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Lakeb2b_Custom Software Services

Date post: 14-Apr-2017
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LakeB2B Custom Software Services

LakeB2BCustom Software Services

Software Testing


Cloud Computing

Mobile Computing

Content Management



Software Consulting and

Advisory Services

Custom App Development

and Maintenance

Custom Software Solution

Custom App Development and Maintenance

• Distributed & Heterogeneous Architectures• E-Commerce and Web Development • EAI & Systems integration, rich internet applications• Report Development • Development models: Waterfall, Prototyping, Spiral, RAD,

Iterative, RUP, SCRUM• 24x7 support based on ITIL framework• Robust processes & methodologies• Mature transition framework• Multi-tiered governance and reporting• Tool based approach• Strict adherence to committed SLAs



• Application development & integration• Application support & maintenance• Migration & Porting• E-Commerce and web development • Legacy integration & web-enablement• Application Transition

Cloud Computing (SAAS)

Cloud Platforms & Technologieso J2EE, JAVA, JSP, JSF, Jboss, HTML 5o Microsoft. Net , jQuery, Apache, Tomcat, Weblogic, AJAX

Software Testing Services

Application Type


• Web Application Testing

• Package Software Testing

• Mobile Testing

• Client Server Testing

• Cloud Testing

Managed Services

Testing Modes

• Functional Testing

• Integration Testing

• Performance Testing

• Migration Testing

• Security Testing

• Internationalization & Localization Testing

• Usability Testing

• Manual Testing

• Automated Testing

Content Management Services






• Rich Web based front-ends • LOB actions, pluggable • Enterprise single sign-on

• Enterprise Search (SAP, Oracle)• Pull Data from ERP using Web services• MOSS as a gateway for Other apps • (SAP, Oracle, Lotus & LOBs)

• Reporting, • Dashboards, • Reporting Portals

• Enterprise Portal template, Site Directory, Content aggregation

• Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal• PHP applications• Responsive Web designs

• Document Management• Enterprise Search, Security• Versioning, Data Archiving• IRM integration, Compliance

• Collaboration• Knowledge Blogs, Wikis• Special Interest groups

Application Development Technologies

Web & Desktop ASP.NET, C#, VB.NET, Web Services, WCF,  WWF, WPF, Silverlight, Java, HTML, XML / XSL, Javascript, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, PHP, Ruby on Rails, VB Script

Frameworks & Components MVC, Enterprise Library, Smart Client Software Factory, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, iBatis, log4j, Quartz, BIRT, Jasper Reports, NHibernate, Log4Net, Spring.NET, Quartz.NET, YUI, Twitter Bootstrap

Tools Redmine, Bugzilla, Mantis, Selenium, JiraDatabases SQL Server, PostgreSql, Derby, Oracle, My

SQL, MS Access, RavenDBRich Internet Application Technology

AJAX, jQuery, Dojo, JQ Plot, Jpivot, GWT

IDE Visual Studio, Eclipse, Jbuilder

Web & Application Server IIS, Apache, Tomcat, JRun, Jboss

Testing Tools and Technologies

Automation Testing Tools QTP, WinRunner, Selenium, TestComplete, SilkTest, Rational Robot, RFT, VSTS Coded UI, Nunit, Junit, TestNG, Ranorex, Eresia

Performance Testing Tools LoadRunner, SiteScope, Jmeter, PerfMon, SandStorm

Test Management Tools Quality Center, JIRA, Redmine, Test Manager

Defect Management Tools Test Director, ClearQuest, JIRA, Redmine, Mantis, Bugzilla

Scripting Languages Java, JavaScript, VBScript, C#, Silk4Test, SilkJTest, SilkNTest, Thistle

Methodologies Agile, Iterative, Waterfall, V-Model

Domains BFSI, Legal, Logistics, Healthcare, HR & Payroll, Supply Chain, Food Processing

ASI PortalThis customer portal will provide information to various users pertinent to their relationship to ASI and provides them access to:

View claims View billing transactions View coverage and other account information Request changes via a secured messaging function Access policy specific forms and documents With all HIPAA and HITEC Security Standards

Campaign portal A single platform to create and manage your campaigns Fast and easy web-based access Easy customization options Entire process automated Integrated Marketing Intelligence

Campaign portal A single platform to create and manage your campaigns Fast and easy web-based access Easy customization options Entire process automated Integrated Marketing Intelligence

Other Client projects
