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Lama `O Ke Ola - mokuaikaua.commokuaikaua.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/May-June... · Maybe...

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Continued on page 3... May 1 *Communion Sunday *Life Care Ctr. Ministry May 2 Worship Night (Ministry&Outreach) May 7 *Men’s Prayer Breakfast *D.A.G. Around the World Min. May 20 Worship Night (Ministry & Outreach) May 24 Coffee with Kahu David May 28 Women’s Ministry Mother’s Day Tea May 29 Graduation Sunday May 29 Members Semi-Annual Business Mtg. Church Events . . . Lama `O Ke Ola (“Light of Life”) May 2016 - June 2016 Monthly Newsletter of Mokuaikaua Church First Christian Church in the State of Hawai`i Established 1820 She is more precious than rubies... Proverbs 3:15 Happy Mother’s Day! May 8 June 3-4 Blessing Generations Seminar June 4 *Men’s Prayer Breakfast *D.A.G. Around the World Min. June 5 *Communion Sunday *Life Care Ctr. Ministry June 7 - 28 Youth Group on Break June 10 *Worship Night (Ministry&Outreach) *Office Closed: Kamehameha Day June 12 Kokua Kailua Village Stroll June 24 Women’s Ministry Dinner June 26 *Faith-Sharing Class *Women’s Ministry Fundraising at Panda Express (voucher req.) First Peter 3:11 says, "Let him search for peace…and seek it eagerly. [Do not merely desire peaceful relations with God, with your fellowmen, and with yourself, but pursue, go after them!]" 1. Receive God's forgiveness. Peace with God is the foundation for peace in every other area of our lives. Jesus is the "Prince of Peace," (Isaiah 9:6) and it's only through a relationship with Him that we will ever experience true contentment. When we sin, the greatest thing we can do is repent, ask God to forgive us, and then make a decision to not live in guilt. Read and meditate on 1 John 1:9 : "If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just…and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness…." Got Peace?

Continued on page 3...

May 1

*Communion Sunday

*Life Care Ctr. Ministry

May 2

Worship Night


May 7

*Men’s Prayer Breakfast

*D.A.G. Around the World Min.

May 20

Worship Night

(Ministry & Outreach)

May 24

Coffee with Kahu David

May 28

Women’s Ministry

Mother’s Day Tea

May 29

Graduation Sunday

May 29

Members Semi-Annual

Business Mtg.

Church Events . . .

Lama `O Ke Ola (“Light of Life”)

May 2016 - June 2016 Monthly Newsletter of Mokuaikaua Church

First Christian Church in the State of Hawai`i

Established 1820

She is more precious than rubies... Proverbs 3:15 Happy Mother’s Day!

May 8

June 3-4

Blessing Generations Seminar

June 4

*Men’s Prayer Breakfast

*D.A.G. Around the World Min.

June 5

*Communion Sunday

*Life Care Ctr. Ministry

June 7 - 28

Youth Group on Break

June 10

*Worship Night


*Office Closed: Kamehameha Day

June 12

Kokua Kailua Village Stroll

June 24

Women’s Ministry Dinner

June 26

*Faith-Sharing Class

*Women’s Ministry Fundraising

at Panda Express (voucher req.)

First Peter 3:11 says, "Let him search for

peace…and seek it eagerly. [Do not merely

desire peaceful relations with God, with

your fellowmen, and with yourself, but

pursue, go after them!]"

1. Receive God's forgiveness. Peace with

God is the foundation for peace in every

other area of our lives. Jesus is the "Prince

of Peace," (Isaiah 9:6) and it's only through

a relationship with Him that we will ever

experience true contentment.

When we sin, the greatest thing we can do is

repent, ask God to forgive us, and then make

a decision to not live in guilt.

Read and meditate on 1 John 1:9 : "If we

[freely] admit that we have sinned and

confess our sins, He is faithful and just…and

will forgive our sins [dismiss our

lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us

from all unrighteousness…."

Got Peace?

I was well into my 30s when I learned to love my dad for who he is; not for who I thought he should be. He’s always been a good man – a hard worker, volunteer, churchgoer, encourager. But growing up, I thought I needed more from him – more hugs, more tenderness, more lets-sit-down-and-talk-about-our-feelings. I was angry, compared him to others, blamed some of my life choices on my perception that he wasn’t “there” enough.

But the truth is, God knew long before we showed up on this earth that we’d be family. He knew that my dad’s strengths and struggles would come together with my own to create a relationship, and it would be a journey, and if we allowed it (which we have!) He would use those things to grow us more and more into the people He created us to be.

Through the years, I’ve come to realize that my dad did the best he could with what he had at the time as a father. And I’ve discovered how deeply he cares for me (quirks and all!) even if he shows it in different ways than I do. In fact, today I can truly say that he is one of my very best friends.

There are all kinds of fathers, and yours may be a whole different story. But there is one thing they all share: No matter what their personalities, gifts, struggles, circumstances…every one of them is called to live God’s way. And when they do, their families are blessed, communities are strengthened, and a ripple effect of goodness happens in the world. Our Heavenly Father has much to say about fatherhood:

As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear

him. Psalm 103:13 NIV

When our fathers show compassion, they give us a glimpse into the heart of God. Strong -- yet tender, deeply understanding, fiercely loyal, and always ready to help us through the toughest of times.

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Eph 6:4 NIV

Bringing up a child with healthy boundaries and godly discipline is no easy task. But even in the most frustrating moments, a loving father is called to be like Jesus – standing firm in the truth, yet grace-filled; never critical and demanding.

The righteous lead blameless lives; blessed are their children after them. Proverbs 20:7 NIV

The actions of a father speak volumes to his children. Even if they can’t articulate it when they’re young, they’re watching and learning. And even if they won’t admit it when they’re older, there’s a strong pull to follow in his footsteps. When a father chooses the right path, his family is blessed.

