loaded into the relevant folder. The folders are generated as per supervisor last names. To be granted access to the folder please contact the Laboratory Manager, who will make this request on your behalf. It is recommended for document tracking and inter-document referencing that each document be numbered.


Unsupervised Activities

For emergency management after hours, there is a need to be able to advise emergency services what activities are being undertaken in the building unsupervised. All activities that are left unsupervised must be risk assessed and the supervisor must specifically approve the activity to be left unsupervised. Once approvals have been obtained, the risk assessment then needs to be emailed to the department’s Laboratory Technician. If during normal hours, you leave your approved activity unsupervised, the RA or SWP must be on display and a sign notifying of an unsupervised experiment must be completed and on display.


Visitors to the Departments Visitor

Visitors can enter the Department of Petroleum Engineering for short periods with no access to departmental laboratory facilities. For longer periods or access to departmental laboratory facilities, University Associate status is required – see below. Visitors can only access the departmental facilities when escorted by a staff member of the Departments. The visitor must be escorted at all times. The visitor cannot work in laboratories or undertake fieldwork on behalf of Curtin University.

If you have a visitor that is coming to the Department and they will be taken into laboratory spaces, you will need to ensure the following;

• Advise the Administration Team Leader and Laboratory Manager prior to arrival (email is sufficient).

• Sign the visitors in to the Visitors Register at Reception, collect a visitor’s card.

• If entering the laboratories, ensure the visitor is wearing appropriate footwear (must fully cover the foot) and provide safety glasses.

• Advise the visitor of the building evacuation procedures. • Escort the visitor at all times.

University Associate

A University Associate is a person engaged by Curtin who is affiliated with the University and may provide services to the University.

NOTE: If you have a visitor/guest that will be in the Department for an extended period and/or will require regular access to laboratory areas and other facilities, they are required to obtain University Associate status.

This is to ensure that Workers Compensation and Public Liability Insurance are available to the University Associate. It has the added advantage of not having to escort the person in and out of secure areas. If available the department may be able to provide some desk space, please speak with the Laboratory Technician. If you have someone coming into the Department who requires University Associate status, you must ensure the following is done in advance of their arrival;

• Contact the Administration Team Leader and arrange University Associate

paperwork to be completed, in some cases this will require a CV and Visa documentation.

• Contact the Laboratory Manager for induction details, desk allocation and access permissions.


• Arrange parking permits if required (at the host’s expense). When the person arrives;

• Introduce them to the Administration Team Leader and Laboratory

Manager. • Submit induction questionnaire to Laboratory Manager. • Fit and collect any PPE requirements. • Direct them or escort them to Student Central to collect an ID card (as

with all staff, a University Associate must have their Curtin ID on them at all times in the workplace).

• Demonstrate emergency and evacuation procedures to the person. Show them where the evacuation stairwells are and the location of the muster points.

• Show the person where the amenities, café and staff room are. Contractor

A contractor is a; sub-contractor, consultant, supplier and their employees that are engaged by Curtin University to perform works or services on Curtin University campuses.

If you have a contractor coming to the Department to undertake work, you must;

• Advise the Laboratory Manager in advance of arrival. • Advise the Contractor that they must undertake the Curtin University

Induction (this is valid for 2 years), which is an online course and costs $11. Speak with the Laboratory Manager about this.

• Arrange parking permits if required (at the host’s expense). • Sign the Contractor in to the Visitors Register at Reception, collect a

visitor’s card. • Introduce them to the Administration Team Leader and Laboratory

Manager. • Provide a copy of the Induction paperwork for the Laboratory Manager. • If entering the laboratories, ensure the Contractor is wearing appropriate

footwear (must fully cover the foot) and provide safety glasses. • Advise the Contractor of the building evacuation procedures.

In the Department, the Contractor can only work during normal business hours. Arrangements can be made to work outside of normal hours, contact the Laboratory Manager to discuss.


Outreach Activities

Outreach activities require a risk assessment approach and you must consult with the Laboratory Manager to make arrangements.

Group Tours

Prior to arranging group tours, you must consult with the Laboratory Manager and Head of Department.

Movement of groups of people through the research labs/offices and undergraduate labs can cause disruption to occupants, create a security issue and can be a hazard in itself. Building 613(ARRC)

Building access

Normal business hours are 8am – 6pm, Monday to Friday (excluding University holidays).

For access to offices and laboratories, individuals must have the required University status (Staff, Student or University Associate) and ID card; they must have completed the required induction and be granted approval by their supervisor and the Laboratory Manager. Short-term visitors (anyone without an ID card) must sign in at reception and must be escorted at all times; they must also be advised of the evacuation procedures.

