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LACCD Agenda 10-5

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  • 8/4/2019 LACCD Agenda 10-5


    Board of TrusteesIIB AGEND.:.

  • 8/4/2019 LACCD Agenda 10-5


    ORDER OF BUSINESSOctober 5, 2011Page 2BT6. Resolution to Adopt a Master Budget Plan and to ImplementPolicies to S trengthen O versight and Spending Practices for theDistrict's Construction ProgramBT7. Resolution to Strengthen the District Citizens' OversightCommittee's Authority and Responsibility to Ensure that BondMoneys are Spent Appropriately

    Xlll. Reports from the ChancellorPresentation on the Opening of School in the Los Angeles Community CollegeDistrictPresentation on Los Angeles Valley College's Overview of the Valley UrbanForest Master Plan and the Overview of the Los Angeies Fellows Program

    XIV. Consent CalendarMatters Requiring a Majority VoteBF1. Budget Revisions and Appropriation TransfersBF2. Adoption of the 2012-2013 Budget Development CalendarBSD1. Ratifications for Business ServicesBSD2. Business Services Routine ReportFPD1. Facilities Planning and Development Routine ReportFPD2. Authorize Master Procurement AgreementsFPD3. Adopt Re solution of Intention to Lease Spa ce for Joint Occupancy forOperation of a Food Cou rt and Mobife Food Cart Dining at Pierce CoilegeFPD4. Approve the Addendum to Los Angefes Southwest College FacilitiesMaster Plan Fina! Environme ntal impa ct Report for the Middle CollegeHigh School Construction ProjectHRD1. Personnel Services Routine Actions)SD1. Approva! of Educationat Programs and CoursesPC1. Personnel Commission ActionCorrespondence

    Matters Requiring a Super Majority VoteFPD5. Ratify an Emergency Resolution for Securing the Media ArtsCenter Building Construction Site and the Student Services -Administration Swing Space Construction Site at Los AngelesMission CollegeXV. Recommendations from the ChancellorFPD6. Amend Development Agreement and Lease Agreement with LosAngeles Unified School District for Middle College High SchoolProject at Los Angeles Southwest College

    Public Hearing to Certify and Approve Firestone Education CenterFina! Subsequent Environmental Impact Report and Master PlanFPD7. Certify and Approve Firestone Education Center Final SubsequentEnvironmental Impact Report and Master Plancm. Resolution - Reappointment of Personnel CommissionerCH2. Authorize Resolution Renaming the Arroyo Faculty Dining Room atLos Ang eles Mission College's Culinary Arts Building as the Arroyo/Dr.Eioise Fernandez Cantreil and Toye Jessica Tong RoomXVi. Notice Reports and Informatives - NoneXVil. Announcements and Indications of Future Proposed Actions

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    ORDER OF BUSINESSOctober 5, 2011Page3

    XVI Adjournment


    Next Regularly Scheduled Board IVieetingWedne sday, October 19, 2011(Public Session scheduled for 3:30 p.m.)Educational Services CenterBoard Room - First Floor

    770 Wilshire Blvd.Los Angeles, CA 90017*******************************

    n compliance with Government Code section 54957.5(b), documents made available to the Boardafter the posting of the agenda that relate to an upcoming public session item wii! be made availableby posting on the District's official bulletin board tocatect in the lobby of the Educational ServicesCenter located at 770 Wiishire Boulevard, Los Angeies, California 90017. Members of the publicwishing to view the ma terial wil! need to make their own parking arrangem ents at another location.If requested, the agenda sh all be mad e available in appropriate alternate formats to persons with adisability, as required by Section 202 of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section12132), and the rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. The a genda shal! includeinformation regarding how, for whom, and when a request for disability-related modification oraccomm odation, including auxiiiary aids or services may be m ade by a person w ith a disability whorequires a mod ification or accomm odation in order to participate in the public meeting.To make such a request, please contact the Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees at213/891 -2044 no tater than 12p.m . (noon) on the Tuesday prior to the Boa rd meeting.

  • 8/4/2019 LACCD Agenda 10-5


    t ^ of..w l A I4 !.**'ft . LOS ANGELES COMMUNrTYCOLLEGE DISTRICTM '" 770 Wilshire Boulevard, LjosAngetes,CA90017 213^91^00ATTACHMENT A


    Wednesday, October 5, 201112:00 p.m.Los Angeles Valley College

    Monarch Hall - Campus Center5800 Fulton AvenueValley Glen, CA 91401I. Conference with Labor Negotiator(pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6)

    A. District Negotiators: Adriana D. BarreraKen TakedaEmployee Units: Afi Units

    A!l Unrepresented EmployeesB. District Negotiators: Ken Takeda

    Employee Unit: Building and TradesC. District Negotiators: Sue Carleo

    Employee Unit: Academic AdministratorsD. District Negotiators: Mary Gaftagher

    Employee Unit: Clerical/TechnicalE. District Negotiators: Michael Shanahan

    Employee Unit: Supervisory

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    Closed SessionOctober 5, 2011Page: 2F. District Negotiators: Michael Shanahan

    Employee Unit: Local 99II Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Charges/Complaints(pursuant to Government Code section 54957)III. Conference with Legal Counsel " Existing Litigation(pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9 (a))

    A. Gilbert v. LACCD, ei aiB. Van de Kamps CoaHtion v. LACCD, and related case

    IV. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation(pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9 (b))A. Potentiai Litigation ~ 2 mattersB. Allegation of discrimination based on sex, gender, sexual orientation a ndreligion by a student at City Co llege

    V. Discussion with Real Property Negotiator as may be announced prior toclosed session (pursuant to Government Code section 54956.8)VI. Other litigation matters as may be announced prior to the closed session(pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9)

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    * ABoard of Trustees.Los Angeles Community College District

    Corn. No. BT1 Division Board of Trustees Date: October 5, 2011

    Subject: RESOLUTION - IN SUPPORT OF PROPOSED INITIATIVE 1481: OIL EXTRACTION_FEERESCUE EDUCATIONThe foifowing resolution Is presented by Student Trustee Barrero and Trustee Svonkin:WHEREAS, Proposed initiative 1481 requires that California apply a 15 percent oil extractionfee on the va!ue of each barrel of oil; andWHEREAS, 48 percent of the revenue generated by this fee, approximateiy $1.72 bi!ilonwould be appropriated to Cafifornia's community colleges; andWHEREAS, 30 percent of the revenue generated would be appropriated: to Caiifornia's K12 systems and 22 percent of the revenue would be shared equally by the CSU

    and the UC; andWHEREAS, Revenue generated would retard the increase of college and university tuitionand restore ciass sections; andWHEREAS, Proposed initiative 1481 wouEd prohibit oil companies from passing the amountof the tax on to the consumer by raising gasoline prices; now, therefore, be itRESOLV ED, That me Boa rd of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District doeshereby support Proposed Initiative 1481: Oil Extraction Fee to RescueEducation, as proposed by Peter Mathews.

    Chancellor and Candaele SantiagoSecretary of the Board of Trustees Field S van kin

    Park VeresPeariman BarreroBy Date Student Trustee Advisory Vote

    Page of Pages Corn. No, BT1 Div. Board of Trustees Date 10/5/11

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    ACTIONs Board of Trustees1'fi, Los Angeles Community Coliege District

    Corn. No. BT2 Division Board of Trustees Date: October 5, 2011

    Subject: LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT PROPOSED PROCESS ON SLEGISLATIVE POSITIONSAuthorize the Chancellor to support fegislative positions that protect and enhance the fiscal healthof the District.Background: In an effort to issue tegislative positions in a timely manner and advocate effectivelyon behaif of the District, a new approach is being recommended by the LACCD Board of Trustees'Legislative Committee. The Chancellor will support fegisiative positions that faciiitate the growthand stability of the District including, but not limited to, issues related to pubiic bond funds, landacquisition and sate, facilities renovation and capital buiEding programs. Ali proffered legislativepositions wil! be aligned with the LACCD Strategic Plan.Detailed information on the process is included En Attachment 1.

    Chancellor and SantiagoandaeleSecretary of the Board of Trustees Field SvonkinPark VeresPeariman BarreroBy Date Student Trustee Advisory Vote

    Page of Pages Corn. No. BT 2 Div. Board of Trustees Date 10/5/11

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    BT2 Attachment 1September 25, 2011

    Los Angeles Community College DistrictProcess on State Legislative Positions

    In an effort to issue legislative positions in a timely manner and advocate effectively onbehalf of the District, a new approach is being recommended by the LACCD Board ofTrustees' Legislative Committee, in the past, the District's practice of issuing legislativepositions has posed a number of challenges. Given that many bills need to beconsidered by the Board quickly and it does not convene often enough to do so, theChancellor proposed a modified process. To accommodate the legislative process andthe rapid pace with which authors amend biiis over the course of review by variouslegislative comm ittees, it seem s pruden t to al!ow the Chancellor greater f lexibility andauthority. As a conse quence , the District wili be able to influence legislation morereadily and have a stronger impact on issues affecting public higher education in thestate.While maintaining appropriate oversight, the Board of Trustees will delegate authority tothe Chancellor to communicate positions to legislators, other CCC district CEOs,governmental relations staffers, and other representatives an d allies of public highereducation. The Chancellor or his designee will communicate with leaders of LACCDconstituency groups to establish or strengthen shared advocacy efforts. Wheneverpossible, the Cha ncellor wil! seek to work in coalition with other stakeho lders for thepurpose of furthering the District's legislative goals.Process:The Chancellor will support legislative positions that protect and enhance the fiscalhealth of the District and promote its primary mission with respect to basic skills, CTE,and transfer curricula and training. Additionally, the Chancellor will support legislativepositions that facilitate the growth and stability of the District including, but not limited to,issues related to public bond funds, land acquisition and sale, facilities renovation andcapital building program s. Al! proffered legislative positions wili be aligned w ith theLACCD Strategic Plan.The Chanceiiorwil! be authorized to take and communicate bi!l positions on behalf ofthe District within the following parameters:

    After discussing the bills and seeking advice (directly or by delegation) from twomembers of the Board Legislative Committee, except when:a. The District has ad opted a similar legislative posit ion in the pa st (e.g.,review Board's historical record).b. Time constraints (e.g., the need to issue a position before a bill movesto a critica! stage in the legislative process) preclude the Chancellorfrom consulting two members of the Legislative Committee. In this

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    instance, the position taken m ust protect the District's fiscal health andsupport its overarching mission.c. The bill is consistent with Board policies.

