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LAFI Winter 2014 Vision Lightman

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Vision, Values, and Ideas: The Case for Going A7er Big Challenges Alex Lightman Founder Ins5tute January 12, 2015
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Vision,  Values,  and  Ideas:  The  Case  for  Going  A7er  Big  Challenges  

Alex  Lightman  Founder  Ins5tute  January  12,  2015  

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What  do  you  want?  

•  What  is  important  to  you?  •  Most  people  want  you  to  ask  this  quesCon.  •  “Everyone’s  favorite  radio  staCon  is  WIIFM.  What’s  In  It  For  Me?”  

•  Part  of  the  fun  and  challenge  of  being  a  great  entrepreneurship  is  playing  a  game:  

•  arCculaCng  what  you  want,  and  then  aNracCng  and  enrolling  other  people  to  want  that  also,  and  geOng  them  to  pay  you  to  get  it.  

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What  Do  I  Want?  

•  A  world  in  which  anyone  can  buy,  sell,  borrow,  loan,  and  swap  with  anyone  else,  and  can  meet,  collaborate  with,  and  accomplish  projects,  from  anywhere  on  earth,  online.  

•  A  world  in  which  people  can  live  their  lives,  eat,  their  food,  travel,  and  work  enCrely  fueled  with  clean  renewable  energy.  

•  A  world  in  which  people  can  eat  fresh,  healthy  food  within  hours  of  the  food  being  picked.  

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How  Do  I  Make  This  Happen?  

•  Chairman  of  Witkit  –  collaboraCon  so7ware  •  Chairman  of  Everblaze  –  solar  PV  innovaCon  •  Advisory  board  and  first  outside  investor  in  Natural  Machines  –  3D  food  prinCng  

•  Chairman  of  Global  InnovaCon  Network  for  Entrepreneurship  and  Technology  (GINET)  –  commercializaCon  of  university  technology  

•  No.  Am.  director  –  ShadowView  –  Drones  to  protect  endangered  animals  

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•  Vision  is  highly  focused  and  selecCve  glimpse  of  a  future  world  that  is  different  because  of  you  and  what  your  company  accomplished.  

•  Vision  is  a  guilty  pleasure.  •  A  great  vision  is  a  paradox.  It’s  egoCsCcal  and  solipsisCc  –  the  world  remade  the  way  you  want  it  to  be  remade.  It’s  also  very  benevolent  and  selfless  –  you  are  going  to  dedicate  your  life  to  changing  the  world.  

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Where  Vision  Fits  In  

•  Vision  –  how  the  future  will  change  a7er  you  •  Mission  –  Accomplishment  your  company  is  focused  on  relentlessly  

•  Strategy  –  Your  choice  between  low  cost  or  high  service/customizaCon.    

•  TacCcs  –  Projects,  partnerships,  funding  choices.  Includes  “Must-­‐Win  BaNles”.  

•  OperaCons  –  Plan  your  work  and  work  your  plan  

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Ways  To  Convey  Your  Vision  •  Videos  (watch  all  the  Sandwich  videos)  •  TV  (watch  all  the  Natural  Machines  news)  •  Books  (Brave  New  Unwired  World,  ReconciliaCon)  

•  Models  (get  a  3D  printer,  check  out  evrTree)  •  Facebook  group  •  Kickstarter  (includes  video  plus  prizes)  •  Fashion  show  •  Conferences  and  summits  •  Placement  in  TV  shows,  movies,  games…  

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Facebook  Groups:  Unfair  Advantage  

•  Bitcoin  and  the  Internet  of  Money  (read  and  copy  the  policies,  if  you  wish)  5,428  members  

•  Solar  and  the  Internet  of  Energy  •  STEAMPuffs  •  ET3  •  Everblaze  •  3D  PrinCng  and  the  Internet  of  Things  and  Food  

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Where  Good  Ideas  Come  From  

•  This  is  the  Ctle  of  a  very  good  book,  by  Steven  Johnson,  subCtle,  “A  Natural  History  of  InnovaCon.”  

•  Good  ideas  come  from  having  lots  and  lots  of  ideas  and  keeping  track  of  them.    

•  A  great  way  to  get  lots  of  ideas  is  to  make  a  daily  habit  of  filling  notebooks  with  mini-­‐analyses  every  day:  ObservaCon.  Diagnosis.  Prognosis.  PrescripCon.    

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Si7ing  Through  Ideas  •  If  you  do  the  four  step  mini-­‐analyses  1  to  6x  a  day  of  ObservaCon,  Diagnosis,  Prognosis,  and  PrescripCon  habitually,  you  will  come  up  with  thousands  of  new  ideas.    

•  There  are  three  primary  ways  to  try  these  out  and  see  if  there  is  merit  are:  

•  Get  together  with  trusted  friends  and  discuss…then  do  the  same  with  adversaries.  