Working in the labs out of hours

Monday to Friday

8 am to 6 pm

Normal business hours

Activities require regular supervisory approval

6 pm to 10 pm

Out of hours

Activities require regular supervisory approval plus a “buddy”


10 pm to 6 am


Staff, Students and University Associates must not be in the Department between 10pm and 6am without written permission from the Head of Department and Laboratory Manager

6 am to 8 am

Out of hours

Activities require supervisory approval plus a “buddy”

Weekends and Curtin public holidays

6 am to 10 pm

Out of hours

Activities require regular supervisory approval plus a “buddy”

10 pm to 6am


No activities to be undertaken without approval from Head of Department and Laboratory Manager

A risk assessment and contact plan must be performed and approved by the supervisor and Laboratory Manager prior to commencing after hours laboratory work. It is advised that you review the risk matrix on page 15. Only low risk activities (eg. computer labs) may be performed without a “buddy”, more hazardous situations (eg. wet laboratories, workshops) will require a buddy in the immediate vicinity.

Staff and students are to strictly adhere to the provisions of the Working alone or in isolation Policy; (http://healthandsafety.curtin.edu.au/local/docs/2011WorkinginIsolation.doc).

When accessing the building after hours it is advised to call the Security office (9266 4444) to advise them of your location.

Undergraduate project students are not permitted to work outside of normal business hours (green times above) and are not permitted to work unsupervised in a laboratory.

Building access inquiries should be directed to the Laboratory Manager.


Visitor parking is available at the Curtin entry to B613. Deliveries of large packages and hazardous material are made via either the Hardstand or the Curtin’s entrance at the rear of the building. Any other type of


delivery is made to the CSIRO’s main front desk. Bike Storage

There is a secure bike storage facility available to staff, adjacent to the Curtin Entry on Level 4. Access is granted via the Building Manager. Bikes are not permitted in the building and must be stored in the provided locations.


The lighting system in the building’s main corridors is motion sensor controlled and will turn off automatically. If motion is not detected the lights will turn off. If you are in the area and require the lights to remain on, you must make some movement. The light will turn back on again.


B613 is co-tenanted by CSIRO. The Department shares casual lounge areas, the staff room, bike store with the CSIRO.

Part of the B613 accommodation is shared office space. Ensure you respect people’s privacy, maintain respectful noise levels, consume meals in the staff room or common room, ensure the office doors close upon entry and exit to maintain a secure area.

All doors between laboratories and offices must remain closed to ensure appropriate air handling; they must not be pinned open.

Additional Information

A copy of the Australian/New Zealand Standard for Safety in Laboratories (AS/NZS 2243.2:2006) can be found in each laboratory, it is also accessible via the Library Database listings; Standards Australia. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with these documents.


Safety Declaration and Questionnaire Attached is a safety induction quiz that must be completed by all new staff and research students working in any laboratory. This is to ensure that you have read and understood the safety and laboratory protocols whilst working in The Department. There is also a declaration for you and your supervisor to sign, this is to be submitted to the Laboratory Manager. Incorrectly answered questions will result in the quiz being returned to you for correction.


Department of Petroleum Engineering Safety and Building Induction


I have read the Department Laboratory Handbook and Safety Notes. I will follow all the safety regulations outlined in it and understand my obligation to assist in maintaining a safe working environment in the Department. Before commencing any new experimental procedure I will perform a Risk Assessment and obtain necessary approvals from my research supervisor and Laboratory Manager.

Name (print): ID No.


Student – Project Honours PhD Staff University Associate Visitor

Signed: Date:

Supervisor/Line Manager name (print):


Signed: Date:

For the Laboratory Manager Quiz completed: Declaration signed: Relevant lab key provided:



1. After a building evacuation, where should personnel assemble (there are

two locations)? 1) 2)

2. In a life threatening emergency on campus, what phone number

should be used? (a) 0000 (b) 4444 (c) 4900 (d) 2500

3. What is the minimum PPE while handling wet chemical

in laboratories? (a) glasses and fully enclosed shoes

(b) safety glasses, lab coat and fully enclosed shoes (c) safety glasses and lab coat

4. When preparing a risk assessment, what are the six elements of the

hierarchy of controls? i. ii. iii.

iv. v. vi. 5. How do you obtain and SDS?

