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Great state. Great opportunity Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service 20 February 2014 Targeted advertising Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital Workforce Establishment Strategy
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Great state. Great opportunity

Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service

20 February 2014

Targeted advertising

Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital Workforce Establishment Strategy

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Glossary of acronyms and terms 3

1. Purpose 5

2. How do I apply for a position at the LCCH? 5

3. Scope 6

4. Eligibility 6

4.1 Phase 1: Targeted Advertising (at level positions) 6

4.2 Phase 2: Targeted Advertising (at level or different level positions) 7

4.3 Phase 3: Open Merit (external advertising) 7

5. Authorisation to share personal details and employment information (MHS employees only) 7

6. Selection process 8

6.1.1 Matching Process 8

6.1.2 How will the matching process work? 8

6.2.1 Closed assessment process 8

6.2.2 How will the closed assessment process work? 8

7. Outcome of selection process 8

7.1 CHQ HHS Employees 8

7.2 MHS Employees 9

8. Review of selection decision 9

8.1 Seek feedback 9

8.2 Lodge your request for review 10

8.3 Who will review the request for review of selection decision? 10

8.4 What is the review process? 10

8.5 How long will the review take? 10

9. Employee transfer to the LCCH – (CHQ HHS employees only) 11

9.1 Objection to transfer into the LCCH… 11

9.2 Lodge your statement of reasons 11

9.3 Establish reasonable grounds 11

9.4 Unable to establish reasonable grounds 11

9.5 How long will consideration of my statement of reasons take? 12

10. Further information/enquiries 12 Table 1: Workforce Establishment Approach for LCCH and CHQ HHS 13

Flowchart 1: Phase 1 and 2 targeted advertising for the LCCH 14

Flowchart 2: Matching process and closed assessment process 15

Document prepared by: CHQ Workforce Commissioning Team

Department/Unit: People and Culture

Email: [email protected]

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Glossary of acronyms and terms

Acronym/term Definition

At level / same classification level

A position that is at your substantive level ie the classification level of your permanent position. (In the case of temporary employees, your substantive level is the classification level of your temporary position).

CYCHS Child & Youth Community Health Service.

CHQ HHS Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service.

Closed Assessment Process

Where there are more eligible applicants than positions, the most meritorious applicants will be selected by assessing their Resume, Application and Referee Report. (If required, the selection panel may introduce other selection techniques such as interviews).

Delegate The Line Manager/Executive who has the authority to approve the appointment in accordance with the CHQ HHS Human Resource Sub-Delegations Manual.

Eligibility Refer to pages 5 and 6 for further information regarding eligibility requirements.

Employee Management Process (EMP)

The EMP process was introduced by the Queensland Government to provide greater scrutiny over the hiring decisions associated with non-frontline positions across the public sector. For further information please refer to


Employees requiring placement (ERP)

An employee who requires placement as result of not being able to be substantively allocated to a role following workplace change. ERP applies to permanent CHQ HHS employees who require placement. The process occurs in accordance with the Public Service Commission Directive No. 06/13: Employees Requiring Placement www.psc.qld.gov.au/publications/directives/assets/2013-6-employees-requiring-placement-directive.pdf Related information is found in the Directive 11/12 Early Retirement, Redundancy and Retrenchment www.psc.qld.gov.au/publications/directives/assets/2012-11-Early-Retirement-Redundancy-and-Retrenchment.pdf

HHS Hospital and Health Service.

LCCH Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital.

Matching process

Where there are equal to or fewer eligible applicants than positions they will be filled by assessing them against the key attributes of the position using their Resume, Application and Referee Report.

MCH Mater Children’s Hospital.

Merit How your skills, experience, performance and behaviour will meet the requirements of the position compared with other applicants.

MHS Mater Health Service.

Open merit recruitment Refers to a recruitment and selection process where a vacancy is advertised

externally to the organisation and is open to all interested applicants.

RCH Royal Children’s Hospital.

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Redeployment The transfer of an employee to a lower classification level with their consent.

Selection process The process that will be used to fill LCCH positions using either a Matching Process or Closed Assessment Process.

Targeted advertising A process that limits the invitation to apply for a vacancy. Under the Workforce Establishment Strategy, this process will apply to eligible CHQ HHS employees and eligible MHS employees.

Tier 3 Positions at this Tier may manage a service or a unit within a service at CHQ HHS or a senior role which reports directly to a Tier 2 position.

Tiers 4 and below All other positions that sit below Tier 3 positions.