    Under these enumerated exceptions, the Chancellor shall be authorized toformulate and announce District legislative positions without prior consultationwith two members of the Legislative Committee.Other than the exceptions previously noted, the Chancellor or his designee shall consulttwo members of the Legislative Committee before legislative positions are registered. Ifthere is disagreement between the two members of the Legislative Committee, the fulBoard will determine, at a Board meeting, the final legislative position adopted by theDistrict.The Brown Act prohibits communication about District business by al! three members ofa Board committee outside of the public arena. Consequently, it is important thategislative discussions which occur outside of a Board of Trustees meeting include oniytwo members of the Legislative Committee.Subseq uent to com mun icating D istrict legislative positions, the C hancellor shal! reporthighly significant positions to the fu!l Board and list other positions in the Board Letter.n both instances, the Chancellor will provide his rationale for adopting each legisiativeposition.The Board of Trustees shal! evaluate this process annually to determine itseffectiveness; this evaluation shal! occur at the end of each legislative session. Ifnecessary, modifications may be made at this point in time.

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    * ACTION*..;

    LosAngeies Community College DistrictCorn. No. BT3 Division Board of Trustees Date: October 5, 2011

    Subject: RESOLUTION AUTHOR IZING AN INDEPENDENT REVIEW OF THE SELECTION PAND QUALfFICATIONS FOR THE INSPECTOR GENERALThe following resoiution is presented by Trustees Santiago, Park, and Svonkin:WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Co mmunity College District receiveda recomm endation from the State Co ntroller's Office ("SCO ") to have anindependent investigatiomnto the process for selecting the recommende d firmto serve as the Inspector Genera!; andWHEREAS, Wendy Greuel, Controller for the City of Los Angeles, has performedindependent reviews for other local agencies; andWHEREAS, Government Code section 53060 prov ides that the District may contract forspecial services and advice; now, therefore, be itRESO LVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles C ommu nity College Districthereby authorizes the Chancellor or his designee to negotiate an appropriatecontract with the City of Los Angeles for an independent review of the selectionprocess and quaisfications for the Inspector General,

    Chancellor and Candaeie SantiagoSecretary of the Board of Trustees Field SvonkinPark Ve resPearlman BarreroBy Date Student Trustee Advisory Vote

    Page of Pages Corn. No. BT 3 Div. Board of Trustees Date 10/5/11

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    I ACTIONLos Ange!es Community Coilege District

    Corn.No. BT4 Division Board of Trustees Date: October 5, 2011

    Subject: CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE RATIFICATIONSA. Ratify payment of necessary expenses for Nancy Pearlman, memberof this Board of Trustees, to have attended the Los Angeles CountySchool Trustees Association (LACSTA) meeting held on September21, 2011 in Montebello, Caiifornia.B. Ratify payment of necessary expenses for Amber I. Barrero, studentmem ber of this Board of Trustees, to attend the Los AngelesCommunity College District (LACCD) Student Leadership InstituteConference held on September 30, 2011 in Los Angeies, Caiifornia.

    Chancellor and Candaeie SantiagoSecretary of the Board of Trustees Field SvonksnPark VeresPea rim an BarreroBy Date Student Trustee Advisory Vote

    Page of Pages Corn. No. BT4 Div. Board of Trustees Date 10/5/11

  • 8/4/2019 LACCD Agenda 10-5


    As Aoard Trustees'pi, Los Angeles Community College District

    Corn. No. BT5 Division Board of Trustees Date: October 5, 2011

    Subject: RESOLUTION TO REQUEST CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY GENERAL OPINION OANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT'S PRQPQSmO_N_39COMPUANCEThe foilowing resolution is presented by Board President Santiago and Trustees Veres and Field:WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District (Board)received an audit finding from the State Contro!!er's Office (SCO) regarding "Useof Measure J Funds"; andWHEREAS, The Board held a special: meeting on Augus t 17, 2011 to review the audit andstaff responses to the audit; andWHEREAS, The Board created an A d Hoc Com mittee to foiiow up on disputed findings andrecommendations of the audit; andWHEREAS, The SC O asserts that the District voter-approved bond ballot language is"contrary to the purpose and intent of Proposition 39;" now, therefore, be ItRESOLVED, That the Board accepts the foiiowing recommendation by the Ad: HocCommittee:

    The Bo ard of Trustees of the Los Ange tes Comm unity Coiiege Districthereby authorizes the Board P resident and Chanceiior or his deslgnee torequest an Attorney Genera! opinion regarding the SCO'S concerns aboutthe District's Proposition 39 compliance and voter- approved bond ballotanguage.

    Chancellor and Santiago .andaeleSecretary of the Board of Trustees Field SvonkinPark. VeresPearlman BarreroBy Date Student Trustee Advisory Vote

    Page of Pages Corn. No. BT5 Div. Board of Trustees Date 10/5/11

  • 8/4/2019 LACCD Agenda 10-5


    ts Aoard of TrusteesLos Angeles Community College District

    Corn. No. BT6 Division Board of Trustees Date: October 5, 2011

    Subject: RESOLUTION TO ADOPT A MASTER BUDGET PLAN AND TO IMPLEMENT POUCSTRENGTHEN O VERSIGHT AND SPENDING PRACTICES FOR THE DCONSTRUCTION PROGRAMThe foliowing resolution is presented by Board President Santiago and Trustees Veres and Fieid:WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees of the Los An geles Comm unity College District (Board)received an audit finding from the State Controller's Office (SCO) regarding"District Oversight and Over Spending P ractices," and an SC O Observation thatthe LACCD "continues to expand cam pus facilities without empirical data todemonstrate it has a viab!e source of revenues to operate the expandedfaciiities;" andWHEREAS, The SCO asserts that the LACC D did not provide adequate oversight over thespending practices of the colleges; andWHEREAS, The Board created an Ad Hoc Co mmittee to follow up on disputed findings andrecommendations of the audit; now, therefore, be itRESOLVED, That the Board accepts the following recommendations from the Ad HocCommittee:

    1. The District shatl adopt a Master Budget Plan that assigns budgets at theindividual project level, effective immediateiy. Each Project Budget will bemapped to its appropriate funding source(s).2. The Chancellor or his designee wil! immediately review and strengtheninternal control procedures for procurement processes and theirdocumentation.3. The Chanceiior or his designee will inciude in the reguiar budget reports onthe identification of funding measures to address the costs of maintainingand operating expanded facilities.4. The C hancellor or his designee sha!! report to the Board in 90 daysregarding the Implemen tation of the process for mapping projects to thebond-funded project list and on additional policies for recommended levelsof authority and review for the Master Budget Plan.

    Chancellor and SantiagoandaeleSecretary of the Board of Trustees Field Svonkin

    Park Ve resPeariman BarreroBy Date Student Trustee Advisor/ Vote

    Page of Pages Corn, No. BT6 Div. Board of Trustees Date 10/5/11

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    fs Aof TrusteesLos Angeles Community Coilege District

    Corn. No. BT7 Division Board of Trustees Date: October 5, 2011.

    Subject: RESOLUTION TO STRENGTHEN THE DISTRICT CITIZENS' OVERSIGHT COMMITTAUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBfLITY TO ENSURE THAT BOND M ONEYS AAPPROPRIATELYThe following resolution is presented by Board President Santiago and Trustees Veres and Field:WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees of the Los An geies Comm unity CoiSege District (Board)received an audit finding from the State Controller's Office (SCO) that "Oversightby the Citizens Oversight Committee (COC) w as passive, perfunctory, andineffective"; andWHEREAS, The Board held a specia! mee ting on August 17, 2011 to review the audit andstaff responses to the audit; andWHEREAS, The Board created an Ad H oc Com mittee to foiiow up on disputed findings andrecomm endations of the audit; now, therefore, be itRESOLVED, That the Board accepts the foiiowing recommendation by the Ad HocCommittee:

    1. The Chancellor or his designee shall ensure timely recruitment to tiltvacancies on the District Citizens' Oversight Com mittee ("DCOC ") andreport to the Board regarding recruitment and other m easures taken toensure the appropriate 'performance and pursuit of best practices for theDCOC and its advisory, college-leve! committees.2. The DCO C is directed to have a representative present the DC OC ann uareport to the Board of Trustees.3. The Bo ard President and/or his or her designee shai! meet quarterly withthe Chair and/or Vice Chair for the District Citizens' Oversight Committee.

    Chancellor and SantiagoandaeleSecretary of the Board of Trustees Field SvonkinPark VeresPearlman BarreroBy Date Student Trustee Advisory Vote

    Page of Pages Corn. No. BT7 Div. Board of Trustees Date 10/5/11

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    ^ ACTION

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  • 8/4/2019 LACCD Agenda 10-5


    BF1Octobers, 2011

    Page X of 4


    BTA NUMBER: FUND/GRANT NAM E A M O U N TFederalH-0032 Digital Arts Certification Program $500,000

    To provide funding for 50 at-risk youths to participate in a ladder-styleprogram that wiii begin with non-coilege instruction leading to a basicskills bridge program to prepare participants to succeed at cotlege-eve! courses and achieve industry-recognized certification in the formof at least one A dobe C ertificate at the Associate or E xpert level.Funding is from federal Workforce Investment Act (WIA) funds.M-0020 Trio/Student Support Services Program 237,022

    To establish funding to provide academic and other support servicesto low-lncome, first-gene ration or disabled coliege students toincrease retention and graduation rates, faciiltate their transferprocess, and foster a supportive institutional climate. Participants wiltundergo a comprehensive needs assessment to identify academicdeficiencies, learning style preferences, personal challenges, andbarriers to success. Funding is from the United States Department ofEducation.T-0053 Green Jobs Capacity Grant 90.465

    To establish funding to provide educational and occupationa! skillstraining for 60 youths. Participants wil! receive green constructiontraining with National Center for Construction Education andResearch (NCCER) "Green" Module content, as well as Work Sitedemonstrations of green construction and energy efficiencytechniques. These participants wil! have access to a Green JobsPathway which wi:ll: prepare them for Certificate/Degree programs atLos AngeEes Trade-Technical CoElege. Funding is from the UnitedStates Department of Labor, Green Capacity Building Grant.W-0045 Alcohol ancf Drugs, Sex, and Knowledge (ASK) Program 85,000

    To establish funding to implement effective educational outreachactivities to increase the awareness of substance abuse, andprevention and testing of HiV and hepatitis, for the student populationat West Los Angeles College. Activities to spread factual knowledge,as opposed to street knowledge, wiii inciude workshops, speakers,distribution of brochures, posting of fliers, and hosting an informationbooth during Welcome Week and Club Week activities. Funding isfrom the Department of Health and Human Services.

