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Labour Land Langebaan lagoon, Law Examinations, Board for...

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Labour—(continued). Trade unions, White, 5555. Training and retraining, 5503, 5548, 5549, 5608. Unemployment, 13, 266, 340, 367, 889, 928, 932, 976, 1035, 1434, 1435, 3352, 3708, 3821, 3848, 3959, 4028, 5508, 5511, 5532, 5542, 5549, 5552, 5565, 5596, 5598, 6199, 6206, 9017, 9021. Unemployment among Blacks, 932, 3708, 5511, 5599, 6077. Unemployment among Indians, 5698, 5699, 5759, 6236. Unemployment Insurance Act, 5554. Unemployment Insurance Board, 5552. Unemployment Insurance Fund, maximum wage limit to qualify for membership of, 389. Vocational councillors, 5517. Vocational service, expansion of Division of, 5516. Western Cape, labour position in, 5528, 5564, S66, SI 16. Wiehahn Commission, 947, 5500, 5508, 5514, 5557, 5577, 5580, 5590, 5604. Workers, claims of, 366. Workmen’s Compensation Fund, 5612. Land: Legislation: Sale of Land on Instalments Amend- ment Bill: 1R„ 3697; 2R„ 4777; C., 5393; 3R„ 5405. Agricultural holdings, S324. Land—(continued). Irrigation Boards, sale of, by, see debates on “ Water Amendment Bill” . Land tenure, S267. Prices of, S208, S321, S340, S352. Reallotment of, S271, S306. Zoning of, for industrial purposes, see “ Planning and the Environment” . Langebaan lagoon, see “ Planning and the Environment” . Law Examinations, Board for the Recogni- tion of, 2221. Lebowa, political development of, 6057, 6171. Lesbianism, S725, S741. Lesotho, Cuban visit to, see Cuban inter- vention in Africa. Liquor: Legislation: Liquor Amendment Bill: 1R., 6081; 2R„ 7428; C., 7434; 3R„ 7435. Wine and Spirit Control Amendment Bill: 1R„ 2489; 2R„ 2918; Bill not committed, 2921; 3R., 2921. Excise duties on, 3380. Liquor licences, 6758, 6866. Shebeens, 7060, 7098. Littering, S74, S84, SI 18. Local authorities: Sources of revenue of, 1091. Lung cancer, see “ Health” .
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Trade unions, White, 5555.

Training and retraining, 5503, 5548, 5549, 5608.

Unemployment, 13, 266, 340, 367, 889, 928, 932, 976, 1035, 1434, 1435, 3352, 3708, 3821, 3848, 3959, 4028, 5508, 5511, 5532, 5542, 5549, 5552, 5565, 5596, 5598, 6199, 6206, 9017, 9021.

Unemployment among Blacks, 932, 3708, 5511, 5599, 6077.

Unemployment among Indians, 5698, 5699, 5759, 6236.

Unemployment Insurance Act, 5554.

Unemployment Insurance Board, 5552.

Unemployment Insurance Fund, maximum wage limit to qualify for membership of, 389.

Vocational councillors, 5517.

Vocational service, expansion of Division of, 5516.

Western Cape, labour position in, 5528, 5564, S66, SI 16.

Wiehahn Commission, 947, 5500, 5508, 5514, 5557, 5577, 5580, 5590, 5604.

Workers, claims of, 366.

Workmen’s Compensation Fund, 5612.



Sale of Land on Instalments Amend­ment Bill: 1R„ 3697; 2R„ 4777; C., 5393; 3R„ 5405.

Agricultural holdings, S324.


Irrigation Boards, sale of, by, see debates on “ Water Amendment Bill” .

Land tenure, S267.

Prices of, S208, S321, S340, S352.

Reallotment of, S271, S306.

Zoning of, for industrial purposes, see “ Planning and the Environment” .

Langebaan lagoon, see “ Planning and the Environment” .

Law Examinations, Board for the Recogni­tion of, 2221.

Lebowa, political development of, 6057, 6171.

Lesbianism, S725, S741.

Lesotho, Cuban visit to, see Cuban inter­vention in Africa.



Liquor Amendment Bill: 1R., 6081; 2R„ 7428; C., 7434; 3R„ 7435.

Wine and Spirit Control Amendment Bill: 1R„ 2489; 2R„ 2918; Bill not committed, 2921; 3R., 2921.

Excise duties on, 3380.

Liquor licences, 6758, 6866.

Shebeens, 7060, 7098.

Littering, S74, S84, SI 18.

Local authorities:

Sources of revenue of, 1091.

Lung cancer, see “ Health” .

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Maasdorp and Pillay, sociological studyby, 5858.

Majority rule, see “ Black majority rule” under “ Relations Policy” .

Makapaansgat, 2145.

Malaria, see “ Health” .

Malnutrition, see “ Health” .

Marcus Island region, see “ Planning and the Environment” .

Marine Affairs:

General, S70, SI 17.

Council for, establishment of, S73.

Littering, see that heading.

Marine inquiry, courts of, 4989, 5035.

(See also “ Romelia” and “ Antipolis” .)

Marine resources, exploitation of, 5017.

“ S.A. Agulhas” , the research supply ship, 5017.

Sea Rescue Institute, National, 2402.

Waves, power of, as potential source of energy, S77.

Marxism, 4875, 4948.

Marxist threat in Africa and South Africa,4438, 4854, 4870, 4893.

Meat see “ Agriculture” .

Medical Research Council, South African,see “ Health” .

Mental health, see “ Health” .

Meer, Fatima, 7087.

Merchant Shipping Amendment Bill: 1R., 3830; 2R., 4374; C„ 4375; 3R„ 4375.

Meteorological research, 5016.

Methodist Church of Southern Africa (Pri­vate) Bill: 1R„ 7025; 2R., 9840; Bill not committed, 9847; 3R., 9847.

Minerals, see “ Mining” .



Metallurgy, Institute for, Amendment Bill on: 1R, 3003; 2R„ 3437; Bill not committed, 3439; 3R., 3439.

Mining Rights Amendment Bill: 1R., 3003; 2R„ 3429; C., 3435; 3R., 3437.

Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Amendment Bill: 1R., 676; 2R„ 1660; C., 1769; 3R., 1770; Sen. Am., 2361.

Vote, 5612.

Alloy industry, uses of chrome in, 5626.

Anglo-Am erican, dispute between Mineworkers’ Union and, 5638, 5676.

Asbestos, 5681.

Bophuthatswana, mines in, see “ Bophuthatswana” .

Buffelsfontein, pressure burst at, 5663.

Chrome, 5626.

Coal industry, see that heading.

Cost increases in mining industry, 5613,5667.

Employees, facilities for, 5660.

Ergo project, 5641, 5676.

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Expertise in mining industry, 5627.

Ferro-chrome, 5626, 5673.

Ferro-chrome furnace, raising of produc­tion capacity of, 5640.


Gold Mines Assistance Act, 5645.

Gold mines, revenue from, 3372.

Gold mines, state aid to, 6215, 6216.

(See also “ Financial and Economic Affairs” .)

Government Mining Training School, 5624, 5633.

Gratuities for mineworkers, 5656, 5681.

Independence of SWA and homelands, ef­fect of, on mining activities, 5647, 5680.

Industrial Diseases in Mines and Works Act, 5618.

Industrial Diseases, Medical Bureau of, 5617, 5669.

Labour, importation of foreign, 5650, 5680.

Labour structures, 5616.

Marginal mines, 5647, 5678.

Minerals industry, 5629, 5630, 5632, 5642, 5657, 5671, 5719.

Mineworkers, certification of, 5617, 5620, 5632, 5657, 5673.

Mineworkers’ Union, 5623, 5664.

Mining production, 9021.

Northern Cape, mining developments in, 5653.


Northern Cape, visit of Minister of Mines and senior officials to, 5660.

National Institute for Metallurgy, 5634, 5640, 5673, 5677.