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1. Purpose The Workforce Establishment Strategy (the strategy) has been developed to explain the process for establishing the workforce for the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital (LCCH) at the Tier 3 and below level. (Please refer to Table 1 on page 12 for an overview of the workforce establishment approach for the LCCH). CHQ HHS and MHS are committed to working together to implement this strategy in order to establish the workforce for the LCCH. While CHQ HHS will be responsible for managing this process, regular communication and information sharing on progress will occur with MHS. A targeted advertising process is being used to establish the workforce for Tier 3 and below at the LCCH. This means that the recruitment to positions at the LCCH is limited, in the first instance, to CHQ HHS and MHS employees defined as eligible to apply (refer to section 4 Eligibility for further information). The following documents have been developed as part of the strategy to ensure there is a fair, consistent and streamlined approach assisting the selection panel to consider similar information in a standardised way for each applicant and to assist eligible applicants to apply for LCCH positions: Targeted Advertising Role Description - this document provides information about the advertised

position and how to apply. Resume Template (Attachment A) - this template is provided in the Targeted Advertising Role

Description. The use of this template is mandatory to apply for LCCH positions. Refer to the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital job application guide to assist you to complete your resume.

Application Template (Attachment B) - this template is provided in the Targeted Advertising Role

Description. The use of this template is mandatory to apply for LCCH positions. Refer to the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital job application guide to assist you to complete your application.

Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital job application guide (this guide will assist you to complete your

resume and application (attachments A and B) and also provides interview tips and advice). Request to Review Form (Attachment C) - refer to Section 8 for further information.

NOTE: All resources will be available online for your use via either the CHQ HHS Building our workforce intranet site or SmartJobs and Careers website.

2. How do I apply for a position at the LCCH? The Targeted Advertising Role Description will provide you with all the information about the advertised position and the instructions for how to apply. All positions will be advertised on the Smartjobs and Careers website with a direct link to ‘Children’s Health Queensland’ for ease of access. The link is found under ‘Department or organisation’ in the Smartjobs website. You will be required to apply for positions online. If you do not already have an account with Smartjobs and Careers, you will have to create an account to apply for jobs online. You may also like to register for job alerts so that you can receive notifications of positions that you are interested in when they are advertised. Please visit Smartjobs and Careers for further information at www.smartjobs.qld.gov.au

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3. Scope In scope Tier 3 and below positions for the LCCH are within scope of the targeted advertising process. This

includes CYCHS, including Child Development or Child Protection services (that currently provide services to the RCH) and positions in Child and Youth Mental Health Services (CYMHS).

Out of scope Tier 3 and below positions for the LCCH that are out of scope of the targeted advertising process include: Tier 3 Medical positions that have already been established as part of the CHQ HHS/LCCH workforce

planning and have been subject to an open merit selection process.

Tier 3 Director positions in Allied Health will be filled through an open merit recruitment process. New Tier 3 Director/Manager positions in CYMHS will be filled through an open merit recruitment

process. CYCHS, including Child Development or Child Protection services that do not currently provide

services to the RCH at this stage (specific positions yet to be identified). (Employees who are based in these positions may apply for positions at the LCCH providing they meet eligibility requirements (refer to section 4 Eligibility for further information).

4. Eligibility The request for applications for permanent positions at the LCCH is only open to eligible CHQ HHS and MHS employees. Positions will be advertised using a three phased approach outlined below. Employees currently employed by CHQ HHS or MHS are eligible to apply for positions provided they meet the eligibility criteria outlined below: 4.1 PHASE 1: Targeted Advertising (at level positions): To be eligible to apply for a Phase 1 position at the LCCH, you must meet the following criteria:

Be a permanent employee of CHQ HHS or MHS whose substantive position is at the same classification level as the advertised position and is involved in the delivery of paediatric services within CHQ HHS or the MCH.

NOTE: Permanent CHQ HHS employees include employees of CHQ HHS whose position is involved in the delivery of paediatric services who are on secondment to another HHS or agency.

Be a temporary employee of CHQ HHS or MHS whose temporary position is at the same

classification level as the advertised position and is involved in the delivery of paediatric services within CHQ HHS or MCH and all of the following criteria are met (as prescribed in Public Service Commission Directive No. 20/10 Temporary Employment1):

1 The purpose of Directive 20/10 Temporary Employment is to set the criteria for the review of the status of temporary employees for conversion to permanent status at level. This Directive does not apply to permanent employees. If a permanent employee is relieving at a higher classification level ie performing higher duties, they are only eligible to apply for positions at their substantive classification level. They are NOT eligible to apply for positions at the higher classification level.