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    BF1October 5, 2011

    Page 2 of 4W-0069 A+ Computer Repair Training Program 25,000

    To establish funding to train 50 veterans in A+ Computer Repairduring the Winter/Spring semesters, in fiscai year 2012, at West LosAngeles Coilege in collaboration with Managed Career Solutions andEmpowerNef California. Participants wil! be propped to take the A+certification exam. Funding is from American Recovery andReinvestment Act funds. Fifty percent of the funding for thisprogram is from state source, as detailed on page 3 of 4.

    D-0091 Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) Program 50,000The nine campuses of the Los Angeles Community College Districthave participated in the ACG program since fiscal year 2006-2007,which provides grants to eligible students with financial need whocompleted a rigorous secondary school program of study. Additionalbudget is established to reflect an increase in ACG eiigible students.Funding is from the United States Department of Education.TOTAL FEDERAL $987,487

    StateC-0011 Permanence and Safety - Model Approach to Partnerships inParenting (PS-MAPP) $30,000

    To provide 4 PS-MAPP training series of 33-hour each. The trainingis held in an interactive group format led by a team of threefacilitators. The team includes an experienced resource parent, atrainer from the community, and a children's social worker from theDepartment of Children and Family Sen/ices. The goa! is forcommitted, weli-trained resource (foster and adoptive) families to berecruited and supported in the communities from which children arecoming into placement to ensure the overaEE weli-being of the child.Funding is from the Community College Foundation.M0061 Trade A djustment Assistance 19,688

    To increase funding to provide services to an additional two laid-offworkers affected by the North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA) through the Trade Adjustment Assistance program.Participants wili receive educational training services to help themupgrade their skills and improve their employment opportunities. Withthis additional funding, the new program total is $57,409. Funding isfrom the State of Caiifornia, Employment Development Department.S-0053, T-0058 Enrollment Growth for Associate Degree Nursing Program 196,474

    To estabiish funding to provide nursing students pre-enroiimentassessment and preparation services, increase retention rates, andoffer National Council Ucensure Exam support and preparationservices. The program wili offer peer mentoring, tutoring, advisemenf,and counseling to 26-34 students per semester. Funding is from theCalifornia Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO).

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    BF1October 5, 2011

    Page 3 of 4W-0069 A+ Com puter Repair Training program 25,000

    To establish funding to train 50 veterans in A+ Computer Repairduring the Fail semester, in fiscal year 2012, at West Los AngelesCollege in collaboration with Managed Career Solutions andEmpowerNet California. Participants wiEI be propped to take the A+certification exam. Funding is from the State Veterans EmploymentAssistance Program. Fifty percent of the funding for this programis from federal source, as detailed on page 2 of 4.

    D-0074 Career Ladders Project (1,401)To adjust funding to align the budget with the grant amount. Theprogram was established in fisca! year 2010 for $48,500 and is usedto facilitate educationai and career development workshops foremancipated youth. Funding is from the Foundation for CaliforniaCommunity Colleges.

    D-0156 CTE-CommunityCollaborative-Midtown (12)To adjust funding to align the budget with the grant amount. Theprogram was e stablished in fiscal year 2010 for $310,000 and is usedto develop and enhance the Career and Technicai Education capacitywithin the midtown region of Los Angeles, Funding is from theCalifornia Community Coiieges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO).

    TOTAL STATE $269,749

    LocalC-0038 Journalism 1,100

    To augment the Other Expense account in the Journalism Program atLos Angeles City College from income coilected from advertising inthe Coliegian.T-0035, T-0043, Technical & Career Education 38,631T-0044, T-0045,T-0046, T-0047, To provide funding at Los Angeies Trade-Technical College toT-0048, T-0049, conduct non-credit instruction and vocational/extension training

    T-0062 workshops and to purchase instructional equipment. Funding is fromCosmetofogy Department fees, PSI trainings, LADWP, ACT/BP!trainings, REDI operating expenses, and the Peralta CoiiegesFoundation.

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    BF1Octobers, 2011

    Page 4 of 4V-0068 Tutoring Mentoring Nursing Grant 90,000

    To accept funding for a program to address the shortage of registerednurses in Ca lifornia by improving rates for retention, graduation, andpassing of the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX).Personalized and clinica! support will be provided to the 238 studentsenrolled in the nursing program at Los Angeles Valley Coilege.Funding is from the Departme nt of Health Services.

    W-0047 UMOJA Summer Bridge Program 27,460To accept funding for a program to provide students withcomprehensive assessment induding academic, learning styles, anddiagnostic and personal needs surveys to support dassroom learning,specifically tutors in the dassroom environment. The program willfocus on recruiting 100 African American students, with an emphasison male students, who are in need of developing and refining theirfoundationai skills. Funding is from United Student Aid Funds, Inc.

    W-0123 Salvage Sales 1,991To augment the Other Expense account in the General Fund at WestLos Angeles ColEege from income collected from Salvage Sales.

    TOTAL OTHERS $159,182

    TOTAL INCOM E $1,416,418

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    ACTION* Trustees. B. Ka. Noticed: September 21, 2011 ' Los Angeles Community College District

    Corn No. BF2 Division: BUSINESS AND FINANCE Date: October 5, 2011

    Subject: ADOPTION OF THE 2012.2013 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT CALENDAdopt the Budget Development Calendar for fiscal year 2012-201 3 (Attachment I).Background: Adoption of the 2012-2013 Budget Development Calendar by theBoard of Trustees informs the Board, the District and community constituencies ofthe planned schedule of budget development activities in order to promoteparticipation in the budget process.


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    DATE ACTIVFTYSEPTEMBER, 2011 DEVELOPMENT OF BUDGET PREPARATION ACTIVITIESSeptember 7 Finance and Audit Committee Meeting.September 14 A) District Budget Com mittee receives college projection & financial planning review;B) Constituencies review proposed Budget Development Calendar.September 21 Notice of Budget Development Calendar presented to Board of Trustees.OCTOBER, 2011 DEVELOPMENT OF BUDGET PREPARATION ACTIVITIESOctober 5 A) Adoption of Budget Development Calendar;B) Finance and Audit Committee Meeting.October 12-31 College Projections and Financial Plans Review,NOVEMBER, 2011 DEVELOPMENT OF BUDGET OPERATION PLANNovember 1 1st Quarter Reports due from colleges.November 2 A) Finance and Audit Committee receives briefing on 1st Q uarter Rep,;B) 1 st Q uarter Report submitted to Board of Trustees for approval.November 8 initial assessment projections of Centralized accounts.November 10-30 Review of Centralized Accounts Projection.November 15 1st Quarter Report due to State.November 30 Constituencies review of 1st Quarter Repo rt and Districtwide projections.DECEMBER, 2011 BUDGET PREP WORKSHOPDecember 1-2 A) Budget Prep fife available;B) Budget Prep Workshop.December 2 Finance and Audit Committee Meeting.December 21 Constituencies review of mid-year projections and possible mid-year reductions,JANUARY, 2012 GOVERNOR'S PROPOSED STATE BUDG ET AND PRELIMINARY

    ALLOCATIONSJanuary 5 A) Budg et Office distributes Budge t Operation Plan Instructions;B) Dedicated Revenue Projections due in the Budget Off ice.Januarys-13 Budget Office reviews colleges' 2012 -13 dedicated revenue projections.January 7-31 Cabinet reviews Proposed 2012 "1 3 Preliminary Allocation.January 11 Finance and Audit Committee MeetingJanuary 18 Constituencies review Proposed 2012 -13 Preliminary A!!ocation.January 24 CFO an d Accounting Office provide initial ending balance projections.January 25 Committee of the Whole FY 2012 -13 for Board of Trustees Budget Briefing **January 30 2nd Quarter Reports due from colleges.FEBRUARY, 2012 CONSTiTUENCIES REVIEW BUDGET STATUSFebruary 3 Budget Office distributes 2012-13 PreiiminaryAISocation.February 4-28 Cabinet reviews 2012 -13 Budget update.February 8 A) 2nd Quarter Report submitted to Board of Trustees for approval;B) Finance and A udit Committee receives briefing on 2nd Q uarter ReportFebruary 15 2nd Quarter Report due to State.February 16-28 Constituencies review 2nd Qtr Report & Coliege Financial Plans.February 22 CFO and Accounting Office update ending balance projections.MARCH, 2012 PREPARATION OF PRELIMINARY BUDGETSMarch 4 Budget Prep files transmitted to Budget O ffice.March 5-19 Technical review of Budget Prep data files and upload to SAP.March 7 Finance and Audit Committee Meeting,March 23 A) CFO and Accounting Office update ending balance projections;B) Preliminary Budget available on SAP system.

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    DATE ACTIVITYAPRIL, 2012 REVIEW OF PRELIMINARY BUDGET DATAApril 1 CFO and Accounting Office distribute purchasing & year-end closing schedule.April 3 - May 1 1 Open period for Tentative Budget adjustments (First Adjustment).April 11 Finance and Audit Committee MeetingApril 23 CFO and Accounting Office update ending balance projections.April 30 3rd Quarter Reports due from colleges.Apri l 30 - May 21 Budget hearings on preliminary budgets conducted with coiiege adm inistrators.MAY, 2012 REVENUE PROJECTIONS UPDATEDMay 2 Constituencies review budget status,May 4 - 23 Cabinet receives briefing on Tentative Budget,May 7 Revised revenue projections based on Governor's proposed State Budget.May 9 A) Board of Trustees authorization to encumber new year app ropriations.B) Finance and Aud it Committee receives briefing on 3rd Quarter Report;May 14 3rd Quarter Report due to State.May 18 A) Constituencies review May Revise update;B) Constituencies receive briefing on Tentative Budget;C) Open period for Final Budget adjustments (Second Adjustmen t).May 21 CFO and Accounting Office update ending balance projections.May 22 Budget Op eration Plans due in Budget O ff ice.May 23 A) 3rd Quarter Report submitted to Board of Trustees for approval;B) Constituencies receive briefing on Tentative Budget (Bd Mtg).JUNE, 2012 TENTATIVE BUDGETJune 6 A) Finance and Audit Committee to review Proposed Tentative Budget;B) Notice of Tentative Budget to Board of TrusteesJune 19 CFO and Accounting Office update ending balance projections.June 20 Adoption of Tentative Budget.JULY, 2012 REVISION TO REVENUE PROJECTIONS/ALLOCATIONSJuly 2 File Tentative Budget report with county and state agencies.JulyS Deadline for submission of revised Dedicated Revenue for Final Budget.Ju!y11 Finance and Audit Committee Meeting,Juiy19 CFO and Accounting Office run 1st closing activities.July 20 Constituencies review Budget status,July 25 A) CFO and Accounting Office update ending balance projections;B) CFO and Accounting Office run 2nd closing activities.AUGUST, 2012 FINAL BUDGETAugust 1 Final year-end closing and establishment of actual ending balances.August 8* A) Notice/briefing of Final Budget to Board of Trustees;B) Board Budge t and Finance Comm ittee to review Proposed Finai Budget.August 8-12* Publication budget available for public review.August 22* Public Hearing and adoption of Final Budget.SEPTEMBER, 2012 FINAL 8UDGET/YEAR-END ANALYSISSeptember 14 File Final Budget report with county and state agencies,

    Revised 09/12/11* Based on 2012/1 3 Board Meeting calendar (TBA).

