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LADY TALK - The Bay Friendship Clubthebayfriendshipclub.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/... ·...

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Page 1: LADY TALK - The Bay Friendship Clubthebayfriendshipclub.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/... · don’t act like you can’t live your own lives. Codependent relationships limit the


Page 2: LADY TALK - The Bay Friendship Clubthebayfriendshipclub.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/... · don’t act like you can’t live your own lives. Codependent relationships limit the


It’s God’s Approval That Counts

4 Signs that You Need to End a Dating


Living Well When it Hurts

An Open Letter to a Single Girl from a

Single Guy

How to Be a Woman Worth Pursuing


Confident Woman Devotional

Lady in Waiting

Lady of Conviction Part 2


Community Talk

Uviwe Child & Youth Services

Khulusande Sport


MARCH 2020

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The proper time for things is God’s time, not

ours. We are usually in a hurry, but God

never is. We’re often impatient and ready for

everything to happen right now, but God, in

His wisdom, makes sure that we’re prepared

for what He wants to do in our lives, and

preparation takes time.

God takes time to do things right—He

always lays a solid foundation before He

attempts to build a building. We are God’s

building under construction. He’s the Master

Builder, and He knows what He’s doing.

God’s timing seems to be His own little

secret. The Bible promises that He’ll never

be late, but I’ve also discovered that He’s

usually not early. The thing to remember is

that He’s always right on time, and His

timing is perfect.

Prayer Starter: Father, please help me

cooperate with You as You’re preparing me

for the good things ahead. Thank You for

actively working in my life, and for giving me

the ability to trust You with the things I’m

waiting for. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Shared via Joyce Meyer Ministries

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As a pastor’s wife and a mother of

three, I am more conscious than the

average church-goer of my

children’s behavior. As much as I

adore our congregation, there

remains the stereotypical notion that

the pastor’s children are eyed more

keenly than others. You can imagine

my horror when I walked into the

sanctuary one Sunday morning to

find all three of my children leaping

over the tops of the pews, rapidly

(and noisily) jumping from one to the

next, getting closer and closer to the


Being the refined, etiquette-

conscious woman that I am, I started

shouting from the back of the

church, “Stop it! You can’t do that!

Get down from there!” But they were

oblivious. I made a beeline for the

front of the church, pointing at and

scolding each one as I passed them,

finally stopping with my four-year-old

son. I hissed a command for him to

come to me, and of course he just


Eventually he woke up to the

seriousness in my tone and decided

to humble himself. I put my arm

around his shoulder and saw his

bottom lip start to quiver – the first

sign of repentance. I said to him

calmly, but sternly, “Listen. You

cannot do that. You are not allowed

to jump over the pews.” He looked

up at me with his puppy-dog eyes

and nodded soberly. “Okay, Mom,”

he said, still nodding. “But what’s a

pew?” Of course I smiled. And with

the smile came the realization that I

had overreacted. Again!

The same sin in my heart manifests

itself in a myriad of different masks.

swimming lessons with her swimming

cap on her head. “Why not, Mom?”

she asked. “Is it because you think

people will think I look silly?”

“Well, yes,” I admitted. “I don’t care if

people think I look silly,” was her

nonchalant response. I relented. Part

of me was glad that I have not yet

scarred her completely with my

unbiblical thinking regarding image,

perception, and pleasing people.

Another part of me wondered how

long it will take before her childlike

naivety and innocence wears off and

she becomes more aware of peer

pressure and wanting to fit in. I have

to ask myself: “How can I, as a

parent, be proactive and help protect

my children from succumbing to the

wants of society as I am so

programmed to do?”

For a start, I can ensure that they are

raised with a biblical view of

themselves. Each one of us is a

wretched sinner, completely and

utterly helpless to do or be anything

good without the help of the Holy

Spirit. Having said that, it’s

astounding to think we have been

made by God in His image.

He Himself knitted us together,

exactly how He wanted us to be

If I truly believed that, I would spend

far less time in front of the mirror. I

would not sigh with such agitation on

Sunday mornings when my kids drip

syrup onto their church clothes. If I

really believed that, I would happily

let my daughter walk in public with a

swimming cap on her head, as long

as her heart is right with God.

But the substance from which the

masks are formed is the same. They

are all molded from a plaster called

pride. I want others to think well of

me, to be impressed with my

parenting skills, to compliment my

children's behavior, obedience, and

sweet countenances.

How many times have I scolded my

nine-year-old because his shirt was

not tucked in, or reprimanded my

four-year-old for not wiping the

toothpaste off his face like I asked

him to? Tidy appearances and

personal hygiene are not inherently

wrong or unbiblical, but what is my

motive for such standards?

Truthfully, it’s to make a good

impression on others. At its root is

the desire to please people.

If my daughter is desperate to go to

church so she can learn more about

Jesus, does God care whether her

socks match? 1 Samuel 16:7 says,

“People look at the outward

appearance, but the LORD looks at

the heart.”