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At the time of advertising, you have performed the same or similar role for a continuous period of two years or more; and

During the previous two year period in the same or similar role, the combined total breaks in employment does not exceed three months; and

The position you are currently in was advertised and you were appointed to the position through an open merit process; and

You have been assessed as meeting the agreed performance objectives of the position,

IMPORTANT NOTE: CHQ HHS and MHS will confirm as part of the validation process that you meet the eligibility criteria.

4.2 PHASE 2: Targeted Advertising (at level or different level positions): If there are any unfilled positions resulting from Phase 1, Phase 2 will be undertaken.

To be eligible for a Phase 2 position at the LCCH you must meet the following criteria:

Be a permanent employee of CHQ HHS or MHS whose position is involved in the delivery of paediatric services within CHQ HHS or MCH.

NOTE: Permanent CHQ HHS employees include employees of CHQ HHS whose position is involved in the delivery of paediatric services who are on secondment to another HHS or agency.

Be a temporary employee of CHQ HHS and MHS whose position is involved in the delivery of paediatric services within CHQ HHS or MCH.

NOTE: In Phase 2 there is no requirement for temporary employees to meet the criteria as prescribed in Public Service Commission Directive No. 20/10 Temporary Employment).

Be a casual employee of CHQ HHS or MHS during the period of advertising of the position whose position is involved in the delivery of paediatric services within CHQ HHS or MCH.

4.3 PHASE 3: Open Merit (open market advertising). Open market advertising of positions will occur for roles which have not been filled through phases 1 or 2 or by the ERP process. (This is a standard recruitment process).

IMPORTANT NOTE: Eligible employees from CHQ HHS and MHS are encouraged to apply for positions at the LCCH.

5. Authorisation to share personal details and employment information (MHS employees only)

CHQ HHS will require access to your personal details and employment information (work information and history) to: Determine whether you meet the eligibility requirements under section 4 and Facilitate your appointment into CHQ HHS if you are successful in the selection process. The information you provide in your application will need to be shared between CHQ HHS and MHS.

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6. Selection process The selection process to fill positions at the LCCH (Phase 1 and 2) will consist of either a Matching or Closed Assessment Process as detailed below. 6.1.1 Matching Process

Where there are equal to or fewer eligible applicants than positions, a matching process will occur. 6.1.2 How will the Matching Process work? A selection panel consisting of three or more people, including a Chairperson, who have knowledge of the requirements and outcomes of the job will assess applicants against the key attributes of the position using your Resume, Application and Referee Check as illustrated in Flowchart 2 (attached). Once the selection panel has completed the Matching Process a recommendation for appointment will be provided to the relevant delegate for approval.

Once approved, all applicants will be advised of the outcome of the Matching Process. 6.2.1. Closed Assessment Process

Where there are more eligible applicants than positions, a closed assessment will occur. 6.2.2 How will the Closed Assessment Process work? Selection decisions will be made by taking into consideration merit, including skill, experience, performance, behaviour and business requirements for the position compared to other applicants. A selection panel consisting of three or more people, including a Chairperson, who have knowledge of the requirements and outcomes of the job will select the most meritorious applicants by assessing your Resume, Application and Referee Report as illustrated in Flowchart 2 (attached). Further assessment techniques may be introduced such as interviews, if required, to determine the most meritorious applicants. Once the selection panel has completed the Closed Assessment Process a recommendation for appointment will be provided to the relevant delegate for approval.

Once approved, all applicants will be advised of the outcome of the Closed Assessment Process.

7. Outcome of selection process 7.1 CHQ HHS Employees All applicants will receive formal notification of the outcome of the selection process. Successful Applicants2: You will receive an appointment letter. Your letter will provide you with your appointment details and a future commencement date as determined by the CHQ HHS Chief Executive. You will have 7 days from the date you receive your letter to accept or decline the appointment.

2 NOTE: In accordance with the Queensland Government Blueprint for Better Health Care, industrial awards covering senior roles will change to the introduction of employment contracts. As a result, Senior Medical Officers and Visiting Medical Officers will be engaged under an individual employment contract.

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If your appointment is at level, you will transfer from your date of commencement unless you can establish reasonable grounds to refuse the transfer (refer to section 9 of this document for further information); or Unsuccessful Applicants If an eligible CHQ HHS employee is unsuccessful in the selection process as set out in section 6 and where opportunities to facilitate an alternative permanent position (including redeployment) have been exhausted, they will be managed in accordance with Public Service Commission Directives No. 06/13: Employees Requiring Placement and No. 11/12 Early Retirement, Redundancy and Retrenchment (or their replacements). You will be advised in writing if you have become an Employee Requiring Placement and if these directives apply to you. 7.2 MHS Employees

All applicants will receive a formal notification of the outcome of the selection process. Successful Applicants3 You will receive formal offer of employment and be provided with a future commencement date. You will have 7 days from the date you receive your letter to formally accept or decline the offer of employment.