“ Ondergrondse Amptenare van die Myn- wese, Die” , the journal, 5519.

Pensions, see “ Social Welfare and Pen­sions” .

Petrick Report regarding the coal mines of South Africa, 5636.

Platinum, 5625.

Pneumoconiosis, 5619.

Policy, metals and minerals, 5628.

Productivity in the mining industry, 5614.

Proto teams, 5655, 5663.

Refinement of minerals, 5639, 5673, 5676.

South African Blacks, employment of, in mines, 5624, 5652.

Strip mining, 5642, S5.

Technical changes, position of labourer in mining industry in consequence of, 5669.

Training of manpower, facilities for, 5633.

Transportation of mineworkers, 5661.

Vanderbijlpark Steel Works, 5615.

Witbank, training college for mineworkers at, 5633.

Working week, structure of, 5614, 5646,5668, 5679.

Mint, S. A. (Vote), 6196, 6224.

Mitchell’s Plain, see that heading under “ Community Development” .

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Mixed Marriages Act, proposed repeal of,see “ Private members’ motions” .

Monopolistic conditions, see “ Financial and Economic Affairs” .

Moratorium Amendment Bill see this head­ing under “ Legislation” under “ Finan­cial and Economic Affairs” .

Motlana, Dr., political viewpoints of, 8656, 8701, 8723, 8725, 8728, 8771, 8972.

Motor industry, 6245, 9017.

Motor Vehicle Insurance, see “ Transport” .

Msinga area, detention without trial in, 54.


Nama Relations (Vote), 7886.

Namaqualand, planning and developmentof, see “ Planning and the Environ­ment” .

Nancefield, see “ Planning and the Environ­ment” .

Natal, incorporation of East Griqualand into, 13, 4392, 4461, 4493.

National Convention, see “ Relations Pol­icy” .

National Monuments Council, 5161, 5166.

National Monuments Act, 2146.

National Road Fund, 2101.

National service, see “ Defence” .

Ncube, Mr. Brand, arrest of, report in Star about, 126.

New Zealand, prison population in, 7151.

Nkosi, sergeant, murder of, 7027, 7034.

Nuclear arms in Africa, 8520.

Nuclear Installations (Licensing, and Sec­urity) Amendment Bill: 1R., 591; 2R., 1667; C„ 1670; 3R„ 1670.

Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, South Africa’s accession to, 8520, 8590.

Nujoma, Sam, television interview with,3980.

Nursing, see “ Health” .


Offices of Profit under the Republic Amendment Bill: 1R., 3138; 2R., 3497; C., 3524; 3R., 3525; Sen. Am., 4082.

Offices of Profit, S.C. on: Appointment, 3831; Report of, 8409.

Oil pollution, see “ Pollution” .

One man, one vote, see “ Relations Policy” .

Overberg region, see “ Planning and the Environment” .


Paris, Convention for the Protection ofIndustrial Property, 2218.

Parkinson’s disease, see “ Health” .


Vote, 4274.

House of Assembly:

Adjournment of House on matter of pub­lic importance, viz. geological sur­vey in Kruger National Park, Mo­tion for, 3203.

Business of House, announcement of, 288, 676, 2078, 3914, 4464, 5022, 5580, 6545, 7660.

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House of Assembly—(continued).


Chairman of, appointment of, 15.

Deputy chairman of, appointment of, 15.

Temporary chairman of, appointment of, 674.

Discharge of Orders of the Day and withdrawal of Bills, 8772, 8913, 9037.

Internal Arrangements, S.C. on, ap­pointment of, 18.

Hours of sitting of (motion), 413, 5022, 5580, 8633, 8773, 9513, 9585.

Limitation of debate on Sales Tax Bill (Motion), 9173.


Announcement of election of:

Geldenhuys, Mr. G. T., 4055.

Announcement of vacancy due to death of:

Le Roux, Mr. J. P. C., 15.

Motion of condolence after death of: Le Roux, Mr. J. P. C., 15.

New member, 3265, 4055.

Personal explanation by:

Eglin, Mr. C. W„ 388.

Swearing of oath by:

Mentz, Mr. J. H. W., 3265.

Geldenhuys, Mr. G. T., 4136.


House of Assembly—(continued).


Deputy Speaker, appointment of, 15.

Election of, 3.

Statements or announcements by, on:

Vacancies, 15.

Standing Rules and Orders:

Committee on: Appointment of, 102; first report, of, 3265; second re­port of, 5022.

Question days (motion), 413.

Library of Parliament, S.C. on: Appoint­ment of, 18.

Members of, remuneration of, 1028.

Office bearers of, remuneration of, 1028.

Parliamentary catering, joint committee on, appointment of, 499.

Pensions, see debates on “ Pension Laws, Second Amendment Bill” .

Patent Agents, Institute for, 2222.

Patents Bill: 1R„ 1897; 2R„ 2218; C„ 2904; 3R., 2916.

“ Pegging Act” , Gen. J. C. Smuts’s speech on, 4618.

Pensions, see “ Social Welfare and Pen­sions” .

Personnel Research, National Institute for,S48, S61.

Petrick Report regarding the coal re­sources of South Africa, see “ Coal” .

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Petrol, see “ Energy” .

Planning and the Environment:

Vote, SI.

Beach planning, S26.

Cato Manor, development of, S103, S122.

Conservation, public relations exercise in, S557.

Council for the Environment, S 11.

Country towns, smaller, problems of, S14, S36, S44, S57.

Decentralization, S15, S32, S43, S52.

Department of, activities of, S2, S9, S34.

Department of, conflict of interests be­tween, and other Government depart­ments with regard to the environment, S3, S55.

Domestic refuse, selective collection and recycling of, S21, S57.

Ecological Advisory Committee, S3.

Environment planning, S3, S14, S20.

Environment Planning Act, effect of sec­tion 3 of, S32, S40, S59, S80, S83, SI 19.

Fynbos systems and indigenous forests, conservation of, S7.

Growth points, creation of, S I8, S44.

Guide-plan committees, constitution of, SI 10, S125.

Guide-plans, S27, S125.

Hiking trails, 7594, 7608, 7627, 7633.

Holiday townships, establishment of, S86.

Langebaan lagoon, S3, S27, S57.

Planning and the Environm ent—(continued).

Marcus Island region, S4.

Marine affairs, see that heading.

Marine conservation, 986.

Marlboro, proclamation of, see “ In­dians” .

Mineral deposits, development of, S92, S120.

Namaqualand, planning and development of, S36, S60.

Nancefield, proclamation of, S45, S61.

National Physical Development Plan, S I8, S38, S53, S I25.

Overberg region, definition and composi­tion of population, S24, S57.

Planning required to move from capital intensive to labour intensive economy, S30, S80, SI 19.

Population distribution of South Africa,S15.

Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage area, develop­ment of, S40, S55.

Pretoria guide plan, completion of greater, S I09; S123.

Provinces, future of, as regards planning requirements of South Africa, S I2.

Putco Bus Company, establishment of depot of, at Wembley stadium, S104, SI 14, S I22.

Regional development associations, S51, S61.

Strip coal mines, effect on the environ­ment, S5, S56.

Table Mountain, S26, S87.

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Planning and the Environm ent—(continued).

Western Cape, planning of labour in, S66, SI 16.

Wilderness areas, 7593, 7630.

Zoning of land for industrial purposes,S16.

Player, Gary, see “ Sport and Recreation” .

Pluralism, see "Relations Policy” .



Police Amendment Bill: 1R., 771; 2R„ 1254; C„ 1257.

Vote, 6874, 7026, 7106.

C.I.D., 7038.

Academic training of, 6877.

Applications to join the, 7049.

Danger pay, 7058, 7060.

Deaths of policemen on duty, 7082.

Examinations, 7036.

Fire-arms, use of, by, 275, 6856, 7077, 7099.

Gate-crashing at parties, police action against, 7068, 7099.