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    ACTION.^ Los Angeles Community College District

    Corn. No.BSD1 Business Services Date: October 5, 2011Subject: RATIFICATIONS FOR BUSINESS SERVICES

    n accordance with the California Education Code and Los Angeles CommunityCollege District Board Rules, the following routine transactions are reported forratifications:A. PURCHASE ORDERS 727 issued from August 17, 201 1 to September 9, 201 1which totaled 1T;902;532.B. AGREEMENTS FOR ART MODELING SERVICES 7 issued which totaled$1,695.C. AGREEMENTS FOR ATHLETiCQFFICIATING SERVICES 2 issued whichtotaled$4,234;D. LEASES. USE PERMITS AND CIVIC CENTER PERMITS OF DISTRICTFACILITIES

    Agreement Nos.: 4500164152; 4500164339(Total income: $0)

    E. LEASE OF FACILITIES FOR D ISTRICT USEAgreement No.: 4500164815(Total Cost: $4,050)

    F. COMM UNITY SERVICES AGREEMENTAgreement No.: 4500147250(renew)(Total Cost; $0)

    !?^\^>AA^ )^QJVK' .d/ / ^ 'cARecommended by: U^^Approvedby: i^-. /-'-;Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy ChanceiEor odn i ei J, La\/ista,Chan ce! forChancellor and Candaele SantiagoSecretary of the Board of Trustees Field SvonkinPark VeresBy: Date Pearlman BarreroStudent Trustee Advisory VotePage of 3 Pages Corn. No. BSD1 Div. Business Services Date 10-5-11

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    oard of TrusteesLos Angeles Community College District

    Corn. No. BSD1 Business Services Date: October 5, 2011G. CONTRAC T EDUCATION AGREE MENTS

    Agreement N os.: 4500092337(amend); 4500101405(amend);4500153014(amend)(Total Cost: $60,000)

    H LO AN AG REEMENTAgreement No.: 4500164376(Total Cost: $0)MAINTENANCE AG REEMENTS

    Agreement Nos.: 4500131912(renew); 4500164191; 4500094070(renew);4500142291 (renew); 4500148501 (renew);4500131941 (renew); 4500164867; 4500096273(renew);4500130419(amend); 4500152829(renew); 4500164873;4500164875; 4500164877; 4500098365(renew);4500104507(renew); 4500159329(renew)(Total Cost: $159,614)

    J RE NT A L A GRE E M E NTAgreement No.: 4500164953(Total Cost: $300)

    K. STUDENT INTERN AGR EEMENTSAgreement Nos. 4500164435; 4500164512; 4500164603; 4500164606;4500164607;4500164609;4500164613; 4500164616;4500164865(Total Cost: $0)

    L. WO RK-ST UDY AGREEMENTAgreement No.: 4500164741(Total Cost: $0)

    M. SERVICE AGREEME NTSAgreement Nos.: 4500164188, 4500165123; 4500147093(renew);4500150210( renew); 4500134118(extend);4500150767(renew); 4500164748; 4500163484(rescind);4500137680(renew); 4500163952; 4500133366(amend);

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    Board of TrusteesLos Angeles Community College District

    Corn. No. BSD1 Business Services Date: October 5, 2011

    4500149022(renew); 4500152409(extend);4500100009(renew); 4500103273(renew);4500116862(renew); 4500152181 (renew); 4500164885;4500164878;4500164905;45001 52410(extend);4500165028; 4500152836(amend); 4500157201 (renew);4500164380;4500164627;45001 38139(renew);4500100601 (renew); 4500164869; 4500164870;4500164871; 4500103887(renew); 4500103889(renew);4500120999(renew); 4500121004(renew); 4500164012

    (Total Cost: $536,303)(Total Reduction of C ost; $1 ,020)N. SPECIAL GRAN T FUNDED AGREEM ENTS

    Agreement Nos.: 4500164807; 4500162817; 4500163272(amend);4500163273(amend); 4500150531 (renew);4500141655(renew); 4500149305(renew); 4500164750;4500164893; 4500126294(extend); 4500147645(amend);4500149339(renew); 4500164894; 4500164895;4500164496(Total Expense: $2,590,379)

    0. SHORT TERM AGREEM ENTS PREPARED AT SITE LOCATIONS FOSERVICES, RENTAL & MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT. AND LICMAINTENANCE OF SOFTWARE $5,000 ORLESS PER YEARAgreement Nos.: 4500164181; 4500165190; 4500165537; 4500163910;4500164427;4500164430;4500164432;4500164433;4500164434; 4500164437;4500164761;4500163471;4500163986;4500163689;4500163690; 4500163691;4500164310; 4500164311;4500164332;4500164349;4500164350; 4500164351;4500164401;4500164402;4500164405; 4500164410;4500164594;4500163157;4500164036;4500164037;4500164059;4500164195;4500164524;4500164525;4500163310;4500163329;4500163532; 4500163542;4500163545;4500163550;4500163564; 4500163602;4500163701;4500163703;4500163725;4500163733;4500163413;4500163846;4500163884;4500164200;4500164518;4500164419;

    4500164810:4500163533(Total Cost: $98,977)

    P. COM PRO MISE OF CLAIMClaim No.: 11-261(Total Cost: $11,961.81)

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    \ ACTIOoard of Trustees'ft, Los Angeles Community CoHege District

    Corn. No.BSD2 Division: Business Services Date: October 5, 2011

    Subject: BUSINESS SERVICES ROUTINE REPORTAUTHORIZE LEASE OF DISTRICT PROPERTY1Authorize agreement with Canteen Vending, a member of the CompassGroup, for lease of 3' x 3' vending machine" pads at Los Angeles MissionCollege, for the purpose of providing food and non-alcoholic beveragevending services, vending machines and equipment maintenance, at ajeaseincome of $25 pe r pad per month, with an additional lease paym ent of_$544per pad per month for the first 12 months; and commission income of 39% ofall gross'sales of carbonated and non-carbonated beverages, snacks andfood items. Mission College currently has six vending machines, and, plansto expand to a maximum of 30 machines, during the approximate leaseperiod October 6, 2011 to October 5, 2016, inclusive, with sole option of theDistrict to renew the agreements on a year-to-year basis thereafter, subjectto evaluation by the D istrict and the Co llege.BackQround: The Request for Proposals (RFP) for this lease of Districtproperty was posted on_the District's website, and was accessible toprospective propo sers, for at least 30 day s prior tojhe propos al subm ittadeadline on F riday, May 1 3 , 2011; in addition, the District invited by phon eand in writing, twenty-seven known vending services providers in SouthernCalifornia to'access "the documents and submit a proposal. Based upon theevaluation of three proposals received, Canteen Vending was selected asthe recommended company to provide vending services, vending machinesand equipment maintenance for Mission College, The proposals wereevaluated over five categories that included condition and number of vendingmachines, client references of the proposer, product pricing, frequency ofaccount and route servicing and refund fund replenishment, and tota! incomeas a combination of lease bid and percentage commissions. Theidentification of the rea! property locations for the installation of the vendingmachines as 3' x 3' vending machine pads is simply a point of reference toincorporate the space a mach ine occupies p!us the access to it, as withswinging doors that open, and w all clearance nee ded for its electrical powersupply.

    b\iSi ^ r; ky.Recommended by: i\^J\>^M. Approved by: '^ fU//iAdriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor 0aniel J. L.aVista, Chance[lCT'Chancellor and Candaele SantiagoSecretary of the Board of Trustees Fieid SvonkinPark VeresBy: Date Pearlman BarreroStudent Trustee Advisory Vote

    10-5-11Page of 7 Pages Corn. No. BSD2 Div. Business Services Date

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    oard of TrusteesLos Angeles Community College District

    Corn. No. BSD2 Division: Business Services Date: Octobers, 2011

    II. RATIFY SERVICE AGREEM ENTSA. Ratify an agreement with Affiliated Computer Services (ACS), Inc., dbaACS Educational Services, inc., a Xerox Company, formerly doingbusiness as Academic Financial Services Association and AFSA DataCorporation, to provide collection of student financial aid loanrepayments, Districtwide, during the period July 1, 2011 to June 30,2016, inclusive, at a total estimated cost of $200,000.

    Background: The billing services provided by ACS meet the District'sdue diligence process for administering student loans. ACS alsoassists the District's collection services co ntractors in the b illing of ove r$300,000 annually in past-due and delinquent student loan paymentson behalf of the District. Funding is through the District's CentralFinancial Aid program.B. Ratify an agreement with the South Bay Center for Counseling (SBCC)to provide case management, recruitment and assessment, academicsupport and mentoring, and resource referral services for the at-riskyouth pa rticipants of the Digital Arts Design C ertification prog ram a t LosAngeles Harbor College, during the period June 30, 2011 to'March 31,2013, inclusive, at a total first-year cost of $1 27,500.

    Background: Services to be provided by the SBCC include casemanagers who attend classes with the students and eventually assistthem in attaining full- and part-time employment in digital postproduction as free-lance artists and media design speciaiists, as we!! aspreparation for further education in associate and bachelor's degreeprograms. Funding is provided by a Workforce investment Act DigitaArts Design program grant from the Employment DevelopmentDepartment of the State of California.