Accept: By accepting the offer of employment, you will be appointed to the CHQ HHS from the date of commencement which will be confirmed with you in writing close to the opening of the new facility which is expected to open in late November 2014 or an earlier date, if required and as determined by the CHQ HHS Chief Executive (subject to the validation of pre-commencement compliance checks). You will be expected to resign from the MHS. Upon commencement your employment will be under the Department of Health terms and conditions. Unsuccessful Applicants or Employment Offer Declined If an eligible MHS employee declines an offer of employment or is unsuccessful in obtaining a position with the LCCH, the employee will be managed by MHS.

8. Review of selection decision Unsuccessful eligible applicants from CHQ HHS and MHS may request a review of the selection decision based on the process used to assess the most meritorious applicant being deficient. Decisions of merit are not reviewable. The selection process is not complete until the review period and any subsequent processes are concluded. The review of a selection decision will be managed and resolved as per the following review process: 8.1 Seek feedback You must first seek feedback from the Chairperson of the selection panel or nominated panel member. If you cannot demonstrate that you have sought feedback and made reasonable attempts to resolve the matter, it may be determined that you are ineligible to request a review.

3 NOTE: In accordance with the Queensland Government Blueprint for Better Health Care, industrial awards covering senior roles will change to the introduction of employment contracts. As a result, Senior Medical Officers and Visiting Medical Officers will be engaged under an individual employment contract.

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8.2 Lodge your request for review If after seeking feedback, you would like to proceed with the review, you must lodge your request for the review of the selection decision in writing using the Request to Review Form (Attachment C), detailing all aspects of your case, within 7 days of receiving your formal notification that you were unsuccessful. All review applications are to be lodged with: Manager Workforce Commissioning Workforce Commissioning Team [email protected] who will coordinate the review of the selection decision.

8.3 Who will review the request for review of selection decision?

A review committee has been established. The review committee will consist of an appropriate member of the CHQ Executive Management Team (or nominee) who has not been involved in the selection process and the CHQ HHS Executive Director People and Culture (or nominee).

8.4 What is the review process?

8.4.1 The review committee will be provided with your written request for review, the selection report and

all supporting documents from the Chairperson of the selection panel. The review committee will meet within 3 working days following the closing date of receipt of all documentation.

8.4.2 The review committee will consider all documentation presented and, where necessary, seek

further clarification from the chair of the selection panel and yourself. 8.4.3 The review committee will consider your request for review and establish if you are eligible to

request a review and whether there is an ‘arguable case’. 8.4.4 Where the review committee determines that you have not established an arguable case or not

eligible to request a review, then you have no further right of review. 8.4.5 The final determination of the review committee may:

dismiss the review and confirm the selection committee’s recommendation to appoint; or determine there was a flaw in the process, but that the flaw would not overturn the original

recommendation made by the selection committee to appoint; or refer the matter back to the Chair of the selection panel for reconsideration of the selection

decision; or recommend that a new selection panel be convened.

8.5 How long will the review take?

The review committee will provide you with a formal written decision and brief statement outlining the reasons for the decision within 10 working days of receiving the request for review. The selection panel will also be advised of the outcome of the review. The outcome of the review will be considered final.

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9. Employee transfer to the LCCH (CHQ HHS employees only) By applying for a position at level at the LCCH, you will be appointed to a position if you are successful in the selection process as outlined in section 6. CHQ HHS employees appointed to a position at the LCCH will be transferred to the new position at the time the new facility is expected to open in late November 2014 or an earlier date if required. The commencement date of your position will be confirmed with you in writing close to the opening of the LCCH. Transfers will occur in accordance with section 78 of the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 and Queensland Health’s HR Policy B41 Transfers in Queensland Health.

9.1 Objection to transfer into the LCCH

Section 78 (1) of the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 provides: “If a health service employee is transferred, the transfer has effect unless the employee establishes reasonable grounds for refusing the transfer to the satisfaction of the relevant employer”. 9.2 Lodge your statement of reasons

If you have an objection to the transfer you must do so in writing within 7 days of receiving written notification of your transfer stating your reasons for not transferring based on: travel burdens (in excess of one hour); impacts on family responsibilities; social, health and personal circumstances; and community and occupational norms and expectations. In the first instance, the statement of reason is to be addressed to:

Manager Workforce Commissioning Workforce Commissioning Team [email protected] If you lodge a statement of reasons, the transfer will not proceed until the matter is determined.