Pastor’s wife or not, my concern

should not be first and foremost what

the congregation members

think of me or my children, so long as

my heart is right with God. Biblically

speaking, I shouldn’t place a desire

to please and impress others over

and above my desire to please my

King. I’ve been convicted by Gal.

1:10 – “Am I now trying to win the

approval of human beings, or of

God? Clearly, I still have a long way

to go in this process of sanctification,

for even as I was working on this

article, I found myself trying to

convince my six-year-old daughter

that she couldn’t walk the mile to

Page 5: LADY TALK - The Bay Friendship Clubthebayfriendshipclub.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/... · don’t act like you can’t live your own lives. Codependent relationships limit the

When it comes to dating, there are

plenty of perspectives. The Bible

doesn't offer an instruction manual

for dating; instead, it paints pictures

of healthy relationships in which

people respect and care for each

other (or fail to), whether before or in


Ask God what He thinks about your

relationship and what needs to

change — regardless of if it's to end

the relationship or to continue into

marriage. Here are a few things to

consider with the person you're

dating (or the person you hope to


Four Signs You Might Need to

End a Dating Relationship Now

1. You're following Jesus, and the

man or woman you’re dating is

not. Dating is a process that allows

you to see if another person would

be a potentially suitable spouse. It’s

also a way to grow in understanding

of relationships with other people.

(Missionary dating is probably a bad

idea.) If you’re a Christian, having a

good time is an important part of

dating, but the best goal is to lay a

healthy, respectful foundation that

could grow into a marriage. When

outsiders see a husband and wife

serving each other like Jesus serves

the Church, they’ll get a better

picture of who God is (Ephesians


A good, loving relationship of any

type will be beneficial and

respectful for each person.

2. Your life revolves entirely

around the other person.

develops ways to combat the

addiction and works to get healthy,

those addictions often take higher

priority than the significant other.

What your boyfriend or girlfriend

needs more than a relationship

with you is a growing relationship

with Jesus.

If you’re dating someone who exhibits

one or all of the signs above, what

your boyfriend or girlfriend needs

more than a relationship with you is a

growing relationship with Jesus.

Pray for that person like you would a

brother or sister. Invite them to

church. But at the very least, hit

pause and get wise counsel from

someone experienced in following

Jesus and building healthy


These signs may be hints that your

significant other is not ready for

marriage, and right now, he or she is

not God’s best for you. A godly

spouse is worth waiting for. A true

friend will put the other’s needs

before his or her own.

Shared via New Spring.

Is it impossible for either one of you

to do something independent of the

other? You’re not married yet, so

don’t act like you can’t live your own

lives. Codependent relationships limit

the freedom of both people because

they’re controlled by the needs and

time of each other.

Singleness is a unique opportunity

for people to be involved in a church

community and serve Jesus in ways

that married people cannot (1

Corinthians 7:32-35).

3. You care more about the other

person than he or she does about

you. It's not healthy romantic love if

both people don’t actually care about

each other. Relationships are a two-

way street, but if it’s only one way,

it’s called infatuation.

When only one party is committed in

the relationship, it’s unreasonable

and unhealthy. This often leads to

confusion and emotional pain. A

good, loving relationship of any type

will be beneficial and respectful for

each person (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).

4. Your boyfriend or girlfriend is

an addict to anything — and is

unwilling to change. If your

significant other pays more attention

to a smartphone than to you, it may

be an indicator that he or she is

addicted to technology.

Perhaps there’s another sort of

addiction one of you struggles with,

like porn or alcohol or excessive

shopping. Addictions add strain to

any relationship. Our selfish desires

are fueled by what we pay most

attention to (Matthew 6:19-

24; Proverbs 23:1-7). Unless one

Page 6: LADY TALK - The Bay Friendship Clubthebayfriendshipclub.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/... · don’t act like you can’t live your own lives. Codependent relationships limit the

Maybe you’re single and your

blank would be filled in with

“serve” or “work.” Or possibly,

your children are all grown and

your spouse has passed away,

and your blank is completed

with “finish my life.”

Pain complicates things. It

pushes us to our outermost

limits and can reveal the worst

about our sinful nature. But I’m

guessing, none of us want to be

known or remembered by how

cranky we can get? I know I

don’t. Thankfully, as believers in

Jesus Christ, we know that God

can use even the worst

circumstances in our life for

good and our sinfulness doesn’t

have to define us!

As I’ve struggled my entire life

with chronic pain, I’ve

experienced how ugly of a

person it can make me, but I’ve

also discovered how I can turn

that ugliness around.

1. Ask God to show you what

you do and don’t need to ask

forgiveness for.

Pain can produce in us a great

sense of self-guilt over things

that we should not be feeling

guilty about. God’s Spirit and

Word can help us discern what

is self-induced guilt and what is

true guilt over sin that we need

to seek forgiveness for. For

example, self-guilt may say I

need to ask my daughter for

forgiveness because I was in

too much pain to accompany

her class on a field trip, which

she was disappointed about.