    C. Ratify Amendment No. 2 to renew Agreement No. 4500136074 withBlackboard Connect, Inc. pursuant to Public Contract Code 10298, andunder the authority of the Foundatipn for California CommunityColleges (FCCC) Agreement No. EIN 20-05-57724, for a masscommunication system at Pierce College, at a cost of $1 .70 perparticipant and an annual support fee of $2,500, from October 1,2011to September 30, 2012 inclusive, for the third year of the agreement,increasing the total contract amount from $98,500 to $152,000, at anadditional cost not to exceed $53,500.Background: This agreement will provide community outreach andenrollment management with the ability to send targeted voice and textmessages to landlines, ceil phones, e-mail addresses, and other text-receiving devices. This system is being obtained from BlackboardConnect, Inc. utilizing the FCCC contract. Public Contract Code 10298

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    Board of TrusteesLos Angeles Community College District

    Corn.No. BSD2 Division: Business Services Date: Octobers, 2011

    permits state and local agencies to contract with suppliers undercooperative agreements such as this FCCC agreement. Funding isthrough the College Genera! fund.

    HI. RATIFY AMENDMEN T OF SERVICE AGREEME NTSA. Ratify Amendment No. 3 to renew Agreement No. 4500139740 with theInternational institute o f Los Ange les" to provide m eals for eligiblechildren enrolled in the Child Care Center at Los Angeles ValleyCollege, under the auspices of the College's Child Care Program,increasing the tota! contract amount from $183,000 to $423,000 fromJuly 1, 2011 to September 30, 2012, inclusive, for the third year of theagreemen t, at a total additional cost of $150,000.

    Background: The Child and Adu!t Care Food Program (CACFP)administers federal requirements to provide child development centersat the District's Colleges w ith the ability to ma ke m eals available to allchildren enrolled. Eligible participants are the children of student-parents, mostly of iow-income levels, who attend the College full- orpart-time, enrolled in college-Ievel coursework or ESL classes duringday or evening hours. Children are 21/2 to 12 years old. Typically, 150families are enrolled for as many as 226 days each year between thehours of 7:45 am and 10:20 pm. Program performance and evaluationare documented on a daily, monthly, and annual basis as records of themeals produced and served are counted at the point of service andrecorded for reimbursement through the CACFP. Funding is through aNutrition Services Division grant from the California Department ofEducation.

    B. Ratify Amendment No. 1 of Agreement No. 4500158753 with Achievingthe Dream (AID), Inc. for participation of eight co!!eges (C ity, East,Harbor, Mission, Pierce, trade-Tech, Valley and West) in the initiativeof AtD, a national nonprofit organization that helps more communitycollege students succeed, particuiarly students of coior and low-incomestudents; and engages faculty, staff and administrators in a process ofusing data to identify gaps in student achievement and to implementand improve strategies for closing the gap; to include the followingactivities for Los Angeles Southwest College (LASC) under theauspices of the District's Division of Educational Programs andInstitutional Effectiveness and to extend the period of the agreementfrom July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, inclusive, increasing the totalcontract'amount from $600,000 to $750,000, at a total additional cost of$150,000.1. The Kresge Foundation wili sponsor the participation of LASC inAtD for the two-year period Ju!y 1, 2011 to June 30, 2013,

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    oard of TrusteesLos Angeles Com munity College District

    Corn. No. BSD2 Division: Business Services Date: October 5, 2011

    inclusive, representing a savings to LASC of $150,000 ($75,000per year) in participation fees;

    2. !n return, LASC will use the $150,000 in savings toward AtDefforts on campus and in the community, which include theimplementation of AtD interventions. The use of the $150,000funds are to be reflected in the planning year's budget, as we I! asin the implementation proposal budget. Funding for the secondyear of LASC's participation in AID will be contingent uponsubmission by LASC of an acceptable implementation proposal.3. The Kresge Foundation wi!l also present a challenge grant toLASC, in which LASC is to raise $100,000 in private new fundingfor AID efforts by June 30, 2012. lif LASC meets this goal, it wilbe presented with a grant of $100,000 for use in AtD endeavors;LASC wii! be expected to demonstrate all fundraising efforts andexpenditure of challenge grant funds by June 30, 2012.Background: As ratified by the Board of Trustees on May 1 1,2011(Corn. Nd7-BSD2), this program for improving student outcomes^ is tiedto our District Strategic Plan (Goal 2: Enhance ail Measures of StudentSuccess). Each college's participation in the amount of $75,000includes a college coach and data facilitator who will help our collegescreate a comprehensive, evidence-base_d improvement and evaluationsplan, as we ll as anendance at the Kick-0ff_and Strategy Institute.Funding is provided through the District's Student Success initiativeprogram funds.C. Ratify Amendment No. 1 to extend Agreement No. 4500116953 withMosaic Family Care - College Clinics and_East Los^Angeles (ELAC),West Los Angeies (WLAC), Los Angeles City (LACC), Los AngelesTrade-Technfcal (LATTC) and Los Angeles Southwest Colleges(LASW). This amendment will provide for the continued services to thefive campuses with comprehensive medical sen/ices along with mentahealthservicesduringtheperiodofJuly1,2011toJune30, 2013,inclusive. Annual cost per campus is as follows: ELAC $315,100,WLAC $228,295, LACC $308,115, LATTC $300,000, LASW $103,500,for a total annual cost of $1,255,010. Additional services during thespring session for ELAC includes mental heaith services forjheViolence Intervention Center, mental health services at the South GateCenter, additional hours of operations during spring semester and twoten-week anger management sessions. Total additional cost: $76,421.Background: This agreement was authorized by the Board of TrusteesonJune-T872008 (Corn. No. BSD1), pursuant to a Request forProposal for Specialized Services. The initial contract was issued for 3years with the op tion of the District to extend for an additional 2-year

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    oard of TrusteesLos Angeles Community College District

    Corn. No. BSD2 Division: Business Services Date: October 5, 2011

    period. This amendment is to exercise this option period at the requestof the participating 5 colleges. Funding is through the Co lleges' StudentHealth Fees funds.

    D. Ratify the following amendments to Agreement No. 4500130022 withKPMG LLP:1. Include the annual financia! audit of the District for Proposition A,Proposition AA and Measure J B ond programs for f iscal year2010-2011, at total additional cost of $173,200.2. Increase the tota! cost for additional hours required to completethe annu al financial audit of the District for Propos ition A ,Proposition AA and Measure J Bond programs for fiscal year2009-2010, at a total additional cost of $47,100.Background: This agreement was approved by_the Board of Trusteeson April 29, 2009 (Corn. No. BSD 1)to perform-the annu al audits on theDistrict's financial transactions for all funds and account groups and totest the District's ongoing compliance with the GovernmentaAccoun ting Standards Board _(GASB ) requireme nts for fiscal years2008-09, 2009-10 and 201 0-1'1. The Board of Trustees approved theame ndm ent of this agreement to include the audit of Proposition A,Proposit ion AA and JVieasure J Bond Pro9rams^nNpY^mb^17i^010(Corn. No. BSD2). Theauditof Proposition A Proposition AA andMeasure J Bond programs is required by the California ConstitutionArticle 13A and Education Code'15278 and wi!! be reported to theBoard of Trustees. Funding is through the Centralized Audit ExpenseAccount.

    E. Ratify amendm ent to the following agreements w ith Phoenix BusinessConsulting, LLP to authorize payment for confl^ura^ion^J1dprogramming services and application support for the Office ofnfomnation Technology:1. Amendment to Agreement No. 4500030834 at a cost not toexceed $94 ,000, ' for programm ing services related to Studentnformationi System (S^S) Protocol Schedu ling for the period fromJune 1, 2007 to February 5, 2009. This amendment will increase

    the total contract from $4,105,467 to $4,199,467.Background: Phoenix Business Consulting, LLP has providedprogramming services to the District's Office of Informationtechnology under Agreement JMo. 450003083 4, approved by theBoard on February 25, 2004 (Corn. No. BSD1).^ The servicesprovided by this consulting firm were requested by staff for theenhancements modifications to the S!S Protocol Scheduling whichBusiness Services Date 10-5-11Page 5 of 7 Pages Corn, No. BSD2 Div.

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    Board of TrusteesLos Angeles Community College District

    Corn.No. BSD2 Division: Business Services Date: October 5, 2011

    enables the development of the class schedule and is linked tothe payrol! system." Authorization for paymen t is requested foM heservices provided; the not to exceed cost of $94,000 is within thebudget established for the contract. Payment is requestedretroactively as a control measure o n expen ditures for the ove rallInformation Technology-SIS budget.Funding is through the Office of Information Tech nology SISaccount.

    2. Amendment to Agreement No. 4500127442 to authorize paymentat a total cost nofto exceed $591,000. The firm providedconfiguration and programming services related to the Systems,Applications and Products In Data Processing (SAP) for the periodfrom April 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011. Ts^amendment willincrease the contract from $1,960,864 to $2,551,864.Background: Phoenix Business Consulting, LLP has providedconfiguration and programming services to the District's Office ofnformation Technology under Agreement No. 4500127442,approved by the Board on March 11,_ 2009 (Corn. No. BSD1). Thefirm provided configuration services for the enhancements andmodifications to the payrol! system, open enrollment for healthbenefits, time management, electronic budget transfer, MyCalPERS migration to the new retirement system, and SAPupgrade from version R/3 4.7 to ECC 6.0, This amendment wilauthorize payment for programming services at a not to exceedcost of $591,000 which is within the budget established for thecontract period. Payments have been requested retroactiyeiy asa control'measure on expenditures for the overall InformationTechnology-SAP budget.Funding is through the Office of information Technology SAPaccount.

    IV. AUTHORIZE PAYME NTAuthorize payment of the following expenditure:$4,212 to R. Douglas C oliins, representing one-half share of expenses forarbitration services.Backg round: This reques t for payment is for arbitration arising from agrievance filed by the AFT C ollege Faculty Guild on behalf of an emp loyee.Funding is from Personnel Operations Legal Expense funds.

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    Board of TrusteesLos Angeles Community College District

    Corn. No. BSD2 Division; Business Services Date: October 5. 2011

    V. RATIFY ACCEPTANCE OF DO NATIONRatify the following_donation and express appreciation to the donor for itscontribution to the'District's educational program.

    City CollegeThe Edlow Family Fund, Inc. and One Step Learning Center is donating to theCommunity Services Department a monetary gift of $550.