Housing for members of the, 7090, S759.

Medical schemes for members of the, 7090.

Mobile police stations, 6877, 7100.

Morale of, 274.

Murders, unsolved, 7049.

Patterns of crime, factors affecting, 7046.


Policemen, number of, 7040, 7042.

Police reservists, 275, 7040, 7063, 7065, 7090, 7098.

Privation allowance, 7089.

Public service commission, removal of police from jurisdiction of, 7058, 7096.

Raids, 7048, 7057, 7093.

Railway Police, see “ Railways and Har­bours” .

Role of, since 1910, 7047.

Training of, 7046, 7092.

Uniforms, 6876, 7036, 7058, 7090, 7096.


Air pollution, S439.

Coal pollution of Natal water resources, 8688.

Noise pollution by trains, 2622, 2624, 2666.

Oil pollution, 4984, 5014, 5033.

Ore-dust pollution in Port Elizabeth har­bour, 2568, 2659.

Water pollution, S21, S86, S608.

(See also debates on “ Water Amend­ment Bill” .)

Population distribution of S.A ., see “ Plan­ning and the Environment” .

Population explosion, 1359, 5828.

Population growth, 3710, 3771, 3912.

Port Elizabeth opera-house, opening of, to all races, see this heading under “ Pri­vate Members’ Motions” .

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Portuguese, position of, in South African community, see “ Immigrants” under “ Immigration” .

Post Office:


Appropriation Bill: 1R., 2748; 2R., 2857, 2927; C„ 3003; 3R., 3096.

Post Office Amendment Bill: 1R., 103; 2R., 432; Bill not commit­ted, 446; 3R., 446.

Agency services, 2973, 2998.

Bad debt, 3032, 3082, 3093.

Budget policy, 2927, 2992.

Capital expenditure, 2872.

Church Square, Pretoria, post office build­ing on, see “ Church Square, Pre­toria” .

Financing of, 2994, 2982, 2992, 3003.

Interest burden, 2994, 2982, 2999.

Operating expenditure, 2872, 2983.

Operating surplus, 3004, 3115.

Operation Commando, 2858, 3050, 3068.

Philately services, 2863, 3041, 3069.

Post office buildings, 2863.

Postal Services:

All-up service, 2860.

Delivery of mail, 2860, 2953, 2955.

Freepost service, 2861.

Foreign mail, 2861, 2990, 3044, 3067.

Mailboats, termination of service by, 6712.

Post Office—(continued).

Postal Services—(continued).

Mail-sorting systems, automatic, 3862, 3932.

National servicemen, free postage for, 3206, 3117.

Opening of mail, 3023, 3053, 3065.

Postal codes, 3051.

Post Office Savings Bank, 432.

Priority-mail, 2861.

Self-service, 2862, 2956.

Stamp-vending machines, 3076, 3092.

Posts and Telecommunications, S.C. on, 18; Report on, 9173.

Radio frequencies for private communica­tion, 3011, 3028, 3058, 3095.

Riemland, post office building in, 3074.


Achievement bonus, 2875, 2938, 2957, 2951, 2957, 3005, 3018, 3056, 3096.

Black workers, medical aid for, 2933, 2942.

Coloured staff, 3009.

Indians, employed by, 3027, 3062.

Psychologists, departmental, 2860.

Recruiting of, abroad, 7297, 7308.

Resignations, 2974.

Staff position, 2859, 2932, 2964, 3037.

Study aid, 2860.

Training, 2859, 2946, 3025, 3027.

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Post Office—(continued).


Wage gap, see this heading under “ Wages and Salaries” .

Tariff Stabilization Fund, 2986, 2999, 3004.

Tariffs, 2874, 2942, 2966, 2977, 2983, 2985, 2990, 2995.

Telecommunications services:

Cost of, 2940.

Data transmission services, 2868.

International communication, 2869.

Police emergency number, 3052.

Rediffusion service, 3081, 3092.

SAPONET, 2861, 3110, 3118.

Telegraph and telex services, 2869.

Telegram tariffs, 2943, 2995.

Telephone calls, cost of, 2942.

Telephone exchanges, automation of, 3078.

Telephones, shortage of, 2858, 2864, 2929, 2948, 2953, 2967, 2998.

Telephone service:

CP 24 and CP 44 systems, 2931, 2949, 2953, 2979, 2990, 2996.

Electronic telephone exchanges, 2865, 2979, 2996, 3931.

International telephone service, 2869, 3017, 3043.

National roads, emergency telephones along, 2931, 2994.

Non-White areas, services in, 2871, 2929, 2956, 2994, 3050.

Post Office—(continued).

Telephone Service—(continued).

Number of telephones in service, 2864.

Party lines, 2930, 3108, 3117.

Public telephones, 3006, 3033, 3051, 3057, 3077.

Tapping of lines, 3081, 3093.

Telephone directories, 3007, 3052, 3068.

Trunk telephone system, 2867.


Argus group, 1128, 6575.

Citizen, The, 1130, 6552, 6574, 6592, 6626, 6733.

Daily Dispatch, reporting in, 3942.

Dismissal of journalists, 1128.

English-language press, 86, 6471, 6733.

Financial Mail, reporting in, 42, 71.

Foreign, false reporting in, 194, 209.

Freedom of, 3840, 4024, 6572, 6584, 6733, 7228, 7253, 7265.

Rapport, Ekstra, 5528.

Role of, in South Africa, 956.

SAAN, 1128.

South African, false reporting in, 191.

Star, reporting in, 61, 126, 209.

Sunday Times:

Business section, report in, 1125, 1212, 1494, 3873.

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Sunday Times—(continued).

Reporting in, 86, 6566, 6582.

Weekend World, the banning of, 1140.

World, The, banning of, 1140.

World, The, reporting in, 6806.

Prime Minister:

Vote, 4389, 4464, 4614.

Statement by, on abolition of Department of Information and establishment of Bureau for National and International Communication, 9511.

Statement by, on discussions between South Africa and Western powers about South West Africa, 885.



Prisons Amendment Bill: 1R., 2703; 2R„ 3187, 3484, 3527; C„ 3582; 3R„ 4083, 4128; Sen. Am., 5159.

Vote, 7123.


On prisoners by other prisoners, 7126.

On prisoners by staff, 7151.

On staff by prisoners, 7129.

Awaiting trial prisoners, 7143, 7160.

Cost, daily, per prisoner, 7124.

Deaths in, 7126, 7156.

Escapes from prison, 7136, 7159.

International Penal and Penitentiary Com­mission, rules laid down by, 7131.


(See also debates on “ Prisons Amend­ment Bill” .)

Prison population, 7123, 7150, 7153, 7162.

Privileges of prisoners, 7137.

Productivity in department of, 7130.

Rehabilitation of prisoners, 7133, 7140, 7144, 7156, 7158.

Remission of sentence, 7138.

Robben Island:

Future of prison on, 7136, 7156.

Journalists, visit by, to, 7147, 7161.

Technical training for prisoners on, 7163.

Social Work Division of department of, 7146, 7158.

Staff position in department of, 7129, 7133, 7152, 7154, 7159, 7163.

Study facilities for prisoners, 7125, 7137, 7140, 7141, 7156.

Treatment of prisoners, 7132.

Private members’ motions:

Agricultural research, 1341.

Constitutional changes, Joint Select Com­mittee on effects on Parliament, 2254.

Energy resources of South Africa, 1788.

Financial situation in agricultural industry, 771.

Housing, 2306.

Port Elizabeth Opera House, opening of, to all races, 2802.

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Private members’ motions—(continued).

Repeal of Mixed Marriages Act and section 16 of the Immorality Act, 821.

SABC, presentation of programmes by,

School education, 2748.

Proteas, cultivation of, 7598.

Provincial Administration:


Provincial Finance and Audit Amendment Bill: 1R., 103; 2R., 1699; C„ 1715; 3R., 1724.