I don’t think anyone would argue the statement that we, as

women, juggle a lot. By nature, God created us to be helpers and

nurturers. We are amazing multi-taskers and, more often than

not, we end up putting the needs of others above our own.

So it’s not surprising to me that one of the questions that women

most frequently ask me is, “How do I continue to ____ well while

living with chronic pain?” I’ll let you fill in the blank for yourself,

but being a 30-something mom, many women I interact with, fill in

that blank with “mother” or “love your husband/kids.”

however, I may wake up with

pressure in my head and every

nerve and muscle in my body

aching to the point where it is a

chore to get out of bed. As the

day goes on, I won’t explain how

I’m feeling, but instead get

frustrated that no one is helping

with things around the house.

But why should they?

Yesterday, I did do everything

and so I have

to communicate (not complain)

why things are different today.

3. Start your day with serious

prayer, especially on the days

when you feel like it is going

to be near impossible to love

or serve anyone, because of

your pain.

Ask God to be strong when you

are weak. He will give you

exactly what you need for that

day. It’s usually on my most

painful days that friends will tell

me I look the most beautiful. I

can assure you that it’s not

because of the makeup

(although that certainly helps),

but rather Christ’s love shining

through me.

No matter where you find

yourself on the daily spectrum of

trying to live and love well in the

midst of chronic pain, give

yourself permission to lean into

the power and presence of your

compassionate Savior. You can

surrender your pain, emotions,

fragility, and brokenness all to

Him—resting in His promises to

shine through you—even on

your darkest days.

Yes, it’s something we should

talk about and her feelings are

legitimate, but I have not truly

sinned against her. However, if I

get frustrated and say

something to her that hurts her

feelings, simply because I’m

frustrated with my constant

pain, then that is something I

need to apologize both to her

and God for.

2. Talk about your pain to

friends and family.

We all have different comfort

levels when it comes to sharing

about our health. I (obviously)

am open to sharing quite a bit

with whoever will listen.

Sometimes, however, I find I am

not actually communicating as

much as I need to for the people

around me to understand my

needs. Occasionally this is

because I assume that they

should know exactly how I’m

feeling and thinking.

Other times, it’s because I do

not want to sound like I’m

always complaining about the

pain I’m in. But chronic pain can

vary in intensity from day-to-day

and the people who love us,

need help understanding

that. Especially if it is suffering

that is unseen. For example,

one day I may wake up feeling

pretty good physically.

Since I’m having a “good” day

with my pain, I’ll unload the

dishwasher, do a few loads of

laundry, run errands, cook

dinner, etc. The next day,

Article by Adriana Hayes

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Dear Single Girl,

I don't know you personally, yet, but there are a few

things I want to tell you with the hope that I will get to

know you someday. Actually, there are five things I

want you to know:

How to get a man’s attention

The guy that you are looking for isn't attracted to

charm as much as he is godliness because beauty

fades but godliness GROWS (1 Peter 3:3-5). I know

that the culture will tell you that guys are turned away

and intimidated by girls that love Jesus and have

strong values and convictions. Culture is wrong; boys

may be turned away by strong convictions, but men

are not. Be the woman God has called you to be, and

a godly man will notice.

Run from “Prince Charming”

Some girls seem to give attention to every smooth

talker and cool dresser that comes their way. Please

don’t do that; be patient and wait on a man who is

concerned with pursuing Jesus, not another trophy.

Only give the GROWING, God-fearing man a chance

to pursue you. Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain

(Proverbs 31:30).

I am just a guy, not a god

A guy will crumble under the weight of being your

god. No other person can complete you or make you

happy. There are lots of great physical and emotional

benefits that come from a relationship, but none of it

is enough to sustain a healthy loving marriage if your

faith is not in Jesus. No guy will complete you, so

don't put him on that pedestal (he will fall).


Don’t wait on me, pursue Jesus

From my male perspective, there is nothing more

attractive than a woman being obedient to Jesus and

taking the risk to follow Jesus wherever He leads.

Too many times I notice girls in the church just sitting

and waiting on a man to come and rescue them from

a life of boredom. When it comes time for me to pick

a partner, I want somebody that can be with me on

an adventure, not someone that is used to doing

nothing and complaining about the fact that no one is

interested in them. Pursue Jesus and I will pursue

you when He gives me the green light.

Time is not running out

Singleness is a gift, not a curse. Do you want to be

beautiful? Put your hope in God and don't give way to

fear; trust his timing (1 John 4:18). Don't waste your

single years by always waiting on what is next and

turning yourself into a man chaser. Let’s follow God

right now and trust Him to take care of the next. God

is sovereign and able to direct both of us to each

other when the time is right.

Until Then,

Single Guy Shared via New Spring

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Look for a Man Who Will Lead

Your Family

It’s hard when you’re single to

consider what you want your

family dynamic to be like when

you’re married. But dating is a

pathway to marriage.