•  Put  the  ideas  out  on  social  media  in  specialty  groups.  Delete  a7er  you  test,  if  you  wish.  

•  Publish  the  ideas  and/or  speak,  and  be  open.  

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But  It’s  NOT  Just  About  Ideas!  

•  The  Ctle  of  this  secCon  used  to  be  “Vision,  Values,  and  Leadership.”  And  it  sCll  should.  

•  Values  make  a  big  difference,  and  are  a  great  way  to  both  generate  ideas,  and  to  filter  them.  

•  You  can  prove  this  to  yourself  by  learning  about  or  recalling  great  business  rivalries  and  arCculaCng  the  differences  in  values,  and  results.  

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Values  Make  A  Difference  -­‐  1  •  3D  food  prinCng  has  three  leading  entrants.  XYZ  printers,  

ChefJet  from  3D  Systems  and  Foodini  from  Natural  Machines  

•  Spent  hours  with  all  three  companies  and  their  markeCng  managers.  

•  XYZ  and  ChefJet  examples  were  100%  candy,  chocolate,  cookies,  and  wedding  cakes.  100%!  

•  Natural  Machines  examples  are  100%  about  “eaCng  free  healthy  food”  with  fewer  preservaCves.    

•  A  world  with  XYZ  and  ChefJet  is  even  more  obese.  •  A  world  filled  with  Foodini  is  more  healthy.  •  So  I  as  of  today  I  am  one  of  the  first  three  investors  in  NM.  

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3DSystems  ChefJet  –  Sugar  Skulls  

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Natural  Machines  Foodini  

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Values  Make  A  Difference  -­‐  2  •  Solar  photovoltaics  is  a  big  industry  and  growing  100%  a  

year,  with  many  companies  installing  PV  and  manufacturers  copying  the  same  designs.  

•  ExisCng  solar  is  roof-­‐mounted  and  ground-­‐mounted.  Out  of  sight,  out  of  mind.  

•  Everblaze  is  a  company  that  has  already  created  six  new  innovaCve  designs  that  will  take  solar  into  new  places,  including  evrTrees,  which  will  put  solar  in  the  middle  of  ciCes,  where  people  can  see,  touch,  recharge,  get  shade,  and  converse  adjacent  to  solar,  and  use  photons.    

•  My  value  of  wanCng  people  to  SEE  solar  and  interact  with  it,  led  to  the  creaCon  of  the  evrTree.  My  value  of  helping  farmers  led  to  the  creaCon  of  the  evrPivot.  

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evrTree  –  dream  in  progress  

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Values  Make  A  Difference  -­‐  3  •  I  have  invested  thousands  of  hours  into  Facebook.  If  the  hours  invested  by  users  into  Facebook  were  paid  at  minimum  wage,  this  would  come  to  over  $500,000,000,000.  

•  FB  is  valued  at  over  $200  billion  because  FB  packages  your  informaCon  and  sells  you.  

•  My  values  are  PRIVACY,  security,  and  collaboraCon,  and  the  five  freedoms  from  “The  Science  of  Liberty”,  which  informs  the  approach  of  Witkit  as  the  first  encrypted  collaboraCon  SaaS  platorm.  

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Think  “Resume”,  “Wiki”  and  “Bio”.  

•  Make  sure  that  you  have  a  great  resume,  a  great  Wikipedia  entry,  and  a  great  bio.  It’s  beNer  to  live  your  life  in  such  a  way  that  other  people  write  these  about  you;  if  only  you  know,  then  you  are  “pushing”  vs.  aNracCng.  

•  Be  part  of  organizaCons  that  are  worth  talks  that  TED,  TEDx,  BIL,  and  other  groups  want.  

•  Seek  to  win  awards.  

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Think  “Crowdsourcing”  

•  A  successful  funding,  whether  from  friends  and  family,  VCs,  or  crowd-­‐funding,  is  a  right  of  passage.    

•  Be  a  credible  expert  and  leader  of  a  community.  Create  a  focused  community  on  Facebook  or  other  social  media.  Have  good  admin  policies.    

•  Do  a  simple  Kickstarter  for  $25,000  to  $500,000  to  build  your  mailing  list,  name  recogniCon,  and  reputaCon  for  delivering  by  succeeding.    

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Go  A7er  Meaningful  Hard  Problems  

•  TransiCon  away  from  polluCng  fuels  •  TransiCon  toward  clean  fuels    •  Reducing  violence  •  Reducing  obesity  and  overweight  •  Increasing  peace,  love,  relaConships  •  Increasing  collaboraCon  •  Increasing  safety,  security,  privacy  

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My  contact  informaCon  

•  Alex  Lightman  •  [email protected]  •  310-­‐717-­‐7745  •  Feel  free  to  friend  or  follow  me  on  Witkit.    •  If  you’d  like  to  know  more  about  Witkit,  Natural  Machines,  or  Everblaze,  let’s  talk.  