6. Who are the Department’s Safety and Heath Representatives?



8. What should you do prior to undertaking any new procedure and who

should approve this? 9. Who is responsible for ensuring the SDS for your newly purchased chemical

is placed on ChemAlert? (a) Mum (b) Stores Officer (c) You (d) Head of Department

Attachment 1

He a l t h & S a f e t y Ri s k As s e s s m e n t

Activity / Task / Location: Date:

Developed by: Approved By:

Risk Residual Hazard Identification Assessment Control Risk



Potential Hazards



Risk Score

Risk Control Measures

1. Eliminate, eg: eliminate task, remove hazard

2. Substitute eg: replace with less hazardous process, material

3. Isolate eg: enclosures, restricted access;

4. Engineering eg: guarding, separation, redesign;

5. Administrative eg: Safe Work Procedure, training;

6. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) eg: gloves, goggles



Risk Score


ho is responsible to


ent the changes


ate Finalised

Health & Safety Risk Matrix DETERMINING THE RISK LEVEL: Risk Level = Consequence Level x Likelihood Level

Maximum Foreseeable Exposure: For each risk, select the expected Consequence Level and the expected Likelihood Level assuming controls are either not in place or controls fail. Residual Risk Exposure: For each risk, select the expected Consequence Level and the expected Likelihood Level given the type and effectiveness of the controls that are in place.



The event may occur only in exceptional circumstances

Not expected but the event may occur at some time

The event could occur at some time

The event will probably occur in most circumstances

The event is expected to occur or has occurred and is continuing to impact

IMPACTS Likelihood Level










Health and Safety C



ce L


Highly Unlikely Unlikely Possible Likely Highly Likely

Multiple fatalities.

Permanent Total Disability



Single fatality. Permanent Total Disability



Lost Time Injury >10 days.

Incident reportable to relevant Authorities



Lost Time injury <10 days. Injury or illness requiring Medical Treatment

Minor Low

No injury or illness; or Minor injury or illness requiring First Aid treatment


Risk Response: Apply the appropriate response based on the assessed Risk Level


Extreme Immediate action required to reduce exposure. A detailed mitigation plan must be developed, implemented and monitored by senior management to reduce the risk to as low as reasonably practicable.

High A mitigation plan shall be developed and authorised by area manager or supervisor to reduce the risk to as low as reasonably practicable. The effectiveness of risk control strategies shall be monitored and reported to management and relevant committee.

Medium A mitigation plan shall be developed. Control strategies are implemented and periodically monitored.

Low Manage by documented routine processes and procedures, monitor periodically to determine situation changes which may affect the risk


Attachment 2 Department Safe Work Procedure (SWP)

Document Number 000-00 A unique number that can be used to identify the activity in a lab book or risk assessment eg SYN-01

1.0 Procedure

What is the procedure that you are planning to undertake?

2.0 Purpose

This SWP is developed to fulfill the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984.

Add other Codes of Practice and guidelines as required.

3.0 Scope

This instruction applies to all employees, students, and University Associates. This procedure must be read in association with other relevant University and local laboratory documentation.

4.0 Related documents

Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 Occupation Safety and Health Regulations 1996

Add titles of other documentation as required.

5.0 Location of task and/or equipment

Building and lab number or fieldwork location (needs to updated if varied)

6.0 Equipment Requirements

All equipment will be maintained to the manufacturers instructions and inspected regularly.

7.0 Skill/Training Requirements

List any specific training that is required prior to undertaking task or using equipment.

Date of preparation 9th March 2012

Date of revision 9th March 2013

**If there are any changes to this procedure, it must be updated and go through the approval process again. Every 12 months, the procedure must be revised and updates made accordingly. All users are required review and sign again.


8.0 Job Step Steps in process/task

Potential Hazard What could cause injury/harm

Controls What can be done to minimize the risk of injury   1. Eliminate, eg: eliminate task, remove hazard  2. Substitute eg: replace with less hazardous  process/material  3. Isolate eg: enclosures, restricted access;  4. Engineering eg: guarding, separation, redesign;  5. Administrative eg: Safe Work Procedure, training;  6. Personal Protective Equipment  (PPE) eg: gloves, goggles

Residual Risk Assessment C








Risk S


Activities may include preparation, steps, clean up, removal of waste and emergency procedures.

This should be descriptive enough, so that authorised personnel can follow the instructions accurately.

Any hazard identified with preparation work before the process is conducted.

Any hazards identified as a part of using the specified equipment or process.

Any hazards associated with cleaning or disposal of waste generated from the process, ie. Hazardous waste.

Any specific emergency procedures required, eg. Working alone, working with HF, working with cyanide

List the controls required to make the risk associated with the hazard as low as possible.


9.0 Personal Protective Equipment

This protective equipment must be used for this procedure; eg. Lab coat Safety Glasses Enclosed Shoes Neoprene Gloves PP Apron

10.0 Records

Hard copy of all Safe Work Procedures will be available at location of procedure at all times. An electronic copy will be stored on the Department of Chemistry J Drive. Evidence will be maintained for all training undertaken in Safe Work Procedures

This SWP was prepared by

Name_____________________ Position___________________

Signature__________________ Date______________________

Supervisor Approval

Name_____________________ Position___________________

Signature Date

Personnel Performing Task Sign On

I have read and understand my obligations to comply with the requirements of this procedure. I will advise my supervisor in the event additional hazards are identified.