My fear in asking a guy out is

that I will have become the

leader in the relationship, which

is not at all what I want, nor is it

what God wants for us.

Ephesians 5:22-33 paints a

beautiful picture of what a

relationship between man and

wife should look like: “Wives,

submit to your husbands as to

the Lord. For the husband is the

head of the wife as Christ is the

head of the church, his body, of

which he is the Savior.”

At first glance, the feminist in

me thinks, “Why should I

submit?” But the next part gets

me. “Husbands, love your

wives, just as Christ loved the

church and gave himself up for

her” (Ephesians 5:25).

I truly want a husband that

leads. I want him to make the

first call by pursuing me.

Husbands are called to love us

with bravery, to protect us, to

make difficult decisions. If

you’re anything like me, it’s hard

enough to decide which

clearance necklace to buy at

Target. I truly want a husband

that leads. I want him to make

the first call by pursuing me.

It’s not bad to dream, but if those

dreams distract me from

experiencing Jesus in the here

and now, I’m missing out on

more than being married. I’m

missing out on what Jesus

wants to do in me today that will

help me be a better wife


Just like I want to marry a man

of good character who will lead

the way in asking me out, my

future husband wants to marry a

woman of noble character who

loves Jesus and puts Him first in

her life.

Single ladies, let’s stop chasing

fantasies about the perfect guy,

the perfect wedding, the perfect

family. Let’s change our focus to

solely pursuing God and loving

those around us.

God may be calling you to

marriage, but He has not called

you to pursue the man of your

dreams. Let God take care of

that for you. Let’s choose to

remain obedient and trust in

God’s timing and His plan for us.

And maybe that guy will finally

have the courage to ask you out.

Live Where God Has You Now

Wanting a man to pursue me

doesn’t change the fact that no

one is currently pursuing me.

How do I trust God and continue

waiting patiently?

The ability to wait ultimately

comes down to whether I trust

that God wants what’s best for

me. Maybe in this season, God

is using my singleness to grow

me closer to Him, and perhaps

a boyfriend would be a

distraction. Maybe God is

preparing a young man’s heart

to take on the pursuit of mine.

I can’t know God’s mind, but I

can obey His commands

(Romans 11:33-36).

We are called to be obedient to

what Jesus has for us right now.

Whether we will eventually

marry or not, we all have

opportunities in front of us today

to make a difference for His


The apostle Paul writes in 1

Corinthians 7:8, “Now to the

unmarried and the widows I say:

It is good for them to stay

unmarried as I am … An

unmarried woman… is

concerned about the Lord’s

affairs: Her aim is to be devoted

to the Lord in both body and


Sometimes all I can think about

is, Will my husband listen to the

same music as me? Will he

enjoy hiking? Will he love


With Valentine’s Day, I’m reminded again of my singleness. As a

woman of the Lord, I know my strength is found in Him.

I’ll get together with all my single ladies for our yearly tradition of

“Valentine's Day,” but the truth is, I still find myself hoping Mr.

Right will come along because I’m tired of waiting.

I’ve considered going for it and asking out the guy I’ve had my

eye on for a while. Ever been friends with a guy and wondered

when it was going to click that for him you’re into him?

If I don’t ask him out, how else will he know? But is that OK?

What does Jesus want for me and for you?

Article by Emily Becker

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The Man-Worth-Waiting-For

How would you describe the ideal man? A group of

sharp women were asked to describe a “Man-Worth-

Waiting-For,” and all of them immediately replied:

spiritual leader. One woman expounded on this quality

in her unique way: “I want a guy who enjoys talking

about Jesus in such a way that it reveals his obvious,

bursting love for Him.” Too many guys want to talk

about Jesus for 60 seconds and their car or job or latest

toy for the rest of the evening.

One woman shared a verse that she thought his life

should reflect, “Psalm 73:25: “Whom have I in heaven

but You [the Lord]? And besides You, I desire nothing

on earth.” Do such spiritual men exist? Yes, but they are

exceptions and not the rule. Their appearance requires

waiting on the part of the recipient.

Before considering the specific qualities found in a

Boaz, one should deal with certain physical stereotypes.

Whether you have been looking for a guy who is a

bronzed, blue-eyed blonde (“B.B.B.”) or is tall, dark, and

handsome (“T.D.H.”), you need to surrender your

desires to the Lord. Everyone has certain preferences.

But such a mind-set needs to be given to Jesus. Too

many single women have missed wonderful treasures in

godly guys because the treasure was not encased in a

B.B.B. or T.D.H. The Lord will probably not require you

to date a guy who repulses you physically. But you need

to be open to guys who do not fit your desired

stereotype. Too often a guy may satisfy your eyesight,

but leave your heart empty and still longing. Remember,

after a few years that bronzed, blueeyed blonde can be

transformed into a pale, bald guy with bifocals on those

gorgeous eyes.