9.3 Establish reasonable grounds

If you are able to establish reasonable grounds, as determined by the CHQ HHS Chief Executive, the transfer to the new position will not proceed. Non-transferring staff will be case managed by CHQ HHS People and Culture in accordance with HR Policy B41 Transfers in Queensland, Public Service Commission Directive 6/13 Employees Requiring Placement and Directive 11/12 Early Retirement, Redundancy and Retrenchment.

9.4 Unable to establish reasonable grounds

If you fail to establish reasonable grounds to the satisfaction of the CHQ HHS Chief Executive, the transfer will proceed. If you refuse the transfer after failing to establish reasonable grounds, the CHQ HHS Chief Executive may terminate your employment by written notice as per section 34 of the Public Service Act 2008.

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9.5 How long will consideration of my statement of reasons take?

The CHQ HHS Chief Executive will provide you with a formal written decision and brief statement of the reasons for the decision within 10 working days of receiving your statement of reasons. The outcome of this process will be considered final.

10 Further information/enquiries

For further information please refer to the ‘Building our workforce’ intranet site http://qheps.health.qld.gov.au/childrenshealth/html/wrkforce/home.htm If you have any questions about the strategy please prefer them to the Workforce Commissioning Team at [email protected]

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Table 1: Workforce Establishment Approach for the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital (LCCH), Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service (CHQ HHS)

Phase and description

Eligible candidate pool Eligible candidate pool criteria

Requirements Process


Targeted Advertising

(At level)


• Mater Health Services (MHS) Employees delivering paediatric services ONLY

Targeted Advertising via Smartjobs

• Permanent employees.

• Temporary employees meet the requirements for conversion to permanent (as per PSC Directive 20/10#).

• Exemption from PSC Directive 06/13 Employees Requiring Placement.

• Exemption from requirement for two referee reports for medical staff (to be the same as all other categories – minimum of one referee report).

• Matching assessment process where there are less eligible candidates than available positions. Assessment will be based on written application and referee report).

• Closed assessment process where there are more eligible candidates than available positions. Assessment will be based on written application, referee report and interview or other assessment method.


Targeted Advertising

(Open – any level)


• MHS Employees delivering paediatric services ONLY

Targeted Advertising via Smartjobs

• All employees, including temporary and casual employees from within the eligible candidate pool.

• Exemption from PSC Directive 06/13 Employees Requiring Placement.

• Exemption from requirement for two referee reports for medical staff (to be the same as all other categories – minimum of one referee report).

• Closed assessment process. Assessment will be based on written application, referee report and interview or other assessment method.


Open Merit Advertised

• Open market advertising via Smartjobs and/or other media (as appropriate)

• Open market • Nil. • Standard recruitment processes such as written application, referee reports and interview or other assessment method.

• CHQ HHS (Managed by CHQ HHS)

• All unplaced employees. • Nil. • PSC Directive 6/13 Employees Requiring Placement.

• PSC Directive 11/12 Early Retirement, Redundancy and Retrenchment.

Employees Requiring Placement

• MHS Employees (Managed by MHS).

• Affected employees. • Nil. • Internal MHS Processes.

• Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwlth).

# Public Service Directive (PSC) No. 20/10 Temporary employment - for a temporary employee to be eligible to be considered in Phase 1 they must meet the following requirements: (i) Completed two years continuous service in the same role in the respective service; (ii) Been engaged as a result of an open merit selection process; and (iii) Satisfactorily meet the agreed performance objectives of the role.

NOTES: For ongoing 'true' temporary positions i.e. where the role is established for a specific funded activity or grant or where the employee is backfilling a permanent employee, the following conditions apply: o Where temporary employees are engaged under a grant or specified funded activity that continues after the establishment of the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital, the temporary arrangements would continue until the cessation of the grant or specified funded activity. o Where temporary employees are backfilling permanent employees for reasons of leave, then these arrangements will continue as outlined on the current engagement documentation or until the engagement is no longer

required. o An employee who is currently working in a temporary position, and who holds an underlying permanent position at MHS or CHQ HHS which is involved in the delivery of paediatric services, will need to formally submit

an application for a permanent position at the same classification level with the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital. Employees engaged on a Temporary Resident Visa (subclass 457) will be managed on a case by case basis.

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Flowchart 1

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Flowchart 2 Matching process The diagram bellow illustrates the matching process that will be undertaken when there are equal to or more positions than applicants for the LCCH.

Closed assessment process The diagram below outlines the Closed Assessment Process that will be undertaken when there are more applicants than positions for the LCCH.