Signature Date

Supervisor Signature



Chemical Risk Assessment Worksheet

INTRODUCTION The questions in this Worksheet are designed to prompt you to think about the risks you face when using chemicals and whether you believe the current controls will adequately protect you. You should not proceed with the use of a product if you believe it is unsafe.

There are two elements to the Risk Assessment: You will need a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for the product (obtained from Chem Alert or from the supplier); and you will need to consider circumstances of use in your area. Complete the Risk Assessment in consultation with your supervisor. SECTION 1: SUMMARY (from SDS)

Chemical / Product Name Storage Location Building: Room:

Manufacturer / Supplier Lab for Intended Use Building: Room:

Safety Data Sheet Hazardous and Dangerous Goods Is a current SDS Available? (You must obtain it)

Yes No Is the chemical classified as Hazardous?

Yes No Assessment Date: Is the chemical classified as Dangerous Goods?

Yes No (if applicable)

Class: Sub Class: Assessor Supervisor


Task Description: (Including any storage or disposal requirements)

Concentration: (%)

Quantity: (including units)

Duration of Use:

Frequency of Use:

Note: Substances that are not classified as a Hazardous Substance or Dangerous Good require no further assessment (i.e. you do not need to compete the remaining sections).



Aerosol Liquid



Aerosol Liquid


Vapour Aerosols




Aerosols Liquid




Sharp objects Open wounds

Who is potentially exposed? :

(e.g. Students, Lab Staff, Researchers, Others)

SECTION 4: POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS Acute (Immediate) Effects Chronic (Delayed) Effects

Eye and skin Irritant / Corrosion Sensitising Agent (Skin/Inhalation) Central Nervous System Carcinogenic

Asphyxiant (Inhalation) Liver/Kidney Disease Respiratory Tract Irritant Brain/Nerve Disease

Toxic by Skin Exposure Respiratory Disease

Toxic by Ingestion Reproductive System Disease Other (Specify): Other (Specify):



The event may occur only in exceptional circumstances

Not expected but the event may occur at some time

The event could occur at some time

The event will probably occur in most circumstances

The event is expected to occur or has occurred and is continuing to impact

IM P A C T S Likelihood Level











He a l t h a n d Sa f e t y


n s e

q u e

n c e

L e v

e l

HighlyUn l i k e l y Un l i k e l y Po s s i b l e Li k e l y Hi g h l y L i k e l y

Multiple fatalities. Permanent Total Disability

Ca t a s t r o p h i c

Ex t r e m e

Single fatality. Permanent Total Disability

Ma j o r

Hi g h

Lost Time Injury >10 days. Incident reportable to relevant Authorities.

Mo d e r a t e

Me d i u m

Lost Time injury <10 days. Injury or illness requiring Medical Treatment

Mi n o r


No injury or illness; or Minor injury or illness requiring First Aid treatment

In s ig n if ic a n t


So the questions are: based on the above matrix: What could be the consequences?

What is the likelihood of that happening?

What is the risk rating? Note: If the rating is above LOW,

Risk Management action is required.

Risk Management Action Risk Level Response


Immediate action required to reduce exposure. A detailed mitigation plan must be developed, implemented and monitored by senior management to reduce the risk to as low as reasonably practicable.


A mitigation plan shall be developed and authorised by area manager or supervisor to reduce the risk to as low as reasonably practicable. The effectiveness of risk control strategies shall be monitored and reported to management and relevant committee.

Medium A mitigation plan shall be developed. Control strategies are implemented and periodically monitored.

Low Manage by documented routine processes and procedures. Monitor periodically to determine situation changes which may affect the risk.


Control Example Intention to apply

1. Elimination Eliminate materials or elements of the process that carry significant risk.

2. Substitution Substitute a safer chemical or safer process. 3. Isolation Barriers, enclosures, remote operation. 4. Engineering Local exhaust ventilation, dilution ventilation. 5. Administrative Supervision, use of safe work procedures, housekeeping,

organisation of work to limit contact, standards, training, signage.

6. PPE Face shields, safety glasses, goggles, gloves, aprons. SECTION 7: SPECIFIC ACTIONS TO REDUCE RISK List specific actions that will be carried out for each of the controls you nominated in Section 6.

Control Action 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Isolation 4. Engineering 5. Administrative 6. PPE Note: If after the implementation of all of the controls above, the risks of using the assessed chemical

remain MODERATE or higher (based on the Risk Matrix in Section 5); expert advice must be obtained so as to reduce risk before proceeding.

The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (1996) require that Risk Assessments are retained. Risk Assessments must be revised if procedures change and are to be reviewed every 5 years. Save a copy of this Risk Assessment, to be retained in your area. Give it a unique name (eg CRA + product name + your name). Send a copy to Health and Safety. Any queries should be directed to the Curtin Health and Safety Ext. 4900.