A famous actress told a Christian psychologist that her

five husbands had all been attractive outside (they were

all B.B.B’s or T.D.H.’s), but rotten on the inside. How

many women, after the honeymoon is over, feel like they

married a stranger? How many newlyweds are

disillusioned by their mate’s behavior within a few

months of marriage? Most marriage counseling

problems have their roots in personality problems—not


The Book of Ruth gives not only the story of a Lady in

Wedding Day Chains

“Here comes the bride all dressed in…chains!” Hey,

wasn’t that supposed to be “all dressed in white”? The

last word in the chorus was changed to “chains,” not

because the bride is marrying a member of a

motorcycle gang, but because she made the unwise

choice of marrying an unbeliever. The chains symbolize

what she has to look forward to as a believer married to

an unbeliever. The Word of God speaks clearly about a

partnership with an unbeliever.

A common verse used for this conviction is Second

Corinthians 6:14-17, but you find a more poignant

message for the one who wavers in this convictions in


But if you turn away and ally yourselves with the

survivors of these nations that remain among you and if

you intermarry with them and associate with them, then

you may be sure that the Lord your God will no longer

drive out these nations before you. Instead, they will

become snares and traps for you, whips on your backs

and thorns in your eyes, until you perish from this good

land, which the Lord your God has given you (Joshua

23:12-13 NIV).

One would be foolish to disobey God in the area of

marrying an unbeliever.

When a single woman experiences a prolonged period

of datelessness, loneliness tempts her to compromise

her conviction concerning dating a growing Christian.

Her dateless state may pressure her to surrender to the

temptation of dating an unbeliever. She may justify such

a date in the guise of being a witness for Jesus. Many

single women have been trapped emotionally with an

unbeliever when it all began with “missionary dating.”

Ponder this: Every unbelieving marriage partner arrived

as an unbeliever on the first date. As trite as it may

seem, every date is a potential mate. Avoid dating an


Many women want so desperately to date that the only

qualification they have for the guy is that he goes to

church. Every Sunday churches have people attending

to appease God or to satisfy a religious urge. You must

set a higher standard and resist dating a guy who is not

growing in his intimacy with Christ.

By Debbie Jones & Jacky Kendall

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by those with whom he works.

There will be…glory and honor and peace to everyone

who does good… (Romans 2:9-10).

Follows through on his God-given responsibilities.

He uses the talents God has given him and realizes that

“he + Jesus = adequacy for any Godgiven job.” He is

neither overconfident nor absorbed with feelings of

inferiority. He is not a dreamer, wishing for more ability,

but a diligent steward of the talents he has been given.

This man is dependable and stays with even a difficult

task until it is completed.

Now it is required that those who have been given a

trust must prove faithful (1 Corinthians 4:2 NIV).

Understands the importance of feelings and

emotions. Some women may find themselves attracted

to a demanding man, assuming that his dominance will

be their security. Other women may marry a doormat

they can dominate, but inevitably end up despising the

man’s weakness. A gentle man is the best of both; he

takes the initiative to lead but tempers it with gentle

responses toward the other’s feelings.

So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and

beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness,

humility, gentleness and patience (Colossians 3:12).

Flees temptations to compromise. This man refuses

to be in situations that are sensual, immoral, or impure.

He does not entertain friendships that lead to

drunkenness or carousing. He avoids talk that could

cause strife or jealousy. This man does not allow a

temper to control him or anger to destroy him.

Like a city that is broken into and without walls is a man

who has no control over his spirit (Proverbs 25:28).

These qualities are not unrealistic ideals. When a man

follows Jesus, the Holy Spirit works these into his life. In

fact, you can read this list again and match the fruit of

the Spirit with the appropriate characteristic. “But the

fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,

goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against

such things there is no law” (Gal. 5:22-23).

None of the men you date will have all these qualities

perfected. All of us are at differing levels of maturity. A

man of God is one who works toward being conformed

to the character of Christ. But be careful when a quality

of God’s Spirit is completely missing in a man’s life and

he is unwilling to deal with it before marriage. Realize

that if character is absent before the wedding ceremony,

it will be missing after the wedding ceremony and cause

considerable problems during marriage.

Was Boaz, Ruth’s knight, the last man of godly

character, or was he just one of many? We are

convinced that God still grooms Boazs for His daughters


This does not mean a guy has to be perfect in order for

you to go out with him. It does mean that he needs to be

growing in Christlikeness by the enabling power of the

Waiting, but also the profile of a Knight in Shining

Armor. From the first mention of this man Boaz, you

begin to notice special qualities that distinguish a Boaz

from a Bozo.

You want to marry someone for the qualities he

possesses now, not for the qualities you hope he will

develop. The most common mistake made by marriage

partners is marrying someone they intend to change.

Since it is nearly impossible to change a person, you will

want to set standards of dating, or of building

friendships, with men who are characterized by the

qualities below. A single woman can sidestep a lifetime

of tragedy by seriously considering these characteristics

in a prospective steady date.