    VI. AUTHORIZE THE DESTRUCTION OF RECORDSAuthorize the destruction/shredding of the following employment_selectionfiles from various departments at Los Angeles Trade-Technical CollegeClass 3 Disposable Records:20 boxes of paper files ranging froirthe years 1995 to 2000 of selection filesfrom various departments at the College that includes resumes, applicationsand selection committee notes of candidates that were not selected.Background: in accordance with Title V of the California Code ofRegulations and the Board's Records Policy (Board Rule 7706et seq) theVice President of Administrative Services has determined that the listedClass 3 Disposable Records arenojonger needed. No records included inthis action conflict with the Board's Records Policy.

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    '* of Trustees ACTIONw?< *. v-< I .. . f*' Los Angeles Community College District

    Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOP MENT Date qctpber5,20H

    Subject: FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ROUTINE REPORTThe following items are recommended for approval by Facilities Planning and Deveiopmenfas part of the Consent Calendar for the Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda for the dateshown.The Consent Calendar may be approved with a single vote. Any member of the Board ofTrustees has the authority to remove any item listed and have it included on the ActionCalendar for a separate vote.Information regarding each item on the Consent Calendar can be found in FPD1 - ResourceDocument.

    AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGR EEMENTSA. Authorize an Agreement with James Heimler Architect, Inc.B. Authorize an Agreement with Carde Ten Architects.C. Authorize Two Agreements with RBF Consulting.D. Authorize an Agreement with Hi!! fnternationai, Inc.AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENA. Authorize Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 30374-1 with international ParkingDesign, Inc.B. Authorize Amendment No.3 to Agreement No. 33170 with Terry A. Hayes Associates,Inc.C. Authorize Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 31470 with Merriwether & WilliamsInsurance Services, inc.

    HI. AUTHORIZE ACTIONS__FOR MASTER SERVICE AGREEMENTSA. Authorize Termination for Convenience of Master Service Agreements with Red BallMoving and Storage, LLC.B. Authorize Two Master Service Agreements with Agosti's Moving and Storage, LLC.

    IV. AUTHOR IZE CONSTR UCTfON CONTRAC TSA. Authorize a contract with R.T. Contractor Corp.B. Authorize a contract with GMX Construction, Inc.C. Authorize a contract with H. A. Nichols Co., Inc..s^. sD. Auth tract with FYR Landscaping, Inc. d.b^a. Pierre Sprinkler & Landscape.Recommended by: J^JW^J-^W^IA^ Approved by: ^ i ^L^f ^2:4 /fitA ^4' 'a&Adrian-aD. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor Q^niel J. L^Visia, Chancellors-Chancellor and Candaele SantiagoSecretary of the Board of Trustees Field SvonkinPark VeresBy: Date Pearfman BarreroStudent Trustee Advisory Vote

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    Board of TrusteesLos Angeles Community CoHege District

    Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: October 5, 2011

    V. RATIFY CHANGE ORD ERS FOR CONSTRUC TION CONTRACTS GR EATER T$30,000 IN ORIGINAL COST ISSUED UNDER THE STANDARD "DESIGN-BID-BUfLMETHOD O F PROJECT DELIVERYRatify Change Order to: Contract No. 31390 with Sinanian Development; Contract No, 3311 3with DOJA, Inc.; Contract No. 33287 with KOAM Construction; Contract No. 33062 withGMX Construction, inc.; Contract No. 33227 with Environmental Construction, Inc.; ContractNo. 33182 with Ranbay Construction Corporation; Contract No. 33315 with H&A Contractors,inc.; Contract No. 33212 with SMC Construction Co.

    VI. RATIFY CHANGE ORDERS FOR CO NSTRUCTION CONTR ACTS LESS THAN$30,000 ISSUED UNDER THE STANDARD "DESIGN-BID-BUILD" METHOD OFPROJECT DELIVERYRatify Change Order to Contract No. 33237 with M.B. Herzog Electric, Inc.; Contract No. 33215with Security Plus Doors; Contract No. 33352 with Cal-State Rent a Fence, Inc.

    VII. AUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE OF COM PLETION OF CO NSTRUCTION CONTRACA. Authorize Acceptance of Compietion of Contract No. 33152 with ZK Construction.B. Authorize Acceptance of Completion of Emergency Contract No. 33354 w ith USS CalBuilders, Inc.

    VHI. AUTHORIZE AMENDMEN T TO DESIGN-BU1LD AGREEMENTSA. Authorize Amendment No. 5 to Agreement No. 32235 with Chevron Energy Solutions,

    nc.B. Authorize Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 32879 with Masters ContractingCorporation.C. Authorize Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 32569 with gkkworks.D. Authorize Amendment No. 5 to Agreement No. 32881 with Harper ConstructionCompany, inc.E. Authorize Amendment No. 5 to Agreement No, 31588 with Ameresco, Inc.

    X. AUTHOR IZE ACCEPTANC E OF DESIGN-BUILD AGREEMEN TAuthorize Acceptance of Completion of Contract No. 32235 with Chevron EnergySoiutions.

    X. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE ORD ERSA. Authorize a purchase order through CMAS with FieldTurf.B. Authorize a purchase order with Allposters.C. Authorize a purchase order with Financial Business Machines.D. Authorize a purchase order with Baker & Taylor.

    Xl. AUTHORIZE RECISSION OF MASTER PROCUREM ENT AGREEMEN TAuthorize the rescission of Master Procurement Agreement No. 40181 with Daktronics,nc.

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    Board of TrusteesLos Angeles Community College District

    Corn. No. FPD1 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: Octobers, 2011

    XII. AUTHORIZE INTENT TO AWA RD AND N EGOTIATION OF A JOINT OCCU PANLEASE AGREEMENT FOR THE O PERATION OF A FOOD SERVICES FACILWEST LOS ANGELES COLLEGEAuthorize Intent to Award and Negotiation of a Joint Occupancy Lease Agreement withLovebirds Cafe and Bakery for the Operation of a Food Services Facility at West LosAngeles College.

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    ot Trustees ACTIONs . .n9. 9 ?^ Los Angeles Community College DistrictCorn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date October 5, 2011

    Subject: AUTHORIZE MASTER PROCUREMENT AGREEMENTSA. LIFT TRUCK EQUIPMENT BIDAuthorize a Master Procurement Agreement with Altec Industries, Inc.,for lift truck equipment initially for Pierce College as listed below fromOctober 6, 2011 through October 5, 2014 in consideration of theguaranteed individual unit pricing as stated:

    AGREEMENT WITH: Altec Industries, Inc.Item No Bid Item Description Unit Price

    Materia! Handling Vehicles - UtJEity Truck - Not Street Legal $168,000Contract Minimum: $168,000 Contract Maximum: $1,000,000

    Background: This proposed Agreement is identified for award at theamount of $168,000 for the one (1) awardee because it is a MasterAgreement.Master Agreements are the result of formal competitive bidding and arepriced at the lowest responsive bid received using the price for benchmarkitems, freight costs, discount from the bidder's cataiogue, and warrantycoverage. Participants in the bidding process are advised in advance ofthis selection process and they must agree to abide by it in order toparticipate. Catalogue Agreements may be awarded to more than onebidder.There was one bidder and the awardee is:

    Aitec Industries, inc.^ //.Recommended by; >s h, >A S^^ Approved by: JU^m ^^ ^ / '^Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor 0aniel J. L^iVista, ChanceliorChancellor and Candaele SantiagoSecretary of the Board of Trustees Field SvonkinPark VeresPearlman BarreroBy : Date Student Trustee Advisory VotePage of 6 Pages Corn. No. FPD2 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPM ENTate 10-5-11

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    Board of TrusteesLos Angeles Community College District

    Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACtUTIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: October 5, 2011

    The m inimum agreement value is determined by the sum of thebenchmark items from the lowest responsive bidder. The amountawarded is for $168,000.00 for one item. Funding is through PropositionA/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds or through General Funds asapplicable. This procuremen t is initiailyfor Pierce C ollege and is availablefor use district-wide. The identified vehicle is not street legal. District-wideLift Truck Equipment 40J.J55.05. (Bid# 102). All Phases.B. LOCKER SAuthorize a Master Procurement Agreement with McMurray Stern, Inc.,and Purchase Planners Group, Inc., (PPG) for phenoiic (plastic) tockersand weapons tockers initially for Los Angeles Mission College as listedbelow from October 6, 2011 through October 5, 2014 in consideration ofthe guaranteed individual unit pricing as stated:

    AGREEMENT WITH: MCMURRAY STERN, INC.,Item No Bid Item Description Unit PriceSingEe Width, Single Height Phenolic Locker, 12"W x 12"D x 72"H, w/HaspClosure, Stainless Steel Hooks, Engraved ID Plate and Continuous SteelHinge $389.00Single Width, Single Height Phenolic Locker. 12"W x 12"D x 72"H,w/Programmable Digital Locking Mechanism, Stainless Steel Hooks,2 Engraved JD Plate and C ontinuous Sfeei Hinge $487.00Single Width, Dual Height Phenolic Locker, 12"W x20"D x72"H, w/HaspClosures, StaEnless Steel Hooks, Engraved iD Plates and Continuous Steel3 Hinge $507.00Single Width, Dual Height Phenolic Locker, 12"W x 20"D x 72"H,w/Programmable Digital Locking Mechanisms, Sfainless Steel Hooks,4 Engraved ID Plates and Continuous Steel Hinge $702.00Singie Width, Triple Height PhenolEc Locker, 15"W x20"D x 72'H w/HaspCiosures, StaEnless Stee! Hooks, Engraved ED Plates and Continuous Steel5 Hinge $554.00Single Width, Triple Height Phenoiic Locker, 15"W x 20"D x 72"H,w/Programmable Digital Locking Mechanism, Stainiess Steel Hooks,6 Engraved JD Plates and Co ntinuous Steei Hinge $846.00

    Single Width, Triple Height Phenolic Locker, 18"W x 18"D x 72"H, w/HaspClosure, StainSess Steel Hooks, Engraved iD Piates and Continuous Steel7 Hinge $549.00Single Width, Triple Height Phenolic Locker, 18'W x 18"D x 72 'Hw/Programmable Digital Locking Mechanism, Stainless Steel Hooks,8 Engraved ID Piates and Continuous Stee[ Hinge $841.00Single Width, Quadruple Height Phenolic Locker, 15"W x 15D x 72"H,w/Hasp Closure, Stainless Steel Hooks, Engraved ID Piates and9 Continuous Steel Hinge $497.00

    Page 2 of 6 Pages Corn.No. FPD2 Div. FACtLiTiES PLANNiNG AND D EVELOPMEN T Date 10.5.1