Provincial Boundaries, Alteration of, Bill: IR„ 2181; 2R., 2718; C., 2745; 3R„ 2747.

Provinces, future of, as regards planning requirements of S. A., S12, S56.

Role of, 1111.

Psychiatry, see “ Health” .

Psychologists, training requirements for,S49, S61.

Public Accounts, S.C. on: Appointment of, 18; First Report (on Unauthorized Ex­penditure), 4695; Second Report, 4695; consideration of First Report (motion), 5244.

Findings of, 6496.

Publications, control of, see “ Interior” .

Public Service:

Bureaucracy, growth of, 3896, 4059, 4255, 7181.

Bursaries, 7197.

Public Service—(continued).

Employees of, increase in number of, 4255.

Government departments, expansion of, S794.

Legal training of public servants, 7173.

Merit system in, 7168, 7174, 7198.

Productivity in, 7195.

Public servants as percentage of popu­lation, 8623, 9022.

Public Service Commission:

Vote, 7164.

Annual report of, 7171.

Impartiality of, 7178, 7198.

Information, department of, role of Pub­lic Service Commission in restruc­turing of, 7178, 7200.

Origin of, 7169.

Personnel administration, co-ordination of, by, 7170.

Retirement age in, 7177, 7198.

Staff position in, 7165, 7173, 7188, 7194, 7196.

Training programme of, 7173, 7194, 7202.

Public Works:

Vote, S745.

Art, works of, purchase of, for Government buildings, S781, S786, S801.

Building works programme, 3366, S764.

Buildings, functional, plea for, S788.

Buildings, luxury, S777, S802.

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Public Works—(continued).

Buildings, new, cost of, S777, S802.

Castle, restoration of, S800.

Department of, Annual report of, S779.

Government buildings, bad housekeeping in, S758, S795.

Government buildings, conservation of energy in designing of, S793, S804.

Government buildings, register of, of ar­chitectural or historic interest, S770, S774, S799, S801.

Government buildings, sale of, S777, S801.

Historic buildings, maintenance of, S768, S798.

Horticultural section of the Department of, S788, S804.

Professional services, utilization of, in government projects, S766, S793, S798.

Raadsaal, Bloemfontein, restoration of, S772, S800.

Roeland Street Prison, S749.

Select Committee on Public Works Vote: Appointment of, 3915; proceedings concluded, 6448.

Putco Bus Company, establishment of depot of, at Wembley Stadium, SI04, SI 14, S I 22.

QQuantity Surveyors’ Amendment Bill: 1R.,

592; Bill referred to S.C., 592; Report of S.C., 8632.


Race relations, see “ Relations Policy” .

Racial Discrimination: 31, 1140, 1474, 3895, 3906, 4498, 8530.

Radio, see “ Broadcasting Corporation, South African” .

Railways and Harbours:


Appropriation Bills:

Additional: 1R., 1029; 2R„ 1389;C., 1423; 3R., 1429.

Main: 1R„ 1990; 2R„ 2078, 2361, 2489; C„ 2516, 2571; 3R., 2675, 2703.

Railways and Harbours Acts Amend­ment Bill: 1R., 3830; 2R„ 4332; C., 4668, 4757; 3R„ 4777; Sen. Am., 5353.

Administration of, on business lines, 2431, 2483.

Agricultural products, transportation of, 2480, 2521, 2574, 2597.

Block loads, 2096, 2620, 2650, 2673.

Brake blocks, 2377.

Cape Town, disruption of train services to and from, 2613, 2666, 2717.

Capital investment programme, 2089.

Capital position of, 2463.

Capital projects, financial planning of, 2526.

Coast guard for South Africa, proposed, 2400, 2404, 2507, 5034.

Commuter fares, 2364, 2687.

Concessions, 2365, 2501, 2562, 2671.

Conservation work by, 2625.

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Railways and Harbours—(continued).


General, 1413, 1422, 2082, 2366, 2426, 2434, 2528, 2598, 2608.

Container tariffs, 2366, 2426, 2570, 2566.

Private containers, tariff rebate on, 2366, 2570, 2580.

Damage to goods by, 2612, 2668, 2680.

Drakensberg train, 2534.

East London, railage from, to Johannes­burg, 2425.

Electrification, 2532.

Export goods, transportation of, 2645.

Goods services, 2051, 2414.


Cargo shipped, 2083.

Construction of, 1390, 1408.

Cape Town:

Control tower, 2399, 2505.

Navigation light in, 2714.

East London, 2427, 2509.

Harbour charges, 2366.

Harbour cranes, 1392.

Port Elizabeth, 2568, 2597, 2659.

Profit on, 2411.

Richards Bay, see this heading.

Saldanha, 1422, 1424, 2083, 6742.

(See also “ Sishen-Saldanha pro­ject” .)

Railways and Harbours—(continued).

High-rated traffic, 1389, 1420, 2392, 2436, 2612.

Housing of railway staff, 2088, 2388, 2447, 2449, 2547, 2571, 2591, 2661.

Interest burden, 2368, 2407, 2498, 2679.

Johan Hugo, the vessel, 2699, 2715.

Landmines, detection of, 1415.

Level crossings, elimination of, 1391.

Livestock, conveyance of, 1425, 2363, 2493, 2523, 2553, 2600, 2606, 2611, 2648, 2665, 2679.

Low-rated traffic, 2374.

Maitland subway, 2533.

Marketing of railway services, 2696.

Neighbouring states, co-operation with, 2088, 2450, 2483, 2559.

Noise pollution by trains, see “ Pollution” .

Operating costs, 2385, 2386, 2616.

Operating results, 2094, 2409, 2412, 2695.

Overspending by Administration, 2527, 2583, 2629, 2668, 2678.

Overtime and Sunday time, 2422.

Passenger services, 2080, 2440, 2411, 2413, 2440, 2504, 2516, 2585, 2687.

Pipelines, 1392.

Productivity, 2456, 2462, 2470, 2514, 2686.

Railway Accounts, S.C. on: Appointment of, 18; first report of, 2361; second report of, 8005.

Railway Board, 2529.

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Railways and Harbours—(continued).

Railway Police, 7089.

Railway Police Reservists, 4259.

Road transport service, see “ Transport” .

Rolling stock, 1391, 1395, 1404, 1408, 1419, 1423.

Sleepers, concrete, 2377.

Staff, 2086, 2421, 2545.

Railway lines:

Belle Ombre, 2582, 2640.

Bellville, new railway line from, 2617.

Construction and extension of, 1390, 1408.

Chempet line, extension of, 2615.

Fochville and Houtheuwel, 1427.

Guaranteed lines, 2614, 2665.

Kensington-Chempet, 1391.

Mitchells Plain/Cape Town, 2512, 2566.

Mozambique line, 2088.

New works on open lines, 1391.

Nyanga and Strandfontein, 1391, 1394, 1418, 1428.

Phuzumoya/Golela, 2088.

Rosettenville, rail connections to, 2654.

Table Bay Harbour, 1391.

Thabazimbi/EUisras, 2614, 2665.

W internest/Mabopane, 1391, 2565, 2640.

Rates and rate increases, 2095, 2362, 2391, 2394, 2433, 2448, 2466, 2479, 2490, 2499, 2542, 2580, 2597, 2606, 2618, 6724.

Railways and Harbours—(continued).

Saving by, 2463.

Scheffel bogie, 1396, 1423, 1426, 2379.

Sinking Fund, 1389.

Southern Africa, role of, in, 2088, 2483, 2559.


Belle Ombre, 2518, 2582.

Berea Road, 1394, 1409, 1418.

Daspoort, 2634, 2669.

Durban, 1393, 1409, 1417, 1423, 1424, 1428, 2504.

Howick, 2649, 2673.

Port Elizabeth, 2567, 2596.

Steam locomotives, replacement of, 2446, 2513, 2531, 2587.