Puts the needs of others ahead of his own. This man

accepts people just the way they are, loving others even

when his love is not returned. He will continue to love

someone because of his commitment to that person, not

because of how he feels.

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with

humility of mind regard one another as more important

than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own

personal interests, but also for the interests of others

(Philippians 2:3-4).

Rejoices in his relationship with Christ.You don’t

have to ask this man if he is a Christian. His joy in the

Lord is evident in his life.

These things I have spoken to you, so that My joy may

be in you, and that your joy may be made full (John


Maintains proper relationships. This man seeks a

good relationship with everyone—from his friends to his

parents. He listens to differing perspectives without

feeling threatened. He has the strength to back off from

a fight. He works to forgive wrongs done to him and

seeks to make his own offenses right. He will not hold a


Pursue peace with all men… (Hebrews 12:14).

Refuses to jump ahead of God’s timing. He is not so

eager to be something, do something, or have

something that he cannot wait on God’s timing. He

chooses against impulsiveness so he may be in the

exact center of God’s will.

Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him… (Psalm


Seeks to meet the practical needs of others. He is

not so self-absorbed that he cannot make time for the

needy. He is interested in the welfare of others and is

willing to give his time, money, and energy for their


Be kind to one another, tender-hearted… (Ephesians


Stands for what is right. He hates anything contrary to

God’s holy character. He is known as a man of integrity

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Put a check beside each of the following characteristics

that you can change in your husband after marriage:

• Unwillingness to communicate (Prov. 14:10)

• Dominating ego (Rom. 12:3)

• Bad temper (Jas. 1:19-20)

• Argumentative tendencies (Prov. 20:3)

• Difficulty in apologizing (Eph. 4:32)

• Bad language (Eph. 5:4)

• Unwillingness to be involved with church (Heb.


• Inability to keep a job (1 Tim. 5:8)

• Jealousy (1 Cor. 13:4)

• Self-centeredness (2 Cor. 5:15)

• Depression (2 Cor. 4:16)

• Unwillingness to give (2 Cor. 9:7)

• Always “going with the guys” (1 Cor. 15:33)

• Wandering eyes (1 Thess. 4:2-7)

• Lying (Eph. 4:25)

• Immaturity (Eph. 4:15)

• Workaholic tendencies (1 Tim. 6:7-11)

What does the Bible say about these qualities in

reference to godliness?




Join us next month as we take

a deeper look into LADY OF


Taken from Lady in Waiting By Debbie Jones & Jacky


Copyright 1995. Destiny Image Publishers.

Second Edition 2002. *All rights reserved.

Holy Spirit before you start to date him.

Do you want to marry a knight in shining armor? Then

set your standards high. To be married to a man who

loves the Lord and wants to serve Him is one of life’s

highest privileges.

It is worth whatever wait, whatever cost. Nail down your

convictions and refuse to compromise by dating men

who are not controlled by God’s Holy Spirit.

These standards will stand guard over the castle of your

heart. Proverbs 4:23 (NIV) says, “Above all else, guard

your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”

Write out your convictions for the kind of guys you will

date and the Scripture where you found those qualities.

Why did you select these particular convictions?




What is the problem with just dating guys who are good,

but who are not Christians? What is the difference

between a good man who goes to church and a growing

Christian man? What difference would it make in





If the wait becomes hard and you meet someone who

loves you, but has a glaring character flaw, what do you

sacrifice if you marry him? Look through each of the

characteristics found in the Man-Worth-Waiting-For

section and determine what would be lost in your

marriage if that quality was missing in your husband and

the father of your children.





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Uviwe Child & Youth Services (formerly known as PE Childline) is a registered child protection organisation in the vibrant

city of Port Elizabeth. The organisation is registered with the NPO Directorate; registration number 003-620 NPO. We

partner with local communities in the Northern Areas, to implement integrated education and social support programmes.

Our programmes focus on at risk & vulnerable children & youth from Schauderville and Gelvandale, as we concentrate on

the depth rather than breadth of our impact.

Over the past 100 years, what began as a specialist organisation to protect the rights of abused children has grown into a

sustainable social agency in our city. We respect that those closest to the problem knows best to create the solution and

therefore use the strengths of each family to facilitate change. At the core of all decisions we make, we have the “child’s

best interest” at heart. UVIWE believes that we need to listen and hear the untold or silent stories of many “at risk” children

and youth in our communities. We believe in putting young futures first!

The aim of all our programmes are to provide children during different development phases with love, food (nutrition),

safety (protection) and stimulation (education support) to reach their full potential.

Our programmes equip teens with the necessary skills for life’s journey and enable them to become economically


Uviwe Child & Youth Services is a community partner who recognises the ability of children and youth from underprivileged

communities to be active change agents. PUTTING YOUNG FUTURES FIRST – we facilitate a young child’s journey of

schooling, personal development, active citizenship and help youth to identify alternative opportunities. Opportunities that

will break the cycle of poverty and unemployment in the Northern Areas of Port Elizabeth.