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    Board of TrusteesLos Angeles Community College District

    Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: Octobers, 2011

    Single Width, Quadrupie Height Phenolic Locker, Programmable DigitalLocking Mechanism, Staintess Steel Hooks, Engraved ID Piates and10 Continuous Stee! Hinge $886.0011 Handgun Storage Locker Unit, (4) Compartments, Wall Mounted, L^k[ng $488.00

    Floor Mounted Weapons Storage Locker Unit, Holds (8) Handguns and (5)12 Long Guns, Mounted to Hoor, Master Key Locking $2,941.00Portable Small Weapons Storage Locker, Approx. 36"H x 22"W, Locking13 w/Handies $653.00Universal Weapons Storage Locker, Approx. 42"W x 17"D x 45"H, Locking14 and (6) Handles $932.00Rail Mounted Bin Storage System, for42"W Mounting in UMR Locker,15 w/(7) Barrel Support Holders $80.00

    Contract Minimum: $7,322.85 Contract Maximum: $2,000,000

    AGREEMENT WITH: PURCHASE PLANNERS G ROUP, INC. (PPG)Item No Bid Item Description Unit PriceSingle Width, Single Height Phenoiic Locker, 12"W x 12"D x 72"H, w/HaspClosure, Stalnless Stee! Hooks, Engraved ID Plate and Continuous SteelHinge $499.32Single Width, Single Height Phenoiic Locker, 12"W x 12"D x 72"H,w/Programmable Digital Locking Mechanism, Stainless Steel Hooks,2 Engraved ID Plate and Continuous Steel Hinge $584.77Singie Width, Dual Height Phenolic Locker, 12'W x 20"D x 72"H, w/HaspClosures, Stainless Steel Hooks, Engraved ID Plates and Continuous Steel3 Hinge $605.32Singie Width, Dual Height Phenolic Locker, 12"W x 20"D x 7 2"H,w/Programmable Digital Locking Mechanisms, Stainiess Steel Hooks,

    4 Engraved ED Plates and Continuous Steel Hinge $806.60Single Width, Tripie Height Phenolic Locker, 15"W x 20"D x 72"H, w/HaspClosures, Stainless Steel Hooks, Engraved ID Plates and Continuous Steel5 Hinge $650.95Single Width, Triple Height Phenoiic Locker, 15"W x 20"D x 72"H,w/Programm abie Digital Locking Mechanism , Stainiess Steel Hooks,6 Engraved ID P!ates and Con tinuous Steei Hinge $952.86Single Width, Triple Height PhenoEic Locker, 18"W x 18"D x 72"H, w/HaspClosure, Stainless Stee! Hooks, Engraved !D Plates and Continuous Steel7 Hinge $661.63Single Width, Triple Height Phenolic Locker, 18"W x 18"D x 72"H,w/Programmabie Digitai Locking Mechanism, Stainless Steel Hooks,8 Engraved ID Plates and Continuous Steei Hinge $959.49Single Width, Quadruple Height Phenoiic Locker, 15"W x 1 5"D x 72"H,w/Hasp Closure, Sfainiess Steel Hooks, Engraved ID Plates and9 Continuous Steel Hinge $606.39Single Width, Quadruple He ight Phenolic Locker, Programfnable DigitalLocking Mechanism, Stainiess Steei Hooks, Engraved ID Plates and10 Continuous Steel Hinge $995,52

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    Board of TrusteesLos Angeles Community College District

    Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACILiTIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: October 5, 2011

    Contract Minimum: $7,322,85 Contract Maximum: $2,000,000Background: This proposed Agreement is identified for award at theamount of $7,322.85 for two (2) vendors because they are CatalogueAgreements.Catalogue Agreeme nts are the result of formal compe titive bidding andare pnced a t the lowest responsive bid received us ing the price forbenchm ark items, freight costs, discount from the bidders' catalogue andwarranty coverage. Pa rticipants in the bidding process are advised inadvance of this selection process and they must agree to abide by it inorder to participate. Catalogue Agreements may be awarded to more thanone bidder.There were Three (3) bidders and the awardees are:

    McMurray Stem, Inc.Purchase Planners Group, Inc. (PPG)The minimum agreement value is determined by the sum of thebenchmark items from the lowest responsive bidder. The amountawarded is for $7,322.85, for fifteen (15) items. Funding is throughProposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds or through GeneralFunds as applicable. This procuremen t is initially for Los Angeles MissionCollege and is available for use district-wide. District-wide Lockers40J.J55.05. (Bid# 104). Aii Phases.C. COMPUTER EQUIPMENTAuthorize a Master Procurement Agreement with Apple, Inc., for desktopcomputers, laptop computer, tablet computers, computer peripherals, _andsoftware initially for Los Ange les Valley College as listed below fromOctober 6, 2011 through October 5, 2014 in consideration of theguaranteed individual unit pricing as stated:

    Div. FAC!UT1ES PLANNINGAND DEVELOPMENT Date JlOPage 4 of 6 Pages Corn.No. FPD2

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    Board of TrusteesLos Angeles Community College District

    Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: Octobers, 2011

    AGREEMENT WITH: APPLE, INC.,Item No Bid Item Description Unit Price

    Desktop "All in One" Computer w/21.5" Dia Screen, Wiretess Keyboardand Mouse $1,268.00Desktop "Aii in One" Computer w/27" Dia Screen, Wireless Keyboard and2 Mouse $1,718.00

    3 Single Core Processor CPU, w/o Display $2,498.004 CPU w/o Optical Disc Drive $678.005 Enfry-leveJ Laptop, Lightweight, w/11" Dia Screen $1,132.006 Laptop, Lightweight w/13" Dia Screen $1,432.007 Laptop, Lightweight, Professional w/13" Di:a Screen $1,282.008 Laptop, Lightweighj^Professional w/15" Pi a Screen $1,938.009 Laptop, Lightweight, Professional w/17" Dia Screen $2,538.0010 Tablet Computer, WJ-Fi Enabled $778.0011 Tablet Computer, Wi-Fi Enabled + 3G $909.0012 VGA Adapter $29.0013 DVi Adapter $29.0014 Wireless Mouse, Blyetpgth $69.0015 Wireless Keyboard, Bluetppth $69.0016 Wireiess Trackpad $69.0017 Wireless Hard Drive, 2T Capacity $279.0018 Fibre-Channei PC! Express Card, Dual Channel, 4 BG $539.0019 Portable Hard Drive, 500 GB^ USB $99.9520 Operating Systems Applications Program $79.99

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    Board of TrusteesLos Angeles Community College District

    Corn. No. FPD2 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date: October 5, 2011

    21 Editjno Sofiware Program $299.9922 Location and Security Software Program for Laptops $110.95

    Contract Minimum: $17,844.88 Contract Maximum: $10,000,000

    Background: This proposed Agreement is identified for award at theamount of $17,844.88 to one (1) vendor because it is a CatalogueAgreement.Catalogue Agreements are the result of formal competitive bidding andare priced at the lowest responsive bid received using the price forbenchmark items, freight costs, discount from the bidders' catalogue andwarranty coverage. Participants in the bidding process are advised inadvance of this selection process and they must agree to abide by it inorder to participate. Catalogue Agreements may be awarded to more thanone bidder.There was one (1) bidder and the awardee is;

    Apple, inc.,The minimum agreement value is determined by the sum of thebenchmark items from the lowest responsive bidder. The amountawarded is for $17.844.88 for twenty two (22) items. Funding is throughProposition A/AA and Measure J Bond proceeds or through GeneralFunds a s applicable. This procuremen t is initially for Los Angeles V aHeyCollege and is available for use district-wide. District-wide ComputerEquipment 40JJ55.05. (Bid# 108). All Phases.

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    A ACTIONla Board of Trustees.s^y'ft Los Angeles Community College DistrictCorn. No. FPD3 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPM ENT Date October 5, 2011

    SUBJECT: ADOPT RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO LEASE SPACE FOR JOCCUPANCY FOR OPERATION OF A F_Q_PD COURT ANFOOD C ART DINING AT PIERCE COLLEGEAdopt a Resolution of Intention pursuant to Education Code Sections81390 et.seq, to offer for lease approximately 12,247 square feet of spaceocated on the first floor of the Library Learning Crossroads Buiiding, withan option to provide for mobile food cart dining, presently beingconstructed at Pierce College at 6201 Winnetka Avenue in Woodland Hilisfor operation of a food court facility.Background: The college administration has been examining options forleasing the above described space to food service operators and/orproviders to facilitate the establishment and management of food serviceoperations on campus. The activities of the lessee will be secondary tothe academic programs of Pierce Coilege.

    ^^ ^ k ^ecommended by: ^ yy (^Approved by: OM.A- .^Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor eTj. LaVFsta, ChancellorChancellor and Candaeie SantiagoSecretary of the Board of Trustees Field SvonkinPark VeresPearlman BarreroBy: Date Student Trustee Advisory VotePage of -\__ Pages Corn. No. FPD3 Div. FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date 10-5-11

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    WHEREAS, Education Code Section 81390 et. seq. authorizes community college districts toenter into joint occupancy leases and ag reements with private persons, firms orcorporations for the purpose of jointly occupying real property; andWHEREAS, It is the intention of the Los Angeles Community College District ("District")to consider proposals for the lease of a pproximately twelve thousand two hundredand forty-seven (12,247) square feet of space situated on the first floor of theLibrary Learning Crossroads B uilding for purposes of operating a food cou rt withan option to provide mobile food cart dining on cam pus; andWHEREAS, Any improvements shall be subject to all applicable zoning and building coderequirements; andWHEREAS, The District intends to jointly occupy the improvements and utilize them foreducational purposes; andWHEREAS, The term of this lease shall not exceed the maximum term allowed by law; andWHEREAS, The lease amount, which will be payable to the District or to the District'sdesignee, will be determined as the result of the proposals received, with no

    minimum lease amount being established by this Resolution; andWHEREAS, The terms of the lease will require the person, firm or corporation with whom theDistrict contracts to facilitate operation and/or manage a food court w ith theoption to provide mo bile food cart dining which will be jointly occupied by theDistrict and said p erson, firm or corporation on the real property designated in thisResolution; andWH EREA S, The D istrict will not pay a rental fee or other charge for its use of the facilities;and

    WH ERE AS, The District will require the person, firm or corporation with whom it enters into alease to provide a security deposit to ensure the performance of the lease; andWH ERE AS, The District has given notice of adoption of this Resolution and the time and placeof this Board Meeting by publishing the notice once a week for a three-weekperiod in a newspa per of general circulation; andWH ERE AS, The D istrict reserves the right to reject all proposals and to withdraw the realproperty from lease; now therefore, be it

  • 8/4/2019 LACCD Agenda 10-5


    RESOLVED, That the Los Angeles Community College District Board of Trustees willconsider proposals for the lease of approximately twelve thousand two hun dredand forty-seven (12,247) square feet of real property located on the first floor ofthe Library Learning Crossroads Building planned for construction at the collegefor puq)oses of entering into a food court operations and mo bile cart diningprogram at its first regularly scheduled Board M eeting on or after April 11, 2012,at Los Ange les Mission College located at 13356 Eldridge Avenue in Sylmar,California; and be it further

    RESOLVED, That the Chancellor, or his designee, is authorized to issue a Request for Proposaland amendment with such terms as he or she deems appropriate in order toeffectuate this resolution.