Subsidization of railways abroad, 2436.

Susan Kruger, the ferry boat, 2707.

Training of railway workers, 2545, 2590.

Turn-round time of trucks, 2458.

Umlazi, proposed hostel for Black workers at, 2548, 2591.

Vacuum brake system, 2378.

Western Cape, railway tariffs for, 2433, 2479.

Wolraad Woltemade, the tug, 2402, 2702.

Worker representation, 2643, 2673.

Rehoboth Relations (Vote), 7888.

Relations Policy:

Bill of Rights, 8655, 8984, 8991.

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Relations Policy—(continued).

Black Majority rule in South Africa, 57, 104, 234, 293, 346, 351, 3834, 4924.

Confederation, definition of, 247.

Convention, national, proposed, 39, 47, 79, 109, 184, 354, 361, 368, 1448, 1481, 4490, 4501, 4558, 4598, 5763, 5786, 6119, 8757, 8770, 8964.

Federal/confederal system, 99, 143, 149, 179, 212, 307, 380, 1055, 1477, 4453, 4529, 4573, 4623.

Multinationalism, 1070, 1123, 1469, 4488.

Multiracialism, 1469.

National Party:

Education policy of, 8315.

Homelands policy, 178, 1133, 6000, 8746, 8768, 8922.

Policy of, 4441, 4470, 4633, 8918, 8976.

Policy statements as published in “ Star” , 62, 209, 358, 376.

New Republic Party:

Policy of, 97, 7912.

One man, one vote, 59, 75, 106, 109, 114, 293, 351, 4437, 4609, 4623, 4854, 4947.

Pluralism, 99, 141, 227, 302, 309, 339, 1478, 4450, 4526, 5977, 5979, 6040, 6111.

Policies as published in “ Star” , 61.

Political rights, 380.

Power sharing, 100, 4421, 4436, 7906.

Progressive Federal Party:

Constitutional policy, 8649, 8675, 8915, 8939, 8972, 8990.

Relations Policy—(continued).

Progressive Federal Party—(continued).

Policy of, 378, 4457, 4505, 4609.

Policy statements as published in “ Star” , 62, 209, 358, 376.

Voting policy of, 96, 3836.

Qualified franchise, 304.

Race relations, 170, 177, 5824, 5988, 5963, 6114.

Separate development, 178, 269, 311, 356, 1099, 4467, 4516, 4561, 4566, 4585, 6050, 6080, 6664, 8555.

South African Party, policy of, 8950.

Voting policy, 96.


Rentals, 5846, 5900, 5911, 5919.

Rent boards, 5811, 5840, 5883.

Rent control, 5798, 5808, 5811, 5837, 5840, 5845, 5849, 5862, 5874, 5883, 5899, 5907, 5910, 5919.

Sub-economic rent interest rate, 5850.

Restaurants and tearooms, opening of, to all races, 5914.

Restrictions in terms of security legislation,6836.

Rhodesian issue, 68, 234, 329, 352, 1418, 8540, 8589.

Richards Bay, 1421, 1424, 2369, 2501, 2504.

Riekert Commission, see “ Labour” .

Road Safety:

Accident figures, 5001.

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Road Safety—(continued).

Death toll, 5001.

Seat belts, compulsory use of, 5001, 5024.

Roeland Street Prison, see “ Public Works” .

Romelia, inquiry into stranding of, 2403, 2507, 2700, 2704, 2708.

Rural areas, depopulation of, 1075, S128, S173, S341, S374.

Rural areas, standard of living in, S328.

Rural towns, problems of, see “ Planning and the Environment” .

Russian infiltration in Africa and South Africa, 338, 4828, 4834, 4927, 6528, 8452, 8515, 8533.


Safety belts, see “ Seat Belts” .

Sasol 2, 3368, 6668, 6702, 8613.

Sea Point, penetration of Blacks into, 5525.

Sea Point, public facilities in, S89.

Seal Island, culling of seals on, 6686, 6737, S6.

Seat belts, compulsory use of, 5001.

Second-hand Goods Amendment Bill; 1R499; 2R„ 1277, 1542; C„ 1617; 3R., 1622.

Secret funds, see this heading under “ In­formation” .

Secret Services Account Bill: 1R., 2857; 2R„ 3138; C„ 3226; 3R., 3265.

Sectional titles, 5883, 5895, 5916, 5917.

Self-determination, right of, 213.

Separate Development, see “ Relations Pol­icy” .

Shaba province, Zaire, invasion of, 8465, 8508.

Sharpeville, 316.

Shops and Offices Act, 5533.

Sishen—Saldanha Bay project, 1013, 2083, 2450, 2501, 2561, 2593.

Slums, see “ Community Development” .

Smit, Dr. and Mrs. Robert, 7027, 7049.

Smoking, dangers of, see “ Health” .

Smuts, General J. C., 311.

Social democracy, 8607, 8986, 9010.

Social Welfare and Pensions:


National Welfare Amendment Bill: 1R., 6448; 2R„ 6881; Bill not committed, 6883; 3R., 6883.

National Welfare Bill: 1R., 3225; 2R„ 6406, 6883; C., 7674, 7820; 3R., 8259; Sen. Am. 9522.

Pension Laws Amendment Bill: 1R., 2748; 2R , 3176; C„ 3187; 3R„ 3187.

Pension Laws, Second Amendment Bill: 1R„ 9037; 2R , 9644; Bill not committed, 9646, 3R., 9646.

Social and Associated Workers’ Bill: 1R., 3225; withdrawn, 9037; re­introduced, 9369; 2R., 9653, 9760; C., 9778; 3R„ 9799.

Pensions (Supplementary) Bill: 1R., 9369; 2R„ 9647; Bill not com­mitted, 9647; 3R., 9647.

Vote, S611.

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Social Welfare and Pensions—(continued).

Advice bureaux, S682, S702.

Aged, care of the, 1019, S613, S623, S631, S638, S703, S717.

Aged, medical expenses of the, 3904.

Aged, service centres for the, S623, S696.

Alcoholism, see “ Health” .

Begging, S683.

Child abuse, S627, S698.

Child care, S617, S621, S704, S723, S737.

Children’s homes, S694, S709, S715.

Cilliers committee, S628.

Contributory pension scheme, 4006, S628, S638, S675, S728.

Cost of living index, effect of, on pension increases, 4009.

Department of, report of, S619, S656, S660, S694.

Divorces, S722.

Foster children, subsidies for, S694.

Geriatric services, S633.

Government Employees’ Provident Fund, S709, S738.

Government Service Pension Fund, S710.

Handicapped, care of the, S618.

Handicapped, homes for the, S694.

Immigrants, pensions of, S636, S699.

Inflation rate, effect of, on pension in­creases, 4009.

Local authorities, role of, in welfare ser­vices, S624, S696, S721.

Social Welfare and Pensions—(continued).

Maintenance grant, S714.

Means test, 4004, 5840, 5841, 5861, S615, S619, S623, S639, S656, S659, S688, S689, S690. S712, S738.

Military pensions, S639, S657.

Mine-workers, pensions of, 5619, 5621.

Old age homes, S623, S632, S650, S675, S686, S693, S712, S717, S728.

Old age homes, subsidies to, S644.

Pension rights, transferability of, 4007, S616, S630, S653.

Pension schemes, role of insurance indus­try in respect of, S653.

Pensions, funding of, 3384.

Pensions, improvement of, 3368, 3749, 4003, 4027, 4256, S641, S700.

Pensions, revision of, 1436, 6225.

Pensions, S.C. on: Appointment of, 18; First and Second Report of, 8409; First Report: House in Committee, 8634.

Post Office pensioners, 3021, 3054, 3063.

Probation services, S719, S740.

Railway pensions, 2087, 2448, 2469, 2510, 2553, 2565.

Rehabilitation services, S722.

Soldiers, wounded, care of, see “ De­fence” .