To unlock the potential of “at risk” children and youth to become active participants in shaping a bright new future for

themselves. A future free from poverty, violence and exploitation.


Our programmes aim to achieve the following outcomes, in partnership with other community agents:


UVIWE’s youth programmes focus on the development of children and youth through 3 main interventions:


Access to quality

Early Childhood


Improved school


(Grade 4-7)

Safe children, free

from violence

Confident, skilled

and resilient youth


supportive parents

Effective child

protection system

in communities

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UVIWE’s YOUTH Volunteer Programme is a

structured volunteer programme to create a

pathway to formal employment. This

programme helps youth to retain

employment, once obtained.

Youth Independent Living Programme (ZILP)

– 8 week job readiness & skills programme for

unemployed youth, Youth Club (Club Edge) –

dialogue, facilitating change, gender-based

violence programmes

Afterschool programme – education &

homework support, drama, art & music

therapy classes and Backpackers Life Skills

programme – to equip teens for the journey

of life

ECD programmes – to give kids an “equal

start at life”, to ensure children between the

age 2-5 are well nourished, immunized and

receive quality early childhood development

to help them succeed at life.


A strong education foundation for life


Grade 4-7




Uviwe Child & Youth Services’ activities and support programmes run over a broad spectrum. Activities start from as early as providing

access to early childhood development, providing primary school education support and skills development for unemployed youth. Positive

Parenting programmes are included to increase parent involvement in their children’s development and creating a nurturing home

environment for children. chnt and creating a nurturing home environment for children.


Below is a list of activities through which you can be part of a team who makes a difference!


Uviwe has valid certificates to proof our

compliance with:

NPO Act: 003-620 NPO

SARS: PBO with section 18A status

SED: >75% Black beneficiaries

BEE: Level 4

• Donations In Kind (Goods)• Volunteer Your Time / Skill• Run A Fundraising Event• Donation - Access Sed & Bee Scorecard Points• Be Part Of Our Fund Development Team• Join Our Annual Giving Campaign

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Director: Anna-Louise Olivier ([email protected])

Tel number: 041 453 0441/2/5 or Cell: 082 924 8941

Address: c/o Jan Hofmeyer & Nicholas Street, Schauderville, PORT ELIZABETH.

Our FB page is where you can see what we do, who we are and where you can get in touch with us.

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/UviweChildYouthServices

WEBSITE: http://www.uviwe.co.za


Account Name: Uviwe Child & Youth Services

Bank: First National Bank

Account Number 621 4998 0981 (Savings)

Branch Code: Greenacres 629

Account Type: Business/Cheque

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Thoba Sports Consulting (Pty) Ltd (TSC) is a sports management company based in the Eastern Cape. TSC is the

holding company for ACT Elite Training Academy, Khulasande Sports Development (a non-profit organisation) as

well as TSC Sports Leadership and renders a variety of dedicated sports services including but not limited to:

• Sports Project Management

• Event Management

• Sports Management Consulting

• Sports, Corporate Clothing & Gifts Distribution

• Sports Coaching Services to schools and children in the Eastern Cape. • Sports Education and Training


• TSC Sports Leadership Programme

Thoba Sports Consulting holds the IP for the TSC Sports Leadership Programme currently being rolled out at

Hlumani High School, in Komga, Eastern Cape. The sports leadership programme is a education and training

vehicle used to empower the youth of Komga by putting through an informal sports management and sports

coaching skills development programme. The qualifying youth are then employed by TSC to manage Hlumani High

School’s sports and recreation programme as coaches and administrators. Through the programme, Hlumani High

School has received sports training equipment, sports kits and field maintenance equipment to ensure that the fields

are well maintained and in playable condition throughout the year.

• Khulasande Active Kids Programme

Khulasande Sports Development (KSD) is a registered Non-Profit organisation (registration number: 188-294

NPO; we are currently awaiting our tax exemption / PBO certificate from SARS which should be available in two

weeks). We specialise in the implementation of sports development programmes in the previously disadvantaged

and rural communities of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. We currently run programmes in the Makana Municipality -

Grahamstown, Riebeek East & Alicedale and Nelson Mandela Bay - Motherwell, Walmer Township and the Northern

Areas as well as in Cacadu – Kirkwood, Addo areas of the Eastern Cape.

Our Programmes:

We have been running the KSD ACTIVE KIDS Programme in the above-mentioned areas, impacting 5 schools (4

primary schools and 1 high school in NMB & Cacadu) and 5 schools (2 primary schools, 1 high school and 2

combined schools) in the Makana areas with an average of 4800 direct beneficiaries per annum. The programme

comprises of monthly coaching clinics in seasonal sports codes (athletics in summer; soccer, netball and rugby in

winter) as well as periodic sports festivals where we bring all our beneficiary schools together to participate in a day

of celebrating the ability to participate in sports activities. Our sports festivals have an average of 300 participants at

a time and include community athletics competitions as well winter sports festivals.