    IN WITNESS, of the passage of the foregoing resolution, as prescribed by law, we, the membersof said Board of Tmstees, present and voting thereon, have he reunto set our handsththis 5m day of October, 2011.

    Mem ber, Board ofTmstees Member, Board ofTmstees

    Member, Board ofTmstees Member, Board of Tmstees

    Member, Board of Trustees Mem ber, Board of Tmstees

    President, Board of Trustees

  • 8/4/2019 LACCD Agenda 10-5


    ACTION*la Board of Trusteests< .;

  • 8/4/2019 LACCD Agenda 10-5


    Attachment 1 to FPD4

    RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ADDLOS ANGELES SOUTHWEST COLLEGE RELATED TO THE MIDDLE COLLEGSCHOOL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTWHEREAS, An Environmental Impact Report Addendum (the "Addendum") has been prepared forthe Los Angeles Southw est College Master P lan, to include specifically the construction

    of a facility for the Middle College High Scho ol;WHEREAS, On April 15, 2009, the Los Angeles Community CoUege District and Los AngelesUnified School District entered into a Development Agreement and Ground Lease toprovide for the construction and leasing of the Middle College High S chool facility andWHEREAS, The Addendum identifies the activities necessary to construct the Middle College HighSchoo l facility, including demo lition of the existing facilities housing the Midd le CollegeHigh Schoo l and the construction of a new facility that will include an active MethaneMitigation System and installation of an information system supporting thecommunications infrastructure of Middle College High School, as well as examines anyimpacts these activities may have on the environment; andWHEREAS, the Addendum further provides for mitigation measures related to the reduction of noise,emissions impacting air quality and methane release which have already been addressedand/or incorporated in the building design or construction of the project;RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees (the "Board") of the District does approve that the Addendumhas been com pleted in compliance with CEQA; and be it furtherRESOLVED, That the Board does hereby authorize and approve that the Addendum represents theBoard's and D istrict's independent judgment and analysis; and be it furtherRESOLVED, That the District's staff and consultants are hereby authorized and directed to undertake

    the necessary post-approval actions required by CEQA.IN WITNESS of the passage of the foregoing resolution, as prescribed by law, we the members of saidBoard of Trustees, present and voting thereon, have hereun to set our hands this 5th day ofOctober, 2011.

    Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees

    Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board of Trustees

    Member, Board of Trustees Member, Board ofTmstees

    President, Board of Trustees

  • 8/4/2019 LACCD Agenda 10-5


    t IA ^i^S 81a BBHBBUUan SUB aLos Angeies Community College District

    Corn. No. HRD1 Division Human Resources Date: October 5, 2011


    Total Total(This Report) (07-01-11 to Date)

    1. Academic Service: 1529 2322(Facuity, Academic Administration,Academic Supervisors)

    2. Classified Service; 193 420(Clerical, technical, supervisors, maintenance &operations, trades, ciassified manag ers, confidential)

    3. Unc lassified Se rvice: 2187 4695(Student workers, professional experts,community services staff, community recreation)Total: 3909 7437DATE RANGE: August 16, 2011 - September 12, 2011A!l personnel actions reported herein are in accordance with the Board of Trustees Rulesand are within the approved budget. Personnel actions include retirements, employment.leaves, separations/resignations and assignment changes.

    The classified assignments noted abovehave not been certified by the PersonneCommission and are subject to furtheraudit by the Personnel Commission dueto SAP transition issues and may be/-'^ subject to qhangy.^ /: 7 " ^v^ '^'A^T ichaei Shanahan Karenf^Ma^in

    Sr. Associate Vice Chanceilor Personne! DirectorHuman Reso es Personne! Commission

    ^_&/,Recommended by: \j^ KKx^\&^ Approved by: ^^ wAdrians D. Barrera, DeplTb/ Chancellor /'"Daniel J^LaVista, ChanceilorChancellor and SantiagoandaeleSecretary of the Board of Trustees Field Svonkin

    Park VeresBy Date Pea rim an BarreroStudent Trustee Advisory VotePage of 2 Pages Corn. No. HRD1 DJv. Human Resources Date: 10-5-11

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    oard of TrusteesLos Angeles Community College DistrictCorn.No. HRD1 Division Human Resources Date: October 5, 2011

    II. SUSPENSION OF CLASSJRED PERMANENT EMPLOYEEThe twenty (20)^fays suspension of emptoyee (EN710520) assigned to LosAngeles VaHey College as a permanent Co'lfege Financial Administrator is basedon the following causes:

    InefficiencyInattention to or Deretiction of Duty

    Backciround: The above recommendation is in accordance with procedures listedin Education Code Section 88123 and Personnel Comm ission Rule 735. Evidenceis on file in the Empfoyer-Employee Relations Unit of the Human ResourcesDivision to support the above recommendation.Due process rights guaranteed by Skelly v._ State Personnel Board, 15 Cal. 3d 194(1975) have been afforded the above listed permanent employee.

    III. DISMISSAL OF CLASSIFIED PERMANENT EM PLOYEEThe dismissal of employee (EN1018619) assigned to West Los Angeles Coiiegeas a permanent Custodial Supervisor is based on the following causes:

    Frequent Unexcused Absence orTardinessAbuse of Leave Privileges by Habitual Use of Leave for Trivialindispositions or by Absence so Frequent that the Efficiency of the Serviceis ImpairedInefficiencyAbsence Without Leave or Abandonment of PositionInattention to or De reliction of D uty

    Backciround: The above recommendation is in accordance with procedures listedin Education Code Section 88123 and Personnel Comm ission Rule 735. Evidenceis on file in the Employer-Empioyee Relations Unit of the Human ResourcesDivision to support the above recommendation.Due process rights guaranteed by Skelfy v. State Personnel Board, 15 Cai. 3d !94(1975) have been afforded the above iisted permanent employee.

    Page 2 of 2 Pages Corn. No. HRD1 Div. Human Resources Date: 10-5-11

  • 8/4/2019 LACCD Agenda 10-5


    i. A @* Los Angeles ConnmunitY College District

    Corn. No. ISD1 Division: EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Date: Octobers, 2011


    TransferabiiityADDICST 025 Counseling Addiction and Co-Occumng NTDisorders/CiinJcal Supervision (3 Units) PIERCEA N T H R O 151 Visual Anthropology: Exploring Culture Through csuFilm and Mixed Media (3 Units) CITYGEO LOGY 022F Geology Field Study - San Andreas Fauit csu(1 Unit) PIERCEPLNT SC 185 Directed Study - Plant Science (1 Unit) N TPIERCE

    PINT SC 285 Directed Study ~ Plant Science (2 Units) N TPIERCEPOL SC! 050 ntroduction to Research in Political Science csu

    (3 Units) PIERCE


    *0 -4. 00Point of ^-IMPERJA! \-"Beginning in in H I G H W A Y -I\ S 8948'24" E 662.64> "~^fs\ . lllnhTANlljfT^^^TT -4 s/LUr)'Z .UJ *LO> LOT 1 ^^< LOA01-^

    R.W. POINTDEXTER'S SUBDIVISION =s"I.z .ftCDoc K).",LU M.R. 59 82 ^-p 60coUJ (/)?

    1 ^True Po/nt ofBeginning .1aKninps '0:: '..

    tN '0.3 ^\.y

    09 0 'i*jLINE BEARING DISTANCE '0.^L1 3_8S-48'Q8""E 113.77' r.100' 501 0' 1001 L3 $-5r41'2TE 9.82 \w>* co MCHS6 S 10"00'28"~W 60.89' r-'L8 S OD'00'00" 'E 41.381 0)L9t.9 N_90'00700!'-W 2

    GRAPHIC SCALE UQ $ 00'00'00"-E as.sr r~L11 N 90-QO'QP" W 32.90' -1^.0SCALE: 1" == 100' L12 s o55 LI 9 N.7^55'48"I 25.58'* f~cs 32^0' 85.33' 9S-25727" u.o N 00'60IOO"'-W 50.2B' 'S. +.^JlC7 &Q.OO' 23.0:2" 65'5r24" L21 N .80''00'06"-E 16.35' /.

  • 8/4/2019 LACCD Agenda 10-5


    '* ACTION9tI! Board of Trustees:^

  • 8/4/2019 LACCD Agenda 10-5


    Board of TrusteesLos Angeles Community College District

    Corn.No.FPD7 Division FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPM ENT Date: Octobers, 2011

    The proposed project would be implemented in two phases and includesthe adaptive re-use of an existing industrial building (Building 1 ),demolition of Buildings 3 and 4 and the construction of a new building onthe project site to create the Firestone Education Center, a satellitecampus to ELAC. Phase I would result in the construction of anapproximately 136,500-square-foot building, a 1,700-space parkingstructure, entry drives, a surface parking !ot, and a campus plaza. Uponcompletion, the Phase I campus would be a stand-aione facility,independent of Building 1, which would continue in its use as awarehouse. Also, Building 2, which is currently occupied by the LosAngeles Unified School District (LAUSD) South Gate Community AdultSchool, would not be utilized for college uses and would continue to beused by LAUSD in its current condition.Phase II involves the full renovation of Building 1 (455,949 square-feet) tobecome an indoor campus to accommodate up to 12,000 students. Thetime frame for this level of enrollment is uncertain due to a number offactors, including: the economy, State funding, growth restrictions andavailability of educational facilities elsewhere. However, for purposes ofanalysis, it is assumed that 12,000 students would be enroHed in 2025.n addition to the current