South African Legion, reports in Press about co-operation between, and De­partment of, S646, S660.

Subsidies, S692, S695.

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Social Welfare and Pensions—(continued).

Teachers’ pensions, 5091, 5109.

Tramps, S732, S743.

Valuation of property for pension purposes, S623, S637, S640.

War veterans’ pensions, 4006.

Welfare organizations, voluntary, S649,S669.

Welfare services, influence of inflation and cost of living on, S620.

Wife-beating, S723.

South Africa, changing of name of, 4520.

Southern African Students Movement,7032, 7088.

South West Africa:

Defence of, 4945.

Detention without trial in, 6801.

Five Western Countries, negotiations with, 69.

Independence of, 8, 68, 331.

Political situation in, 912, 1058, 1138, 3850, 4626, 4828, 8448, 8491, 8577, 8590.

Prime Minister’s statement regarding pro­posals for a settlement of the South West African situation, 5535.

Race discrimination, 32, 3982.

South African Police, role of, in, 4628.

Swapo, 69, 203, 322, 3981, 4945.

Terrorist activities in, 4629.

Walvis Bay, 1062, 4627, 7221, 7253.

South West Africa—(continued).

Walvis Bay, payment in respect of, to South West Africa Territorial Revenue Fund, 1900, 1903, 1906.

Soweto, see this heading under “ Urban” under “ Blacks” .

Sport and Recreation:

General, 5199, 5202, 5206, 5209.

Vote, 5171.

Boxing, amateur, injuries in, 5216.

Boxing Association, S.A., rules of the, 5217.

Boxing tournaments, multi-racial, 5196.

Coaching, importance of, 5195.

Department of, annual report of, 5187.

Discrimination in sport, 5210, 5213, 5224.

Financial requirements of sport organiza­tions, 5203.

Financing of sporting facilities, 5238.

Fitness, national scheme, projects of, 5200.

Fitness programme, 5207.

Hoek Report, 5171, 5199, 5202, 5239.

Isolation of South Africa in sport, 5174, 5188, 5195, 5241.

Mass participation in sport, 5200.

Merit selection, 5210.

Normalization of sport, 5174, 5177, 5213,5214.

“ Normalization of Sport in the Republic of South Africa” , the publication, 4619.

Olympic Committee, International, attitude of towards S.A., 5197.

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Sport and Recreation—(continued).

Passports of sportsmen, withdrawal of,5183, 5237.

Permit system, see “ Sports clubs, applica­tions for international status for” .

Player, Gary, 5185.

Promotion of sport, spending of public funds on, 5175.

Race relations in, 219, 4619.

RSA Sport Trust, 5190, 5207.

S. A. Council of Sport, 5181, 5184, 5213, 5220, 5236.

Spartan Harriers club, constitution of,5215.

Sports broadcasts, see “ Television” .

Sports clubs, applications for international status for, 5179, 5211.

Sports facilities, lack of, 5192, 5220.

Sports festivals, national, 5221, 5223.

Sports leaders, professional, 5189, 5199.

Sports policy of NRP, 5197.

Tennis Federation, International, letter of Minister of, to, 5175, 5185, 5211, 5226.

Undermining of sport in South Africa, 5191, 5239.

Working Committee for, appointment of, 5171.

World Boxing Association, South Africa’s relations with, 5196.

Squatters, see “ Community Development” .

Stamp duty, see this heading under “ Tax­ation” .

Standards Amendment Bill: 1R., 6170; 2R., 7370; Bill not committed, 7372; 3R., 7372.

Standing committees, reference of votes to,5158.

State lottery, S625, S676, S678, S697.

State-owned land, S.C. on: Appointment of, 18; first and second reports of, 7244; consideration of first report, 7806.

State President:

Vote, 4274.

Address, 7.

Salary of, 1029.

State Security, Bureau for, Amendment Bill: 1R., 7584; withdrawn, 8913; reintroduced, 1R., 9369; 2R., 9628; Bill not committed, 9641; 3R., 9641.


Vote, SI.

Black unemployment, statistics on, S94, SI 12, S 121.

Department of, activities of, S94, S99.

Importance of, S95, S98.

Stock theft, 7053, 7095.

Strauss, Dr. Franz Joseph, attitude of, to­wards South Africa, 4855.

Sugar Bill, see “ Agriculture” .


Table Mountain, see “ Planning and the En­vironment” .



Income Tax Bill: 1R., 9173; 2R., 9371; C., 9408; 3R„ 9418.

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Revenue Laws Amendment Bill: 1R., 8914; 2R., 9150; Bill not com­mitted, 9159; 3R., 9159.

Blacks, of, 1431, 1486, 1497, 3379, 3706, 6203, 6248, 6263, 6268, 6283.

Company tax, 3389, 3708, 3768, 3805, 3899.

Discrimination in, 3704, 6202, 6248, 6263, 6283.

Donations tax, 3385.

Estate duty, 3385, 3787.

Foodstuffs, on, 3725.

Foreign loans, on, 3749.

Income tax:

Aged persons, on, 3939, S633, S699.

Individuals, on, 938, 3390, 3705, 3715, 3768, 3786, 3805, 3897, 4012, 6226, 6289.

Married women, on, 1431, 1459, 1499, 3768, 3898, 4014.

Increase in, 945.

Loan levy, repayment of, 5513.

Lower income group, effect of, on, 3780, 3795, 4261, 6251, 6289.

Property rates, proposed concession to pen­sioners, S676.

Royalties, on, in respect of non-residents, 6278.

Sales duty, 3377, 3717, 3787.

Sales tax, general, 901, 1725, 3373, 3706, 3716, 3720, 3734, 3743, 3747, 3780,


3790, 3897, 4257, 6200, 6218, 6246, 6258, 6281, 6291, 8599, S676, S701.

(See also debates on “ Registration of Vendors Bill” and “ Sales Tax Bill” under “ Legislation” .)

Stamp duty, 3381.

State-owned land, property rates on, 1457.

Surcharge, removal of, 3391, 5513.

Taxation policy. Standing Commission on, 946, 3391.

Transfer duties, 3384, 4010, 4265.

Value-added tax, 3789.


Artes award, 5124, 5127, 5139.

Licence fees, 3082.

Liquor advertisements on, 5086, 5109.

Political reporting by, 5137, 5154, 5157.

Politicians, appearance on television and radio services, 5087, 5123, 5133, 5138, 5146, 5154, 5158.

Quality of programmes on, 5125, 5135.

Religious programmes on, 5150.

Sports transmissions, 5027, 5220, 5223.

Terrorism, 1086, 3751, 4433, 6823, 6825, 6831, 7031, 7034, 7055, 7062, S372.

The Hague Convention of 1930, 2165.

Third party insurance, see debates on “ Compulsory Motor Vehicle Insurance Amendment Bill” under “ Transport” .

Timber, see “ Forestry” .

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Tobacco products, advertisements for,S403, S465, S482.



Tour Guides Bill: 1R„ 103; 2R„ 745; 1232; C., 1509; 3R„ 1529.

Vote, 5927.

Department of, co-operation with Satour, 5935.

Department of, visit of, to Far East, 5925.

Fauna and flora as tourist attractions, 5944.

Foreign tourists, 5926, 5931.

Game parks, utilization of, to promote, 5957.


General, 5936, 5942.

International, 6561, 6866, 6870, 6872.

South African Hotel Board, 5929, 5942, 5956.

Hunters, professional, 5948, 5957.

Increase in, during 1977, 8499.

International tourism, 5952.

National roads, beautification of, to pro­mote, 5943, 5956.

Package tours, 5927, 5934, 5942.

Parks Board, National, 5946.

Promotion of, 5951.

Propaganda for, 5938, 5951, 5958.

Riots, effects of, on, 5933.

S. A. Airways, role of, in, 5934.

T ourism—(continued).

S.A. Regional Tourism Council, 5941.

S.A. Tourist Corporation, 5925, 5929, 5941.