He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents…Malachi 4:6 NIV

A father’s deep affection offers a sense of security and assurance that nothing else can give. The heart of a child is beautifully designed to respond to that love; it’s a connection strong enough to last a lifetime. As you reflect God’s Word about fathers, what thoughts come to mind about your dad or father figure? Maybe he’s been a great example of service to others; Maybe he spent time with you as a child, helping you learn to navigate life; Maybe he showed a spirit of grace in a moment when you just knew he’d had it with you.

Will you join me this Father’s Day, and consider writing a letter to that father in your life? Let him know something you appreciate about him, something specific you remember; some way he has helped to shape the person you’ve become. Share one of the scriptures above and show him how his life has been a reflection of God’s truth. And if your dad is no longer with you, there is surely another dad in your life – a husband, a relative, a friend - who’d be so blessed to receive a note of encouragement.

We all know that no earthly father is perfect, but we can choose to focus on their life-giving ways and trust that God is always working to bring out the very best in them. (Philippians 1:6)

The men in our lives need to be lifted up, to be reminded that we are strengthened by their presence, that we see the love of our Heavenly Father reflected in theirs, that we honor who they are and who - by His grace - they are becoming.

Used with permission by Paige @ www.dayspring.com

Mahalo to Jim Maze, for serving as

Board of Trustee Treasurer! We appreciate his support & dedication!

Jim and Jade will be moving to Nevada in August and we pray God’s blessing on them!

Help Needed: Occasionally the church needs help

with maintenance & repairs therefore if you have the skills,

tools and are available, please contact the church office at

329-0655. We also need volunteers for general cleaning

and for other ministries of the church.

VBS is coming to Mokuaikaua!

“Driven By Faith” is scheduled for July 20-22 * 6pm to 8:30pm

Ages 5 - 12 years old Stay tuned for more information!

Church volunteers are needed; please contact Church Office at 329-0655 for details.

Congratulations to our graduates!

Andrew Akins Makua Lani High

Kalani Alapa`I Makua Lani High

Sydney Deal South Seattle Comm. College

Rachel Gardner Texas A&M Medical Sch. (with Honors)

Article Continued …

2. Make a decision to like yourself. This may sound funny

to ask, but what kind of relationship do you have with

yourself? The truth is you can't get along with anyone else

until you get along with you.

If you don’t like yourself, it is almost impossible for you to

enjoy peace with others. Spend time in God's Word and ask

Him to change you, you will eventually begin to see

yourself the way He sees you; and begin to like yourself!

You are encouraged to find out what God says about you in

His Word. Ask Him to help you change your self-image.

Because enjoying life and enjoying other people all begins

with knowing who God says you are and truly liking


3. Don't compare yourself to others. Comparing and

competing with other people is one of the fastest ways to

lose your peace and joy. There is such freedom in learning

to be happy with who you are without being jealous of

someone else's skills or achievements. Be yourself!

4. Accept other people just the way they are. You can

wear yourself out trying to change people but we are all

born with different God-given personalities and were never

meant to be the same.

Sure, we all have areas where we truly need to change, but

only God can change us. The best thing we can do for others

is to pray for them…and accept them right where they are.

5. Let God have control of your life. Proverbs 16:9 says,

"A man's mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps

and makes them sure. God is smarter than we are, and He

wants us to lace our trust in His great plan for our lives.

In the moment, we may not always

understand "why," but like the

psalmist David we can say, "My

times are in Your hands" (Psalm

31:15). Later on, we'll look back and

discover the Lord had our best in

mind all along.

Trust God even when things don't

make sense. It's one sure way to

enjoy your life...

Jesus said: “Peace I leave with you;

my peace I give you…” John 14:27


A/V Tech Team

Adult Bible Study

Aloha Greeter

Aloha Hour

Discipleship House

Food Pantry

Greeter/Usher 9:00a

Greeter/Usher 11:00a

History Talk

Home Group/Small Group

Men’s Ministry


`Ohana Choir/Praise Team

Prayer Groups

1st Sunday at Life Care Ctr.

Sunday at Kahalu`u

Sunday Nursery

Sunday School

Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Ministry

Youth Ministry

Contact Person:

Jonathan Freeman

Mike Gardner

Mike Beatty

Wayne Hoefner

Alex Contreras/David Ross

Mary Hoffman

Rebecca Pontes

Roxanne Olson

Yolanda Olson

Kahu David

Aaron Alapa`i

Kahu David

Jo-Anna Boshard

David Ross

Dot McCahon

Chauncey Wong Yuen

Anneke Ndecheck

Mike & Barbara Franke

Cynthia Moller/Ren Whitcomb

Kim de Carvalho

Jonathan Freeman

Praying for our

Church Leadership

Rev. David S. de Carvalho, Senior Pastor

Jo-Anna Boshard, Comm. Minister of Music

Jonathan Freeman, Youth Leader

Tanya Manasas, Assistant Administrator

Kimberly de Carvalho, Office Assistant

Board of Deacons

Kalehua Meheula, Chair

Alex Contreras

Elsie Isaacs

Joe & Judi Portale

Lani Beatty

Linda Akins

Rebecca Pontes

Roger & Karen Kloepping

Yolanda Olson

Board of Trustees

David Ross, Chair

Joe Chee, Moderator

John Kaluna

Michael Bennett

Michael Franke

Mike Teves

Paul Karnuth

Roger Kloepping

Virginia Schreiner

Wayne Hoefner

Attend a bible study, join a ministry or volunteer! It’s a great opportunity to make friends, build relationships, enjoy fellowship

and pray for another!

Church Office Hours:

Tuesday - Friday

9:00am to 4:00pm