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Positive Spin-offs:

Through the programme we were able to employ 15 young people (either currently completing their studies or

those who’ve just completed their studies and are looking for permanent employment) in 2018 who helped with

the management of our programme and served as Youth Coaches and mentors for the young people we

encounter through our programmes. This number is set to increase to 22 this year. We also make use 4 local

small businesses (2 catering companies and 2 transport companies) who assist us by providing meals for the

young people during our coaching clinics and sports festivals as well as transportation services where necessary.

Our beneficiaries have been exposed to provincial athletics competitions under the auspices of Eastern Province

Athletics. Through these competitions, 7 athletes (aged 12 to 15) we selected to represent Eastern Province

Athletics at the ACNW Interprovincial Championships in Potchefstroom at the end of November last year. One of

the beneficiaries came back home with a silver medal and another was offered a full bursary to complete his high

school studies at Monument High School in Rooderpoort in Gauteng – these are just some of our success stories

through the programme. This year, we’ve had 3 beneficiaries win medals at the Eastern Province Athletics

Championships, two of which have been selected to represent the province at the Athletics South Africa National

Junior Championships in Paarl. All our beneficiaries are 100% black and come from poor communities where

such opportunities do not exist to due lack of resources and sometimes lack of willingness and interest from

school teachers.

Partners / Sponsors:

Grassroots Youth Development (GYD):

We are funded by Grassroots Youth Development (GYD), which is a Corporate Social Investment Programme

emanating from three wind farms located in the Eastern Cape, namely the Grassridge 60 MW wind farm in

Nelson Mandela Bay, the Waainek 24MW wind farm in the Makana Municipality and the Chaba 21 MW wind farm

in the Great Kei Municipality. The GYD initiative is a Socio Economic Development (SED) and an Enterprise

Development (ED) program aimed at creating socio-economic opportunities for youth that reside within 50

kilometres of each wind farm. The GYP program has been designed to focus specifically on the development and

implementation of projects in the field of education, sport and arts & culture.”

ACT Elite Training Academy (AETA):

AETA is a high performance athletics coaching academy based in Port Elizabeth. Talented athletes are identified

through our monthly coaching clinics and are then adopted by AETA who provides professional coaching services

to the athletes at no cost.

Radio Kingfisher:

Radio Kingfisher is Khulasande Sports Development’s media sponsor. Through the sponsorship, a radio

advertisement on KSD was created and is aired 30 times per month. Opportunities to be interviewed on live radio

are given to KSD and its partners twice a month on popular programmes to discuss the programmes and partner



To sustain our programmes and create permanent opportunities for the youth, we need to secure more partners

for KSD. We would love the opportunity to submit a formal proposal / funding application through your

organisation, which will allow us to adopt more schools in the region to benefit from our programmes. Would you

kindly give further information on the funding application process?


ACT Elite Training Academy is an elite athletics academy with its operations based at Linkside High School in Mill

Park. Our main aim is assisting athletes who wish to represent Eastern Province Athletics or Eastern Cape

Schools at national level as well as South Africa at international level.

As an academy, we subscribe to the model of Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD), which is a multi-stage

training, competition and recovery pathway guiding an individual's experience in sport and physical activity and as


We specialise in coaching sprints, hurdles, jumps (LJ & TJ) as well as middle distance and have a team of 6

coaches that mentor and guide our athletes. We coach athletes from as young as 7 years old, with our oldest

athlete being the SA Masters Champion – Lizelle Vermaak at age 44.


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Our seniors (high school group) train 5 days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday) at

Linkside High School at 15:00 during the week and 08:30 on Saturday. Our primary school athletes train 2 – 3

times a week. Our honours list / provincial athletes for the 2018 / 2019 athletics season is as follows:

Mia Vermaak – U/12 Long Jump (Bronze Medal); 150mH (4th place)

Amber- Lee Elliott – U/15 100m

Alec van den Berg – U/15 200m

Clarise Moolman – U/17 400m

Tanielle Moolman – U/17 400mH 98th place at nationals)

Luke Vieira – U/17 400m (8th place at nationals)

Marrelie van der Merwe – U/19 Long Jump (5th place at nationals)

Robyn Munro – U/19 Triple Jump

Casper Lötter – Senior Men 100m & 200m

Cayla Seddon – Senior Women 200m

Siyabonga Grootboom – Senior Men Long Jump and Triple Jump (8th place at nationals)

David de Villiers – Senior Men 400m

Lizelle Vermaak – SA Masters 80mH, 100m and 200m Champion

We are actively involved in social media where you can find links to our organisations:


Thoba Sports Consulting

Khulasande Sports Development

ACT Elite Training Academy

Athletics Coach T


Khulasande Sports Development

ACT Elite Training Academy

Athletics Coach T


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Published by The Bay Friendship Club Christian Networking Group

© 2020 The Bay Friendship Club

Christian Networking Group

Established in 2013

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The Bay Friendship Club will not be held liable for services

render by suppliers to customers.