Southern Cape, 5937.

Special interest tours, 5934.

Spending on, 5943.

Students as tourists, 5926.

Tour guide services, control of, 745, 5930.

(See also debates on “ Tour Guides Bill” .)

Travel agents, 5937.

Travel agents, fidelity bonds offered by, 5960.

Transfer duties, see this heading under “ Taxation” .

Treasury (Vote), 6196, 6224.


Citizenship, South African, of subjects of, 4404, 4413.

Diplomatic relations with South Africa, severing of, 4472, 4566, 4606, 4935.

Land claims of, 4392, 4432, 4443, 4460, 4472, 4492, 4566.

Payments to, by South Africa, 8568, 8571.

Relations of, with South Africa, 4389, 6593.



Motor Vehicle Insurance, Compul­sory, Amendment Bill: 1R., 3830; 2R., 4375, 4696; C„ 5353; 3R„ 5389.

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Transport— (continued).


National Roads Amendment Bill: 1R., 1897; 2R., 2101; Bill not com­mitted, 2102; 3R., 2102.

Vote, 4950, 5023.

Bus services, 2516, 2585.

Buses, phasing out of apartheid on, in Cape Town, 4964.

Cape Peninsula, transport problem in, 4991.

Driessen Report, 5008.

Exempted goods in exempted areas, 4962.

Government Garage, replacement of fleet of, 4979, 5032.

Local Road Transport Boards, appointment of members of, 4962.

Motor-coach services, 2517, 2585.

National Transport Commission, liaison with regard to construction of roads, 4993.

National Transport Commission, refusal of permits for buses to go to funeral of Steve Biko, 4966.

Packaging specifications, 4961, 5028.

Park Rynie and Illovo River, national road between, 4977.

Permit system with regard to replacement of vehicles, 4960.

Pretoria, transport facilities in, 5004, 5038.

PWV9 road, construction of, 5004.

South coast freeway, 5031.

Sterkspruit interchange, 5040.

Transport— (continued).

Subsidies for, 4040.

Tariff increases, 4964, 5028.

Temporary permits, applications for, 4959, 5027.

Transportation legislation, functioning of new, 4958, 5025.

Umkomaas River, bridge over, 4978.

Urban transport plan, 5007, 5039.

Turner, Dr. Rick, death of, 3945, 7027, 7087.


Unemployment Insurance, see “ Legisla­tion” under “ Labour” .

Unibell, see “ Community Development” .



University of Durban-W estville Amendment Bill: 1R., 3582; 2R., 4185; G , 4300; 3R„ 4656; Sen. Am. 5579.

University of Potchefstroom for CHO (Private) Amendment Bill: 1R., 5722; 2R., 6304; Bill not com­mitted, 6310; 3R., 6310.

University of Stellenbosch Amend­ment Bill: 1R., 5159; 2R., 6297; Bill not committed, 6304; 3R., 6304.

University of the Orange Free State (Private) Amendment Bill: 1R., 9173; 2R., 9647; Bill not com­mitted, 9653; 3R., 9653.

University of the Western Cape Amendment Bill: 1R., 3697; 2R., 4214; C„ 4286; 3R„ 4666.

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U ill versities—(continued).

Apartheid in, 4564.

Black medical students, admission of, to all, 8337.

Black universities, 8319, 8355, 8384, 8388, 8400, 8401.

Commission of Inquiry into, 2221, 6302.

Durban-Westville, University of, donations to, 5721.

Failure rate at, 5047, 5104.

Financing of, 5056, 5102.

Loans available to students in Germany, 5072.

Medical faculties at, extention of, S419.

Medunsa, 8336, 8358, 8389, 8400.

Opening of, 4514, 4622, 4632, 5064, 5102, 5111, 5116.

Research by, financing of, 5080, 5107.

Stellenbosch, University of, 6297, 8370.

Veterinary faculties, establishment of, 5081, 5108.

Western Cape, University of, 7964, 7970.

Urbanization in South Africa, 2776, 5828 5834, S43, S278.


Van Wyk de Vries Commission, see“ Commission of Inquiry into Univer­sities” under “ Universities” .

Vendors, Registration of, Bill: 1R., 1284; 2R„ 1724; C., 1965, 1990; 3R„ 1997; Sen. Am., 2857.

Venoil and Venpet, collision of, 2400, 2405, 2507, 4984, 4988, 5035.

Viljoen Commission, see “ Commission of Inquiry into the Penal System of the Republic of South Africa” under “ Jus­tice” .

“ Vlaglied” , South African, 7282.

Vote for Blacks, see “ Political rights” under “ Blacks” .


Wages and Salaries:

Blacks, 5551.

Civil service salaries, 889, 981.

Colleges for Advanced Technical Educa­tion, salaries of staff of, 5110.

Coloureds in Western Cape, wage structure of, 6744.

Defence Force salaries, 960, 4833.

Increases in, 945, 981, 6675.

Indian teachers, 5736.

Medical profession, S429, S436, S444.

Mining industry, in, 5613, 5668.

Police salaries, 960, 7036, 7050, 7079, 7093.

Servicemen, national, payment of, 4833.

Teachers’ salaries, 5053, 5057, 5099, 7180, 7202.

University staff, salaries of, 5110.

Wage gap:

General, 2641, 5521, 5573, 5599, 5607.

Johannesburg municipal area, 2993.

Police Force, 7036, 7051.

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Wages and Salaries—(continued).

Wage gap—(continued).

Post Office, 2933, 2965, 2993.

Public Service, 7183, 7191, 7196.

Railways, 2549, 2591, 2672.

Teaching profession, 7985, 7992.

Water Affairs:


Irrigation D istricts Adjustm ent Amendment Bill: 1R., 2143; 2R., 2916; Bill not committed, 2917; 3R., 2917.

Water Amendment Bill: 1R., 591; Bill referred to S.C., 591; Report of S.C., 4389; 2R„ 5448; Bill not committed, 5465; 3R., 5465.

Vote, S489.

Berg River-Saldanha scheme, S543.

Black areas, water supply to, S560.

Boland water project, S494, S504.

Bubu dam, S599.

Calitzdorp irrigation scheme, S579.

Ciskei, water supply to, S492, S539.

Department of, annual report and White Papers of, S489, S494, S502, S522,S543.

Department of, international status of, S508.

Douglas irrigation scheme, S519.

Flood damage, S532.

Hangklip dam, S557, S604.

Water Affairs—(continued).

Hendrik Verwoerd dam, S490.

High-water mark, indication of, on town layout, see “ Water Amendment Bill” .

International Commission on Large Dams, congress of, in Cape Town, S508,S544.

Irrigation Boards, S544.

Irrigation Boards, sale of land by, see de­bates on “ Water Amendment Bill” .

Irrigation Matters, S.C. on: Appointment of, 18; first and second report of, 7804; consideration of first report of, 8149.

Irrigation schemes, S269.

Irrigation water, increase in tariff for, S518.

Kalahari, pipeline to, S546.

Kleinplaas Dam, S593.

Loans and subsidies, S553.

Mentz Dam, S518, S540.

Misverstand Dam, S495, S541.

Moordkuil water scheme, S525.

Orange River Scheme, S350, S492, S539.

P. K. le Roux Dam, S492, S506.

Planning, S495.

Pongolapoort Dam, S434, S492, S499, S603.

Pusela Irrigation Board, 1901.

Scheduling, S553.

Sea water, desalination of, S581, S596.

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Water Affairs—(continued).

Sewerage works, subsidization of, S500, S541.

State water schemes, financing of, S512, S514, S531, S552.

Subterranean water resources research, S595, S584, S595.

Swaziland government, negotiations with, on Pongolapoort Dam, S493, S537, S540, S554, S603.

Theewaterskloof Dam, S506.

Umfolozi River, proposed dam in, S604.

Used water, reclamation of, S596.

Water plants, harmful, control of, S564, S567, S601.

Water pollution, see “ Pollution” .

Water shortage, future, in South Africa, S571.

Water tariffs, S513, S527, S530, S597.

Water year, S600.

Water pollution, see also debates on “ Water Amendment Bill.”

Water pollution, see “ Pollution” .

Weather forecasting services, 5011, 5018.

Weather modification, 5012, 5041.

Wembley Stadium, establishment of depot of Putco Bus Company at, S104, SI 15, S122.

Werkgenot, see “ Squatters” under “ Com­munity Development” .

White spectators at multi-racial tourna­ments in Black area (Pretoria), banon, 5178, 5186, 5228.

Wiehahn Commission, see “ Labour” .

Woods, Mr. Donald, 27, 45, 72, 195, 376, 3023, 3822, 3938, 3973, 4252, 6813, 7028, 7085.

World Council of Churches, 8536.

World War I, South Africa’s role during,4857.


Yeld committee, see “ Coloureds” .

Young, Mr. Andrew, statement by, in Security Council, 189.

Young, Mr. George, 2502, 2698, 2715.


Zambia, economy of, 4069, 4073.

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(S) — Debates of Standing Committees, Vol. 75.

Additional Appropriation Bill, scope of debate on, 1910, 1938, 1940, 1944.

Adjournment of debate, motions for—

Inadmissible, if business of House in­fringed, 5325.

Owing to absence of responsible Minister, 4083.

Almighty, use of name of, 6984.



If State President’s recommendation re­quired, 3451, 3456.

If it seeks to extend scope of Bill as read a second time, 4095.

If in conflict with principle of Bill as read a second time, 7580, 7698, 9344-5.

May not be discussed, 4104.

Withdrawal of, may not be conditional, 1509.

Auditor-General, may not be discussed, 5271.


Amending, debate confined to contents of, 1641-2, 1644, 1650, 1683, 1687, 1690, 1692, etc.

Clauses of, details of (and not principles) to be discussed in Committee, 635, 1618, 4304, 5357, etc.


Private, proceeded with as public Bill in terms of S.O. 1 (Private Bills),5159, 5722, 7025, 9173.

Second and Third Readings of, scope of debate on, 1732, 1741, 1999, 2008, 2045, 2112, etc.


Decides which member to call, 3460.

Maintains order, 6492.

Member may not reflect on, 2658.

Member must abide by ruling of, 313, 2112, 5043, 7726.

Member must address, 964, 9317.


Personal, 388.

Point of, 2162, 2167, 4541, 4545, etc.

Flag, 50th anniversary of unfurling of, 8148.

Inteijections not permissible, 378, 516, 873,881, etc.

Magistrates, criticism of, 6784, 8959.


Honesty of, may not be questioned, 6530.

Loyalty of, may not be questioned, 6169.

May not converse aloud, 6039, 8154, 8827.

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May not make insinuations, 6147-8, 6157.

Must be referred to in proper manner, 271,882, 964, 3924, etc.

Must moderate language, 309, 1157.

Ordered to withdraw for remainder of day’s sitting, 6158.

Pecuniary interest of, in relation to public Bills, 3519.

Ministers, responsibility of, 5293-4.


Not moved, may not be spoken to, 903.

Similar to motion already negatived, in­admissible, 4085.


Commentary in, on debates of same ses­sion, may not be quoted, 5354.

Reading of, 556(S).

Questions to member addressing House, 173, 1328-9, 1768, 2065, etc.

Relevancy, 562, 567, 574, 657, 858, etc.

In Committee on Appropriation Bill, 6765.

Repetition, 723, 1991-2, 4295, 4300, etc.

Select Committee on Public Accounts, appre­ciation of task performed by, 9760.


Absence of, 2703.

Election of, 3-6.


Privilege of half-hour, rules relating to,5184.


Reading of, 2762, 3962, 6078, 7052.

Time limits for, 2380, 5592.

Standing Committees—

Establishment of, 5022.

Procedure in, 1(S), 50(S).

Unparliamentary Language—

Expressions challenged but not ruled to be unparliamentary—

Cover-up operation, 9719.

Despicable insinuations, 6150.

Gross misrepresentation of the facts, 5089.

His principles were drowned by his party, 8532.

I wonder whether the object of mem­ber’s affections is not perhaps Peking or Moscow, 3884.

Member misled other members, 660, 3206.

Member cannot be trusted with vital in­terests of S. A., 4487-8.

Member cursed the Government, 5542.

Member spread the same poison as other member, 2011.

Member is a typical and perfect example of an unpatriotic South African, 3830.

Members of party outside are fellow- travellers of saboteurs, 2657.

Member’s loyalties are not in S.A., 3885.

Members are against S. A , 4418.

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Unparliamentary Language—(continued).

Expressions challenged but not ruled to beunparliamentary—(continued).

Member is front for leftists, 6831.

Minister desires to obtain post of Prime Minister at any cost, 6530.

Shut up, 2711, 9754.

They have sold out the White man, 8667.

We consider certain members of the other party a danger to this coun­try, 3606-7.

Expressions ruled to be unparliamentary—

Agitators, 4299.

Attempted to mislead House, 3208.

“ Bitterbek” , 3825, 8728.

Blatant untruth, 3882.

“ Boerehater” , 180(S).

Championing the cause of underminers of law and order, 8893-4.

Communist hangers-on (of members), 7130.

Conspiracy, 8779.

Cover up (facts relating to money, etc.), 7526-7, 9682.

Coward, 359, 6587.

Criminally disloyal to S.A., 4581.

Damn(ed), 1409, 3825, 5542, 180(S).

Dirty (propaganda), 1690-1.

Dissipated, 711.

Distort(ing), 1086, 1179, 2759, 6762, etc.

Unparliamentary Language—(continued).

Expressions ruled to be unparliamentary —(continued).

Dung caked to the wall of the kraal, 1120.

Enemies of S.A., party aligns itself with, 1121 .

Filthy and distorting behaviour, 6475.

Gross distortion of facts, 8937.

Half-truth, 8959.

Hooligan, 1160.

Horrible (referring to member), 5860.

Hypocritical, 6777.

Hypocritical shadow, 6542.

Incite revolution, 8304.

“ Kitchen” of the House, 6506.

Language (referring to expression “ dung caked to the wall” ) fits in the kraal of that party, 1121 .

Lie, lying, etc., 313, 1157, 2792, 3881- 2, etc.

Loud mouth, 1174.

Member has incriminated himself, 6532.

Member does not support S.A., but mili­tant subverters, 6169.

Member gives the impression that he has enjoyed a “ reefer” , 6371.

Member does not know the meaning of the word “ plagiarism” , 9826-7.

Not always a master of the truth, 375.

Opposition are fellow-travellers of those sabotaging S.A., 2657.

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Unparliamentary Language—(continued).

Expressions ruled to be unparliamentary —(continued).

Paranoiac members, 9036.

Rude, 6514.

Sabotage theme/campaign, members are originators of, 6473-5.

Saboteurs, 2657.

Scandalous, 6955.

Scared, 2771, 6770.

Scoundrel, 8779.

Shrew, 6820.

Smear, 3885, 6277.

Smear politician, 6807.

Snowball’s hope in hell, 3957.

South Africa has been stabbed in the back by the Opposition, 6537.

Unparliamentary Language—(continued).

Expressions ruled to be unparliamentary —(continued).

Subversive elements, members con­nected with, 85, 516, 3147-8.

Terrorist, 4617.

They (members) know more about this sort of currency evasion, 2127.

Tight (member was), 314.

Twisted facts, 8621.

Unmannerly (“ onbeskof’), 2759, 6186.

Untrue, and you know it, 6248.

Utterly mean, 2034-5.

Virago, 7083.

May not be used indirectly, 360.

Withdrawal of, must be unconditional, 375, 6158, 6537, etc.

Withdrawn, may not be referred to, 2129.

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